0 .7 0 e3et '1"%0 Oregon Agricultural College Extension Service !EGON R. D. HETZEL Director BOYS' AND GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL CLUBS Oregon Agricultural College, United States Department of Agriculture, and State Department of Education, cooperating Extension Bulletin 134 Corvallis, Oregon October, rgr6 GARDEN CLUB PROJECT Circular No. 1. Dear Garden Club Member: You have been enrolled for the Garden Club Project.r. A copy of the General Rules governing all Club work is encloOd. The special instructions for your project are given below. 1. The Project. The growing of the largest possle amount of vegetables on 10 square rods of ground. At least five different vegetables must be grown, one of which Tay be a speciality. Each Garden Club member must do all of the work nerssary in planning the garden, preparing the seed bed, plant*g, cultivating, irrigating, harvesting, and marketing the crVrt, the report of same and making an exhibit. 2. What to do First. (a) Have a Winter garden, if possible. Spade or have your garden plowed deep, first giving the soil a heavy dressing of stable manure. Send for seed catalogues. Carefully plan your gar- den by drawing it to scale and indicating the crops to be planted by rows. Companion crops and succession crops should be considered in your garden plan. Procure or construct hot beds and cold frames if they will help you in your work. 3. Records. (a) Save every Club circular or letter sent to you. Procure or construct a card-board or wooden box large enough to hold circulars of this size. The box should be three or four inches deep. (b) Begin keeping in simple note-book form, a strict account of everything you do in connection with your work. 2 Report cards will be sent to you from time to time. Fill these out and return by the date given on the card. The return of these cards to the State Club Leader will insure your receiving the next instructions. In case we do not receive your cards we naturally presume that you do not want to continue in the work; therefore, we do not send you more instructions, reports, etc. A final Project Report Blank will be sent to you at the close of the contest, providing we receive your last report card, which is to be filled out and returned to the State Club Leader. No postage will be required. The Project Report will be a summary of the season's work, and will be easy to fill out if you keep your notes in order as your work progresses. Exhibit. A vegetable exhibit, consisting of five and no more different varieties, will be requried in all local, county and State Club contests. One head of cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, kale, etc; one melon, pumpkin, squash, cucumber, etc; one bunch of radishes, green onions, etc., (five plants to each bunch) ; five specimens each of potatoes, beets, carrots, dried onions, garlic, etc., shall constitute a variety exhibit. You will receive full instructions as to how to select and prepare your exhibit. Basis of Awards. The awards in all Garden Club contests will be as follows: Exhibit 50 Final Project Report Best yield 20 Best profit on investment 20 Completeness and accuracy of report 10 Possible score .......... 50 100 For special information pertaining to any phase of your Club Project work, address H. C. SEYMOUR, State Club Leader. Extension Service, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon.