Eastern Michigan University College of Arts & Sciences College Advisory Council Minutes

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts & Sciences
College Advisory Council
February 17, 2011
Scheduled Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
122 King
Present: Blair (MATH), Knapp (PSY), Emal (CHEM), Clark (GEOG&GEOL),
Kurta (BIOL), Behringer (PHY & ASTR), Vosteen (WL), Haynes (COSC), Dieterle
(PHIL/HIST), Nord (Sciences DH), Hammill (CMTA), Lucy (ENGL), Coykendall
(WGST), Tornquist (Dean’s Office), Monteiro-Ferreira (AAS), Sacksteder (ART)
I. Call to order (3:31 PM)
II. Acceptance of January minutes/email vote.
Passes unanimously.
III. Reports
A. Arts committee report
Minutes read by Vosteen. Report accepted unanimously.
B. Sciences committee report
Minutes read by Knapp. Motion (Haynes) that the ANTH proposals be separated
from the report. The amended report, less the ANTH proposals, was accepted
IV. Old Business
A. Changes to College Input Document
The AAUP requested that we delete the parenthetical remark in III.A.2.a (deleted
in the attachment). Motion to approve (Hammill, Coykendall). Passed
unanimously. The amended College Input Document now goes to all CAS
B. IESS Steering Committee
During a prior meeting, CAC had decided the steering committee to have a
particular structure (detailed in the minutes from November 18, 2010). But IESS
has developed its own steering committee that will serve as the “Personnel and
Finance” committee for the program. This committee may not address the
concerns of the CAC. Motion (Clark) to send Emal and Dieterle to meet the
Environmental Science Action Committee to discuss the concerns of CAC.
Passed unanimously.
V. New Business
A. Interdisciplinary Program Committee
The Dean has suggested that the CAC form such a committee. The suggestion is
considered but not acted upon because the membership of the committee would
logically depend on the nature of the proposal.
VI. Dean’s remarks
Tornquist states that 47 requests for faculty positions were received and are
under review and the Dean’s Office hopes to have them ranked by next week.
The University’s budget for this fiscal year was based on 3% increase on tuition.
Given current circumstances, approximately $2M of cuts have to be made. Some
will be absorbed by the Provost’s Office and the CAS will absorb some by using
CE revenue. The ABBP programmatic funding is probably safe; funding that has
already been promised will not be taken back.
Governor Snyder released his proposed budget today and that includes $11M
decrease of state support to EMU.
Discussion ensues regarding where budget cuts could be made.
VII. Chair’s remarks
VIII. Faculty remarks
None. X. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:16 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ernie Behringer CAC Secretary 