North Central Thames Foundation School (NCTFS)

North Central Thames Foundation School (NCTFS)
Individual Placement Description – North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
The type of
work to
expect and
Main duties
of the
pattern in
F2 Acute Medicine
The care of patients within the department of Acute Medicine is divided between the
acute medicine team and the acute elderly care team. These teams look after patients on
the Acute Assessment Unit and the Acute Medicine Unit - short stay ward. Patients are
also managed through the ambulatory care unit, which has its own team and supervising
There are 3 full time and 1 part time consultants in acute medicine. They are supported
by a wider faculty of acute medicine, which includes consultants from
endocrinology/diabetes, respiratory, gastroenterology, rheumatology, stroke, and elderly
care medicine. There are 4 registrars, 6 FY1s and 2 physicians’ assistants also working
in the department.
Your role will include working as a member of both the acute medicine and acute elderly
care teams. You will participate in the assessment, investigation, and management of a
wide variety of acutely unwell patients during the initial period of their admission. You will
work within a multi-professional team to ensure safe and effective care and coordinate
safe discharge for these patients. You will have opportunities to perform practical
procedures and to participate in audit and service improvement projects within the unit.
You will participate in the on-call rota admitting patients and providing ward cover during
the evenings, weekends, and overnight.
The overall educational objectives are to provide the trainees with the knowledge, skills
and attitudes to be able to
 Take a history and examine a patient
 Identify and synthesise problems
 Prescribe safely
 Keep an accurate and relevant medical record
 Manage time and clinical priorities effectively.
 Communicate effectively with patients, relatives and colleagues.
 Use evidence, guidelines and audit to benefit patient care
 Act in a professional manner at all times
 Cope with ethical and legal issues which occur during the management of patients
with general medical problems
 Educate patients effectively
 Become life-long learners and teachers.
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
Dr David Stanton, , Dr Helen Ward (Acute Medicine)Dr Maurice Cohen, , Dr Richard
Robson (Acute medicine for the elderly). Dr Benjamin Glikstein; Dr Sophie Edwards
Daily morning ward round with a consultant for the short stay inpatients.
Ongoing care of the patients in the unit.
Participate in the initial assessment and clerking of acute medical admissions.
Participate in the on-call rota.
You are expected to attend and participate in the structured teaching programme
provided by the department, medical grand rounds and x-ray meetings, and the F2
generic teaching programme.
You will typically spend a week at a time attached to either the acute medicine or acute
elderly care team.
Daily timetable:
Daily morning consultant ward round.
Daily MDT meeting at 1130
Ongoing care of the patients on the unit
You will participate in the on-call rota, which is an 18 week cycle with 2 blocks of 4 or 5
weeks where the majority of evening, weekend, and night shifts are undertaken.
The North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust is committed to the community it
serves; a multi-cultural area of North London with a population of 500,000. The area has
a high deprivation index with many single parent families, refugees and travelling
families. 30% of the local population does not speak English. We aim to provide a high
quality, comprehensive healthcare service which reflects the needs of the community.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject
to change.