Center for Financial Markets and Policy The Role of Institutional Investors in Voting: Evidence from the Securities Lending Market Reena Aggarwal McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Pedro A. C. Saffi Judge School of Business, University of Cambridge Jason Sturgess Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University The Role of Institutional Investors in Voting: Evidence from the Securities Lending Market Reena Aggarwal McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Pedro A. C. Saffi Judge School of Business, University of Cambridge Jason Sturgess Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University Abstract Using the unique setting of the securities lending market, we find that institutional investors restrict lending supply and/or call back loaned shares prior to the record date in order to exercise their voting right. Loan demand and the price of borrowing also increase around the proxy voting record date. We estimate the value of voting rights by institutional investors in a simultaneous equation framework and show that lenders of shares value their shares more than borrowers. Institutions place a greater value on voting rights for firms with weak corporate governance, poor performance, and higher institutional ownership. The value of the vote is also higher when contentious proposals such as non-routine and those related to compensation, anti-takeover, and corporate control are on the ballot. Examining the subsequent vote outcome, we find higher recall to be associated with less support for management and more support for shareholder proposals. Our results indicate that institutional investors value their vote and use the proxy process as an important channel for affecting corporate governance. JEL: G32; G34; G38 Keywords: Proxy Voting, Securities Lending, Institutional Investors Corresponding author: Reena Aggarwal, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057. Tel. (202) 687-3784, An earlier version of the paper was titled, “Does Proxy Voting Affect the Supply and/or Demand for Securities Lending?” We thank Alon Brav, Susan Christoffersen, Richard Evans, Mireia Gine, Slava Fos, Stuart Gillan, Steve Kaplan, Lee Pinkowitz, Gregor Matvos, David Musto, Adam Reed, David Ross, Laura Starks and David Yermack; seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Board, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 3rd Annual RMA - UNC Academic Forum for Securities Lending Research, American Finance Association 2013, European Finance Association 2011, Western Finance Association 2011, FMA Asia 2011, Drexel Conference on Corporate Governance 2011, DePaul University, Georgetown University, IESE, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, London School of Economics, Temple University, University of Cambridge, Queen Mary, University of Maryland, University of Texas at Austin, and Imperial College for helpful comments. Conversations with several industry participants, particularly, Les Nelson of Goldman Sachs and Judith Polzer of J.P. Morgan helped us to understand the workings of the securities lending market. Doria Xu and Jiayang Yu provided excellent research assistance. We gratefully acknowledge a grant from the Q Group. Saffi acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under ECO2008-05155 at the Public-Private Sector Research Center at IESE. Aggarwal acknowledges support from the Robert E. McDonough endowment at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. The Role of Institutional Investors in Voting: Evidence from the Securities Lending Market I. Introduction Understanding the preferences of institutional investors regarding governance is important for firms trying to attract new investors as well as policy makers considering the regulation of different governance mechanisms. However, the mechanisms used by institutional investors to impact corporate governance tend to be private and difficult to study. We use the unique setting of the securities lending market to study the conditions that prompt institutional investors to engage in influencing firm-level governance and the extent to which investors use the proxy process to exercise their opinions. Most large institutions have a securities lending program and consider it to be an important source of revenue, with estimates of $800 million in annual revenue for pension funds alone (Grene (2010)). However, investors cannot vote shares that are on loan on the voting record date. Hence, institutional investors must decide whether to restrict lending and even recall shares already on loan prior to an upcoming vote.1 We use a comprehensive proprietary data set comprised of shares available to lend, shares that have actually been borrowed and are on loan, and the associated borrowing fee for the period 2007-2009. We find a marked reduction in the lending supply prior to the proxy record date, as institutions restrict and/or recall their loaned shares so that they can exercise their voting rights. We also find a statistically significant increase in borrowing demand and fees around the record date. Lending supply returns to normal levels immediately after the record date. Our results indicate that institutions consider their vote to be valuable, and they make the effort to determine when it is important to recall shares in order to exercise voting rights. 1 We use the terms recall and restrict interchangeably, capturing both recall of shares actually on loan, and restriction on shares available to lend that that have not been borrowed. We also examine the value of the vote to understand the importance that institutions place on voting rights. In the existing literature, some controversy exists regarding how changes in the supply and demand for borrowing shares around the record-date affect the borrowing fee. For example, Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed (2007) find a marginally significant increase in borrowing fee around the record date but determine that the increase is not economically significant. They conclude that fees are unresponsive to increases in borrowing demand on the record date and hence that the value of the vote is negligible. However, Kalay, Karakas, and Pant (2013) use the options market to determine the value of a vote, and place a significant value on voting rights. We find a statistically significant but small increase in fee around the record date. However, we argue that borrowing fee in isolation is not sufficient to measure the value of the vote for at least three reasons. First, Kolasinski, Reed, and Thorncock (2013) show that in the equity lending market the loan supply schedule is essentially flat and Prado, Saffi and Sturgess (2013) document that on average the market clears with high levels of slack lending supply. Therefore, borrowing fee might be insensitive to both demand and supply shocks most of the time. If so, then shares might trade for a price significantly below the value of voting rights. Second, as with any market one needs to consider endogeneity in quantity and prices. Third, an estimate of the value of the vote should reflect the monetary amount that an investor is willing to exchange for the voting right. Therefore, the most appropriate measure should be the borrowing fee paid by/to an investor who would no longer demand the voting right if the fee were marginally higher. However, borrowing fee is measured at the security-level as the average fee across all loans for a firm. These concerns all imply that examining changes in the borrowing fee 4 alone may underestimate the value of the vote, and even result in concluding that the value of the vote is zero. We address these concerns by estimating the value of a vote using a reduced-form instrumental-variables methodology to model the equity lending supply and demand schedules and further estimate lending supply and demand shifts on the record date. To compute the value of the vote we first estimate the change in supply and demand and the change in the price elasticity of supply and demand observed on the record date. Next, we combine these estimates to compute the implied value of the vote. The implied value of the vote is defined as the change in fee that would make the observed change in supply (and demand) on the record date to be zero. It is important to estimate the change in the price elasticity because lenders and borrowers are likely more sensitive to fees on the record date given the impact of voting rights on the decision to lend and borrow. As an illustration, consider a mutual fund that places a value of 100 basis points on voting rights for a particular firm. So long as the borrowing fee is below 100 basis points, say 50 basis points, the mutual fund will choose to restrict lending and exercise the vote because the value of the vote exceeds the lending income. However, as the borrowing fee increases above 100 basis points the fund will no longer restrict lending because lending income is greater than the value of the vote. We estimate the implied value of the vote cross-sectionally by comparing the record-date shift in quantity and in the price elasticity for both the supply and demand side and then estimate the change in fee that would leave supply and demand unchanged. We find that lenders place a higher value on their vote than borrowers. For lenders, we estimate the value of a vote to be 226 bps, or 2.26% of market capitalization, in annualized terms, while for borrowers it equals 122 bps. The heterogeneity in the value of the vote across 5 lenders and borrowers might arise because, unlike borrowers, lenders continue to hold economic interest for the longer term and also might implement a policy to recall irrespective of borrowing fee, which would inflate the value of the vote. Next, we examine heterogeneity in investors’ behavior and the value of the vote based on underlying firm characteristics and types of proposal on the ballot. Firms with poor performance, lower institutional ownership, weaker governance and smaller firms exhibit higher estimated values of a vote. Further, these values are higher for record dates associated with meetings with important proposals on the ballot related to nonroutine items, compensation, anti-takeover, and corporate control. We also investigate the relation between recall in lending supply at the record date and the subsequent votes cast on the meeting date. In general, we find that when the proxy advisory firm ISS recommends voting against management there are more votes against the proposal. In addition, we find a higher recall to be associated with more FOR votes for shareholder proposals, and fewer FOR votes for management when ISS recommends voting against management. An increase in borrowing demand is also associated with fewer FOR votes if ISS opposes management’s position. Further, we show that the recall in lending supply results in less support for management proposals with a higher estimated value of the vote, such as compensation and corporate control-related proposals. In addition, we examine voting by mutual funds to rule out that the relation between recall and voting outcome is driven by the alternative explanation that institutions recall shares to vote with management. Mutual funds provide an opportunity to better observe how voting behavior is influenced by the recall of lending shares by examining voting behavior only for those investors who provide lending supply. We find that mutual funds are significantly less likely to vote in favor of contentious proposals where recall in lending supply is greater and ISS 6 recommends voting against. This result alleviates the concern that mutual funds are recalling shares to vote with management when other shareholders are following ISS’s advice and voting against management. In extensions to the main findings, we examine the period of the financial crisis and also check for robustness of our results around dividend record dates. During the financial crisis of 2008, the general pattern of reduced supply and increased borrowing fees around the proxy voting date continued to hold. In contrast to the activity around voting record dates, we find that around the time of the ex-dividend record date, there is a statistically and economically significant increase in borrowing demand, with little change in the lending supply. The issues we examine are particularly relevant for a period that has seen increased emphasis on both shareholder activism and proxy voting. Voting provides an important mechanism for shareholders to affect firm-level corporate governance and policies. Since equity lending transfers voting rights, it has important ramifications for corporate governance. The increased interest in proxy voting and securities lending has resulted in fund boards now paying attention not only to the fee received from a securities lending program but also to whether the securities are being loaned to “responsible” borrowers. Funds are screening companies' upcoming shareholder meetings where a vote may be important. According to a survey of institutional investors by ISS, 37.9% of the respondents stated that a formal policy on securities lending is part of their proxy voting policy.2 Prior research has attempted to examine the preferences of institutional investors based on inferences of corporate governance attributes deemed important to institutional investors. Gillan and Starks (2007) survey the evolution of institutional shareholder activism in the U.S. 2 See 7 from the value effect of shareholder proposals to the influence on corporate events. 3 Other studies find that institutional investors affect CEO turnover (Parrino, Sias, and Starks (2003) and Helwege, Intintoli, and Zhang (2012)), anti-takeover amendments (Brickley, Lease, and Smith (1988)), executive compensation (Hartzell and Starks (2003)), and mergers (Gaspar, Massa, and Matos (2005) and Chen, Harford, and Li (2007)). In an analysis of 23 countries, Aggarwal, Erel, Ferreira, and Matos (2011) find that changes in institutional ownership over time are positively associated with subsequent changes in firm-level governance, but the opposite is not true. Cuñat, Gine and Guadalupe (2012) show that passing a governance provision is associated with an increase in shareholder value, and more so for institution sponsored proposals. Chung and Zhang (2011) find that the fraction of a firm’s shares held by institutions increases with the quality of governance. Bushee, Carter, and Gerakos (2010) find evidence that ownership by governancesensitive institutions in the U.S. is associated with future improvements in shareholder rights. However, Matvos and Ostrovosky (2010) study director elections and find heterogeneity in institutional investors voting preferences. Overall, institutional investors’ preferences related to governance tend to be private and are often conducted behind the scenes and hence are difficult to study. Therefore, there is limited empirical work examining the channels used by institutional investors to affect governance. In a survey of institutional investors, McCahery, Sautner, and Starks (2011) find that corporate governance is important to institutional investors, and many institutions are willing to engage in shareholder activism. Recent papers such as Brav, Jiang, Partnoy, and Thomas (2008); Clifford (2008); and Klein and Zur (2009) study activism by individual funds, such as pension funds or hedge funds. Fos (2011) shows that proxy contests play a role in disciplining managers. 3 See for example, Gillan and Starks (2000, 2007), Hartzell and Starks (2003), Gaspar, Massa, and Matos (2005), Chen, Harford, and Li (2007), and Bushee, Carter, and Gerakos (2010). 8 Gantchev (2013) finds that that the average activist campaign is estimated to cost $10.5 million, and half of the costs come from proxy fights. Less than 5% of all campaigns reach a proxy fight; proxy fights having a 67% success rate. Cai, Garner, and Walkling (2009) find shareholder votes to be related to firm performance, governance, and director performance; however they conclude that the differences are economically trivial. Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed (2007) use 1998-1999 data from a large lending agent to examine borrowing demand and fees aspects of the securities lending market around a proxy vote. They find a marginally significant increase in borrowing fee around the proxy record date. The authors conclude that the price of a vote is zero because investors are not selling their votes but letting them go and speculate that this is due to information asymmetry. Kalay, Karakas, and Pant (2013) use the options market to determine the value of a vote, finding that it is higher around shareholder meetings and to the conclusion that votes have value. While we find the change in average fee alone leads to a value of the vote of around 2 basis points per annum (approximately 3 times as large as found by Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed), our new approach estimates the value of the vote to be around 122-226 basis points per annum. These estimates are similar in magnitude to those found by Kalay, Karakas, and Pant (2013), who find the value of voting rights for the average firm to be 16 bps of the stock price with an average option maturity of 38 days. By examining both lending supply and borrowing demand in a simultaneous framework, our analysis provides a more complete picture of pricing than these previous papers and more accurate estimates of the value of a vote. Our paper also contributes to the literature on equity lending. Studies such as Jones and Lamont (2002); D’Avolio (2002); Geczy, Musto, and Reed (2002); Ofek and Richardson (2002); Cohen, Diether, and Malloy (2007); and Edwards and Hanley (2010) examine the cost of 9 borrowing. Saffi and Sigurdsson (2011) describe international equity lending markets and how lending supply and borrowing fees are related to market efficiency and the distribution of stock returns. Evans, Ferreira and Prado (2013) find mutual funds that lend shares are not able to act on the short-selling signal in stocks with high borrowing demand, resulting in future underperformance. Kaplan, Moskowitz, and Sensoy (2013) conduct an experiment in which they introduce an exogenous supply shock to the loan supply of a single money manager. They find no adverse impact on stock prices. Asquith, Au, Covert, and Pathak (2013) describe borrowing in the bond market by analyzing data from one large lender for the period 2004-2007. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides background on the proxy voting process and the securities lending market. Section 3 describes the data on proxy voting, securities lending, and other firm-level corporate attributes. In Section 4, we show the changes in lending supply around proxy voting record date. Section 5 shows the relation between changes in securities lending activity and proposal type. Section 6 presents results of our empirical findings on voting outcomes and the role of lending supply. Section 7 provides additional analysis around dividend record dates, and during the financial crisis. Section 8 concludes. 2. Background on Proxy Voting and Securities Lending 2.1 Proxy Voting In the United States, state laws control the holding of annual meetings to elect directors and matters of corporate governance, as discussed by Karmel (2010). However, federal securities laws control the solicitation of proxies. In light of changes in shareholder demographics, the structure of share holdings, technology, and the potential economic significance of each proxy vote, the SEC reviewed the proxy infrastructure and issued a “proxy plumbing” concept release in July 2010. The concept release identified several issues that might require a regulatory 10 response, including proxy voting and securities lending; “empty voting,” under which economic ownership is decoupled from voting rights; over-voting and under-voting, both of which can result from a mismatch between the number of shares held compared to the number of shares credited to a broker-dealer; and the need for investors to know proxy items before the record date so that they can decide whether to lend their shares or not.4 The SEC also raised the issues of whether funds should report the number of shares cast and how the funds voted. There are many rules and regulations that apply to the proxy process. To give shareholders sufficient time to make an informed voting decision, registrants must follow a timeline. SEC proxy Rule 14a-13 requires that a “Broker Search” be distributed to banks, brokers, and nominees who then compile a list of beneficial owners. This broker search must take place 20 business days prior to the record date for an annual meeting and ten days for a special meeting. Most states (for example, California and Delaware) require that the record date be set at a maximum of 60 days and a minimum of ten days prior to the meeting; New York sets the maximum at 50 days. The record date determines the ownership date for voting purposes. As long as shares are not lent out on the voting record date, the owner can vote them. Preliminary proxy material must be filed with the SEC via EDGAR ten days before distributing definitive copies to shareholders. Proxy material must be mailed out 40 days before the meeting date. Mutual funds typically have an oversight process, with board involvement, to monitor the funds’ proxy voting process. The SEC’s Rule 206(4)-6 requires funds to adopt and implement proxy voting policies and procedures and to make voting record available to clients. According to the SEC, “This disclosure enables fund shareholders to monitor their funds’ involvement in 4 Empty voting refers to the situation in which an investor has voting rights but no economic interest. See Hu and Black (2006, 2007) for a discussion of how investors might use the securities lending market or derivatives for empty voting. 11 the governance activities of portfolio companies.” In 2003, the SEC started requiring mutual funds to disclose proxy voting records by filing Form N-PX. 2.2 Securities Lending Securities lending is generally defined as a transaction in which the beneficial owner of the securities, normally a large institutional investor such as a pension fund or mutual fund, agrees to lend its securities to a borrower, such as a hedge fund, in exchange for collateral consisting of cash and/or other securities. 5 Although lenders refer to these shares as being “on loan”, the lender actually transfers ownership and voting rights. Shares may be borrowed for a variety of reasons, including short selling, covering a short position, or for trading strategies such as convertible bond arbitrage, dividend tax-arbitrage strategies (see Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed (2005) and Thornock (2013)), and merger arbitrage, and possibly for empty voting. The lender earns a spread by investing the collateral in low-risk short-term securities. In a typical U.S. loan, the collateral is 102% on domestic securities and 105% for international securities. Risk in collateral can arise if the counterparty defaults and/or daily mark-to-market does not occur, resulting in the value of collateral securities to drop below the value of lent securities. Many of these problems related to collateral and counterparty risk were highlighted in a study conducted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office in 2011.6 The securities lending market has grown tremendously in the last decade. By 2007, the total value of securities on loan was estimated at $5 trillion (Lambert 2009), with associated annual borrowing fees of $8-10 billion. 7 Most large institutional investors have a securities lending program and consider securities lending as a key source of revenue. Institutional investors 5 The securities lending process is shown graphically in Appendix 1, and an example of cash flows and fees on a securities loan with cash collateral is provided in Appendix 2. 6 “401 (K) Plans: Issues Involving Securities Lending in Plan Investments,” U.S. General Accountability Office, 2011. 7 12 suffered large losses in 2008 that led to lawsuits against big custodial banks. The allegation was that the custodians did not invest the collateral in safe, plain-vanilla securities, resulting in losses for their clients. As is evident from the SEC’s concept release of July 2010, there are questions about whether securities lending has contributed to proxy abuse. The concern is that market participants, such as activist investors, can obtain voting rights to exert influence or gain control of a company and do so without corresponding economic ownership in the company (see Hu and Black, 2006 and 2007). Most securities lending involves shares borrowed from pension funds, mutual funds, and other large institutional investors. Institutions have started to include policies on securities lending in their proxy guidelines, but they vary considerably in scope and detail. Some funds require a total recall of shares, while others weigh the lost revenue against the benefits of voting on a case-by-case basis. Below, we provide some examples from funds’ proxy voting guidelines. Putnam Funds “The funds’ have requested that their securities lending agent recall each domestic issuer’s voting securities that are on loan, in advance of the record date for the issuer’s shareholder meetings, so that the funds may vote at the meetings.”8 TIAA-CREF “Even after we lend the securities of a portfolio company, we continue to monitor whether income from lending fees is of greater value than the voting rights that have passed to the borrower. Using the factors set forth in our policy, we conduct an analysis of the relative value of lending fees versus voting rights in any given situation. We will recall shares when we believe the exercise of voting rights may be necessary to maximize the long-term value of our investments despite the loss of lending fee revenue.”9 State Board of Administration of Florida (SBA) 8 9 See See 13 “Circumstances that lead the SBA to recall shares include, but are not limited to, occasions when there are significant voting items on the ballot such as mergers or proxy contests or instances when the SBA has actively pursued coordinated efforts to reform the company’s governance practices, such as submission of shareholder proposals or conducting a detailed engagement. In each case, the direct monetary impact of recalled shares will be considered and weighed against the discernable benefits of recalling shares to exercise voting rights. The SBA recognizes that it may not be possible to determine, prior to a record date, whether or not shares warrant recall.”10 Fund groups such as Vanguard and Fidelity do not have specific discussion of policies on recalling shares in their public proxy guidelines. California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) has a two-step list. About 30 securities on the “Focus” list are completely restricted from lending because CalPERS takes an active interest in these securities and always wants the shares available to vote. For the second list of 300 securities, which represents the largest market value of CalPERS position, CalPERS wants to ensure that the securities are returned prior to a proxy vote.11 The SEC requires funds to recall shares for “material” events but has not defined materiality. In a survey by ISS, 92.3% of the respondents indicated that mergers and acquisitions were the most important reason to recall shares.12 One of the challenges to recalling shares is that shareholders typically do not receive the proxy material until after the record date. However, in order to vote, institutions must recall the shares by the record date. Hedge funds have argued that they do not borrow shares simply for voting purposes because they do not even know about the items on the proxy ballot as of the record date. Listed companies on the New York Stock Exchange are required to provide the NYSE a notice of record and shareholder meeting dates at least ten days prior to the record date. The SEC is considering whether this information should be disseminated to the general public. 3. 3.1 Data Securities Lending Descriptive Statistics 10 See See 12 See 11 14 For the most part, understanding the securities lending market has been limited partly because of the lack of transparency in this fragmented market. We obtain a proprietary equity lending data set from Data Explorers for the period January 2007 to December 2009. Data Explorers collects this information daily from 125 large custodians and 32 prime brokers in the securities lending industry and provides comprehensive coverage of equity lending activity available to market participants that includes lending supply, shares actually borrowed, and the corresponding fees at the security level. Our data covers more than 85% of the securities lending market. There are 4,333 firms in the equity lending sample, however the proxy voting data limits the analysis to Russell 3000 firms. As of December 2009, there was $1.55 trillion available to lend, out of which $113 billion was actually lent out and would be considered as being on loan. Saffi and Sigurdsson (2011) provide a detailed description of the data. The main dependent variables in our study are equity lending supply, borrowing demand, utilization rate, and annualized borrowing fees. We define these variables as follows: lending supply (SUPPLY) is the dollar value of supply relative to a firm’s market capitalization; loan quantity (ONLOAN) is the dollar value of shares on loan on a given day relative to market capitalization; utilization rate (UTILIZATION) is ONLOAN divided by SUPPLY; and borrowing fee (FEE) is the difference between the risk-free interest rate and the rebate rate expressed in basis points (bps) per annum.13 The rebate rate is the portion of the interest rate on the collateral that is returned to the borrower. The lender needs to reinvest the collateral at a rate higher than the rebate in order to earn a positive return. Expected returns can be increased by investing collateral in securities with more credit risk or a longer maturity relative to the loan, however this can result in a loss if market rates rise. We use the effective Federal Funds rate as our proxy for 13 For cash-based transactions the loan fee is directly negotiated between lenders and borrowers and reported by Data Explorers. 15 the risk-free rate. Firms that have a fee greater than 100 basis points (1%) are commonly considered to be SPECIAL. Such firms are more closely watched by investors and are more expensive to borrow. In Panel A of Table 1, we present descriptive statistics for the equity lending market for 7,415 record dates from 2007 to 2009 based on the -30 to +30 days window around the recorddate event. On average, 23.78% of a firm’s market capitalization is available for lending, with 4.06% being on loan and resulting in a utilization rate of 17.78%. The minimum and maximum values of SUPPLY (winsorized at the 1% level) are 1.65% and 48.57%, respectively. ONLOAN varies from a high of 20.49% to a low of 0.01%. Some firms are heavily borrowed while others are not borrowed at all. UTILIZATION is as high as 70% in our sample. The mean annualized fee is 48.3 bps. Therefore, the daily cost of borrowing $1 billion worth of shares on the record date is quite low. However, this cost can quickly rise for firms in high demand reaching a maximum of 1,114 bps in our winsorized sample. The minimum fee of -50.84 bps implies that the lender pays the borrower. In fixed-contract lending, it is possible for the fee to be negative because the rebate is set in advance. If the rebate is larger than the interest earned on the collateral, e.g. when interest rates quickly decrease, then the fee will be negative. During the sample period, 0.09% of the firms had a fee greater than 100 basis points and were considered to be “on special”. The mean and median number of days for which firms are on loan is 16 days and one day, respectively. Most loans are “open ended” and rolled over every day without a specific maturity date. Panel B presents changes in lending activity on the record date relative to the average during the period -30 to -20 days before the record date. On average, SUPPLY drops by 1.93% of market capitalization. ONLOAN and FEE increase by 0.06% of market capitalization and 2.40 bps, respectively. 16 Panel C of Table 1 shows that the lending supply of securities as a percentage of market capitalization (SUPPLY) is relatively stable over the 2007-2009 period. However, average demand for borrowing shares (ONLOAN) experiences a severe drop post financial crisis, decreasing from 4.60% in 2007 to 3.22% in 2009.14 The mean FEE varies from a high of 58.50 bps in 2008 to a low of 43.05 bps in 2009. As a result, the average annualized borrowing fee (FEE) is lowest in 2009 at 15.75 bps. 3.2 Other Firm-Level Data We use CRSP to obtain share price (PRICE), market capitalization (SIZE), turnover (TURNOVER), and bid-ask spread (SPREAD). We use only common shares with price over $1, and further merge the data to Compustat and collect data on book equity (EQUITY) to calculate the book-to-market equity ratio (BM). We exclude closed-end funds, American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs). We obtain ownership data from the Thomson Reuters CDA/Spectrum database on SEC 13F filings. The 13F filings must be reported on a quarterly basis by all investment companies and professional money managers with assets over $100 million under management. For each firm, we calculate total institutional ownership as a percentage of market capitalization (INST) and institutional ownership concentration (INST CONC), measured as the Hirschman-Herfindahl index normalized between zero and one. We use firm-level corporate governance index GOV41 as in Aggarwal, Erel, Ferreira, and Matos (2011). GOV41 assigns a value of one to each of the 41 governance attributes if the company meets minimally acceptable governance guidelines on that attribute and zero otherwise.15 14 During the financial crisis, many restrictions were placed on short selling. These restrictions affected several arbitrage strategies used by hedge funds, hence the drop in demand for borrowing shares. In the United States, a ban on short sales was imposed on financial firms during the period September 19 to October 8, 2008. Australia, Japan and a few other countries banned short sales in all firms. Some U.S. mutual funds temporarily halted their securities lending programs and did not lend out shares to short-sellers. 15 Aggarwal, Erel, Stulz, and Williamson (2009) describe the data in more detail. 17 3.3 Proxy Voting Descriptive Statistics Proxy voting analysis examines 56,220 proposals for 7,415 record-dates obtained from ISS. The proxy voting data cover the Russell 3000 firms and includes proposal-level characteristics such as proposal description, sponsor, management’s recommendation, ISS’s recommendation, threshold for the proposal to pass, votes cast, and voting result. We present proxy voting characteristics in Panel A of Table 2. On average, 86.62% of votes are cast on proxy proposals, with 91.86% of those votes being in favor and only 7.54% against. This overwhelming majority in favor of proposals is reflected in the 70.16% vote margin by which they pass. We create different categories of proposals, with the explicit aim of exploring those that might be considered as contentious, based on disagreement between different parties, and those that are associated with significant events. First, we classify proposals as routine and non-routine. NYSE Rule 452 outlines non-routine proxy proposals as those in which broker voting is not allowed. Examples include proposals relating to anti-takeover provisions, stock capitalization and mergers. Second, we examine proposals relating specifically to anti-takeover provisions (G-INDEX) included in the G-Index developed by Gompers, Ishi, and Metrick (2003), compensation proposals (COMP), and those that relate to mergers/proxy contests (CORP CONTROL). In Panel B of Table 2, we describe the voting outcome of non-routine proposals, which comprise 12.25% of the total sample. These proposals have almost three times more votes cast against the proposal than the total sample. Almost 60% of non-routine proposals are related to compensation. Shareholder-sponsored proposals are a much smaller subset (only 25.56%) and usually fail to pass, receiving an average of 40% of FOR votes, although when ISS is in favor of the proposal the average proportion of FOR votes increase to 46.17%. Examples of shareholder- 18 sponsored proposals include Say on Pay; requests that the firm provide cumulative voting; reduce supermajority voting; require independent chairman of board; require a majority vote for the election of directors; and declassify the board of directors. We also provide descriptive statistics on non-routine proposals that are likely to attract most attention from investors. Proposals relating to compensation, anti-takeover, and corporate control receive far more negative votes than the average for all proposals discussed earlier. 4. Securities Lending and Record Date 4.1 Lending Supply, Borrowing Demand and Fees around Proxy Voting Record Date Figure 1 plots lending supply, borrowing, utilization, and borrowing fees for the period starting 30 days before the record date and ending 30 days after the record date. We define the record date (day 0) as the event date. For our 7,415 voting record dates, the average time between the record date and the shareholder meeting is 53 days. The supply of shares available to lend as a fraction of market capitalization starts to decrease about 20 days before a vote and is at its lowest point on day 0, the record date. SUPPLY starts at 24.09% on day -30 and reduces to 22.16% by the record date. This drop in supply is consistent with institutions restricting or recalling their shares at the time of a vote. On the first day after the record date, SUPPLY returns to pre-event levels in line with institutions not wanting to lose revenue from lending. The results suggest that institutions start restricting supply in advance of the proxy record date to ensure that shares can be recalled and that they can exercise the vote. In practice, institutions are generally advised to allow two weeks for a recall prior to a proxy vote, and possibly longer if the firm is “special”. Consistent with industry practice, we find that the drop in lending supply starts to occur about two weeks before the record.16 Institutions might also recall 16 We thank securities lending practitioners at J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs for helping us understand industry practices for recalling and restricting lendable shares. 19 shares in advance to provide sufficient notice to borrowers, thus alleviating possible problems for borrowers to find shares and improving an institution’s reputation as a stable and reliable lender.17 Before the availability of electronic firm-loan monitoring systems, recalls frequently failed. The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association estimated that in 2002, 25% of recalls failed.18 Examining the plot for borrowing demand (ONLOAN) shows a small increase around the record date. On day -30, on average, 4.10% of a firm’s market capitalization is on loan, and by the record date it grows to 4.13%, increasing by only 0.03% of a firm’s market capitalization. Finally, UTILIZATION and FEE both increase in the 20 days prior to the record date. The finding adds insight to Blocher, Reed and Van Wesep (2013), who argue that shifts in supply matters only for firms on special by revealing that supply shifts become important even at relatively low levels of utilization. 4.2 Determinants of Lending Supply, Borrowing Demand and Fees To begin our analysis, we investigate the determinants of the equity lending market around the record-date by estimating separate pooled regressions using daily lending supply, borrowing, and borrowing fee as the dependent variables. For each of the 7,415 record dates, we consider an event window of -30 days to +30 days, where t=0 is the proxy voting record date. We include a record date dummy (RDATE) to examine whether there is abnormal equity lending market activity on the record date compared to the 30 days before and after the record date. We follow Prado, Saffi and Sturgess (2013) by including the following variables to explain securities lending. To control for ownership, we use INST, institutional ownership at the 17 Hu and Black (2008) discuss the case of Fidelity and Morgan Stanley, who together held 10% shares of Telecom Italia and led a campaign against a takeover of Pirelli. However, they were only able to vote 1% of the shares because the remaining shares were lent out and could not be called in in time for the vote. The Pirelli bid was approved. 18 Securities Technology Monitor, November 13, 2007. 20 end of the previous quarter measured as a percentage of market capitalization, and INST CONC, concentration of institutional holdings using the Hirschman-Herfindahl index. We use lagged values of log of market capitalization (SIZE), book-to-market ratio (BM), turnover (TURNOVER), and spread (SPREAD) as explanatory variables to control for firm characteristics. We include a dummy for firms with a share price below five dollars (PRICE<$5). Similar to Kolasinski, Reed and Ringgenberg (2013), we also include short-term momentum (Short-Term Mom) measured as the cumulative return over the five previous days and long-term momentum (Long-Term Mom) as the cumulative return over the previous 252 trading days. In all estimations, we include year fixed effects, and present results with and without firm fixed-effects. Throughout, we cluster standard errors by firm to ensure robustness.19 Table 3 reports the results for the determinants of lending supply, borrowing demand and fees. In columns 1 and 2, the dependent variable is lending supply, expressed as percentage of market capitalization. The estimation in column 1 includes year fixed effects but not firm fixed effects; column 2 includes both year and firm fixed effects. In column 1 (2), the explanatory variable RDATE has a coefficient of -1.64 (-1.623), which is significant at the 1% level. In terms of economic significance, the coefficient indicates that on average, lending supply is lower on the record date by 1.64% of market capitalization, or approximately 7% of the mean over the [30,+30] sample window. Examining the within-firm results in Column 2, lending supply is higher when institutional ownership (INST) is higher, when institutional ownership is not concentrated (INST CONC), for larger firms (SIZE), and value firms (BM).20 The coefficient of long-term momentum is positive and of short-term momentum is negative, both significant, 19 The results are robust to clustering the standard errors both by firm-record date to ensure robustness to heteroskedasticity and serial correlation within a given proxy window and by firm and time to ensure robustness to heteroskedasticity as well as serial and cross-sectional correlation. 20 However, the coefficient on size is negative when we exclude firm FE. This is because of the cross-sectional correlation of other firm attributes, particularly INST. 21 indicating that investors are willing to lend more shares in firms with higher returns during the previous year but less so in firms with higher returns in the previous five days. In addition to standard control variables, we include firm-level corporate governance, GOV41. The positive and statistically significant coefficient of 4.60 on GOV41 in column 1 indicates that firms with better governance have a higher lending supply. Unsurprisingly we find a positive and insignificant result when we include firm fixed-effects as governance changes rarely within firms. This result is consistent with the argument that better governance alleviates shareholders’ concerns that share lending will be detrimental to the value of their holdings. The determinants of borrowing demand appear in columns 3-4 of Table 3. The positive coefficient on RDATE indicates that demand is statistically higher on the record date. In the model shown in column 3 (4), the coefficient of RDATE is 0.082 (0.085), which amounts to an increase of 2% compared to the mean over the [-30, +30] sample window. Examining the results with firm fixed-effects in column 4, borrowing demand is higher if institutional ownership is higher, and for firms that are more liquid, and demand is lower for firms priced below $5. There is a negative and significant association between previous performance as proxied by both short and long-term momentum and borrowing demand on the record date. Investors are likely to borrow more shares in companies that are not performing well. Again, we include the corporate governance index GOV41 in this analysis. We note that the coefficient on GOV41 is negative and significant. Although better corporate governance alleviates shareholders’ concerns when lending, it appears to deter those investors who borrow. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that better governance deters stock borrowing and subsequent short selling because, all else equal, it is associated with fewer opportunities for investors to profit on the downside. 22 Columns 5-6 of Table 3 report the results of similar tests using FEE as the dependent variable. In both models, the coefficient of RDATE is positive and significant at 1%, implying that the fee for borrowing stock increases on the record date. This corresponds to a 3.76% increase relative to mean over the [-30, +30] sample window. However, while the increase in fee on the record-date is statistically significant, the coefficient of 1.814 (1.572) in column 1 (2) implies that the value of the vote is a negligible 1.814 bps (1.572 bps) per annum. As described in the introduction, examining fee in isolation might bias downwards estimates of the value of the vote. We address this issue in the next section. 5. Endogeneity and Value of the Vote around Record Dates Our paper provides four methodological contributions to the estimation of the value of the vote. First, we apply an instrumental-variables approach to identify supply (demand) curves through exogenous shocks to demand (supply). Using the change in fee at the record date without jointly modeling supply and demand lead to biases in the estimation of the value of the vote. The OLS results presented in Section 4 do not account for the cost of borrowing shares and/or simultaneous shifts in prices and quantities in the equity lending market and are therefore potentially limited in helping us understand the preferences of institutional investors. The estimations assume that lending supply is fixed when inferring changes in borrowing demand, and that borrowing demand is fixed when inferring changes in lending supply around the record date. However, significant changes take place simultaneously on both the supply side and on the demand side, as lenders restrict the quantity of lendable shares and borrowers increase the demand for loans, potentially motivated by increasing their voting power at the shareholders’ meeting. Therefore, a relevant concern is that the increase in borrowing demand found around record dates may be biased downwards due to the impact of less supply resulting in an increase 23 in fee, which in turn makes it more expensive to borrow shares. At the same time, higher borrowing demand can increase fees, and this might result in lending supply decreasing by less than it would otherwise had fees remained constant.21 The instrumental-variables (IV) approach uses exogenous instruments to identify supply and demand curves and address this issue. Second, we also identify differences in how lenders and borrowers value their vote, an expected feature of this market given the different incentives of those that supply shares to those that borrow shares. Third, we allow for non-linearities in the supply and demand curves. A particular interesting one is the change that takes place on the record date. For example, if the slope of the demand curve changes at the record date we must take this effect into account when identifying the supply curve to prevent misspecification. The endogeneity of fee requires extra care when estimating parameters, being addressed by Angrist, Graddy and Imbens (2000) and applied in the finance literature by Kolasinski, Reed and Ringgenberg (2013). It is reasonable to expect that lenders and borrowers will be more sensitive to fees on the record date given the impact of voting rights on the decision to lend and borrow, causing the price-elasticity to be different at the record date. Our final contribution is to provide a new measure of the value of a vote that compares the supply (and demand) curves identified on the record date to those identified for "normal" periods. We jointly model the dynamics of ONLOAN and SUPPLY around the record-date using a two-stage regression approach to model quantity (ONLOAN or SUPPLY) and price (FEE). Our measure of the value of a vote is given by the change in fee that would make the observed change in supply (and demand) on the record date to be zero. In Section 5.1 below we outline our methodology for estimating the value of the vote. In Section 5.2 we discuss potential instruments 21 Note that this effect of fee on SUPPLY and ONLOAN biases our OLS results against finding a record date effect. 24 for lending supply and loan demand. In Section 5.3 we present the IV regressions and results on the value of the vote. We motivate the simultaneous estimation of price and quantity by examining changes in equity lending around the record date conditioning on borrowing fee. We split the sample of firms into those that are easy to borrow versus those that are expensive. We define a firm to be “On Special” if it has a borrowing fee greater than 100 bps at t=-30. We also show statistics for companies that are extremely expensive to borrow and have fees above 1,000 bps at t=-30. Table 4 shows that of the 7,415 record dates only 79 are associated to firms with borrowing fees above 1,000 bps. Panel A of Table 4 reports averages of equity lending variables at t-30. The average lending supply as percentage of market capitalization is 14.52% for firms On Special relative to 25.02% for firms that are not. Borrowing demand is also higher for the On Special group. The lower supply and higher demand results in a much higher annualized fee of 429 bps for the On Special group, compared with a fee of 9.30 bps for the other group. If investors incorporate the cost of borrowing into the decision to lend or borrow then we might expect very different record date behavior across these two groups. Panel B of Table 4 reports the change in each lending attribute from its average during the (-30,-20) days before the record date. The lending supply of the On Special group changes by less when compared with the non-special firms both in absolute terms and percentage terms. This implies that lenders recall/restrict more shares when fee is low partly because the potential loss of lending revenue is low. Borrowing demand increases for the non-special firms, consistent with the results in Table 3. However, borrowing demand actually decreases on the record date for the On Special group, potentially due to the higher fee. This suggests that, on average, the mean fee of 429 bps exceeds the value borrowers place on voting rights and these potential borrowers 25 prefer not to borrow the stock on the record date. The borrowing fee increases by 8.37 bps for the On Special group and 1.09 bps for the other group.22 These descriptive statistics illustrate that not only does borrowing fee play a role in the decision to lend/borrow but also that the change in fee around the record date is not a sufficient proxy for the value of the vote. For example, examining the change in fee for the On Special firms would lead to the conclusion that the value of the vote is negative for borrowers. Even for the non-special firms, the change in fee is small simply because of the slack in supply that is typical in the market for equity lending. Combined, these descriptive statistics and the slack in supply provide an important explanation for the low value of the vote based on average fee (e.g., as reported by Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed (2007)). Additionally, the fact that fee changes around the record date in response to changes in supply and demand means that one should not only incorporate borrowing fee in an analysis of equity lending but also the endogenous relationship between quantity and prices. In the next section we provide a new methodology to estimate the equity lending behavior around the proxy record date and shed light on the value of the vote. 5.1 Methodology and Estimation of the Value of a Vote Using a reduced-form instrumental-variables approach, we control for the simultaneity of supply and demand and, more importantly, use estimated parameters to provide a better measure of the value of a vote. We infer the price sensitivity of ONLOAN and SUPPLY to fees using instruments that identify demand and supply shocks. This sensitivity varies according to firm characteristics and types of corporate events on the ballot, supporting the idea that investors assign different values to their vote depending on whether they are lenders or borrowers, and for record dates that include “important” proposals. 22 The daily cost for a $1mil loan is equal to (9.3/(252 *100)=) $369.04 for firms not ON SPECIAL and $17,011 for those that are ON SPECIAL, almost 50 times larger. 26 We employ the (IV) estimator developed by Angrist, Graddy and Imbens (2000).23 The estimation allows for time-varying supply and demand functions, using FEE as the endogenous variable. We build on the approach in Angrist, Graddy and Imbens (2000) by identifying the average price elasticity in the market for equity lending both in general and around the record date. The first-stage equation for FEE is given by: The second-stage equations are given by: ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ { The SUPPLY and ONLOAN quantities are linked by the endogenous price FEE. FEE is jointly determined by the interaction between supply and demand, being the endogenous variable in our system, and can change due to demand and supply shocks that allow us to identify each curve as long as we have suitable instruments. In order to identify the parameters associated with the endogenous variable FEE in the second stage, we need instruments (INSTRUD and INSTRUS) that are exogenous to each dependent variable. For example, in the ONLOAN equation we need variables that affect supply but not demand to obtain the estimated ̂ and ̂ to address the endogeneity issue. Note that we also must have a first-stage equation for RDATE*FEE, since the product of an endogenous variable (FEE) and an exogenous one (RDATE) is still endogenous (see Wooldridge (2001)). If a restriction in supply results in a higher borrowing fee, and higher prices result in lower demand, then it is relatively straightforward to show that standard OLS estimates that ignore endogeneity will result in 23 Angrist, Graddy and Imbens (2000) estimate the demand for fish by identifying the demand elasticity using weather patterns as exogenous shocks to supply. Kolasinski, Reed and Ringgenberg (2013) apply a similar methodology to estimate the loan supply schedule and how it varies with proxies for search frictions. 27 downward biased estimates for . Similarly, ignoring endogeneity leads to a downward bias in the restriction in supply at the record date. Our measure of the value of a vote, VVOTE, attempts to answer the following question: how much would the fee have to change such that the estimated record date impact on supply and demand would be zero? This is equivalent to setting the first derivative of quantity with respect to the record date to zero and solving for the fee. Therefore, we solve the following equation: , for i = S, D. Thus, for supply we estimate how much the borrowing fee would have to increase at the record date such that the lender prefers to lend rather than restrict or recall their shares available to borrow. On the demand side, we estimate how much price would have to increase such that the borrower would not demand more shares on the record date. The following equations summarize our measure of the value of a vote as a function of estimated parameters: This approach allows us to identify the value of the vote and also differences in the preferences towards voting between borrowers and lenders and is in the spirit of self-selection by market participants suggested by Roy (1951). Some investors care about voting while others do not, both across and within lenders and borrowers. The value of the vote we estimate tells us of the value of voting rights for investors that do care about the value of the vote. Alternatively, there is a subset of lenders (and a universe of potential borrowers) who do not place a value on voting rights and choose not to restrict lending around the record date. This approach also complements the findings of Matvos and Ostrovosky (2010), who show that there is important 28 heterogeneity in institutional investor voting preferences. We exploit this heterogeneity to estimate the value of the vote and also show how heterogeneity in preferences varies across proposal type. We present point estimates and statistical significance for the value of the vote. As is determined by a non-linear combination of parameters, we test for its statistical significance using the delta method to compute standard errors. We also estimate the value of votes for firms split by firm characteristics, such as institutional ownership, size and corporate governance quality, and also for meetings with specific types of proposal on the ballot, such as, non-routine proposals, proxy contests, compensation and corporate control related proposals. It is important to note that we are not inferring the value of the vote from the average change in fee directly but rather we use the price elasticity associated with record date lending to estimate the value. Thus, using this methodology we might find that the value of the vote is greater than the increase in the fee on the record date. This would imply that voting rights trade at a price below value, which is to be expected given observed slack in the supply curve.24 Note that SUPPLY is not equal to equilibrium supply, which by definition equals equilibrium demand, allowing us to estimate different values for voting between lenders and borrowers. 5.2 Choice of Instruments and Falsification Tests In order to identify valid instruments, we perform falsification tests to identify suitable candidates. A valid instrument should have statistical significance to explain one dependent variable (e.g. SUPPLY) but not the other (e.g. ONLOAN). More importantly, these potential variables must have a sound reasoning. On the supply side, Prado, Saffi and Sturgess (2013) 24 Slackness in supply on the record date even for stocks where the fee is small implies that there are some lenders that place a value of the vote close to zero. For this subset of lenders the change in record date lending would be zero and price elasticity would be undefined. Our methodology estimates the value of the vote by examining the price elasticity for lenders that have a non-zero value of the vote. 29 show that institutional ownership concentration, INST CONC, is an important determinant of SUPPLY even after controlling for total ownership. More concentrated holdings result in larger shareholders having greater power to affect the supply of shares available. If short sale constraints lead to overpricing, shareholders can try to limit supply to support prices of their own shares. Thus, more concentrated owners may prefer to not lend stock and therefore retain control of voting rights, which would otherwise pass to the borrower.25 On the demand side, we use a measure of hedging demand, Hedging Demand, proposed by Hwang, Liu and Xu (2013) who argue that short selling can help correct under-pricing of firms by facilitating the hedging of industry risk. Hedging Demand is defined as the equalweighted cumulative return in the past 252 days of related firms (excluding the firm’s own returns) with the same four-digit GICS industry classification code. If other firms in the same industry become under-valued, arbitrageurs would purchase the under-valued firms and short substitute securities. Thus, we expect the demand for shorting stock i to be high when the demand for going long shares of competitors’ j, as measured by low cumulative returns in the previous year, is high. The results in Appendix 3 show our falsification tests using firm-fixed effect regressions of SUPPLY and ONLOAN. Based on these results we use INST CONC as our instrument for supply-related shocks and Hedging Demand as the instrument for demand-related shocks.26 5.3 IV Regressions and the Value of a Vote 25 We employ firm fixed effects throughout to ensure robustness to unobserved firm heterogeneity. In Table 3 ownership concentration is negatively associated with ONLOAN, but is insignificant once we include firm fixed effects. 26 Unlike Kolasinski, Reed and Ringgenberg (2013), we find that short term momentum has predictive power for both variables, being an unsuitable instrument in our sample. 30 Because FEE is an endogenous variable in our system, the FEE*RDATE cross-product is also endogenous and we instrument it with RDATE*Hedging Demand and RDATE*INST CONC, respectively for supply and demand, implementing the IV approach as suggested in Wooldridge (2001). Table 5 displays results for the first stage estimates of FEE as a function of our instruments and firm controls and also include time and firm fixed effects with standard errors clustered at the firm and year. As expected, we find that firms with higher INST CONC exhibit higher fees because there is less supply available to borrow. Hedging Demand has a coefficient equal to -37.62, implying that a decrease in the 252-day past returns of competing firms leads to an increase in fees. Similar to our previous OLS results, the fee is 1.576 bps higher on the record date. Table 6 displays our main second stage results using the instrumented fee estimated in the first stage to control for the endogeneity of the fee. All equations include an additional set of firm characteristics as control variables, year and firm fixed-effects, and with standard errors clustered by firm and year. Columns 1 and 2 show estimates for SUPPLY with and without the RDATE*FEE coefficient. In column 1, the record date effect equals -1.613%, close to the effect presented in Table 3. Further, we find that in general supply is insensitive to fee within firm consistent with a flat supply curve. In column 2, we include the variable RDATE*FEE. The coefficient on RDATE*FEE is positive and statistically significant, implying that the recall of shares at the record date is sensitive to borrowing fee and that recall is lower if the fee received by lenders is higher. Lenders weigh their value of the vote and the potential lending income before restricting lending. The Kleibergen-Paap statistic tests if the instruments are sufficiently correlated with the included endogenous regressors. We can safely reject the null that endogenous variables are under-identified and obtain similar conclusions using the Cragg- 31 Donald Wald statistic. Columns 3 and 4 report the same results using ONLOAN as the dependent variable. The positive and statistically significant RDATE coefficients indicate an increase in borrowing demand on the record date. Borrowing demand is lower for firms with higher borrowing fee as one might expect given the endogeneity between price and quantity. Further, this price elasticity is greater on the record date. The statistically significant coefficient for RDATE*FEE implies that for very expensive firms demand actually decreases on the record date, in line with the descriptive statistics shown for ON SPECIAL firms in Table 4. In terms of the value of a vote, the estimate for is equal to 226.9 bps in annualized terms (0.90 bps per day) with an estimated standard error equal to 85 bps, being significant at the 1% value. is equal to 122.1 bps in annualized terms (0.48 bps per day) and has a standard error equal to 26 bps, also significant at the 1% level. We find that lenders assign almost twice as much value to votes than borrowers on the record date. The fact that investors recall their shares quite a long time before the record date affects the economic interpretation of the value of the vote. From Figure 1, we observe that SUPPLY begins to fall around 20 days before the record date, which combined with estimated imply that lenders are willing to give up ((20/252)*226.9/100=) 0.180% of the value of shares available to borrow to vote. For the demand side, the estimated value of voting to borrowers is 0.097%. We now investigate whether these estimates are higher for particular types of firms or proposals. 5.4 Firm and Proposal Characteristics and Value of Vote Our methodology allows us to investigate whether the sensitivity of supply and demand variables to FEE at the record date vary depending on firm characteristics and specific types of proposals included on the ballot. In Table 7, we examine differences in the value of a vote based on four firm characteristics: corporate governance, institutional ownership, stock returns during 32 the past 12-months, and size of the firm, measured by market capitalization. For each of these characteristics, we expect that the value of the vote may vary. For example, the value of voting rights is likely to be greater for firms with weak governance compared to firms with strong governance, where shareholders hold more power. Similarly we might expect that firms with large institutional holdings exhibit greater monitoring and thus voting rights become less valuable. Even within a firm, there may be time-series variation in voting rights. For example, in periods of low returns investors may place a higher value on implementing change through voting. Finally, the value of the vote might vary with size, perhaps because of correlation between size and other factors such as governance and institutional holdings, but also because the vote may hold more influence in smaller firms where ownership is less dispersed. For both SUPPLY and ONLOAN, we report estimated coefficients for RDATE and RDATE*FEE after applying the simultaneous-equation approach to alternative sub-samples. We split the sample around the firm-year median firm characteristic.27 The coefficient of RDATE in all cases is negative and statistically significant for SUPPLY, and positive and significant for ONLOAN estimations. These results are consistent with our previous findings presented in Table 6. The positive coefficient of RDATE*FEE on the supply side shows that if fee is higher then lenders are less likely to recall. Similarly, the negative coefficient of RDATE*FEE on the demand side implies that less borrowing takes place if fee is higher. We also estimate the value of a vote in each case and find the value of a vote to be statistically different from zero in all cases for both SUPPLY and ONLOAN. Panel A splits firms into low and high corporate governance based on GOV41. Lenders and borrowers of shares value a vote quite differently for the two groups. Institutional investors prefer not to lend out shares on the record date for firms with weak governance. The annualized 27 The split is not always equal as there is some clustering around the median value. 33 value of a vote for lenders is almost twice as large, at 314 bps for firms with weak governance relative to 117 bps for firms with strong governance, and the difference is statistically significant. On the borrowing side, the value of the vote is much lower at 118 bps for firms with weak governance and 126 bps for firms with strong governance with the difference not be statistically significant. The sample is split by institutional ownership in Panel B of Table 7. The value of a vote is significantly higher for both lenders and borrowers in firms with low institutional ownership relative to high institutional ownership. Panel C splits the sample by low and high monthly returns in the preceding twelve months. The value of a vote for lenders in firms with low and high stock returns is 244 and 174 bps, respectively. The difference in the value of a vote for the two groups is statistically significant. Share lenders are particularly interested in exercising their vote in firms that are not performing well. Our results suggest that both lenders and borrowers value their vote more in firms that are performing poorly. They can use the vote to bring about change at the firm. In Panel D, the sample is split based upon market capitalization. On the supply side, the value of the vote is significantly higher for firms with low market capitalization at 308 bps compared to high market capitalization firms at 49 bps. In contrast, borrowers place a fairly comparable value on the vote for both low and high market capitalization firms at 97 and 80 bps, respectively, and the difference is not statistically significant. We also examine changes in lending supply around record dates associated with proxy events that are likely deemed to be more “important” to shareholders. In Table 8, we report results for the value of a vote in four alternative subsamples based on the presence of at least one of the following types of proposals: non-routine, compensation-related, anti-takeover, and corporate control (proxy contests and mergers). We split the sample based on whether the record 34 date is associated with a proxy event or not. However, we omit firms from both subsamples that do not have at least one proxy event in question. In all cases, for both the supply and demand side, the value of a vote is positive and statistically significant. In Panel A of Table 8, we show results for record dates with and without non-routine proposals. Non-routine proxy proposals are outlined by NYSE Rule 452 as those in which broker voting is not allowed and include proposals relating to anti-takeover provisions, stock capitalization and mergers. On the supply side, we find higher value of votes when at least one non-routine proposal is present in the ballot but find no statistical difference for ONLOAN. Panel B splits the sample according to the presence of at least one compensation-related proposal and yields similar results. With the increased prominence of corporate governance concerns, managerial compensation policies have become a focus of investors’ attention and we expect it to be reflected into a higher value of the vote. While we do not find a statistically significant difference for compensation versus non-compensation proposals, we do observe that the value of the vote is equal to 227 bps for record dates with compensation-related proposals compared to 176 bps for those without on the supply side. The third group of contentious proposals we consider are based on anti-takeover provisions (G-INDEX) included in the G-Index developed by Gompers, Ishi, and Metrick (2003). In Panel C, the sample is differentiated by G-INDEX and Non-G-INDEX related proposals. The value of the vote differs greatly for lenders with G-INDEX related proposals at 304 bps and nonG-INDEX related proposals at 231, and the difference is statistically significant. Similarly, we find that the value of the vote from the borrowers’ perspective is greater for record dates involving a G-INDEX proposal. 35 Finally, in Panel D of Table 8, we consider proposals related to corporate control by examining proxy contests and mergers. In a proxy contest, shareholders vote to resolve a conflict between the firm’s management and board of directors, referred to as “incumbents”, and a group of shareholders, referred to as “dissidents”. Some examples of high profile proxy contests include Carl Icahn’s efforts to unseat Yahoo’s board in 2008, and Hewlett Packard – Compaq merger in 2001. Dissident shareholders can initiate the proxy contest by filing a preliminary proxy statement PREC14A and definitive proxy statement in connection with contested solicitations DEFC14A. Data on proxy contests is hand-collected and supplemented from data from, an organization that covers proxy fights and activism. For mergers we identify proposals for targets and acquirers. On the supply side, we find that the value of corporate control related proposals is significantly higher than non-corporate control related proposals at 381 and 90 bps, respectively. Not surprisingly, we find the value of a vote on the lending side is highest for corporate control proposals. For borrowers, the difference in the value of a vote for corporate control and non-corporate control related proposals is not statistically significant. Overall, we find that lenders place a higher value on the vote than borrowers. In summary, we show that it is important to control for endogeneity when modeling the equity lending behavior around the record date. Both lenders and borrowers internalize the cost of borrowing when deciding to lend or borrow. We exploit this price elasticity to estimate the value of the vote and show that the value of the voting rights cannot be estimated simply by the change in fee around the record date. Further, the value of the vote varies by investor and firm heterogeneity. 6. Voting Outcome 36 In this section we study whether the recall of supply by institutional investors or an increase in borrowing demand have any impact on the vote outcome at the shareholder meeting. We estimate regressions for the 6,887 non-routine proposals where the dependent variable is FOR, the percentage of votes in favor of a proposal.28 For each proposal we test if the restriction in lending supply and the increase in demand around the record date plays a role on how votes are cast on the subsequent meeting date. Importantly, the meeting date is on average 53 days after the record date. If institutions recall lending supply to exercise their vote, then we should expect that voting outcome is associated with recalled supply. The independent equity lending variables are the change in lending supply, ΔSUPPLY, and the change in borrowing demand, ΔONLOAN. These changes are based on the average lending supply and on loan during days (t=-30 to -20) to the record date (t=0). We include indicator variables for management proposals that management supports and the proxy advisory service ISS opposes (DISS), for shareholder-sponsored proposals (DSHR), and for proposals relating to compensation (COMP), G-INDEX (G-INDEX), and corporate control (CORP CONTROL) that we examined in Section 5. We also interact the change in supply and the change in on loan with these characteristics to better understand when equity lending activity is important to determine support for a proposal. Further, we include the firm-specific characteristics and proposal fixed effects included in the earlier estimations, but omit these for brevity in Table 9. All regressions include firm fixed effects, time dummies, and standard errors are double clustered at the firm and year levels. In column 1 of Table 9, we present evidence that shows the record date change in lending supply is positively associated with more votes against the proposal. The coefficient of 28 FOR is defined as the percentage of number of FOR votes, relative to the base by which the proposal is decided. The base depends by proposal, but may be the sum of FOR, AGAINST, and ABSTAIN votes, the sum of FOR and AGAINST votes, or the number of shares outstanding, for example. 37 ΔSUPPLY of 0.350 implies that a recall in lending supply (i.e. a decrease in ΔSUPPLY) is negatively associated with support for non-routine proposals, however significance is only at the 10% level. We find no relation between borrowing demand and a larger proportion of FOR votes for proposals. Further, shareholder sponsored proposals exhibit 44% less FOR votes, on average, than management sponsored proposals for the same firm. However, the significant coefficient of -2.444 on ΔSUPPLY * DSHR shows that the record date recall in supply is positively associated with more votes being cast in favor of shareholder-sponsored proposals. Next, in column 2, we introduce proposal characteristics and advice from proxy advisory services. Consistent with Alexander, Chen, Seppi, and Spatt (2010), we find that the recommendations of proxy advisors play an important role in the outcome of proposals. 29 In general proposals that ISS recommends against management are associated with significantly lower support. Further, the significant coefficient of 1.545 on ΔSUPPLY * DISS implies that a higher recall (negative ΔSUPPLY) at the record date leads to fewer votes being cast in favor of a proposal if ISS opposes management.30 This is consistent with institutional investors responsibly fulfilling a monitoring role whereby they provide prudence on behalf of shareholders. Switching focus to proposal characteristics we find greater support for compensation, G-Index, and corporate control proposals. However, where the recall of lending supply is higher the support for these proposals is lower: the coefficients estimated by interacting ΔSUPPLY with these three proposal types are all positive and significant. In Section 5 we showed that institutional investors placed a higher value on voting rights for these types of proposals; here we show that when institutions do recall shares they tend to vote against the proposal. This finding is consistent with 29 An alternate explanation, proposed by Choi, Fisch and Kahan (2010) is that proxy advisors aggregate information from investors rather than provide independent advice. 30 More generally, both Cai, Garner, and Walkling (2009) and Bethel and Gillan (2002) examine director elections and show that unfavorable recommendations by ISS lead to more votes against management 38 institutional investors providing monitoring of managerial activities via the proxy process. We also find evidence that higher borrowing is associated with less support for proposals that ISS recommends against but not much for compensation, G-Index, and corporate control. To summarize, the results in columns 1 and 2 of Table 9 show indirect evidence that lending supply recall is positively associated with votes for shareholder proposals, and against management proposals related to compensation, governance and corporate control, especially when ISS recommends voting against management. However, we are unable to examine directly how the recalled shares are voted because we do not observe the identity of the institutions that recall shares. Consequently, our results could be driven by an alternative explanation of voting behavior by institutions with recalled shares. For example, it is possible that more shares are recalled in contentious proposals where ISS recommends voting against management because the institutions support management and therefore recall shares to vote with management, while at the same time other shareholders vote against management. Rather than monitoring managers, it could be that institutions side with management and vote against value-increasing proposals. To rule out this alternative explanation, we examine voting only by mutual funds. Mutual funds provide an opportunity to better observe how recalled shares are voted because mutual funds are one of the largest lenders of shares (see for example D’Avolio (2002)). Therefore we can examine how voting behavior of a subset of investors who are significant providers of lending supply is influenced by the recall of lending shares. We obtain data on mutual fund voting behavior reported on SEC Form N-PX. Form NPX identifies all proposals on which the fund has voted portfolio securities and discloses how the fund voted on each proposal (the number of shares voted is not required to be disclosed). Our sample includes mutual fund voting data for 6,651 individual funds that are part of 308 39 institutions (mutual fund families) for the 3,826 record dates that include non-routine proposals. In total we have 1,524,290 fund-proposal voting behavior in our sample. In column 3 of Table 9, we examine how voting outcome is affected by recall in supply for mutual funds by estimating if the mutual fund voted FOR the proposal, where FOR is equal to 100 if the fund voted in favor of the proposal, and zero otherwise.31 We repeat the estimation of FOR presented in column 2 but at the mutual fund level and include fund family fixed effects in addition to firm fixed effects to control for fund family-level policies on both voting and lending supply recall. The results show that mutual fund voting is associated with support for proposals where there is a greater recall in general. However, where ISS recommends against the proposal or the proposal is related to compensation or anti-takeover a larger recall in supply is associated with less support from mutual funds. This result alleviates the concern that mutual funds are recalling shares to vote with management when other shareholders are following ISS’s advice and voting against management. Collectively, these results show that changes in lending of supply have a meaningful impact on voting outcomes and that institutions act on ISS recommendations. Further, while the fewer number of votes in favor of proposals may not result in the proposal being rejected, there is evidence that votes recorded against proposals have spillover governance effects.. Cai, Garner, and Walkling (2009) and Fischer et al. (2009) show that meaningful vote totals against director election proposals, even where the proposal passes, are followed by changes in the board, management, or corporate actions within the next year. Finally, the results on proposal characteristics in general compare favorably with those found by Iliev, Lins, Miller, and Roth (2011), regarding votes against management globally. Once again, our results are consistent with 31 We present OLS estimations to ensure that distributional assumptions do not unduly affect our results (Angrist and Pischke (2009)). The results are robust to employing logit estimations. 40 lenders recalling shares ahead of the proxy record date to exercise their vote. Further, the results suggest that the effort put in by institutional investors into determining when to recall shares does impact voting outcome. 7. Additional Analysis 7.1 Dividend Record Dates There is some evidence that the equity lending market is affected by the dividend record date due to tax-arbitrage strategies (Christoffersen et al. (2005), Saffi and Sigurdsson (2011), and Thornock (2013)). To ensure that our results are not driven by an alternative explanation based on dividend tax-arbitrage strategies, we examine the frequency of dividend and proxy record dates. For the 7,415 proxy record dates in our sample, we observe 2,609 dividend record dates in the t=-30 to t=30 days window around the proxy record date. The mean (median) number of days between the proxy record date and the dividend record date is 11.6 (11) days and only 235 proxy record dates coincide with a dividend record date. In Figure 3, we plot the equity lending market activity around the dividend record date. We find a large spike in borrowing demand and fees around dividend record dates, but little change in lending supply. These results contrast sharply with Figure 1, which shows that the activity around proxy voting dates is characterized by a marked reduction in lending supply and only a small change in borrowing demand and fees. In Panel A of Table 10, we present additional robustness results. We repeat the tests conducted for the proxy record date, but now, we adjust for dividend record dates. We include a dummy variable equal to one if the firm reports paying a dividend at least once in the past three years (DIV DUMMY), and a dividend record date dummy equal to 1 if we find that the dividend record date is within (-1, +1) days of a proxy voting record date (DIV RDATE). We first estimate 41 regressions by using only the dividend record date and then include the proxy voting record date. When we examine the effects of dividends, we find that on average, firms that pay dividends exhibit a higher lending supply. In tests in which we exclude the proxy voting record date, we find a significant recall in supply of -1.358% of market capitalization on the dividend record date and an increase in borrowing demand. When we introduce the proxy voting record date, we see that our earlier results shown in Table 3 of reduced lending supply, increased borrowing demand, and fees continue to hold. However, after controlling for the proxy voting record date, we find that the results reported by Thornock (2013) and Ringgenberg (2011), that lending supply is lower around ex-dividend dates, no longer hold. Borrowing demand and loan fees both increase around the dividend record date. The 0.554% increase in borrowing demand on dividend record dates is economically large and an order of magnitude greater than the change in borrowing of 0.06% found on proxy voting records date. The equity lending market behaves differently around proxy voting record dates than it does around dividend record dates. There is a much larger increase in shares borrowed around a dividend record date than around the time of a proxy vote likely related to tax-related arbitrage strategies (Christoffersen, Géczy, Musto, and Reed (2005)). 7.2 Financial Crisis During the financial crisis of 2008, there was considerable concern about counterparty risk following the events surrounding Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. The period exhibited high volatility in funding rates that also generated large swings in loan fees. Aitken and Singh (2009) examine the 10-Q reports of three major custodian banks (Bank of New York, State Street, and J.P. Morgan) before and after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and find a decrease in total securities lending from $1.48 trillion in June, 2008 to $0.82 trillion by December, 2008. Some 42 investors had concerns about the instruments used to invest the collateral and equity lenders sued some custodial banks. The drop off in the securities lending during the crisis was due to a number of factors including decrease in demand as borrowers decreased their leverage and pulled to the side and very conservative cash reinvestment guidelines that got put into place. The short-selling bans imposed by regulators in many markets also had an impact on short selling and securities lending. Beber and Pagano (2013) find that the short-selling bans imposed in more than 20 different countries during the financial crisis reduced liquidity, slowed price discovery, and failed to support stock prices. Boehmer, Jones, and Zhang (2013) study the short-selling ban in the U.S. and find a reduction in shorting activity and an increase in spreads, price impact, and intraday volatility. Kolasinski, Reed, and Thornock (2013) find a significant increase in loan fees following the ban. In Panel B of Table 10, we introduce a dummy LEHMAN, which we set equal to one for all days in 2008 on or after September 15th that characterize our “crisis” period. We use this dummy to examine the effect of the financial crisis on the equity lending market around record dates. Supply, demand, and fees all decreased after Lehman’s bankruptcy. Borrowing demand decreased more than lending supply, which explains why fees decrease by about 29 bps. Even after controlling for the financial crisis period, we find reduced supply and a small increase in demand at the record date; thus, our results continue to hold. The interaction of RDATE with LEHMAN does not result in any significant changes in lending supply before or after the crisis. However, we do find evidence to support less borrowing demand and fees on record dates following Lehman’s bankruptcy. This finding is consistent with borrowers becoming less keen to engage in short selling due to fewer profitable opportunities. 8. Conclusion 43 The preferences of institutional investors tend to be private and generally cannot be studied because they are often conducted behind the scenes. We use a unique setting and a comprehensive proprietary data set that allows us to directly observe the role of institutional investors in corporate governance. We examine change in lending supply, borrowing demand, and fees in the securities lending market around the proxy record date. In our study, we focus on the role of investors in voting and the alignment of economic exposure and voting rights, with the goal of examining the extent to which corporate governance matters to institutional investors and to which they use the proxy process to exercise their opinions. If institutions have loaned out their shares, then they cannot exercise their vote. Hence, institutional investors must decide whether to restrict lending and even recall shares already on loan in the event of an upcoming vote. Just prior to the proxy record date, we find a significant reduction in lending supply, because institutions restrict or call back their loaned shares in order to vote. We examine both the lending and borrowing sides and are able to control for their simultaneous impact on determining fees and improve upon previous estimates of the value of the vote. Average borrowing fee in isolation is not a sufficient measure of the value of a vote and results in underestimating the value. Our measure of the value of a vote is the change in the borrowing fee that would make the observed changes in supply (and demand) on the record date to be zero. We find the value of the vote to be much higher for lenders than for borrowers. We also find heterogeneity in the value of the vote based on firm and proposal characteristics. The value is higher for firms with weak performance, weak governance, smaller firms, and firms with low institutional ownership. The value is also higher when non-routine, compensation, antitakeover and corporate control proposals are on the ballot. 44 We show that the recall in equity lending supply is related to the subsequent vote outcome. Higher recall is associated with fewer FOR votes for management and more FOR votes for shareholder proposals. The influence of proxy advisory firm ISS is also evident in voting outcome. If ISS opposes management, then we find the higher recall to be associated with less FOR votes for the proposal. Further, we show that the recall in lending supply has an even bigger impact on voting outcome for the proposals with a higher estimated value of the vote, like compensation and corporate control-related. We find little relation between borrowing demand and vote outcome. Our findings are consistent with the fact institutional investors recall their shares selectively, depending on the proposals on the ballot. 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In the top panel SUPPLY is shown on the left-hand axis and UTILIZATION is shown on the right-hand axis. In the bottom panel, the left-hand axis shows ONLOAN and the right-hand axis shows FEE. 25.0% 20.0% 24.5% 19.5% 24.0% SUPPLY 23.0% 18.5% 22.5% 18.0% 22.0% 17.5% UTILIZATION 19.0% 23.5% 21.5% 17.0% 21.0% 16.5% 20.0% 16.0% -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 20.5% SUPPLY UTILIZATION 4.15% 51 50 4.10% 48 47 4.00% 46 3.95% 45 3.90% 44 ONLOAN FEE (bps) 51 FEE (bps) 4.05% -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 ONLOAN 49 Figure 2 Equity Lending Market Activity around Ex-Dividend Dates The figure presents a daily plot of lending supply, on loan, utilization and loan fees for the (-30, +30) days period around 14,278 dividend ex-dividend dates (day t=0 is based on settlement taking place on exdividend date) during the years 2007-2009. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend; ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed; UTILIZATION is the ratio of ONLOAN to SUPPLY expressed in percentage; FEE is the annualized borrowing fees expressed in basis points. In the top panel SUPPLY is shown on the left-hand axis and UTILIZATION is shown on the right-hand axis. In the bottom panel, the left-hand axis shows ONLOAN and the right-hand axis shows FEE. 26% 18.5% 18.0% 17.5% 17.0% 22% 16.5% 20% 16.0% 15.5% 18% 15.0% 14.5% 16% 14.0% 13.5% -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 14% 4.5% 48 4.4% 46 4.3% 44 4.2% 42 4.1% 40 4.0% 38 3.9% 36 3.8% 34 3.7% 32 3.6% 30 ONLOAN FEE (bps) 52 FEE (bps) UTILIZATION -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 ONLOAN SUPPLY UTILIZATION SUPPLY 24% Table 1 Equity Lending and Firm Characteristics The table presents characteristics of the equity lending market around the record dates of Russell 3000 firms from 2007 to 2009. Panel A presents average equity lending characteristics based on the -30 to +30 days window around record dates. Panel B shows the change in lending characteristics from the average of days -30 to -20 to record date 0. In Panel C we show the yearly averages of the equity lending variables. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend; ONLOAN measures borrowing demand and is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed; FEE is the annualized borrowing fee expressed in basis points; and UTILIZATION is the ratio of ONLOAN to SUPPLY expressed in percentage. SUPPLY, ONLOAN, and FEE are winsorized at 1%. Panel A: Equity Lending Characteristics Obs. SUPPLY ONLOAN FEE UTILIZATION SPECIAL SUPPLY ONLOAN FEE UTILIZATION SUPPLY ONLOAN FEE UTILIZATION Mean 23.78% 4.06% 48.28 17.78% 0.09% Median 24.23% 2.63% 9.90 12.59% 0.00% Std Dev 10.71% 4.22% 158.25 16.25% 0.29% 7,415 7,415 7,415 7,415 7,415 Panel B: Changes in Equity Lending on Proxy Record Date 7,415 7,415 7,415 7,415 2007 21.78% 4.60% 48.34 22.52% -1.93% -1.31% 2.71% 0.06% 0.03% 1.11% 2.40 0.48 40.37 1.81% 1.10% 5.69% Panel C: Average Equity Lending Over Time 2008 23.42% 4.72% 58.50 20.99% 2009 21.26% 3.22% 43.05 15.75% 53 Min 1.65% 0.01% -50.84 0.23% 0.00% -19.85% -7.85% -553.41 -49.98% Max 48.57% 20.49% 1113.81 68.90% 1.00% 34.42% 12.90% 1080.85 94.38% Table 2 Descriptive Statistics – Voting Proposals The table presents descriptive statistics for 56,220 proxy proposals of Russell 3000 firms in the 2007-2009 period. Panel A shows data for all proposals while Panel B shows voting outcome statistics for different types of non-routine proposals. VOTES CAST is the percentage of the total votes cast relative to shares outstanding. FOR, AGAINST, and ABSTAIN are the total number of votes for, against, and abstained for the proposal, respectively, relative to the BASE by which the proposal outcome is measured (expressed as a percentage). VOTE MARGIN is defined as FOR minus the minimum threshold required for the proposal to pass. Voting outcome variables are winsorized at the 1%-level. In Panel B, Obs. refers to the number of proposal observations and RD Obs. refers to the number of record date proposals (there may be multiple proposals on each record date). NON ROUTINE proposals are proposals not relating to operational or uncontested directorships. MGT are managementsponsored proposals. SHDR are shareholder-sponsored proposals. G-INDEX, COMP and CORP CONTROL are, respectively, dummies for anti-takeover, compensation and merger/proxy contest related proposals. Panel A: Voting Outcome for All Proposals Obs. Mean Median Std Dev Min 56,220 86.62% 88.74% 9.49% 37.42% VOTES CAST 56,220 91.86% 97.37% 14.15% 18.94% FOR 56,220 7.54% 2.48% 13.25% 0.00% AGAINST 56,220 0.41% 0.00% 1.56% 0.00% ABSTAIN 56,220 70.16% 87.10% 30.79% -31.37% VOTE MARGIN Panel B: Voting Outcome by Proposal Type for Non-Routine Proposals VOTES Obs. RD Obs. FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN CAST 6,887 3,719 77.65% 73.24% 23.02% 1.86% NON ROUTINE 5,127 3,717 78.82% 84.61% 11.73% 0.97% - MGT 1,760 824 74.27% 39.99% 55.91% 4.44% - SHDR 4,024 2,854 77.76% 80.67% 18.02% 1.34% - COMP 1,190 1,034 79.54% 65.23% 28.19% 1.10% - G-INDEX 588 371 72.31% 80.60% 14.64% 3.53% - CORP CONTROL 54 Max 100% 100% 75% 11.9% 100% VOTE MARGIN 23.43% 35.01% -10.50% 30.48% 9.96% 51.35% Table 3 Abnormal Lending Supply, Borrowing Demand and Fees around Proxy Voting Record Dates The table presents results from an event study on the effect of proxy voting on equity lending supply demand in the (-30, +30) days period around 7,415 voting record dates (record date is t=0). SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend. ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed and FEE is the annualized borrowing fees expressed in basis points. RDATE is a dummy equal to one on the record dates. Control variables comprise governance index (GOV41), institutional ownership (INST), concentration of institutional ownership as measured by the Herfindahl index (INST CONC), the natural log of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy (PRICE<$5), and Short-Term Mom and Long-Term Mom are defined as the cumulative returns in the previous 5 and 252 days, respectively. All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm-level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Dependent Variable SUPPLY RDATE INST INST CONC SIZE BM TURNOVER SPREAD PRICE<$5 Short-Term Mom Long-Term Mom GOV41 Constant Firm FE Year FE Adj. R-squared # of Firms ONLOAN FEE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) -1.640*** (0.037) 28.004*** (0.437) -51.468*** (2.257) -0.670*** (0.067) 1.326*** (0.151) 0.002 (0.062) -0.169 (0.124) -2.046*** (0.260) -2.096*** (0.251) 1.140*** (0.207) 4.603*** (1.165) 7.921*** (0.800) No Yes 0.672 -1.623*** (0.036) 21.204*** (0.877) -23.484*** (2.587) 1.146*** (0.213) 0.299** (0.152) 0.076** (0.030) -0.129*** (0.039) 0.480** (0.202) -2.058*** (0.150) 0.305* (0.183) 1.647 (1.882) 0.082*** (0.013) 5.115*** (0.245) -4.227*** (0.694) -0.661*** (0.036) -0.110 (0.080) 1.068*** (0.042) -0.333*** (0.045) -0.755*** (0.125) -0.155 (0.139) -0.707*** (0.110) -2.393*** (0.679) 6.570*** (0.432) No Yes 0.290 0.085*** (0.010) 11.829*** (0.608) -1.363 (1.524) 0.314** (0.137) 0.094 (0.104) 0.367*** (0.023) -0.042* (0.024) -0.518*** (0.137) -0.367*** (0.094) -0.345*** (0.120) -8.771*** (1.184) 1.814*** (0.395) -139.656*** (15.796) 275.384*** (54.872) -8.354*** (1.340) -11.857** (5.492) 22.590*** (2.094) -14.984*** (3.522) 48.682*** (10.909) 3.706 (6.975) -19.199*** (6.013) 6.593 (29.631) 170.760*** (25.210) No Yes 0.104 1.572*** (0.332) 45.744* (23.674) 206.886** (82.101) -8.709 (5.931) 13.865** (6.302) 2.762*** (0.949) -1.278 (1.592) 3.421 (6.788) 7.972* (4.454) -4.320 (5.011) 63.828 (45.069) Yes Yes 0.905 3,053 55 Yes Yes 0.779 3,053 Yes Yes 0.749 3,053 Table 4 Lending Supply, Borrowing Demand and Fee for Firms “On Special” Panel A of the table reports the averages of equity lending variables at t=-30 and Panel B reports the change in each lending attribute between the (-30, -20) days period average to the record date. On Special includes firms with a borrowing fee in excess of 100 bps, measured on t=-30. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend. ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed; FEE is the annualized borrowing fees expressed in basis points; and UTILIZATION is the ratio of ONLOAN to SUPPLY expressed in percentage. Panel A: Lending Supply, Borrowing Demand and Fee at t=-30 On Special No Yes FEE>1000 bps #(Record Dates) SUPPLY ONLOAN FEE UTILIZATION 6,756 659 25.02% 14.52% 3.83% 6.85% 9.30 428.68 15.20% 42.96% 79 12.40% 6.44% 1108.37 50.81% Panel B: Change from the Average Level During t=-30 to -20 and Record Date On Special No Yes FEE>1000 bps #(Record Dates) SUPPLY ONLOAN FEE UTILIZATION 6,756 659 -2.00% -0.92% 0.10% -0.26% 1.09 8.37 1.83% 1.24% 79 -0.73% -0.30% 9.37 0.47% 56 Table 5 First-stage Estimation of Fee The table presents results for the first stage estimates of FEE as a function of our instruments and firm controls. FEE is the annualized borrowing fee expressed in basis points. Hedging Demand is defined as the equalweighted cumulative return in the past 252 days of related firms with the same four-digit-GICS industry classification. INST CONC is the institutional ownership concentration measured as the Hirschman-Herfindahl index normalized between zero and one. Control variables include a record date dummy (RDATE), institutional ownership (INST), the natural logarithm of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy (PRICE<$5), cumulative returns in the previous 5 days (Short-Term Mom), cumulative returns in the previous 252 days (Long-Term Mom), and the internal governance measure (GOV41). All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors double clustered at the firm and year level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Dependent Variable: FEE Instrument in Supply Estimation Hedging Demand -37.627*** (11.876) Instrument in On Loan Estimation INST CONC 208.848** (82.300) Controls RDATE 1.576*** (0.333) 50.496** (23.662) -8.794 (5.897) 13.969** (6.266) 2.751*** (0.949) -1.349 (1.588) 3.478 (6.767) 0.072 (0.045) -0.042 (0.049) 58.750 (44.766) Yes Yes 0.025 INST SIZE BM TURNOVER SPREAD PRICE<$5 Short-term Mom Long-term Mom GOV41 Firm FE Year FE Adj. R-squared 57 Table 6 Second Stage Estimations The table presents our main second stage results using the instrumented fee estimated in the first stage to control for the endogeneity of the fee. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend. ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed. FEE is the annualized borrowing fee expressed in basis points, RDATE is a variable equal to one at record date, zero otherwise. Control variables include institutional ownership (INST), the institutional ownership concentration (INST CONC), the natural logarithm of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy (PRICE<$5), cumulative returns in the previous 5 days (Short-Term Mom), cumulative returns in the previous 252 days (Long-Term Mom), and the internal governance measure (GOV41). Hedging Demand is defined as the equal-weighted cumulative return in the past 252 days of related firms with the same four-digit-GICS industry classification. VVOTE is defined as the ratio of between the RDATE and FEE*RDATE coefficients as shown in Section 5.1. The significance of VVOTE is computed using the delta method. All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm and year level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Dependent Variable SUPPLY FEE (1) -0.006 (0.007) FEE*RDATE RDATE INST INST CONC SIZE BM TURNOVER SPREAD PRICE<$5 Short-term Mom Long-term Mom GOV41 -1.613*** (0.038) 21.497*** (0.931) -22.150*** (3.079) 1.090*** (0.218) 0.388** (0.196) 0.094*** (0.035) -0.138*** (0.042) 0.502** (0.208) -0.020*** (0.002) 0.003 (0.002) 2.058 (1.964) ONLOAN (2) -0.007 (0.007) 0.009** (0.004) -2.068*** (0.222) 21.498*** (0.931) -22.163*** (3.078) 1.088*** (0.218) 0.387** (0.196) 0.094*** (0.035) -0.136*** (0.042) 0.504** (0.208) -0.020*** (0.002) 0.0028 (0.002) 2.060 (1.964) HEDGING Firm FE Year FE Kleibergen-Paap rk LM P-Value Cragg-Donald Wald F VVOTE (bps p.a.) Yes Yes 8.967 0.003 2189.63 Yes Yes 22.757 0.000 713.55 226.9*** 58 (3) -0.015* (0.008) 0.098*** (0.021) 12.670*** (0.841) -0.388* (0.210) 0.418* (0.218) 0.427*** (0.041) -0.111*** (0.040) -0.545*** (0.195) 0.002 (0.002) -0.005*** (0.002) -3.267** (1.608) -0.031** (0.016) Yes Yes 6.057 0.014 1216.02 (4) -0.015* (0.008) -0.001*** (0.000) 0.167*** (0.030) 12.669*** (0.840) -0.388* (0.210) 0.418* (0.218) 0.427*** (0.041) -0.111*** (0.040) -0.545*** (0.195) 0.002 (0.002) -0.005*** (0.002) -3.268** (1.608) -0.031** (0.016) Yes Yes 6.058 0.014 607.91 122.1*** Table 7 Firm Characteristics and Value of Vote The table examines differences in the value of a vote based on splitting our sample of 7,415 firm-record dates in below and above-median values of four firm characteristics: corporate governance, institutional ownership, stock returns, and market capitalization. Panel A is based on the GOV41 measure of internal corporate governance. Panel B uses institutional ownership taken from 13f files, Panel C uses cumulative returns in the previous twelve months, and Panel D is based on stock market capitalization. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend and ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed. FEE is the annualized borrowing fee expressed in basis points, RDATE is a variable equal to one at record date, zero otherwise. The value of the vote, VVOTE, is defined as the ratio of between the RDATE and FEE*RDATE coefficients as shown in Section 5.1. The significance of VVOTE is computed using the delta method. All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm and year level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Firm Lending Variable SUPPLY Coefficients Characteristic RDATE Panel A: Corporate Governance Low Governance -2.083*** (0.229) -2.095*** (0.496) High Governance FEE*RDATE (bps p.a.) 0.007** (0.003) 0.018* (0.010) 314*** Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN VVOTE 117*** Yes 0.087 Low Governance 0.217*** (0.055) 0.132*** (0.019) High Governance -0.002*** (0.001) -0.001*** (0.0002) Difference in Value of Vote P-value 118*** 126*** No 0.812 Panel B: Institutional Ownership SUPPLY Low Inst. Ownership -1.976*** (0.177) -2.189*** (0.911) High Inst. Ownership Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN Low Inst. Ownership 0.134*** (0.044) 0.152** (0.078) High Inst. Ownership Difference in Value of Vote P-value 0.007*** (0.002) 0.016*** (0.003) -0.0009* (0.0005) -0.004* (0.002) 296*** 140*** Yes 0.025 103*** 46*** Yes 0.093 59 Panel C: Previous Twelve Month Returns SUPPLY Low Returns -2.059*** (0.215) -2.179*** (0.272) High Returns 0.008** (0.003) 0.012** (0.006) Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN 244*** 174*** Yes 0.068 Low Returns 0.145** (0.059) 0.164*** (0.046) High Returns -0.0011*** (0.0004) -0.0016** (0.0007) Difference in Value of Vote P-value 132*** 101*** No 0.588 Panel D: Market Capitalization SUPPLY Low Mkt Cap -2.907*** (0.260) -1.988** (0.451) High Mkt Cap 0.009*** (0.003) 0.040** (0.019) Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN 308*** 49*** Yes 0.012 Low Mkt Cap 0.148*** (0.037) 0.138*** (0.037) High Mkt Cap Difference in Value of Vote P-value -0.002*** (0.0003) -0.002* (0.001) 97*** 80** No 0.737 60 Table 8 Proposal Type and Value of Vote The table examines the value of four alternative subsamples based upon proposal types. Panel A is based on nonroutine proposals defined by NYSE Rule 452 as those in which broker voting is not allowed, including proposals related to anti-takeover provisions, stock capitalization, and mergers; Panel B is based on compensation proposals referring to those related to managerial compensation policies; Panel C is based on the G-INDEX of anti-takeover provisions as developed by Gompers, Ishi, and Metrick (2003); and Panel D is based on corporate control proposals defined as those record dates with a proxy contest or merger. SUPPLY is the percentage of market capitalization available to lend. ONLOAN is the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed. FEE is the annualized borrowing fee expressed in basis points, RDATE is a variable equal to one at record date, zero otherwise. The value of the vote, VVOTE, is defined as the ratio of RDATE and FEE*RDATE coefficients as shown in Section 5.1. All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm and year level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Coefficients Lending Variable SUPPLY Obs. Proposal Type RDATE Panel A: Non-Routine Proposals 3,719 Non-Routine 3,696 Routine -2.294*** (0.257) -2.316*** (0.352) FEE*RDATE (bps p.a.) 0.009** (0.004) 0.014** (0.007) 248*** Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN Difference in Value of Vote P-value SUPPLY 170*** Yes 0.099 3,719 Non-Routine 3,696 Routine 0.131*** (0.043) 0.285** (0.115) -0.001** (0.001) -0.003** (0.001) No 0.994 Panel B: Compensation Related Proposals 2,854 Compensation 2,427 Non-Compensation -2.383*** (0.284) -2.550*** (0.334) 110*** 111*** No 0.994 0.010** (0.005) 0.015** (0.006) Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN VVOTE 227*** 175*** No 0.127 2,854 Compensation 2,427 Non-Compensation Difference in Value of Vote P-value 0.091*** (0.029) 0.147*** (0.028) -0.0008* (0.0004) -0.0013*** (0.0005) 119*** 115*** No 0.959 61 Panel C: G-INDEX Related Proposals SUPPLY 1,034 G-INDEX 1,202 Non-G-INDEX -2.369*** (0.196) -2.396*** (0.121) 0.008*** (0.001) 0.010*** (0.001) Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN Difference in Value of Vote P-value ONLOAN 231*** Yes 0.063 1,034 G-INDEX 1,202 Non-G-INDEX 0.108*** (0.033) 0.085** (0.036) -0.0005* (0.0003) -0.0008*** (0.0002) Difference in Value of Vote P-value Panel D: Corporate Control Related Proposals (Proxy Contests and Mergers) SUPPLY 304*** 371 Corporate Control 821 Non-Corporate Control 371 Corporate Control 821 Non-Corporate Control Difference in Value of Vote P-value -2.694*** (0.227) -2.456*** (0.449) 0.243*** (0.087) 0.217*** (0.068) 0.007* (0.004) 0.027* (0.015) -0.002* (0.001) -0.004** (0.0023) 205*** 95*** No 0.121 381*** 90*** Yes 0.011 113*** 49*** No 0.323 62 Table 9 Voting Outcome The table presents results from a regressions analysis of voting outcome for non-routine proposals. The dependent variable is VOTES FOR, the percentage of votes FOR the proposal. NON ROUTINE proposals are defined by NYSE Rule 452 as those in which broker voting is not allowed. Columns (1) – (2) present results for all voting; Column (3) presents results only for mutual funds voting. The independent variables are: ΔSUPPLY and ΔONLOAN, the change in lending supply and on loan from days (t=-30 to -20) to record date (t=0). DSHR is a dummy equal to one if shareholders sponsor the proposal, zero otherwise. DISS is a dummy equal to 1 when management is in favor and ISS is against the proposal. DSHR equals one for shareholder-sponsored proposals. G-INDEX, COMP and CORP CONTROL are, respectively, dummies for antitakeover, compensation and merger/proxy contest related proposals All estimations include proposal fixed effects and firmlevel controls. Control variables include the internal governance measure (GOV41), institutional ownership (INST), concentration of institutional ownership as measured by the Herfindahl index (INST CONC), the natural logarithm of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy (PRICE<$5), and prior twelve-month return (RETURN). All regressions include year and firm fixed-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm level (firm-record date level in column (3)), presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. ΔSUPPLY ΔONLOAN DISS COMP G-INDEX CORP CONTROL DSHR ΔSUPPLY * DISS ΔSUPPLY * COMP ΔSUPPLY * G-INDEX ΔSUPPLY * CORP CONT ΔSUPPLY * DSHR ΔONLOAN * DISS ΔONLOAN * COMP ΔONLOAN * G-INDEX ΔONLOAN * CORP CONT ΔONLOAN * DSHR Firm FE Fund Family FE Observations Adjusted R-squared Dependent Variable: % of Votes FOR proposal All Voting Voting by Mutual Funds (1) (2) (3) 0.350* -0.103 -0.795** (0.218) (0.333) (0.322) 0.151 0.711 (0.413) (0.726) -19.831*** -49.218*** (1.182) (0.798) 11.050*** 0.133 (0.982) (0.702) 11.297*** 9.984*** (1.409) (1.514) 9.333*** 9.393*** (2.095) (1.175) -43.595*** -42.660*** -36.987*** (1.781) (1.761) (0.961) 1.545*** 1.178*** (0.395) (0.272) 1.859*** 0.466* (0.445) (0.304) 1.642*** 1.233** (0.550) (0.593) 2.131** 0.380 (0.870) (0.406) -2.444*** -1.997*** 0.162 (0.556) (0.569) (0.342) -2.269** (0.952) -0.989 (1.151) -1.632 (1.429) -0.644 (1.907) 0.280 0.320 (1.563) (1.641) Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 6,887 6,887 1,524,290 0.599 0.727 0.791 63 Table 10 Equity Lending Market around Dividend Record Date and the Financial Crisis of 2008 The table presents results from an event study on the effects of proxy voting on the equity lending market in the period (-30,+30) days around 7,415 voting record dates (record date is at t=0) during the 2007-2009 period. The independent variables are equity lending supply, borrowing demand and borrowing fee. RDATE is a dummy equal to one on the voting record date. GOV41 is the internal governance measure from Aggarwal et al. (2011). In Panel A we investigate the robustness of results to the inclusion of dividend record dates. DIV DUMMY is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm has paid a dividend in the past three years. DIV RDATE is a dummy variable equal to one for the 326 dividend record dates in the window (-1,+1) around proxy voting date. In Panel B we examine the equity lending market post financial crisis. LEHMAN is a dummy equal to one for all days in 2008 on or after 15th September, and RDATE * LEHMAN is dummy equal to one of the voting record date falls in this period. Control variables (not shown) include institutional ownership (INST), concentration of institutional ownership (INST CONC), the natural log of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy equal to one if firm price is less than $5 (PRICE<$5), and a cumulative five day return (RETURN). Dividend record date regressions and financial crisis regressions include time fixed effects. All regressions include robust standard errors clustered at the firm-level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Panel A: Dividend Record Date Panel B: Financial Crisis Dependent Variable Dependent Variable SUPPLY RDATE ON LOAN -1.659*** (0.039) FEE 0.060*** (0.015) 1.340*** (0.394) RDATE * LEHMAN LEHMAN DIV DUMMY DIV RDATE GOV41 Adj. R-squared 1.093*** (0.219) -1.358*** (0.315) 3.566*** (1.171) 0.67 1.091*** (0.219) -0.187 (0.325) 3.567*** (1.171) 0.67 0.179 (0.129) 0.596*** (0.212) -2.355*** (0.692) 0.29 0.179 (0.129) 0.554** (0.216) -2.355*** (0.692) 0.29 64 -4.389 (4.902) 5.459 (6.084) -43.455 (29.524) 0.29 -4.388 (4.902) 4.513 (6.195) -43.456 (29.524) 0.06 SUPPLY ON LOAN FEE -1.634*** (0.044) -0.073 (0.048) -0.698** (0.347) 0.096*** (0.017) -0.044* (0.026) -1.102*** (0.198) 2.170*** (0.421) -1.763** (0.738) -40.493*** (9.017) 4.210*** (1.182) 0.67 -2.276*** (0.697) 0.28 -49.346* (29.787) 0.05 Appendix 1 How Does Equity Lending Work? US Securities $100 US Securities $100 Collateral $102 Beneficial Owners Lending Agent A fund within one of the lending agents (e.g., PIMCO Total Return Fund) PIMCO Borrower Mark-to-Market Collateral Dividends & other entitlements Dividends & other entitlements Cash Investment Vehicle Borrower leaves collateral with lending agent (e.g. State Street) and pays a fee for the loan. Lender still receives dividends but loses voting rights; borrower gets voting rights. 65 GS Appendix 2 Cash Flows on a Securities Loan with Cash Collateral Settlement date Term Security Security price Quantity Loan value Rebate rate Collateral Margin required Collateral required Reinvestment rate Daily lending income Daily Rebate June 30th Open XYZ Limited $10.00 per share 100,000 shares $1,000,000.00 80 basis points cash 2% $1,020,000.00 130 basis points $13.97 ($1,020,000.00 * 0.005 * (1/365)) $22.36 ($1,020,000 * 0.008 * (1/365)) Assumption: No change in value, therefore no change due to daily mark to market, and no change in terms. Payments to the borrower: On July 30th $670.80 ($22.36 * 30 days) Profit for the lender: On July 30th $419.10 ($13.97 * 30 days) Source: Adapted from “An Introduction to Securities Lending,” Spitalfields Advisors Limited, 2006. 66 Appendix 3 Falsification Tests The dependent variable in column 1 is SUPPLY, percentage of market capitalization available to lend; and in column 2 the dependent variable is ONLOAN, the percentage of market capitalization actually borrowed. The explanatory variables are: RDATE is a dummy equal to one on the record dates. Variables include institutional ownership (INST), concentration of institutional ownership as measured by the Herfindahl index (INST CONC), the natural log of market capitalization (SIZE), book to market (BM), stock turnover (TURNOVER), bid-ask spread (SPREAD), a small firm dummy (PRICE<$5), and a governance index (GOV41). Short-Term Mom and Long-Term Mom are defined as the cumulative returns in the previous 5 and 252 days, respectively. Hedging Demand is defined as the equal-weighted cumulative return in the past 252 days of related firms with the same four-digit-GICS industry classification. All regressions include quarterly time-effects and robust standard errors clustered at the firm-level, presented in parentheses. *** (**,*) indicates significance at the 1% (5%, 10%) level. Explanatory Variable RDATE INST INST CONC SIZE BM TURNOVER SPREAD PRICE < $5 GOV41 Short-Term Mom Long- Term Mom Hedging Demand (1) (2) SUPPLY ONLOAN -1.623*** (-44.705) 21.173*** (24.094) -23.497*** (-9.094) 1.146*** (5.389) 0.298** (1.961) 0.076** (2.538) -0.129*** (-3.284) 0.480** (2.372) 1.680 (0.891) -0.021*** (0.001) 0.003* (0.002) 0.243 (0.247) 0.085*** (0.010) 11.885*** (0.609) -1.438 (1.530) 0.313** (0.137) 0.096 (0.103) 0.366*** (0.023) -0.043* (0.023) -0.510*** (0.137) -8.833*** (1.182) -0.004*** (0.001) -0.003*** (0.001) -0.026*** (0.010) Yes Yes Yes Yes 3,053 0.905 3,053 0.779 Time FE Firm FE Number of firms Adjusted R-squared 67