
Sherrod McAllister
element of vanadium
 Comprehensive data on the chemical element
Vanadium is provided on this page; including scores of
properties, element names in many languages, most
known nuclides of Vanadium
overview of vanadium
 Atomic Number:23
 Group: 5
 Period: 4
 Series: Transition Metals
atomic structure of vanadium
 Atomic Radius: 1.92Å
 Atomic Volume: 8.78cm3/mol
 Covalent Radius: 1.22Å
 Cross Section (Thermal Neutron Capture) σa/barns:
 Crystal Structure: Cubic body centered
Chemical Properties of Vanadium
 Electrochemical Equivalent: 0.38013g/amp-hr
 Electron Work Function: 4.3eV
 Electronegativity: 1.63 (Pauling); 1.85 (Allrod
 Heat of Fusion: 20.9kJ/mol
 Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizers, ammonium
Physical Properties of Vanadium
Atomic Mass Average: 50.9415
Boiling Point: 3682K 3409°C 6168°F
Coefficient of lineal thermal expansion/K-1: 8.3E-6
Conductivity Electrical: 0.0489 106/cm Ω
Thermal: 0.307 W/cmK
Density: 6.11g/cc @ 300K
Description: Silvery-white metal.
Elastic Modulus:
Bulk: 158/GPa
Rigidity: 46.7/GPa
Youngs: 127.6/GPa
Enthalpy of Atomization: 514.6 kJ/mole @ 25°C
Enthalpy of Fusion: 17.57 kJ/mole
Enthalpy of Vaporization: 458.6 kJ/mole
Flammablity Class: Non-combustible solid (except as dust)
Freezing Point: see melting point
Hardness Scale
Brinell: 628 MN m-2
Mohs: 7
Vickers: 628 MN m-2
Heat of Vaporization: 0.452kJ/mol
Melting Point: 2175K 1902°C 3456°F
Molar Volume: 8.55 cm3/mole
Optical Reflectivity: 61%
Physical State (at 20°C & 1atm): Solid
Specific Heat: 0.49J/gK
Vapor Pressure = 3.06Pa@1902°C
Regulatory / Health
CAS Number
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
OSHA PEL Vacated 1989
NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL)
Routes of Exposure: Inhalation; Ingestion; Skin and/or eye contact
Target Organs: Skin, respiratory system
Levels In Humans:
Note: this data represents naturally occuring levels of elements in the typical human, it DOES NOT represent
recommended daily allowances.
No limits set by OSHA
No limits set by OSHA
No limits set by NIOSH
Blood/mg dm-3: <0.0002
Bone/p.p.m: 0.0035
Liver/p.p.m: 0.006
Muscle/p.p.m: 0.02
Daily Dietary Intake: 0.04 mg
Total Mass In Avg. 70kg human: 0.11 mg
Discovery Year: 1801
Name Origin: From Vanadis a Scandinavian goddess.
facts of vanadium
 pure vanadium is a greyish silvery metal, and is soft
and ductile.
symbols of vanadium
isolation of vanadium
 Vanadium is available commercially and production of
a sample in the laboratory is not normally required
number of vanadium