Document 13557585

Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council Minutes Thursday, March 14, 2013 Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30-­‐5:00pm Pray-­‐Harrold, Room 219 Present: Higgins (WGST), Johnson (CHEM), Vosteen (WL), Laporte (CAS AD), Dove (PSYC), Venner (CAS Dean), Wylo (P&A), Angell (BIO), Rescorla (MATH), Dionne (ENGL), Woodland (ECON), Dieterle (H&P), Hammill (CMTA), Moore (COSC), Sacksteder (ART), Singh (PLSC), LoDuca (G&G), Sambrook (Science DH), Ensor (SAC) Absent: Mehuron (CAS AD), Foster (M&D), Ramsey (DH-­‐Arts), Perry (AAS) Visitors: None I. Call to order by CAC Chair, Jill Dieterle, at 3:33 pm II. Approval of Minutes Full CAC Meeting of 2/7/13: Minutes approved unanimously (15-­‐0-­‐0) Arts Report and Minutes: Higgins moved to approve with one correction—
Correction: Higgins was listed as absent but was actually present; Passed unanimously (15-­‐0-­‐0) Move to approve that Public Health major discussion and decision be separated from rest of Arts minutes (Passed unanimously 15-­‐0-­‐0) Sciences Report and Minutes: Wylo moved to approve— Passed unanimously (15-­‐0-­‐0) Move to approve that Public Health major discussion and decision be separated from rest of Sciences minutes (Passed unanimously; 15-­‐0-­‐0) Marianne Laporte reported that the Public Health major has already been approved by the Provost’s Office, though it was not passed by either the Arts or the Sciences subcommittees. As such, a motion regarding the already approved Public Health major was drafted as follows: CAS CAC requests that the Provost’s office reconsider the approval of the Public Health program until the concerns of both the Arts and Sciences subcommittee are reflected in a new proposal for this program. More specifically, the concerns are as follows: 1. SAC may not be able to staff a required course (SOCL/ANTH 345, Ethnographic Methods) for this program frequently enough. 2. AAS, Philosophy and Political Science wanted some input regarding consideration of some of their courses (e.g., AAS 351, The Social Context of African American Health and PHIL 223, Medical Ethics) for inclusion in the creation of this new program. 3. Both the “Recommended Critical Components for an Undergraduate
Major in Public Health” document provided and the comparison of the
curriculum from Rutgers and Johns Hopkins (upon which the proposed
EMU suggested that majors’ level biology and chemistry should be
required in a program of this type, but this program currently allows
students to choose EITHER biology OR chemistry at the non-major
level. As such, we would like to suggest that BIO 110 and CHEM
121/122 be placed within this program in place of the currently
proposed courses in these disciplines (BIO 105 or CHEM 115).
III. IV. V. Motion passed unanimously (15-­‐0-­‐0) Old Business: Program Review. At this point, Jill Dieterle solicited feedback from the departments regarding the program review plan presented by Kate Mehuron at the last meeting. Feedback given was as follows: a. One department felt there was not enough specific mention of resources for research within this program review plan. Research is mentioned in two places: Sections 3A5 and 4A2. Chair Dieterle suggested that these criteria stem directly from the Higher Education Learning Commission so they probably cannot be edited too much. b. Is there any consideration of not doing program review and assessment pieces in the same year? Chair Dieterle answered that assessment is one piece of program review. Departments may paste their assessment reports into the program review report. Motion to approve the program review with the two comments above passed (14-­‐0-­‐1) Constituents will be able to give additional feedback on this issue at the April 2013 CAC meeting. New Business: None Dean’s remarks: Every year CAS Dean’s office does an annual report. Much of this report is based upon progress made toward the strategic plan. Dean VI. Venner had a draft of a survey he would like to send out to the faculty within the next 1-­‐2 weeks to request input on this process and the progress made at both the department and college level. As such, the survey was distributed for input. Dean Venner received some preliminary, constructive feedback about the survey from present CAC members. Survey will go out to all faculty via surveymonkey shortly. Chair’s remarks: Changes to the input document for the CCRSL passed among the CAS faculty as a whole 92-­‐9. As such, those changes have been passed on to AHR and the relevant union representatives. There will be another election for the URSLC at the next meeting. A faculty member from the Sciences needs to be elected this year to replace or re-­‐elect Natalie Dove. Members of CAC need to ask faculty members if they are willing to serve on this committee so that interested parties may be nominated and voted upon next month. VII. Faculty remarks: None. VIII. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:11pm. Respectfully submitted, Natalie Dove (CAC Secretary 2012-­‐2013) 