NSSLHA Meeting Minutes February 4 & 5, 2014 a. Networking

NSSLHA Meeting Minutes
February 4 & 5, 2014
1. Why join NSSLHA?
a. Networking
b. Personal Development
c. Professional Experience
d. Support/Friendships
e. Resume Builder
f. Volunteer Opportunities
2. How to join NSSLHA
a. Pick up a Membership Form
b. $10 dues (cash or check to Emily)
c. Sign in at meetings
3. Aphasia Community Friendship Center (ACFC) Volunteer Orientation
a. Sunday, February 16, 2014 from 1-3PM at Halle Library (Room TBA)
b. You must attend an orientation training before being able to volunteer.
c. The ACFC meets every Friday in Ann Arbor. This is a great opportunity for those
who would like experience working one-on-one with people who have aphasia.
Activities include conversation hours, art and music therapy, etc.
d. Contact Angela at areinke@emich.edu if you would like to attend this training.
4. Jamberry Fundraiser
a. Jamberry is a nail manicure company that provides professional-looking
manicure sets at a much lower cost. Kyle Ford, a NSSLHA member, works for
Jamberry and will post information soon on the EMU NSSLHA Facebook website.
b. Catalogs can be picked up during meeting times.
c. 20% of sales go to NSSLHA (25% if we sell $600, 30% if we sell $1100).
d. If you buy 3, you get one FREE 
e. Orders do NOT include shipping, but DO collect tax.
f. Make checks payable to EMU NSSLHA
g. Orders must be in to NSSLHA by February 18 & 19, during our next meeting
times or in the NSSLHA dropbox at your convenience.
5. Upcoming Speakers
a. Dr. Gordon Krainen from the University of Michigan Aphasia Program will be
coming in the near future to speak to NSSLHA about attending MSHA and UMAP.
b. Lynn Chenowith from ACFC would like to speak to our group about the Aphasia
Community Friendship Center. She will also be accompanied by two members
from the ACFC who have aphasia. Possible dates are February 11, 18, or March
11 @ 1PM
6. Western Michigan University Open House
a. Friday, February 21, 2014 from 12-4PM
b. Open House for prospective SLP and AuD graduate students. The afternoon will
consist of discussions on admissions and curriculum, research opportunities, and
life at WMU. Tours of the Health and Human Services Building as well as WMU
clinic will be provided.
c. Want to carpool or go in groups? Email Sam at eramire8@emich.edu by
February 14.
d. Want to attend but by yourself/with family members? Email
7. Bowling Green State University Open House
a. March 7, 2014
b. Details to come!
8. MSHA = Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association
a. Conference will be held in Kalamazoo Thursday, March 27—Saturday, March 29
b. If you would like to attend:
i. Become a MSHA member. $30 by mail or online @
ii. Register for MSHA Conference as a student. $20 by mail or online.
iii. Since students gain admission to the conference for such a low price,
you must volunteer for a slot of time. Fill out a volunteer application
along with registering for the conference.
c. If you would like to attend as part of our NSSLHA group, either in need of
lodging, carpooling, etc, please sign up. The sign up sheet is posted on the
NSSLHA bulletin board for those interested.
d. More information on NSSLHA will be presented at upcoming meetings, so stay
9. Raffle of T-Shirts
a. Tuesday’s winner: Sam Oulch
b. Wednesday’s winner: Gina Mann
10. Lanyards and Totes
a. Anyone who would like to buy a lanyard and tote, we have plenty left over from
apparel sales. Please see a board member if you would like one.
b. Lanyards = $5
c. Totes = $10
11. Next Meetings
a. Tuesday, February 18 @ 1PM
b. Wednesday, February 19 @ 9PM
c. See everyone there 