.BACTERIA LM te .3ubitted to MILE..... faculty of the OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. for the degree o BACHELOR OF SCIECE In DOSTIC sI:LcE A1D ART. by Laura E. Ruth J. Jaekon. ließe. June 1910. APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Dean SchQi of othei Säiie anl Art. II ITRODUCTIO1'. Baoterioloy is one of t'ne sciences, only recentl' The objects with which it deals are so sLcall developed. that they carnot be seen by the naked eye; and the results of their activity are so comion, as for instance decay, souring of milk an diseae, that they were looked upon as natural and no cause was ever drearned of. The first microscope was invented by Hans and Zach- anus Janson tu in 1590; but bacteria were not discovered un- sowe time later and then by the use of a simple con- vex lens. The discovery was made by a man, now c.11ed the "father o± microscopy", Anton Holland, vho was an Van Leuwenhock of .i)elft, apprentice to a cloth merchant and had for this purpose learned lens grinding. Van Leuwenhock's work was interrupted by tue advent of the bubonic plague through urope; but the application of his discovery to disease was uAade only by his foltowers. carried In 1762 Plenciz the work along the coLwxion lines of decoiposition again but the roress of the work was again side-tracked by that farnous discussion which lasted a hundred years fro L50 to 185), when the theory of 'spontaneous generation' of life was advanced. Disproving this theory, pa1lanzani showed that by prolonged boiling and excLusion of air, a meat inl.usion could be kept from putrefying. In the 18th century the science made a decided The íiicroscope was iLproved, the c..use of blue milk -1- advane. and te connection between bacteria and disease were dis- covered. The naine, until bacteria, was not app1ie to the or- botanist, showed that bacteria were a separate group of plants frein the yeasts and aniinalcules and ap1ied the Greek naue Ba'1 T por, meaning, "little stick" to them. The first classification of bacteria was made about 1786. Pasteur proved that the souring of milk was due to bacteria by the ordinar flrocesses of reproduction and growth. He also proved that specific organisms caused specific diseases and he did the greatest wori in interesting the world in this important ganisins 1617 when Hoffinan, a Science. Bonnet, in 1762, originated the theory that bacteria egs in order to account for irregularities in sterilizing. Schrdder and Dusch first used cotton 'vool for filtering air in bactrriological experiments. might have Pasteur showed a close connection the souring of milk, it was ot until Althouh, about 1860, between some bacteria and twenty years ago that theì were found to have a very close relation to dairying, by M1ler of openhagen, who divided them into two classes "monas" and "vibrio". Further o1assifiation as uade by hrenberg, in 18.33, who with the aid of a better microscope divided them into four classes, "bacterium", "vibrio", "sprillum' and 'apirochaeta. Bacteriology is such a broad subject that a life-time spent in its perusal would fail of an entire knowledge of the subject, so the authors have chosen a field which is - - certainly one that ought to interest every individual because it pertains to milk, one of the most important foods of the world. The advancement in decreasing the death- rate of infants in the large cities by scientific methods of handling milk is worthy of attention; and it is the purpose of this thesis to help in the work of disseinating the knowledge of these methods throughout the country and especially the dairy districts of Oregon. The sam- ples of milk tested were taken from the mixed milk of dairies and the milk of private cows in and about Corvallis, Oregon. Those presented here will probably be found most common to all milk. BODY OF THESIS. Bacteria are unicellular plants o± nicroscovic diuensions multiplying fission and commonly found to be de- b void of chiorophyl. teria Sorne be gained from idea of' the ninuteness of bac- the fact that there íiay easily be iiore than one billion in a single drop of milk. average diameter of a transverse section is .001 i micro iii. The .. or The forms of bacteria have been corn- illiaietre. pared to lead-pencils, billiar-ba1ls and cork-screws. Bacteria consist of an internal part or proto)las ed by a cell wall or less but some inbrane. surround- any bacteria are iuotion- ove freely about by weans of thread like flagella and are thus enabled to come in contact with their Bacteria reproiluce by means of fission but soie food. have the power to produce spores. The spores however are not a means of reproduction but a means of resisting ad- verse conditions. spores require a temperature of iiany dry heat for fifteen minutes to destroy them. perature of from 10° C. to 400 C. is most conducive A temto their growth and for most bacteria a temperature of 10 C. is destructive. 0 Although at the moment of secretion, milk from a healthy udder is said to be absolutely free from bacteria, it is a very difficult problem to prove it. About thirty years ago experiments were made with some success to prove that wilk drawn with special precautions into sterilized vessels was practically free from b:cteria. However, in recent years, -4- even with all our improvements in aseptic precautions, it has been impossible to draw any quantity of milk which was free from bcteria. Vlhile teria. the milk is in the glands, it is free from bac- This has be n proven by making a bacteriological examination of the udder directly after the animal has been slain. One of the sources of contamination is from the dis- eased udder. It has been found that the tubercie bacil- lus sometimes locates itself in the mammary glands and causes infection. be so slight :.any times, however, that there is no external indication. milk secreted under these condition tena. the lesion may The is laden vith bac- The question is often raised as to whether, from a cow suffering from a bacterial öiseasr, not find their way into the milk. t}e bacteria do Conn says, iiacteria press through the gland only when it is itself the seat of the inflammatory process. Yet a more common source of contamination of the milk w:ile yet in the 'udder is the entrance of bacteria from the outside through the teats. ally would be supposed, '.hen tnis Occurs, as natur- the milk drawn first contains the greatest number of organisms, while the last will be almost sterile. Thus the practice of not using the first fev jets of milk is justified. ihe most peculiar occurrence connected with the bacteria present the constancy of their numbers, in in the milk-ducts is though the time of milk- may differ widely thus, although milk is not drawn -5- for several days, occur i souri, no ba3terial chance, as the udder. will This indicates that there is sozie check to their growth, iost probably, erties of the udder fluid. gericida1 prop- the Another circuistance worthy of notice is thut although the lactic acid bacteria are norually found in coziparatively milkin, they 1are numbers shortly after This are very seldom found in the ducts. shows that they are an exterior contamination. This brings us to the numerous causes of contaiinations which take place after the uiik is drawn; the stable, the cow, the iidlker and the uiilking utensils theiselves. Here, again the cow is an important factor. the best conditions, and ilì Even under dust will be present on the cow's body ay fall into the in uiovinc about, loose hairs and dust . the air or The likelihood of contamination is much the cow is not kept in the best condition. auwented if If hay is dis- the air may be tributed during or just before milking, filled with myriads of dust particles and with it the teria which have previously grown upon the hay. er, bac- The milk- although it is unnecessary, is often a source of con- taination. His hands and clothing and many times of a pathogenic type. xnay It carry bacteria is usually by this means and by the water in which the milk vessels are washed that such a disease as typhoid fever is spread. Sedgwick and batchelder found on an obtained in a clean stable, frorn a verae, "that milk well kept cow, by milking in the usual way into a sterilized bottle, con- tamed 530 bacteria per cubic centithetre". "When, how- ever, the uAilk man used the ordinary iri1k pall of flaring form, seated himself with more or loss disturbance of bed- ding, and vigorously shook the udder over the rail during the usual process of milking, the numbers were very much higher, on an average 30,500 per cubic centimetre, mediately after milking." Sternberg says, lin- "the average of fifteen samples taken from the tables of persons living in the suburbs of boston was 69,143 per cubic centimetre. The average of fifty-se!en samples of Boston milk, obtained directly from the milk wagons and plated at once 2,3b5,500 per cubic centimetre. T'ae ;as average of sixteen sam)les from groceries in the city of Boston was 4,577,000 per cubic centimetre" some cities, since milk-inspection has becn adopted, condemn milk containing over 200,000 bacteria per cubic centimetre. Great stress must be laid on the sources of contam- intion and everything should bilities of contamination. be done to reduce the possi- Still even a more i1portant coint to be emphasized is the care of the milk after milking. The lack of good management in this respect is well illustrated by the enormous increase of bacteria of the common varieties in sample IX having a count of bl6,00 per cubic ceìtiinetre which was milked and planted in rela- tively the same time as sample VI having a count of 19,000 per cubic c ntimetre. The former having been left standing -7- itchen of the house while the latter had exposed in the been carefully handled and kept cool.. The first step taken to study the bacteria in ben after it has 5ilutions of the brought to the laboratory, ljAilk, ake it to i1k with sterilized water. A one tenth dilution is made by taking one cubic centimetre of the milk and adding to it nine cubic centThen for one one-thousandth imetres of sterile water. dilution, is added one cubic centimetre of the one tenth dilution to ninety-nine cubic centiwetres of water. one-hundreth dilution, one cubic centimetre of a one ?or he milk is added to ninety-nine cubic centimetres of sterile w at er. This diluting is done because the milk is so opaque that it ?.ou)..d be plate cultures. impo.ible to see the colonies in the ihe milk is then plated out. his consists in adling one cubic centimetre of one of the ?nown milk dilutions to about ten cubic centimetres of agar agar, that has been cooled to body temperature, and after vigorously shaking pouring it into a petrie dish. :he agar agar is a nutrient medium used for grow- ing bacteria. hese plates are then allov.ed to stand until the agar solidifies vhen they are 1aced in an incubator and left for about twenty-four hours at a temp'rature of ninety-eight degrees Fahrenheit. While in the incubator the organisms multiply rapidly and at the end of the twenty-four hours it is pos- sible to count the colonies. -t - A colony is the result of multiplication of one or- ganism. Thus the count of the number of colonies rep- resent the origir.al number of organisrns in the milk. A count of two thousand colonies on a one one-hundredth dilution plate would have to be multiplied bj one hun dred and it would then represent the number of organisms in one cubic centimetre of the milk. Then by the aid of a sterilized platinum needle the colonies are segregated and transmitted to the various media employed. The kinds of nutrient media used are agar slants, cause they can be incubated; gelatine, to show whether the organism liqueties or not; to show the organism develops spores; potato, be- whether litmus milk, to show whether the organism produces an acid or alkaline reaction; plain milk, to show whether the organism coagulates and re- dissolves the casein. Then by the aid of a microscope the morphology of the organism is examined in a haning drop and on a smear preparat ion. The motility is shown in a hanging drop. his is made by taking with a platinum loop one icopful of liuefled gelatine or some liquid culture, on a cover glass. he cover glass with its hanging drop is inverted over the cavity of a hollow slide and is then examined to ascertain the motility of the organisms and the character of their movements. -9- To make a smear preparation a straight platinum needle is used, and the oranims the inedia on which they are are taken from any of ,rowing. As thin a film as possible is smeared on the cover glass and allowed to After it is dry it is passed three dry spontaneously. times through a flame, of a Bunsen burner, to fix the filai on the cover slip and it is then covered with suit- able staining solution which is allowe the organisms are sufficiently, stained. thorouhly washed dried. It to remove superfluous is then to remain until Then it is stain and again mounted with ¿anada Balsam on a mi- croscope slide. The slide is then placed on the stage of the micro- scope, a drop o1 cedar oil being placed on the cover class. The objective is immersed in the oil and it is ready for exam mati on. The smear preparation is for the purpose of deter- mining the morphology of the organism. -1 - I. i ': :, :..: ',: I I I , s?'' s' - b , , '. JI ; I. . , , * j I P 'q, : :;*i; ;S / FIG. Photograph of i/ic A. dilution plate. ficial, Showing super- deep, chromogenic, non- chrozlioen1c, ani spreading colonies. r I "\4 ,_J" FIG. B. Photograph of agar- agar plate upon which four hairs were placed while the agar-asar was melted. The photograph shows the growth o± the organisms which were upon the hairs at the time of planting. 150 organisms. Upon one hair are This illustrates the amount of contamination intro- duced bi one hair falling into milk. V .1- Painting of the plate photographed in Fig. B. to show different colorin6 of colonies. FIG. C. %. n- 'fr . : ( J ;fr ;l ( ì' . q L FIG. D. 2hotoraph of very un- sanitary methods of treating and lii1 bad conditions surrounding the animals from which tEe milk was obtaine'L FIG. E. Photograph showing well entirely too close to the stable. eepae of water from the stable to the well is almost certain at this iistance and the milk vessels washed in this water are sure to be contaminated. n FIG. F. Photobrajh of College barn where every thing is kept as sanitary as possible. __ F FIG. G. Photograph of sanitary cow-lot with clean, well kept cows. C' Owing A'T th..tLAj to a 1 ..e 1acing of the milk in hot agar-agar, the noriia1 number of colonies did not develop and the sample was dise ara e cl. -11- SA.PLE II. Lov. L:ilked 5:00 A. 10e, 1909. M. .1anted 3:30 P. M. Average count of plates 5:4,O00 per cubic centimetre. 12- Sorri pIe lu. m,coccu5 Cotonij I. F. Tervido.u5. y re Z rrçic rc, bcapeTsc'lci. OCJQV r\tH r - / j / Llrn toto L '..i fltjI Colony I, figure Micrococus Fervidosus. I. ::icrococci--non-rnotile-- non-liquefying. Aar-aar plate. Superficial, raised, smooth, round, brown colony with darker brown center by trans- mitted light. ::ilkywhite with heavier white center by reflected light. Atar-agar slant. mooth,vihite, thin growth along the line of inoculation with irregular borders some- what thickened. Lon-liouefying--arobjc, facultative--an.- Gelatine. arobic. Potato. Dry, yellow, warty growth. tato dark grey or violet. Milk. Apparently no reaction. -i - Turns the po- le C>iLnj ir s s s' s, ' e rcro scopeTieIc vi ccjv5ioit CJ(IC,tjI t Lrnusfl¼. L. . Jc k a Il. BacilLus Ochraceus. Colony II, Figure II. thick rod--slightly ictile--liquefying. Agar-agar plate. shiny, yellow, raised colony hound, with darker center by reflected light an cloudy yellow by transmitted light. Agar slant. Shiny, yellow, thick, spreading growth a- long the line of inoculation. elatine stab culture. funnel shape. aised. Liquefaction occurs at first in Forms thick, brown icroderìna on top with streaks o± clear and cloudy gelatine. Potato. Thick, granular, orange rowth. Does not dis- color the potato. Milk. Coagulates and afterwards reclissolves. Litmus milk. Produces an acid. -14 - SOIT\Fte ]I. Lic)ufocer'S. CcorLjIV - r' fl1vosc.oreF'e d Oo V i' Tcte - -V, / - t- Oaønt -- C)Ioftne íflùk l..Tim tflI& L.t.JocISQ'. sse Colony III was the Colony IV, Figure III. faciens. od lt. Bacillus Fluorescens Licjue- shapes--actively motile. Thin,spreading colony with scalloped Agar-agar plate. edges. as Colony Green florescence with reflected 1iht. Almost transparent in transmitted light. Spreads over the entire surface of Agar-agar slant. the slant and the agar-agar gains a green florese ene e Liquefies in cup shapo,rapidly spreading to Gelatine. Liquefies about one-half inch in five the edges. Floor of gelatine has brownish precipitate days. and white cicroderma floats on top with a cloudy layer next it. Potato. Turns potato light lavender. Varty yelLow- 18h growth. Lilk. Coagulates the thilk and rediseolves. LItmUB milk. Lo acid formed. -15- Dec. SALPLE III. Li1ked 3:00 P. 2lanted 2:00 P. . 5, 1909. Dec. L. 5. Dec. 6. Average count of plates, 18,000 per cubic centithetre. -1 3 - r' C' a. e IUICj'J L15 Cj u - I il 0, crocar FYed Q cor Tjc.e O,5crt CjeIcsTine Totato L.fmu i» £ fl'»( j,,,, Colony A, E'igure IV. iediu Bacillus Figurans. long rods--rounded ends---non-motile--lique- fying. Agar-agar plate. superficial, light. Agar slant. Round, shiny, smooth, edged colony. raised and cream colored by reflected Brown by transmitted lieht. Iaised,canary yellow growth just along the iaipfrish. Gelatine stick culture. Liquefies in funnel shape with heavy microderma on top. Leaves the gelatine somewhat cloudy. Potato. Heavy canary growth which later turns darker yellow. itu.us :il. illk. Potato later turns a dirty grey or violet. son-acid forming. £IQ5 not coagulate the casein. -17- 5cn-ri cocnLj r í3cc;(i45 fleblts . Tiuve ' 'I' Cc)CY T'ote A1 .1 L i, 2 CY 31oct - Tc'ro ¿tJ.ckn Colony B, Figure V. Bacillus ebilus. Short rods with rounded ends--non-motile--liquefying. Agar-agar plate. Iound, white colony with radiating lines toward the outside. Creau by transmitted light. Agar slant. Raised, heavy, white growth along the line of inoculation. Potato. Light brown siiear. Turns potato nearly the same color. Gelatine. I1ilk. Liquefies and makes gelatine cloudj. Does not coagulate the casein. Litmus milk. non-acid forming. -16- 5 CÓ1- E. I,- f, C. T cj u e ' flic YósopeF1 Tio-e Cj eÌTTe Li ri Colony C, Figure VI. Licrococcus lavus Liquefaciens. '.:icrococcus ,non-motile---liquefying. Agar-agar plate. LreaLa by Agar slant. Oval, yellow,.shiny, raised colony. transmitted light. Smooth, raised, dark yellow or orange growth along line or inculat ion. Gelatine stici Liquefies culture. with heavy microäera on top. Potato. Slight, discolor the iilk. t)ith, canary yellow growth. potato. Does not coagulate the casein. Litmus milk. ìon-acid forming. -19- Does not C0 Ion D. J3ociii T%cve 3erfc L,) ;cIs. . ' -s -s."s -s NN fi CIcjc 5Iort ro co re Fielci. Ticre Lrn..s Çflk L.Jcck5on iacillus uperficialis. tion like it had a teruinal flagella. Colony D, Figure VII. hod--slow Involution forms found on potato. Liquefies. Vthite, raised colony with thickened Agar-agar plate. raised sezrated edges, Vhite with thick grey edge by transimmitted light. slant. V.'hite growth just along the line of inoculation. Gelatine stick culture. Iiquofies with heavy white iaicrodermna on the top and suspended heavy floculi. Very slight yellow growth just along the Potato. line of inoculation. Does not discolor the Agar potato. Milk. Does not i.itmnus uailk. coagulate the casein. ÂCjd forthing. - o- C&., E. 1flcroCLC;t.yc,,,1Icict.s. 2:111: 2 .\ :; c5ccre Fd Colony E, Fiure VItt. Liierococcus liquefying. Agar-agar plate. of' 1icrococcus Aurantiacus. staphlo type--non-motile--nonGrows best in incubator. raised, oun9, orange colonies in bunches. Agar-agar slant. Crows just along the iipfrish in little hard knobs. t.elatine stab culture. Potato. non-liquefying. Grows well along the iipfrish in little knobs. Does not discolor. Li1k. Does not coagulate. Litmus milk. Forms acid. -21- SAPLE Jan. IV. 1i1ked Jan. 12, 1910. 11 at 5:00 P. M. Planteò Jan 12 at 3:00 P. M. Average count 1650 per cubic centimetre. 22- 5c:.lc j Ccfc-.j I- Ocjcii- Ooy Icjft fT1u5coides T'Icte o Lt-1 iflk n-1 L Bacillus ::uecoiaes. Short rods with rounded ends--actively thotile. IonSpores are formed at the ends of the rods. liquefying. White, spreading colony, grows in fancy Agar-agar plate. shapes like ferns. 'Vhite, spreading colony vith fern like proAgar slant. Colony I, Figure IX. ject ions. Dirty brown with tiny raised creases in a),.l directions, spreading and turns the potato a dirty white. ion-liquefying. Gelatine stab culture. Does not coagulate the casein. Liilk. Lon-acid fori.ina. LitnLus uìilk. Potato. -23 - SPE V. ìi1ked 6:0') A. Jan. 26, 1910. M. Plantod 3:00 P. M. Average count 54,000 per cubic Centithetre. -24- 5cripie. C oIrt'j O. J3cciIIu I)W' QYO (Oc'.5 .. t. I 1flicrtd. T'çcte ¿ Ï ZIc,rl j- (3elottfl L f n i i k i muS rn1 1k L.t.,Jek Son. Bacillus Aerolactis. Colony A, Figure X. (Conn) Ioòs small with rounded ends--non-motile--prolific spore producer--liquefying. Agar-agar plate. Agar slant. Thite, spreading, wrinkled colony. hite, rather streaked growth along the iwpfrish. Gelatine stab culture. Potato. Milk. Liquefies and forms a floculi. Dirty yellowish brow:. Coagulates the casein. Litmus mil1. on-aciä forming. 25- Discolors the potato. 5csrr C 3;u Ocac'i t .ive t' / C(c)cr -iote V L14 s 4- L\_ Oov 5I,,t ThuR LEicucI.uscuu, I colony B Colony saiie , as C. acillus Acidi Lactici. Figure XI. arge rod with rounded ends. Foruis spores in Brownian the center of the rod. AOt1Ofl. iOfl- li u e fyi ng. Agar-agar plate. Vhite, aluiost transparent, deep growing colony. Agar slant. Transparent white colony gro'ing only along the impfrish. e1atine stab culture. Potato. Non-liquefying. Spreading, white growth--raised, wrinled and tenacious and turns the potato yellowish violet. iblilk. Coagulates and redissolves the casein. Litmus milk. Acid forming. -26- SAL1PLE VI. Jan. Lilked 6:00 Planted 3:00 P. P. M. M. 3, 1910. Jan. 3. Jan.4. Average count 19,0D per cubic centimetre. e) L. LLjJ7 n I O A LtLL Ql ¡J_ I / L L ' / r-' 11z Çr,z,, °-1Lu jaI1tuG- oIc) .r-n Colony W, Figure XII. Micrococcus Aurantiacus. Very athall Lcicrococ3us--facultative anaerobic, non-uotile--non liquefying. Agar-agar plate. Agar slant. Round, greenish 'ellow colony. Very pretty greenish yellow growth along the line of inoculation. Gelatine stab culture. 1on-liquefying. Good growth along irnpfrish. Potato. Shiny yellow growth just along the line of inoculation. iik. 1itus Does not disco.or the potato. Coagulates and redissolves the casein. iiilk. Acid forzidng. -? 3 - 5rnf1e ce-' i y ,- E. mcrocc.. Ccdt xiii / : // flhicvOzcÖ?iieic. L) - L,iu Ik Colony V, Figure XIII. ::icrococcus Candicans. ;iicrococci, facultative anaerobio ,non-inotile--lique- fying. Agar-agar plate. cream colored diamond shaped Crearnish yellow with heavy edges. Deep colony. Agar-agar slant. elatine stab culture. Liquefies in cup shape and dries out as fast as it liquefies. Potato. Milk. Verd slight growth. Does not discolor. Does not coagulate the casein. Litmus milk. 1on-acid forming. '-'n fl Z :x:Ir. 4. íflicocorTlId Ci C) or A H, 'i 090 r5/ort -v,1-ct G 1k LTi,i..5 flilk LLJack,or Colony Z, Figure XIV. Saccharoiyces ossceus. Large round bodies about three idcrons long. àppeai granular inside. Agar-agar plate. ound, pink colony with dark pink center. Agar-agar slant. Heavy, shiny, sali.on-pink growth along the line of inoculation. (e1atine stab culture. ion-liquefying. Button like growth at the top and slight growth along the line or inoculation. Potato. Heavy paint. :11k. pini: growth In two days. Looks like wet Iot shiny. Does not coagulate the casein. Litmus milk. ion-acid forming. This 'east makes a bread with a very delicate crust. -30- SAMPLE VII. iarch 11, 1910. 11ked 7:00 A. M. Planted 2:30 P. M. iarch 11. :.:arch 11. Average count 600 per cubic centimetre. :ost1y BaciLlus Luscoides. new colonies. -:- Lo March SALPrJE VIII. Li),kecl 6:00 1. L. Planted 3:00 P. M. 6, 1910. íarch 5. March 6. Average count 45,000 per cubic centimetre. -Z2- VII CcloI) T i I45 C'youlc,1-5 iicire I' - 7c í11yo t milk. Colony I, Figure V. Bacillus Circulans. Small rod about one and one-half microns long. Prolific spore producer. Actively zotile. Liquefying. Agar-agar plate. iaised, white, shiny superficial colony with Lan filauents. Brown by trensiitted light. Agar slant. iaised,flesh colored, slightly wrinkled growth just along the Gelatine. ixzipfrish. Liquefies very slowly in cup shape and dries out as fast as it liquefies. Potato. i'aised, wrinkled, spreading the potato. Milk. Does Litmus milk. nt coaulate the casein. ìon-acid forming. rowth and discolors SALPLE IX. klLilkeã April 11, 1910. 5:CO P. M. Planted 3:00 P. April i.. 9. April ii. Average count 516,300 per cubic centimetre. o new cdonies. SAIPLE X. April 11, 1910. Milked 6:00 A. Planted 3:00 Average count centitLetre. I. P. M. April 11. April 11. 650 per cubic The count vas so low that a preservative was pee ted. -35- sus- SAii?LE XI. i1ked 6:00 Lpril 15, 1910. A. April 15. M. Planted 3:00 P. M. April 15. Same milk as sample X. ed Test- for preservative but none was found. io colonies on the 1/loo or the 1/1000 dilution plate. 15,600 iiate. Irregularit' not ed for. on i/iC dilution ecount-. 1 tTT 9fl 0 UI '2 OPT 6061 TTH COO'O9'T ETUOTOO tIflO3 T AO 0 -ç- o rncvcocu u CH r C)oCo ?FIe4. C.orT' L-' IIC. __)Q - --- )-leç 's' Description of Figure Plate II. Coloni II; I. iicr000ccus Albue. By tranaadtted light on agar plate. Small, raised, smooth, homogenous mass. oval, By reflected light. superficial, Light brown. Luilky white. Thin, white film showing inany cross mark- Agar slant. i ng s. Dry, yellow, Potato. varty growth. Growth only along line of inoculation. ender. Gelatine stab. 1on-liquefying aerobic facultative anaerobic. Litmus milk. Milk. Form. o Turns potato lay- io action. action. Small micro-cocci. -39- LIí3 SnW 4t )jt'UJ II 40kLAQ(zD 'I r 3AI2a s.0 I Su çA,cr t -1[cLTLEIu OQ7 Description of Figure Colony III, Plate II. II. Bacillus Flurescens Liquefaciens. By reflected light on agar plate. colony. Agar slant. Greenish white, deep Loss-like growth with many filaments. Vhite, spreading growth. Agar assumes green florescence. Potato. Yellow, warty growth. Turns potato lavender. Liquefies gelatine precipitate on floor Gelatine stab. of gelatine. Litmus milk. Coagulates and redissolves casein. Acid react ior. Milk. Coagulates Form. Short, ad redisolves casein. thick rods usually in pairs and slightly motile. -40-- - (cQy5 cç+ Cyotu-te !CQfl5 LiTflu.sfl)i 1k fl1 1k Description of Figure III. Colony IV, Plate II. Bacillus Dchracens. By reflected lieht on agar plate. Small, round, smooth, yellowish i;hite, raised, shins colony having darker center. By transmitted light. Dee; brovn center. Outer part lighter brovn. Agar slant. Smooth, shiny; yellowish growth. Growth only along line o± inoculation. Potato. Orange colored granular growth. Growth only along line of inocul3.tion. Gelatine stab. In gelatine stab cultures liquefaction occurs in funnel form. Forms a brown uicroderma on floor of gelatine and a brown 9eposit at point of funnel. Cloudy on floor of gelatine then clear streak then cloudy strea:. Litmus ilk. Coagulates and redissolves casein. reaction. :.i1k. Form. Coagulates and redissolves. hort slender bacillus. -41- Motile. Acid SAMPLE III. I1i1ked 3:00 Plates ae From 1ing's P. 2:00 Count 18,000. to pick up M. P. iry. Dec. 5, £&. Dec. 1909. 6, It was impossible anzi colonies as there was a white filmy colony over the entire plate. - o . ¿ - SAIOELE IV. i1ke A. .'roni I. Dec. .1ates made P. I. -'- O. A. 15, Dee. . Larin. 19O. 15, 1909. Scirnp)eI. CoI.-Ip 1L,ye ]. Ifl.crocc,reTfcj. r CIorlrft Toi-ot(, t. li-n '-'S rTl k mn Description of Figure IV. Colony I, Bacillus Fluivis. 2late III. By reflected light on agar plate. Light brown. By transmitted light. slant. Raised, smooth, shiny, lemon yellow growth. only Growth along lino of inoculation. Lemon yellow, shiny colony. Fotato. yello'i., colony. raised,, superficial Agar Small,oval, shiny, line of inoculation. rowth only along Vrinkled with deep fissures. Turns çotato dirty v1hite. Liquefies gelatine. Gelatine stLb. tive anerobjc. ir. Form. Liuefaction very slow. It occurs cup shaped form. Litmus milk. iD-. Aerobic faculta- i:o o action. action. Short rods. Transverse divisions. -44- ion-motile. "H r I'UJ 1LIW9flLU4t A 7LA .z"__- oA'(,(j rj T_j Ji1iuoi-, Description of igure Colony II, Filate III. V. ::icrococcus Lactis Aureus. By reflected light on agar plate. round, Small, raised, shiny, flesh colored, superficial colony. By transmitted light. Agar slant. growth. potato. Smooth, .aight brown. raised, shiny, orange colored Growth only along line of inoculation. Shiny, orange colored growth. dirty grey. Gelatine stab. Growth only alon Turns potato line cf inoculation. Loes not liquefy gelatine. microderma on floor Litmus milk. (Conn) Orane Acid reaction. o1 yellow gelatine. microderiia on floor or udlk. Action very slow. Coagulates milk. Mill. Sliaht yellow growth around tube at upper surface of milk. 'orm. Coagulates milk. Ledium small mlcTo-c000i. -45- Sörn pIe!E. C0j091 ?JI flhICYCøCCLJ5 Tcre t L-oc ¡ Voy s t O p. f' Oqy.$)onf L1rru Vflilk 1flk T.JJ1ess. Descrition of Figure Colony I, VI. .iicrococcus Lactis Varians. Plate II. By reflected tight on agar plate. mall, raised, shiny colony, with serrated edges. By transmitted 1ig1t. Agar slant. Light brown. Light ochrans yellow growth. aised an wrinkled with deep fissures. Dull flesh colored granular growth. 2otato. only along line 01' inoculation. rowth urns potato dirty grey. Gelatine stab. Liquefies gelatine in cup shaped form. Aerobic facultative anaerobic. Litmus m11ì:. milk. illk. Yellow inicroderma formed on floor of Coagulates milk. Coagulates milk. Yellow microderma formed on floor of milk. Form. Very small micro-cocci. -46- fl iCi'OCOCCLJ FYV1cto15 TuveYJL CoIor.jjrpJj C) 5ict T to te rrtIk TJ.)1esj. Description of Figure VII. Co1oni II, I?late II. ìicrococcus ?ervidosus. Small, By reflected light on agar plate. smooth, shiny, superficial, white colony. By transwitted light. Light brown. Smooth, shiny, white growth. Agar slant. Growth only along line of inoculation. hite, shiny growth. Potato. Turns potato dirty white. Growth very scant. Celatine. Does not liquefy gelatine. scant. Litmus milk. 1'o action. LlIilk. 10 action. Form. Diplo-òocci--non-ciotile. -47- rowth very 5rrpIei C tioThy,., D;cIt-. TCjUYe ILLL. r rn 5iont rie LI- c ro c pe'T; e' - r-11k Description of Figure VIII. Colony III, 'late II. Ulaothrix Dichatoma. By reflected light on agar plate. ficial, shiny colony. Smooth, white, super- Opacjue with dull white center. By transmitted light. Asar slant. bight brown vith white center. aised, white, warty growth. iives off odor of mould or decaying wood. Same growth as on agar slant. Potato. Gelatine. Liquefies gelatine in cup shaped form. Aerobic facultative anaerobic. LitLLus milk. Casein is coa-ulated and redissolved. Acid reaction. milk. Light yellow growth around tube on surface of milk. Form. Coagulates an9 redissolves milk. Long thread -like filaments having group of spores at the ends. The filaments are branching. From Irvine's, Private cow. SAMPLE V. ;.:ilked A. . Jan 14, 1910. Platee made 2:30 Count 19,200. -49- P. M. Jan. 14. rnI te cOIon)]rPJn rÑure li J3ciIusUbu1tL- X Çllico opeFec. Qc1y PIote. JI F - Cic)cr5IOflt fl-1ik\ Cjlcitine Øto1C) 1.J t-ls Description or Figure late III Colony II, X. Bacillus Ubiquitous. By reflected light on agar plate. Deep white, spread- ing, zioss-like growth, with many filaments. Clear, white, soread1n Agar slant. growth, with many filaiients. lear, yellowish white, wrin1led, spreading Potato. Turns potato grey. growth. Gelatino. white, scanty growth. )oes not liquefy gelatine. Litmus milk. Coagulates and recliscolves casein. Milk. Coagulates and redissolves casein. Form. 3hort thick rods. Ion-uìotile. -50- rr re rj1tpjiZ i-i re iT I / Field - I -J Lírnu rn k m1tk. -WJ 1le35 Description of "igure XI. Colony III, late ILl. acillus iyocanus. 3y rcflected lig1t on agar plate. round, Greenish white, raise1 colony. By transuîtted light. ight brown, dee;er brown center. :ased, shiny, greenish white, spreading Agar slant. growth. Gives agar green florescence. Brownish white, granular growth. Potato. along line of inoculation. Gelatine. V.hite iquefies gelatine. Turns potato grey. Action very slow. öeposit or floor or gelatine. along line of inoculation. Litthus ¡xilk. Dissolves casein. L:ilk. Dissolves casein. form. Long rods. otile. -51- Growth only canty growth CoIeflj.TJJZC .b (/L5 I, , l Corple 2 - 5Icrt C)eIttr Votot jJ reS. Description oÍ' :igure XII. Colony IV, Plate lit. l3acillus Cancliccus. By reflected lignt on agar pla:e. raised, shiny clony. By transmitted light. Agar slant. alon ¿mocth, white, round, Light brown. hite, raised, shiny growth. (rowth only line o± inoculation. Dirty brownish white, granular grow±. Potato. only along line of inoculation. elatine. Does not liquefy gelatine. Growth Turns potato grey. Growth scanty along line or inoculation. Litmus mili, Coagulates mi1I. Light brown deposit around tube. ::i1k. orra. coagulates miii:. Short thick rods. i.on-,otile. organ's private cow. VI. ::i1ked A. Plates Te Feb. 7, ado 2:30 P. /i. . 1910. Feb. plates made were not goon. 7. SAI1FLE VII. Li1ked P. Froza Szxiith's Larch M. Plates maae P. Count 45,000. -54- i. 6, private 30W. 1910. March 7, 1910. - ._cnieyjj_ C&orij]JL PI JJc,c;j/.,3 Li-ii k,arisC!c ,ds Loctici flre zur i I / lorie LnrzIk R-J t-ies. Description of Figure XIII. Colony III, Plate Bacillus Liznbatus Acidi Lactici. I. Clear, white, round, By reflected light on agar plate. deep colony. By transmitted light. Agar slant. Light Light brown. ïel1ow,shiny, raised growth. Brownish yellow, moist, shiny, slightly Potato. Ing growth. (e1atine. Turns potato grey. Does not liquefy gelatine. Scant Growth along line of inoculation. .itus milk. sjread- Acid reaction. Milk. Dissolves casein. Form. Short bacillus. Dissolves casein. ion.-motile. -55-- ¶3orrçtJ r1icrococ'S°' /,- 1/ Ji JI crccc,e o-PIcrte \ c inilk B.L1E5S. - Description of Figure XIV. Colony Plate III. I, icr000ccus Auranticus. By reflected light on agar plate. iiaised, shiny, light yellow, diauond shaped colony. By transthitted li;ht. .4ight brown. Orange yellow, with lichter yello.w eages, Agar slant. smooth, shiny colony. ioist, Potato. light brown, pink tint, shiny Lrowth. Growth only along line of inoculation. Does not liquefy gelatine. Gelatine. along line of inoculation. Litmus milk. iilk. orm. o 3lightly acid. action. iicro-cocci. -56- Scant growth 1 -S orn Coso-) moeocc 11 Coricent%IcL1. liC)UY mIcroscope clocfl, PIc,fE II;' ne LThII R.J. 14e$5 Description Colony IL, Plate iy oÍ' Figure V. icrocoocus Concentricus. III.. reflected light on agar plate. white, Agar slant. Light brown. Thin film, white, spreading growth. Dirty white, raised, granular growth. only along line of inoculation. Gelatine. Does not iiiuefy gelatine. scant along line of in;'culation. Litmus milk. Llilk. Form. oval, raise3, Shiny colony. By transrnitted light. Potato. small, o Lo action. action. Micrococci sinLly or in paire. -57- rov,'th Turns potato grey. Growth very Smtle1. CIor-1)usVffr rncecs Cat reus. FIc)uve i flmc'occ,ye Fi&td. CI 90 VP 0Te. Lrrn IpIk tflIk Description of Figure iicrooccus Colony ILL, 2late III. itrens. Snal1, by reflected li,ht on agur plate. oval, raised, shiny, yellow colony. By transnitted light. Light brown. Pinkish yellow, shiny growth. Agar slant. trovth very scant. Orange colored growth, very slight along line Potato. of inoculation. Gelatine. Does not li:uefy gelatine. Slight white growth along line of inoculation. Litzus ¿iilk. io action. .Iilk. .o action. Foru. Cocci varied in size. threes or in mosses. -56- $ingl, in pairs, in