The effect of simulated drought on stem-stored carbohydrate characteristics in winter wheat by Sami Reda Saber Sabry A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Crop and Soil Science Montana State University © Copyright by Sami Reda Saber Sabry (1989) Abstract: The use of chemical desiccants to simulate drought stress has been effective in differentiating wheat cultivars for drought tolerance. The objective of this work was to study the effect of simulated drought on stem-stored carbohydrates in winter wheat. Seven winter wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) varying in average grain yield and other agronomic characteristics were planted in RCB design with four replications at two field locations in 1987 and 1988. A 3% sodium chlorate desiccant solution was applied to four of the seven winter wheat cultivars at the boot stage, and to all seven cultivars at the early dough stage. Stem samples were taken twice at each growth stage, immediately before and 10 days after the desiccant application. Samples from the early dough stage were divided into lower stems and peduncles. Calibration of the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system enabled quantification of TNC and fructan content in wheat stems. Application of the desiccant at the early dough stage in wheat reduced TNC and fructan content, increased net depletion rates of TNC and fructans, and decreased the average degree of polymerization. There was a positive correlation between the boot and mid-dough stages for TNC and fructan content. In addition, there was a positive correlation between net TNC depletion rate and grain yield following desiccant application. TNC depletion rate in wheat stems (peduncles) provided a reliable measurement to identify tolerance to drought stress in wheat. There were significant GxE interactions for TNC content, net rate of TNC depletion, fructan average degree of polymerization, and grain yield. There were few or no significant cultivar x desiccant interactions for TNC content, net rate of TNC depletion, and grain yield. A significant cultivar x desiccant interaction was observed for lower stem fructan average degree of polymerization. Chemical desiccant differentiated wheat cultivars for their ability to translocate TNC to the grain, imposed homogeneous stress and simulated drought in wheat. THE EFFECT OF SIMULATED DROUGHT ON STEM-STORED CARBOHYDRATE CHARACTERISTICS IN WINTER WHEAT by Sami Reda Saber Sabry A thesis submitted in p a r tia l fu lfillm e n t o f the requirements fo r the degree of Doctor o f Philosophy in Crop and Soil Science MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana October 1989 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Sami Reda Saber Sabry This thesis has been read by each member o f the graduate committee and has been found to be s a tis fa c to ry regarding content, English usage, form at, c ita tio n s , bibliographic s ty le , and consistency, and is ready fo r submission to the College o f Graduate Studies. / / J / / o f $9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J lI. Date Chairperson, GraduateKCommittee Qrx Approved fo r the Major Department Date Approved fo r the College o f Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting th is thesis in p a r tia l f u lfillm e n t o f the re q u ire ­ ments fo r a doctoral degree at Montana State U n iv e rs ity , I agree th a t the Library shall make i t a v a ila b le to borrowers under rules o f the L ib rary . I fu rth e r agree th a t copying o f th is thesis is allowable only fo r scholarly purposes, consistent with " f a i r use" as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests fo r extensive copying or reproduction o f th is thesis should be re fe rre d to U n iv e rsity M icrofilm s In te rn a tio n a l, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, to whom I have granted "the exclusive rig h t to reproduce and d is trib u te copies o f the d is s e rta tio n in and from m icrofilm and the rig h t to reproduce and d is trib u te by abstract in any form at." Signature Date______ / c? A p A fa I 0 — *5%%. iv I dedicate this work to the memory of my father, mother, and aunt for their love, patience and sacrifice. V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my deepest g ra titu d e and sincere appreciation to the follow ing in d iv id u a ls : Dr. G. A llan Taylor fo r his advice and guidance, and fo r provid­ ing a ll f a c i l i t i e s needed fo r my research while serving as my major professor in pursuing my degree; Dr. J.H . Brown fo r his help and guidance in the laboratory work while serving on my committee; Dr. J.M. M artin fo r his time and s ta tis t ic a l consultation when­ ever needed while serving on my committee; Dr. R.L. D it t e r lin e and Dr. James Sims fo r t h e ir tim e, consulta­ tio n and friendship while serving on my graduate committee; and Dr, Abdel Sal am Gomaa, Undersecretary of the M in is try o f A g ri­ c u ltu re , Arab Republic o f Egypt, fo r his help, encouragement, and moral support since I began my career. My profound g ra titu d e is extended to my w ife , Shadia, fo r her patience and love; and f in a l ly , special thanks to my lo v e ly daughters, Somaya and Rokaya, and my son Muhammad, fo r th e ir love and fo r missing me on weekends and vacations. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL.................................................................................................................. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO U S E ....................... ii Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................... .... . v TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. LIST OF T A B L E S ............................................................................... vi . . . v iii LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................... xi ABSTRACT......................................... INTRODUCTION x iii .................................................................................................... I LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 2 Screening Techniques fo r Drought Tolerance in Wheat . . . . The C ontribution of Stem-Stored Carbohydrates to Grain Y ield Under Drought Stress Conditions ..................... C haracteristics o f Fructans and Th eir Role in Osmoregulation ............................................................................... 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................. . . . . 5 8 co co o t F ield W o r k ..................... . C u ltiva rs ..................... Experimental Design . Sodium Chlorate A pplication ...................................................... Sampling the Stem P a r t s .............................................................. Laboratory Work ....................................................................................... Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates (TNC) E x t r a c t i o n ................................. H y d r o ly s is ....................................................................................... The HPLC System Used fo r TNC and Hydrolyzed Samples Analysis .................................................................. Quantifying HPLC Peak Areas ...................................................... S ta tis tic a l Analyses ........................................................................... 4 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 v ii TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Page RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 17 Q u an tific a tio n o f Stem-Stored Carbohydrates in Wheat . . . Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate (TNC) Content ..................... The Boot S t a g e ............................ The Early Dough S t a g e ......................................... The Relationship Between TNC Content a t Boot and Mid-Dough Growth Stages ...................................................... Net Rate o f TNC D e p le tio n .................................................................. Average Fructan Degree o f Polymerization . . ............................ 17 21 21 26 37 40 44 SUMMARY.......................................................................... 48 LITERATURE CITED 50 ........................................................................................... APPENDICES: A. TABLES B. FIGURES.................................................................. .............................................................................. < 54 67 v iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page C u ltiv a r name, id e n tific a tio n number, actual mean y ie ld , number o f lo ca tio n s , number o f days to heading, plant height, and w inter survival score o f seven hard red w inter wheat c u l t i v a r s ........................................................................... . . 8 Environmental conditions a t the Montana State U n iversity Post Research Farm and Fort E llis s i t e s ................................................................................... .... . 9 Mean TNC content (percent dry weight) o f four untreated w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs at the boot stage in three e n v iro n m e n ts .............................................. 22 Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) o f four w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs TO days a fte r a p p licatio n of,chemical desiccant at the boot stage in three environments .............................................. 23 The e ffe c t o f chemical desiccant on TNC fra c tio n s (percent dry weight) over four c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r desiccant application a t the boot stage in three e n v iro n m e n ts ..................... 24 Means o f TNC fra c tio n s (percent dry weight) in the lower stem o f seven untreated w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs at e a rly dough stage ......................... 27 Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the peduncle o f seven untreated w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs at e a rly dough stage ......................... 28 Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the lower stem of seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r app licatio n of chemical desiccant at e a rly dough stage ..................... 29 Means of TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the peduncle of seven w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant a t e a rly dough stage ..................................... . . . . . 30 ix LIST OF TABLES--Continued Table 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Page The e ffe c t o f chemical desiccant on TNC fra c tio n s (percent dry weight) 10 days a fte r desiccant a p p lic a tio n , averaged over c u ltiv a rs . . 33 C orrelation c o e ffic ie n t ( r ) fo r TNC and fructan content a t boot stage versus mid-dough stage o f four c u ltiv a rs in three environments ......................... 38 Means o f TNC and fructan net depletion rates from the stem (ug • mg'1 • day'1) during the 10 days follow ing application o f chemical desiccant ............................................ a t e a rly dough (maine ffe c ts ) 41 TNC and fructan net depletion ra te (ug • mg'1 day'1) from the stem during the 10 days fo llo w ­ ing app licatio n o f chemical desiccant, averaged over a ll c u ltiv a rs ............................................................ 43 Average degree o f polym erization 10 days a fte r a p p licatio n o f chemical desiccant at e a rly dough stage .......................................................... 45 E ffe c t o f chemical desiccant on the average degree o f polym erization 10 days a fte r the desiccant app licatio n a t e a rly dough stage, ............................................................ over a ll c u ltiv a rs 46 Means of grain y ie ld , harvest index, and kernel weight o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 55 . . . C orrelation c o e ffic ie n ts ( r ) among y ie ld and carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s in the lower stem o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs , combined over 1987 and 1988 56 C orrelation c o e ffic ie n ts ( r ) among y ie ld and carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s in the peduncle of seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a r s , combined over 1987 and 1988 ............................................................. 57 Mean squares fo r stem TNC, fructan s, sucrose, glucose, and fructose contents o f four w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r application of chemical desiccant a t the boot stage in three environments .......................................................... 58 X LIST OF TABLES--Continued Table 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Page Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r a p p lica­ tio n o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough s t a g e ........................................................................................... 59 Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan net depletion rates from the stem fo r the 10 days follow ing a p p licatio n o f chemical desiccant at e a rly d o u g h .......................................................................... 60 Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content in stems o f w in ter wheat 10 days a fte r a p p lica­ tio n o f chemical desiccant a t the boot stage, combined over three environments and four c u l t i v a r s .................................................................................. 61 Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content in the lower stem and the peduncle o f w inter wheat 10 days a fte r a p p licatio n o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, combined over lo ca tio n s , years, and c u ltiv a rs ......................... 62 Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan net deple­ tio n rates in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage ............................. 63 Mean squares fo r fructan average DP in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r app licatio n of chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, averaged over two lo ca­ tions and two y e a r s .............................................................. 64 Mean squares fo r fructan average DP in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r app licatio n o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, averaged over two loca­ tio ns and two years ...................................................... .... . 65 Mean squares fo r grain y ie ld in two locations averaged over 1987 and 1988 ............................. .... 66 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv IO"3) and concentration (ug IO"2 ul"1) o f sucrose, glucose, and fructose .......................................................... 18 The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv IO"3) and concentration (ug IO"2 ul'1) o f DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6 .......................................................................... is The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv) and concentration (ug IO"2 ul'1) o f f r u c t a n s ......................... 19 Means o f y ie ld (gm « row"1) main e ffe c t o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs at Post Farm and Fort E l l i s , averaged over 1987 and 1988 36 . . . . The re la tio n s h ip between boot stage and mid­ dough stage fo r TNC content, treated by the chemical desiccant and untreated . ......................... .... 38 The re la tio n s h ip between boot stage and mid­ dough stage fo r fructan content, treated by the chemical desiccant and untreated ......................... 39 The re la tio n s h ip between TNC at the boot stage and fructans at the mid-dough stage, trea te d by the chemical desiccant and u n t r e a t e d ................................................................................... 39 The re la tio n s h ip between ra te o f TNC deple­ tio n in the peduncle and y ie ld a fte r t r e a t ­ ment a t e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant a t Fort E llis and Post Research Farm .......................................................... ................................. 43 HPLC chromatograms o f stem-stored carbo­ hydrates: (A) P ro file o f the mixture of seven c u ltiv a rs (F, fructose; G, glucose; S, sucrose; and DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6); (B) DP6; (C) DP5 68 xii LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Figure 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page HPLC chromatograms o f stem-stored carbo­ hydrates: (A) DP4, (B) D P 3 .............................................. 69 HPLC chromatograms o f fiv e concentrations o f sucrose ......................................... 70 HPLC chromatograms o f fiv e concentrations o f glucose ........................ 71 HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f f r u c t o s e ............................................................................... 72 HPLC chromatograms o f two concentrations o f f r u c t o s e ........................................................................... 73 HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP3 ..................................... 74 HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP4 ....................................................................................... 75 HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP5 ......................................................... 76 HPLC chromatograms of three concentrations o f DP6 . ................................................................................... 77 x iii ABSTRACT The use o f chemical desiccants to simulate drought stress has been e ffe c tiv e in d iffe r e n tia tin g wheat c u ltiv a rs fo r drought t o le r ­ ance. The ob jective o f th is work was to study the e ffe c t o f simulated drought on stem-stored carbohydrates in w inter wheat. Seven w inter wheats (Triticum aestivum L .) varying in average grain y ie ld and other agronomic c h a ra c te ris tic s were planted in RCB design with four re p lic a tio n s at two f ie ld locations in 1987 and 1988. A 3% sodium chlorate desiccant solution was applied to four o f the seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs a t the boot stage, and to a ll seven c u ltiv a rs at the e a rly dough stage. Stem samples were taken twice a t each growth stage, immediately before and 10 days a f t e r the desiccant a p p lic a tio n . Samples from the e a rly dough stage were divided into lower stems and peduncles. C a lib ra tio n o f the high performance liq u id chromatography (HPLC) system enabled q u a n tific a tio n o f TNC and fructan content in wheat stems. A pplication o f the desiccant a t the e a rly dough stage in wheat reduced TNC and fructan content, increased net depletion rates o f TNC and fructan s, and decreased the average degree o f polym erization. There was a p o s itiv e c o rre la tio n between the boot and mid-dough stages fo r TNC and fructan content. In a d d itio n , there was a p o s itiv e corre­ la tio n between net TNC depletion ra te and grain y ie ld follow ing desiccant a p p lic a tio n . TNC depletion ra te in wheat stems (peduncles) provided a r e lia b le measurement to id e n tify tolerance to drought stress in wheat. There were s ig n ific a n t GxE in tera c tio n s fo r TNC content, net ra te o f TNC depletion, fructan average degree o f polymer­ iz a tio n , and grain y ie ld . There were few or no s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n s fo r TNC content, net ra te of TNC depletion, and grain y ie ld . A s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n was observed fo r lower stem fructan average degree o f polym erization. Chemical desiccant d iffe r e n tia te d wheat c u ltiv a rs fo r th e ir a b il it y to tran slocate TNC to the g ra in , imposed homogeneous stress and simulated drought in wheat. I INTRODUCTION I t is necessary to increase the food production as long as world population increases. Famine has been observed in recent years in several developing countries. Wheat {Triticum aestivum L .) is the staple crop in many o f those countries. In many parts o f the world increasing the area planted with wheat is lim ite d by a b io tic stress conditions, e s p e cia lly drought. . Plant breeders have tr ie d d iffe r e n t ways to increase the drought tolerance o f wheat. A major problem in breeding fo r drought tolerance is estab lishing a r e lia b le screening technique. Chemical desiccation was suggested as a screening technique to simulate natural drought. This damages the leaves and increases the dependence on stem-stored carbohydrates. The major storage form of to ta l nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) in the Graminae fam ily is fructans (Pontis and Cam pillo1 1985). Fructans are w ater-so luble, stored in the vacuole o f the c e l l , and composed o f a chain o f fructose sugars with one glucose a t the terminal end. A lte ra tio n s in the average degree o f polym erization o f fructans may be involved in cryoprotection and osmoregulation. The objective o f th is work was to study the e ffe c t o f simulated drought, caused by chemical desiccation, on stem-stored carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s in w inter wheat. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Screening Techniques fo r Drought Tolerance in Wheat S c ie n tis ts have approached the v a r ia b ilit y among drought to le ra n t genotypes in d iffe r e n t ways. Some have emphasized morphological and/or physiological c h a ra c te ris tic s re la te d to drought. Fischer and Wood (1979) studied the association between y ie ld performance under drought and some morpho-physiological t r a i t s . They concluded th a t the best p redictio n fo r y ie ld under drought conditions could be estimated by a lin e a r model containing to ta l dry weight, kernel weight, and le a f waxiness. Tan and Halloran (1982) studied the v a ria tio n o f proline ! accumulation in spring wheat c u ltiv a r s . They found th a t water-stressed plants accumulated fre e p ro lin e in t h e ir tissues and th a t c u ltiv a rs d iffe re d in t h e ir p o te n tia l to accumulate p ro lin e . Keim and Kronstad (1981) compared the response of 10 w in ter wheat c u ltiv a r s ' grain y ie ld and y ie ld components to moisture stress conditions a t three lo catio ns. They found s ig n ific a n t association o f osmotic p o te n tia l measured from le a f samples taken during the grain f i l l i n g period. The e ffic ie n c y o f other drought tolerance screening techniques has been examined. Clarke (1983) compared the e x cised -!e a f water reten tio n c a p a b ility o f P it ic 62 and three other c u ltiv a rs under controlled conditions in the greenhouse and the growth chamber to f ie ld condi­ tio n s . He found no s ig n ific a n t d ifferences in water loss between the 3 two controlled environments, but the ra te o f water loss from the excised leaves d iffe re d markedly between the f ie ld and the controlled environments. Clarke and McCaig (1982) compared the e x c is e d -!eaf water reten tio n c a p a b ility method with le a f d iffu s iv e resistance and le a f temperature methods. They found th a t the excised -!e a f water reten tio n c a p a b ility method was the most r e lia b le method. Chemical desiccation has been used to simulate natural drought. Blum e t a l . (1983b) studied the e ffe c t o f magnesium chlo rate applied 14 days a fte r anthesis oh the kernel weight in two successive years fo r 38 and 26 c u ltiv a rs , re s p e c tiv e ly . The e ffe c t of chemical desiccation in a non-stress environment was compared with the e ffe c t o f post-anthesis drought stress in a drought environment. They found a p o s itiv e corre­ la tio n between the simulated drought in ju ry and the natural drought in ju ry fo r reduction in kernel weight. 0.62 fo r the two years, re sp ec tiv e ly . The r 2 values were 0.65 and Bruckner (1985) studied the ■effect of chemical desiccant sodium chlorate on spring wheat c u ltiv a rs . He concluded th a t chemical desiccation is a promising technique to id e n tify genotypes which tran slocate more carbohydrate reserves from the vegetative tissues in to the grain under stress conditions. Sabry and Taylor (1989) compared the e ffe c t of I , 2, and 3% sodium chlo rate, applied at heading and 14 days post-anthesis, on grain y ie ld and y ie ld components o f three height near isogenic lin e s of two w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs . They found the 3% concentration applied a t e ith e r heading or post-anthesis reduced y ie ld and affected y ie ld components; 1% and 2% concentrations affected y ie ld and y ie ld components to a lesser degree. 4 The medium height near isogenic lin e s yield ed more than the t a l l and short lin e s under simulated drought conditions. The Contribution o f Stem-Stored Carbo­ hydrates to Grain Y ield Under Drought Stress Conditions S c ie n tis ts have compared the contrib ution o f stem-stored carbo­ hydrates to grain y ie ld under stress and non-stress conditions. Bidinger e t a l . (1977) found th a t the contrib ution o f stem-stored pre-anthesis assim ilates to grain y ie ld in wheat was 12% under non­ stress conditions compared to 22% under drought conditions. Gallagher e t a l. (1975) presented even higher estimates fo r c o n trib u tio n o f stemstored pre-anthesis assim ilates o f 50% and 70% fo r wheat and barley (Hordeum vuTgare L . ) , re sp ec tiv e ly , under extreme stress conditions. Austin e t a l . (1980) reported estimates fo r stem-stored carbohydrate movement in to grain of 44% in a very dry year and 11% in a wet, cool year. In a d d itio n , McCaig and Clarke (1982) compared the seasonal changes o f nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) in stems o f two wheat and two oat c u ltiv a rs under water stress conditions. carbohydrates (TNC) is the same as NSC. Total nonstructural They found s ig n ific a n t d i f f e r ­ ences in stem carbohydrate le vels between wheat and oats, and among c u ltiv a rs w ith in each species. Their re s u lts in d icate th a t the stem may provide temporary storage fo r NSC needed by the developing grain i f photosynthate production is in terru p te d . 5 C haracteristics o f Fructans and Their Role in Osmoregulation Fructans (fructosans) are fructose polymers th a t contain terminal glucose residues [G -F(F)n] . levans (p h le in s ). They occur in two forms: in u lin s and In u lin s are polymers o f Beta 2-1 linked D- Fructofuranose th a t occur in c e rta in Asteraceae species. Phleins are polymers o f Beta 2-6 linked D-fructofuranose and occur in the vegeta­ tiv e tissues o f tem perate-origin grasses o f the Graminae fa m ily . Fructans are highly water soluble and are very acid la b ile . Although phleins appear to be p rim a rily lin e a r molecules, they may be branched. Phleins have a low degree o f polym erization (DP) and occur in a homolo­ gous series in grass tissues with the maximum length o f the fructan molecule varying with the grass species. The longest fructan molecule in grass stem bases varies from a DP o f about 26 in bromegrass {Bromus in e m is L .) to about 260 in timothy {Phleum pratense L . ) . The mechanism o f synthesis and degradation o f fructans in the Graminae fam ily is not as well defined as in the Asteraceae fa m ily . little Also, is known about the mechanisms involved in t h e ir m obilization under adverse environmental conditions. Some in vestig ato rs suggest a ro le fo r fructans in osmoregulation under drought stress conditions. Derbyshire and Henry (1978) studied the d is trib u tio n o f fructans in onions [Anium cepa L .) and found a decline in the to ta l fructans from 51% to 21% going from the oldest to the youngest leaves, while the percentage of fructose increased simultaneously from 7% to 31%. The researchers ascribed th is to the hydrolysis o f fructans to free fructose which causes osmotic adjustment 6 as the base c e lls expanded during the bulbing o f onions. Wagner e t a l. (1983) induced wheat leaves to accumulate fructans in large amounts. They found a ll fructans o f DP3 and above and the sucrose-sucrose tran s ­ ferase (SST) enzyme in the vacuole o f the mesophyll c e lls . Sucrose- sucrose transferase (SST) is the f i r s t enzyme involved in fructan synthesis. Also, they enumerated the advantages o f storing fructans in the vacuoles over starch: ( I ) fructans are highly soluble in water, and (2) the molecular size o f fructans can be changed e a s ily using only a simple transferase system. This makes fructans id ea l fo r osmoregula­ tio n during water or temperature stress. Blacklow e t a l. (1984) studied the polym erization and depolymerization o f fructans in the w inter wheat stem internodes during grain f i l l i n g . maximum fructan chain length o f DP9. They reported a In additio n , they found th a t the amount of long chain (DP > 5) fructans reached a peak 24 days a fte r anthesis and then decreased to almost zero, while sucrose and fructose increased. Thome and Kuhbauch (1985) studied the q u a lita tiv e and q u a n tita tiv e changes in the carbohydrate pattern o f wheat stems during g ra in ­ f i l l i n g , using high performance liq u id chromatography (HPLC). They found th a t the main carbohydrate reserve in the wheat stem was fructan s, with a maximum average DP o f 7 -8 . Also, they concluded th a t before anthesis the value o f fructans composed 16% o f dry m atter in the bottom segment o f the stem and 22% in the upper segment, with an average DP o f about 3. A fte r anthesis, one week before the m ilk stage, fructans reached the maximum o f 30% o f the dry m atter, with a maximum average DP > 5 in the lower and upper parts o f the stem. Schnyder et 7 a l. (1988) studied the changes in the fructan content o f spring wheat kernels during the period from anthesis to m atu rity. They concluded th a t the fructan content o f the kernel reached it s maximum 10 days post-anthesis, and th a t most o f the fructan content was lo c a lize d in the pericarp and the embryo (71%) and lesser amounts in the endosperm (29%). 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS F ield Work C ultivars Seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs (Table I ) were chosen from the 1986 Montana A g ric u ltu ra l Experiment S tation In tra s ta te Winter Wheat Y ield T r ia l based on t h e ir actual mean grain y ie ld . The c u ltiv a rs varied in th e ir actual mean grain y ie ld from 2.3 to 3.7 t.h a '1. The c u ltiv a rs also varied in other agronomic c h a ra c te ris tic s (number o f days to 50% heading, plan t height, and w inter survival score). * Table I . C u ltiv a r name, id e n tific a tio n number, actual mean y ie ld , number o f lo catio n s, number o f days to heading, plant height, and w in ter survival score o f seven hard red w in ter wheat c u lt iv a r s .* C u ltiv a r ID number Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny Cl PI PI Cl Cl Cl SR 17844 517194 1491533 15075 17832 13880 4714 Mean y ie ld (t.h a '1) Number locations 3.4 3.7 3.6 3 .5 3:0 3.1 2.3 168 140 132 180 114 69 55 HDa 168 168 170 165 170 166 161 PHb (cm) WHc 86 89 64 84 102 79 69 3 .4 3 .5 4.1 2.5 3 .9 2 .8 2.0 *Taylor (1986) aHD = Number o f days to 50% heading a fte r January I bPH = Plant height in cm cWH = Winter hardiness on a scale o f 1-5; 5 = very hardy, I = non-hardy 9 Experimental Design The c u ltiv a rs were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four re p lic a tio n s . The f ie ld experiments were grown at the Montana State U n iversity Post Research Farm and Fort E llis s ite s , both near Bozeman, in 1987 and 1988. long and 30 cm apart. borders. Each p lo t consisted o f s ix rows 3 .5 m The f i r s t and s ix th rows were considered The bordered four rows were used fo r y ie ld determination and fo r c o lle c tin g the stem samples required fo r the carbohydrate analysis. The environments a t Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm were d iffe r e n t based on 30- year averages and 1987 and 1988 weather informa­ tio n (Table 2 ). Table 2. Environmental conditions at the Montana State U n iversity Post Research farm and Fort E llis s it e s .* Factor Elevation Fort E llis 1581 m Post Farm 1368 m <......... 30-year a v e ra g e ..............> Thornthwaite PET Annual a ir temperature Annual p re c ip ita tio n June and July p re c ip ita tio n 528 mm 5.5°C 457-508 mm 129 mm 566 mm 6.6°C 355-406 mm 100 mm <----------- 1987 s e aso n ----------- r> Annual a ir temperature Annual p re c ip ita tio n June and July p re c ip ita tio n 5.7°C 374.4 mm 114.6 mm 6.8°C 383.3 mm 139.2 mm <............. 1988 s e aso n ............... > Annual a ir temperature Annual p re c ip ita tio n June and July p re c ip ita tio n 6.4°C 393.3 mm 34.3 mm *National C lim atic Data Center (1986, 1987, 1988) 7.5°C 295.9 mm 31.2 mm 10 Sodium C hlorate A p p lic a tio n A 3% sodium chlo rate solution was applied at boot stage (preanthesis) and e a rly dough (14d p o s t-a n th e s is ). Each 3 .5 m row was sprayed with 160 ml o f the solution applied a t 0.21 MPa pressure. During spraying, a plywood sheet 3 .5 m long and 50 cm high was placed on each side o f the row to prevent d r i f t o f the desiccant. rows o f a p lo t were sprayed as follow s: The four the f i r s t row was sprayed a t the boot stage, the second row was l e f t fo r sampling the check stem samples, the th ird row was sprayed at the e a rly dough stage, and the fourth row was kept in ta c t fo r check y ie ld . Sampling the Stem Parts At each o f the boot and e a rly dough stages, stem samples were taken immediately before spraying from the outer 50 cm from both ends o f the row. Ten random t i l l e r s were cut at the s o il surface. (sheathes and blades) were peeled o f f the stem and discarded. Leaves Stems were cut in to 3-5 cm pieces, placed in p la s tic fre e z e r bags, put in to a fre e ze r w ith dry ic e , and then tran s fe rred to the la b o ra to ry . At the boot stage, stem samples were taken fo r four c u ltiv a rs ( Redwin, Tib er, Centurk, and Froid) out o f the seven included in the experiment. 1987, boot stage samples were taken only at Fort E ll is . In In 1988, the boot stage samples were taken from both Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm. At the e a rly dough growth stage, stem samples were taken from the seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs in 1987 and 1988 at both Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm. At the e a rly dough growth stage, stems were 11 fu rth e r divided into tw o,parts: the peduncle and the lower stem. Ten days a fte r desiccant a p p lic a tio n , stem samples were taken again from the treated and check rows in the same manner explained above. At harvest, the th ird and fourth rows were trimmed to 2.5 meters, cut at the s o il le v e l, weighed to determine the b io lo g ic a l y ie ld , and threshed. A fte r harvest, grain y ie ld and 100 kernel weight were recorded. The weight o f 300 kernels was used to estim ate 100 kernel weight. Laboratory Work Stem samples were stored in a fre e z e r at -40°C, freeze dried at -65°C, and then dried in an oven fo r 20 minutes at 90°C. Samples were ground using a Thomas W illey m ill, 40 mesh. Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates (TNG) Extraction Monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) and the d i saccharide sucrose are soluble in water and 80% v /v ethanol. soluble in water. Fructans are only Total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNG) frac tio n s in the stem were extracted using water and 80% v/v ethanol. Both solvents were used to guarantee complete e x tra c tio n o f a ll TNG fra c tio n s . The follow ing steps were used to e x tra c t TNG in the wheat stems (Thome and Kuhbauch, 1985; Smith and G rotelueschen, 1966; Smith, 1967): (1) Three hundred m illigram s of the ground dry samples were weighed in 5 ml p la s tic tubes. (2) Four m i l l i l i t e r s o f 80% v /v ethanol/w ater was added to each sample and placed fo r a g ita tio n in a water bath shaker at 60°C fo r 15 minutes. 12 (3) Supernatant was decanted and saved. (4) Steps 2 and 3 were repeated once on the p e lle t with only 2 ml 80% v/v ethanol. (5) Steps 2-4 were repeated three more times using 2 ml o f d is t ille d water in place o f 80% ethanol each tim e. (6) The combined supernatant sample was placed into a 60°C oven fo r about two hours to drive o f f the ethanol and to concentrate the sample to 3 ml volume. (7) Samples were frozen, thawed, and centrifuged in a m icrocentrifuge at 700 g fo r fiv e minutes. (8) Samples were run through two successive types o f re sin beds fo r cleaning: 5 cm3 Dowex 50 w-x8 20-50 mesh hydrogen form, and then 10 cm3 Dowex l-x 8 20-50 mesh Cl' form. The two types o f resin f i r s t were washed by 2N NH4OH, and then rinsed thoroughly with double d is t ille d water to get the pH to 7. (9) Samples were eluded through the resin with 30 ml double d is t ille d water. (10) Samples were concentrated to 3 ml in the oven a t 60°C fo r about eight hours. (11) One-half m i l l i l i t e r o f the sample was passed through a 0.45 micron m ic r o filte r before in je c tio n o f a subsample in to the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Hvdrolvsis Hydrolysis was done to transform the fructan and sucrose frac tio n s o f TNC to fructose and glucose. This allowed fo r ca lc u la tio n o f the average fructan degree o f polym erization. 13 (1) Samples were hydrolyzed by adding 0.5 ml 0.3 N hydrochloric acid (HG!) to 0 .5 ml o f the TNC extracted sample, and heating in a water bath at 80°C fo r 25 minutes. (2) One-half m i l l i l i t e r 0.3 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was added to n e u tra liz e the hydrolyzed sample (W ille , 1985). (3) Samples were run through two types o f resin as described above, except th a t washing was with 20 ml o f double d i s t i lle d water, and concentrated to I ml in the oven at GO0C fo r six hours. (4) Samples were freeze dried fo r 24 hours, and dissolved in 0 .5 ml o f double d is t ille d water. (5) Samples were again f ilt e r e d through a 0.45 micron m ic r o filte r before in je c tio n in to the HPLC. The samples were ready fo r in je c tio n in to the HPLC. The HPLC System Used fo r TNC and Hydrolyzed Samples Analysis The HPLC system used in th is study consisted of the follow ing: (1) Pump - - Karatos Spectroflow 400 Solvent D elivery System (2) Guard column - - Biorad Micro-Guard (3) Column - - Biorad Aminex Carbohydrate HPX-42 C (4) Detector - - Waters D iffe re n tia l Refractometer R 401 (5) In te g ra to r - - Shimadzu These parts were connected and a 100 ul loop placed between the pump and the guard column. This volume remained constant in each run. The 24-minute run fo r each sample allowed complete re so lu tio n o f TNC o f the non-hydrolyzed samples and provided enough time to include glucose and fructose in the hydrolyzed samples. The pressure range allowed 14 before replacing the guard column was 0-5 bars. The flow ra te o f the pump was adjusted to 0 .5 ml min'1, and the s e n s itiv ity o f the detector was adjusted to 16x. Quantifying HPLC Peak Areas The HPLC produces chromatograms composed o f peaks whose areas depend on the r e la tiv e re fra c tio n o f v is ib le lamp lig h t through the sample c e ll versus the reference c e ll. only the solvent. The reference c e ll contained The peak areas are equivalent to m illiv o lt s (mv). Although other researchers (Thome and Kuhbauch, 1985; Schnyder e t a ! . , 1988) used the HPLC fo r carbohydrate (fru ctan s) analysis in wheat, they did not q u an tify the carbohydrate fra c tio n s with wheat standards. They used fructan standards from the base o f timothy {PhTeum nodosum L .) stems to q u an tify fructan peak area in wheat stems. They hydrolyzed the wheat fructans to get two peaks fo r glucose and fru cto se. By measuring the peak heights and the r a tio between them, they estimated fructan average degree o f polym erization. Since the o b je ctiv e o f the current study was to look a t the stem-stored carbohydrate character­ is tic s (TNC content, ra te o f TNC d ep letio n , and the average degree o f p o lym erizatio n), i t was necessary to quantify the in d ivid u al TNC frac tio n s detected as HPLC peaks. For c a lib ra tio n , fiv e standard solutions d iffe r in g in concentration were prepared fo r the monosac­ charides glucose and fructose and also the d isaccharide sucrose from commercial sources. Each concentration was re p lic a te d three times during in je c tio n in to the HPLC. There are no commercial fructans (DP3 and above) extracted from wheat to prepare standard solu tion s. Therefore, samples o f the mixture 15 o f c u ltiv a rs included in the study were run in the HPLC and each single fructan peak was c o lle c te d . Four peaks were c o lle cte d : DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6+. The DP6 peak included fructan chains longer than 6 hexose polymers. (The HPLC system could not resolve fructans o f more than DP6.) Samples were co llected from the o u tle t of the d e te c to r. Samples fo r every peak were concentrated to about 3 ml using a fla s h evapor­ a to r, Rotavapor-Rl10, and freeze d rie d . Three concentrations o f each DP were prepared and each was re p lic a te d twice during in je c tio n into the HPLC. S ta tis tic a l Analyses Analyses o f variance were computed fo r a ll t r a i t s in each environ­ ment separately (Steel and T o rrie , 1980). Analysis o f variance was combined over years fo r the Post Farm and Fort E llis lo ca tio n s . Regression analysis was done fo r each environment separately, based on the means o f the c u ltiv a rs in the combined analysis in each location over the two years (n=7). Regression analysis fo r the re la tio n s h ip between the boot stage and mid-dough stage was done using the means of the four c u ltiv a rs common in the two stages in a ll three environments (n=12). The average fructan degree o f polym erization (DP) was calculated by subtracting fructose and sucrose content in the unhydrolyzed samples from fructose in the hydrolyzed sample, and also by subtracting glucose and sucrose content in the unhydrolyzed samples from glucose in the hydrolyzed sample. formula: DP was calculated according to the follow ing 16 Net ra te o f TNC depletion was calculated according to the follow ing formula: Net ra te o f TNC depletion = TNC (b e g in n in g )^ JNC (endl.nq l = ug o mg-i e day-i 17 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Q u an tificatio n o f Stem-Stored Carbohydrates in Wheat The HPLC separated TNC extracted from the mixture o f seven c u lt i vars in wheat stems in to fructans (DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6 and above), sucrose, glucose, and fructose (Figure 9A, Appendix). Individual hexose polymers 3 through 6 are shown in Figures 9B-C and IOA-B (Appendix). Elution times fo r DP6 and above, DP5, DP4, DP3, sucrose, glucose, and fructose were 7 .1 , 8 .2 , 9 .1 , 10.3, 12.6, 1 5.2, and 18,6 minutes, re s p e c tiv e ly . Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14 (Appendix) show fiv e d iffe r e n t peak areas produced by fiv e concentrations each o f sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Figures 15, 16, 17, and 18 (Appendix) show three d iffe r e n t peak areas produced by three concentrations each of DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6. The re su lts show a s ig n ific a n t p o s itiv e c o rre la tio n between peak areas and TNC fra c tio n concentrations in ug IO'2 u V (Figures I and 2 ). C o e fficien ts o f simple determination values ( r 2) fo r sucrose, glucose, fructose, DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6 were 0.9931, 0.9868, 0.9980, 0.9986, 0.9934, 0.9928, and 0.9983,. re s p e c tiv e ly . peak area fra c tio n was 0.8918 (Figure 3 ). The r 2 value fo r the fructan 18 Sucrose •+• _ Glucose Fructose r ■ 0 .9 9 160 200 21 Peak Area (mv.) Figure I . The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv I O'3) and concentration (ug IO2 u l'1) o f sucrose, glucose, and fru cto se (n=15). r - 0 .9 9 Peak Area (mv) Figure 2. The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv IO"3) and concentration (ug IO2 u l 1) o f DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6 (n=6). 19 r ■ 0.89 Peak area (mv) Figure 3. The re la tio n s h ip between peak area (mv) and concentration (ug IO2 uT1) o f fru ctan s (n=24). Double d i s t i l l e d water (zero sugar con centration) produced the base lin e in the HPLC chromatogram; th e re fo re i t seemed reasonable to force the regression lin e s through the o r ig in . The fo llo w in g are the equations which re su lte d from the regression lin e s forced through the o r ig in : Sucrose* = 2.487 x peak area Glucose = 2.435 x peak area Fructose = 2.526 x peak area 20 DP3 = 3.158 x peak area DP4 = 2.839 x peak area DP5 = 2.660 x peak area DP6 = 2.122 x peak area Fructans = 2.580 x peak area ^concentration in ug IO 2 u l'1 These equations could be used to quantify the amounts o f TNC fo r sucrose, glucose, fructose, DP3, DP4, and DP5. For DP6 i t was not as accurate due to the presence o f other longer hexose polymers under the same peak. These long hexose polymers could not be separated by the HPLC used in th is study. Blacklow e t a l . (1984) reported a maximum fructan chain length o f DP9 in the stem internodes o f w in ter wheat. Thome and Kuhbauch (1985) reported a maximum fructan chain length o f 7-8 in wheat. This suggests th a t the hexose polymers in wheat are not very long, and consequently the above equation fo r DP6 should provide a reasonable estimate fo r hexose polymers 6 and above. To the best o f our knowledge, th is work is the f i r s t attempt to prepare standards fo r the d iffe r e n t hexose polymers o f fructans in wheat. Thome and Kuhbauch (1985) used standard fructans front the base o f timothy [Phleum nodosum L .) stems to c a lib ra te t h e ir HPLC system fo r quantifying hexose polymers in wheat. Wagner e t a l . (1983) used th in la y e r chromatography (TLC) to separate the sugars and then used c o lo rim eteic and enzymatic assays fo r q u a n tific a tio n . 21 Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate (TNC) Content The Boot Stage S ig n ific a n t d ifferences were found fo r TNC and TNC frac tio n s among the three environments (Table 22, Appendix). The s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n mean squares were small fo r TNC and a ll the frac tio n s except fructan s. The s c a rc ity o f a s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n fo r stem-stored carbohydrates a t the boot stage suggests th a t chemical desiccation could be applied to simulate drought in d iffe r e n t environments without in te ra c tio n w ith s p e c ific genotypes. S ig n ific a n t d ifferences (P < 0 .05) were noted among w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs fo r stem TNC and TNC fra c tio n s both before and 10 days follow ing the chemical desiccant app licatio n at the boot stage (Tables 3 and 4 ). Redwin ranked very high in TNC and fructan content in environments 2 and 3. In contrast, Froid ranked high in TNC and a ll frac tio n s in environment I . This suggests a high genotype x environ­ ment (GxE) in te ra c tio n fo r TNC content in some c u ltiv a rs , e . g . , Froid in environments I , 2, and 3 (Tables 3 and 4 ). In co n tra s t, Redwin and Tiber were less v a riab le in TNC and TNC fra c tio n content than Froid. 22 Table 3. Mean TNC content (percent dry weight) o f four untreated w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs at the boot stage in three environ­ ments. Mono- and d isaccharides C u ltiv a r TNC <------ Fructans Sucrose Glucose Fructose - Environment ( I ) , Fort E llis 1987 - --------------- > Redwin 18.6 ab* 4.1 a 5 .4 a 6 .3 b 2.7 b Tiber 17.7 ab 3 .9 a 4 .5 a 6.3 b 3.1 b Centurk 14.7 b 3.3 a 4.1 a 4 .9 b 2.3 c Froid 21.9 a 4.7 a 4 .8 a 8 .2 a 4.1 a <----- - Environment (2 ) , Fort E llis 1988 - - ------------- > Redwin 18.6 a 5.3 a 4 .6 a 5.4 a 3.3 a Tiber 14.9 ab 3 .2 ab 4.1 ab 4 .7 ab 2.9 a 9.0 b 0.9 b 2.2 c 3 .6 b 2.3 a 13.4 ab 3 .0 ab 3.2 be 4 .3 ab 3 .0 a Centurk Froid <----- -- Environment ( 3 ) , Post Farm 1988 - - - ----------------> Redwin 14.0 a 1.8 a 4 .6 a 4 .5 a 3 .2 a Tiber 12.2 ab . 1.0 ab 4.0 ab 4.2 ab 3 .0 a Centurk 6.5 C 0.6 b 2 .4 c 2.0 c 1.5 b Froid 9.3 be 0.5 b 3.3 be 3 .0 be 2.5 a *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same l e t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. 23 Table 4. Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) o f four w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant a t the boot stage in three environments. Mono- and d isaccharides C u ltiv a r TNC Fructans Sucrose Glucose Fructose <-------------- -- Environment ( I ) , Fort E llis 1987 Redwin 9.1 a* 1.5 ab 2 .4 a 3 .6 ab 1.5 Tiber 8 .7 a 1.9 a 2.1 a 3 .0 be 1.7 b Centurk 5.6 b 0.6 c 1.4 b 2.3 c 1.3 b Froid 9.1 a 0 .8 be 1.9 ab 4 .0 a 2.4 a I I I I I Redwin 9.4 a 2.7 a 3 .5 ab 1.9 ab v-H C M <-------------- - Environment (2 ) , Fort E llis 1988 - b Tiber 9.6 a 1.8 a 4 .0 a 2.2 a 1.6 a Centurk 4.9 b 1.8 a 1.8 c 0 .8 c 0.6 b Froid 7.9 a 1.8 a 2 .9 b 1.7 b 1.5 a <-------------- - Environment (3 ) , Post Farm 1988 - - - a -- > 3.9 a 5.4 a 2 .8 a 2.1 ab Tiber 10.0 c 1.2 b 4 .6 a 2.5 ab 1.9 ab Centurk 10.3 be 4 .0 a 2.6 b 2 .0 b 1.7 b Froid 13.2 ab 3 .4 a 4 .6 a 2 .8 a <3- 14.2 a C M Redwin a *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same le t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. Simulated drought reduced TNC content in wheat stems in the three environments (Table 5 ). S ig n ific a n t differences (P < 0.05 and P < 0 .01) were noted between the two treatments (control and 3% sodium chlo rate) averaged over a ll c u ltiv a rs in the three environments (Table 5 ). This supports the suggestions o f Blum e t a l . (1983a) and Bruckner (1985) 24 th a t chemical desiccation probably increases the c u ltiv a r dependence on stem-stored carbohydrates. Table 5. The e ffe c t o f chemical desiccant on TNC fra c tio n s (percent dry weight) over four c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r desiccant app licatio n at the boot stage in three environments. Mono- and d isaccharides Treatment TNC Fructans Sucrose Glucose Fructose* < -........... - Environment ( I ) , F o rt E llis 1987 Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 9.7 ** 6.5 1.8 ** 0.6 2.3 ** 1.7 3 .8 ** 2.7 1.9 ** 1.5 <--------- - - Environment (2 ), Fort E llis 1988 • Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 10.6 ** 5.2 3.6 ** 0.5 3 .7 ** 2.4 2.0 ** 1.3 1.4 ** 1.0 <--------- - - Environment (3 ), Post Farm 1988 -■ Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 13.2 ** 10.7 4.4 ** 1.8 4.7 * 3.9 2.4 ns 2.7 2.2 ** 1.7 *S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 level o f sign ificance * *S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.01 level o f sign ificance ns = Not s ig n ific a n t Analyses o f variance o f in divid ual locations showed no s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n fo r TNC content and it s frac tio n s (Table 19, Appendix). The exceptions were the c u ltiv a r x desiccant in tera c tio n s fo r fructans and fructose at Fort E llis in 1987 and the 25 Post Research Farm in 1988, re s p e c tiv e ly . The fructan mean square fo r c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n was less than the c u ltiv a r and desiccant main e ffe c ts mean squares a t Fort E llis in 1987 (Table 19, Appendix). The fructose c u ltiv a r x desiccant mean square was less i than the desiccant main e ffe c t mean square but greater than the c u ltiv a r main e ffe c t mean square fo r fructose a t the Post Research Farm in 1988. The absence o f c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n in most cases and the occurrence o f c u ltiv a r x environment in te ra c tio n fo r some c u ltiv a rs fo r TNC and TNC fra c tio n s are im portant. Absence o f c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n indicates th a t c u ltiv a r rank fo r TNC content would be the same with or without applying the chemical desiccant. The desiccant imposes stress and hence increases the dependence on stemstored TNC. The degree o f dependence on stem-stored TNC w ill vary in d iffe r e n t environments. Selection fo r TNC content among wheat c u ltiv a rs a t the boot stage without chemical desiccation is possible provided i t is done in harsh, dry environments. The major portion o f TNC consisted o f mono and d isaccharides (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) before and 10 days follow ing the chemical desiccant application at the boot stage (Tables 3 and 4 ). Fructan percentage was low at the boot stage, varying from 0.5 to 5.3 (percent dry weight) before the chemical desiccant a p p licatio n fo r four c u ltiv a rs in three environments (Table 3 ) . This is s im ila r to the 4.5% fructan reported by Thome and Kuhbauch (1985) fo r preanthesis in the spring wheat c u ltiv a r 'A rk a s .' 26 Fructan percentage varied from 0 .6 to 4 (percent dry weight) among c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r the chemical desiccant app licatio n at the boot stage (Table 4 ) . ments I and 2. In g eneral, TNC decreased about 45-50% in environ­ The response was unusual in environment 3, where TNC and it s components' percentages increased in Froid and Centurk. The re su lts suggest th a t TNC content at the boot stage has a small fructan fra c tio n . This is probably due to high carbohydrate consumption r e la tiv e to production at th is stage, with l i t t l e l e f t fo r storage in the fructan form. The Earlv Douah Stage S ig n ific a n t differences were observed fo r TNC and fructan content between locations and years (Table 23, Appendix). C u ltiv a r x location and c u ltiv a r x year in tera c tio n s were s ig n ific a n t and had large mean squares. This suggests th a t TNC content in w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs is affected by the environment. The large GxE fo r TNC content might allow selection o f c u ltiv a rs having high TNC content only fo r defined e n v ir­ onments. fillin g These c u ltiv a rs are expected to have high p o te n tia l fo r grain in drought stress environments (Bidinger e t a l . , 1977; Blum e t a l . , 1983a; Gallagher e t a l . , 1975). S ig n ific a n t differences (P < 0 .05) were found among the seven c u ltiv a rs fo r TNC content in the lower stem and the peduncle, both before app licatio n of the chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage and 10 days a f t e r (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9 ). The seven c u ltiv a rs varied in lower stem and peduncle TNC and TNC fra c tio n content before chemical desiccant application a t Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm (Tables 6 and 7 ). Tiber had very high lower 27 stem TNC content (percent dry weight) and Crest had very low stem TNC content before desiccant application at Fort E ll is . Redwin had very high lower stem TNC content (percent dry weight) and Centurk had the lowest before desiccant application at the Post Farm. V a ria tio n fo r TNC and TNC fra c tio n content occurred among c u ltiv a rs . V a ria tio n was detected among c u ltiv a rs in both the lower stem and the peduncle. The peduncle TNC and TNC frac tio n s were less than in the lower stem (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9 ). Table 6. Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the lower stem o f seven untreated w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs a t e a rly dough stage. Mono- and d isaccharides C u ltiv a r TNC 21.3 24.4 22.9 21.2 21.1 19.2 22.6 abc* a ab abc be C ab 27.2 22.6 21.3 12.4 19.0 20.9 22.2 Glucose Fructose 13.2 15.5 16.7 14.9 15.3 13.5 16.2 b ab a ab ab ab ab 5.7 5.9 3.1 4.0 4.4 3.2 3 .6 a a d be b d d 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.2 0 .7 1.5 1.3 abc a ab c d be c 0.9 1.2 1.6 1.2 0 .6 Cd abc a abc d 1 .1 Cd 1.5 ab - - - Post Farm 87 and 8 8 ---------------------- > <----Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny Sucrose - - - Fort E llis 87 and 88 ------- ------------- > <— Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest . Brawny Fructans a ab b C b b ab 17.2 14.8 10.3 7.0 11.8 16.3 14.5 a ab Cd d be a ab 6.2 4 .8 4.0 2.3 4.0 2.5 3.1 a b be d be d Cd 2.1 1.3 2.1 0 .9 1.1 1.0 1.3 a b a b b b b 1.7 1.8 4.9 2.2 2.1 1.1 3.2 *Means w ith in a column not follow ed by the same l e t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f s ig n ific a n c e according to LSD te s t. c c a be be C b 28 Table 7. Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the peduncle o f seven untreated w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs a t e a rly dough stage. Mono- and d i saccharides C u ltiv a r TNC Fructans <-------------- ----- Fort Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 15.9 17.3 14.4 15.9 19.5 16.8 17.6 be* ab c be a abc ab 9 .8 10.8 9.0 10.0 14.9 11.8 12.5 d bed d cd a be ab <-------------- ----- Post Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 20.3 22.3 18.7 11.1 19.4 17.6 14.5 ab a ab d ab be cd 12.9 15.0 11.6 7.2 13.9 12.7 9 .8 abc a be d ab abc Cd Sucrose Glucose Fructose E llis 87 ami 8 8 ------4.6 5.0 3 .4 4.1 4.0 3.2 3.7 ab a e be bed e cde 0 .8 0 .9 1.2 0 .7 0 .4 1.0 0 .7 be ab a be c ab be 0.7 0.6 0 .9 L I 0.3 0 .7 0 .8 ab ab ab a b ab ab a ab a c be ab ab 0 .8 0.9 1.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 b b a b b b b Farm 87 and 88 5.5 5.4 4.1 2.7 4.1 3.2 2.7 a a b c b c c 1.2 0 .9 1.2 0 .5 0 .6 1.0 0 .9 *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same le t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 level o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. TNC and TNC fra c tio n s in the lower stem and the peduncle d iffe re d at Fort E llis and the Post Farm before the desiccant app licatio n at the e a rly dough stage (Tables 6 and 7 ). Lower wheat stem and peduncle TNC content ranged from 19.2 to 24.4 and from 14.4 to 19.5 (percent dry w eig h t), re s p e c tiv e ly , at Fort E llis fo r c u ltiv a rs averaged over 1987 and 1988. At the Post Research Farm, lower stem and peduncle TNC content ranged from 19.0 to 27.2 and from 11.1 to 22.3 (percent dry weight) fo r c u ltiv a rs averaged over 1987 and 1988. This may have been 29 in response to higher average temperatures at the Post Farm (Table 2 ). Also, the range o f TNC content was g reater than at Fort E ll is . Reductions in TNC and it s fra c tio n s in the lower stem and the peduncle occurred in the seven c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r the chemical desiccant a p p licatio n (Tables 6 and 8, 7 and 9 ) . The c u ltiv a r rank fo r TNC and TNC fra c tio n s a t both locations was s im ila r to th a t before applying the chemical desiccant (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9 ) . Table 8. Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the lower stem o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r a p p li­ cation o f chemical desiccant a t e a rly dough stage. Mono- and disaccharides C u ltiv a r TNC <----Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 15.6 14.9 11.6 8.5 16.1 16.1 16.1 Fructans 13.9 12.5 8 .6 2.4 6.1 10.8 6.1 Glucose Fructose ------- Fort E llis 87 and 88 ------ ---------------------> a* a b C a a a 7.8 6.3 4.4 3 .0 10.0 10.6 7.6 b be cd d a a b <--------------------Post Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny Sucrose a ab cd e d be d 7 .8 6 .4 4.7 0 .6 2.9 6 .5 1.5 a ab be e Cd ab de 3.5 3.4 2.5 1.7 3.0 2.1 2.5 a a b c a be b 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.4 1.1 a a c c d ab be 2.7 3.7 3.6 2.8 2.4 2.4 4.8 d b be cd d d a 2.3 2.7 1.7 0.9 1.6 2.2 2.6 ab a be d c ab a Farm 87 and 8 8 ......... . 2.9 2.8 1.7 0.7 1.3 1.5 1.3 a a b d be be c 0 .8 0 .7 0 .5 0 .2 0.3 0 .4 0 .6 a ab cd e e de be *Means w ith in a column not follow ed by the same l e t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f s ig n ific a n c e according to LSD te s t. 6 30 Table 9. Means o f TNC frac tio n s (percent dry weight) in the peduncle o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant at e a rly dough stage. Mono- and d i saccharides C u ltiv a r TNC Fructans <------------- ------Fort Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 11.8 10.7 7.9 10.2 14.5 12.2 11.4 b* b c be a ab b 5.6 4 .8 2.7 4.2 9 .0 6 .6 3 .8 be bed d cd a b cd <------------- ------Post Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 8 .7 11.5 8 .0 3.2 10.0 11.0 5.5 be a cd e abc ab de 5.2 6 .8 4 .8 1.4 6 .0 6 .8 1.4 b a b c ab a c Sucrose Glucose Fructose E llis 87 and 88 ------ ------------- > 3.9 3 .4 2.8 2.9 3 .5 2.5 3.0 a b Cd cd ab d be 0 .8 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .4 0 .8 0 .9 a be ab a c ab a 1.5 1.9 1.7 2.3 1.6 2.3 3 .5 c be c b c b a Farm 87 and 88 -------- ------------- > 2.4 3.1 2.2 1.2 2.4 2.6 2.0 b a be d b b c 0 .5 0 .4 0 .2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0 .6 ab be d d d Cd a 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.5 1.3 1.3 1.6 c b c c ab ab a *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same l e t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. Lower stem and peduncle TNC content ranged from 8 .5 to 16.1 and from 7.9 to 14.5 (percent dry w e ig h t), re sp ec tiv e ly , fo r c u ltiv a rs averaged over 1987 and 1988 at Fort E llis 10 days a f t e r desiccant a p p lic a tio n . Lower stem and peduncle TNC content 10 days a fte r desiccant a p p licatio n at the Post Research Farm ranged from 2.4 to 13.9 and from 3 .2 to 11.5 (percent dry w eig ht), re sp ec tiv e ly , fo r c u ltiv a rs averaged over 1987 and 1988. 31 The d iffe r e n t v a ria tio n in TNC and TNC fra c tio n content and the range among c u ltiv a rs at Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm could be ascribed to major d ifferences in lo catio n environmental conditions (Table 2 ). Fort E llis generally has Tower temperatures, more p re c ip i­ ta tio n , and less p o te n tia l evapotranspiration (Thornthwaite PET) than the Post Research Farm. In a d d itio n , important d iffe re n c e s in June and July p re c ip ita tio n and temperature occurred at the two locations (Table 2 ). In both years, average temperatures a t the Post Research Farm exceeded temperatures a t Fort E llis (Table 2 ). Although in 1987 the two locations had s im ila r p re c ip ita tio n , in 1988, a very dry year, the Post Farm was d r ie r . Only one s ig n ific a n t c o rre la tio n was observed between TNC or fructan content (percent dry weight) in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r applying the chemical desiccant and grain y ie ld o f the chemical desiccant treatm ent at e ith e r Fort E llis or the Post Research Farm (Tables 17 and 18, Appendix). A s ig n ific a n t negative c o rrelatio n ( - 0 .7 8 *) was noted between fructan content (percent dry weight) in the lower stem and grain y ie ld a fte r the chemical desiccant treatment at Fort E ll is . 0.58 ns. In con trast, the c o rre la tio n at the Post Research Farm was TNC, fructan content (percent dry w eig ht), and grain y ie ld were affected by the environment at both lo catio ns. published reports describe th is re la tio n s h ip . Thus f a r , no Bidinger e t a l. (1977) and Gallagher e t a l . (1975) emphasized the ro le of the increased percentage o f stem-stored TNC contrib ution to grain y ie ld under drought stress conditions. Based on the re su lts o f the current study and the previously mentioned reports, i t appears th a t high stem-stored TNC 32 content might be p re req u is ite fo r high grain y ie ld under drought or heat stress during grain f i l l i n g . Further studies are required to explore th is re la tio n s h ip . Reduction in TNC, fructan s, sucrose, glucose, and fructose content (percent dry weight) in the lower stem and the peduncle occurred 10 days follow ing chemical desiccation a t Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm (Table 10). TNC and TNC fra c tio n s in the lower stem and the peduncle were higher at Fort E llis than at the Post Research Farm fo r the control (0% sodium chlo rate) and the treatment (3% sodium c h lo ra te ). The reduction in TNC content follow ing the application o f sodium chlorate a t the e a rly dough stage is concordant w ith th a t obtained at the boot stage fo r four w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs ( Redwin, Norwin, Froid, and C enturk). The reduction in TNC content under simu­ la te d drought conditions caused by the chemical desiccant application corroborates the findings o f Blum e t a l . (1983a). They suggested th a t chemical desiccation causes reductions in stem dry weight due to rem o bilization o f stem-stored carbohydrates to help grain f i l l i n g under stress conditions. Combined analyses o f variance averaged over two years at each lo catio n fo r TNC and TNC frac tio n s in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r app licatio n o f the chemical desiccant displayed sc arc ity of s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in tera c tio n s (Table 20, Appendix). C u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n occurred only a t the Post Research Farm fo r lower stem fructans and peduncle TNC and fructans (Table 20, Appendix). The in te ra c tio n mean squares were small compared to the main e ffe c ts (c u ltiv a rs and d e s ic c a tio n ). The s c a rc ity of 33 c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n a t the e a rly dough stage is s im ila r to th a t observed at the boot stage. Table 10. The e ffe c t o f chemical desiccant on TNC fra c tio n s (percent dry weight) 10 days a fte r desiccant a p p lic a tio n , averaged over c u ltiv a rs . Mono- and d isaccharides Treatment - TNC Fructans Sucrose Glucose Fructose <..............................- Lower s te m ................ ................ >* Fort ETlis 87 and 88: Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 16.9 ** 11.4 9.4 ** 4 .8 3.0 ** 2.4 1.2 * 1.5 3.3 ns 3.1 11.0 ** 6.3 6.0 ** 2.7 2.0 ** 1.4 0 .6 ** 0 .4 2.3 ** 1.8 Post Farm 87 and 88: Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 <--------- - - Peduncle ■ Fort ETTis 87 and 88: Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 13.7 ** 8 .8 7.3 ** 3.3 3.4 ** 2.9 0 .8 ** 0 .6 2.2 ns 2.0 11.9 ** 4.6 8.1 ** 1.2 2.4 ** 2.1 0 .4 ns 0.3 1.2 ** 0.9 Post Farm 87 and 88: Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 *S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 level o f sign ificance * *S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.01 level o f sign ificance ns = Not s ig n ific a n t 34 The s c arc ity o f s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n s , and the presence o f s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x location in te ra c tio n s and s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x year in te ra c tio n s , is very important i f wheat breeders use stem-stored TNC as a selection c r ite rio n in environments subjected to heat or drought stress during grain f i l l i n g . The lack o f any large s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in tera c tio n s indicates th a t c u ltiv a rs reacted in a s im ila r manner in both desiccant and control treatm ents. This is an advantage fo r chemical desiccation as a simu­ la to r o f drought since i t causes s im ila r reductions in TNG, y ie ld , and y ie ld components among wheat c u ltiv a rs in both treatment and control p lo ts . In th is study, c u ltiv a rs ranked s im ila rly fo r TNC content under chemical desiccant induced stress and no desiccant or under controlled conditions (Table 16, Appendix). I f most c u ltiv a r x desiccant in t e r ­ actions had been s ig n ific a n t, selection would id e n tify c u ltiv a rs which respond d iffe r e n tly to the chemical desiccant (which may not neces­ s a r ily be the e ffe c t o f natural drought s tre s s ). The absence of s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in tera c tio n s and the presence of s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x location and c u ltiv a r x year in teractio n s suggests th a t TNC and TNC fra c tio n content phenotypic v a ria tio n was affected by the environment. The GxE would be expected to be high. Selection o f drought to le ra n t lin e s based on TNC content should be done in breeding nurseries where drought and heat stress occur during grain f i l l i n g . This increases the dependence on stem-stored TNC fo r grain f i l l i n g and d iffe r e n tia te s c u ltiv a rs accordingly (B idinger e t a l . , 1977; Gallagher e t a l . , 1975). I f such stress locations are not a v a ila b le , chemical desiccation w ill simulate natural drought, 35 a ffe c tin g the vegetative parts o f wheat p lan ts, and hence increasing the dependence on stem-stored TNC fo r grain f i l l i n g . C u ltiva rs w ill rank d iffe r e n tly in d iffe r e n t environments due to the s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x lo catio n and c u ltiv a r x year in te ra c tio n s . Fructans comprised the major portion o f TNC content in the lower stem and the peduncle before and 10 days a fte r applying the chemical desiccant (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9 ) . In co ntrast, sucrose, glucose, and fructose composed the major portion o f TNC a t the boot stage (Tables 3 and 4 ). Lower stem fructan content ranged from 13.2 to 16.7 and from 7.0 to 17.2 (percent dry weight) at Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm, re sp ectively (Table 6 ). The peduncle fructan content ranged from 9.0 to 14.9 and from 7.2 to 15.0 (percent dry weight) at Fort E llis and the Post Farm, re sp ectively (Table 7 ). These re su lts suggest th a t production o f TNC in wheat plants a t the e a rly dough stage exceeds consumption, hence the storage o f TNC in the fructan form. This is concordant with the report o f Thome and Kuhbauch (1985) th a t 20% fructan content (percent dry weight) was noted at a s im ila r growth stage fo r a spring wheat c u ltiv a r . McCaig and Clarke (1982) reported fructan content values ranging from 15% to 35% (percent dry weight) in the stem, in two successive years, in two spring wheat c u ltiv a rs . C u ltiva rs varied in grain y ie ld at Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm (Table 16, Appendix; Figure 4 ). The c u ltiv a rs ranked d iffe r e n tly fo r grain y ie ld at the two locations averaged over 1987 and 1988 fo r the check and the treatm ent (Table 16, Appendix). At the Post Research Farm, the c u ltiv a r y ie ld ranks were s im ila r to the In tra s ta te 36 Winter Wheat Yield T ria l (Table I ; Table 16, Appendix; Figure 4 ). Brawny was the only exception. from the Post Research Farm. At Fort EU is , c u ltiv a r rank d iffe re d Centurk and Brawny were exceptionally high in grain y ie ld at Fort E ll is . Norwin had the highest y ie ld and Crest the lowest at the Post Farm. The d iffe r e n t environmental condi­ tions at both locations affected the c u ltiv a r rank fo r grain y ie ld . 400 r Redwln Tiber Norwln Centurk Frold Greet Brawny Variety Figure 4. Means of y ie ld (gm • row'1) main e ffe c t o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs at Post Farm and Fort E ll is , averaged over 1987 and 1988. Combined analyses of variance averaged over two years at each location fo r grain y ie ld displayed absence of s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n at the Post Farm (Table 27, Appendix). S ig n if i­ cant c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n was observed at Fort E ll is , but 37 the in te ra c tio n mean square was very small compared to the main e ffe c ts . GxE in te ra c tio n plays an important ro le in grain y ie ld and TNC content. The s c arc ity o f s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in t e r ­ actions suggests th a t chemical desiccation imposes s im ila r stress on c u ltiv a rs in d iffe r e n t environments. The re la tio n s h ip between stem- stored TNC content and grain y ie ld is not conclusive in th is study. Previous reports by Bidinger e t a l . (1977), Gallagher e t a l . (1975), and Blum e t a l . (1983a) suggested an important ro le fo r stem-stored TNC content in contrib ution to grain y ie ld under stress conditions. Further studies are required to obtain conclusive resu lts on the re la tio n s h ip between stem-stored TNC and grain y ie ld under stress conditions. The Relationship Between TNC Content a t Boot and Mid-Dough Growth Stages TNC and fructan content were p o s itiv e ly correlated a t boot stage and at mid-dough (10 days a fte r desiccant application a t e a rly dough) (Table 11; Figures 5, 6, and 7 ). Also, TNC content a t the boot stage was p o s itiv e ly correlated with fructan content at mid-dough (10 days a fte r the chemical desiccant application at e a rly dough). The r e la ­ tionship held in the c o n tro l. The re su lts suggest th a t TNC at the boot stage o f wheat is re la te d to TNC and fructan content re s u ltin g from simulated drought at mid­ dough. The re la tio n s h ip was true fo r both drought sim ulation and the c o n tro l. This is concordant with the s carcity o f s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in tera c tio n s observed in the boot and e arly dough stages. This re la tio n s h ip is important in breeding wheat fo r stress tolerance. I t could provide the breeder with information about 38 the carbohydrate content before c ro s s-p o llin a tio n s are made in a conventional breeding program. In a d d itio n , th is re la tio n s h ip could help in p re p o llin a tio n parent choice in a male s t e r ile f a c ilit a t e d recurrent selection program. Table 11. C orrelation c o e ffic ie n t ( r ) fo r TNC and fructan content at boot stage versus mid-dough stage of four c u ltiv a rs in three environments (n=12). Without desiccant (mid-dough) With desiccant (mid-dough) TNC content (boot) 0 .9 4 ** 0 .9 2 ** Fructan content (boot) 0 .7 7 ** 0 .7 8 ** ♦♦S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.01 level of sign ificance r " 0.94 r ■ 0.9 2 TN C - Boot Stage (% dwt.) Figure 5. The re la tio n s h ip between boot stage and mid-dough stage fo r TNC content, treated by the chemical desiccant and untreated (n=12 tre a te d ; n=12 u n tre a te d ). 39 - 4 - Treated C 16 - + - Untreated r - 0.77 r • 0.7 8 Fructans - Boot Stage (% dwt.) Figure 6. The re la tio n s h ip between boot stage and mid-dough stage fo r fructan content, treated by the chemical desiccant and untreated (n=12 tre a te d ; n=12 un treated). _ -4-- Untreated — Treated r ■ 0 .8 8 r ■ 0 .86 TN C - Boot Stage (% dwt.) Figure 7. The re la tio n s h ip between TNC at the boot stage and fructans at the mid-dough stage, treated by the chemical desiccant and untreated (n=12 trea te d ; n=12 un treated). 40 Net Rate of TNC Depletion The net ra te o f TNC depletion is a function o f source TNC (beginning and ending) and tim e. Net ra te o f TNC depletion equals TNC (beginning) minus TNC (ending) divided by 10 days equals ug • mg'1 • day'1. S ig n ific a n t d ifferences were observed fo r net rates o f TNC and fructan depletion between locations and years in the lower stem and the peduncle (Table 24, Appendix). The c u ltiv a r x lo catio n in te ra c tio n was s ig n ific a n t fo r net ra te o f TNC depletion in the lower stem and the peduncle o f wheat. The c u ltiv a r x lo catio n in te ra c tio n was not s ig n if­ icant fo r net ra te o f TNC depletion in the peduncle. The c u ltiv a r x year in te ra c tio n was s ig n ific a n t fo r net ra te of TNC and fructan depletion except fo r net ra te of TNC depletion in the lower stem. These re su lts suggest th a t net rates o f TNC and fructan depletion are affected considerably by the environment. Net TNC depletion rates in the lower stem and peduncle averaged 40-50% higher a t the warmer Post Research Farm lo catio n than Fort E llis (Table 12). The range o f fructan net depletion rates in the lower stem and peduncle, however, were very s im ila r at the two lo ca tio n s . C u ltivars d iffe re d in net rates of TNC and fructan depletion at both locations when averaged over the two years, suggesting the p o s s ib ility o f selection among wheat c u ltiv a rs fo r th is t r a i t . 41 Table 12. Means o f TNC and fructan net depletion rates from the stem (ug • mg'1 • day'1) during the 10 days follow ing application o f chemical desiccant at e a rly dough (main e f f e c t s ) . Lower Stem C u ltiv a r TNC Peduncle Fructans TNC Fructans <........... ........Fort E llis 87 and 88 Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 66 96 113 127 65 73 80 d* be ab a d Cd cd 69 98 122 118 66 64 93 d be a ab d d c 66 84 83 65 70 52 63 a a a a a a a 46 67 75 64 67 53 87 d abc ab cd be cd a 78 85 67 57 82 77 83 a a a a a a a <------------ ■— Post Farm 87 and 88 - Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Brawny 133 131 114 100 129 101 160 ab ab b b ab b a 94 87 65 64 89 98 130 b be c c be b a 116 112 107 79 97 84 90 a a a a a a a *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same l e t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 le v e l o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. P ositive co rrelatio n s were found between c u ltiv a r grain y ie ld and net ra te o f TNC depletion in the peduncle under simulated drought conditions during e a rly dough at Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm (0 .8 6 * and 0 .7 7 *, re sp ec tiv e ly ) (Figure 8 ) . This re la tio n s h ip between the net ra te o f TNC depletion in the peduncle and grain y ie ld under desiccant-sim ulated drought conditions is very im portant. I t suggests 42 net peduncle TNC depletion ra te could be used to screen fo r drought to le ra n t wheat c u ltiv a rs during grain f i l l i n g b ility . i f i t has high h e rita - The net ra te o f TNC depletion probably measures the e ffic ie n c y o f wheat c u ltiv a rs to tran slocate stem-stored TNC under stress condi­ tio n s . Further studies are needed to estab lish the net ra te o f TNC depletion as a screening method fo r drought tolerance in wheat. The net rates o f TNC and fructan depletion increased s ig n ific a n tly a fte r the chemical desiccant was applied (Table 13). S ig n ific a n t d ifferences (P < 0 .01) were observed between the control net rates o f TNC and fructan depletion and the desiccant treatment net rates of TNC and fructan depletion in the lower stem and the peduncle. Increased net rates of TNC and fructan depletion a f t e r desiccant application v e r ifie s the hypothesis suggested by Blum e t a l . (1983b) th a t chemical desiccation simulates natural drought by increasing the dependence of wheats on stem-stored TNC. Bidinger e t a l . (1977) and Gallagher e t a l . (1975) reported estimates of 22% and 50%, respec­ t iv e ly , fo r the contrib ution o f stem-stored carbohydrates to y ie ld under drought conditions. No s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n was observed fo r net rates of TNC and fructan depletion (Table 21, Appendix). The absence of s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n and the presence o f c u ltiv a r x location and c u ltiv a r x year in te ra c tio n suggest th a t chemical desiccation a ffe c ts c u ltiv a rs s im ila r ly , without in t e r ­ action with s p e c ific c u ltiv a rs fo r net ra te of TNC d e p letio n . The s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x lo catio n and c u ltiv a r x year in tera c tio n s suggest th a t c u ltiv a rs reacted d iffe r e n tly depending on environments. 43 -4 - F o rt ElMe r ■ 0.86 - + - Poet Farm r - 0.77 Rate of TNC Depletion In the Peduncle Figure 8. Table 13. The re la tio n s h ip between ra te of TNC depletion in the peduncle and y ie ld a fte r treatment at e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant at Fort E llis and Post Research Farm (n=7, Fort E llis ; n=7, Post Farm). TNC and fructan net depletion ra te (ug • mg'1 • day"1) from the stem during the 10 days follow ing app licatio n of chemical desiccant, averaged over a ll c u ltiv a rs . Lower Stem Treatment TNC Fructans Peduncle TNC Fructans <------- ......... - Fort E llis 87 and 88 ■ Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 65 ** 112 72 ** 108 50 ** 88 51 ** 80 <------- ........... Post Farm 87 and 88 -■ Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 102 ** 147 74 ** 105 **S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.01 level of sign ificance 77 ** 119 60 ** 91 44 The p o sitiv e s ig n ific a n t re la tio n s h ip between net ra te o f TNC depletion and y ie ld under desiccant-sim ulated drought conditions indicates th a t th is t r a i t , although considerably affected by the e n v ir­ onment, could be used as a selection c r ite rio n fo r tolerance to drought and heat stress during the grain f i l l i n g period. Chemical desiccants could be applied to diverse wheat c u ltiv a rs at the e a rly dough stage to simulate stress conditions during the grain f i l l i n g period since the in te ra c tio n between the chemical desiccant and c u ltiv a rs usually was not s ig n ific a n t. This w ill allow c u ltiv a rs to express t h e ir a b il it y to rem obilize stem-stored TNC under stress conditions to f i l l the g ra in . Average Fructan Degree o f Polymerization The fructan average degree o f polym erization (DP) indicates the average chain length. I t is important due to it s re la tio n s h ip with the molal concentration of the c e ll vacuole. S ig n ific a n t differences were noted fo r fructan average degree o f polym erization (DP) in the peduncle between locations and years (Table 25, Appendix). In the lower stem, s ig n ific a n t d ifferences were observed fo r fructan average DP between years but not lo catio ns. C u ltiv a r x lo catio n and c u ltiv a r x year in teractio n s were s ig n ific a n t. This suggests th a t fructan average degree o f polym erization d iffe re d between locations and years and was affected considerably by the e n v ir­ onments. C u ltivars d iffe re d s ig n ific a n tly (P < 0.01) fo r fructan average DP follow ing the app licatio n o f the chemical desiccant (Table 14). Fort E ll is , DP ranged from 4.6 to 8.3 and from 4.9 to 7 .6 (hexose At 45 u n its ) in the lower stem and the peduncle, re sp ec tiv e ly . At the Post Research Farm, DP ranged from 4 .9 to 7.0 and from 5.2 to 8 .5 (hexose u n its ) in the lower stem and the peduncle, re sp ec tiv e ly . Table 14. Average degree o f polym erization 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant at e a rly dough stage. Fort E llis 87 and 88 Post Farm 87 and 88 C u ltiv a r Lower Stem Peduncle Lower Stem Peduncle Redwin 6.1 b* 5.4 b 6 .4 a 6.9 b Tiber 5.0 b 4.9 b 6 .8 a 7.2 b Norwin 5.0 b 5.3 b 6 .4 a 7.2 b Centurk 4.6 b 5.6 ab 4 .9 b 5.2 c Froid 6.7 ab 7.6 ab 6 .6 a 6.4 be Crest 8.3 a 7.5 a 6 .8 a 8 .5 a Brawny 6 .5 ab 6.0 ab 7 .0 a 7.1 b *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same le t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.01 level o f sign ificance according to LSD te s t. Fructan average degree o f polym erization (DP) decreased follow ing the chemical desiccant application at both Fort E llis and the Post Research Farm (Table 1 5 ). The lower stem and peduncle fructan average DP in the control and the desiccant treatments (0% and 3% sodium c h lo ra te , re sp ec tiv e ly ) d iffe re d s ig n ific a n tly (P < 0 .01) at Fort E ll is . At the Post Farm, only the peduncle average DP d iffe re d s ig n if­ ic a n tly between the control and the treatm ent. 46 Table 15. E ffe c t of chemical desiccant on the average degree of polym erization 10 days a fte r the desiccant app licatio n at e a rly dough stage, over a ll c u ltiv a rs . Treatment Control (0%) 3% NaClO3 Fort E llis 87 and 88 Post Farm 87 and 88 Lower Stem Lower Stem Peduncle Peduncle 6 .8 ** 6.7 ** 6.6 ns 7.4 ** 5.3 5.3 6.2 6.5 ^ S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.01 level o f sign ificance ns = Not s ig n ific a n t Simulated drought using the chemical desiccant sodium chlorate resulted in reduced average fructan chain length in wheat stems. The reduction was from 6 .8 and 6.7 to 5.3 and 5.3 in the lower stem and the peduncle, re s p e c tiv e ly , a t Fort E ll is . reduced from 7.4 to 6 .5 in the peduncle. At the Post Farm, i t was This confirms the suggestion o f Wagner e t a l . (1983) th a t the molecular size of fructans could be changed e a s ily under stress conditions fo r osmoregulation. They suggested th a t the transform ation o f fructans to shorter hexose u n its , or simple sugars, increases the molal concentration and lowers the osmotic p o te n tia l. Consequently, water is held, decreasing the loss under stress conditions. Also, the reduction in the average fructan chain length may play a ro le in the tran slocation o f TNC to the grain in sucrose form. Therefore, i t appears th a t the reduction in the average chain length may impact TNC tran slocation and transform ation. 47 A s ig n ific a n t c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n was observed fo r fructan average DP in the lower stem and the peduncle a t the Post Research Farm. At Fort E ll is , the c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n fo r fructan average DP was s ig n ific a n t fo r the lower stem but not fo r the peduncle (Table 26, Appendix). In con trast, the c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n fo r stem TNC content and stem net ra te o f TNC depletion usually was not s ig n ific a n t. I t appears th a t chemical desiccation a ffe c ts fructan transforma­ tio n by chain length reduction. tran s lo c a tio n . This may in d ire c tly a ffe c t fructan The reduction in average fructan chain length ends with sucrose form ation. Sucrose moves to the grain under stress conditions to help in grain f i l l i n g . xI 48 . SUMMARY This research studied the e ffe c t o f chemical desiccant induced drought stress on stem-stored carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s (TNC content), net ra te o f TNC d epletion, and the average degree of polym erization in w inter wheat c u ltiv a r s . High performance liq u id chromatography (HPLC) was used to q u an tify TNC and it s frac tio n s a fte r c a lib ra tio n with wheat stem TNC and fructan samples. The re su lts suggest th a t HPLC could be used to qu an tify TNC and fructan content in wheat stems. The HPLC provides a r e la t iv e ly fa s t and accurate technique fo r screening wheat lin e s fo r TNC and fructan content. Chemical desiccation at the boot stage caused reduction in TNC and fructan content in wheat stems. A pplication at the e a rly dough stage reduced TNC and fructan content, increased depletion rates o f TNC and fructans, and decreased the average fructan degree o f polym erization. The peduncle was lower in TNC and fructan content than the lower stem, but the trend was s im ila r fo r TNC content, ra te o f TNC depletion, and the average degree o f polym erization. There was a p o sitiv e c o rre la tio n between the boot and the mid­ dough stages fo r TNC content and fructan content. Also, there was a p o s itiv e c o rre la tio n between TNC depletion ra te and grain y ie ld a fte r chemical desiccation treatment in the e a rly dough stage. 49 The varying a b il it y o f wheat c u ltiv a rs to tran slocate TNC to the grain under drought stress conditions and the osmoregulation ro le o f fructans c ite d in the lit e r a t u r e impact breeding fo r drought tolerance. S ig n ific a n t GxE in tera c tio n s fo r TNC content, net ra te o f TNC d ep letio n , and fructan average degree o f polym erization were found in contrast to low or absent c u ltiv a r x desiccant in te ra c tio n s fo r TNC content and net ra te o f TNC d epletion. These c h a ra c te ris tic s could serve as selection c r it e r i a fo r drought tolerance in wheat i f h e r it a b ilit y is high. Chemical desiccation d ir e c tly a ffe c ts TNC transform ation and in d ir e c tly a ffe c ts TNC tra n s lo c a tio n . E ffic ie n t TNC transform ation and tran slo catio n are essential fo r grain f i l l i n g under stress conditions. The ra te o f TNC depletion is a function o f source TNC (beginning and ending) and tim e. TNC depletion ra te in the peduncle, and lik e ly in the lower stem, provides a r e lia b le measurement to id e n tify wheat c u ltiv a rs to le ra n t to drought stress. 50 LITERATURE CITED 51 Austin, R .B ., C.L. Morgan, M.A. Ford, and R.D. Blackw ell. 1980. Contributions to grain y ie ld from pre-anthesis assim ilation in t a l l and dwarf barley phenotypes in two contrasting seasons. Annals o f Botany 45:309-319. B idinger, F ., R.B. Musgrave, and R.A. Fischer. 1977. Contribution o f stored pre-authesis assim ilate to grain y ie ld in wheat and b arley. Nature 270:431-433. B Iacklow, W.M., B. Derbyshire, and P. Pheloung. 1984. Fructans poly­ merized and depolymerized in the internodes o f w in te r wheat as g r a in - f i lli n g progressed. Plant S c i. Letters 36:213-218. 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Montana State U n iv e rs ity , Bozeman. 53 APPENDICES 54 APPENDIX A TABLES 55 Table 16. Means o f grain y ie ld , harvest index, and kernel weight o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs . Grain Y ield (qm/2.5 m row) C u ltiv a r T C Brawny 259 a 257 a 260 a 242 ab Froid 157 d Crest 124 e 207 c Brawny 188 c C - Fort E llis 87 and 8 8 ..............................> 272 291 379 268 250 186 306 b b a b b c b <---------Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk T 24 25 29 28 23 18 32 be b a ab C d a 28 31 36 34 30 24 36 be ab a a b d a 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.4 C O b* a a b b c C C M 213 261 281 236 201 134 Kernel Weight (qm/1001 (%) T <---------Redwin Tiber Norwin Centurk Froid Crest Harvest Index be d b b be 1.8 e 2.7 a 293 297 261 241 a a b b 184 c 184 c 196 c 27 ab 30 a 30 a 28 ab 25 b 21 C 27 ab 29 32 32 33 ab a a a 27 b 26 b 28 b T = treated with the chemical desiccant c d b b b e a ■- > - Post Farm 87 and 88 • 2.4 2 .4 2 .0 2 .0 a a be be 2.1 b 1.9 cd 2 .0 be *Means w ith in a column not followed by the same le t t e r d i f f e r at P < 0.05 level o f s ig n ific a n c e , according to LSD t e s t. C = check 2.5 2.3 2 .8 2 .8 2.7 2.0 3 .0 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.2 a a be b 2.2 b 2.1 be 2.1 be 56 Table 17. C orrelation c o e ffic ie n ts ( r ) among y ie ld and carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s in the lower stem o f seven w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs , combined over 1987 and 1988. TNC AT T ra its TNC C <----------Y ield T Y ield C Kernel weight Kernel weight Harvest index Harvest index T C T C -.50ns -.30ns - .7 8 * - .8 7 * -.45ns -.53ns -.53ns -.69ns -.72ns -.20ns -.29ns -.29ns -.45ns - .9 6 * * -.71ns -.69ns - .8 4 * - .8 8 * * Harvest index T Harvest index C * ,* * ns T AT = = = = .58ns .61ns .66ns .63ns .19ns .05ns Fructans C RTD Fort E llis 87 and 88 <----------Y ield T Y ield C Kernel weight T Kernel weight C Fructans AT -.52ns - .8 2 * -.31ns -.31ns -.50ns -.59ns - - T ----------> .37ns .76* .27ns .32ns .49ns .65ns Post Farm 87 and 88 .34ns .43ns .65ns .68ns -.04ns -.28ns .58ns .63ns .67ns .65ns .21ns .02ns .21ns .34ns .50ns .57ns -.19ns -.30ns RFD .59ns .8 7 ** .49ns .50ns .72ns .8 4 * -------------------- > .29ns -.02ns -.02ns - . 18ns .27ns -.68ns -.19ns -.34ns .Olns -0 4 n s -.30ns -.18ns S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0 .0 1 , resp ectively Not s ig n ific a n t Treated a t e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant Ten days a fte r treatment at e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant C = Check RTD = Rate o f TNC depletion from the stem follow ing treatm ent at e a rly dough stage RFD = Rate o f fructan depletion from the stem follow ing treatment a t e a rly dough stage 57 Table 18. C orrelation c o e ffic ie n ts ( r ) among y ie ld and carbohydrate c h a ra c te ris tic s in the peduncle o f seven w in ter wheat c u ltiv a r s , combined over 1987 and 1988. TNC AT T ra its TNC C Fructans AT Fructans C RTD <------:---- ............. Fort E llis 87 and 88 Y ield T Y ield C Kernel weight Kernel weight Harvest index Harvest index T C T C -.71ns - .33ns - .8 2 * -.48ns -.37ns -.68ns -.68ns - .56ns -.03ns -.04ns - . 36ns - .46ns <----------Y ield T Y ield C Kernel weight Kernel weight Harvest index Harvest index * ,* * ns T AT = = = = T C T C .09ns -.15ns .16ns .16ns .20ns .43 -.70ns - .7 8 * -.62ns -.50ns - .8 1 * - .7 7 * ------------------> -.59ns .86* -.66ns -.35ns -.19ns -.65ns -.60ns .72ns .64ns .53ns .80* .7 5 * Post Farm 87 and 88 .41ns .17ns .49ns .58ns -.20ns -.45n$ .02ns .Olns .24ns .24ns .07ns -.25ns .00ns .13ns .38ns .46ns -.29ns -.38ns RFD .15ns .16ns .54ns .60ns .56ns .61ns ------------------> .77* .76* .86* .79* .44ns .12ns .14ns .15ns .57ns .58ns -.21ns -.58ns S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0 .0 1 , re sp ectively Not s ig n ific a n t Treated at e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant Ten days a fte r treatment at e a rly dough with the chemical desiccant C = Check RTD = Rate o f TNC depletion from the stem follow ing treatm ent at e a rly dough stage RFD = Rate o f fructan depletion from the stem follow ing treatment a t e a rly dough stage 58 Table 19. Source Mean squares fo r stem TNC, fructans, sucrose, glucose, and fructose contents of four w in ter wheat c u ltiv a rs 10 days a fte r app licatio n of chemical desiccant a t the boot stage in three environments. df TNC <— Rep C u ltiv a r Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error 3 3 I 3 21 3 3 I 3 21 75935 4816 231065** 28913** 841915** 106664** 76823 36411 Glucose 22477* 6094 5795 15080 44266** 15725** 29403** . 94503** 3602 3359 10968 9692 373489** 17181 2337662** 735078** 26536 51722 26448 15805 1965 6652 7275 359290* 511060* 3 21 44290 93968 38148 145717** 539500** 110027 32849 1612 17565** 12561** 3237 1335 -------------> 6975 75759** 145935** 2540 28274** 35778** 2511 16957** 10082** 1246 5860 1051 1937 827 1022 -------------> - - - Post IFarm 1988 - 3 3 I Fructose — ------- > - - - Fort IE llis 1987 <— Rep C u ltiv a r Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error Sucrose - - - Fort IE llis 1987 <— Rep C u ltiv a r Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error IFructans 1152 117997** 42778* 6981 10817 7906 4110 6617 18915* 2012 9307 19992 5256 11568* 2728 * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 59 Table 20. Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content o f seven w inter wheat c u ltiv a rs in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r app licatio n o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage. Lower stem Source df TNC <— --------- Fort Rep Year Rep (year) C u ltiv a r Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r 3 I 3 6 I 6 Year x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 171495 78 129274 TNC Fructans E llis 1987 and 1988 - -------------- > 75036 336327 6990623** 6030719** 548668** 243496* 1438437** 1223807** 8378639** 5910750** 43531 95335 316132** 344849* 208863 40075 6 I Error Fructans Peduncle 193954 90017 102594 1503227** 27583 651327** 6610037** 60485 258087** 70532 62008 2103339** 10661 691003** 4452003** 36820 199201 265082 245371* 127053 93452 30044 <— ----------- Post ; Farm 1987 and 1988 - -------------- > Rep Year Rep (year) 3 I 3 CuTtivar Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r Year x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 Error I 6 6 I 6 78 32041 57616 252924 200614* 13043544** 8064894** 15142312** 13090243** 92854 71222 37349 62996 876549** 2647519** 1205047*? 1447723** 6262245** 2953088** 216383** 277429 1166813** 612895** 152082 119333 6238131** 208453* 806568** 307648* 76523 59326 264070** 143100 75658 77906 * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 3176690** 149233** 426610** 582622** 100264 49508 60 Table 21. Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan net depletion rates from the stem fo r the 10 days follow ing a p p licatio n o f chemical desiccant at e a rly dough. Lower stem Source df TNC Fructans Peduncle TNC Fructans <------ ------ Fort IE llis 1987 and 1988 -■ Rep Year Rep (year) C u ltiv a r Desiccant 3 I 3 6 I 6 6 I 5295* 73313** 6122** 9334** 60083** 737 6401** 40 C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r Year x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error 78 : <------ ------- Post 6 2203 1464 Rep Year Rep (year) C u ltiv a r Desiccant C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r 3 2208 I 3 6 I 6 6 7137 5174 7178* 57880** 2603 Year x Desiccant Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error * * * 3057* 88982** 890 9620** 35482** 1050 4102** 35 2193 1136 912 2305 2090 2046 40060** 851 1493 2860 984 1121 121 809 1227 2839** 23830** 986 2821** 866 1270 743 Farm 1987 and 1988 - 2012 21095** 1815 7947** 27403** 2246 2978 1875 4351 3326 51424** 1711 1755 9291** 3509* 1603 27259** 1130 4386 5225** 5716** 3560** I 1208 1019 4637 6196 6 491 460 3020 1626 2639 1711 935 78 S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 1179 61 Table 22. Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content in stems o f w inter wheat 10 days a fte r app licatio n of chemical desiccant a t the boot stage, combined over three environments and four c u ltiv a rs . Source df Environment . 2 TNC 1640693** IFructans Sucrose 301501** 443057** Glucose Fructose 202216** 49430** Rep 3 34859 33435 7608 1303 2284 Rep (environ­ ment) 6 61760 10248 3157 11649* 2974 C u ltiv a r 3 707756** 52449* 169376** 63258** 32482** Desiccant I 3331453** 1226841** 192693** 55392** 1872 C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 3 27939 73586** 2383 5652 5358* Environment x C u ltiv a r 6 128044 69681* 20052 10050* 4328* Environment x Desiccant 2 179592 77200** 12711 41398 19842** Environment x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 59855 42683* 2239 8677 5137* 63 60700 18249 6175 4615 1695 Error * , * * = S ig n ific a n t a t P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 62 Table 23. Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan content in the lower stem and the peduncle o f w inter wheat 10 days a f t e r application o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, combined over lo ca tio n s , years, and c u ltiv a rs . Peduncle Lower stem Fructans TNC Fructans df TNC Location I 17358139** Year I 19566036** 14021838** 13093760** 12844002** Rep 3 396072* 199453 34050 29324 Rep (lo ca tio n x year) 9 259732 127563 73674 57395 C u ltiv a r 6 3139326** 1669722** 1380117** 1183431** Desiccant I 14563998** 8609833** 12845477** 7575017** Location x Year I 468130 73775 3551780 C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 128167 110729 99073 Location x C u ltiv a r 6 946631** 759131** 718934** 384121** Year x C u ltiv a r 6 1040167** 694895** 744515** 488576** Location x Desiccant I 76886 254005 2691 53677 Year x Desiccant I 18009 321972* 41784 438637** Location x Year x C u ltiv a r 6 471495** Location x Year x Desiccant I 174148 6223 18 146937 151423* 156 136187 82837 Source Location x Year x Cult iv a r x Desiccant Error 4303646** 234132** 4969818** 205230 2349580** 54810 320140** 137235 336396 174029 233005** 158960** 102480 * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 71480 63 Table 24. Mean squares fo r TNC and fructan net depletion rates in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r a p p licatio n of chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage. Peduncle Lower stem Source df TNC Location I 72381** Year I 17350** Rep 3 4387 Rep (lo ca tio n x year) 9 C u ltiv a r Fructans 2 TNC 46020** 11713** Fructans 5686* 11 2307 3092 588 708 4804* 1561 3248** 1968* 6 5389* 4233** 4414** 2431* Desiccant I 117953** 62625** 91130** Location x Year I 63100** CuTtivar x Desiccant 6 Location x C u ltiv a r 51031 98364 4170 7792** 755 729 1261 473 6 11123** 13333** 958 2010* Year x C u ltiv a r 6 2739 3982** 3522* 3944** Location x Desiccant I 10 260 354 57 Year x Desiccant I 845 718 106 1214 Location x Year x C u ltiv a r 6 8048** 5346** 3687* 2438* Location x Year x Desiccant I 403 336 7391* 5848* 18 1760 1740 1642 1283 156 2242 1381 1416 961 Location x Year x Cult iv a r x Desiccant . Error * * * > S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 64 Table 25. Mean squares fo r fructan average DP in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, averaged over two locations and two years. Peduncle df Lower stem Location I 8.0 4 4 .0 ** Year I 3 7 2 .0 ** 4 9 1.0 ** Rep 3 2.3 12.0* Rep (lo ca tio n x year) 9 4.1 4.0 C u ltiv a r 6 2 5 .0 ** 2 2 .0 ** Desiccant I 4 7 .0 ** 8 0 .0 ** Location x Year I 0.9 16.4* C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 9 .0 * * 1.6 Location x C u ltiv a r 6 9 .0 * 1 2 .8 ** Year x C u ltiv a r 6 2 9 .0 ** 3 3 .6 ** Location x Desiccant I 15.0* 2.8 Year x Desiccant I 0.4 4.0 Location x Year x C u ltiv a r 6 1 3 .0 ** Location x Year x Desiccant I 4 9 .0 ** 1 0 .0 ** 18 8 .0 * * 9 .4 * * 3.3 4.1 Source Location x Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant Error 156 * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, re s p e c tiv e ly 3.8 65 Table 26. Mean squares fo r fructan average DP in the lower stem and the peduncle 10 days a fte r application o f chemical desiccant at the e a rly dough stage, averaged over two locations and two years. Fort E llis Source Post I: arm df Lower stem Peduncle Lower stem Peduncle Year I 16 8.0 ** 164.0** 205.00** 3 4 3 .0 ** Rep 3 2.0 10.0 0.70 4 .0 * * Rep (year) 3 12.0 5.0 0.07 5.0 C u ltiv a r 6 2 6 .0 ** 1 9 .0 ** 7 .3 0 ** 1 6 .0 ** Desiccant I 5 8 .0 ** 5 6 .0 ** 4.00 2 6 .0 ** C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 13.0* 3.0 5 .0 0 ** 1 0 .8 ** C u ltiv a r x Year 6 2 9 .0 ** 16.0 1 3 .0 0 ** 2 1 .6 ** Year x Desiccant I 2 9 .0 * 0.7 2 0 .0 0 ** 1 3.6* Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 11.0 11.0* 5 .2 0 ** 4 .8 78 5.2 4.9 1.40 3.3 Error * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0 .0 1 , re sp ectively 66 Table 27. Mean squares fo r grain y ie ld in two locations averaged over 1987 and 1988. Source df Fort E llis Post Farm Year I 41004** 515171** Rep 3 . 5600* 506 Rep (year) 3 2979 307 C u ltiv a r 6 50558** 39089** Desiccant I 124956** 33672** C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 4921* 1206 C u ltiv a r x Year 6 25232** Year x Desiccant I 885 1170 Year x C u ltiv a r x Desiccant 6 1657 1127 78 1791 601 Error * , * * = S ig n ific a n t at P < 0.05 and P < 0 .0 1 , re sp ectively 5741** 67 APPENDIX B: FIGURES 68 P e a k A r e a (m v .) 6 DP6 DPS 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 9. HPLC chromatograms o f stem-stored carbohydrates: (A) P ro file of the mixture o f seven c u ltiv a rs (F, fructose; G, glucose; S, sucrose; and DP3, DP4, DP5, and DP6); (B) DP6; (C) DP5. P e a k A r e a (ra v .) DP 4 DP 3 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 10. HPLC chromatograms o f stem-stored carbohydrates: (A) DP4, (B) DP3. 70 Sucrose 685 ug IO * u l IV — ■ 1 'll 343 r > 257 I \-------- (0 0) a, 171 /I 86 A 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 11. HPLC chromatograms o f fiv e concentrations o f sucrose. G lu cose 451 P e a k A rea (m v .) ug IO"8 ul 360 270 180 90 A I 4 Figure 12. i 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) HPLC chromatograms o f fiv e concentrations o f glucose. F ructose 901 720 541 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 13. HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f fru c to s e . P e a k A r e a (mv«) F ructose 360 180 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 14. HPLC chromatograms o f two concentrations o f fructose. A DP 3 P e a k A r e a (m v .) 534 267 4 Figure 15. 8 12 1 6 2 0 T i m e ( m in .) HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP3. P e a k A r e a (m v .) DP 4 264 1 32 4 8 12 16 2 0 T im e (m in .) Figure 16. HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP4. 76 P e a k A r e a (m v .) DP 5 288 144 4 8 12 16 20 T im e (m in .) Figure 17. HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP5. A DP 6 440 ug 10* ul P e a k A r e a ( m v .) V B 220 I---------------------------------------------— ' c 1 10 4 8 12 16 20 Time (min.) Figure 18. HPLC chromatograms o f three concentrations o f DP6.