Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council Arts Committee

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts and Sciences
College Advisory Council
Arts Committee
Minutes of Sept. 18, 2014 Meeting
Pray Harrold 219
Present: Garrido (WL), Kim (ECON), Higgins (WGST), Kindred (CMTA), Merrill (M&D), Ramsey
(DH ENGL), Plagens (PLSC), Egge (H&P), Ensor (SAC), Molloy (ART), Peters (AAAS), Vosteen
(guest, WL).
Meeting was called to order by outgoing chair Vosteen at 3:35 p.m.
Ensor was elected chair and Egge was elected secretary by acclamation.
Minutes of April 3 and April 17 were approved 9-0-1.
New Business
A. CAS Advisory Council Resolution on the role of EMU in the EAA
Resolution was approved 10-0-0. Kindred and Merrill volunteered to present the
resolution on behalf of CAS faculty at Monday’s Board of Regents meeting.
B. College of Arts and Sciences Proposals
1. HIST 341 The Middle East, 1789 to the Present
Request for Course Revisions was approved 10-0-0.
2. Interdisciplinary Environmental Science and Society (IESS) major
Proposal to Revise Programs was tabled 10-0-0. The committee requests that
the requirements for the concentrations be clarified by making the
formatting more consistent. We also ask that the numbers of credit hours for
each concentration and its components be verified--the required restricted
electives for the Environmental Biology Concentration is given alternately as
15 credit hours and 18 credit hours.
3. ENVI 488 Internship
Request for New Course was tabled 9-1-0, with a request for more clarity and
detail. In particular, do all methods of delivery apply to this class (#6)?
4. HNRS 100 Interdisciplinary Exploration of Global Issues
Request for New Course was tabled 10-0-0 so that the originating program
can make the rationale and catalog description more general, in accordance
with its intention for the class.
5. GERN 460 and GERN 560 Theory and Practice of German Translation
Request for New Course was not approved 9-0-1, with these comments:
“Separate proposals should be submitted for the graduate and
undergraduate versions of the course, and a request for a new required
course should be accompanied by a Proposal to Revise Programs. Please
clarify whether GERN 443 is a prerequisite for both the undergraduate and
graduate versions of the class, and whether Language for International
Careers (German) is a graduate or undergraduate program. The committee
also recommends that the first sentence of the course description be edited
for clarity.”
C. College of Business Proposals
1. MKTG 300 Sustainability in Marketing and Supply Chain
Request for New Course was tabled 9-1-0. Because this course is to be a
restricted elective in the Sustainability Minor, a letter of support from the
Department of Geography and Geology is needed, and the Science
Committee should consider this proposal.
D. College of Technology Proposals
1. HRM 455 Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry
Request for New Course was tabled to 9-0-1 because we did not have time to
consider this proposal.
V. Meeting adjourned 5:01 p.m.
Submitted by James Egge, secretary