Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway Corridor Advocacy Group (CAG) Minutes Regular Meeting at the URS Board Room 7650 West Courtney Campbell Causeway Tampa, Florida 33607-1462 June 20, 2001 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. I. Attending: a. Ms. Jane Futrell Burmer, representing URS Corporation b. Mr. Brian Smith, Pinellas County Planning Department c. The Honorable Bill Jonson, Clearwater City Commissioner and President Citizens for a Scenic Florida d. Ms. Charlene Ponce, Assistant to Hillsborough Commissioner Jan Platt e. Ms. Jena Tores, Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Council II. Bill Jonson, CAG Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. III. The minutes of the meeting of May 25, 2001 were reviewed and approved. IV. New Business a. The group approved the Corridor Impressions Survey draft prepared by Katie Cole. b. The following distribution locations/plan was reviewed. i. Tourist Information Center ii. Beach users at both ends of the causeway iii. Boaters at the boat launching ramp iv. Fishermen – along the causeway v. Commuters – involve the Westshore Alliance in distributing surveys vi. College students and staff vii. Businesses along the Corridor (especially in the Rocky Point area) viii. Chamber of Commerce Members Clearwater and Tampa ix. Bay Area Commuters – Sarah Noyle is the lead person for this group. Charleen Ponce will provide a contact number. c. Background Assessment – Brian Smith distributed information collected as part of the background assessment information search by Susan Dutill. i. Traffic Volumes, Level of Service, land uses by segment. ii. Causeway Map with segments indicated and detailed segment maps iii. Land Use Maps for the Pinellas section of the Causeway iv. Future Land Use Maps for the Pinellas section of the Causeway Minutes 010620 Campbell CAG Meeting.doc 1 Printed 8/27 v. Zoning categories for the Pinellas section of the Causeway vi. Land Use Maps for the Hillsborough section of the Causeway vii. Future Land Use Maps for the Hillsborough section of the Causeway viii. Zoning Map for the Hillsborough section of the Causeway ix. Aerial Photos of the Pinellas section of the Causeway d. Background Assessment Actions i. Jena Torez offered to investigate the PIGIE system. Additionally she will obtain regional bike plans and accident information. ii. Jane Futrell Burmer will check with the URS folks to see if GIS maps are available for the entire causeway. This will enable markups of various services and land features. e. FDOT Grants: The group discussed the application for FDOT funding grants for completion of the Eligibility Document. The group suggested that this could be pursued for the Designation Phase instead. The application for the eligibility phase would just slow down the process at this time. The group suggested that Linda Saul-Sena discuss the funding possibility for the Designation Phase with Ken Hartman. f. Vision Statement – i. Bill Jonson took the action to update the Intrinsic Values and Vision document with the comments previously provided by Ms. Ponce. This will then be distributed to the group. ii. Discussion identified the following themes related to the Causeway: 1. Historically unique opportunity to see water as people use the causeway everyday. 2. It is a major connector between Hillsborough and Pinellas with considerable history associated with the road. 3. The roadway design is also unique in that the design of the road incorporated low barriers along the road edge. 4. It combines opportunities of interfacing with nature, commuting, and gateways to major cities on both sides of Tampa Bay. V. Next Meeting a. Meet on July 20 at 8:30 a.m. in The Board Room at Clearwater Christian College’s Cathcart Hall, Clearwater Christian College, 3400 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard b. Jane Burner announced that she would not be able to attend the meeting on July 20 but she would send a representative. If corrections to these minutes are noted, please notify: Bill Jonson, CAG Chair 2694 Redford Court West Clearwater, Florida 33761 Minutes 010620 Campbell CAG Meeting.doc 2 Printed 8/27 727-786-3075 Minutes 010620 Campbell CAG Meeting.doc 3 Printed 8/27