An investigation of the effects of acid solutions of vanadium in column chromatography by Theodore Van Vorous A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry Montana State University © Copyright by Theodore Van Vorous (1954) Abstract: During an investigation of the possibility of using column chromatographic methods for the analysis of. Vanadium minerals it was found that the concentration of acid in the test solution determined to a great extent the distance Vanadium will migrate in certain absorbents. The purpose of this thesis is to show the effect of this phenomenon with various absorbents, solvents, and concentrations of acid. Since the analysis of Vanadium minerals necessarily involves to a great extent the Geochemistry of that element, a brief outline of the Geochemistry of Vanadium has also been included in the introduction. M IlfVSSTXGftTIOH OF THE SEFSGTS OF ACID SOLUTIOES OF VAHftDIUM IH GOLtEH CHRGMftTOGRftHiY by THEODORS VftH VORQUS A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of .Master of Science in Chemistry at Montana State College' Approved? Head, Major Department Bozeman, Montana August, 1954 V 3 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cjiapter Pare I, ABSTRACT . . .............................. 3 II, IHTROiyiCTION .............................. 4 III. APPARATUS ............... 9 IV. EXPERIMENTAL P R O C E D U R E S ................... 15 V. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONOF THE D A T A ......... 19 VI. DATA . . . ................................ 20 VII, . . . . . . . . . DISCUSSION................................. VIII. SUMMARY . ................................ IX. LITERATURE.......... X. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................ 68 72 73 76 1 ’ iAng 3 - ABSTRACT Since thes analysis of Vanadiimi minerals necessarily involves to a great extent the Geochemistry of that element^ a brief outline, of the Geochemistry of Vanadium has also been included in the introduction„ 4 lit IieROWCTTOW Since this study Is net only concerned' with the effect of acid concentration on the Mgration of Vanaditm? tnt is also somewhat a study of tb*. separation of vanadium from ether ionsj,. it Is Important to know what ions occur with vanadium* FOr that reason* a brief summary of the geooh&mioal character* lstlcs of vanadium Is included in this introduction* Part A$ . . GeochemiBtry of Vanadium The wide distribution of vanadium throughout the earth’s crust has been clearly established* not only In ores and coals but in clays* limestones# sandstones and igneous rocks* Vana­ dium occurs in appreciable amounts in the more basic igneous and met amorphic rocks* up to .08# or more of vanadium tri oxide* but seems to be absent or nearly so from the highly siliceous rocks*. Some of the igneous and met amorphic rocks Can carry up to »15# of vanadium trioxide in ferric aluminoua silicates* especially in a biotit® separated from a pyroxene gneiss* In general, the. search fop vanadium should be limited to rooks containing less than 60# silica* In the upper lithosphere vanadium Ie oxyphil® / a behavior dictated by the fact that it has three stable oxidation states* 3. * © *# tri-3 quadri- * quinquivalent vanadium* Because of its poor uion in the periodic table,# vanadium resembles phosphorous and titanium in its manner of occurrence but differs from them in several respects* It does net occur in the early pentlandite B asgemfolages o r the late magmatic sulfides4 On the other hand# vanadium does "become enrl&hed la titahiferotis Irdn ores due to the.repl&oement of titanium* It-also concentrates.ih basic rocks* but has no connection with the phosphorous content in that.respect* - : " - In igneous rooks vanadium usually does not form independent, minerals, but instead is. concealed' in the structure- of other minerals*- An exception- xb Ardennito, a complex manganese—- almninum^arsonicWahadimn,' silicate Iti which the vanadium oc-Cufs a$ - -.' .. - Because Of the similar loule radii of vanadium In Its three oxidation states and ferric Iron, aluminum and quadric valent titanium, vanadium has*a great many replacement poSsihiIiitxes* Quxnguxvalent vanadium also'easily replaces phosphorous in Apatite* . . . * Feldspars are nearly devoid of vanadium, but the pyrox- enes5aamphxbole, and the mxcas are normally carriers of vanadium* In this respect one mxoa, roScoeIit o .Can be considered to Tbe a vehadlum mineral because much o f the aluminum in i ts structure has been replaced by vanadium^ .. .. ' .- Vanadium minerals, of secondary origin, .are more Common because they become-more highly concentrated* 1 Because of the higher redox potentials they Occur as vanadates* She minerals might be considered to be mineralogioai curiosities because the conditions that form them are- seldom met* The vanadium in these- 6’ minerals' normally comes, from enriched ground waters and ther­ mal waters■* The chief metals found with these vanadates are calcium.,, manganese, (ferric) iron, uranium, lead, copper, zinc and hi smith. They may form simple vanadates such as puoherlte (bismuth vanadate) and steigerite (aluminum Vanadate) or complex vanadates, such as deseloizite (a leadrcopper-zinc vanadate) and earnotite (potassium uranyl vanadate)^ Vanadium, is found in the biosphere in a number of plants and small sea. animals as well as in crude oil.*. In Persian crude oil, vanadium can occur as high as S » 8 in any event, it constitutes a poison for cracking catylists. . . . . In the Geochemical cycle of vanadium several important things are to be noted* Solution and migration takes place at relatively high fddox potentials and in the quinqui-valent state it has a tendency to form anion complexes* When vanadium is mobilized it moves with the ground water until heavy metals such as copper, zinc, or lead are met and then vanadates will form*. This is especially true in the presence of doIomitic and calcitic limestones which'give the water and appropriate pH for precipitation* Vanadium will also precipitate in the presence of sulfide ion, a condition often met in crude oil, When a study was made of the effects of organic material on the concentration of vanadium in clays and was shown that as the organic material percentage went up so did the vanadium percentage •„ This is true, in general-for. all 7 sedimentary material containing organic material. ' Tlies© generalities I hay© mentioned are the more import tant-characteristics of the GeocheMStry of vanadium* They should serve at least as a partial guide to understanding the mode of occurrence of vanadium*, ■ fart BI . •Considerations of the Thesis • , Up to the present time no publications have been men* tioned in Chemical Abstracts concerning the effect of.acid ooncehtratlon on the migration of vanadium lops .in column chromatography# In addition*;, very few references were found concerning the use of .column•chromatography for the separation and determination ■of vanadiums, -Of the references available* the most comprehensive,was written by Th Ashisawa (B-Il).■ This study'covered various solvents * absorbents* and color develop* m g agents that ■were tried in, order to develop Inorganic analysis methods for water samples* minerals*, and various rocks found in Japan. Since there was a general lack ',of information Concerning appropriate solvents* absorbents and, holer developing agents for Inorganic, column chromatography*...a ,,brief study had to be 1 made of" these subjects .as. they apply to vanadium analysis,* After usable combinations of the above-named factors were found,* experimentation could proceed* During this experimentation* it was observed- that in a hydrated’calcium silicate (Sllene. B.F.) absorbent as well as in, other ,similar absorbents there was a 8 definite tendency for the migration distance of vanadium to be affected by the a d d concentration "of the test solution. A series of tests was set up to further investigate this fact.. Columns were 'set up in which several possible factors Such as vanadium* acid*, and other ion concentrations were varied* one at a time * The effect of varying these factors is the basis for this Thesis. r 9 HI, APP AlUTUS A* ,Apparatus Sstms fog Vacuum System ®ae original equipment used by the author is illus­ trated in Figure I*, It consisted of a column made of various diameters, of soft glass, tubing pulled out at the bottom to -c constrict ,it and ,enlarged at to allow easy application of test solutions» The diameter of glass tubing was varied in Slsa from 6mm to lorn (O4D,) to find a suitable size to use* The bottom of the tube was packed with a small wad of glass wool to prevent the absorbent from being pulled out by the vacuum*. This column was placed in a .Cork of suitable.size to fit a 500ml suction flask of the conventional type, and con* nested to a water suction pump* A test tube of suitable length was placed below the- tip of the column inside the flask to col** Ieet the solvent coming through the column* It was found that this type of Setup had the dla* advantage of packing the absorbent too tightly and also drying out at the bottom*-. B* Original Setup for Gravity ,Feed System . To overcome the disadvantages of the suction system* a gravity fed column was tried* The- apparatus consisted of a separatory funnel suspended about four feet above the column and connected to it with rubber ,tubing* . Th* columns ware made of 8am (0,D,) glass tubing about 300m long* and,pulled out at the bottom* The columns were filled with the absorbent in the 10 fo&m of & Blurry to about one half of their lengthy and the solution to be tested was applied at the top, Ihe columns -were then connected to the rubber tubing and a pinch clamp opened to allow the solvent to flow* Although this system worked well* it had the dis­ advantage of allotting only one sample to be run at.a time unless a number of such setups were used, 0* Apparatus Betuo for a Multiple Oolumn System Tb# multiple.column setup (Fig, 5 ) was essentially the same as the original gravity system except that calcium chloride drying tubes were used in place of a separatory tube* The multi-outlet tube was made in such a .way that a source of air or nitrogen pressure could be applied* thus obtaining gravity and gas pressure at the same time on the columns* it was found later that the system flowed sufficiently fast with no gas pressure applied^ Sg this part of the apparatus'was removed* Ihis system allowed twelve columnszto be. run at once With two six multi-outlet tubes,. ,This greatly increased the speed of the method and also its Versatility* It too had a bad point in that the rubber, tubing was attacked by the solvents being used* This was remedied ,by uging glass tubing Vifith surgical rubber joints as shown in Fig* 4, 11 Figure I 12 Simple Gravity Feed System — Separatory Funnel — Solvent Rubber Tubing -Test Solution •Absorbent 8mm Soft Glass Column Figure 2 — Glass Wool — Collection Beaker 13 Multiple Column Gravity Feed System Multiple Outlet Tube -Kubber Tubing -Calcium Chloride Drying Tube Solvent "Tube Clamp 8 mm (O.D.) Column "Test Solution Column Stand 'Absorbent "Glass Wool "Collection Test Tube Figure 3 14 Modified Column Assembly - Rubber Tubing ■ Glass Tubing One Hole Rubber Cork Calcium Chloride Drying Tube Gum Rubber Tubing 8 mm Glass Tubing Gum Rubber Tubing -- Clamp Tubing Glass Wool Figure 4 15 IV, ■EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES I’ll© .following conditions and proc-edures were followed for all of the experimentation except where devlations are specifically noted* These.conditions are not" listed In any particular order, I* Except in the early experimentation, the absorbent being used #as washed and then poured into the columns aa a thick slurry. This was done with a partial vacuum applied to the bottom of the column to Insure an even flow and no bubble ( formation, 3, The absorbents used were as follows t a. Aluminum Oxide— -Baker Reagent Urade (ignited) thru #100 mesh, b* Hydrated Calcium Silicate (Silene E*F*)--0olumbl& Southern Corp,.--thru #100 mesh, c <. Phosphate--Salinkrodt Reagent Grade-ground to pass #100 mesh, d* Bone Aahw-unknown analysis for impurities-* unknown producer, e> Diatomaceous Earth— Tech. Grade f* Fullers Earth— &. Magnesium Carbonate— Baker C.p, h, Calcium. Oarbonate--Baker C*P* O i- The eluting solvents used were as follows: a. Methyl Alcohol - Water (Isl) 16 b» EthgrI Alcohol'.-?■ Water ■(Isl) c-. n-Propyl Alcohol ^ Water (Iil)' d, ISO-^Propyl - Alophdl (Isl) e+ n^Batyl Alcohol W&tdr (1*1) ' Oarbop Tetrachloride Se Ethyl Acetate • . . h. Benzene 1» n-Butyl Alcohol - IS Hydrochloric Aeid (Isl) 3» nf,Butyl Alcohol -■ IB Bitric Acid - OMne. (10) The colorsdeveloping agents used were as follows s 6* a. Hydrogen Sulfide passed through the column "b» 8-Bydroxyquiziolin© at the correct pH Ci Ammonium Polysulfido. ■ di. Ultra-violet light (uranium) e* Sodium Thipoyanate »1B spin* ft. Ammonium BH ' go Phosphobungstie Acid SSbe solutions containing Vanadium were made up from the following reagents $ 6. a* Spdlum ortho-vanadate-- b. Sodium meta-vanadate-- c. Ammonium meta-vanadate— d* Vanadium TrioMde Since the absorbents containing carbonates and active Terms of silica evolved gas .In acidic solutions* the solutions 17 were kept below & BBT sold condition during the experimentation* 7* In generalf. the solutions containing Vanadium were made up to contain IOgQ micro grama v/ml and diluted to the desired concentration* 8* Since,Vanadium will develop a distinct color in absorbents containing active sill.catesno color developing solutions, were needed with these absorbents:f 9^. It was. found that when absorbents were used,, the Vanadium solutions could be diluted to a Concentration of 5 micro grams v/al and still give a distinctly visible colored line* ' 10* Unless otherwise noted* the. columns were, rub for sixteen (18) hourS% l Ihis time was chosen for convenience and because very little movement occurred after a longer period of time* 11*- When the columns were filled, a line was drawn on each column,at a predetermined height so that equal amounts of absorbent could be adden* As a check on the consistency of packing, the amount of solvent flow from each column was measured* Also, each batch of solvent was cheeked with 0m Hydroxyqninolino to see that all of the Vanadium, had been re* talned, 18* A check was made of the. ions that might Interfere with the experiment* Solutions..of phosphate, chlorate, sulfate and several other ions were, added to the absorbent slurry to V IS see wbat effect the# had on the migration dlstance @f the Vanaoliw Ions* 15<. fhe eoid Sonoentration, was varied between *01 # ana .2 H in, the second, section of the experimentation,^ Below the^O]:..# acid concentration no measurable movement was noted in a hydrated calcium silicate (811ene,B*P».) absorbent* • ■ ' :• ' , 19 Tt GENERAL CONSIDERATION: OP TRE DATA In Part I of the data, consideration is. 'given to findu­ ing an appropriate solvent’ and absorbent for" Vanadium, solvents that were tried are IlAted In Table I, The Since some work has been done by other authors on the problem of finding a suitable absorbent for Vanadium, this problem will he covered In/descriptive form* Part II of the data deals first with the effects of varying the concentration of Vanadium in the solution being tested* The acidity of the solution varied at the same time that the: Vanadium concentration varied* Next the acidity alone was varied between aero and I N acid, conditions* Lastly the acidity was varied with a constant amount of interfering anion added to the absorbent*' / 80 VI, DATA Fayt If ■ ; In Table I* data eoncepriing the use of a number of solverus Is listed* Although this table shews 'the effects of these solvents on the migration of vanadium, it does not show other Important factors we must know In order to pick a suit­ able solvent*; Por example* it does not show that n-Butanol and water move so slowly that the bottoms of the columns dry out and crack*■ Others, such as methanol and water, move so fast in hydrated calcium silicate that they do not give a good separation of vanadium from the other Iona that occur with it.* Another factor that had to be considered was that solvents that are acidic In nature could not be used easily because they caused excessive channeling In the absorbents employed. that the author It was found that n^Propanol and water was the best all-around solvent that could be found. For that reason, it was used almost exclusively In Part II of the experimentation^ Aluminum Oxide was. the first absorbent to be used*. It had to be ignited and then r©-ground to pass #100 mesh before it was suitable as a column material* It was found that this absorbent did not give very good separations and dried out easily* causing channeling*/ ■ Bone ash was a good absorbent for vanadium as well 1 as other ions, excluding uranium. It did, however* have & very slow solvent flow rate which caused the columns to dry 4 21 out 'easily,-*. a?he carbonate absorbents -were Ineffectual beOause-• of the gag evolved when the acidic test solutions were applied. Bydrated. calcium silicate and %%atomaceou@ Earth had the properties of very good absorbents for vanadium. They ^dljMiot dry out or channel except at high acid concentrations, gave good separations, of vanadium from other ions such as copper* lead*, bismuth and cadmium* tain uranium at all, They did not* however* This fact* of course*. has the advantage of completely separating vanadium from uranium in carnotlte ore* -as an example* Because of the distinct advantages of hydrated cal- ■ eium silicate and Diatomaoeous Earth over the ether absorbents tried* they were used exclusively- in the experimentation of Part IZ*.. A literature search revealed, that the best color developing reagent for vanadium was B-Bydroxyquinoline (ezine)* This reagent was used' to develop color for vanadium whenever this was necessary. It was not. needed.In'Byarated calcium silicate or Dlatomaceous ESrth because vanadium developed a distinct color without the addition of a Separate reagent* Ihe following lists are the key to -the- numbers used to Indicate the different solvents and vanadium containing, com: ‘ pounds used in the experimentation^' MtMM«••*>*M «M■»» Solution I* 0* Amima&lusB mt&*9a#aaat» Bodltm a*tbo*v@a&<3*# Solvemt 4* VmmatUBk trloM# I&at# I* %^thW3#l~*Wat@r (1;3L) &, Metbeisol*.-! # Aold (1*1) B-s. Ethanol— Water (1:1) 4* Bthenol^i B m W e Aold (1*%) n*BuWidi^l B %dmohlorlo Aold (1*1) 6* Vf % Bltrlo Aold— i# o%lme n^Butanol— B a W y (1*1) 8, n#Pr@oaw^#i B mtrlo Aoid (1*1) ' 9* h-?ropanoi— Water (1:1) 10* l9o*Pr@p8nol**i B Bltrio Aold (Itl) 11» leo^Promnol^-Wator (1*1) 18* Oerbom Setreohlorlde - 15* Ethyl Acetate 14* Bontom Ohlorofor# ,. - ' Table I iii,I. 'll;'-''.I.,.MiJJ......... . ' II I I II I ill I i l l ' I I I i .Q-Js* % I .68. ?.? 55 ,5 a - S : 66 ' I OO H ; " I 55 .13 :TS ] M 6@ SC :v . tf n ' 55 / I' .3 ! M H 2B: n ,■ ■ - .>5 ' » Sf : 1,0 : »: -*5 U 55 *5 9*0 n - 66 1*0 ' 6,5 is ]: It If ; 55 »5 - 6,*5 • ii I n 6 66 1,0 5*0 , it •I -it if 55 st5 5,0 H I It -2P. IS. 4:5 - ■MO, n it :IE. ■n : ''lB n ■ .3 . IO^ 9*0 W n - ■ ,6. i*e 29 .n :SB 1*0 Il ' 16 66 ;": : ■ . ^ Hydrated Calcium Silicate :2 IB ■ i , : Vg : ''& .w.B . .. I --CordBieiiiiSiI All of tiie above soIverrhs developed, colop in tbe coluBiii Wxtlipufc lib© addition of colon developing; agentsi Tit© color was a dark grey in each case except for solvent number 6s which gave a reddish-brown due to- the oxime» mH-lV-lihnt-|-hfTriTll~lll--,-n^r^Ii^iTrr»^>-.'T>|1'»l.i-Ct«l»V»rTl|«; 3 I :|1K| Hydrated Oaletnm ' Silieate 25 Oowgeints I All of t&ug above solvents developed color $ n the eolums, without Pheraddition of color developing agents i ':fEie color was grey for $13 and $14 and a yellowish^grey for $15. 86 Figure I Table H Micrograms of Vanadium Added from Stock Solution Solvent: Absorbent: Times Distance of Vanadium Migration (Cm's) HA** ' ^r- i ■. I I # ' jt i' I '583 % Bisbornaeeotis E arth Sf ;59B Ir 50B H 313 W If n 3@B M It H It 35B M I 383 V' 37B ,in 86 1*0 8*8 59 >9 ;• 2,5 '• ft ■ 16 I I ' n d.8 2,0 I n 46' J 1*8 I Il 40 *6 - 1*6 ,I If ti : 53 ' IS ; 26 -,5 I '1^ | Il ' W ' t! : 20 . »8 ,■ ft : '13 - ; B- : 6 *6 ; .41 ft ;■ fr : &*& If • It ; *9 I ft »9 I n -; *# I it . ol If : :*4 - . 383. ft Uu ft If ?t I 5&B If 9. it V If :a4B i in If ; ' 3SB ft 0 , ' It ,OS ; ft O • ; ." Gommentfis: M s o line of v a m d l w migration in this series varied from a dark green a t 'the highest concentration to a yellow at a concentration of 6.6 micro grams/ml <, Mlcrograias of Vanadium Added from Stock Solution Diatomaceous Earth -Bydrated Calcim Silicate Solvent* n.Propanol / Water Absorbent: Diatomaceous Earth Time* 16 Hours Distance of Vanadium Migration (Cm1S) I 30 Diatomaceous Earth With 2# BgBOa BlOj " >501 * B70f " O^rmnahty $ The ■baa© line .of.vanadium migration In this eeriaa was a yellow^greon at the highast honoentnation Ao^n to a liarl to d i s t m g m sh yellow at the lowast concentration Microcrams of Vanadium Added from Stock Solution --- Diatomaceoua Earth/Phosphate Soln - - — Diatomaceous Earth / Water - - - Hydrated Calcium Silicate t Water Solvent* n-Propanol / Water Absorbentj Diatomaceous Earth I N Phosphate Soln. Times 16 Hours Distance of Vanadium Migration (Cm1S) ; :■ 4 69 Eydeated Calatum sill •cate v/l'tJa■a constant IQOppm ? added 74 I * I 96 Ln. I ■ Oommeate* The.bea*. lip# of vanadium-migration la this series tlon* The uranium *&s .found la the wash solution bebaus* it Mlcrograms of Vanadium Added from Stock Solution Solvent: n-Propanol / Water Absorbent: Hydrated Calcium Silicate vfith a constant 100 ppm of uranium added Time: 16 Hours Distance of Vanadium Migration (Cm's) 54 T&bla VI ©ommen-bss. In this series a distinct change in color took place as the Concentration went up*, The aeries la grey to pale green to dark green with a gr'&y ring above the green,' At the hrgnsst concentration the absorbent.channeled a great deal* making the meaanrementa vaty from what they .Wonld be expected 1OO . , "s 200 175 150 125 Figure I Table VI 100 75 50 Mlcrograma of Vanadim Added from Stock Solution Distance of Vanadim Iiigration (Cm's) 10.0 9 .0 8 .0 7 .0 6 ,0 5 .0 4 ,0 3 .0 2 .0 1.0 '36'. with Ge&aim B H e a t e Phosphate Sola ' 175 Comments: The .colon change in this series was from a dark grey at the lowest concentration to a deep yellow with a ■ green line below it at the highest concentration#: Micrograms of Vanadim Added from Stock Solution Absorbent / Phosphate Soln Absorbent / Water Solvent* n-Propanol / Water Absorbent* Hydrated Calcim Silicate and I N Phosphate Solution 16 Hours Distance of Vanadim Migration (Cm1S) #8 M B p Bi L m # *1 % & 6 W m # @ w # 3NH#Bb * I lB ;1&*8 I *88 T Ia 08 I ## *4$ | Sgg I m Ii A,j I *90 I 8%3 09*8 ; i*se 1 ,4*8 I . * I 9*0 I OommeD&e* m # oai&e ^ m m g e la t&&&. ae*&** #*# fee# @ **%&, &% *8&. ia#»at aoaasaBmtiaa. # ; % d##&.g#@&a at .tba b w # « t FSr***: I i m t#r the 'aal'd <%w&nte&tlo& *a%&*a enaan&llng* O 175 150 100 Figure I Table VIII 325 75 50 Micrograms of Vanadim Added from Stock Solution Solvent! n-Propanol / Water Absorbent: Diatomaceous Eartii Timei 16 Hours Distance of Vanadium Migration (Cm's) 40 A 8 23^ cWt'ed OalGdxiM Silicate 1501 »» I 178 ■11: 10 Oommentsi Ho color developed in the above tests until color as the concentration went up 41 Table X I I I & I g^ S I 8 I to {125 B.0 Matomaceous Earth ;1B4B " M 12EB * tt 1286 * n 187B 128B" is. S II! I If os S si I III I« 9 10 ft so as ir 30 1,15 H it 40 »15 it it tt SO ^lS tt. « it 60 »15 tt 125B " ft n 80 f!5 ft 150 B fl t! ft 100 »1S ■tt tt tt IBS *15 ff it ISO ilS tt tt 175 »15 it H 200 *%5 ft 11[ 10 »10 M 'tt Itt I $0 I *io •• it ft I it ,10 i; ' ' %#tra fl5 16 ■ ESBlB n M 'tt “*sr 50 " * m. mlCL Comments? ITo color -developed In the above tests until S^Bydroscyquinoline.was passed through the columns 9 With .this- reagent an. Indistinct- reddish- color- aopeared that1was parclally covered b y .the color of the absorbent* ' I-, 4,S .. .Table. XI . . a W 3 5;Hydrated Galoiiim B i M Os to 10 * 20 " 100 -VB I LSll Gomentss Ho color developed in the above teats nntll. S-Hydro.^cyquinoline was. passed through the columns* 45 ^ I & I, SfiT1E ill ISSH * 100 .800 LSlf « L94H % Qomments g Ho color developed In the above -tests mfcil S-=Hydro^iiTilnollne was added to the cesiums* 44 -I«H S3<H ' ;• I Fr! O . d *r)'e .8.8; l # " 04 I ■"'$ 0 &#m&Dte; The Oolw had to be developed with 8 *Eydro3 yq#laollMa movement Ws'- '1mm#"'' .............. ., , U. I g# S > «? I BH IBS I Sydmted SaleSUm Silicate ^n,, M _ ,_ ^^ tivr^u -xAi©' OrXny a tae base of %be vaaad&um migration was & yellow^graen in eaea Gage* All of the vanadima seemed to be held at the top of the.column in the neutral eolation* Figure I Test Solution Normality 47 ^ ' j©i S *! ■’ i Ii hiVi. ■p -Il D5.atoitiac®Qus Earth 04 S 158B !f 08 I »1 1613 ” 165B n 166B % Goraraeuts? Acl d added In each ease was HMO3 „ The line at the.base of the v anadiunt-ml gnat ion was a dark yellow?,green in eaeh case*, Centimeters of Vanadlm I-Ilgratlon .16 14 Test Solution Normality i R.j # - j#) ' &8$p W e W * I # I-#@5 * , I .'$-#&.tb, I Br ^ W s p W t e JSttSacij 'i ''&5#B **' ' '";*- '" '- ' 'i;r/i",' m' *& 'I 60# * 6&@ # -1 f s6 . $64 the haa@ of. the. vahaaiwm migration, mas. a yellow^green in each cas@\ All of the vanadium seemed to he held at the • of the columns In the 'neutral solution op at least 11 did not migrate more than jL crn, . . . . . 50 SM # % :fI>§ I I «5 Silicate .with I B % $ Q 4 • ilGGB ^ L67D 'a ,* ( i .?!, 51 I t j# I 0# % wi th I # #010 . Sola '1606 % 161# " $164# $165# % r 52 ■ ' d m Galelum Silicate 176} » LSI! * 1841" ■ ^7. ^".VIA Vtit1CSV^ -UiB J-JtBB BU cba base of the vanadium migration was a yellow^green with a Oi5Igixt yellow ■lixi© Imm wide above It in each, case ^ .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 Normality of Vana d i m Solution ^SO .90 1.0 S4 %ble XX I ‘il ill I 175P I Is -IWflwi 'tf.imj ti 1>.1 16 ji IIl it %S8 1*8 ti Ii IIt ft *58 &*&$' u « jIf tf k36 S1*4$ tt it iff it- *■4:0. I »6 t? ■it Ifi it *44 1*7 it » # tt if „48 1*8 it Itt O ' *'50 it ji iff ft *56 I^ 8*0 Ii Itt n *80 8*0 !I if Jtt tf «64 e,ls ft it lit » if %78 8*25 2*5' - If' H' I it *68 H Stt ti *76 a.t&& (f 'tf if n , S*4& si ft ii ft i *;90 2*65 tt -tt .'I' . .11 tf Iff (,as* ^ ii e».8 1,00 4, =«<*JL Oamentet The and of tha vAnadlnm aigB&tio&.ia this was a pale, yellow color In a line about 5mm wide* The . color wag Very distinct even though a pale color. . .: Figure I Table XX ... Absorbent / Phosphate Solution - - -Absorbent / Water (Reference) .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 J60 .70 Normality of Vanadium Solution .8 0 .90 1 .0 Table ;S ,fei «C| ■ S ti3 jl I I IS I & : # 'l iWWwp L73 3 I Hyd^atsl Caloium Siliaate I fe lift I @56 *84 with I # E28Q4 ti 'L74C ■ I ! 16 1 , 1 . . ,88 1*2 tf • « «. ,58 1,3 - ; ft 176 ) ri » ft *36 1*4 n 177') " n tt ; i486 tf L78 ) " ts it . =40 ‘a ^4s I'4'7 tt ,L79i3 ^ a if , ;948 1,8 ft 1800 * U : *58 ;1%95 # ' ,SG :2 , 1 Tf *60 :8*8 n *64 '.2*3 Tl tt *$8 I8*6 ff I; ! 2\6 .» J »76 2*7 tt 8*85 : « 1750 *: ! " Tl n * 'W it . „ IBSl n ti ,it ■/ » 1830 t» 1810 1840 * tr tf it ff n I Liiil TiiyiiIiiw "T : ti : *78 » it ti tf I' « <80 • n ; *90 n Lasds 1890! n : ; f . ft H I . Tf CS.0 VJiai3J Wti1Ois- Va. ■ . I fA Q 1- LWW vaxj.auJ was a g r e e n line with a dark yellow above it.*. : if , : 3 02 H ^wi__ ' .. — Absorbent / Sulfate Solution - - Wibsorbent / Water (Reference) o TE5 720 3o 745 35 35 775 Normality of Vanadium Solution 35 35 CT 58 Figure I Table XXII ...Absorbent / Chlorate Solution - - -Absorbent / Water (Reference) Ol _____________________________________________________ .ID .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 Normality of Vanadim Solution .80 .90 1.0 60 Table ZXIIl Slafcomiaceous Sa^th doraments t Acid added in each case was HHO3 6: . The line at the base of the vanadium migration was a dark fellow^graeh in each case, IIIH 0IcI1 BlL *10 .20 .30 »40 .50 .60 .70 Normlity of Vanadium Solution .80 .90 1.0 62 — -— -Absorbent / Phosphate Solution - - -Absorbent / Water (Reference) Normality of Vanadium Solution O 64 - a* 3 1OB- I f m a ^ o r r i a c e c m s E a r t h w i t h # 5 i 'ji B ;;! 9 ,II H PotaBBiuia Sulfate I solution si&ds.d. I' 1*3 I 0 4 . 6 rt 2$a81 " 6offiraontss. The H u e at the base of th©.vanadium migration T5i£> Cl O n Wix -f-pva^S vt-VO yI 5 HA ^ - ^ ' '4- Ia x-t _ t dr Figure I Table XXV I 5 I ----Absorbent / Stilfate Solution - - -Absorbent / Water (Reference) o oo Tso 730~~ 7u o ~~ Tso TSo Tto Normality of Vanadium Solution Iso I90 Ho 66 Table XXVI gil 4 :I I m g w I# IM D I Biatomace-oue Earth with}. 9.} 255 i. I H F o t a s s i w Ohio rats-. I ^ so Ihtl o% added B ffI • ,! ‘ I I | ^ I t! I n I , *&& ' I «15 1*25 1*4 -: i*5 : ItG l+?5 805D Oomments The color at the base 'of the vanadium migration was a deep yellow band about 5 mm wide in each case*, — -----Absorbent / Chlorate Solution - - -Absorbent / Water (Reference) .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 Normality of Vanadim Solution .80 .90 1.0 68 VIZ* DISC058I0& The following,a-dissuasion of Part TI only4 It; is to b© noted first that only two absorb©nts #or@ us&d in Part IT* Tbs reason for this la that the aridity effect was not noted to such an e&treme in any of the other absorbents tried'by the author*. In Tables IT*. H I and IV the algration of vanadium at any concentration. Sooms to- correlate well with, the acidity of the eolation it is in*. The change from a light to a darker color correlates, with the vanadium concentration* allene S*.?,. seemed to ,allow a longer migration distance than Diatomaceoua Barth at equal concentrations of vanadium* Addition of -ohosphdto- ions seemed to slew tho vanadium ©yon . more* but not In a linear manner* Tbena la a dla&lact break point at which the phosphate ions slow down the vanadium to a greater extent* . In Table V the addition of a constant amount, of uran* Ium-ions lengthened the distance of migration, -a constant x- amount* Tbld was due to the acidity of the uranium solution* It is to be noted here that none of .the uranium was retained by this absorbent* : In Tables IX, X, XI end XIl a migration was observed to occur la neutral or slightly alkaline solution., but it was a constant value* Tbia means, that the migration distance la definitely correlated.with acidity in these absorbents*. $9 fable XliI illustrated that two forma o f va n a d iu m in vergr lots? acid concentration migrate only a very short distanee* The fact that each migrated equal OlatanaeB led the author to use only one .form In the experiments to follow. Tables XIV through XXVl and the accompanying graphs •show the effects of accurately .controlled acid concentrations on the migration bf vanadium^ They, also serve to show the - effect of interfering anions to a more accurate degree^ #@te ^ here that the phosphate lone had a depressing effect on vanadium migration while the sulfate and chlorate ions had a raising effect which was 'somewhat linear in nature * With'these generalities in mind* obtained from the various tables, we •can elaborate further on the data,# Tm most evident fact we can sea In the data is.that the'migration dletanca of vanadium does depend to a great extant, on the acidity of the'Solution being, tested^. In fact* .over the range of sero to '3.. S acidic .conditions.#..the distance of movement is a linear expression of acidity^ ,Abdwra this 5 .& acid condition the effect .Is one of .leveling off*' Evidently, the effect oaa. ,be explained in. the following manner'*., .The,.active ,,silica forms., in the absorbents.used, had a .,greater tendency to absorb the hydrogen ions, than ,the ,.vanadium ions with which they .came in contact* As the hydrogen ions ware used. In the .process, of: . moving down ,the columns there is a.greater chance, for the vanadium to be absorbed* .This phenomenon •la.alco shown by the YO fact*, not gentibB&d previouslythat the band of vanadium' nolqr development sddeaa slightly as the aoldlty goea up^, In low agldlo. ooudltlous the hydrogen Iona are absorbed move vapidly giving the vanadium ions less opportunity,to be . absorbed* As, the aoldlty goes up the time required for absorption goes dp at a rate dependent on the speed of sol­ vent flow and various other factors * This means that with a change In. time in a localised area vanadium has a greater chance of absorption and. may be absorbed in a wider band,* This of course infers an unequal spread of hydrogen ions' in the columns, Since this acidity effect depends on using the hydrogen" ions before the vanadium ions, can be absorbed, it would necessarily- mean that the migration distance of two unequal concentrations of vanadium at equal a d d concentrations should be approximately the same* This was found the- case* When foreign anions are added to the absorbent} the distance of vanadium migration, changes to .an observable degree * In the- ease of phosphate Ionsi,: the distance is shortened* This means that the phosphate ions can absorb the hydrogen' ions and. keep them, immobile so that the vanadium ions can be absorbed sooner* It also means that the areas between the absorbent -particles that were formerly filled by water molecules are nowfilled by a combination of water molecules and reactive phos« phate -ions* The combination of these two absorbent ions would S shorten the migration dSstanoe* With foarelgp sulfate and ohlorate anions added to the absorbent the migration distance Is lengthened* Ihle means that these lone are tending to out down the absorbing power of the silieate Ions* The change in migration distance should be variable with the amount of these foreign anions that ar* added to the absorbent* vizi* s m w w I* GWtga of ag&d&ty over range of 8@ro to & B ooad&tlona oatieea a Ilaoap raise In the migration dlatanoe of vanadium* S* Above 3 # aeld oondltlone, th@ distance of a&gra* tlon tend# to level off* 8* With a eoaatant aoldity and oonatont vanadlom oo%*» eentratlon* the distance of vanadium migration Ie dereadent to a large degree an the foreign anion# present^ 4* If the foreign aaloaa preae&t have & ta&dg&sy to Goaplea: with or absorb vanadium, the migration dlstanoe will be shortened. If, on the other hand* the foreign anions d@* proas th@ absorbing power of the absorbent, the migration diBt&noe will be lengthened* 8, With no foreign anions present, acidity oonatant* and vanadium oonaentratlon constant, the migration distance of vanadium depends on the rate of solvent flow* type of absorbent, degroo of naoklng and other mlaoellanaeus faotora* 6* %&th the particular absorbents used by the author, nwProranol and Water (Itl) was found to be the beet solvent* It gavo the beet separation of vanadium from other ions that occur with vanadium* 7* To develop color for vanadium, oxlno in absolute Rthanol Is the bast reagent available* 73 1%. - . LI%RATB&B M , GeoohemietrF of Vaaadlum , i1«■ Glsrlt©s (1984) Data of GeoohemistrFa Government Printing Office - Dept, of Interior, Bulletin #'770* pp.. Sl5 SSSr 698-723 ■ Kalervo.Rankama and Th. G# Sahama, (1950) Geochemistry, Bniv- of Chicago Press* P P . 594-603 38 Analea Asoq ,., of Argentina. Volw -SOj pg4 36 Bdl♦. Instw G e q l < Minero esuana, vol. 60*. Bp* 3-9 5* Chem,. Mews1,, vol. 66 (1892), pg, 211 6» Compt. Bend*., vol. 7* ComPt. Bend* ,, vol. 117 (1893), p-g* 546 8« Compt. Kenci-,, vol. 128 (1899)> pg^. 532 9* Compt, Bend.,, vol. 130 (1901)s pg, 91 10* Compt. Bend,,., vol* 134 (1904), pg, ISOS 49 (1859), pg,„ SOI 11». ' Boon. Oeoli, VOl* 42 (1947)* pg* 634-6. IS, J, Am, Qhem,; Soc,., vol. .21, pg. 706 13* I . Chem. Soc., vol* 7 7 , pg, 1094 ■ ^4 ' TraaeA Roy*. 890. Edinburg, vol, 6 1 , pt* 11* p g , .553 15* . U.S.G.S. Bulletin,, #167, pp. 4,9* 73 •>** These references' are the best available general sources of information concerning the Geochemistry of Vanadium 74 16, 17. BullatlR* #518* IIO W o n of 8o+Afr&oawDGmt. of @*ol* Suevey Bulletia, #39, eg# 117 B* OhromatoKraohlo Separation of Vaaadlum I* Lederer and Lederer (1958), ChromatoRrerby. ELdevlor Pr#&8 0* IBoOmie and Pollard (1088)* OhrpioetoaraKblo Matbede of Inorganlo Analyale 3« 0, 0# Smith (1988), Inoraanie Ohromatoaraphy #* Van Boatrand Preea* pn» 84«56* 93*180 ' 4. AB&3a_gb@g&fvol* 21 Gf vol* Ba G* Anal* Obem##val, GS ?+ (1049), PB. 70.V& (1988), PT, 64 (1083), pg, 840 VOl, @1 (1950), Pg* B91 8* B&oobem* I.* vol* SI (1050), pg* 688 9* $ W 1 , Son*.O M m « prance* (1948), rr, ?86*?86 10* jl. Am# 0bem*_ .8oo*, vol, 74 (1958), pg;* 8333 11* Bpr te # Balneol * Lab# Aknvom Dnlv.. vol# 8 (1981), pp* 1*48 IB* B* ^ u a r t (London), vol, 7* pp# 807*383 General Befarenoea for Vanadlim 1# ^hralm* (1946) Inor^anlo Ohesdatry 4th Edition, rp# 304, 470, 404* 888, 700 Interaeieneo Puhliahera ?5 2k Hillebrand9 Lmdells, Bright, and- Hoffman (1955)s Applied Inorganjo Aaalygig. Snd Bdition9 Ghapt. SS9 Iohn Wiley & Sons., Ino* 3» Th., Moeller, (1952), Inorganic ■Ghemlstry. Ghapt,.. SO9 John Wlley & Sons9 Inc,' 4* A. F. Wells,- (1045), Structural Inorganie ' Ghem-Istry,, pg-, 421, Clarendon Press (Oxford) \ YG X* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Th© author Wishes to acknowledge the, valuable assis­ tance given throughout this investigation by D r Hay Ioodriffe He also wishes to thank the.other members of the staff of the Chemistry and Geology,Departments at Montana■State'College for their interest and help.In this.investigation+ I II-1 S O S M ONTA NA S TA TE U N IV ER SITY L IB R A R IE S 2 7 6 2 100 20 8 2 4 CD Il I Illlllli IIII Illl lw78 VJTSi cop*2 11*809 Vorcus, Theodore investigation of the eiie^E of acid solutions of vanadium NAME JUL2 ANP AOPw««m 56 p-<?f D-!+T-(,6 m Id tis 1 i i96i ;V!) <$ i f ' Af7 7 8