College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council


College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council

Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2016, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.

219 Pray-Harrold


Department/Program Representatives:

Ferreira (AAAS), Nelson (ART), Angell (BIO), Emal (CHEM), Kindred (CMTA), Luttrell (ENGL),

Ryker (GEOG&GEOL), Dieterle (HIST&PHIL, CAC Chair), Kovaks (IESS, ex-officio),

Dumitrascu (MATH), Cass (M&D), Jacobs (PHYS&ASTR), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST)

Department Head: Ramsey (ENGL)

Ex-Officio: Dean Venner, and Assoc. Dean Pernecky (CAS Dean’s Office)

Motion to add the election of alternates to the Undergraduate Council to the agenda.

Passed unanimously

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes (February 4, 2016)

Motion to approve minutes - approved 13 - 0 - 0

III. Reports

A. Arts Report

Motion to accept approved, 12 - 0 - 1

B. Sciences Report

Motion to Separate SPAI 396 – passed 13 - 0 - 0

Sciences report was accepted 13 - 0 - 0

SPAI 396 - Not approve with comments to this course for the following reasons:


title does not reflect content on autism,


sociology curriculum has issues with the proposed title and the suggestion of and reflection to the sociology of families,


syllabus lack an explanation of the grading system.


Title could be confusing - "social psychology" is redundant across curriculum. There are already two undergraduate courses with "social psychology" in their titles, one is

psychology and one in sociology, and the students are confused about which to take for their specific program.

Motion to not approve passed, 13 - 0 - 0

Vote on Alternate to Undergraduate Council:

Natural Sciences: Erick Paradis (P&A)

Social Sciences - Grigoris Agereros (SAC)

Arts - Deron Overpeck (CMTA)

Humanities - Jamie Ward (ENG)

IIII. Update on URSLC

The committee will meet about FRFs

Susan Moeller suggests that standard operating procedures are created by the college council chairs and used by URSLC

V. Dean's Remarks

The Dean's office has been asked to create a GA allocation process by April 21, 2016.

Stipends for GAs range from $7,500- $1,000

Questions that arose:

• Does the funding that is provided to GAs correlate to minimum wage? Response:

Do not know whether stipends are tied to minimum wage.

• Has there been an analysis that are allocated to each department? Yes, Wade conducted a survey and has that data.

• Has there been an analysis of how the positions are being used? Yes, the Dean's office has an excel sheet with that data.

• Will there be a cut in GAs? Dean Venner said that it should not be assumed that

GAs are going to be cut.

Since we won't have a proposal by the April 21 st deadline we may need to go into the spring or fall to make a decision.

Dean Venner asked that we think about whether it makes sense to fill all teaching, then research, then service. Need to consider different scenarios. For example, if you had more, if you had less, how would the process go forward?

Departments should see this as an opportunity to make a case for GAs.

VI. Chair's Remarks

Remember that the next meeting we will have elections. Select CAC chair in April, chair receives course release. Need to elect reps to the University Research and Sabbatical Leave

Committee- one from Arts and one from Sciences. These are 2 year commitments.

VII. Faculty Remarks none

Adjourned at 4:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Regina Luttrell – recording secretary
