AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF YI-PYGN FANG for the degree of in FOREST PRODUCTS presented on MASTER OF SCIENCE Xi?VI /5 /PIO Title: KRAFT GREEN LIQUOR PULPING OF DOUGLAS-FIR FOR CORRUGATING MEDIUM Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy (1/4Talter Tj. Bublit6 Douglas-fir wood chips from Oregon were pulped with kraft green liquor to produce semi-chemical pulps with properties suitable for the manufacture of corrugating medium. The effects of five cook- ing variables were studied, chemical charge, chip size, bark content of chips, pulping temperature, and liquor sulfidity. The combinations of levels of these five independent variables were chosen according to an incomplete block design, which allowed a maximum amount of statistical information to be obtained from only 30 individual cooks. Pulping properties studied were pulp yield, total solids of the waste liquor, pH of the waste liquor, the hypo number test of the pulp, and such pulp strength properties as Concora crush strength, tensile, burst, tear, and stiffness. Chemical charge is the most important single variable affecting pulp yield, tensile strength, and Concora strength, whereas the salfidity does not affect the pulp yield but does affect the tensile and Concora strengths. Cooking temperature, bark content, and chip size have less significant effects on pulp yields and pulp strength properties. Green liquor pulps have distinctly darker colors than neutral sulfite pulps from the same wood species, and the former pulp forms denser sheets than the latter. Generally speaking, green liquor semi-chemical Douglas-fir pulps are equivalent to or slightly lower in quality than other commer- cial semi-chemical pulps in Concora strength, but equal or slightly superior to them in tensile and bursting strengths. The deficiency in Concora strength can be overcome with increased refining, and the slightly higher pulp yield and elimination of the causticizing step make the green liquor semi-chemical process more attractive for corrugating medium. .444 Kraft Green Liquor Pulping of Douglas-fir for Corrugating Medium by Yi-Pygn Fang A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1977 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy < ear Associate Professor frf Forest Products in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head obiepartment of Forest Products i Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate Schlool Date thesis is presented je"/4096 Typed by Opal Grossnicklaus for Yi-Pygn Fang ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writer wishes to express his sincere and deep appreciation to his major professor, Dr. Walter J. Bublitz, for his encouragement and competent guidance and untiring help throughout the study. With- out his help and support, this thesis would never have been possible. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Kenneth Rowe of the Oregon State University Statistics Department for his assistance with statis- tical analysis and to Dr. Murray Laver for his kind assistance and encouragement. The writer extends his appreciation to Jerry L. Hull for his help and suggestions regarding experimental procedure. The writer is deeply grateful to his parents for their understanding and encouragement of his study in the United States. The deepest gratitude is expressed to Irene for her help and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW Corrugating Me dium Kraft Process Neutral Sulfite Semi -Chemical (NSSC) Process Cross Recovery Green Liquor Semi-Chemical (GLSC) Process Experimental Design 5 6 9 11 18 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 22 Material Flow Sheet Sample Selection Sample Preparation 22 23 23 23 25 25 26 28 29 30 Chips Chemical Treatment Preparation of Cooking Liquor Cooking Conditions Hypo Number Test Chip Disintegration Pulp Refining Handsheet Formation Handsheet Testing RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sample Preparation Pulping Results Total Solids in Waste Liquor pH Value of Waste Liquor Pulp Yield Hypo Number Test Chip Disintegration and Pulp Refining Clearance Determination Power Consumption and Initial Freeness PFI Refiner Pulp Quality Introduction Concora Strength Tensile Strength 31 31 34 34 34 35 35 38 38 43 43 44 45 46 46 47 50 Bursting Strength Tearing Strength Stiffness (MOE) Freeness, Bulk, and PFI Revolutions Stiffness and Coricora Strength Comparison of Different Semi-Chemical Pulps GLSC and NSSC Softwood GLSC and NSSC Hardwood 53 57 57 60 65 66 66 66 SUMMARY 69 CONCLUSIONS 73 BIBLIOGRAPHY 76 APPENDIX 79 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure Simplified diagram of the kraft recovery process. 7 Simplified block diagram of the cross-recovery process. 10 Diagram showing cyclic nature of the kraft recovery process and GLSC process. 13 Flow sheet of materials (experimental procedure) 22 LIST OF TABLES Page Table Cooking conditions. 19 Experimental plan. 21 Summary of physical tests. 33 Size and classification of Douglas-fir chips. 34 Multiple regression of cooking variables to pulping results. 36 Predicted maximum value of pulping results. 37 Hypo number test. 40 Hypo number vs. beating revolution (PFI). 42 Hypo number vs. beating revolution (PFI). 42 9-1. Hypo number vs. beating revolution (PFI). 42 Disintegration data. (Bauer Refiner). 43 Power consumption. 44 Refining data. (PFI mill) 45 Multiple regression of cooking variables to Concora strength. 48 Predicted maximum value of pulp properties. (Concora strength, Bursting strength, and Tensile strength) 51 . Multiple regression of cooking variables to Breaking 17. length. 54 Multiple regression of cooking variables to Burst factor. 55 Multiple regression of cooking variables to Tear factor. 58 Page Table 17-1. Predicted maximum value of pulp properties. (Tear factor, Stiffnes (MOE), Bulk, Freeness, and PFI Revolution) 59 Multiple regression of cooking variables to stiffness (MOE). Multiple regression of cooking variables to Freeness, 61 ml CSF. 62 Multiple regression of cooking variables to bulk. 63 Multiple regression of cooking variables to PFI revs. 64 Comparison of QLSC and NSSC softwood corrugating medium- handsheet data. 67 Comparison of GLSC and NSSC hardwood corrugating medium - handsheet data. 68 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Appendix Table Page Simple linear regression of pulp qualities. 79 Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulping results. 80 Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties (200 ml CSF level). 81 Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties (1,000 PFI revolutions level). 83 Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties (1. 8 cc/gm Bulk level). 85 Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties (0 PFI revolutions 7, level). 87 Original data. 89 KRAFT GREEN LIQUOR PULPING OF DOUGLAS-FIR FOR CORRUGATING MEDIUM INTRODUCTION Corrugating medium, the inner, fluted portion of a corrugated box, is a major commodity in the pulp and paper industry. Corru- gated boxes are an important item in all industries, and have shown steady growth over the past decade with a projected continuation of this growth rate. Traditionally, most corrugating medium has been manufactured by the neutral sulfite semi-chemical process (NSSC process), but witli the advent of more stringent pollution laws, dumping of the un- treated NSSC waste liquor into rivers or the ocean is prohibited. Chemical recovery processes have been developed for NSSC liquors, but they are tediuos, complex, and involve significant capital investment. Very few such processes have been installed commercially. In recent years, a hybrid recovery process called "crossrecovery" has been developed for recovery of NSSC waste liquors in a kraft mill recovery system. The NSSC mill "sells" its waste liquor to the kraft mill, and the NSSC chemicals become the make-up chemical for the kraft recovery system, thus avoiding dumping of the untreated NSSC waste liquor and simultaneously furnishing make- up chemical for the kraft mill. The two mills must be located on the same site, or very close to each other, and in addition to various operating problems in the kraft recovery mill, there is a further restriction of the output of the NSSC mill based on the kraft mill output. While it has proved feasible in many cases, it is thus not a universal answer to the problems of corrugating medium manufacture. Kraft green liquor, which is the intermediate stage of conversion of kraft white liquor from kraft black liquor, has been the subject of investigation in recent years for the manufacture of corrugating medium. It is a milder pulping chemical than kraft white liquor, and theoretically should be obtainable in any quantity from a kraft recovery system without upsetting the chemical balance. The field is relatively new and untapped, and considerably more information should be obtained to put this concept of pulping into proper perspective. Hardwood species have been traditionally used for corrugating medium, but in recent years various softwoods such as Georgia pine and Douglas-fir have been utilized as mills have discovered proper methods of pulping these species. Douglas-fir, because of its preva- lence and good structural qualities, is the major lumber species in the Pacific Northwest region, and thus Douglas-fir chips produced as a residual material from the manufacture of lumber are the commonest and one of the cheapest fiber sources in this region. For these reasons, Douglas-fir was chosen for this project as the source of wood for the kraft green liquor semi-chemical pulping process for the manufacture of corrugating medium. The basic objectives of this project: . To study the effect of chemical charge, chip size, bark content, cooking temperature, and liquor sulfidity on green liquor pulping of Douglas-fir for corrugating medium. 2, To investigate the cooking conditions for optimizing pulp proper- ties desirable for corrugating medium. LITERATURE REVIEW Kraft green liquor has been studied recently as an alternative chemical to NSSC liquor for production of corrugating medium with good success (Worster, 1973). It is a milder pulping material than kraft white liquor and seems to impart the desired qualities to the semi-chemical pulp for the production of corrugating medium. Only a few articles have been published regarding green liquor pulping for semi-chemical pulps, including articles by Vardheim of Defibrator Aktiebolag (1967), Yerger of Owens-Illinois (1972), Worster (1973), Battan, Ahlquist and Snyder (1975), Charbonnier, Rushton and Schwalbe (1974), and Dawson (1974). No mention has been made in these articles of green liquor pulping on Douglas-fir for corrugating medium. Corrugating Medium Corrugating medium, the inner, fluted portion of a corrugated box, is a major commodity in the pulp and paper industry. Corru- gated boxes are an important item in all industries, being used for the shipping of materials as diverse as heavy machinery to food, and this segment of the paper industry has shown steady growth over the past decade with a projected continuation of this growth rate. Rebeck (1973) reported that the corrugated box industry has an average rate 5 of growth of 5. 7 percent per year for the ten year period from 1963 to 1972. Pollitzer (1972) reported that in the U. S. about 4.3 million tons of corrugating medium are produced annually. At a price of $200 per ton, this represents an income of $860 million nationally. Corrugating medium is normally made by a high-yield pulping process from a variety of woods, and hardwoods have been traditionally favored for this product. In recent years various softwoods such as Douglas-fir and southern pine have been utilized as mills have discovered proper methods of pulping these species. Properties of corrugating medium and corrugating boards made from NSSC, GLSC, and Kraft SC pulps were covered by Chides ter (1969), Becker and Galdwell (1974), Charbonnier (1974), Dawson (1974), and Battan et al. (1975). Kraft Process In the kraft (sulfate) process a mixture of sodium sulfide (Na2S) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used to pulp the wood to produce a pulp of high quality. Sodium sulfate (Na2S04) is used as a make-up chemical to replace any chemical losses during pulping and liquor recovery. The major inorganic reactions of liquor components were discussed by Wenzl (1967), Whitney (1968), and Clayton (1969). The reactions of the cooking chemicals with lignin were reported by Clayton (1968), and Wenzl (1967). Spent liquors from the kraft process (black liquor) are recovered through the recovery system which includes the multiple effect evaporator, recovery furnace, and causticizing requirement. This operation is discussed by Wenzl (1967), Whitney (1968), Casey (1961), and Tomlinson and Richter (1969). The chemical losses (sodium salt) in the kraft process might normally be between 5 and 15% of the total amount circulating. Sod- ium sulfate (Na2SO4) as the make-up chemical is added to the heavy black liquor prior to incineration being subsequently reduced in the recovery furnace by the carbon monoxide. A simplified diagram which illustrates the cyclic nature of the kraft recovery process is shown in Fig 1. Neutral Sulfite Semi-Chemical (NSSC) Process Semi-chemical pulping is a two-stage pulping process; in the first stage a mild chemical treatment is used for partial removal of lignin and hemicellulose to weaken the intercellular bonding of chips, followed by mechanical treatment to separate the individual fibers. Because of the mild nature of the pulping chemicals and the short cooking time, the pulp yield is relatively high, usually about 60 to 80% (Chidester, 1969). Traditionally, most corrugating medium has been manufactured water chips mud washer white liquor digester (Na2 S + NaOH ( CaCO3 ) NI weak black liquor (R-ONa, R-SH, R-SNa) clarifier mud thickener [Ca(OH)2 + Na2C causticizer 2 Na0 + CaCO CaCO3 lime kiln CaO-"t green liquor (Na2CO3 + Na2S) evaporator green liquor clarifier strong black liquor dregs washer dissolving tank smelt makeup chemical (Na2 SO4 recovery furnace ) (Na2 SO4 + CO weak liquor Na2S + 4 CO2) A (R-ONa - Na2 CO3 + heat) Fig. 1 Simplified diagram of the kraft recovery process. by the NSSC process which was developed in the 1930 s (Worster, 1973; Chidester, 1969). In this process, the wood chips are pulped with a solution of sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) containing small amounts of an alkaline agent such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) for relatively short periods of time, varying from 15 to 60 minutes. Some lignin and hemicellulose are removed through sulfonation and hydrolysis, and the rigid matrix in which the wood fibers are bound together is softened. After washing, the cooked chips, which are still quite hard due to the high lignin content, are sent to a disk mill for disintegrating. Further refining is usually needed to develop the necessary pulp properties for the end product. Spent liquors from NSSC mills do not contain many compounds specifically toxic to aquatic life, but because of the deep color and biodegradable material that can consume dissolved oxygen in water, they are objectionable if dumped untreated into streams of limited flow. NSSC spent liquor can be collected, evaporated, burned, and converted back into fresh NSSC liquor in a manner similar to the kraft recovery process that has proven so successful. The pulping process and properties of NSSC pulps are covered by Casey (1966), Rydholm (1967), Chidester (1969), and 9 McGovern (1962). Cross Recovery The chemistry of the NSSC recovery process is considerably more complex than that of the kraft process, and the heat value per pound of solids of NSSC spent liquor is lower than that of the kraft spent liquor (6 to 12 million Btu for NSSC vs. 21 million for kraft per ton of pulp produced) (Chidester, 1969; Wenzl, 1967). Thus capital investments are higher and the process is much more difficult to con- trol than the kraft recovery process. Because of the low initial cost of the cooking chemicals, sulfur and caustic, there has been little economic incentive for the high capital expenditure for recovery plants. In recent years, an economical and effective method adopted by a number of mills in the industry is that of cross-recovery (Worster, 1973; Chidester, 1969) in which both NSSC and kraft operations are conducted at the same site. The kraft mill is built conventionally, except that the recovery system is designed larger than necessary for a lone kraft mill, of the same pulp capacity. The spent NSSC liquors are introduced to the kraft recovery system, where they are evaporated, burned, causticized, and converted to kraft white liquor. The sulfur (S) and soda (NaOH) obtained from NSSC spent liquor can be considered as a source of make-up 10 pulping chemicals for the kraft process, and it replaces the traditional source of this material, namely salt cake (Na2 SO4 ). The kraft mill credits the NSSC mill for the value of these chemicals supplied, which partially offsets the cost of fresh sulfur and alkali for the NSSC mill. The NSSC mill buys fresh raw material for pulping and pre- pares fresh cooking liquor for each batch.. A simplified diagram which illustrates the cross-recovery process is shown in Fig. 2. NSSC MILL KRAFT MILL White liquor Digester Causticizing department Weak 'black liquor Recovery furnace Fig. 2. Evaporator Fresh chemicals Digester Weak spent liquor, as makeup chemicals for kraft process Simplified block diagram of the cross-recovery process. In the cross-recovery process, the chemical balance of the system may be perfect, or there may be an excess of chemicals coming from the NSSC process to supply make-up chemicals for the In the cross-recovery process, the chemical balance of the system may be perfect, or there may be an excess of chemicals coming from the NSSC process to supply make-up chemicals for the kraft process. To utilize all of the chemical from the NSSC spent liquor, the kraft mill should have about three times the pulp capacity of the NSSC mill (Chidester, 1969). Otherwise, the mill (kraft) must dis- pose of its excess liquor, usually the green liquor. This is done by the Western Kraft Co. mill in Albany, Oregon, which sells its excess green liquor to other kraft mills. Production of NSSC pulp in excess Of this limit leads to operating problems in the kraft recovery plant, such as high liquor viscosity, imbalance of the sodium-sulfur ratio, lower heat value per pound of spent liquor solids (due to the lower organic content of the NSSC spent liquor), which makes it more difficult to maintain combustion in the recovery furnace. Green Liquor Semi-Chemical (GLSC) Process During recent years kraft green liquor has been considered as an alternative chemical to NSSC liquor in the semi-chemical pulping process for producing corrugating medium. The GLSC process has several advantages over the NSSC process in a cross-recovery situation. 1. There should be no restrictions to the ratio of semi-chemical to kraft pulp production. Based on actual commercial practice 12 at the Georgia-Pacific mill in Toledo, Oregon, the organicinorganic ratio and the sodium-sulfur ratio of the semi-chemical spent liquors are very similar to those of the kraft spent liquors, and thus the operation of the recovery system is not affected by burning the semi-chemical spent liquors in any proportion. . The green liquor process could be installed in an existing kraft mill with little or no modification of existing equipment, assuming the recovery boiler and evaporator are large enough. 3. Capital investment for a green liquor pulping facility would be somewhat less than that for a comparable capacity kraft mill, and substantially below that for a NSSC mill with independent recovery. . The pulp mill making the medium does not need to purchase fresh pulping chemicals. Fig. 3 illustrates the cyclical nature of the kraft and GLSC processes. Vardheim (1967) has published the most definitive article, justifying the idea on the basis of reduced water pollution compared to a NSSC mill. He reported that mill production material was com- parable in quality to standard NSSC medium, with the exception of darker color and slight odor to the green liquor medium. Yerger (1972) reported that a variety of treated green liquors were used to prepare corrugating medium, and that the latter were comparable in quality white liquor chips causticizing department digester green liquor digeste cooked chips pulp KRAFT MILL weak black liquor Fig. 3. recovery furnace evaporator GLSC MILL spe t liquor Diagram showing cyclic nature of the kraft recovery process and GLSC process. 14 with commercial NSSC medium. A German patent of Cederquist and Defibrator (1973) reported that "GLSC spent liquor is thickened and subjected to combustion to give a Na sulfide and Na carbonate smelt, which is dissolved in water for the preparation of new cooking liquor. " Considerable work has been done in eastern Europe (Szwarcsztajn, 1968; Lyubavskaya and Sazonova, 1971), but the information published is sketchy. Worster (1973) reveiwed recent developments in semi- chemical pulping and stated "The green liquor pulping process has a very low capital cost compared to sodium base NSSC pulping and is particularly attractive for an integrated NSSC kraft mill. It Dawson (1974) reported that, in the laboratory evaluation of green liquor semichemica.1 hardwood (predominantly oak and gum) pulp, tensile strength and Concora strength of GLSC pulps were similar to those of Olinkraft's NSSC pulps at 75% yield. A possible exception may be that the tensile strength of the GLSC tends to drop off below 200 CSF, whereas the NSSC pulp does not. Less chemicals were required with green liquor pulping to produce the desired 75% yield pulp than are required with neutral sulfite pulp. It was apparent that the GLSC pulp had higher lignin contents at equal yields. It also appears that the GLSC and NSSC pulps required essentially the same amount of refining work (Valley beater) to drop the freeness from 500 to 200 ml CSF. Mill trials indicated that tensile and Concora strengths of GLSC 15 pulps were equivalent to those of NSSC pulps, and both NSSC and GLSC pulps were lower in tensile and Concora strength than the corresponding laboratory produced pulps. A general tendency for green liquor pulps was that they required more beating time to lower the freeness to 500 ml CSF. Also GLSC pulps may exhibit slightly greater densities. Dawson then concluded that the GLSC hardwood pulp was equiva- lent to Olinkraft's NSSC pulp in properties desirable for corrugating medium, except that the former showed a slightly lower caliper and required the use of a wetting agent on the paper machine to give desired water absorption properties. The GLSC pulp had a distinctively darker color than NSSC pulp. Corrugator trials showed the GLSC corrugating mediur . to be equal to NSSC corrugating medium in handling, runnability, and quality. The Virginia Fibre Corporation, at Riverville, Va. , has carried out an experimental program to evaluate the possibilities of producing a high yield unbleached pine (Georgia pine) pulp by cooking with green liquor. Charbonnier, Rushton, and Schwalbe (1974) reported that in the pilot-plant runs, several rolls of 26-lb linerboard and 78-lb sack paper were produced with green-liquor pulped pine, and corrugating medium was produced with a furnish of 85% green-liquor-pulped hardwood (predominantly oak) and 15% green-liquor-pulped pine. The products were successfully converted in commercial operation 16 to produce sack paper and corrugating containers, but the tearing strength of the sack paper was substantially below that for most com- mercial sacks. The corrugating medium had a Concora strength of 88 lb/10 flutes, and a combined board flat crush of 37.6 psi. These figures are substantially above industry averages. The runnability of the corrugating medium was classed as "reasonably good" and would be expected to improve by reducing refining. The chemical charge and cooking time were both substantially greater than with green liquor semichemical pulping of the hardwoods, and the color of all the products was rather dark brown. These drawbacks might be offset by the high yield (average of 70% or higher) and the elimination of the causticizing and lime reburning equipment which is required in the kraft recovery process. Charbonnier et al. concluded that "the green liquor pine pulps should have a place in the production of linerboard for inside liners, for use in the bottom sheet of linerboard when a secondary headbox is used,. . and for heavyweight sack paper, can stock, fiber drum stock, laminated products, etc. " The Weyerhaeuser mill at Valliant, Oklahoma, uses a wood supply consisting of 90% mixed oaks (45% red oak and 45% white oak) and 10% other mixed hardwoods for the production of corrugating medium by cooking with green liquor or blends of NSSC liquor and 17 green liquor. Battan, Ahiquist, and Snyder (1975) reported that, in laboratory experiments, the yield with 100% NSSC liquor rises consid- erably with the decrease in cooking temperature but with the introduc- tion of green liquor the effect of temperature reduction on yield is considerably less. Concora values are not affected by the ratios of NSSC and green liquors but are highly dependent on the pulping temperature for all cooking liquors, dropping sharply as the cooking temperature is lowered below 160°C. This lost in Concora strength also takes place even though there is, in most cases, only a slight increase in yield. The 5 min. Kappa Number values indicate that, at higher cooking temperatures, the yield loss is being affected by cellulose being removed at a higher rate than lignin and that lignin condensation reactions may be taking place. The pulping temperature should thus be maintained above 160°C, and 170°C is preferable. Pulp yield cannot be expected to be over 72% while maintaining maximum pulp quality. The ratio of total chemicals from the NSSC liquor and the green liquor does not significantly affect the pulping characteristics of the system or the quality of the pulp produced. The variations in sulfidity of the green liquor will not signifi- cantly affect the pulping characteristics of the system or the quality of the pulp produced. in the pulping rate. Increased sulfidity causes only a slight increase 18 The 5 min Kappa Number tests do not provide a good indication of pulp yield and pulp quality. Blow pH may be used as an indication to determine if the percent total chemical charge is adequate. In mill practice, actual pulping temperatures were slightly less than those determined by research, and the cooking times were much longer. Total chemical charges of 8. 0-12. 0% Na20 based on o. d. wood produced good quality corrugating medium. The GLSC pulp is combined with refined kraft pulp, broke, and repulped corrugated carton clippings to produce corrugating medium. The resulting dark color corrugating medium has the same strength properties as those from NSSC pulps. Experimental Design The object of this project was to study the effect of five process variables, cooking temperature, chemical to wood ratio, sodium to sulfur ratio, chip size, and bark content on the pulping response Douglas-fir chips for production of GLSC corrugating medium. The cooking conditions and levels of variables are shown in Table 1. of Table 1. Cooking conditions. Variables Total alkali Levels )5-4- %* -2 Code Bark Code Chip size Code Sulfidity Code 0.0 % -2 in. IS 'Es 0 0 (+3/8 - 5/8) -1 0 % 15.0 -2 155.0 -2 1-2. t 0 14 , 2 +1 +2 7.5 5.0 (+1/16, -3/8) Temperature Code Liquor to wood ratio** Heat system Digester type S.E- -1 2.5 -1 20.0 25.0 -1 162.5 -1 0 170.0 0 +1 (+5/8 -1-1/8) +1 30.0 35.0 +1 +2 177.5 +1 4:1 Steam, indirect Rotary digester Schedule Time to temperature Time at temperature Pressure Blow time 10-15 min. 60 min. variable with temperature 5 min. Wood input Chips + Bark 10.0 +2 5,000 grn (0.D. )/cook *Total alkali % : (0.D. weight of total alkali (as Na20)/0. D. weight of wood) x 100. **Liquor to wood ratio: Total weight of liquor (includes water in wet wood)/total weight of wood (0. D. ). 185.0 +2 'Jr 20 The above variables were incorporated into a factorial experiment as described by Cochran and Cox (1957). The plan does not include cooks at all possible levels of the factorial design. This would involve a total of 5x5x5x5x3 = 1,875 cooks, but with the design as given by Cochran and Cox, only 30 cooks were involved. The plan is shown in Table 2. Multiple linear regression and simple linear regression programs were used in this project for the statistical analysis of the data giving the regression coefficients relating the response of the pulp properties (such as cooking yield, physical strengths, and pH's and total solids in spent liquor) to the individual cooking variables, as well as the interaction of the variables. This analysis can suggest optimum pulping conditions for the pulp properties, and would be valuable to those who may wish to use green liquor pulping in com- mercial practice. 21 Table 2. Experimental plan. N = 30 treatment combinations 5 x - variable 1/2 replicate of 25 factorial + star design + 6 points in the center Cooking variables Cook number* T. A. % Bark 9i, Chip size, in. Sulfidity X1 X2 X3 X4 7 6 19 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 27 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 9 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Temp. °C X5 1 -1 -1 1 -1 24 1 -1 -1 5 -1 1 1 13 1 1 1 4 -1 11 1 1 22 30 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 28 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 12 1 -1 -1 1 1 14 -1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 2** 0 1 -2 16 2 26 25 0 0 -2 0 0 2 20 23 0 0 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29*** 21*** 2*** 8*** 17*** 18*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 *Randomized order. **Only 3 levels of chip size were used in the actual experimental work as per Cochran's plan. These two experiments were thus not performed. ***Control cooks, 6 replication of the cooks in the center of the plan. 22 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Material Flow Sheet Douglas-fir Chips SECTION (I). Chemical Treatments Screening Small Medium Chemical % Temperature °C % Bark Large Rotary Digester Sulfidity T. S., pH of Waste Liquor Cooked Chips Yield Bauer Refiner SECTION (II). Mechanical Treatments Hypochlorite Number 1 Defiberated Pulp 1 PFI Mill Handsheets Physical Testing Fig. 4. Flow sheet of materials. % 23 Sample Selection This project was part of the project "Kraft green liquor pulping of red alder and Douglas-fir for production of corrugating medium," which was to study wood variations and process variables in order to provide optimum manufacturing conditions for commercial practice for red alder as well as for Douglas-fir woods. This part of the whole project was devoted to the study of Douglas-fir wood. Since the bark content varies from cook to cook, it was more convenient to obtain the bark and chips separately. Bark- free commercial Douglas-fir chips were obtained from the Western Kraft Corp. mill at Albany, Oregon, and Douglas-fir bark was obtained frotr4 Oregon State University's McDonald Forest. Sample Preparation Chips Several drums of bark-free Douglas-fir chips were thoroughly blended together. A random sample of the chips was screened using the Williams chip classifier, and the chips were separated into the following fractions: +1-1/8", - 1-1/8" + 7/8", - 7/8" +5/8", - 5/8" + 3/8", - 3/8" + 3/16", - 3/16" + 1/16", and - 1/16". The symbol - 7/8 + 5/8" means that the fraction passed through the 7/8" screen but was retained on the 5/8" screen. 24 The statistical program called for three chip sizes, - 3/8", + 3/8" - 5/8", and + 5/8" with the fine (- 1/16") and oversized (+1-1/8") chips being screened out. The well mixed chips were packed in fiber drums lined with polyethylene bags and stored in a cold room at 4°C for one week to allow the moisture content to come to equilibrium. Bark from McDonald Forest was chipped and screened, and the fine (- 1/16") and oversized (+ 1-1/8") bark fractions were screened out. The chipped bark was thoroughly mixed, and stored in a cold room similarly to the chips. Three replicate solids determinations were made on the bark and on the three different chip fractions, and averaged to give the values used for calculating the oven dry weights of bark and chips used in the pulping experiments. The percent solids were calculated using the following formula: Oven dry weight of chips (or bark) dried at 105 Solids % Wet weight of chips (or bark) of, 100 The solids contents were checked at regular intervals to check for any possible changes in moisture. 25 Chemical Treatment Preparation of Cooking Liquor The synthetic green liquor for each cooking experiment was prepared according to the statistical design, as given in Table 1. Green liquor produced in a kraft mill usually contains a small amount of NaOH, because weak white liquor is sometimes used to dissolve the furnace smelt. In green liquor semi-chemical pulping, however, a causticizing step is not required, so NaOH was not used in this experiment. Predetermined amounts of Na2 CO3 (technical grade) and a concentrated stock solution of Na2 S (technical grade) were mixed with tap water to give a final liquor to wood ratio of 4:1. The concentrations of sodium sulfide (Na2S), sodium carbonate (Na2 CO3 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the cooking liquors were measured using the titration procedure of TAPPI Standard Method T 624 m-60. B = Effect alkali = NaOH + -24-Na2S = (Vol. HC1 to pH 7. 5) x (N HC1) x 6. 2 C = Active alkali = NaOH + Na2S = (Vol. 1-1C1 to pH 7. 5) x (N HC1) x 6. 2 (as Na20) g/1 -- with BaC1 (as Na20) g/1 with BaC12 & formaldehyde A = Total alkali = NaOH + Na2CO3 + Na2S = (Vol. HC1 to pH 4. 0) x (N HC1) x 6. 2 (as Na2 0) g/1 26 % Sulfidity = 2 ((C-B)/A) x 100 = (Na2 S/(Na2S + NaOH + Na2 CO3 )) x 100 as Na20) Note: 5 ml liquor sample was used for titration. Cooking Conditions The digester used had a rotating speed of 1/3 rpm, and was heated with either an external heat jacket or by direct steam injection. The steam flow to the digester was regulated by a Honeywell Electronik 15 Cam Controller. The internal digester pressure was checked with two gages, one in the control panel and the other on the digester. The internal digester temperature was measured with a thermocouple. Because steam line condensate would change the liquor to wood ratio in the digester, direct steam injection was not used. Instead the temperature was regulated using the external heating jacket. The controller matched the thermocouple temperature with the set point temperature by changing the amount of steam entering the external heat jacket. The required amount of cooking liquor and 5, 000 gm (oven dry basis) of wood (chips and bark) were loaded into the digester manually. After capping, the rotating digester was brought to temperature as quickly as possible by feeding steam into the external heat jacket. When the proper temperature was reached, it was then controlled by the automatic cam controller. 27 At the end of the cooking cycle, the digester pressure was relieved by blowing the black liquor through a water jacketed con- denser to a container. Total weight of the black liquor was measured and samples of the black liquor were saved for further testing (pH, total alkali %, and total solids %). The chips were manually removed from the digester, and allowed to cool to room temperature by spreading them on the floor. They were then packed in polyethylene bags and stored at room tem- perature to allow the moisture content to come to equilibrium throughout the batch. Three samples each of 25 gm were taken from each batch, defiberated in the PFI mill, washed, dewatered, and dried to determine the solids content of the cooked chips. The averaged value was used for calculating the cooking yield (unscreened yield): % T. S. x (total cooked chip weight (wet weight)) x 100 % Cooking yield - Uncooked chip weight (oven dry weight ) Black liquor samples were analyzed for total alkali content by potentiometric titration of 5 ml of liquor with HC1: T. A. g/1 (as Na20) = (Vol. of HC1 for pH 7 to 4) HC1) x 6. 2 The total solids content was measured for each black liquor sample using the following formula: T. S. % = Oven dry weight of black liquor dried at 105±3°C, 16 hr x 100 Wet weight of black liquor at room temperature 28 Hypo Number Test As a normal procedure, both in the laboratory and in the pulp mill, the Kappa number test is used for the determination of the relative lignin content of the pulp, which is a valuable measure of the pulp quality. However, this test can be applied only to pulps with yields of less than 70 percent (TAPPI Standard Method T 253 os-75). Batten et al. (1975) reported that the 5 min. Kappa number test does not provide a good indication of pulp yield and quality for high yield pulps. Since the yields of some of the cooks in this experiment exceeded 70 percent, the Kappa number test method cannot be relied upon. Hence, the Hypo number test, a new method for the estimation of the lignin content of high yield (relatively high lignin content) pulps, was used in this project instead of the Kappa number test. The Hypo number test method is based on the same principle of pulp treatment as the chlorine number test and measures about the same pulp properties as the Kappa number test, except that it can be applied to high yield pulps. "Pulp is reacted with acidified hypochlorite solution at 25°C for ten minutes. The amount of chlorine consumed by the pulp is determined by titration and expressed as Hypo number (TAPPI, T253 os-75). 29 Chip Disintegration At the conclusion of the pulping operation, semi-chemical chips are still relatively hard and undefibered, because insufficient lignin has been removed to permit easy defiberization. Full chemical cooks produce relatively soft chips that break up nearly completely into individual fibers during the blowing operation, but this does not happen with semichemical cooks, and additional mechanical action is needed to defiber the chips. The chips are conventionally disintegrated in a disk refiner, such as the Bauer 187 in the Forest Research Laboratory, following which the pulp is washed and screened. Normally the operating conditions of the disk refiner are such that the pulp has a high freeness, usually 600-700 ml CSF, in order to facilitate the washing operations, etc. Following washing, the semi-chemical pulp is further refined to lower freenesses, typically between 200 and 400 ml CSF. The final freeness desired is variable from mill to mill, and is controlled by the degree of refining in extra stages of refining that follow the chip disintegration stage. In this project, the cooked chips were disintegrated in the Bauer 187 refiner, and the plate gap was adjusted to produce pulps with freenesses between 650 and 700 ml CSF. The final pulp refining was done in the laboratory PFI mill. The cooked chips were dumped into the hopper, and were fed into the refining area with a constant flow of hot water to adjust the 30 consistency and help move the chips through the refiner. The deliberated pulps were collected and dewatered in a Bock centrifuge, packed in polyethylene bags, and stored in a cold room at 4°C to allow the moisture contents to come to equilibrium, Three samples each of 25 gm wet basis were taken from each pulp, refined in the PFI mill, washed, dewatered, and dried to determine the solids content of the defiberated pulp. The power consumption of defiberating was determined by timing a known quantity of cooked chips through the refiner and obtaining a reading of energy consumption from an integrated watt-hour meter. Pulp Refining Semi-chemical pulps are normally given a certain amount o refining before conversion into corrugating medium, since the physi- cal properties of the medium (burst, tensile, crush strengths, etc. ) are heavily influenced by the amount of refining and the final pulp freeness. The level of refining is variable from one mill to another, and is influenced by such factors as wood species, pulp yield (degree of delignification), and amount of recycled fiber that is mixed with the virgin pulp, to name a few. Typical commercial semi-chemical pulp freenesses are 200-400 ml CSF, and in this project each pulp was refined in the PFI mill to 200 ml CSF or below. Normally this was accomplished with 1,000 revolutions of the PFI mill. 31 For each beating interval, a sample of 24. 0 gm o. d. (calculated) disintegrated pulp was randomly taken from the polyethylene bags, tap water added to give a 10% consistency, and the total amount of 240 gm of wet pulp was put in the PFI mill, and beaten for the proper number of revolutions. Handsheet Formation With few exceptions, samples for one freeness evaluation, six handsheets at 60 gsm (gm./sq. meter) basis weight, and two corrugating medium test (GMT) handsheets at 126 gsm (= 26 lb/1, 000 sq. ft) basis weight were made from each of the four beater interval (0, 300, 650, and 1,000 revolutions) samples. Ha.ndsheets were made in accordance with TAPPI Standard T205 m-58. Handsheet Testing The handsheets were conditioned in a TAPPI standard room at 73°F and a. relative humidity of 50% for a minimum of 48 hours prior to testing. For each interval, two CMT handsheets were tested in accordance with TAPPI Standard T809 os-71. Five of the other six hand- sheets were selected for physical tests, with the remaining one sheet being saved for reference purposes. Physical properties were determined in accordance with TAPPI 32 Standard T220 m-60. An Instron TT-BLM testing machine was used for measuring the breaking length, stretch, and CMT. The testing machine was set at a crosshead speed of 1 cm/min. and the chart speed was 10 cm/min. A summary of physical test methods is given in Table 3. Table 3. Summary of physical tests. Test Freeness TAPPI Standard Method T227 m-58 Test Instrument Units of Measurement Canadian Standard Milliliters Freeness Tester Sheet density T220 m-60 Caliper Model-549 Gram per cubic centimeter Micrometer Breaking length T404 ts-66 Instron TT-BLM Meters Stretch T457 m-46 Instron Percent Stiffness T489 m-60 Taber V-5 Modulus of elasticity, lb per sq. in. Burst factor T403 ts-63 Perkins Model C Square meters per sq. centimeter Mullen Tester Tear factor T414 ts-65 Elmendorf Tearing Square decimeter per sheet Tester Fold endurance T511 su-66 MIT Fold Tester Number of double folds Corrugating medium T809 os-71 Instron TT-BLM lb per 10 flutes test (Concora) 34 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sample Preparation A random sample of the bark-free Douglas-fir chips was screened using the Williams chip classifier, and in Table 4, the chip size distribution of this sample is given. Table 4. Size classification of Douglas-fir chips. Screen fraction (%) Chip size + 1-1/8" 3. 3 1-1/8" +7/8" 6. 3 7/8" + 5/8" 5/8/1, + 3/8" 3/8" + 3/16" 41. 9 3/1611 + 1/16" 4. 2 1/16" O. 4 19. 3 24. 6 100.0 Total The statistical program called for three chip sizes, - 3/8", + 3/8" - 5/8", and + 5/8" with the fine (- 1/16") and oversized (+ 1-1/8") chips being screened out. Pulping Results The multiple regression analysis, multiple regression equations, effect of independent variables, and predicted maximum value 35 and maximum value conditions of cooking variables (total alkali %, chip size, sulfidity %, bark %, and temperature) on pulping results (total solids in waste liquor, pH value of waste liquor, and pulp yield) are given in Tables 5 and 6. Total Solids in Waste Liquor From Table 5 R2 = 0. 891, F value 7- 5. 483, indicated that the total solids in waste liquor (T. S. W. L. ) are highly correlated to the cooking variables at the 0. 05 significance level. Table 5 revealed that the total alkali (T. A. ) (-h) had the most effect on total solids in waste liquor at the 0. 01 significance level, and the cooking tempera- ture also had some effect on the total solids in waste liquor. Table 6 shows that at high LA., high temperature, high bark, high sulfidity, and large chip size, T. S. W. L. has the maximum value of 1, 583 g. pH Value of Waste Liquor From Table 5 78% of the pH value of waste liquor can be ex- plained by the multiple regression analysis (not significant). Table 5 indicates that the T. A. and temperature are the most important variables. The pH value is of importance to the pulp mill only as a cri- terion of the consumption of the cooking chemicals, and there is no significance attached to its maximization. Table 5. Multiple regression of cooking variables to pulping results. -F value d. f. Variables T. S. in waste liquor, g. 20 Total terms First order termsl Second order terms Lack of fit 5 4.708 15 1.993 2.123 4 R oz, total terms T. A. 0A* Bark %** Chip size Sulfidity 71*** Note: 1. pH value in waste liquor 1.840 6.508 0.835 0. 891 Error( mealuguare) x 102 %**** Temperature 5.483 ( 0. 05)t(a) °C***** 5 49.3 14.96 (0.005) 0.19 0.66 0.67 1.46 Yield % 2. 920 (0. 25) 1.717 1.420 1. 274 1. 583 0.783 0. 838 5. 6 3. 05 (0. 25) 2. 33 (0. 25) 15. 1 4.01 (0. 10) 0.50 0.62 0.95 1.32 2. 39 (-0. 25) 1.09 1.53 First order terms = X( 1 )+... +X(5). Second order terms = X(6)+... +X(20). o X(1) = T. A. %, X(2) = Bark %, X( 3) = Chip size, X(4) = Sulfidity %, X( 5) = Temperature X(6)= X(1)2, X(7) = X(2)2, X(8)= X(3)2, X(9)= X(4)2, X(10)= X(5)2; = X(1) x X(2), = 1) x X(3), X(3) x X(5), = X(4) x X(5). , Temperature (as a single first order term and five second order terms) The complete effects of Total alkali %, Bark %, were listed by deleting the six appropriate variables from the full response surface model. X(1), X(6), X( 11), X(12), X(13), and X(14) were deleted. ** X(2), X(7), X(11), X(15), X(16), and X(17) were deleted. *** X(3), X(8), X(12), X(15), X(18), and X(20) were deleted. *4** X(4), X(9), X 13), X(16), X(18), and X(20) were deleted. ***** X( 5), X( 10), X(14), X( 17), X( 19), and X( 20) were deleted. ( a), significance level. Table .6. Predicted maximum value of pulping results. X( 1) Maximum value conditions X(4) X (3) X(2) +2 +1 Pulping results T. S. in waste liquor, g pH value in waste liquor Pulping yield, % Note: 0 -2 -2 -2 -1 X(5) Y, predicted maximum value 1583.1 -2 -2 9.83 -2 91.64 X(1) = total alkali %. = bark content %. = chip size, ". = Sulfidity %. = Temperature Three levels (-2, 0, and +2) of each of the five cooking variables were chosen to find out the predicted maximum value and maximum value conditions, by using the multiple regression analysis equations which are given in Appendix Table 1. 38 Pulp Yield From Table 5 pulp yields are highly correlated to the cooking variable (R2=0.84), and Table 5 indicates that the T. A. (-) is the most important variable. Table 6 shows that lower T. A. , lower temperature, lower bark content, higher sulfidity, and larger chip size, result in the maximum pulp yield value. With the possible exception of the sulfidity variable, these other effects are consistent with generally accepted principles of pulping, i. e. mild conditions produce pulps with high yields. A simple linear regression related T. S. W. L. to pulp yield with R2 = 0. 19, at the 0. 025 significance level. Hypo Number Test Most unbleached pulps are routinely tested for lignin content in commercial operations. The Klason lignin test is tedious and lengthy, and alternative methods of estimating lignin content have been devised. Most of these tests are based on oxidation of the lignin by specific chemicals such as KmnO4 (potassium permanganate - the K number, or alternatively, the Kappa number test), or by various chlorine compounds such as NaC10, sodium hypochlorite. The K no. or Kappa no. test works best with full chemical pulps that are well delignified (about 50% pulp yield) but lacks precision and accuracy 39 with semi-chemical pulps that are incompletely delignified (60% yield and higher). Recent developments have suggested that oxidation with NaC10 is a good method of estimating the lignin content of semi- chemical pulps with precision and accuracy, and it was examined in this project for its utility. Since the precision of yield determination for the control cooks was poor, it was decided to test these pulps first to see if there was a good correlation between the yield and the hypo numbers of the six different pulps (Table 7). Theoretically they should be positively correlated. A casual examination a the data suggests poor correlation, and this is verified by the r2 of the linear regression, 0. 02. Particularly disturbing is the fact that the hypo numbers of the highest yield cook (no. 27) and the lowest yield cook no 14) are identical, in spite of the difference in yield of 13%. Examination of the pulps revealed that the high yield pulp, cook no. 27, had a large percentage of shives, or fiber bundles, compared to the low yield pulp, cook no. 14. Past research work has estab- lished that one of the reasons for the poor precision and accuracy a the Kappa number test, in the high yield region, is the presence of large amounts of shives. The oxidizing chemical does not pene- trate the shives as readily as it penetrates dispersed fibers, and so the chemical consumption for a high yield pulp is not as great as it should be. Table 7. Hypo number test. Cook No. 2* 8* 17* 18* 21* 29* 27 Yield % 70.17 71.36 70.01 70.41 67.34 67.75 78.75 PFI revolutions 300 Sample weight 0.4790 (o.d.g ) 0.3923 300 0.5437 300 0.5631 300 300 0.4594 0.4849 300 0.4936 300 0.4843 14 65.52 300 0.4318 0.4589 Hypo no. 39.19 30.12 31.39 31.18 29.41 29.44 * Control cooks Three samples of control cook no. 2 were tested to determine the variability of this test. Dried handsheets were disintegrated and used as test specimens. Sample weight 0.5 gm (o. d. ). r2 = 0.02 for linear regression, hypo number vs. yield. 29.68 28,42 29.86 29.85 41 To see if this phenomenon had any effect on the results of the hypo test, samples of cook no. 27 were disintegrated for 600 and 900 revolutions in the PFI mill, and duplicate hypo number tests were performed for each sample (Table 8). From this data, it appeared that the hypo value passes through a maximum at 600 revolutions which did not seem reasonable. Table 8. Hypo number vs. beating revolution (PFI). Cook no. 27 Revolution Sample weight (o.d. g ) Hypo no. 600 0.470 33.92 600 0.502 34.18 900 0.455 3.50 900 0. 536 32. 31 Note: At each revolution level two samples were tested. Dried handsheets (dry samples) were used as test specimens. Another factor which was checked was the initial pulp condition. If dried pulp is used for the test, it may be very difficult to defiber the samples completely, since some of the dried pulp is very tenaciously bonded. Then the same difficulty may be encountered in the hypo (or Kappa) test, as with the shives in poorly defibered pulp. To test this, a series of hypo number tests were run on wet pulp, never dried, prepared at 300, 600, and 900 PFI revolutions (Table 9). The first three values are essentially equal, but the last value, 32. 86, is much higher. Since this sample weight was much higher, it 42 appeared that sample weight may affect the hypo test. The standard method does not specify a certain amount of pulp, but suggests ranges of sample weights for different grades of pulp. Table 9. Hypo number vs. beating revolution (PFI). Cook no. Revolution Sample weight (o. d. g ) Hypo no. 300 0. 483 30. 30 600 0. 277 30. 50 900 0. 236 30. 69 900 0. 420 32, 86 27 27 Note: Wet pulps (wet samples) were used. Table 9-1. Hypo number vs. beating revolution ( PFI). Cook no. 27 Revolution Sample weight (o. d. g) Hypo no. 300 0.483 30,30 600 0.502 31.66 900 0.420 32.86 Note: Wet pulps (wet samples) were used. Table 9-1 presents the hypo numbers (at substantially equal sample weight) for pulps refined for 300, 600, and 900 revolutions in the PFI mill, and the hypo number is nearly linear with PFI revolutions. The work was not pursued further, due to some of the discrepancies found in the test procedure, but the following recommendations 43 are made for future work with semi-chemical pulps: Use a constant amount (dry basis) of wet, never dried pulp for testing. Defiber the pulp completely to a constant degree, either mea- sured by the amount of refining (as in the PFI mill), or by refining to a constant freeness. Chip Disintegration and Pulp Refining Clearance Determination Control cook no's 18 and 2 were used for determining the Bauer plate clearance necessary to give a defiberated pulp freeness level of 650-700 ml CSF. The disintegration data are shown in Table 10. Table 10. Disintegration data. (Bauer refiner. Cook no. Plate clearance, mils Note: Output freeness, ml. CSF 18 20 640 18 30 743 18 40 759 8 25 677 Power consumption, hp-clay/ o. d. ton average 28. 8 24.2 Single pass. Steam at throat screw. Refining speed. 1, 755 rpm. Stock at room temperature 70°F. Constant water flow, 1 gal/min. Based on this work, a Bauer plate clearance of 25 mils was selected for disintegration of the remaining batches of cooked chips. 44 Power Consumption and Initial Freeness The importance of refiner clearance to the drainage properties of the pulp was demonstrated when smaller clearances were inadvertently used to refine cook no. 's 17, 21, and 29. The pulps obtained had low freenesses, and the power consumptions were higher than average (Table 11). Table 11. Power consumption. Cook no. Output freeness, Power consumption, ml. CSF hp - day/o.d. ton 745 26.3 8 677 25.3 17 512 76.7 18 743 28.8 21 626 42.6 29 701 57.5 Note: Control cooks only. The initial freeness of the pulp following the Bauer refiner is a measure of the amount of disintegration work done by the Bauer refiner. In order to find out the effect of disintegration work on pulp properties, initial freeness was sometimes treated as an independent varia.lbe along with the cooking variables in the multiple regression analysis. Linear regression analysis of the power consumption vs. initial 45 freeness suggests good correlation (R2=0. 62, F=45.66, significance level = 0. 01, sign of B = (-) ) (Appendix Table 1). PFI Refiner It was necessary to establish, by trial and error, the proper number of revolutions needed to refine the various pulps to 200 ml CSF or below. Control cooks no. 's 8 and 29 were used to determine the PFI revolutions, as shown in Table 12. Table 12. Refining data. (PFI mill) Cook no. Input pulp freeness, ml. CSF 677 29 701 PFI revolution Output pulp freeness, ml. CSF 1,000 677 515 359 195 0 300 650 0 701 300 650 604 1,000 210 333 Since the freenesses at 1, 000 revolutions, 195 and 210 ml CSF, were on target,. four beating intervals of 0, 300, 650 and 1, 000 revo- lutions, were chosen for further refining experiments. 46 Pulp Quality Introduction Normal production specifications call for a commercial grade corrugating medium with a bulk of 1. 8 cc/gm (26 lb/1, 000 sq ft basis weight and a caliper of 9 mils (0. 009 in)). In this project pulps with freenesses of 200 ml CSF or below were needed to meet this require- ment, and they required 1, 000 or more PFI revolutions to attain this freeness level. Since nearly all paper properties are functions of the basic sheet density (or its reciprocal, bulk) which in turn is a function of the amount of refining, the strength properties of the 30 different pulps were compared on three separate bases: Constant bulk (1. 8 cc/gm). Constant freeness (200 ml CSF). Constant PFI revolutions (1 000 revolutions). They could be compared at other levels (such as 600 and 400 ml CSF for constant freeness) but the levels given above are the closest to the values of pulp properties and process variables that are consistent with the production specifications already given. The correlation of the ha,ndsheet properties to the independent cooking variables, the effect of each independent variable on hand- sheet properties, and the maximized handsheet strength properties 47 are given in Tables 13, 14, and Appendix Tables 3, 4, 5, and Concora Strength Concora strength, as expressed in lbs/10 flutes, is one of the most important pulp properties of corrugating medium. 200 ml CSF: The analysis shows that at the 0. 05 significance level, only 53% of the Concora strength can be explained by the multiple regression analysis. From Table 13, the bark content (-), total alkali (-), and percent sulfidity (+) were significantly correlated to the Concora strength at the 0. 05 level. The simple linear regression table (Appendix Table 1) indicates that at the 0. 01 significance level, PFI revolutions are related to the Concora strength with R2 = 0. 4. 1, 000 PFI revolutions level: The F value analysis indicates that none of the cooking variables had a. significant effect on the Concora strengths (R2=0. 56, not significant). The predicted maximum value of 86 lb/10 flutes was obtained at exactly the same conditions as in 200 ml CSF level. With the addition of initial freeness as one of the inde- pendent variables, the R2 value increases from 0. 56 to 0. 75, indicating that the Con.cora strength is influenced by the initial Table 13. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Concurs stren F value d. f. Variables 200 ml CSF First order terms Second order terms Lack of fit 0.66 3.43 (O. 10) 5 7.61 1.31 2.61 15 5. 12 0.59 3. 76 4 17.52 1.75 11. 18 2 0. 533 Error (mean square) T. A. % Bark 1. 8 Bulk 4. 34 (0.10)(a) 20 Total terms 1,000 Revs. 5 7.10 0.560 29.4 0. 579 15.8 0 Revs. 0.16 0.17 0.406 7. 35 4. 69 (0. 10) 0.66 4. 34 (0. 10) 0.16 5. 48 (0. 05) 0.73 4. 64 (0. 10) 0.21 Chip size n 3. 05 (0.25) 0.53 5. 51 (0. 05) 0.09 Sulfidity % 6.48 (0.05) 0.69 7.03 (0. 025) 0.13 Temperature °C 3. 36 (0.10) 0.90 5. 38 (0.05) 0.08 Note: in "-", the value was less than 0. (a), significance level. 49 freeness of the pulp (1. e. , amount of Bauer refiner work). (3) 1. 8 Bulk level: Table 13 indicates that the sulfidity (-) is the most important individual cooking variable, at the 0. 025 significance level, chip size (+) and temperature (-) also contributed significantly to the Concora strength at the 0. 05 significance level. Total alkali and bark content also affected the Concora strength. As opposed to the results of the 200 ml CSF and 1, 000 PFI revolutions levels, the maximum value conditions show that Lower sulfidity and larger chip size gives the maximum Concora strength value of 80 lb/10 flutes. Again, the simple linear regression table (Appendix Table 1) indicates that at the 0. 01 significance level, the PFI revolutions are related to the Concora strength with R2 = 0. 56, The Concora test is not a simple test, with many chances for experimental errors. Variations in handsheet preparation, in fluting or corrugating produces (pressure and temperature), and in final assembly and testing of the samples can result in substantial devia- tions of the final test results. This may be a partial explanation of the lack of correlation between Concora and other variables. 50 Tensile Strength 200 ml CSF The tensile strength is highly correlated to the first and second order terms of the cooking variables (R2=0. 922), at the 0. 025 significance level (F=7. 56). In the full regression equation, the total alkali (+) is the most important variable (F=15. 9, at the 0. 005 significance level), and chip size (-) and sulfidity (+) are also significantly correlated to the tensile strength at the 0. 05 and 0. 10 signifi- cance level, respectively. Table 14 shows that at higher total alkali, higher sulfidity, higher temperature, lower bark content, and small chip size, the tensile strength has the maximum value. The predicted maximum value of 18,757 meters is much too high, but is caused by the multiple regression maximum value approach. However, the conditions for the predicted maximum values can be treated as guidelines to obtain the maximum practical level of the particular property. 1,000 PFI revolutions The multiple regression analysis indicates that the tensile strength is highly related to the cooking variables, with the R2 equal to 0.857. The total alkali (+) is the most important Table 14. Predicted maximum value of pulp properties. Pulp Properties Concora strength 200 ml CSF 1,000 revs. 1.8 Bulk 0 revs. 200 ml CSF Breaking length 1,000 revs. 1.8 Bulk 0 revs. X(1 ) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) -2 -2 -2 -2 +2 +2 -2 -2 100.4 86.4 +2 +2 -1 -1 0 -2 +1 -2 -2 +2 (-2 0 0 0 0 0 82,0 80.0 15.3 +2 +2 -1 +2 -2 18, 757. 9 (+2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 +2 +2 +2)** 16, 350.0 +2 +2 +2 17, 763. 5 21, 048. 3 6, 548. 3 0 0 0 0 0 +2 +2 +2 200 ml CSF 1,000 revs. Burst factor +2 +2 +2 1.8 Bulk 0 revs. 0 ( +2 +2 +2 0 +2 -2 0 X(2) = bark content %. X(1) = total alkali %. X(5) = temperature °C. X(4) = sulfidity %. *The next higher value of Concora strength at 1. 8 bulk. **The next higher value of Breaking length at 200 ml CSF. 4**The next higher value of Burst factor at 1.8 bulk. Note: Predicted maximum value, Maximum value conditions Level -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 -2)* -2 -2 0 0\ ) **) _2J +2 0 X(3) = chip size ". 43,24 41.40 51.20 49.00 49. 00 47.00 10. 00 52 variable in the full regression equation, at the 0. 05 significance level. Table 14 indicates that higher total alkali, higher sulfidity, higher temperature, lower bark content, and small chip size (the same conditions as in 200 ml CSF level) produce the maxi- mum tensile strength. Again, the maximum predicted maximum value is somewhere beyond the normal range of tensile strengths. With the addition of initial freeness as one of the inde- pendent variables, the R2 value increases from 0. 857 to 0. 926, indicating that the tensile strength is influenced by the initial freeness of the pulp (i. e, amount of Bauer refiner work). 1. 8 Bulk Table 15 shows that the total alkali (+) is the most important variable, at the 0. 05 significance level. Chip size (-) and sulfidity (+) also have some effect on the tensile strength. Table 14 gives the same maximum value conditions as for the 200 ml CSF and 1, 000 PFI revolutions levels. Once again the predicted maximum value is beyond the practical range. 0 PFI revolutions Eighty-four percent of the variation of tensile strength of the unbeaten pulp can be explained by the multiple regression analysis (F=1. 8, not significant). The analysis reveals that 53 total alkali has a significant effect on tensile strength, at the 0. 10 significance level. Table 14 indicates exactly the same conditions for maxi- mum tensile strength as those for the 200 ml CSF, 1, 000 PFI revolutions, 1. 8 Bulk, analysis, with a maximum tensile strength of 6, 550 meters. This is a reasonable value. In all cases (ZOO ml CSF, 1, 000 PFI revolutions, 1. 8 Bulk, and PFI revolutions), the independent pulping variables show the same type of influence on the tensile strengths of the pulps, lower bark content and lower yield both are important in promoting high tensile strength, and the low yield can be obtained in a variety of ways of adjusting the pulping conditions. Bursting Strength (1) 200 ml CSF The high R2 value (Table 16) indicates that 95 percent of the bursting strength can be explained by the first and second order terms of cooking variables, at the 0. 05 significance level. The analysis shows that both total alkali (+) and sulfidity (+) are the most important variables in the full regression equation, at the 0. 01 a. ncl 0. 05 significance levels, respectively. Table 14 shows that at higher total alkali, higher sulfidity, lower temperature, medium chip size, and medium bark Table 15. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Breaking length. Variables 200 ml CSF F value 1,000 Revs. 7..56 (0.025)(a) 5 d. f. Total terms 1.8 Bulk 0 Revs. 2.40 (0.25) 2.40 (0.25) 1.82 0.67 0.36 0.65 0.93 15 4.50 1.43 1.47 1.36 4 1.32 0.857 0.840 0.831 20 First order terms Second order terms Lack of fit 2 0.922 5 Error (mean square) x 10 5 6.78 29.9 4.63 4,, 98 (0.05) 4.94 (0.10) 3.48 (0.10) 23.5 T. A. % 15.90 (0.005) Bark % 3.06 (0.10) 0.96 0.60 1.35 Chip size If 5.92 (0.05) 2.14 (0.25) 3.08 (0.25) 1.81 Sulficlity % 4.86 (0.10) 1.92 (0.25) 1.98 (0.25) 1.28 Temperature oC 3.81 (0.10) 1.01 0.59 0.71 Note: in 'L.", the value was less than 0.1. (a), significance level. Table 16. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Burst factor. d. f. Variables 200 nil CSF 20 Total terms First order terms Second order terms Lack of fit T. A. % Bark % Chip size 71.39 (0.005) 1.8 Bulk 0 Revs. 9.01 (0.025) 1.13 5 4.12 2.67 3.28 1.03 15 2.01 3.33 2.65 0.88 4 1.12 16.99 2.86 2 Error ( mean square) 9.54(0.025)(a) F value 1,000 Revs. 5 0.953 0.954 0.840 0.831 6.17 9.10 8.00 4.36 1.85 1.61 19.1310.005) 13.42 (0.01) 1.62 1.85 0.25 1.22 0.42 0.53 0.23 0.76 Sulfidity % 9.19 (0.025) 6.69 (0.05) 0.44 0.50 Temperature °C 2.-67 (0.25) 1.93 (0.25) 0.28 0.32 Note: in "-", the value was less than 0.1. (a), significance level. 56 content, the burst factor has the maximum value of 43 M2/cm2. This is a reasonable value. 1, 000 PFI revolutions The bursting strength is highly related to the cooking variables (R2=0. 954 F=71.4, significant at the 0. 005 level). The analysis indicates that total alkali (+) and sulfidity (+) are the most important variables, significant at the 0. 01 and 0. 05 levels, respectively. The predicted maximum value of 41 M2 /cm is given as a function of the same conditions as those at the 200 ml CSF level (high total alkali, high sulfidity, low temperature, medium chip size, and medium bark content). 1. 8 Bulk Compared to the 200 ml CSF and 1, 000 PFI revolutions levels, the bursting strengths at 1. 8 cc/gm bulk level have an R2 of 0. 84, and F = 9.01 which is significant at the 0. 025 level. Again, both total alkali (+) and sulfidity (+) are the most impor- tant variables in the multiple regression analysis, significant at the 0. 01 and 0. 05 levels, respectively. Table 14 indicates that either medium chip size and medium temperature, or minimum chip size and tempera- ture produce the maximum bursting strength, with the other variables constant. Generally those factors are those which 57 produce low yield pulps. (4) 0 PFI revolutions The analysis (R2=0. 831, F=1. 1, not significant) indicates that none of the cooking variables is significantly related to the bursting strength. Tearing Strength The R2 values ranged from 0. 69 at the 1. 8 cc/gm bulk level to 0.86 at the 0 PFI revolutions level, but the smaller F values (Table 17) shows that the cooking variables are not significantly cor- related to the tearing strength. Table 17 indicates that, at the 1, 000 PFI revolutions level, both sulfidity (+) and temperature (+) are the most important vari- ables, significant at the 0. 25 level, but at the 0 PFI revolutions level, total alkali (+) and bark content (+) turn out to be the most important variables, both significant at the 0. 25 level. However, Table 17-1 indicates that the maximum value condi- tions are identical for all four levels, i. e. , at higher total alkali, higher sulfidity, higher temperature, higher bark content, and smaller chip size, the tearing strength has the maximum value. Stiffness, (M0) The multiple regression analysis suggests that the significance Table 17. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Tear factor. F value d. f. Variables 200 ml CSF Total terms First order terms Second order terms 1, 000 Revs. 1.8 Bulk 20 0.90 1.66 0.59 2. 15 (O. 25)(a) 5 0.53 1.27 0.64 0.98 15 0.60 1.83 0.56 1.43 -- 4 Lack of fit 2 0 Revs. 0.729 0.833 0.687 0,863 Error ( mean square) x io2 4.77 2.82 1.36 4.39 T. A. 0.16 0.94 0.29 2. 89 (0. 25) Bark 0.27 0.74 0.72 2.04 (0. 25) Chip size 0.25 0.90 0.38 1.10 Sullidity 1.36 2. 32 ( 0.25) 0,62 0.82 0.20 2. 18 ( 0, 25) 0,80 0.89 Temperature Note: " oC value less than 0. 1. ( a), significance level. Table 17-1. Predicted maximum value of pulp properties. Pulp Properties Tear factor Stiffness, MOE Bulk Freeness, ml CSF PFI revolutions 100 x log revs. Predicted maximum value, Maximum value conditions Level X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) 200 ml CSF 1,000 revs. 1.8 Bulk 0 revs. +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 234 281 +2 -1 +2 386 0 -1 +2 +2 +2 0 177 200 ml CSF 1,000 revs. +2 +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 -2 -2 +1 +2 +2 0 (+2 -2 0 revs. +2 -2 -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 -2 -2 700, 395 +1 200 ml CSF 1,000 revs. 0 revs. +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 +2 +2 1,000 revs. 1.8 Bulk 0 revs. +2 +2 0 -2 -2 644 -2 +1 +1 +2 +2 793 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 948 200 ml CSF 1.8 Bulk -2 -2 -2 -2 +1 +1 -2 -2 -2 2,528 1.8 Bulk +2 +1 0 -2 -2) -2 -2 -2 +2 663,834 505,603 486,000 498,000 152,178 0.91 1.17 6.11 814 60 of correlation between cooking conditions and stiffness is minimal for three out of four bases of comparison. Only at the 1. 8 cc/gm bulk level (R2=0. 63, F=2. 19 significant at the 0. 25 level) is there any reasonable degree of correlation. Table 18 indicates that at the 1. 8 cc/gm bulk level, sulfidity (+), total alkali (+), and bark content (-) are significant at the 0. 25 level. The maximum value conditions indicates that, at lower freeness levels, if other cooking conditions are kept constant, pulp from large chips has higher stiffness than pulp from small chips. Otherwise, at the higher freeness level pulp from small chips has the higher value. Freeness, Bulk, and PFI Revolutions Freeness (ml CSF) is calculated at specific levels of bulk and beating revolutions; bulk (c /g ) is calculated at specific levels of freeness and beating revolutions; and the number of beating revolu- tions (in PFI mill) is calculated at specific levels of freeness and For each of the three properties independently, Tables 19, 20, bulk. and 21 show that the cooking variables have no significant effect on these properties (low F value), and none of the individual cooking variables has a significant effect on both freeness and bulk, at all levels. Tables 17-1 and 21 indicates that at the 1. 8 cc/gm bulk level, total alkali (-) and sulfidity (-) significantly affect the PFI revolutions, Table 18. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Stiffness (MOE). d. Variables 200 ml CSF Total terms First order terms Second order terms F value 1,000 Revs. 1.09 0.83 2. 19 (0.25)(a) 0.73 5 0. 81 0.48 0. 97 0. 85 15 0.79 0. 54 1.77 0.72 5. 18 0.868 R2 Error ( mean square) x 108 0 Revs. 20 4 Lack of fit 1. 8 Bulk 5 29.1 0.732 31. 3 0. 630 0.734 8.59 6.55 _ T. A. Bark % Chip size 0.95 0.79 1.50 1.48 1. 15 1. 09 1. 97 (0. 25) 1. 03 0.73 0.48 1. 67 1. 25 Sulfidity % 1.28 1.04 2. 46 (O. 25) 0.91 Temperature oC 0.88 0.63 2. 31 (0. 25) 0.96 Note: in places of 1,-", the value was less than 0. 1. (a),Significance level. Table 19. Multiple regression of cooking variables to Freeness, ml CSF. F value d. f. Variables 200 ml CSF Total terms First order terms Second order terms 1, 000 Revs. 1. 8 Bulk 0 Revs. 0.14 20 0.50 1.17 5 1.12 0.97 15 5.93 1.15 0.16 0.577 0.737 0. 734 4 Lack of fit 2 Error (mean square) x 10 3 5.81 10.6 7.51 TA. 0.36 1.33 0. 11 Bark 0.65 0.92 0.21 Chip size 0.41 1.75 0.13 Sulfidity 0.92 0.87 0.05 2.76 0.S1 0.12 Temperature oC Note: "-" value less than O. 1. Table 20. Multiple regression of cooking variables to 3u1k. d. f. Variables 200 ml CSF 1,000 Revs. F value 1.8 Bulk 0 Revs. 20 0.48 0. 53 0.83 5 0. 39 0. 54 0.87 15 0.45 0.47 0.70 0.653 0.674 O. 732 Error (mean square) 10-2 8.68 6.98 T. A. % 0.59 0.45 0.91 Bark % 0. 39 0.48 0.78 0. 24 0. 28' 1.10 Total terms First order terms Second order terms Lack of fit 4 2 Chip size 26. 2 Sulfidity % 0. 33 0. 64 0.37 Temperature °C 0. 62 0. 62 0.99 Note: 'Li, value less than 0. 1. Table 21. Multiple regression of cooking variables to PFI revs. Variables d. f. 200 ml CSF Total terms First order terms Second order terms Lack of fit 20 0.46 2.20# 5 0.98 3.78# 15 0.51 4 0.71 3.03# 0.52 0,720# 2 Error mean sware x 10 3 F value 1.8 Bulk 1,000 Revs. 5 107.0 -- 2.29# 2.01# T. A. 0.16 2.01#( 0.25)(a) Bark 0.27 0.76# Chip size 0.25 1.51# Sulfidity 1.35 3.52# ( 0.10) 0.20 0.96# Temperature Oc Note: "#" at log revs. x 100 level (a), significance level. 0 Revs. 65 at the 0. 25 and 0. 10 levels, respectively. Table 17-1 shows a trend that the pulps with high yield need more refining work to reach the same freeness level than pulps with lower yield. It also appears that pulp at the 1. 8 cc/gm level is at a lower freenesii level than pulp beaten with 1,000 PFI revolutions. Stiffness and Concora Strength The flat crush test of corrugating medium (Concora strength) is time-consuming and results are subject to numerous operating errors, since it is dependent not only on the sample of corrugating medium but also on the quality of adhesive tape used and the condition of the corrugator, to name a few factors. Moreover, the skill of the operator very significantly affects the strength of the corrugated medium. If a simpler and more precise test could be developed for predicting corrugating medium performance, it might be a worthwhile contribution to industrial practice. Theoretically, stiffness (MOE) and flat crush tests are measuring the same property of paper, namely rigidity. The flat crush test measures the resistance of a fluted paper structure to a load applied normal to the flutes, but the Taber machine measures the stiffness (MOE) of a flat sheet ]of paper by measuring the resistance of the sheet to a bending stress. It is a simple, rapid test using a device 66 that is readily calibrated and reasonably foul proof, and thus meets some of the criteria for a good test method. A linear regression analysis was run for each cook, using the M0E's (X's) and Concora strengths (Y's) at the 0, 333, 666, and 1,000 revolutions PFI beating intervals, with good results. The average R2 for the 30 cooks was 0.90, with 0. 99 as the highest and 0.71 as the lowest. Pooling all the data (120 sets = 30 cooks x 4 intervals per cook) in one regression, the overall R2 = 0. 74, with an F = 335, significant at the 0. 001 level. These calculations show excellent correlation between the two tests overall Whether the Taber stiffness test (for MOE) could be used commercially to supplement the Concora test is not known, but it appears to be a good possibility. Comparison of Different Semi-Chemical Pulps GLSC and NSSC Softwood The comparison of GLSC and NSSC softwood corrugating medium is shown in Table 22. GLSC and NSSC Hardwood The comparison of GLSC and NSSC hardwood corrugating med- ium is shown in Table 23. Table 22. Comparison of GLSC and NSSC softwood corrugating medium-handsheet data. Douglas-fir Georgia pine* Cooking liquor 100% GL Total alkali % Yield, % 17.2 72. 8 Burst factor, (its,42ern2) 500 49 Tear factor, (din /sheet) 183 Freeness, ml CSF Breaking length, (meter) Concora, (lb/10 flutes) * ** *4044 **4c* 100% NS** 6.0 6.0 77. 3 72. 3 400 100% GL **** 60°/NS + 40% GL*** 400 SrA 6.0 400 17 --- 123 4, 761 5, 520 5, 000 4, 670 --- 51 39 36 tE-re to.0 70. 3 73. 5 200 20 96 5, 372 48 400 24 145 5, 739 39 Data from Charbonnier, Ruston, and Schwalbe (1974). Data from Bublitz (1973), unpublished private data, Forestry Research Laboratory, Oregon State University. Data from Bublitz (1973); Blended cooking liquor with 60% neutral sulfite liquor and 40% kraft green liquor. Each value is average of 7 sample values, under similar cooking conditions. Comments The chemical charge for GLSC Douglas-fir chips was substantially less than that used with Georgia pine to reach the same yield level. Under similar pulping conditions, kraft green liquor is a faster pulping material than neutral sulfite pink liquor (Bublitz (1973)). The yields of Douglas-fir GLSCpulps are lower than those of NSSC Douglas - fir pulps. At the 400 ml CSF level, the Concora crush strength of GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium is lower than that of NSSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium. On the same yield basis, GLSC Douglas-fir pulp has lower tearing and bursting strength than Georgia pine GLSC pulps. Tensile strengths of the GLSC Douglas-fir pulp tend to increase with decreasing yield, and are about the same or slightly higher than those of GLSC Georgia pulps.. Table 23. Comparison of GLSC and NSSC hardwood corrugating medium - handsheet data. Midwestern (3) Western oak (1) Midwestern (Z) hardwood 90% oak + 10% other 100% NS 60% NS + 40% 100% GL 100% NS Cooking liquor Total alkali % Yield % Freeness, ml CSF Breaking length, (meter) Burst factor, (m2/ cm2 ) Concora strength, (11)/10 flutes) 8.0 12.0 66. 0 70. 8 400 3,730 3, 839 65 21 51 300 16.0 70.8 300 3, 840 24 50 r Douglas-fir (4) 100% GL 8.9 43149 6.0 73.5 76. 8 300 68 200 4, 670 20 48 .71.4."/ 1-214 t 47, 0 70. 3 300 5,021 17 42 300 6, 308 26 43 Pitre. 12, 69. 9 300 5, 032 24 42 Data from Bublitz (1974). Data from Battan, Ahlquist and Snyder (1975.). Data from Dawson (1974). Each value is average of 7 sample values, under similar cooking conditions. Blended cooking liquor of 40% green liquor and 60% neutral sulfite pink liquor. Blended cooking liquor of 60% green liquor and 40% neutral sulfite pink liquor. Comments At the 400 ml CSF level, GLSC Douglas-fir pulp has lower Concora strength than GLSC and NSSC hardwood pulps. Generally speaking, hardwoods have been preferred to softwoods for corrugating medium because of their short fibers, which improve the sheet structure and stiffness, resulting in higher Concora strength. Under similar cooking condition, GLSC Douglas-fir pulp has about the same yields as GLSC and blended GLSC + NSSChardwood pulps (midwestern oak). The pulp yield is substantially higher than that of western oak NSSC pulp. At equivalent levels of yield, freeness, or chemical charge, GLSC Douglas-fir pulp has higher tensile strength than GLSC and NSSC hardwood (western and midwestern) pulps. The bursting strength of GLSC Douglas-fir pulp is about the same as the GLSC hardwood pulp bursting strength. Since the Concora strength of Douglas-fir pulp tends to increase with increasing refining work, the GLSC Douglas-fir Concora strength at 200 ml CSF is close to that of the GLSC hardwood pulp at 400 ml CSF level. Ch 00 69 SUMMARY Douglas-fir chips from Oregon were pulped with kraft green liquor to produce semi-chemical pulps for corrugating medium. The pulps had an average yield of 71% and strength properties marginally suitable for the manufacture of corrugating medium. Five cooking variables, chemical charge, bark content, chip size, sulfidity, and temperature, were investigated to study their effects on pulp qualities. Chemical charge is the most important cooking variable, and as the chemical charge decreased, the pulp yield rose, the tensile strength and bursting strength decreased, and the Concora strength improved. The temperature does not significantly affect the pulp yield, but as the temperature decreased, tensile strength decreased and the Concora strength improved. The variation of sulfidity also does not significantly affect the pulp yield, but it has some effect on the pulp strength. As the sulfidity increased, the stiffness, the tear- ing, the bursting, the tensile and the Concora strengths improved. As the bark content decreased, the pulp yield rose, the Concora strength, the tensile strength, and stiffness (MOE) improved, but the tearing strength decreased. As the chip size decreased, the tensile and Concora strengths improved. For reproducible results of the hypo no. test, a constant amount of well defiberated, never-dried pulp should be used. Further re- search on this subject seems necessary to find out the relationship 70 between the hypo number and lignin content of GLSC Douglas-fir pulp. A comparison of Taber stiffness and Concora strength shows a high correlation between them, and it appears that the Taber stiffness test could be used commercially to supplant the time-consuming Concora flat crush strength test. The effects of disintegrating in the Bauer refiner and refining in the PFI mill on the GLSC Douglas-fir hands heet properties are very important. The work dist-.ibution between the Bauer refiner and the PFI mill to lower the pulp freeness from 700 ml CSF to 200 ml CSF seems to be an important problem and should be investigated further. The Con.cora and tensile strengths are two of the most important strengths of corrugating medium. The maximum tensile strength of GLSC Douglas-fir pulp resulted from cooking with high chemical charge, small chip size, and high sulfidity. Tensile strengths are negatively correlated to pulp yields, which is normal for semichemical pulps. The tensile strengths of GLSC Douglas-fir pulps are about the same as those of NSSC Douglas-fir pulp, and are significantly higher than those of NSSC oak, GLSC oak, and GLSC Georgia pine pulps. The Concora strengths of GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium are slightly lower than those of other semi-chemical pulps. This low strength might be caused by fiber length differences, by chemical 71 composition differences (a- cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pentosans, extractives,. . . etc. ), or by a combination of the two. Further re- search work on this question is recommended. The chemical charge and temperature levels obtained for maxi- mum Concora and tensile strengths are opposed to each other, but high sulfidity and low bark content are preferred for the maxima of both Concora and tensile strengths. Three suggestions for using GLSC Douglas-fir pulp are: Since the GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium has higher tensile strength than other commercial corrugating medium, it might be possible to cook the Douglas-fir chips with medium chemical charge, at medium temperature, and at high sulfidity to increase the pulp yield and Concora strength but with the sacrifice of some tensile strength. Because the Concora strength of the GLSC Douglas fir pulp increases with increasing refining work, and because the tensile strength of this pulp has not reached a maximum at 200 ml CSF, it may be possible to cook the Douglas fir chips with high chem- ical charge, high temperature, and high sulfidity to give high tensile and high bursting strength pulp. The Concora strength of the pulp can be increased with more refining work down to 200 ml CSF to reach the desired level of Concora strength without hurting the tensile and bursting strengths. 72 In summary, GLSC Douglas-fir pulps axe equivalent or slightly lower to other commercial semi-chemical pulps in Concora strength, but equal or slightly superior to them in tensile and bursting strengths. The pulp has a distinctly darker color than the NSSC pulp, and may be less bulky. The deficiency in Concora strength can be overcome with increased refining, and the slightly higher pulp yield and elimination of the causticizing step make the GLSC process more attractive for corrugating medium. 73 CONCLUSIONS In GLSC pulping, the cooking temperature does not strongly affect the pulp yield, which is in agreement with the conclusions of Battan et al. (1975). Total alkali is the most important single variable affecting the pulp yield, and the two variables are negatively correlated. The sulfidity of the green liquor, which is normally important in the kraft mill operation, does not significantly affect the pulp yield, and this is in agreement with the work of Battan et al. 4, The pH value of the waste liquor can be used as an indication of the adequacy and the degree of utilization of the total chem- ical charge, but it cannot be used as an indication of the pulp yield or quality. For reproducible results of the Hypo number test, a constant amount of well defiberated, never-dried pulp should be used. The Concora strength is significantly affected by the total alkali (-), sulfidity (+), and bark content (-). The Concora strengths of GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium at 400 ml CSF level are lower than those of NSSC hardwood pulps (western oak, midwestern oak), NSSC Douglas-fir pulps, and GLSC hardwood pulps at equivalent freeness levels. The Concora strength increases with increasing refining work, 74 and the Concora strength of GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium at the 200 ml CSF level is very close to that of the GLSC hardwood corrugating medium (midwestern oak) at 400 ml CSF level. GLSC Douglas-fir pulps need more refining in order to develop Concora strengths comparable to other commercial semichemical pulps. This means higher refining costs and lower pulp freenesses, which may result in slower paper machine speed. The tensile strengths of GLSC Douglas fir pulps are about the same as those of NSSC Douglas-fir pulp, and are significantly higher than those of NSSC oak, GLSC oak, and GLSC Georgia pine pulps. The tensile strength is significantly affected by the total alkali (+), chip size (-), and sulfidity (+). Tensile strengths normally are negatively correlated to pulp yields, but there the tensile strengths cannot be predicted by pulp yield alone, with any strong statistical significance. Tensile strength slowly decreases with increasing pulp yield up to 72% yield, and then rapidly decreases as the yield in- creases. Smaller chips produce pulps with higher tensile and Concora strengths. 75 The variation of bark content does not significantly affect the strength properties, but data suggests that lower bark content chips produce pulps with higher Concora and tensile strengths. The GLSC Douglas-fir corrugating medium has about the same burst strength as GLSC hardwood medium, but GLSC Georgia pine medium has higher tensile and bursting strengths. The Taber stiffness test is significantly correlated to the Concora strength of these pulps, and it appears that it could be used commercially to supplant the Concora test. The GLSC Douglas-fir pulp has a distinctively darker color than the NSSC pulp, and they may be less bulky (i. e than the NSSC pulp. , greater denstiy) This is in agreement with Dawson (1974), Charbonnier et al. (1974), and Battan et al. ' s work. In summary GLSC Douglas-fir pulps are equivalent or slightly lower than other commercial semi-chemical pulps in Concora strength, but equal or slightly superior to them in tensile and bursting strengths. The deficiency in Concora strength can be overcome with increased refining, and the slightly higher pulp yield (average 71%) and elimina- tion of the causticizing step make the GLSC process more attractive for corrugating medium. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY Battan, H. R.; Ahlquist, G. S.; and Snyder, E. J. "Green Liquor Pulping of Southern Oak for Corrugating Medium." Preprint, TAPPI Alkaline Pulping Conference, (Williamsbrug, Va. ), 1975. pp. 17-31. Becker, E, D. and Galdwell, H. G. "An Evaluation of NSSC and Kraft Pulping of Ecuadorian Hardwoods for Corrugating Medium. " TAPPI 57 (12):117-119. 1974. Bublitz, W. J. and Hull, J. L. "Semi-Chemical Pulping of DouglasFir and Oak for Corrugating Medium." Internal report, Forest Research Lab. , Oregon State University. Aug. 26, 1974. "Semi-Chemical Pulping of Douglas-fir Chips with Kraft Green Liquor and Neutral Sulfite Pink Liquor." Internal report, Forest Research Lab., Oregon State University. Dec. 1973. Casey, J. P. Pulp and Paper. 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Initial freeness 0.30 0.62 12. 00 45. 70 0. 005 0. 001 Power consumption Yield PFI revolutions PFI revolutions Burst factor Concora 12. 35 11. 67 0.005 0.005 Stiffness, MOE 18.70 12.60 0. 005 Bulk 0.31 0.29 0.40 0.31 Concora Concora Freeness Initial CSF Stiffness, MOE Bursting strength 8.40 11.02 0.01 33. 72 0.001 17.98 0. 005 0. 005 0. 001 Total solids in waste liq. 200 ml CSF Sign of Bulk Tensile strength Power consumption Initial freeness Concora Concora Concora Freeness, ml CSF Freeness, ml CSF 0.23 0.28 0.55 0.39 0.31 0.43 12. 30 20. 76 0.005 0. 005 0. 51 29. 00 0.27 0.56 0.41 10.43 Tensile strength Freeness, ml CSF Stiffness, MOE PFI revolutions Bursting strength 19.22 0.001 0.001 666 PFI revolutions Concora Freeness, ml CSF 0.70 66. 89 0. 001 333 PFI revolutions Concora Initial freeness O. 56 35.02 0.001 1.8 cc/gm Bulk 35. 59 0. 001 0. 005 Appendix Table 2. Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulping results. Cooking variables T. S. in waste liquor, g ( B( I) T Value X(1) 43&5 3.36 X(2) - 20.9 -0. 16 X( 3) 5.88 pH value in waste liquor x 100 - Pulping yield cro x 10 T value B(I) T value 52.90 0.73 -33.81 -0.77 0. 15 -0. 002 -85.61 -1. 95 B( I) 0.04 -122.80 -1.37 -18.16 -0.33 X(4) -196.7 -1.51 - 20. 13 -0, 28 62.96 1.43 X(S) -254.8 -1.96 -122.30 -1.70 4.56 0.10 X(6) - 54.46 -3.81 - 14.03 -1.77 4. 11 0. 85 X(7) 3. 52 0. 25 3. 16 -0. 40 12. 61 2. 61 X(8) - 22.57 -0.74 22.26 1.32 7.96 0.78 X(9) 14.63 1.02 - 11.66 -1.47 - 5.50 -1.14 X(10) 25.49 1.78 3. 33 O. 39 4.99 1.03 X(11) 6.43 -0.37 3.71 -0.38 6.61 1.14 X(12) 4.99 0.28 10.75 1.11 0.16 0.02 X(13) 1. 69 -0. 10 11. 92 1. 23 - 9. 52 -1. 61 X( 14) 9. 32 0.43 6. 17 0. 64 - 0, 15 -0. 06 X(15) 1.52 -0.09 6.25 -0.64 3.29 0.49 X(16) 4. 56 0.26 5. 17 0. 53 - O. 89 -0. 15 X(17) 6. 80 0. 39 5. 67 0. 58 - 7. 77 -1. 31 X(18) 21.74 1.01 0.88 0.09 3.66 0.55 X(19) 9. 99 0. 57 5. 38 0. 52 - 4. 71 -0. 80 X.420) 20.05 875.0 O. 11 12. 80 1. 32 - 4. 14 -0. 67 Constant 810) Note: Y = 8(0) + 1) x B(1) + X(2) x 2) +. . . +X( 20)x 8(20). 1105.9 838.1 Oo Appendix Table 3. Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties ( 200 n1 CSF level) Breaking length T value Concora strength T value Cooking variables B(I) B( I) Burst factor T value X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) -21. 28 -4. 31 1, 229.80 O. 81 19. 60 -23.03 -4.66 0.50 2.68 I. 32 5. 12 4 26 0.58 0.89 -0.41 5.68 1.23 Constant B(0) 166. 65 - 0.92 -0. 15 -19.01 -3.85 766.27 2, 510.70 - 625.93 -14. 53 1.33 -2. 94 740. 24 0. 48 7. 69 1. 67 223.46 175.63 165.39 177.19 1.33 - 0.94 -1.86 -1.05 1. 19 -2. 36 0.46 - 1.45 3.20 2.45 1.53 2.46 5.91 -1.06 0.44 -1.35 -0.88 0.96 1. 76 267. 15 1. 59 - O. 06 -0. 13 2.21 3.32 2. 59 0.94 -4. 04 - 0.04 1. 72 193.92 830. 76 - O. 17 1.33 -0. 26 479. 32 2. 33 2.00 -2.45 1. 35 2.02 1.06 503.99 293.68 289.90 -0.08 -0.49 -1.08 -3.30 2. 56 0. 33 663. 23 708. 27 0.83 - 2.84 0.71 1. 71 0.22 0.72 - 0.92 Note: Y = B(0) + X(1) 1.09 -1. 38 B(1) + X( 2) x B(2) + - - 33.05 393.40 -2, 560.7 + X(20) x B(20). 1.43 1.41 -3. 22 -3. 44 0. 30 0. 67 2.05 - O. 19 0.82 -0. 32 1.34 0. 20 0. 32 0. 33 0. 52 0.16 0.05 1. 91 0. 17 -0.09 -0.28 -43. 58 Tear factor T value P(I) 22. 52 - 0.13 0.56 -0,003 74.72 1.48 -20.18 - 6. 20 -0.50 - 4.53 - 1.66 - 6.76 -1.02 3.59 0.71 3.01 - 3. 12 0.81 -0. 15 -0. 37 -0,71 0. 16 0.64 -0. 57 2.38 -0.02 0.44 - 1.87 -0. 34 1.38 1.88 0.25 4. 50 -0. 82 - 7.99 -1.46 0.78 - O. 12 4. 26 1.42 0. 35 Appendix Table . 3. (Continued). Cooking variables MOE B(i) X(1) X( 2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) N 16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant 8(0) - 8( I) T value 0. 32 - 132.39 -0,22 -15,21 -0.28 241. 37 -0.24 -0.77 - 640. 62 -1. 06 0,09 40. 94 0. 75 33.27 -2.10 -0.66 -44.17 0.49 -0.81 -0.17 -0.88 1, 754. 60 496.01 48. 34 93. 31 114.63 65.03 63.19 79.02 190.44 29.78 180.84 31. 32 168. 55 - Bulk x 100 PFI revolutions T value B( I) 324.00 - 954.06 - T value 91.12 31.13 38.10 211.58 -1,043.30 1.75 0.50 0.44 0.85 0.49 -0.59 0.57 -0.59 493.57 -1, 242. 80 397,96 32.35 62.45 151.23 162.44 47.54 39.-67 1.42 -0.22 -1.34 -0.23 -1.25 0.68 0.23 0.28 -1.57 - 17.57 35.76 39.46 14.43 33.99 32.53 40.68 1.56 4, 100.70 0.49 0. 94 -1.07 2.44 0.71 0,49 0.21 - 9.10 - 5.27 - 3. 89 2.35 3.60 - 5,14 0. 63 - 0.85 -0.44 -0.48 3.62 10.38 -0. 18 - 6. 60 - 1. 63 1.63 0.42 0.40 0.49 -0.02 -0. 65 0.18 0,60 -0.86 0.09 -0.12 0.49 1.41 -0. 90 -0.22 0.22 - 2.35 - 5.35 -0.32 -0.73 5.13 0.70 242.40 Appendix Table 4. Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties. (1, 000 PFI revolutions level) Cooking variables X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(8) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant B(0) Breaking length B(1) T value Concora strength T value 8(1) -14.61 - 6.20 -10.92 -1.45 -0.62 -0.87 11.81 - O. 98 -0. 81 1. 48 0.23 -1.03 1.20 0.86 160. 29 0.51 - 0.48 671.04 0. 18 - 0. 17 - 0. 55 0.08 -0. 22 -0. 73 1.42 0.57 0.21 0.29 - 0.18 - 0. 68 13.47 1.34 612.27 -0.30 0. 57 0.51 1, 735. 20 144. 93 - 252. 82 0.39 - 0.56 0.41 0.98 -0. 39 0.16 -0.50 -0.39 0.73 155.40 - 322.68 1. 49 1. 10 - 876. 99 0.02 1.8 -0.01 - 1. 24 0. 52 1. 11 1.37 0.91 -0. 38 0.82 603.27 396.14 - 292. 80 226. 03 723. 16 0.76 -0.56 - 832.23 - 46. 45 0. 87 1. 89 76.04 0. 64 -1.40 3.00 1.29 0.99 1.66 2.11 -1. 60 -2. 41 0.53 0.70 0.90 0.22 0.61 0.47 1, 491. 20 1,988. SO 3, 191. 10 - 3.03 - 0.43 Burst factor T value 8(1) 322. 27 -8, 679. 60 -2. 29 1.58 -1.03 0.76 0. 59 -1.89 -2.17 -0. 12 0. 84 16.80 7.22 6.86 9.30 - 0.29 -59.64 - 0. 92 -1.39 -0.78 Tear factor T value IX 1) 14.59 0.47 -31.57 59.40 -71.25 -33.46 -1.01 - 3.05 -0. 89 1. 54 -2.29 -1.08 0. 08 2. 25 6.78 8.19 3.32 -0.93 2.40 0.97 5. 14 1. 23 -0. 74 0.10 - 3. 09 0.99 -1.88 1.02 -0.24 0.24 0. 76 0. 27 0. 59 -0. 14 3.76 -0. 39 3. 27 0. 90 0. 78 -0.23 1.22 -0.29 -0. 90 -0. 39 7. 22 7. 64 -1. 72 188.78 1. 82 Appendix Table 4. (Continued) Cooking 8(I) X(1) X(2) 470.47 287.43 - 610.98 1,479.00 838.31 0.92 32,78 39.75 - 31.62 6.33 - 106.97 172.74 24.14 - 143.53 5.60 199.76 69.31 12.67 X( 3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant 8( 0 ) Freeness, ml CSF 8(I) T value MOE x 0,1 T value variables 0.45 0.28 -0.47 1.43 0.81 0.01 0.29 0.16 - -0.26 -1.67 0.61 18.61 -1.90 -0.97 - 69.63 - 42.80 - 2.99 0.19 19.11 34.95 1.23 2.80 - 0.67 3.50 5.67 - 1.42 1.35 0.37 1.36 8.73 - 6.87 24.10 0.06 13.61 -0.77 0.17 23.02 4.13 7.99 -1.03 12.11 0.04 2.00 -1.43 0.50 0.09 12.39 9.01 18.50 6.87 22.76 1.24 13. 78 0. 10 -1.52 - 20.86 4.97 36.98 235.91 107.52 268.39 137.29 -0.28 212.04 -2, 231. 70 - Bulk x 100 T value 8(1) 1, 100. 10 -1.06 1.55 0.88 1.21 0.22 -0.42 -0.64 -0.11 0.65 0.47 1. 35 0.97 0.37 - -0. 36 1.20 3. 99 7.22 3.73 398. 66 0,43 0,10 0.31 1.42 0.87 0.52 0.13 0.31 1.06 0.26 0.20 0.06 0.20 1.33 1.04 0,20 0.57 0.06 0. 60 1.09 Appendix Table 5. Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties. (1. 8 cc/gm Bulk level) Cooking variables X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant 8(0) Breaking length T value B( I) Concora strength T value 8(1) 1. 34 10. 38 1. 59 12. 82 0. 15 2.22 -2,023.90 -0.63 -0.23 2, 005. 00 0.63 0.30 - 1.36 -2.36 -3.01 -112.34 43.37 1.83 4,04 -1.64 0. 27 1.19 1.64 - 2. 32 0.01 -1. 90 4, 97 0. 31 0.02 - 0.86 - 0.05 -1.50 -0.07 -1.49 8,53 4.29 10.87 0.55 1.37 4,50 6.70 9.12 4,00 1.13 0,57 1.18 0.06 0.15 0.49 -0.73 0.99 0.43 0.55 -1.15 0.87 2. 45 1.06 - 3. 62 3.20 2.30 1.00 0.21 3.95 - 1.30 1.61 0.61 0.62 2.15 0.24 1.50 1.12 0.49 - 2.13 0.23 1.49 1.11 0.48 2. 99 - 1. 76 3. 01 1. 77 - 0.50 - 1.14 0.51 1.15 74.49 -0.56 -1.10 15.39 22. 45 - 0.81 - 38.65 - 75.55 0.47 0.12 - 9.90 -16.37 - 1. 99 2.93 0.85 Tear, factor T value 8(I) 1,511. 30 382.01 5, 342. 40 0.61 1.35 4.52 Burst factor T value 8(I) - 105.24 115.51 2. 75 - 72.41 52.25 33.17 -1, 233. 70 780.61 - 208.99 331.86 423.28 - 591 66 -1,016 60 - 168.26 416.75 - 3,797. 10 -0.33 -0.004 -0.21 -0.15 0.08 -2.86 1.81 -0.49 0.77 0.98 -1. 38 -2. 36 -0.39 0.97 4,47 1.74 1.05 0.95 0.67 1.20 2. 22 1.35 -0.96 1.69 1. 35 O. 95 O. 08 0. 11 - O. 30 -0. 43 0.68 -0.96 5, 05 10.,58 -0.42 -0. 60 8.00 - 35. 29 454.47 0. 63 -0, 24 0,54 Appendix Table 5. (Continued)) Cooking MOE variables X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) B( I) 746. 03 1. 37 0.89 0.41 0.98 - 48.56 278.73 533.03 935.02 75.46 20.96 - - X( 9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) T value - Freeness, ml, CSF T value 8(1) - 40.86 - 27.36 - 247.83 - 305. 51 - 1.72 39.60 - 7.73 1.73 - 134.87 -1.26 -0.35 -1.06 98.76 41.27 -0.69 24. 36 92.05 4.55 100.40 7.52 X( 15) 100 x log revolutions T value B(I) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) - Constant B ( 0) -1, 166.10 124. 83 72.46 77.17 49.61 - 206.59 35.61 - 1.65 -0. 33 1.26 0.06 -1.37 1.03 -1. 71 1.00 -1.05 0.68 -2.82 33.11 - 6.73 1.81 - 21.62 19.67 17.69 7.75 6.05 14.32 2.77 11.11 1.18 839. 90 0.49 0.33 2.40 3.68 0.48 0.85 0.19 1.84 3.63 0.74 0.16 1.93 1.76 1.58 0.69 0.54 1.28 0.26 0.99 0.11 227.89 219.81 - 219.26 -1.23 -1.18 -0.95 99. 10 173.80 12.25 -0.94 0.56 33.24 5.57 11.23 34.97 31.51 61.51 13.85 8.75 21.37 6.02 19.63 24.01 28.62 5.24 1, 054. SO 0.53 1.63 -0.13 -0.55 1.71 1.26 2.46 -0.55 -0. 35 -0.85 0.24 -0.78 0.96 1.14 -0.21 Appendix Table 6. Multiple regression equations relating cooking variables to pulp properties. (0 PFI revolutions level) Cooking variables X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant B(0) 8( I) 10. 21 0. 64 10.62 4. 62 0.67 1, 173. 40 2, 06S. 70 0. 23 1, 523.40 9. 29 0.58 7.03 - 1. 19 - 0.44 170. 06 1, 040. 40 - 1.69 - 0.33 - 0.96 0.09 - 1. 19 - 0. 68 - 0.94 - 0.55 - 0.54 0.22 0.43 0.09 0.09 - O. 93 0.20 0. 20 0. 82 0.05 - 0. 30 - 0. 38 0. 02 0, 14 - 0.93 - 0.18 - 0.05 - 0.43 0.08 0.03 -46. 99 - 0.93 1.64 0.97 718.48 467.59 1. 86 64. 28 1. 85 L21 51.83 291. 74 0. 61 0. 61 1. 20 34. 94 6. 60 1.33 0, 76 0. 17 236.05 472.21 0. 13 0.82 B( I) 36.68 0.90 -0.99 -2.55 -1.27 -1.07 -1.85 -0.78 - -0. 75 - 3. 52 3.64 1.43 -0. 82 -0.72 -0.64 72. 16 -1. 38 6. 33 -1. 21 0.34 3.82 -0.89 17.56 53.48 -1. 03 - S. 93 0.73 -1. 13 172. 80 1.02 67. 22 1. 29 1. 39 7.06 21.09 6.22 -0. 14 -0. 41 0.12 8. 92 1. 43 247.39 4.40 -0.01 -1.68 -1.46 -0.03 13.55 -0.26 - 0.93 0.42 - 0.58 114. 33 0. 67 8. 34 -0. 16 4. 57 0.41. 0. 68 Tear factor T value Burst factor x 100 T value 8( I) Breaking length T value Concora strength T value B(I) 241.13 62.70 106.46 1.04 79.55 417. 59 272.71 151.60 285. 64 -6, 858. 6 -0.03 -1.74 -0.21 -0.77 -0.01 -0.47 -2.46 - 45. 25 - 78.74 70.60 31.74 30.72 33.19 - 1.61 _ -2, 459. 00 4. 27 - 10.89 - 11.56 -159.54 -0.85 -0.27 1. 70 -0. 27 -0. 18 0.08 -0.11 0. 88 Appendix Table 6. (Continued) MOE x 0. 1 Cooking variables E(I) X(8) X(8) X(10) X(11) X(12) X( 13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) X(18) X(19) X(20) Constant 13(0) -1.26 -0. 16 11.45 0. 65 3. 07 14. 19 -1.24 -0.41 5.41 212.61 5.57 31.23 2.19 254. 03 -O. 49 318.10 286.93 132.65 731.97 850.85 316.54 -0.49 -0.45 92. 95 -O. 15 283.87 141.59 -0.44 0.22 3.77 5.27 2.24 8.77 0.81 0.15 0.48 0.49 0.35 -0.05 0.01 -0.28 -0.61 0.08 433. 381 -O. 68 0.23 340.52 1, 345. 00 - 119.57 - 14.98 - 88.02 38. 11 669. 13 X( 7) -0.46 -1. 28 -0. 65 4,088. 40 4,942. 50 X(5) X(6) T value -0.65 0.26 -0.42 -0.24 3, 952. 20 X(4) Bulk x 100 8(I) 73.43 103.90 51.08 2, 370.20 X( 2) X( 3) Freeness, ml CSF T value 3(1) 1.74 0.50 0.67 0.86 1.04 8, 244. 70 X(1) T value -26, 092.00 0.02 -1.15 1.33 -0.50 68.06 8.44 8.69 7.65 1.14 0.15 6.11 0.13 1, 039.40 - 82. 39 -142. 76 0. 29 0. 54 1.41 0.21 3. 81 0. 34 - 0.92 -0.07 14. OS 1. 10 1.54 24.22 -0.12 - 23.08 0.55 4.44 -1.81 0.54 0.48 0.04 -0.35 14.96 1. 12 - 6.83 6. 09 0. 24 0.10 -0.41 -0.01 -0.75 -0.87 -1.50 - 924. 47 1.90 89 Appendix Table 7. Original data. 90 COOK A3B1C253T3 FGL1. ORIGINAL DATA YIELD= 79.85 INTERVALS 1 2, 3, 4 :Dania 7.0n BEAT I NO 719 CSF CONCORA BULK 635 26.9 9. 1 BURST 'FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 111. 4 STIFF. (MOE 75875 2. 1 2.4 3. 2 1288 BREAKING LENGTH 233 49.7 2.0 4311 4/4 3974 96). 6 14.9 122.5 20 '580 77.7 94. 7 224381 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 677 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 98.c) -z.15A 2.1 4000 15. 7 20.4 2. 4 STIFF. 011-3E::1 118. 1 93. 3 210241 227439 667, CONSTANT BEAT I NG, 333, CSF coNcoRA BULK: BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 28. 1 40. 2 49.? 2.4 2.1 3,388 15. 4 20, 3 = 347. 928 ci 226264 1. 6, 1.8, 2. 4311 77. 7 2. 2 CC/GM 2 3. 7 209 278 348 417 6 51.4 45.1 38.8 5231 4733 4235 3736 27. 4 24.? 21. 9 19. 1 87.3 87.6 92.0 qtc. 4 3.1844E; X + 557929. 467 288510 258575 998639 2.? X +-348. 178 F= 5. 451. CONCORA =-31.332 X + 107.754 57. F= 27. 806 0. 933 BREAKING LENGTH X + 9218. 862 =-2492. 103 F= 136. 448 O. 986 BURST FACTOR X + 49. 707 0. 983 F= 115. 760 TEAR FACTOR V 7e.c49;71 F= 86.883 R-SQ. = O. 732 =-13. 912 1000 PF I REVS 97C-1' 2n91P.0 CSF R-SO. = 4372 23.0 74.? 271130 X + 8. 31.4 R-SQ. = 8.977 R-SQ. = 2. 405 L I N. REGR. -BULK, 4. LOG BEATING =-Z 559 51.5 614 19. 9 STIFF. (NOE ) 11.364 45 = a 834 X + 48. 343 R-SQ. = 0. 362 STIFF. (. MOE =-149677. 443 R-S.= 0.983 F= 1..137 F= 118.331 X - MEAN 439 COOK FGL3A A3B3C253T3 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, STIFF. (MOE 3, 300 647 0 BEAT I NO CSF CnNCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR YIELD= 72. 250 745 1000 228 42.8 8. 4 4. 0 22. 4 2. 9 423 32.5 2.7 1005 2454 7:1686 5027 4. 4 11E1. 1 15. 4 176. 4 21. 7 24. 9 128. 8 37112 125657 CONSTANT FREENESS, 148.? 149868 600, 400, 1050 -7q. 0 43. 4 3844 5'7,19 25. 9 . 2712 16.? BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 17a 25. 4 22. 1 fz. 146. 3 13077:7 151700 126. 1.71 167630 333, 667, 1.000 PF CONSTANT BEAT I NO, 165400 200 ML 691 373 BEATING CONCORA BULK STIFF. I:. MOE 4 REVS 414 CSF CONCORFi 4. s.7:. 9 BULK 2. 6 2571 3750 16. 173. :3 21. 9 24: 9 147. 7 .128. 8 127C1F;7:: 150608 if.:;5400 BREAK I NG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) UN. REGR. -BULK, LOG BEATING 1. 6, 1. 8, 5. 1 CCFEU 145 2.5 5027 2. q 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 4. 7 4. 7: 3. 141 'N-19 262 51. 6 47. IA X + 8.547 F= 133.197 R-91 = 0. 985 = 303.294 X +-404. 866 F= 5.083 R-91 = 0.718 CONCORA F.P1. =-23.169 X + 97.966 F= 18. 630 R-SQ. = 0. 903 6520 6030 5540 5049 36. 1 33. 4 6 T.?. 9 172. 8 168. 3 163. :3 159. 4 245109 227405 s.0970S 191998 BREAKING LENGTH X + 10439. 824 =-2450. 154 F= ii 572 R-91 = 0. 853 BURST FACTOR =-13. 740 X + 58.100 F= 62. 349 R-SQ. = 0. 969 TEAR FACTOR 410 X + 208. 661 R-SQ. = 0.262 STIFF. (mOE) F= 0.709 =-88518. 922 X + 386739. 492 R-SO. = 0. 999 F= 2623. 837 X - MEAN = 3. 019 YIELD= 72. 620 A3B3C253T1 FGL4 COOK CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 445 BEAT I NG CONCORA BULK BREFIK I NG LENGTH ...;:q. 2. 4 3136 16.7 BURST FACTOR 'TEAR FACTOR STIFF. ( MOE ) CF 5...1 118. 8 158191 Ric:.5 *7:3. 5 2. 2 4026 92. 1 101. 2 191408 595 677f. 94. 9 24 BULK 2987 15. 6 123. 5 142494 BREAK I l',11.3 LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FFICTOR ST I FF. <MOE ) REGR. -BULK, L IN. 425 3457 19. 0 109. 2 4412 24. 3 95. 7 1:37453 1.440Cr9 2: 21 1. 6, 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GPI 4. 3 3.. 7 928 302 376 450 57. 9 51. fl 5630 5049 4468 7:887 32. 1 5 24. 9 21. 3 6 101. 5 104. 4 107 2 2633:10 237434 211558 185683 X + 10.221 F= 64.394 R-9/ = 0.970 C.cF = 371.154 R-SQ. 313 f: 3-2 5. 0 LOG BEATING =-3. 272 RR, i.--; 197578 333, 667, 1000 PF I REVS CONSTANT BEATING CONCORFI 1175 48. 7 2. 0 4913 27. 1 X +-366. 244 F= 5.536 a rs5 CONCORA V =-34.489 X + iUi2O F= 34.809 R-SO. = 0.946 BREAKING LENGTH X + 10276.376 4 F= 46.694 =-2904.151 R-SQ. = 0:959 BURST FFtC"TOR X + 61.076 F= 58. ea R-9/ = 0.967 V =-18.089 9. TEAR FFiCTOR = 14.309 X + 75.736 R-SQ. = 0.245 STIFF. (MOE) =-129379. 763 R-S= 0.956 F= 0. 649 X + 470317. 993 F= 43.683 - MEAN = 2. 4913 863 2.940 YIELD= Fi2B2C1S2T4 FGL5 COOK ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3.. 4 7:00 BEATING CsF 717 CONCORA BULK 3. 2 7.? BREAKING LENGTH BURST -FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE cm..= 19. .1 2.6 1153 2787 5.5 .13. 7 .114. 4 180. 0 55450 125632 3898 21. 4 154. 2 191735 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 415 769 1042 CONCORA BULK 21. 8 8 48. 6 -2. 5 3151 2 2.2 4104 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 171. 5 147273 STIFF. (MOE) CONSTANT 3 195791 205115 21. 4 BEATING, 333, 657, CSF CONCORA r:R9 475 19. 9 2 2.5 BULK: 14. 5 3926 21. 4 177. 5 151. 4 131927 19-2-zo3 BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. ( MOE ) L I t-4. REGR. LOG BEAT I r4G -BULK, 1. 6, 4. 7 2.1 4578 21. 4 88. 6 134. 95. 6 21;17.4,7n CSF BEAT I NO BREAK I NO LENGTH 1000 231 46. 3 2. 1 4505 21. 4 650 487 27. 3 1000 PF I REVS 231 4F,. 2.1 4505 21.4 95.6 21716791 1. 8, 2_ 0, 2. 2 CC/GPI 3.0 3.5 4.1 =-2.817 X 4- 9.157 R-50. = 8.915 F= 21.550 161 240 319 7 47.5 41.2 35.0 5915 5297 4678 4060 6 20. 5 CSF X+-478.685 Y = 394.872 R-SQ.= 8.745 F= 848 CONCORA 53. =-31.252 X + 103.728 F= 10.129 835 R-SQ. = BREAKING LENGTH X + 10861.391 Y =-3091. 5131 R-S 0.996 F= 465.667 BURST FACTOR -15.777 X + 55.195 F= 111.41 R-50. = 0.982 TEAR FACTOR = 1.487 R-SQ. = 0.000 134. 7 135. 0 135. 3 275200 24655c:; 217911 17:5. X + 132.305 F= 0.001 STIFF. ( MOE ) X + 504356.468 =-143222. 624 F= 206.197 R-SQ. = 0.990 X - MEAN = 515 1549267 COOK FGL6 YIELD= 71. 920 F14B2C354T2 ORIGINAL DATA 94 It-4TERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 121. 8 STIFF. (MOE) 78R-z.R 1000 1-47,Fda 77:7: A 642 24.0 2.3 1582 . 3. 7. c 199 438 48. 51. 2 -;-17-120 2.1 3715 2.0 5056 20.3 25. 4 A R7. 7 139. R j_cif-7.. 224152 384710 CONSTANT FREENESS, 60a. 400, 200 ML CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) 999 51.1 2.0 5050 706 42.5 2.1 3928 372 BEAT I NO 27. 2.3 3163 21.3 173256 6 9 103.1 249680 87. 8 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, 1000 PFI REVS CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH -BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 427 41.4 2.1 3779 25.8 105.1 231797 : 20. 7 136. lc; STIFF. (MOE) 6 LIN. REGR. LOG BEATING Y=-3.124 2. 2 cr/Gri 8 3.1 155 249 343 61. 1 53..1 45. 1 37. 1 5680 5050 4421 3791 5 29 7 25. 0 913.5 104. 1 109. R 7:0AR12 248904 2.5 X + 9.389 F= 50. 047 R-SQ. = 0. 962 X +-594. 370 = 468. 477 a 752 F= 6.050 CONCORFi Y =-39. 991 R-SQ.= 2. 0, 1. 8, 4. 4 CSF R-SQ.= 199 51.2 2.0 5056 33.0 87.7 384710 X + 125. 072 a 911 F= 29.555 BREAKING LENGTH X + 10714. 707 =-31.46. 943 F= 28.851 R-SQ.= 0.912 BURST FACTOR =-23. 771. X + 77.282 R-92. = 0. 967 F= 57. 962 TEAR FACTOR Cr?. = 28. 285 X + 47. 576 R-SQ. = 0. 312 F= 0. 906 404627 STIFF. (MOE) Y =-259539. 179 R-SQ. = 0.773 X + 819890. 088 F= 6.801 X - MEAN = 342 Y I ELD= 71. 890 A2B4C152T2 FG-L7 COOK ORIGINAL D,ATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 10:710 15.3 2.8 650 433 24.? 2.7 163E: 2267 2535 8. 1 -.1.09. 9 Rci;=,87 89. R BEATING CSF 705 CONCORA BULK: 4.3 729 2. 3 69. 5 31143 BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR ST I FF. (. moE) CONSTANT 659 176 45. 0 2.5 7.7 7.8 La 5 14/CF.65 . FREENESS.. 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 391 17. 8 695 27. 3 957 43. 1 181712 2301 2510 104. 1 86582 R7. la 7171. BEAT I NG CO NC ORA 2.8 BULK BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 7.8 STIFF. (MOE) CONSTAt- T BEAT I NG.. 637 16. 2 CONCORF: 2. 8 BULK CSF BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR ST I FF. ( moE 7. :3 107. 4 82872 2.7 7.8 108828 8.1 142522 333, 667, 1.000 PF I REV 421 25. 7 2.7 7.7 88.8 176 45. 0 2.5 2535 8.1 68.5 1053.7-:1 LIN. REGR._ -BULK, 1.6.. 1. 8, 2. 0.. 2. 2 CC/Gti 4. 7 4 3 4. n 3. 6 1891 223 265 307 46. 7 43. 5 40. 2 36. 9 3191 317102 9819 11. 6 10. 9 10. 2 97 7 95. 9 94. 0 LOG BEATING =1 755 . X + 7. 469 P-SQ.= 0. 999 F.:: 3455. 359 CSF X +-159. 465 fr' = 212. 242 R-S.= a 4861.889 CONCORFi =-i6.308 X + 72.818 Fr- 3. 007 = O. 601 BREAKING LENGTH =948. 560 R-SO. = a X + 4709. 083 15. 742 7 BURST FACTOR =3. 4% X + 17.223 F= 170. 193 R-91 = O. 988 TEAR FACTOR I? =9. 126 9. 9 X + 112. 251 R-SQ. = O. 141 STIFF. (MOE) F= O. 323 170213 Y =54087. 619 X + 256753. 264 = 0.884 F= 8.220 X - MEAN = 3. 075 148578 137761 A282C3S2T2 FGL8 COOK ORIGINAL DATA INTERVALS 1, BEAT I NO 2, 3, 4 . 762 CSF CONCORA BULK 650 513 29.1 2.8 3805 10.7 127.1 113570 642: S. 6 3. 1 4. BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 116'; 2993 3;5 7. 9 :31. 9 2 94561 STIFF. (MOE ) 96 YIELD= 75. 120 1171A0 242 45.9 2.6 4R99 12. 7 .i05.5 137001 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 40a. 200 !IL CSF BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 796 416 1054 48.5 36. 1 .:1)5. 2.7 422:2 8.8 STIFF. (MOE ) 49:3R 13. 0 1. 6 120. 5 1 100849 123340 102. 2 14c:632 CONSTANT BEATING. 333, 667, 1000 PF I 631 CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 118. STIFF. (.10E) V=-2.239 C. 3854 2.6 4829 10. 8 12A. 0 105. Fi 114685 1-.Z7001 2. 12. 7 a. 5. 5 5.1 2. 2 CC/G11 4.2 4.6 56 119 182 245 63. 0 58. 3 53.5 48. 8 7008 6511 6013 5516 18. 6 17. 3 1F.;. 14. 7 144. 8 140. 0 212410 196776 REGR. -BULK, L I N. LOG BEFiTING 5 45. 9 24. 4 3.1 3071 R. 2 RE' 242 517671 - 1. 6, 1. 8, 2. X + 9.084 F= 55.205 R-SQ.= 0.965 C:SF = 316.225 X +-450. 366 F= 6.198 R-SQ.= 0.756 CONCORA + 100. 666 F= 15.434 R-99. = 0.885 BREAKING LENGTH X + 10986. 214 F= 68.562 Y =-2486.443 R-91 = 8.972 BURST FACTOR =-6.424 X + 28.848 F= 59. 058 R-91 = 0. 967 TEAR FACTOR 089 R-SO. 130. 4 X + 183. 366 = a 577 STIFF. c. MOE =-78170. 347 R-SO. = 0.999 F=2.733 X + 337483. 016 F= 1409. 221 X - MEAN = 3. 12:2 181142 165508 A383C253T3 FGL9 COOK YIELD= 71. 310 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF 700 515 31. 8 677 14. 3 CONCOF:A 2.7 BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 2. 2204 q. 164. 9 100686 ST I FF. (MOE ) 4262 21, 1 123. 179741 PI 650 195 45. 1 7::59 42. 5 2.2 4711 25. 1 104. 7 185332 549.1 91. 2 123:673 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF .143 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR. FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) -;:c), 7 2.5 2.2 3182 15. 2 145. 0 138262 4593 5468 109. 5 183863 91. 6 125553 24.0 351 42. 6 2. 2 4748 95. 104. 29.3 195 45.1 5491 29.5 91. 2 122:673 1. 6, 1. 8, a et, 2. 2 CC/GM REGR. -BULK, =-4.632 171 182396 STIFF. c. MOE 5. 9 LOG BEATING 2.5 667, 1000 PF I REVS CONSTANT BEAT I NG, CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR L IN. 989 45. 0 22. 6 4. X + 13.269 F= 3.958 R-SQ. = 0.664 95 178 262 346 67. 9 59. 4 51. 0 42. 6 7372 6557 5782 5008 40. 2 35. 6 31. 0 26. 4 47. 2 65. 83 246516 214377 CrF = 418.309 X +-574. 581 F= 0. 658 R-SQ. = 0.248 CONCORFi Y =-42. 170 + 115. 352 R-SQ. = 0. 550 F= 2. 447 BREAK I NO LENGTH =-3873. 113 R-SO. = 0. 461 X + 13528. 579 F= 1. 711 BURST FACTOR =-23.862 X + 77.104 R-SQ. = 0.452 F= 1.649 TEAR FACTOR 101. 4 = 90. 268 X +-97. 234 F= 1. 848 0. 480 R-SQ. = 278654 STIFF. C. MOE Y =-168692. 016 R-50. = 0. 897 X + 535761. 449 F= 17. 400 X - MEAN = 2. 417 182r23e4 98 YIELD= 69. 690 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 COOK A4B2C1S2T2 FGL10 BEATING 300 568 CSF CONI:ORA BULK Da. 8 21. 2 2. 9 9. 9 4510 14.4 143.4 128743 BREAKING LENGTH BURST 'FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 138. STIFF. (MOE ) 79-4,12 2280 8. 4 CONSTANT FREENESS., 600, 400, 142. 1 17. 8 142. 8 30. 1 81. 5 115668 156567 19)=.084 12. 8 4518 ±4.9 143, 3 142. 5 97. 9 132294 167806 1885F7.6 547 - 22.7 2.9 BREAK I NG LEN13TH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR =-2. 048 -BULK, 1. 4. 1 97. 9 97.9 188566 1000 PF I REVS 332 37.6 2.6 5697 19.2 CSF CONCORA BULK 7166 200 ML CSF 1.9 7703 3931 CONSTANT BEAT I Na. 333, 667, L I N. REGR. LOG BEATING 168161 41::. 9 BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR ST I FF. ( moE 19. 2 142. 5 2.7 5355 2. 9 BULK 32. 2. 1 5707 1122 18. 4 44. 4 S' 8 221 STIFF. (MOE) .1cf.f 561 BEATING CONCORA 1000 235 /570 44. 4 2.1 7166 27.2 6, 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 3. 7 3.3 2.9 66 162 257 X + 7.412 R-91 = 0.336 F= t813 V = 477.815 X +-792.1 R-SQ. = 0.823 F= 9. 276 CSF CONCORFi V =-34. 337 X + la. R-SQ. = 0.796 63. 4 56. 9 49. 42.8 7640 6755 345 F= 7.826 9409 BREAKING LENGTH Y =-4423.323 X + 1603. 555 R-SQ. = 0. 727 F= 5. 324 BURST FACTOR =-1a43 X + 65.685 R-9/ = 8.858 F= 1133 TEAR FACTOR 36. 32. 4 81. 1 90. 9 1510. 110.4 = 48. 690 X + 3. 240 R-91 = a 785 F= 7. 302 243705 STIFF. ( MOE ) X + 405167. 396 Y =-100914. 240 R-Sa = 0. 696 F= 4. 582 ' - MEAN = 2. 616 183156 - 99 COOK ORIGINAL DATA BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) YIELD A383C253T5 FGL11 I NTERVALS 1 70. 500 2, 3, 4 1000 165 4787 99.8 650 360 42.6 2.0 5750 26.8 143. 9 141. 8 124. 6 28. 6 127. 3 81457 178263 259145 233878 300 469 0 666 15.4 32. 8 3. 1 2559 8. 1 48. 9 2.1 7866 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF STIFF. <MOE) CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 25. 4 130. 9 229464 333, 667, CONSTANT BEAT I NG, 47. 8 2.1 7486 28. 3 126.8 238413 1000 PF I REV S 165 48.9 2.1 7866 28.6 459 351 33. 7 42. 9 4879 2.1 5851 23. 2 140. 2 124. 8 127. 3 257942 23378 185966 STIFF. (MOE) 937 522 39.0 2.1 5396 101 21.2 2.8 3305 13.1 143.2 113890 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR REGR. -BULK, 4. LOG BEATING L I N. 1.. 6, 2 26. 1. 8, Z. 0 2. 2 CC/GM 3.? 3.1 2.6 212 282 353 56. 506 451 39? 8144 7395 6645 5896 32. 28.4 24.8 V=-2.753 X + 8. 612 F= 28i076 R-SQ. = O. 993 141 CSF = 353. 361 R-SQ.= 8.738 X 4-424. 237 F= 5.487 CONCORR Y -27.285 X + 99.53? R-SQ.= 8.889 F= 15.969 BREAKING LENGTH =-3746.1i4 R-50.. = 8.741 X + 14137. 529 F= 5.726 BURST FACTOR 35. 7 =48.196 X + 64.818 R-SQ.= 8.982 F= 186.649 TEAR FACTOR 123. 0 125. 9 128. 9 131. 8 304150 274224 244299 214373 = 14. 751 X + 99. 375 R-SQ. O. 577 F= 2. 725 STIFF. (MOE> =-149627. 636 R-SQ.= 0. 924 X + 543554.079 Fr-. 24. 429 X - MEAN = 100 COOK FGL12 YIELD= 72. 370 A2B4C321-4 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2.. 3, 4 CF 1000 146 F.5n 300 610-.1...ef.S1 0 BEAT I NG 716 CONCORA BULK 1171. 7.: --Z. 0 25 BREFtK I NG LENGTH 1-474; 5. 0 3 7 42. F. ssRs.f.:: 3422 2 9 . R 22 2. 1 TEAR FACTOR 105. 5 19. 5 114. 7 15. 5 90. 4 3RF,R 15. 7 72: 7 STIFF. ( MOE ) 73861 151239 227291 231951 BURST 'FACTOR CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 314 912 23. 4 -::::4. 5 41. i 9. 5 2852 9. -:: 2. 2 3329 3756 113. 7 15. 1 94. 9 15. 6 77. 2 154293 215379 230781 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAK: I NG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 12. 6 STIFF. (MOE ) 200 MI_ CSF 595 CONSTANT BEAT I NG, 333, 667, 1000 PFI REV-'S- 5E CSF CONCOR A BULK 2: 49. 2. 1 3.443 15. 5 15. 7 37. .9. 5 BREAK I NG LENGTH 4..-0°....1 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 12. 8 112. 4 158482 STIFF. (MOE) LIN. REGR. -BULK, 1. 6, 5.1 LOG BEATING =-3.460 89. r. 227513 1_ 8, 4.4 7:Rfv,R 72.7 231951 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GPI 3.0 3.7 X + 10.595 F= 31.614 R-SQ. = 0. 941 8 70 187 304 59. -.I: 52. 0 44. 8 37. 6 5262 4708 4153 35-99 23. 1 20. 6 18. 0 15. 5 74. 7 81. 1 87. 4 295397 25R701 220605 CSF = 586.276 R-SQ. 146 351 n 24. 1 X +-985. 592 = a 806 F= 8. 331 CONCORA =-36. 116 X + 117. 043 F= 42. 842 R-SQ. = 0. 955 BREAKING LENGTH X + 9696. 784 =-2771. 650 R-SL= 8993 F= 296. 731 BURST FACTOR =-12. 645 X + 43. 331 R-S. = 0. 986 F= 138. 486 TEAR FACTOR = 31. 875 X + 17. 319 R-SQ.= 0.463 STIFF. MOE) Y =488480. 453 R-SQ. = 0. 980 F= 1.722 2:2: 3 6 9 4 X + 635262. 313 F=%493 493 - MEAN = 2. 463 101 C OOK FGL13 Fi4B4C1S2T4 YIELD= 69. 150 INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 ORIGINAL DATA 738 -z.nia r.:Pic) 650 CSF -:'-59 219 CONCORA 7. 7 22. 0 37. .:-.. 43. 9 BULF::: :9 872 - 20 2E 2.5 *)734 13. 5 3718 '7.921 20. 5 TEAR FACTOR qc). 7:: 155. E.: 144. 6 24. 0 120. 9 STIFF. (MOE ) 45867 117419 1455; 175447 BEATING la BREAKING LENGTH BURST . FACTOR 4. 3 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 1048 BEAT I NO 313 CONCUR A 22. 5 34. 7 2769 3557 13. 7 155. 4 146. 5 117. 7 118433 140975 179498 44. 8 2.4 BULK BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. if. MOE ) CONSTANT BEAT It4G, ic.t. 3.73, 657, 24.4 1000 PFI REV-"S 219 CSF CONCORA BULK 23. 4 BREAK I MG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 14. 2 154. 8 STIFF. ( MOE ) 121-711n2 LIN. REGR. -BULK, 1. 6, 5. 0 LOG BEATING 4:9 e .:s 2.6 779R 20.6 3921 24.0 143. 5 .120. 9 147017 175447 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 4.2 3.8 147 213 61. 51.9 47.1 5806 4954 4528 28.7 26.1 152. 5 148. 1 205863 -I88998 4. 6 X + 8.371 -a896 F= 44. 323 R-SQ. = 0. 957 CCF = 332.848 X +-519.069 F= 11.631 R-SO. = 0.853 r:ONCORA Y =-24.085 X + 100.886 R-Sa. = 0. 944 F= 33. 975 BREAK I NO LENGTH X + 9215. 787 =-2131. 026 R-91 = 0. 997 F= 727. 497 BURST FACTOR 31. 4 34. la Y =-13.116 X + 54.969 R-91 = 0. 974 F= 75. 436 TEAR FACTOR =-22.252 X R-SO. = 8.332 STIFF. (MOE) 161. 4 157. 239593 223728 + 197.829 F= 0.993 =84324. 842 X + 374512. 440 R-91 = 0. 985 F= 131. 907 X - MEAN = 3. FI05 COOK A4B4C154T2 FGL14 102 Y I ELD= 68. 470 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF 8 718 308 682 658 416 C 01'1 CORA 11. 8 28. 4 42. 3 2. 9 2. 4 2. 1 9174 2.8 18785 1.000 1R5 BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 3471 7178 7. 5 121. 2 140. 3 11.E.:. 5 184.3 STIFF. (MOE ) 81799 165654 21r-r4R7 1q727:9 19. 3 31. 2 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSIF BEATING CONCORA 304 2R. 5 2.4 7199 19.4 BULK: BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR -14a 0 166141 STIFF. <MOE ) 977 48.6 2.1 18688 30.9 IA5.2 190132 674 R 2.1 9285 117.5 210035 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, 1000 PF I REV-"S csF 405 584 7 42. 6 2. 4 2. 1 CONC:ORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 1'85 2.0 7368 STIFF. (MOE::' -11;17R5 R 2a1.7-t 138. 2 117. 8 31.2 104.3 -11:::;gc17-1 210332 1q72-:Z9 REGR. -BULK.. L I N. 4. LOG BEATING 1. 6, 8 1.8.. . 0, 2.2 CC/GM 4.1 3.4 Fsci 162 274 ic.A, 3 57 6 48. 9 4047 12381 10716 42. 1 36. 7 31. 2 108. 4 111. 7 279685 249534 Y =-3. 571 X + 10. 528 F= 23. 084 R-9Q. = 0. 920 CSF Y 560. 635 R-SQ. = O. 818 X +-847. 285 F= 9. 003 CONCORA =-43. 482 X + 135. 837 R-SO.= 8.985 F= 128.358 BREAK I NO LENGTH =-8327. 965 R-SQ. = 0. 984 X + 27371. 703 F= 124. 731 BURST FACTOR =-27. 329 X + 85. 854 R-SQ. O. 990 F= 189. 475 TEAR FACTOR 115. = 16. 528 X + 81. 928 R-S9. = 0.176 F= 0. 428 STIFF. (MOE ) X + 520889. 088 =-150752. 588 R-5Q= 0.955 f= 42.886 - MEAN = 2. 368 219384 7 A4B2C154T4 FGL15 COOK ORIGINAL DATA, 103 YIELD= 65. 520 INTERVALS 1.. 2 3, 4 30174 BEAT I NO lAAA 141 47.? 2.1 650 225 43.7 2.3 9991 112q-z: CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 171. 9 206. 8 132. 4 130. 3 STIFF. (MOE> 84913 162276 189304 27i:4R04 F-;5q 451. 17. 4 36.1 2.6 7865 24.5 3. 1 4071 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 39 BEATING CONCORA - 37. fz: BULK 22. 7. 3. A BREAK I NO LENGTH 5147 87:45 STIFF. (MOE 14. -1 25.? 190. 0 ilatc.RF;R 168375 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667.. 22. 1 131. 8 1000 PF I 141 47.7 2.1 11293 221 429 CSF CONCORA BULK 754 44.9 2.2 10379 2.6 181. 8 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 7:7. 0 R 2.3 806? 101:7153 199. 7 132. 3 130. 3 164850 191471 234804 BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 30. 3 STIFF. (MOE ) REGR. -BULK, L I N. LOG BEATING Y -3. 036 1. 6, 1. 8, a O.. 2. 2 CC/GM 4. 3 4. 9 X + 9. 782 F= 15.466 R-SO. = 0.885 CSF RA 187 59. A 5s.. 8 46. 7 13686 12231 10776 -17:5 = 535. 913 X +-992. 049 R-SQ. = O. 990 F=198.736 65. CONr.OR A =-38.745 X + 114.302 R-SO. = 0.982 F= 108. 683 15140 BREAKING LENGTH X + 26778. 804 =-7273. 369 R-91 = 8.998 F= 964.052 BURST FACTOR 44. :3 50. 39. 34. 3 297 X + 92.138 V=-26.297 R-SO. = O. 984 F= la 516 TEAR FACTOR Y = 53.169X R-SO. = 0.401 0. 973 121. 0 131. 6 142. 3 302257 273645 245032 216420 F= 1.338 STIFF. (MOE) =-1.43062. 046 110. 4 + 25. 291 X + 531156. 500 F= 73. 432 - MEAN = 2. 540 A4B4C3S4T4 FGL16 COOK ORIGINAL DATA, YIELD =-* 68. 970 04 I NT ER'ViRLS 1, 2, 3, 4 650 300 0 1000 BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 18. 3 26. 9 1 127. 5 201. 9 166. 1 126. 1 STIFF. (MOE) 54231 149449 205375 213529 711 8.9 3.8 1271 5.1 706 486 21. 8 33. 2 49. 6 2. 9 5 2. 4201 2.3 4974 3428 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600.. 400, 200 ML CSF 27. 3 2.7 3800 22.4 184.? 176395 STIFF. (MOE) BREAK. I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR R-SQ. 217396 1.000 FFI 22. 9 34. 0 9.8 3502 2.5 4237 299 49.6 2.3 4974 29.1 126.1 213529 198. 5 27. 0 164. 2 154775 205763 1. 6, 1. 8, 2 .0. REVS 2. 2 CC/GM 4. 6 4.2 3.8 3.4 251 299 347 394 58. 0 53. 3 48. 5 43. 8 6403 5933 5463 4993 39. 8 36. 6 33. 4 2 167. 3 165. 4 163. 5 161. 6 290184 268637 247089 225542 X + 7.824 F= 43. 546 = 8. 956 CSF X +-ia 434 = 238. 063 R-SQ. = 208990 477 LOG BEATING Y =-2. 019 30. 1 107. 1 667, REGR. -BULK, L I N. 2.2 5341 27. 9 148. 4 33.'3, 19. STIFF. (MOE) 57. 4 685 CONSTANT BEAT I NG, CSF CONCORA BULK 1166 805 40.5 2.4 4543 469 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 0.645 F= 3.634 CONCORA Y=-a 752 X + 96.039 R-S= 8.866 F= 12.958 BREAKING LENGTH V =-2349. 593 X + 18161. 935 R-SQ. = 8. 996 F= 444.269 BURST FACTOR =-16. 011 X + 65.444 R-SQ. = 8.989 F= 172.215 TEAR FACTOR V=-9.494 X + 182. 445 R-SQ.= 8.832 F= 0,065 STIFF. (MOE) =-187737. 834 R-SQ.= 8.989 X + 462565. 811 F= 184.567 X - MEAN = 9. 849 COOK FGL17 YIELD= 69. 250 Fi3B5C2S3T3 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 300 614 23.5 2.5 3899 15.2 125.7 137600 728 7.9 3.1 763 4.7 90.5 72231 STIFF. (MOE) CONSTANT FREENESS, 1000 289 37. 0 41. 6 5032 2.3 4660 18. 3 21. 7 9 119. 4 177548 185308 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 792 1167 38. 9 43. 8 2.3 4881 4483 15. 5 124. 5 19. 7 116. 1 122. 1 141653 180702 189001 336 24.9 2.5 4014 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. ( MOE ) 650 476 ""3. 4 CONSTANT BEATINGS 333, 667, 1000 PF I 467 37.2 15. 5 124. 5 18. 4 114. 2 119. 4 141405 177918 185308 BULK. BREAK I NG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) L N. REGR. -BULK, 1. 6, 5. 4 LOG BEATING V -3.442 289 41.6 2.3 4660 601 24.8 2.5 4007 CSF CONCORA 5014 1. 8, 4.7 21. 7 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 4.0 3.3 X + 10.881 R-SQ.= 0.986 F= 141. 535 141 222 382 62. 3 55.0 40.5 8158 7205 5299 28. 7 214 143. 5 137. 0 124. 0 264731 ',39778 CSF = 402. 181 R-SQ.= 8.737 X +-502. 397 F= 5.595 CONCORA V =-36. 295 X + 120. 376 R-S. = 8.933 F= 27. 991 BREAKING LENGTH V=-4765.21.6 X + 15782.150 R-SQ.= O. 980 F= 98. 726 BURST FACTOR =-18. 059 X + 61.169 R-S. = O. 979 F= 95. 240 TEAR FACTOR =-32.486 X + 195.488 R-SQ. = O. 727 F= 5. 317 STIFF. ( MOE ) X + 467558. 059 V =-126766. 976 F= 90.275 R-SO. = 8.978 X - MEAN = 2. 559 214024 188671 106 COOK YIELD A383C253T3 FGL18 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 512 300 175 30. 6 40. 9 3. 0 2.6 6508 E:EAT I NO CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 3101 STIFF. (MOE) 71. 180 1000 80 56.3 2.0 8498 26.3 650 149 46.8 2.3 6826 21.4 10. 0 27. 0 146.3 87454 133. 5 105. 0 84. 6 151048 216419 251824 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 3.1 22/1 5.6 149. 6 142. 0 25. 7 134. 5 70848 108589 146330 27. 9 CONSTANT BEFIT I NG, 333, 667, 146 173 CSF 47. 3 41. 5 CONCORA 2. 6 BULK F.57:8 6905 BREAK: I NO LENGTH 21. 6 26. 4 BURST FACTOR .1134. 0 130. 8 TEAR FACTOR 218105 157274 STIFF. (MOE) LIN. REGR. -BULK, 1. 6 4. 7 LOG BEATING Y =-2. 9% 278 40.1 2.6 6255 100 34.0 2.9 4233 15.6 -78 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF.(M0E) 1. 8, 1000 PF I REV'S 80 56. 3 2.0 8498 84. 6 2.!91824 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 4. 1 3. 5 -140 -56 28 65. 8 60. 7 55. 7 10757 9723 8689 33 7 30. :3 28. 0 61. 3 74. 1 86. 9 326144 291991 257837 X + 9.494 F= 9.488 R-SQ. = 8.825 CST = 421.916 R-SQ. = O. 858 X 4-815.332 F= 12. 122 CONCORA =-25. 318 X + 106.318 F=243.889 R-SQ. = 8.992 BREAKING LENGTH Y =-5168. 317 X + 19Ø25. 934 R-SQ. = 8. 935 F= 28.976 BURST FACTOR Y =44.297 X + 56.557 R-SQ. = 8.595 F= 2.942 TEAR FACTOR = 63.989 X +-41. 040 R-SQ. O. 949 STIFF. (MOE) F= 37. 131 X + 599371. 254 V =-170766. 955 F= 288.571 R-SQ.= 8.991 X - MEAN = 2. 475 107 COOK FGL19 fl383C253T3 YIELD= 66. 680 'X ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF.(M0E) 300 659 650 475 1200 170 22. 0 35. 0 48. 7 2.3 2.1 4509 545 0 734 8.1 2.7 2049 7.5 -z893 17.0 135. 6 147. 2 23. 8 112. 0 96126 183652 236433 1. 9 28.3 247500 71. 1 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 4090 785 38.4 2.0 4732 1146 47.4 1.9 5326 19. 2 135. 9 24. 9 101. 9 27. 9 75. 1 200576 239154 246411 412 BEATING CONCORA BULK 2. 2 BREAK: I NG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (M0E) 333, 667, 1000 PF I CONSTANT BEAT I NG, CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF.(M0E) L I N. - 3952 281 35. 4 43. 7 2.1 4536 2.0 5085 26.? 17. 7 24. 0 143. 9 188F;79 110.? 236768 REGR. -BULK, LOG BEATING Y =-4. 269 466 641 1. 4. 8 X + it 631 R-SO.= 0.941 F= 32.138 Y = 672. 879 R-SQ. = 0.744 X 4-994. 1.91 CSF F= 5.819 CONCORA Y =-52.197 X + R-50. = O. 933 61. 6 145.097 F= 27. 668 6760 BREAKING LENGTH Y =-440t 507 R-SQ. = 0:992 X + 13802. 460 F= 243.530 BURST FACTOR 36. Y =-27. 946 X + 8t 606 R-SQ. = O. 986 F= 140. 055 TEAR FACTOR = 75.194 X4-5t562 562 R-SQ. = 8.518 68. 7 F= 2. 151 283612 STIFF. (MOE) Y =-213207. 317 R-SQ. = O. 988 87:. 8 X + 667384. 732 F= 162. 064 X - MEAN = 2. 235 86. 171 243476 REVS FGL20 COOK . Fi2B2C154T2 108 YIELD= 73. 240 NTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 OR 101 NAL DATA 650 300 0 BEATING 397 593: 678 CSF 50.2 24.1 10. 7 CONCORA 2.2 2.3 3. 1 BULK 3490 919 2881 BREAKING LENGTH ±9.5 ±3.7 5. 4 BURST FACTOR 104. 8 66. 6 99. 4 TEAR FACTOR 273594 175642 65764 STIFF. (MOE) X. 1000 167 64.9 2.1 3580 20. 0 85.0 266130 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 275 645 950 23. 0 49. 8 6.-,. 8 2. 3 2719 2.2 3480 2.1 3567 13. 0 69. 3 19. 4 104. 3 20. 0 87. 8 166593 272095 267201 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. ( MOE ) CONSTANT BEATINGS 333, 667, 1000 PF I REV'S 574 26.6 CSF CONCORR BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 2. 2 3494 19.5 3580 20.8 85. 273239 266:130 70. 2 L N. REGR. -BULK, 4 LOG BEATING 1.8 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 3.3 7 X + 9. 056 R-SQ. = 0. 999 787 F= CSF Y = 358. 989 R-91 = 21 3 2939 14.3 184971 STIFF. ( MOE ) Y =-2. 897 167 64.9 386 50.9 a 581 168 240 311 383 71. 7 63. 3 54.8 46.4 4782 4273 3763 3254 25. 6 97,. 9 79. 4 81. 8 24± 310675 272877 X +406. 622 F= 2.768 CONCORA =-42.217 X + 139.242 R-SQ.= 0. 688 F= 4.485 BREAKING LENGTH =-2547. 275 R-SQ.= 0.985 X + 8857.875 F= 131.340 BURST FACTOR 'I =43.536 X + 47.292 R-S= 8.916 F= 21.938 TEAR FACTOR 17. 5 86. Y = 11.786 X + 60.542 R-S.= O. 110 F= 8.248 348473 STIFF. ( MOE ) X + a0852. 687 Y =-1 m-4 7.604 F= 14.806 R-SQ. = O. 881 X - MEAN = 411 235080 109 FGL2l COOK ORIGINAL DATA INTERVALS 1, BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH 650 313 1000 205 8. 5 3. 2 23. 2 35. 4 47. 5 2. 5 2.2 1024 2679 11.7 93.8 120046 7-x7.0 2.1 3335 705 4. 2 TEAR FACTOR 83. 4 STIFF. ( MOE ) 42523 CONSTANT FREENESS, STIFF. ( MOE ) 237 532 31. 3 2.6 2331 2.3 3045 -10.1 91. 6 13. 0 93. 7 103725 149953 333, 667, CONSTANT BEAT I NG, CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR Y =-Z 810 190831 76. 6 192023 1000 PF I REV 308 205 24. 4 36. 0 47. 5 2.2 2.1 3335 13. 7 8 14. 3 77. 4 166307 190831 REGR. -BULK, LOG BEATING 14. 3 77. 4 1016 48.1 2.1 3340 14.3 547 2732 11.9 93.8 124335 STIFF. (MOE) 13.7 93.6 165081 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 20. 1 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 2, 3, 4 300 572 0 BURST 'FACTOR L I N. YIELD= 75.520 AlB3C2S3T3 1. 6, 4. 6 1.. 8, 4. 0 60 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM "Z. 5 2. 9 147 234 320 57.? 51. 2 44.? 4517 4082 3646 19. 4 17. 5 .15. 6 87. 8 87. 6 87. 5 87. 3 247629 221279 194929 168579 X + 9. F= 57.321 R-SQ. = 0.966 CSF X +-634.466 = 434.031 F= it 523 R-SQ.= O. 852 CONCORA V=-32.439 X + 109.609 F= 18.595 R-SQ. = O. 933 BREAKING LENGTH 3211 X + 5:1.532 F= 342.106 Y =-2177. 036 R-SQ. = O. 994 BURST FACTOR =-9.450 X + 34.540 R-SO. = a990 F= 207.345 TEAR FACTOR v=-a851 861 R-SQ. = O. X + 89. 198 3 STIFF. (MOE ) =-131748. 730 R-S. = 0.982 F= 0. 805 X + 458426.618 F= 112. 240 X - MEAN = 2. 496 110 COOK A3B3C253T3 FGL22 ORIGINAL DATA, BEATING CSF CONCORA YIELD= 67. 360 ". INTERVALS 1., 2, 3,4 0 300 650 349 208 626 1000 106 18. 2. 6 38. 4 46. 9 5%7. 8 1812 9.3 3711 1.9 4235 24. 0 2.0 3786 26.7 TEAR FACTOR 141. 7 130. '8 99. 8 32. 5 99. 4 STIFF. <MOE ) 105673 206654 253252 266675 ,BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST 'FACTOR CONSTANT FREENESS, BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE ) 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 28 245 677 19. 9 34. 6 47. 4 2.6 /990 2.2 3361 3821 10. 7 140. 7 1151.51 21. 3 27. 1 132. 8 99.2 254305 188062 CONSTANT BEAT I NG, 333, 667, CSF CONCORA BULK -7:9. 9 BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF.(M0E) 2. 0 1000 PF I REV 203 106 47. 2 52. 8 2. 1 9.0 9 3718 3808 427:5 24. 2 26. 9 99. 5 3':". 5 127. 8 211092 253891 266675 REGR. -BULK, 1. 6, 4. 7 LOG BEATING x+ =4.608 L I N. R-SQ.= 8.971 F= 67.322 Y =748.098 X +-1305. 549 R-SQ. = 8.983 F= 113. 693 I.. 8, 3. 8 '49. 4 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 2. 9 2. 0 -109 41 6:3. 2 58.1 47. 9 37. 8 5427 4718 4029 .7.301 41. 9 35. 4 98. 9 75. 2 89. 4 103. 6 348104 299472 950839 CSF CONCORA =-58. 729 X + 149. 406 R-SQ.= 8.995 F= 366. 805 BREAKING LENGTH =-3543.872 R-SQ.= a 972 X + 11095. 614 F= 70.366 BURST FACTOR V=-32.784 X + 94. 269 R-SQ. = O. 987 F= 157. 853 TEAR FACTOR = 71.187 X 4-38. 728 R-SQ.= 8.881 STIFF. (MOE) Y =-243162. 565 R-SQ. = O. 994 F= 8.848 X + 737164. 573 F= 320. 612 X - MEAN 2. 176 COOK FGL23 A282C354T4 ORIGINAL DATA, BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 0 729 9.3 3.2 1475 6.2 - TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE ) 6%70*? 4 2.2 3005 23. 14. 8 600, 400, 200 ML 762 1140 38. 0 46. 2 2. 2 2. 2 3072 3850 2.0 5032 20. 4 2,. 5 2 93.8 259394 1'-')%9. 211831 606 450 24. 5 36. 0 3052 15.1 142.5 195966 X + 8.821 F= 345.362 V = 316.468 X 4-244. 106 F= 3.462 CSF CONCORA 49. =-26.794 X + 92. 634 F= 8.659 5111 BREAKING LENGTH X + 8959. On R-9).= O. 860 F= 12. 265 BURST FACTOR Y =-14.280 R-S= 8.848 X + 58.578 F= 18.582 TEAR FACTOR 123. X + 119. 984 Y= 241 R-5Q= 8.804 F= 8.889 STIFF. (MOE) =-166984. 390 R-SQ.= 8.989 241796 25. 0 2.2 R-SQ. = 0.994 =-2405. 307 24. 9 103. 8 347 LOG BEATING R-SQ.= 8.812 3501 2.1 4595 197800 CONCORFi R-SQ. = 0.634 43. 2 143. 8 CSF =-2.791 -z.5. 6 195773 CONSTANT BEATINGS 333, 667, STIFF. (MOE) 1000 274 49493 196047 BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 650 459 123. 2 15. 3 142. 0 STIFF. (MOE) 300 18. 4 130, 8 CONSTANT FREENESS, BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 111 YIELD= 75. 340 307749 X + 574923. 540 F= 181.932 X - MEAN = 2. 2 1000 PF I 274 4. 2 2.1 4595 18. 7 129. 6 24. 9 103. 199895 2417q*F.; REVS COOK A583C253T3 FGL2 ORIGINAL D.Frnn, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 BEAT I NG 720 CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH YIELD= 66. 900 11. 9 650 349 300 615 26.5 35. 9 3.0 2960 6341 2.1 7397 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 171. 2 23. 3 148. 9 111. 3 STIFF. (MOE) 79277 153891 221561 8.6 2. 3 30. 4 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF BEATING CONCORA BULK 320 27.0 2.3 6401 583 974 34. 1 51. 5 2.2 7194 2.0 8715 146. 7 29. 1 118. 5 34. 3 96. 7 157713 208668 232066 BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR -)3. 7 STIFF. ( MOE ) CONSTANT BEATINGS 333, 667, 590 27.4 2.3 6442 24.0 CSF CONCORA BULK BREAK I NO LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) 1000 PFI REV.'S 188 341 36.7 2.1 7465 30.6 52. 8 2.0 8821 145. 3 110. 6 34. 6 95. 5 160345 222196 27:2904 REGR. -BULK, L I N. 4. LOG BEATING 1. 6, 5 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 2.6 3. 9 =-3.249 X + 9.724 R-SQ.= 0.969 F= 62.019 82 185 287 389 60. 1 52. 6 45. 1 37.6 10794 9624 8455 7286 33... 8 28.4 CSF = 510.580 R-91= 0.790 X 4-734.442 F= 7.524 CONCORA =-37. 501 X + 128. 092 R-SQ. = 8.859 F= 12.144 BREAK I NG LENGTH =-5845.738 R-9. = 0. 984 X + 20146. 683 F= 124. 499 BURST FACTOR 44. 5 39. 1 74. 4 89. 6 104.7 119.9 Y = 75.968 X 4-47.192 R-91 = 0.867 F= 13.885 295798 STIFF. (MOE ) 262988 230179 197369 =-26.819 X + 87.409 R-SQ. = O. 992 TEAR FACTOR F= 260. 680 X + 558274. 764 =-164048. ee4 R-SQ. = 0.960 F= 47.428 X - MEAN = 2. 355 1 1 3 COOK A4B4C352T2 FGL24 ORIGINAL DATA BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAK I MG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE ) YIELD 76. 880 74 I NTERVRLS 1, 2, 3, 4 650 300 430 630 7%7'8 000 250 9. la 26. 3 38. 7 43. 4 7.'") 1664 5.1 105.0 71580 3.6 3811 5. 5 4614 2.2 6368 125. 1 118. 4 22. 9 99. 2 54264 192794 20988:3 20. 7 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML BERT I NG 353 708 1097 CONCORA BULK 28. 2 39. 5 44. 7 3.4 BREAK I MG LENGTH -393-2 2.3 4906 2.1 6856 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 16. 3 124. 21. 1 115. 2 23. 5 93. 8 ST I FF (MOE) 75044 195643 214636 CONSTANT BEATING 333, 667, 1_000 PF I 250 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 611 27.5 3.5 3888 16.0 421 38.9 2.3 4697 20.8 124. 5 117. 5 99. *, STIFF. (MOE) 67457 193608 209888 CSF CONCURR BULK BREAK I NO LENGTH REGR. -BULK, 1. 6, L I N. 3. 3 LOG BEATING Y =-1. 012 A_ 8, 43. 4 F.368 22. 9 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 2.7 3. 1 2.9 178 232 287 49. 9 46. 5 43.i 39.8 6587 6181 5774 5368 25. 8 24. 2 22.6 21.0 100. 9 102. 7 104. 5 274049 250736 227423 X + 4. 923 R-SQ.= 8.244 F= 8. 644 Y = 272.389 X+-257.953 R-SQ.= 8.762 Fmt CSF 6.488 CONCORA =-16.851 X + 76.828 F 2.543 R-S.= 8.568 BREAK I NG LENGTH Y =-2030. 734 X + 9835. 915 R-SQ.= 0.504 F= 2.032 BURST FACTOR X + 38.623 V=-8.016 F= 1.797 R-SQ.= 8.473 TEAR FACTOR Y = 9. 065 106. X + 86. 367 R-SQ.= 8.269 F= 8.735 STIFF. (MOE) =4.16565. 691 R-SO.= 8.975 . X + 468554.119 F= 78.278 X - MEAN = 2. 817 204110 FGL25 COOK YIELD= 66. 190 Fi383C255T3 ORIGINAL DATA INTERVALS 1. 2, 3, 4 300 0 BEAT I NO CSF 650 71719 CONCUR Ft STIFF. (MOE) 34. 4 3. 1 2.3 3683 "7. 2 2. 3 4300 4664 5 32. 8 135. 6 20. 4 139. 6 133. 3 144. 3 81881 188052 154423 192606 CONSTANT FREENESS, BEATING. CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 717 36.0 27121 L I N. 44. 4 2. 2 2. 3 4369 4724 19. 1 3 34. 4 139. 2 135. 4 146. 1 177523 161687 198939 1.000 PF I 234 43.0 574 429 28. 8 34. 8 3742 2.2 4317 291. 7 0 0 139. 0 133. 8 144. 3 184849 156241 192606 REGR. -BULK, 6, 1. 8, REV S 4664 2. 0, 5. 1 4.4 179 7.05.7 55. 9 49. 7 6435 5770 40. 6 36. 1 141. 5 140. 7 140. 0 256397 2824 209252 LOG BEATING =-3. 459 1058 2.4 3473 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR MOE ST I FF CSF 600, 400, 200 26. 4 STIFF. (MOE) 234 43. 0 28. 2 1566 7.4 BREAK I MG LENGTH 100121 41'9 10. 3 BULK BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR X. X + 10.684 F= R-SQ.= 0.978 CSF Y = 361.250 X+-398.612 R-SQ.= 0.498 F=1.984 CONCORA =-31.11.6 X + 106.730 R-SQ.= O. F= 8.358 7 BREAKING LENGTH Y =-3324. 728 X + 11754.624 R-S8.921 F= 23. 244 BURST FACTOR 5105 4440 V=-22.571 X + 76. 706 F= 5.576 R-SQ. = 0.736 TEAR FACTOR =-3.793 X + 147. 546 R-SQ. = 0.098 F= 0.219 STIFF. (MOE) =-117861. 551 R-SQ. = 8.849 X + 444975. 062 F= 11.211 X - MEAN := 2. 4 185680 115 FGL26 COOK A3B3C2S1T3 ORIGINAL DATA, BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) I NTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 300 650 625 374 1000 STIFF. (MOE) 7-z28 11. 0 21. 5 40. 0 48. 2 3.0 1563 6.5 2.7 2856 2.5 3609 2.5 3743 14. 0 168. 9 17. 1 17. 4 124. 1 126. 8 1.17. 8 76422 142052 221750 198651 CONSTANT FREENESS, BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR YIELD= 68.450 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 614 1974 23. 3 38. 1 7-1. 0 2. 7 14. 4 164. 7 2.5 3531 16.8 2.5 4116 18.4 131. 2 92. 8 149990 213494 134376 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, 1000 PF I REV S 372 40.4 2.5 3615 17.1 48.2 2.5 3743 17.4 126. 4 2206591 198651 601 CSF CONCORA BULK 2.7 BREAK: I MG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 14. 3 164. 8 149642 STIFF. (MOE) REGR. -BULK, L I N. 1. 6, 1. 8, 117. 8 2. a. 2. 2 CC/GM 7. 9 6. 8 5.? 4. 7 -246 -108 31 169 101. 6 88.5 75.3 62.1 7321 6513 5706 4898 35. 7 31. 7 27. 6 23. 6 116. 5 119. 8 123. 1 126. 4 443192 390903 338615 286326 LOG BEATING =-5.349 X + 16.431 F= 1.5. 205 a 884 R-Sa= CSF = 692.423 R-S.= a X+-1353.895 F= 1.5. 920 CONCORA Y =-65.918 X + 297. 115 F= 29. 603 R-92 = 8. 912 BREAKING LENGTH =-4037.914 = 0.987 X + 13781.500 F= 151.632 BURST FACTOR V=-2a262 262 X + 68.146 R-S. = O. 965 F= 54. 580 TEAR FACTOR =16.512 X + 90.046 R-S= 0.030 F= 8.863 STIFF. (MOE) X + 86150.1.486 =-261443.371 R-SQ.= 0.983 F= 112.753 X - MEAN = 2. 684 COOK FGL27 Fi2B4C354T2 ORIGINAL DATA, BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR YIELD= 78. 750 INTERVALS 1 2, 3, 4 715 300 591 650 430 1000 197 10. 8 9'3% 1 3/. 5 48. 8 3. 2 2.5 2. 3 2.2 3595 0 13. 7 3239 15.5 132. 0 101. 3 19. 0 87. 5 119581 175701 186307 1296 6. 'I" .58204 STIFF. ( MOE ) CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, STIFF. ( MOE ) 200 ML CSF 278 695 995 21. 3 33. 8 48. 6 2. 6 2529 13.2 2.3 3285 15.9 3590 129. 1 99. 5 19. 0 87. 7 115126 177067 186170 BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR CONSTANT BEATING, 33 667, , 1000 PF I REV CSF CONCORA BULK 576 419 197 23. 0 32. 4 48. 8 BREAK I MG LENGTH 2684 3256 2.2 3594 13. 9 129. 1 100. 6 19. 0 87. 5 124926 176206 186307 s".5 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) L I N. REGR. -BULK.. LOG BEATING =-3.833 I. 6, 15. 6 1. 8.. 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 3.1 4.3 3.7 66 154 242330 59. 0 52.5 46.1 39.6 4802 4357 3912 3467 20. 1 17. 8 X + 9.885 R-91. = 8.965 F= 55.394 CST* = 439. 484 R-S.= 0.792 X +-637. 323 F= 7.635 CONCORA Y =-32.274 X + 118.614 R-SQ. = 8.827 F= 9.554 BREAKING LENGTH =-2224.971 R-S= 8.994 X + 8361.971 F= 335.692 24. 9 BURST FACTOR =-1t849 X 4. 43.824 R-SQ. = O. 986 F= 136.865 TEAR FACTOR V=-i648 X + 107. 481 R-SQ.= 0.881 ST I FF. ( MOE ) =-126854. 942 R-91 = 8.951 ,F4 104.5 104. 2 103. 9 255428 230057 204686 179315 104. F= 0.083 X + 458396. 271 F= 38.486 X - MEAN = 2.550 A482C352T4 FGL28 COOK ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVALS 1, 2, 3, 4 0 BEAT I MG CONCORFI 703 9.8 BULK 3. 8 CSF 1092 4.3 94.0 50960 BREAK I MG LENGTH BURST -FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE ) CONSTANT FREENESS, 300 655 28.2 2.4 3857 660 345 43.1 2.0 5006 1000 145 21. 5 129. 5 29. 0 92. 6 26. 0 82. 7 207005 286857 255732 BREAK I MG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 596 907 30. 40. 5 45. 5 2.3 4061 2.1 4802 27.6 2.1 5098 26.8 '72. 8 Ci 99. 1 85. 4 221172 272690 264291 123. STIFF. (MOE) 46.4 2.1 5133 126. 1 28. 9 92. 4 26. 0 82. 7 214399 286247 255732 29. 6 2.3 3964 BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) 22. 2 REGR. -BULK, L I N. 1. 6, 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 3. 7 3. 4 3.1 2.7 244 288 33:2 376 50. 3 46. 6 42. 9 39. 1 5951 5510 5070 4629 33. 1 30. 5 sv7.9 25. 2 100. 8 100. 6 100. 4 100. 1 321935 297300 272s;64 248029 LOG BEATING Y =4.661 45 341 43.2 2.0 5009 626 BULK: 2.1 5133 333, 667, 1000 PF I REV'S CONSTANT BEAT I NG, CSF CONCORA 46. 4 600, 400, 200 ML CSF 364 BEATING CONCORA BULK YIELD= 71. 980 X + 6.373 F= 219. 716 R-SQ. = 0.991 CSF Y = 228. 013 X +407. 570 R-SQ. = O. 488 F= 936 CONCORA =-18. 666 X + 80. 198 R-S F= 14.444 0.878 BREAKING LENGTH X + 9477. 426 Y =-2203. 893 R-SQ. F= 66.632 8.971 BURST FACTOR =43.042 X + 53. 937 R-SQ. = 8.984 F= 12t949 TEAR FACTOR Y 097 X + 122.556 R-SQ.= 0.082 ST I FF. ( MOE ) F= 8.084 X + 519017. 137 =-123176. 364 F= 73. 89'3 R-9). = O. 974 X - MEAN = 2. 589 A3B3C2S3T3 INTER VtFIL.S; 0 30ci 650 1000 210 26. 4 40. 7 45. 1 2.2 2954 2.0 4537 4620 166. 7 29. 8 162. 4 28. 5 107. 0 32. 0 105. 2 100098 209776 248334 919755 701 604 12. 9 2. 7 1823 8.5 STIFF. (MOE) CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, BEATING CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF.(MOE) 305 26. 6 2.2 3963 99. q 37.2 2.1 4393 27.1 2.13 200 !IL 1028 45.5 2.13 4627 32.3 161. 6 120. 7 105. 1 210345 238801 217432 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, 1000 PFI REV'S CSF CONCORA BULK 578 327 210 27. 7 40. 9 45. 1 2. 2 2. 0 2. 0 BREFiK I NO LENGTH 4010 4541 4620 23. 4 157. 28. 7 32. 0 106. 9 1135. 2 213448 246973 219755 BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE ) LIN. REGR. -BULK, LOG BEATING 4. Y-4.381 1. 9 X + 11953 R-92. = 8.971 F= 67.859 CSF 47 = 633. 214 R-S.= 8.756 X 3-965. 881 F= 6.193 CONCORA 60. 5 Y =-44.647 X + 131.931 R-SQ. = O. 920 F= 22. 882 BREAKING LENGTH 6448 Y =-4143.547 X + 13877.191 R-SQ. = O. 993 F= 279. 159 BURST FACTOR 44. 3 Y=-32.629 X + 96.535 R-SQ.= 9.979 F= 93.175 TEAR FACTOR 77. 1 = m.9136 X +-65. 125 R-S.= 0.685 F= 4.341 STIFF. tr. MOE > Y =-201778. 794 R-Sa= 8953 118 1,234 3, 4 ORIGINAL DATA BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR YIELD= 68. 080 326645 X + 649478. 343 F= 40.391 X - MEAN 286291 X. 119 COOK FGL30 YIELD= 68. 080 F12B4C154T4 ORIGINAL DATA, INTERVRLS I, 2, 3, 4 BEATING CSF CONCORA BULK 735 300 604 650 349 1000 248 8. 8 21. 8 38. 4 43. 8 4.1 887 3.0 3250 2.5 3973 2.4 3839 4. 1 11. 9 18. 7 ".)1°. 3 128.? 188364 0 BREAK I MG LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR 100. 6 155. 2 137. 5 STIFF. crioE) 44295 13.52421 158731 CONSTANT FREENESS, 600, 400, 200 ML CSF '305 580 1166 22. 1 3.5. 0 46. 4 23 26 3251 3829 3775 12. 0 17. 3. BEAT I NG CONCORA BULK BREAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR ST I FF. < MOE ) 155. 0 141.-1 25. 5 124. 5 135610 154033 202447 CONSTANT BEATING, 333, 667, 1000 PF I REVS CSF CONCORA BULK E:REAKING LENGTH BURST FACTOR TEAR FACTOR STIFF. (MOE) 580 344 248 23. 4 38. 6 43. 8 -.". 9 25 24 3319 3967 3839 12. 6 152. 5 18. 9 137. 1 21% --z 128. 7 137479 160142 188364 L N. REGR. -BULK, 1_ 6, 4. 6 LOG BEATING V=-i786 /.. 8, 4. 2 2. 0, 2. 2 CC/GM 7. 9 X + 7.427 R-SQ.= 0.975 F= 77.281 Y = 265. 657 X .1-312. 335 R-SQ.= 8.836 F= 10. 294 113 CSF CONCORA 55. 6 51. 7 5554 5187 =-19.625 X +87.824 R-SQ. = O. 905 F= 19. 012 BREAKING LENGTH =-1836.458 R-91. = O. 979 X + 8492. 462 F= 91. 639 BURST FACTOR =-18. 351 X + 45. 522 R-SQ. = 0. 921 F= 23. 209 TEAR FACTOR 158. 7 V=-28.148 X + 190. 898 = 8.467 STIFF. ( moE ) =-79885.687 R-SQ. = O. 987 F= 753 2437:06 X + 371123. 346 F= 149. 850 X - MEAN = 2. 99:3 4820 4452