COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Arts Committee MINUTES 13 October 2011 15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold Present: Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Rice (ECON), Däumer (ENGL), Ramsey (ENGL-DH), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL), Singh (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Dove (WGST), Vosteen (WL-Chair). Ex-officio: Winder (CAS Dean’s Office) I. Call to Order: 15:30 II. Minutes of the Meeting of 22 September 2011: Approved: 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention III. Old Business: College of Health and Human Services School of Health Sciences Requests for New Courses HLAD402 Health Policy HLAD419 Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Care Excerpt from the Minutes of 22 September 22 2011: Motion to table as a package both new course proposals because there are no accompanying syllabi and because the HLAD402 proposal has the wrong course description (the same description as HLAD419). An additional concern is the lack of prerequisites for HLAD402. Tabled Unanimously Motion to Pass as a Package the HLAD402 and HLAD419 proposals with the comment that the course description on the form for HLAD402 still needs to be corrected, using the course description for that course’s syllabus, because the information on the form will be used for the catalog. Passed with Comment: Unanimous. IV. New Business: College of Arts and Sciences ART Motion to Approve as a Package the following ARTS570 new course proposal and Art Studio SAR (MA) program revision with the comment that the language on Electives should make more clear what courses can be used (e.g., are these courses outside the major? Are these courses outside the major concentration? What is the role of advisors?). Approved with Comment: Unanimous. Request for New Course ARTS570 MA Critique and Professional Preparation Seminar Proposal to Revise Program Art Studio SAR (MA) HIST/PHIL The following two program phase out proposals were Endorsed as a Package: Unanimous. Program Sustainability Proposals • Master of Arts in State and Local History SLH Phase Out • Masters of Liberal Studies in Social Science and American Culture SSAC Phase Out PLSC Program Sustainability Proposal Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Teaching, Secondary Teacher Certification (shelve) Endorsed Unanimously SAC Program Sustainability Proposal Master of Arts in Sociology – Family Specialty SOCF (shelve) The CAC previously voted unanimously to endorse this SAC proposal, given orally (29 September 2011), but thanks SAC for the formal letter. V. Chair’s Remarks: None VI. Adjournment: 16:05 Respectfully Submitted, Bradley E. Ensor, Recording Secretary