Eastern Michigan University College of Arts & Sciences College Advisory Council MINUTES 22 October 2015, 15:30-17:00, 219 Pray-Harrold PRESENT Department/Program Representatives: Spolans (ART), Angell (BIO), Guthrie (CHEM), Kindred (CMTA), Sverdlik (COSC), Kim (ECON), Luttrell (ENGL), Ryker (GEOG&GEOL), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL, CAC Chair), Kovacs (IESS, ex-officio), Dumitrascu (MATH), Merrill (M&D), Jacobs (PHYS/ASTR), McIntyre (PSY), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST) Department Heads: Ramsey (ENGL), Sambrook (GEOG/GEOL) Ex-Officio: Venner (CAS Dean’s Office) Guest: Cynthia MacKnish (CASAC/GESA) I. CALL TO ORDER: 15:30 II. GUEST: Cynthia Macknish (CASAC) Overviews and purposes of program assessment and general education assessment were presented along with a summary table. III. ADDITION TO THE AGENDA: Item VII below: Unanimously Approved. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 24 September 2015 Approved: 11 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions V. REPORTS Arts Report • Motion to separate PHIL425 Theories of Justice new course proposal: 7 for, 2 against, 4 abstentions • Motion to accept the resulting Arts Report: Unanimously Accepted • Motion to approve PHIL425 Theories of Justice with comments: 1) SAC supports the proposed new course; 2) SAC recommends PHIL consider a disciplinary-specific title, e.g., “Philosophies of Justice”; and 3) SAC hopes the approval of this course will not obstruct the Criminology & Criminal Justice program’s future proposals for 400-level courses on justice. Approved: 10 for, 0 against, 3 abstentions Sciences Report: Unanimously Accepted VI. URSLC ELECTIONS ARTS, one year to complete term: Among two nominees, Regina Luttrell (ENGL) was elected by majority SCIENCES, new position, one year: Cory Emal (CHEM) was elected unanimously VII. INTERPRETATION OF “DEPARTMENT MEMBER” IN COLLEGE INPUT DOCUMENT The language in the CID : “A College Advisory Council shall be established. It shall be composed of the following voting members; one (1) faculty member from each department. Each department shall determine by vote who shall be their faculty representative and shall provide for an alternate.” The question put forth is whether or not a faculty member can be a department member (and hence be elected as a representative) for the department in which they have a 49% joint appointment There was Unanimous Agreement - Yes. VIII. BUDGET COMMITTEE INPUT ON INSTRUCTIONAL BUDGET APPEAL PROCESS An argument opened the discussion: that the developing proposed appeals process does not address the unfairness in using data from past circumstances (as baselines) for departmental target calculations – that these perpetuate any unfair circumstances for some departments, limit growth potential for some, or demand unreasonable growth for others. With the new contractual requirement to develop equivalencies, some called for a suspension of the targets until such time as the new resulting circumstances enable the Dean’s Office to recalculate targets. However, doing so would not enable targets to be based on a 5-year trend. One suggestion was to use weighting once the new equivalencies are determined. The Dean gave a historical summary for the need for and purpose of the targets - to fairly allocate funds but did not predict reduced allocations. The Dean and the Budget Committee agreed to a meeting to discuss these problems. CAC representatives were told they may collect input on the existing proposed appeals process at this point but that a revised version will be presented for input later. IX. DEAN’S REMARKS A. The Dean reported on his recent trip to China regarding developments with the Wuhan University Partnership. The renewed agreement adds Computer Science, Economics, Math, and GIS programs. A “mobility” agreement is being developed that allows EMU credit for courses taken at Wuhan University (having no tuition costs). There was a joint Wuhan-EMU international GIS conference. There was also a meeting with pleased alumni who had taken courses at EMU. B. In Winter 2015, the Journalism program proposed a departmental realignment: leaving ENGL to join CMTA. CAC representatives need to collect input on the move for the 12 November meeting. C. CAC representatives need to collect input on the proposed new faculty request matrix for the 12 November meeting. They should consider consistency between both the CAS matrix and the University matrix being considered by the Faculty Senate (to be distributed by the CAC Chair). X. CHAIR’S REMARKS: none XI. FACULTY REMARKS: none XII. ADJOURNMENT: 16:27 Respectfully submitted, Bradley Ensor, recording secretary