Eastern Michigan University College of Arts & Sciences College Advisory Council

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts & Sciences
College Advisory Council
January 8, 2015, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
219 Pray-Harrold
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes (November 13, 2014)
III. Recommendations of the Sciences Committee (December 11, 2014)
HMSV 300 new course proposal
HMSV 400 new course proposal
HMSV 499 new course proposal
Human Services Minor new program proposal
Motion to table the new course proposals and minor proposal until we consider the
comments from the psychology department regarding these proposals passed by a vote of
6-0-0. [These proposals were subsequently approved with comments over email after the
PSYC comments were distributed.]
IV. Recommendations of the Arts Committee (December 11, 2014)
A. Africology and African-American Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
A motion to not approve the following Proposal for New Program and Requests for
New Courses carried 4-2-5.
a. Minor in Diversity Studies
b. DVS 200 Introduction to Diversity Studies
c. DVS 442 Capstone Seminar in Diversity Studies
B. Music and Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
The following Proposals to Revise Programs and Request for New Course were
approved 11-0-0.
a. Music Performance Major (Instrumental) – With Specialization in Guitar,
Keyboard, Strings, Winds or Percussion
b. Music Performance Major (Vocal)
c. MUSC 460 Pedagogy of Music Performance
C. Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences
The following Request for New Course was approved 11-0-0.
a. CRM 229 Green Criminology
D. World Languages, College of Arts and Sciences
The following Proposals to Revise Programs and Requests for New Courses were
approved 11-0-0.
a. Master of Arts in Languages for International Trade (German) GLIT
b. Master of Arts in Foreign Languages – German (GERN)
c. GERN 460 Theory and Practice of German Translation
d. GERN 560 Theory and Practice of German Translation
E. Leadership & Counseling , College of Education
A motion to not pass the following Proposal for New Program and Requests for New
Courses with the comment “Evidence of support from all participating departments
was not provided” carried 10-0-1.
a. Undergraduate Minor in Human Services
b. HMSV 300 Interviewing, Intervention and Case Management Skills in the
Human Services
c. HMSV 400 Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Human Services
d. HMSV 499 Field Experience in Human Services
F. Management, College of Business
The following Request for New Course was passed 11-0-0.
a. MGMT 548 International Human Resource Management
V. Summer 2015 Instructional Budget/Recommended Maximum Gen Ed Sections: Faculty Input
VI. Faculty Remarks
• Plans for buildings and campus (Egge)
VII. Summer meetings: Proposals from the procedures committee
VIII. Dean’s Remarks
• Rankings of faculty position requests
IX. EMU-AAUP matters