Online Teaching Workshops – Spring 2016 Stark Campus Distance Learning Community of Practice As part of the Stark Campus Distance Learning Community of Practice, we offer a full series of professional development workshops for online and hybrid instructors of all levels of experience. New and prospective DL instructors should take the introductory series (Preparing to Teach Online, Designing Your Online or Hybrid Course, Building Your Online or Hybrid Course, and Delivering Your Online Course). These workshops cover online teaching pedagogy and technology. Instructors who have taught an online or hybrid course for at least one semester should take the Continuous Improvement in Your Online or Hybrid Course workshop. This workshop provides you with tools to perform a formative self-assessment of your course. Please view the full workshop descriptions on the reverse side of this page. Date Time Location Event Thurs 1/14 8:30am-4:00pm MH CR1 Workshop Extravaganza (Prep, Design, Build, & Deliver) Wed 1/27 9:00am-10:00am MH CR1 Preparing to Teach Online Wed 2/10 9:00am-11:00am MH CR1 Designing Your Online or Hybrid Course Wed 3/9 9:00am-11:00am MH CR1 Building Your Online or Hybrid Course Wed 3/16 10:30am-11:30am MH CR1 ST: Library Resources Wed 3/30 9:00am-11:00am MH CR1 Delivering Your Online or Hybrid Course Thurs 4/14 2:00pm-3:00pm MH CR1 ST: Flipped Learning Wed 4/20 9:00am-10:30am MH CR1 Best Practices for Hybrid Courses Wed 4/27 10:00am-11:30am MH CR1 Continuous Improvement in Your Online or Hybrid Course By appointment Contact Katie Baer Using the Kent State Online Blackboard Template Registration is required for all workshops. Register here: Contact us for more information: Jayne Moneysmith Faculty Professional Development Coordinator 445 Main Hall 330.244.3445 or Ext. 53445 Katie Baer Educational Technology Designer 447 Main Hall 330.244.3447 or Ext. 53447 Workshop Descriptions Title Workshop Extravaganza Description This session covers the content from the Preparing, Designing, Building, and Delivering workshops (see descriptions below). Preparing to Teach Online This session will cover the roadmap from course proposal to course delivery, with considerations for getting your course on the schedule and a suggested timeline for each phase of developing the course. This workshop is geared to prospective online instructors and will also be beneficial for departmental course coordinators. Designing Your Online or Hybrid Course This session covers best practices for designing online courses, including the use of the Backward Design model, writing effective learning outcomes, and aligning content to the learning outcomes. This session stresses that pedagogy should drive technology and that the course design should be established before beginning the course building stage. This workshop is geared to instructors who are new to online learning and builds on topics from the “Preparing to Teach Online” workshop. Building Your Online or Hybrid Course This session will cover best practices for building online courses in Blackboard. A Blackboard course template will be provided and the physical structure and components of the template will be discussed. Faculty may choose to adopt the template or simply use it as a model for their own course structure and organization. This workshop is geared to instructors who are new to online learning and builds on topics from the “Designing Your Online or Hybrid Course” workshop. Delivering Your Online or Hybrid Course This session will cover best practices for online course delivery, focusing on communication, instructor presence, feedback, and pacing. This workshop is geared to instructors who are new to online learning and builds on topics from the “Building Your Online or Hybrid Course” workshop. Continuous Improvement in Your This session will focus on improving existing online courses, featuring Online or Hybrid Course a rubric for self-evaluation and a plan for improvement. This workshop is geared for instructors who have already taught at least one online course. Using the Kent State Online Blackboard One-on-one consultation and implementation of the Kent State Template Online Template. This is a stand-alone session geared to instructors who do not attend the Course Design, Build, and Delivery series of workshops. Best Practices for Hybrid Courses This session will cover research-based best practices that are specific to the hybrid course format. Special Topic: Library Resources This session will showcase the variety of print and video resources available through University Libraries and provide instruction on how to integrate them into course materials. Special Topic: Flipped Learning This session will define “flipped learning,” discuss the potential advantages and drawbacks of this pedagogical model, provide an overview of recent scholarship, and discuss examples of successful flipped classes. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences with flipped learning or to get feedback on steps they might take to flip a current course.