Find thermal radiation intensity: Relate W(f) to I(θ,φ,f) = “radiation intensity” i.e., θ ∫ VOL ∫SURFACE to Unit area Consider slab of blackbody radiation: vol. = δ, contains Wδ[J Hz-1] Let slab radiate without replacement: δ [Jm-3 Hz-1] [Wm-2 ster-1 Hz-1] Wδ = ∫ V W(f) dV = ∫ I(f) dt dA dΩ [J Hz-1] 4πIoδ 8π 3 hf/kT -1 = ∫ Io cos θ • δ/(c • cos θ) • 1 • dΩ = c Wδ = δ 3 hf e c Io(f,θ,φ) = 2hf3 c2 ehf/kT -1 Wm-2 Hz-1 ster-1 Planck’s radiation law 20 2kT Io(f,θ,φ) ≅ 2 in the limit hf <<kT λ Rayleigh-Jeans Law log Io Rayleigh-Jeans region hf << kT 1000 To 100 To 10 To To log λ 21 Paradox: blackbody (radio limit) KT WHz-1 ≠ f(λ) single mode 2kT Z0 λ2 antenna 2kT how? 2 λ Wm − 2Hz −1ster −1 = f (λ ) Answer: kT WHz-1 mode-1 Two polarizations Number of modes/Hz•m2•ster 2kT λ2 22 Note: In the radio limit: hfj... hf j • n j = hf 1 e hf kT −1 [ ] ≅ kT J mode ­ 1 [TEM line cavity] Recall: kT/2 J/degree of freedom • m mechanical systems sin ωt orthogonal degrees of freedom, 2 per mode cos ωt Therefore we also obtain kT/2 J/degree of freedom for thermal radiation 23 Thermal radiation from lossy lines: dz Zo Zo A slightly lossy → kT e-αdz + emission = kT in equilibrium P+ = kT → ( ) ∴ Emission = kT 1 − e − αdz ≅ kT (1 − [1 − αdz]) = kTα dz 24 What is thermal emission when not in equilibrium? Answer: same, recall linearity of Maxwell’s equations L kTout = kTin L − ∫ α dz − ∫ α dz L e o + k T( z)α( z)e z dz ∫ o T(z) kTin ? z Tin Tout = Tin L − ∫ αdz e o τMAX + τmax ∫ T( τ)e − τ dτ 0 Equation of radiative transfer Tout ( Tout = Tine − τ + Tline 1 − e − τ ) Tline 25 Definition of a decibel: dB gain ∆ 10 log10 P2 P1 e.g.: 0 dB if P2 = P1 10 dB if P2 = 10P1 20 dB if P2 = 100P1 26 Example of thermal noise from lossy line: 3°K 300°K Tout(°K) = ? 2 dB loss 2 P (e − τ = 2 = 10 10 = 0.63) P1 − Case 1: τ = 0 ⇒ Tout = 3K Case 2: 2 dB loss ⇒ Tout = 3 × 0.63 + 300(1 - 0.63) ≅ 113K Case 3: τ = ∞ ⇒ Tout = 300K 27 Thermal noise voltage (Johnson noise) in circuits R Zo = R noise R R Thermal noise + - en Zo = R B Hz 0°K Bandpass filter Watts dissipated in load R: kTB = (erms 2)2 R erms (thermal noise) = 4kTBR volts (in B Hz) Example: Amplifier, 50Ω input, B = 100 MHz, T = 300K erms = 4 • 1.38 × 10 − 23 × 300 × 108 × 50 = 9.1µv (9.1 mv if R = 50MΩ) 28 Shot Noise For example, occurs in diodes: i(t) i(t) i(t) i(t) 0 t single electron S(f) WHz-1 t 0 S(f) = ei B f If each charge moves independently, arrivals are poisson distributed: For example, let i = 1 ma, B = 108 Hz We later show i 2AC = 2eiB = 2 × 1.6 • 10 −19 × 10 −3 × 108 Then i ACrms × 50Ω ≅ 9µV shot noise 29 Approximate derivation of shot noise Sounds like falling shot i(t) Poisson distributed arrival times anode i(t) cathode B 0 f i = ne n ∆ avg. # electrons/sec t ∆ Assume boxcar i(t) i(t) e/δ e = electron charge n >> B, by assumption δ t 30 Approximate derivation of shot noise i(t) i = ne n avg. # electrons/sec Assume boxcar i(t) e/δ e = electron charge n >> B, by assumption t δ i( t ) ↓ φi ( τ) ↔ Φi ( f ) φi ( τ) ∆ E[i(t)i(t - τ)] n(e δ )2 δ 2 2 2 ⎛e δ ⎞ ⎜ • ⎟ = i = (ne ) ⎝δ ∆⎠ -δ 0 δ τ 31 Approximate derivation of shot noise φi ( τ) ∆ E[i(t)i(t - τ)] i( t ) ↓ n(e δ )2 δ φi ( τ) ↔ Φi ( f ) 2 2 2 ⎛e δ ⎞ ⎜ • ⎟ = i = (ne ) ⎝δ ∆⎠ Φi ( f ) = Φi DC + Φi 2 AC ( ) Φi(f) i [watts, DC] 0 n e2 = ei Hz −1 f B [ ∴ in B Hz : σi2 AC = 2Bei Amp 2 τ δ 0 ~1/δ Hz ] 32 Shot noise example R = 5KΩ B = 10 6 Hz i = 1 ma v = i R = 10 i(t) + ­3 • 5K = 5 volts - R - v(t) + σi2 AC = 2Bei vrms (shot ) = σi2 ACR = 2 • 106 • 1.6 × 10 −19 × 10 −3 5000 ≅ 0.1 mv ⎡vrms ( thermal ) = 4kTBR ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ − 23 6 ⎢⎣≅ 4 × 1.38 × 10 × 300 × 10 × 5000 ≅ 0.01 mv ⎥⎦ 33 Receiver Architecture Professor David H. Staelin Graphics: Scott Bressler Receivers-A1 Uses of receivers I. Power measurement II. Finite set of transmitted signals is possible; which is it? III. Infinite set possible; estimate one or more parameters, e.g. arrival time, amplitude, Doppler, etc., e.g. v(t) τ Design of waveform sets is part of our problem A2 Measurement of noise power in B Hz Noise voltage Noisy receiver Estimate average power for τ sec 2 Simply compute average output power over τ sec: ∝ v ( t ) A3 Total power radiometer B PA = kTA B ( )2 + h(t) display f 0 PR = kTR vi(t) Voltage for TA+TR vd(t)=vi2(t) ∞ v o ( t ) = ∫ v d ( t − τ)h( τ)dτ 0 vi(t) t vd(t) t vo(t) t t A4 Total power radiometer B B PA = kTA ( )2 + display h(t) 0 PR = kTR vi(t) vd(t)=vi2(t) Voltage for TA+TR ∞ v o ( t ) = ∫ v d ( t − τ)h( τ)dτ 0 vo(t) t t v o ∝ (TA + TR ) vi(t) vo(t) compressed time vrms vo t 0 t A5