Contractor Evaluation Suite 101 Harbourt Hall, 615 Loop Road, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, Ohio 44242-0001 v: 330-672-3880 ▪ f: 330-672-2648 ▪ web site: Company Name: Date OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY ARCHITECT Project Contact Name Project No. Trade Performed: Site Project Name General Electrical HVAC Plumbing Fire Other (check all that apply) Contract Type: Prime Contractor Lead Contractor Subcontractor (check all that apply) Please rate the effectiveness of the Contractor’s performance on the capital improvement project across the following dimensions: Evaluation Criteria: 0 = N/A 1 = Low 5 = Moderate 10 = High Performance Dimensions: Value 1) Expertise, knowledge and experience 2) Problem solving and decision making 3) Timeliness and responsiveness 4) Process facilitation, communication and partnering 5) Scope management 6) Schedule management 7) Budget management 8) Quality management 9) Risk management 10) Overall project management Dedicated experienced people for duration of project and maintained EDGE commitment. Provided effective and creative problem solving, coordination and fair decision making on project. Performed responsibilities, coordination and provided information/documentation in a timely manner. Effective project documentation and communication in facilitating a successful project. Identified issues and effectively managed changes within project. Effectively managed/coordinated project schedule to complete milestones and project on time. Offered valuable input to owners for managing project on budget. Performed quality construction in a safe manner through demonstrated QA/QC processes. Provided prompt notification and effective action in managing/balancing project risks. Delivered effective overall project management for owners. Score 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 Total 0-100 Based on these comments, would you recommend this Contractor for comparable work in the future? Yes No Please provide any comments regarding the Contractor’s performance or the quality of its work. Comments: Name (optional) Stakeholder Group: Telephone Number (optional) ( Owner Owner’s Representative A/E CM ) - Contractor (self representative) If mailing completed evaluation, please forward to the address noted above, attention: Owner’s project repres entative. KSU-OUA 10/2011 (SAO-F140-99v0609) Page 1 of 1