North Central Thames Foundation School (NCTFS) Individual Placement Description - East and North Herts NHS Trust Placement The department F2 Perinatal Psychiatry There are approximately 8 psychiatry consultants based in the department. Their interests are in OCD, general adult psychiatry, perinatal psychiatry and ECT treatment. Other consultants are based in the community. The type of work The FY2 doctor is expected to be based on the ward (Thumbswood Mother and Baby to expect and Unit) The job involves assessing psychiatrically unwell mothers and the day to day learning care of their babies. opportunities The duties are similar to other FY2 psychiatry posts but with an emphasis on child development, sound knowledge on psychiatric assessment, knowledge of mental health act, knowledge of psychiatric drugs and what to use in the acute setting, knowledge of the overall management of the patient including involvement of community and other services. There is ample opportunity to liaise with local GPs, health visitors, midwives, obstetricians, paediatricians and childrens’ social care. Location Thumbswood Mother and Baby Unit Queen Elizabeth II Supervisor(s) Dr Ann Roberts Main duties of the The F2 doctor is responsible with other staff for the ward care of patients and placement the maintenance of the patient’s medical record. They will have opportunity to work with the consultants in outpatients clinics for at least one day each week. The Thumbswood mother and baby unit comprises of 6 mothers and their babies. The F2 doctor is ward based and expected to ensure the safe running and to deal with any problems which arise on the ward. F2s are expected to attend the weekly psychiatric teaching and they are expected present twice during their placements. There is an on-call rota where F2s are on the general psychiatry rota covering half the county. This involves seeing acute psychiatry patients at the QE2 and the Lister and some other community settings, and dealing with any other ward duties which may arise. Typical working Mon: 0900 – 1230 clinic, lunchtime grand round, pm ward work pattern in this Tues: am ward round pm ward work placement Wed: am ward work, pm teaching at Kingsley Green Thurs: am ward work pm ward round Fri: ward work On call requirements: Approximately one long day per week. Nights shifts and weekends as per rota Employer East and North Herts NHS Trust information Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.