Isolation, description, inheritance, associated traits and possible uses of three barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) starch mutants by Tae Young Chung A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philosphy in Crop and Soil Science Montana State University © Copyright by Tae Young Chung (1982) Abstract: Two barley pericarp starch mutants that retained starch in the pericarp layer at maturity and one barley endosperm mutant, designated "fractured" starch in which the endosperm consisted of angular, and what appeared to be fractured starch granules, were identified, the inheritance determined, and the characters associated with these mutants , and uses related to the human consumption determined. All the mutants were inherited as single recessive genes and the fractured starch mutant expressed xenia. The symbols per 1and per 2 for the pericarp starch mutant 1 (Pernubet I) and 2 (Pernubet 2) genes and fra for fractured starch gene (Franubet) were assigned. The linkage relationship between starch mutants and translocation breakpoints were determined using the translocation homozygote lethal stocks and the per 1, per 2 and fra genes were located in chromosomes 1, 7 and 4, respectively. Small seed size was in common for all three mutants. Fewer kernels per spike, high tillering ability, high lysine content and low ß-glucan viscosity were associated with the fractured starch mutant. Most of the viscous substances appeared to be synthesized near physiological maturity of the kernel. The waxy endosperm genotype had significantly higher ß-glucan viscosity and fractured starch mutant had significantly lower than their parent Nubet isotype. The flour yield of Franubet was much greater than that of Nubet and this appeared to be associated with lower ß-glucan viscosity. The kernels of waxy endosperm and hulless genotypes pearled slower than that of their parent isolines, though the pearling indexes were effected by the sample size charged, moisture content of the kernel and pearling times. For the comparisons of genotype differences at the optimum pearling index a method of adjusting pearling index with the ash content was developed. No pronounced differences were observed between Nubet and starch mutant diets on the gain per day, feed consumption, or digestible energy in a rat feeding trial and energy balance study. ISOLATION, DESCRIPTION, INHERITANCE, ASSOCIATED TRAITS AND POSSIBLE USES OF THREE BARLEY Qlordeum vulgare L.) STARCH MUTANTS by TAE YOUNG CHUNG A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Crop and Soil Science Approved: Chairman, Examining Committee Head, M yor Department Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March, 1982 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I express my deepest appreciation and thanks to the following people. Professor R. F. Eslick for his support, encouragement, and guidance while serving as my major professor, and for imparting his professional philosophies to the Korean barley breeding program. Dr. C. F. McGuire for unselfishly giving his time and energy in support o f my thesis and for providing the laboratory equipment. Dr. R. L. Ditterline, Dr. G. A. Taylor, Dr. C. W. Newman and Dr. L. R. Erickson for their professionalism, contributions to these studies and for serving on my graduate committee. My fellow barley graduate students, Mr. D. R. Biggerstaff, Mr. P. L. Bruckner, Mrs. C. Fastnaught, Dr. G. J. Fox, Mr. D. Hadley and Dr. V. W. Small for their friendship and assistance through the past three years. My fellow barley breeders, Dr. Y. S. Ham, Dr. E. S. Lee, Mr. D. H. Chung and other members working at the Barley and Wheat Research Insti­ tute in Korea for supporting my personal work. Dr. R. T. Ramage and Dr. W. McProud for encouragement, guidance and friendship. My father, Hae Taek, my mother, Jong Soon and my brothers for love, encourage­ ment and support throughout my life. Hyo Hwan, my wife, for her love, sacrifice, encour­ agement and typing. TABLE OF CONTENTS Zee VITA............. ................. ......................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................ .............................................. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS........... .................................................. ................................... iv LIST OF TABLES..................... ................... ........................................................................ vi LIST OF FIGURES................................ .......................... .................................................... ix ABSTRACT .......................................................... ............... ............................ xi Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... I 2 LITERATURE REVIEW................... 2 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS.......................... Inheritances and Linkages of Starch M u tan ts................................................. Description o f M utants............................................................................... AUelism of M utants....................................................... Inheritance of M utants.................................................................... Linkage.................................................. Characters Associated with Starch M utants....................................... Yield and Yield Components......................................................................... Proximate Analysis and Amino Acid C o n ten ts........... ............................... P-Glucan Viscosity, Amylose Content and Brabender Viscoamylogram.............................................. Water Absorption o f Grain and Pearled G rain........... ................................ Use o f Starch M utants......................................................................................... MUling............................................................................... Factors Affecting Pearling Index and Pearling Rate........... ........................ Rat Feeding Trial ................................................................................... 27 27 27 28 29 29 32 32 33 35 36 37 37 38 40 #- 4 RESULT.............................................. Inheritances and Linkages o f Starch M u tan ts................................................ Description o f M utants......................................................... 42 42 42 V Page Allelism of M utants.............................................................................. Inheritance o f M utants........................................................... Linkage............................................................................................................. Characters Associated with Starch M utants.................................................... Yield and Yield Components........................................................................ Proximate Analysis and Amino Acid C o n ten ts...................... ................... (J-Glucan Viscosity, Amylose Content and Brabender Viscoamylogram................................................ Water Absorption o f Grain and Pearled G rain............................................. Use o f Starch M utants......................................................................................... Milling......................................................... Factors Affecting Pearling Index and Pearling Rate............. ..................... Rat Feeding T r ia l......................................................................... 42 48 50 56 56 60 66 72 76 76 89 103 5 DISCUSSION ......... .................................................................. Inheritances and Linkages of Starch M u tan ts....................................................106 Characters Associated with Starch M utants................................................... 112 Use o f Starch Mutants........................ 116 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS...................... LITERATURE CITED ................................................................... 124 1 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1. Description of translocations utilized to establish hulless tester stocks o f translocation homozygote lethals.......................................... ........ 31 3- 2. Growing conditions o f barley starch mutants used for analysis......................... 34 4- 1. Sources of barley starch mutants, gene symbols and mutation r a te s .............................................................................................................................. 43 4-2. Phenotypic appearance of a F 1 diallel cross among pericarp starch mutants in b a rle y ............................................................................................. 47 4-3. Segregation ratios of barley starch mutants phenotypes........................................ 49 4-4. Linkage recombinations between translocation breakpoints involving chromosome I and naked and short awn gene from F a segregations of barley translocation homozygote lethals .................................. SI 4-5. F 1 segregations of pericarp starch m utant I crossed with translocation homozygote lethals and their linkage recombination values............................................................................... 52 4-6. F 1 segregations o f pericarp starch mutant 2 crossed with translocation homozygote lethals and their linkage recombination values.................................................................. 54 4-7. F 1 segregations o f fractured starch m utant crossed with translocation homozygote lethals and their linkage recombination values........... ........................................................................ 55 4-8. Average yield and yield components o f barley starch mutants tested in 3 environments with 4 replications............................................................ 57 4-9. Analysis o f variances for yield trials o f barley starch mutants tested in 3 environments with 4 replications............................................................ 58 4-10. Proximate analysis of grains from barley starch mutants grown in several environments (Dry m atter basis)................................................... 61 vii Table Page 4-11. Average amino acid contents o f grain o f fractured starch m utant (Franubet) compared to Nubet, from samples grown in 4 environments........................................................................................................ 67 4-12. Amylose content, gelatinization temperature and amylograph paste viscosity data o f Buhler milled flours prepared from barley starch m u ta n ts.................................................................................................. 71 4-13. Average water absorbed by grain and pearled grain o f barley starch mutants grown in several environments for different steep times at room tem perature................................................................................ 74 4-14. Analyses o f variance o f the tempering moisture effects on the Buhler milled fractions for barley starch m u tan ts............................................ 78 4-15. Protein, ash and starch content and 0-glucan viscosity of milled fractions from barley starch m u ta n ts............................................................ 83 4-16. Phenotypic (P)1genotypic (G) and environment (E) correlation coefficients among determinations on grain and flour samples from barley starch mutants grown in several environments........................................................................... 95 4-17. Analysis of variance of pearling index o f Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered) for different sample sizes with 2 replications.......................... 92 4-18. Regression and correlation coefficients between pearling index and pearling time for sample sizes o f Betzes and N ubet............................... 93 4-19. Analysis of variance for 2 minutes pearling index as affected by % moisture in grain o f Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered, waxy vs. normal endosperm )........................... 94 4-20. Genotype comparisons o f grain weight and pearling indexes for the isogenic pairs of Compana, Betzes and Titan grown in the different environm ents............................................................................... 95 4-21. Correlation coefficients between kernel weight and pearling index within the isotypes o f Compana, Betzes and T ita n ........... .......................... 96 viii Table Page 4-22. Analysis of variance o f pearling index for successive pearling time increments on Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered, waxy vs. normal endosperm)................................................. ................................... 97 4-23. Proximate analysis of barley starch mutants balanced diets adjusted to 14.5 percent protein.............................................................................. 104 4-24. Average gain/day, feed consumption, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio for rats fed 14.5% isoprotein diets containing barley starch mutants.............................................................................. 104 4-25. Average energy consumption, energy digested and percent digestible energy data from rats fed 14.5% isoprotein diets containing starch m utants......................................................................................... 105 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 4-1. Grain appearance o f barley pericarp starch mutants and photomicrographs o f outside layers o f the seed, stained with iodine so lu tio n .................................................................................................... 44 4-2. Photographs of cross sections o f the grain o f Franubet and Nubet on a light table and photomicrographs o f their starch granules.......................................................................................... 46 4-3. Graphic representation o f yield and yield component interactions o f barley starch mutants with the environments................................................................................................................. 59 4-4. Changes o f starch content in the pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m u ta n ts.......................... 62 4-5. Changes o f ash content in the pearled offal fractions of barley starch m u ta n ts.................................................................................................. 64 4-6. Changes o f protein content in the pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m u ta n ts........................ 65 4-7. Mean 0-glucan viscosity o f grain and pearled offal fractions o f barley starch mutants grown in several environments........... ..................... 68 4-8. Changes of 0-glucan viscosity as the grain o f Nubet and Franubet developed...................................................................................................... 70 4-9. Brabender amylograms o f Buhler milled flours obtained from barley starch mutants, with and without HgCl3 added.................................. 73 4-10. Relationship o f water absorption to steeping time of the grain and pearled grain o f barley starch mutants, mean o f several environments..................................................... 75 4-11. Tempering moisture effects to Buhler milled fractions (Average o f Pemubet I, Franubet and Nubet with 2 replications)................................................................................................................ 77 X Figure Page 4-12. Ash and protein content o f Buhler milled fractions as effected by tempering moisture (Average o f Pemubet I , Franubet and N u bet)............................................................................ ...................... 80 4-13. Comparisons of average percent recovery and Buhler milled fractions for barley starch mutants grown in several environments......... ................................................ ..................... ............... .... 81 4-14. Relationships of grain protein determined by UDY and Kjeldahl method to flour yield among barley starch mutants grown in several environments.................... ................................................ 87 4-15. Relationship o f grain 0-glucan viscosity to flour yield among barley starch mutants grown in several environments................................ 88 4-16. Relationship o f pearling index to sample size and pearling time determined on the hulless and covered isotypes of Betzes (Average o f 2 replications)................................. 90 4-17. Relationship o f pearling index determined at 2 minutes to the percent moisture in grain o f Betzes isotypes.................. ........................... . . . 4-18. Relationship o f pearling index to iso types (hulless vs. covered, and waxy vs. normal endosperm) and pearling times in Betzes barley......... .................................. 91 98 4-19. Relationship o f pearling index to ash content o f pearled grain o f Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered, and waxy vs. normal endosperm)...................................................................................................... 100 4-20. Comparisons o f linear relationship between pearling index and pearling time among barley starch mutants grown in several environments................................................................................................... 101 4-21. Relationship o f ash content to pearling index o f barley starch mutants grown in several environments...................................; .............................. 102 xi ABSTRACT Two barley pericarp starch mutants that retained starch in the pericarp layer at maturity and one barley endosperm m utant, designated “fractured” starch in which the endosperm consisted o f angular, and what appeared to be fractured starch granules, were identified, the inheritance determined, and the characters associated with these mutants and uses related to the human consumption determined. All the mutants were inherited as single recessive genes and the fractured starch m utant expressed xenia. The symbols per I and per 2 for the pericarp starch m utant I (Pemubet I) and 2 (Pemubet 2) genes and/ra for fractured starch gene (Franubet) were assigned. The linkage relationship between starch mutants and translocation breakpoints were determined using the translocation homozy­ gote lethal stocks and the per I, per 2 and fra genes were located in chromosomes 1 , 7 and 4, respectively. i Small seed size was in common for all three mutants. Fewer kernels per spike, high tillering ability, high lysine content and low 0-glucan viscosity were associated with the fractured starch mutant. Most o f the viscous substances appeared to be synthesized near physiological maturity o f the kernel. The waxy endosperm genotype had significantly higher 0-glucan viscosity and fractured starch m utant had significantly lower than their parent Nubet isotype. The flour yield o f Franubet was much greater than that o f Nubet and this appeared to be associated with lower 0-glucan viscosity. The kernels o f waxy endosperm and hulless genotypes pearled slower than that of their parent isolines, though the pearling indexes were effected by the sample size charged, moisture content o f the kernel and pearling times. For the comparisons o f genotype differ­ ences at the optimum pearling index a method of adjusting pearling index with the ash content was developed. No pronounced differences were observed between Nubet and starch m utant diets on the gain per day, feed consumption, or digestible energy in a rat feeding trial and energy balance study. , Chapter I INTRODUCTION Alternative uses o f barley include industrial utilization, food, feed and malting. Researchers at Montana State University are working to improve the cash return from bar­ ley production. The objectives o f this project are to increase the usage o f barley and barley products for human consumption with quality acceptable to the consumer. Korea has traditionally used barley as a food, but the consumption o f barley has been declining drastically. This reduction in barley consumption is due to recent substantial gains in rice production and consumption. The reason for this replacement in Korean diets is that the rice grain is considered to be more palatable, attractive, and convenient than pearled barley. The purpose o f this study was an attem pt to find a barley m utant which would be more like rice. The characters related to the industrial, food and feed uses, and inheritance of new induced barley mutants were investigated. Although this study did not develop a barley with acceptable cooking quality for the Korean consumer these results may contribute to finding a barley more nearly like rice. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Chemical Mutagenesis Induced mutations are a suitable breeding method when new or specific breeding ob­ jectives are to be realized. It is a method which enlarges the genetic variability o f a crop and may produce new, suitable forms necessary for attaining distinct breeding objectives. It has become one o f several valuable tools in varietal improvement o f barley and is becom­ ing increasingly important (Scholz, 1971). Its importance is demonstrated, especially in barley, by the release of new, improved commercial varieties. According to Sigurbjoemsson (1975), 36 barley varieties were released between 1962 and 1975. AU these varieties were by direct mutation or from crossing a m utant with other cultivars or lines. A number of chemical mutagens are available to induce point mutations. O f these agents only a few are reafly useful for inducing mutations in cultivated plants, and most o f these are alkylating agents. Nilan (1964) stated that diethyl sulfate was one o f the most important mutagens for barley. With appropriate treatments, diethyl sulfate induced negli­ gible frequencies of chromosome aberration, very little physiological iiyury and a higher proportion o f viridis than albino chlorophyU seedling mutants. They suggested that muta­ gen concentration, treatment duration, pH, temperature during treatment, oxygen supply, seed-size and caryopsis type are the important factors influencing the deleterious side effects and mutation rates. Nilan also reported that type o f treatm ent is more important than concentration in reducing deleterious side effects and increasing the mutagenic effec­ tiveness. Soaking barley in 0.01M diethyl sulfate solution for 6 hours was recommended. 3 Nilan et al. (1963) also suggested a buffered solution at pH 7.0, a temperature of IOC during treatment, and adequate oxygen supply to induce higher mutation frequen­ cies with less physiological iiy'ury. Small seeds and hulless seed treated for the same length o f time as large seeds or hulled seeds showed more physiological damage and significantly higher mutation frequencies. Heiner (1963) found that the ethyl group o f diethyl sulfate preferentially reacted with guanine of DNA to induce mutations in barley. Translocation Since barley translocations were found by Smith (1941), they have been used as a tool for special cytological studies and offer enormous potential for plant breeders to engage in chromosome engineering (Ramage, 1963). Bumham (1962) described a method using translocations to test for the indepen­ dence o f barley linkage groups. Kramer et al. (1954), using translocation-gene linkages and F t meiotic configurations of translocation intercrosses, concluded that two linkage groups (linkage groups III and VII) were carried by the same chromosome (chromosome I). The Fourth American Barley Research Workers Conference adopted a system o f designating the chromosomes and the linkage groups. In this system, Arabic numbers I through 7 are used to designate chromosomes and linkage groups. Extensive genetic data have been compiled using this system and published at regular intervals (Nilan, 1964; Robertson, 1967; Robert­ son, 1971). Barley translocations have been used by a number o f workers to assign new mutants to specific chromosomes and to test linkages. Homozygous translocations have little or no 4 ' effect on the phenotype o f barley though they may alter linkage groups and chromosome morphology (Burnham, 1962). Heterozygous translocations are phenotypically recognized by semisterility as a result o f aborted spores. The aborted spores are caused by deficiencies and duplications o f a chromosome segment resulting from adjacent disjunction (Ramage, 1963). Pollen and ovule abortion were higher than 50% in heterzygous translocations of com (Burnham, 1962). Barley translocations, however, averaged about 25% in the ovule and 29% in pollen. Abortion was mainly due to an excess o f alternate disjunctions. When crossing-over in the interstitial segments is followed by alternate disjunction, these crossedover chromatids in spores are deficient in genetic information and abort. An important consequence o f this excess alternate disjunction in barley is that very few recombinants are recovered from genes occurring between the centromeres and breakpoints o f trans­ locations (Ramage, 1963). Hanson (1952), as cited by Burnham (1962), reported the pattern o f crossing-over reduction in the interstitial segment using linkage data obtained with three known markers (K, Lg3, b l) in barley chromosome 4 and three translocations (T2-4a, T3-4a, T4-5a) involving this chromosome. Ramage (1966) also reported that 13 translocations involving chromosome 2 were tested against the male sterility gene, msg 2. The range o f recombination values were 0 to 2 units in the interstitial segment. Therefore, the pattern o f crossing-over reduction in the interstitial segment furnished the position o f the centromere and the linkage data provided the distance between the centromere and markers (msg 2). 5 When an individual heterozygote for a translocation and for a gene pair is selfed, four phenotypic classes can be recognized in the F 1 generation. These classes are, semisterile dominant and recessive, and fertile dominant and recessive. Either of the semisterile classes on fertile classes provides two measurements o f linkage information. The semisterilerecessive zygotes arise from the union o f a recombinant and a nonrecombinant gamete. Normal-recessive and homozygous translocation recessive zygotes arise from the union of two nonrecombinant or two recombinant gametes. Therefore, the recessive classes give more information about linkage per individual than the dominant classes (Tuleen, 1971). If homozygous translocation recessive and normal recessive classes can be determined, the amount o f recombination information will be maximized. Root-tip squashes or a test cross method were suggested to determine the homozygous translocations (Burnham, 1962; Tuleen, 1971). Since a translocation involves an exchange o f pieces between two non-homologous chromosomes, the linkage obtained is evidence for the location o f assigned gene actions in either or both chromosomes. Therefore, linkage information may provide ‘pseudo­ linkage’ between genes and one o f the chromosomes involved in the translocation. To determine which of these possibilities is true, a test must be made with an additional trans­ location involving a break-point at nearly the same locus in one o f the chromosomes or the other breakpoint in this additional translocation being in% different chromosome (Bumham and Cartledge, 1939). All possible combinations (21) o f translocated chromosomes have been isolated. The recommended designations o f translocations along with the break-position, and recombi­ 6 nation values o f genes and breakpoints in heterozygous translocations have been sum­ marized (Ramage et al., 1961; Ramage and Suneson, 1961; Hagberg et al., 1978). A translocation tester set involving seven barley chromosomes has been used exten­ sively to identify the various gene locations and as a source o f marker genes. Genes conditioning shrunken endosperm (Jarvi and Eslick, 1975; Ullrich and Eslick, 1978), male sterile (Eslick et al., 1972), seedling lethal (Rahman and Eslick, 1975), erectoid (Bockelman and Eslick, 1977), scald resistance (Bockelman et al., 1978) and high amylose gene (Ullrich and Eslick, 1978) have been identified along with associated linkage groups. The balanced male sterile-translocation system with dominant preflowering selec­ tive genes was proposed to produce the female stocks in commercial hybrid seed produc­ tion. Eslick (1971) suggested that translocations created the necessary linkages which is one o f the problems in previous hybrid systems. The utilization of translocation homozygote lethals were initially proposed by Eslick (1972) as a useful breeding tool. The possible advantages o f these translocation homozy­ gote lethals are (I) maintaining recessive male steriles and albino genes or other lethals in a heterozygous stock without roguing homozygous dominant plants, (2) developing balanced male sterile stocks, (3) increasing precision o f linkage studies and eliminating the root-tip squash method o r test cross for identifying homozygous translocations, (4) trans­ ferring desirable genes to a recurrent parent without d is k in g characteristics which may require expensive o r tedious laboratory work (Biggerstaff and Eslick, 1978). Kernel Structure and Mutants The barley grain o f covered cultivars consists o f hull, pericarp, integuments, endo­ sperm and embryo. As the barley ripens the hull and pericarp becomes firmly attached to 7 the wall of the kernel. The structure and adherence o f hull are important characteristics for germinating grain in the malting process. The adhering hull protects the seedling from mechanical damage, and restricts excessive seedling growth without affecting the desirable enzymic degradation (Pomeranz and Bechtel, 1978). According to Reid and Wiebe (1979), naked caryopsis (hulless kernels) are fre­ quently found as a result o f natural mutation, especially in primitive mountainous areas where barley is used for human food. Nilan (1964), in his genetic review o f barley, noted that naked caryopsis n is controlled by a single recessive gene. It is located on the long arm o f chromosome I. Eslick et al. (1972), from the three point linkage tests, indicated that the n gene is located between I k i (short-awn) and msg 10 (male-sterile) and the recombination values between msg 10 and n, n and I k it and msg 10 and I k i were 7.2, 7.9, and 14.7 units, respectively. Since translocation data indicated that the msg 10 locus is located very near the centromere region, the n gene is probably located 7.2 units from the centromere in the long arm o f chromosome I. Isogenic analysis o f the covered and naked caryopsis isotypes developed with differ­ ent varietal backgrounds revealed that the average yield reduction in a wide range o f envi­ ronments by naked caryopsis was 12%. It was concluded that the kernel weight and yield reductions of naked barley are probably proportional t ^ t h e weight of the hulls (8-16% of the kernel weight) (Eslick, 1979). Since the hulls o f naked barley are easily separated from the caryopsis during the threshing process, the proportion o f the seed components changes accordingly. The protein, starch, and fat concentration o f the seed increase due to the reduction in the crude fiber represented by the hulls (Newman et al., 1968). 8 It was suggested that the advantages o f hulless barley to the end user are (I ) 30% less storage space, (2) superior by-products from processing, (3) reduced energy require­ ments for syrup or starch production, (4) 12% less weight to transport, and (5) for the plant breeder, rapid visual selection for potentially important biochemical mutants (Eslick, 1979). The pericarp consists o f the epidermis, hypodermis, cross cells, and tube cells. The remaining tissues o f the grain are seed coat nucellar tissue and endosperm (Pomeranz and Bechtel, 1978). During kernel maturation, large numbers o f small, spherical starch granules were detected in the pericarp o f barley kernels shortly after anthesis. These granules were very quickly digested by the alpha-amylase present in the pericarp and 15 days after anthesis no pericarp starch remained in the kernels. It was suggested that the function o f the alphaamylase is to hydrolyse the pericarp starch to provide energy for the growing kernel (MacGregor et al., 1972). To facilitate a study o f various tissues in small grains a staining procedure was devel­ oped for use in conjunction with a Strong-Scott barley pearler (Scheming and Rooney, 1979). May-Grunwald solution (0.5 methylene blue and 0.5% eosin-Y in methanol) stained the germ, pericarp, and starchy endosperm o f sorghum blue, green, and pink, respectively. The method was suggested for use in studying pearled graiS The aleurone layer consists o f large rectangular, heavy walled starch free cells. Botanically the aleurone is the outer layer o f the endosperm (Pomeranz and Bechtel, 1978). It has been suggested that the aleurone layer is a specialized secreting tissue situated at the periphery o f the starch endosperm in seeds. During germination, extensive degradation of 9 the aleurone cell wall under the action o f gibberellic acid stimulation supports the enzyme releasing function (Taiz and Jones, 1970). The proportion o f aleurone was estimated to be 6.9% o f whole grain in covered barley and to contain 21.5% o f the protein (Novacek et al., 1966). Endosperm Starch and Mutants Starch consists o f two distinct molecular forms o f polymerized glucose molecules, amylose; a linear homopolysaccharide, and amylopectin; a branched homopolysaccharide. Amylose is composed o f alpha-D-glucose units with alpha-1, 4 linkage and the amylopectin is composed o f alpha-D-glucose units linked in straight chains by alpha-1, 4 with branch points being alpha-1, 6 linkages. A typical cereal starch consists o f 75% amylopectin and 25% amylose (Banks and Greenwood, 1975). Goering et al. (1957) found that the amylose content of starch in 30 samples o f Compana barley range from 19 to 25% on a dry basis. In 44 different varieties o f barley, amylose content varied from 13 to 24% o f the total starch, illustrating that inherent differ­ ences exist in amylose to amylopectin ratios. Scanning electron microscopy has revealed principally two sizes large round to oval types over 25/im in size and small starch granules about 5 pm, both embedded in a matrix o f reserve protein in barley endosperm (Pomeranz, 1974). Since the cereal starch granule is formed within the plastid which controls shape and structure, most cereal starch granules are single spherulitic structures. However, one plastid may give rise to a multiplicity o f nuclei, and subsequently compound granules are formed (Banks and Greenwood, 1975). The starch granules o f rice and wrinkled-seeded peas are 10 compound and fairly angular as illustrated by electron microscopic photographs. Those starch granules are complex and exhibit a central cavity (Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Juliano et al., 1975). Williams and Duffus (1977) showed the development o f the amyloplast in the barley endosperm. A t two days after anthesis amyloplasts could be seen in the endosperm, each containing many small starch granules. After this period, some enlarge to become fullsized large granules. By 14 days after anthesis two populations of amyloplast, large and small, appeared, the large being about 11 jim across and the smaller 3 or 4 pm across. A wide varietal range in the ratio o f small to large granules from a minimum o f 5.5:1 to a maximum o f 37:1 on a number basis were reported. Small granules accounted for 6.2 to 30.6% of the total starch weight (Goering et al., 1973b). No substantial differ­ ences were found between large and small starch granules separated from mature barley for % protein, % fat, swelling power, iodine affinity and Brabender cooking viscosity curves indicating that small granules observed in mature barley endosperm are a second discrete population o f starch granules and not immature granules (Goering and DeHaas, 1974). The texture o f cooked rice is determined largely by the amylose/amylopectin ratio o f the starch (Juliano et al., 1964). According to Juliano ( 1979), in a review on rice quality, two attributes of cooked rice commonly measured are tenderness (softness) and cohesive­ ness (stickiness). These are inversely related with amylodt content, especially hot water insoluble amylose content. Amylose content o f milled rice varied from 9 to 33% among the selected samples (550 samples collected from 18 counties). Japonica types, which are acceptable in China, Korea and Japan, showed low to medium amylose content (9-15, 15-20%, respectively). 11 Waxy barley endosperm contains very little (0-3%) amylose and almost 100% amylopectin in the endosperm starches (Goering et al., 1973a). This character can be identified by an iodine reaction on the endosperm and pollen starch grains. Iodine reacts with normal starch producing a deep blue color while the reaction with the waxy starch produces a reddish-brown color (Haus, 1975). Nilan (1964) summarized the genetic studies on the waxy endosperm character. The waxy endosperm gene, wx, is a simply inherited recessive, and normal allele is completely dominant in Wx wx wx and Wx Wx wx endosperm and expresses xenia for the trait. This gene belongs to the chromosome I linkage group and is located on the short arm approxi­ mately 50 recombination units from the centromere. The waxy gene produces no notice­ able gross differences in crop appearance except that it imparts an opaque hue to the grain in contrast to the more vitreous appearance o f normal grain (Eriksson, 1969). The waxy endosperm gene was introduced into established barley cultivars because of the observation that waxy starch is more readily modified by enzymes and chemicals than normal starch (Goering et al., 1973b). Low pasting temperature and easy hydrolysis o f waxy barley allows complete conversion without conventional cooking temperatures and times. By using waxy barley, high maltose syrups (maltose contents were 58 to 66%) were produced in the laboratory and pilot plant (Goering et al., 1980). Waxy endosperm has also been reported in rice, com, and sorghum. Amylodt content and starch properties o f waxy rice, com, and sorghum are similar to the waxy barley (Medcalf, 1973). Waxy rice is high in cohesiveness and very sticky because o f high amylopectin content (Juliano e t a l , 1965). I 12 High amylose endosperm was reported in Glacier barley by Merritt (1967). The amylose content in the endosperm of this m utant was 44% compared to 24% in the original parent. The m utant has been designated as ac 38 and was inherited as a simple recessive. This m utant gene exhibited a dosage effect and also expressed xenia. The gene was assigned to chromosome 2 as determined by the trisomic analysis method in Betzes background (Ullrich and Eslick, 1978). Scanning electron micrographs revealed that high amylose starch granules o f barley formed irregular shapes and were significantly smaller than normal starch granules (Banks and Greenwood, 1975). Two high amylose genes (amylose content 60-70% of starch) were also reported in com. The starch developed in high amylose com has peculiarly shaped granules. Long bulbous granules were found clumped together and surrounded by other types o f granules. High amylose starch has an extremely high gelatinization temperature and is exceedingly resistant to the action o f digestive enzymes (Sandstedt, 1965). Because o f the linear nature of amylose, the high amylose grains are o f commercial interest. The amylose has a number o f potential uses which a branched polymer does not. Linear polymers are particularly suited for film and coating applications. Edible films which are only slightly permeable to gases could be used as containers for foodstuffs and present no waste disposal problems (Medcalf, 1973). Reid and Wiebe (1979) referred to a kernel type iq barley in which the starch was replaced by a sugary liquid. As the seed matured it collapsed and the collapsed seed failed to germinate. Stocks o f this m utant could be maintained as heterozygotes which expressed xenia. 13 Sugary endosperm genes (su I and su 2) high in sucrose were also reported in com. These sugary endosperms stored less starch. Instead, they contained four to ten fold more sugar than normal endosperm types. The additive effects in sucrose content o f su I su 2 genotype were exceedingly small and were largely aggregated into compound granules which are somewhat analogous to wrinkled pea starch (Sandstedt, 1965). Gene interactions o f waxy, high amylose, and sugary endosperm have been studied for starch properties and structure in com. The high amylose gene (ae) and the waxy (wx) were shown to be completely epistatic to high amylose (du) and sugary (su I, su 2) in amy­ lose content. The ae wx genotype had 15% amylose in the endosperm starch (Kramer et al., 1956). The complexity o f the starch granules is increased under the influence o f two or more homozygous recessive genes. The combination o f high amylose (ae) and the sugary (su I) genes produces a mixture o f many kinds o f granules. Some were made up o f many exceedingly small blue staining particles (some o f which were birefringent) embedded in a red staining and nonbirefringent matrix (Sandstedt, 1965). Protein Synthesis and Mutants As a percentage o f the tissue, protein is highest in the embryo, next highest in the bran, and lowest in the endosperm. Protein stored in the endosperm is inversely related to - ! carbohydrate content. High protein content in grain is therefore at the expense o f stored starch (Canvin, 1976). 14 Sixty-five generations o f continuous selection o f com for high and low crude protein extended the upper level to 25% and the lower level to 4%. Yield capacity and seed size, however, were depressed in high protein selections (Dudley and Lambert, 1969). Johnson et al. (1969) suggested that a single genotype o f wheat could produce grain varying from as low as 8% protein to as high as 18% depending on the environment in which it is grown. The environment affects protein content o f grain to a greater extent than the genetic system and these two effects are difficult to separate (Johnson et al., 1969). Barley cultivars responded differently in grain protein content to increasing levels of nitrogen application. Malting barley cultivars showed a remarkable increase in protein con­ tent, however, very little change occurred in Hiproly and C L 4362 (McGuire et al., 1979). The endosperm protein consists o f high amounts o f glutamic acid and proline while glycine, valine, and arginine are much lower in the endosperm compared to embryo and aleurone protein. The protein in the germ and aleurone cells contain considerably more o f the essential amino acids, arginine, histidine, lysine, methionine, threonine, and valine (Munck, 1972). Since the opaque-2 endosperms in com which had a different amino acid pattern and 69% more lysine than the normal com , intensive investigations have been done to find high lysine mutants in various crops (Mertz, 1976). The high-lysine barley, Hiproly, o f Ethiopian origin, isolated from the world barley collection (Munck et al., 1970) and the mutant Ris^ 1508, produced by chemical mutation (Ingverson, 1975), contain significantly higher lysine (Hiproly, 30% and Ristf 1508, 45%) than their parents. The mode of inheritance o f the high lysine trait o f Hiproly and Ristf 1508 were determined to be a single recessive (Munck et al., 1970; Doll, 1973). 15 From the study o f classical Osbome protein fractions in these mutants during the grain filling period, it was found that high lysine in Ris^ 1508 derived from Bomi is due to the depression of hordein synthesis. The albumin fraction in normal barley is synthesized early in grain development, whereas hordein, glutelin and globulin are synthesized from I O days after fertilization until maturity. The high lysine mutants, on the other hand, showed a remarkable depression of hordein and globulin synthesis with increasing albumin (Cameron-Mills et al., 1979). Jarvi and Eslick (1975) and Ullrich (1978) identified six and eight shrunken endo­ sperm lines and found that the mutants contained high lysine. The high lysine traits are controlled by single recessive genes and some o f them expressed xenia. AU of the mutants including Hiproly and Ris^ 1508 showed lower grain yield and test weight because of shrunken endosperms. Linkage or pleiotropy between high lysine and shrunken endosperm are assumed because the association appears to be quite general in barley. g-Glucan Viscosity and Brabender Viscosity Gums extracted from raw barley and malt with warm water have presented problems in the brewing industry by causing increased viscosity and filtration problems in the sweet wort. In the finished beer the remaining high molecular weight substances originating from barley gums influence quality. They raise the viscosity and improve the foam stability of beer. Gums from barley, malt, and wort were hydrolysized to glucose, arabinose, and xylose with acid (Djurtoff, 1958). Scott (1972) found that most o f the specific viscosity o f worts was contributed by 0-glucan. The viscosity o f the worts due to other components remained constant among varieties. 16 P-Glucan is a general name for all non-cellulose compounds o f two or more glucose molecules linked together in the 0-configuration (Bourne and Pierce, 1972). The barley 0-glucans are essentially linear molecules containing both 0 -1 ,4 and 0-1,3 glucosidic link­ age which are randomly arranged (Preece and MacKenzie, 1952; Igarashi and Sakurai, 1965). Most methods o f 0-glucan extraction methods are based on precipitation from aqueous extracts (Bourne and Pierce, 1972). If only the hot water soluble gums are extracted, the 0-glucan estimates tend to be low. Estimates increase if both water soluble and insoluble fraction are extracted using strong acid or basic solutions (Forrest and Wainwright, 1977). For breeding purposes, a rapid viscosity method for estimating 0-glucan has been developed (Greenberg and Whitmore, 1974; Morgan and Gothard, 1977; Morgan, 1977). The amount o f 0-glucan is not measured directly, but is estimated by the amount o f vis­ cosity produced by an extract. Greenberg (1974) found that extract viscosity was closely related to actual 0-glucan content in a logarithmic fashion, with a correlation coefficient o f 0.89. 0-Glucan is believed to be situated mostly in the endosperm as a part of the cell walls and material surrounding the starch granules (Bourne and Pierce, 1972). It was sug­ gested that the 0-glucans were contained in the barley aleurone cell walls (Taiz and Jones, 1970), however, McNeil and Albersheim (1975) found that the aleurone cell walls are composed o f arabinoxylan and cellulose. Fulcher et al. (1977) suggested that the main 0-glucan deposition is at the sub-aleurone cell walls that are immediately adjacent to the aleurone layer. Fluorescent microscopic photographs illustrated considerably more sub-aleurone cell wall than the remainder o f the endosperm and these sub-aleurone cell 17 walls contained extensive deposition o f aniline-blue positive material indicating 0-glucan deposition (Fulcher et al., 1977; Wood and Fulcher, 1978). Gohl et al. (1977) showed the distribution o f the viscosity within the matured barley kernel using pearled fractions. The layer between the bran and the center of the kernel revealed the highest viscosity. The pentosan and hemicellulose content also influence viscosity (Bourne and Pierce, 1972). The materials extracted by a 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution from cereal grains after removal o f starch and gum, are hemicelluloses. Two types o f hemicel­ lulose, a husk type and an endosperm type were obtained. The husk type was found to have a low viscosity and the endosperm type was high in viscosity. Current thinking is that gums and hemicellulose are all derived from the same basic source and pure extraction is difficult (Forrest and Wainwright, 1977). Varietal differences in /!-glucan concentration was reviewed by Bourne and Pierce (1972). Hot and dry growing conditions increase the glucan concentration and wet grow­ ing conditions appear to favor low viscosity. Varietal differences, however, remain in the same order. In an isogenic study on barley viscosity, using caryopsis type, waxy endosperm and short awn genes and their normal counterparts, Fox (1981) detected a significant differ­ ence in extract viscosity among genotypes. Naked, short awn and waxy recessive genotypes were higher in viscosity than their parents. Three recessive double recombination types were higher in viscosity indicating additive gene action among those genotypes for g-glucan viscosity o f the grain. Intensive studies on the Brabender cooking viscosities have been done with barley flours and starches to evaluate the starch and flour characteristics. Goering et al. (1970) 18 observed some genetic differences for cooking viscosity among starches from 12 barley genotypes. In general, the hulless varieties have a higher paste viscosity than the covered types. Some varietal differences were also determined. Starch from Nupana showed the highest viscosity and Titan the lowest. Paste gelatinization temperatures were similar among non-waxy cultivars. Starch from the waxy genotypes has been compared to starch from normal geno­ types (Goering et al., 1973a). Waxy starches showed higher pasting peak at about a 20 C lower temperature, had more granule instability and very little setback on cooling com­ pared to their normal starch counterparts. Small and large starch granules isolated from 3 different barley isogenics including high amylose, waxy and high lysine isotypes with their derived lines were investigated for starch properties (Goering et al., 1975). No sig­ nificant difference of the Brabender cooking curves between small and large starch gran­ ules was found. These results indicated a similar stability for small starch granules com­ pared to large granules during cooking. Cooking viscosity curves o f barley flours were similar to the starch curves for geno­ type differences. Maximum viscosities, however, are relatively lower than starch viscosities (Goering et al., 1980). Brabender amylographs have been used to determine gelatinization temperature on milled rice flour and rice starch and as a means to index eating quality o f rice. Correlation studies indicated that peak viscosity and setback characteristics on the amylogram were related to palatability, stickiness and amylose content among the Japonica and Indica types. The preferred rice in Japan has high peak viscosity, low temperature to attain peak viscosity and greater breakdown (setback). The variation o f gelatinization temperatures of 19 the acceptable rice varieties has been shown to be from 55 C-79 C with 65-68 C as the preferred range (Suzuki, 1979). Water Absorption of Starch Mutants According to Pratt (1964), water uptake by wheat flour is influenced by the protein and starch content in the flour with only minor influences caused by the other constitu­ ents, such as dextrins, pentosans and cellulose. Sorum (1977) reported the alkaline water retention capacities (AWRC) of barley flour. High water retention capacity was found in barley flours compared to wheat flours. The swelling properties o f starch are due to the contribution o f the hydroxylated nature o f the D-glucose molecules, the large molecular size o f the constituent polymers, and the granular form itself (Medcalf, 1973). Swelling power of waxy starch granules extracted from the waxy isogenic pairs o f Compana and Oderbrucker were compared to the normal starch granules. Waxy starch showed higher swelling power than starch from the normal isotypes (Goering et al., 1973a). An excellent review on the water absorption of barley grain was reported by Brookes et al. (1976). Positive correlation between starch content and velocity o f water uptake and an inverse relationship between nitrogen content and imbibition rate was reported. The surface layers o f the barley kernel are the principle barriers to water entry. The pericarp and testa are the major organs for regulating water entry. Variation o f temper­ ature during imbibition influences the rate o f water uptake by the barley seed. All barleys, however, have a similar temperature coefficient o f imbibition. 20 Briggs (1978) reported smaller kernels take up moisture faster and to a higher final level than larger kernels. Genotype differences for the water uptake were observed using Compana iso types (Bruckner, 1981). Naked and waxy isotypes were found to take up water faster than normal iso types in a 48 hour, 20 C, unaerated steep. Barley Milling The purpose of modem flour milling in wheat is to separate the bran and germ from the endosperm, and to reduce the size of the endosperm particles through a series of mill­ ing steps. Bran and germ are deleterious in baking performance and may be less digestible. Flour extraction is defined as the proportion of flour by weight, obtained by milling a known quantity o f wheat. It has been used as an index o f the overall efficiency o f a flour milling enterprise. Since the ash content at a given flour extraction varies within a narrow range, ash % has been used as an indicator o f flour mill performance. As extraction increases, ash content o f the flour increases. Percent ash in the flour reflects the efficiency o f separation o f bran from endosperm (Pomeranz, 1971). Pomeranz et al. (1971) described a method for milling barley to increase the flour extraction up to 65 percent. The barley was tempered for 30 minutes with 0.5% water added before milling, red dog and shorts were reground on an alpine mill and sifted through a 100 xx sieve, and the throughs, called tailings flour, were mixed with patent flour. McGuire (1979) developed the Buhler milling process for barley changing several steps o f the wheat milling method to extract suitable flour from covered and naked barley. Barley was tempered to 13% moisture for 30 minutes before milling and the 145 mesh flour sieves were replaced with 88 mesh sieves. Shorts were returned to first break rolls 21 for a second passage through the mill. The feed rate for whole grain to first break was about 75 g/min. Cheigh et al. (1975) tempered naked barley for 48 hours to a moisture level o f 13.5%. An addition o f 0.5% more water prior to flour milling increased the milling effi­ ciency compared to 30 minutes tempering to a 14% moisture level. Sorum (1977) reported that the dry milling of barley produced higher average flour extraction without increasing significantly the ash content in the flour over milling tempered barley. Because o f the soft woolly nature o f the barley endosperm, too long and high moisture tempering tend to produce crushed or flaked barley at the first break roll (McGuire, 1979). Flour extraction o f barley varied between 50 and 74% depending on the milling method applied and upon the samples used (Cheigh et al., 1975; Sorum, 1977). McGuire (1979) found an average extraction o f 65% from Steptoe and a high extraction o f 72.2% from Betzes. Cheigh et al. (1975) indicated that use o f hulless barley cultivars resulted in approxi­ mately 10% greater flour extraction than that from covered barley cultivars, without increasing ash content in the flour. Ash content in the barley flour from milling experiments ranged from 1.23 to 1.98% on a dry basis. Positive relations between whole grain and flour protein (r=0.763**), and whole grain and flour ash (r=0.426**) indicated that the flour characteristics reflected the variability o f the grain among cultivars (McGuire, 1979). 22 The correlation between the ash content o f the flour and crude fiber and Agtron color values indicated that carbohydrate content in the flour increased as ash contents decreased (Pomeranz et al., 1971). Barley Pearling Pot and pearl barley are manufactured by gradually removing the hull and outer portion o f the barley kernel for human food. To produce the highest quality demanded by the consumer, pot and pearl barley must be pearled to remove the coloring m atter asso­ ciated with the bran layers, and the endosperm must be as white as possible. A common type o f pearling machine usually consists o f a cylindrical millstone and a perforated cylin­ der similar to the Strong-Scott barley pearler. The Strong-Scott barley pearler has been used to identify the color o f the aleurone layer and to determine the endosperm texture in grading barley for malting purposes. The Strong-Scott pearler has been proposed as a means of determining kernel hardness in wheat also (Taylor et al., 1939). Various factors thought to affect pearling were investigated for kernel hardness o f wheat (McCluggage, 1943; Kramer and Albrecht, 1948). It was found that the amount of pearled material was linearly related to pearling time and cultivar differences. Soft wheat pearled faster than hard wheat and as pearling time increased the amount o f pearlings increased in both soft and hard wheat. The relationship between pearling time and pearling index was not linear, although curvilinearity was not very pronounced in hard wheat and only for extreme pearling times (McCluggage, 1943; Kramer and Albrecht, 1948). Various speeds o f the pearling stone were examined for pearling intensity. The faster speeds pearled 23 barley faster. Essentially the same amount o f pearlings secured in given varieties with 3 dif­ ferent speeds o f the pearling stone could be obtained by adjusting the pearling time. No significant interactions were detected between speed of the pearling stone, pearling time and kernel hardness (McCluggage, 1943). The amount of sample in the pearling machine affected significantly the amount o f pearlings obtained in a given time. Differences between varieties for any given sample size were essentially the same (McCluggage, 1943; Kramer and Albrecht, 1948). It was also found that the amount o f pearlings was inversely related to the moisture content of wheat (Kramer and Albrecht, 1948). Using a commercial barley process, LeQerc and Garby (1920) indicated that the recovery o f pearled barley and ash content decreased linearly as pearling progressed over time. The edible product, or pot barley, obtained from the third operation, was almost entirely free from the aleurone layer. Seventy-one percent o f the covered barleys was recovered with a 1.44% ash content. The fourth and fifth pearling operation produced pot barleys that were not only whiter, but were practically free from all bran material. Fifty-eight percent and 47% o f pearled barley recovered showed 1.18 and 1.0% ash content (LeQerc and Garby, 1920). Sixty-five percent recovery for pot barley and 35% recovery for pearled barley are generally accepted amounts in the commercial pearling process used in the United States (Geddes, 1951). The factors affecting cooking quality o f boiled barley in Korea appeared to depend upon whiteness and water absorption o f pearled grain. The Korean consumers preferred the white pearled grain. Pearled barley that absorbed more water cooked easier than that which absorbed less water. The whiteness o f pearled barley was linearly related to pearling time and inversely related to pearling index within limited cultivars (Ryu, 1979). Barley Nutritive Value The primary energy source for monogas trie animals is supplied by the cereals. Al­ though barley is similar in chemical composition to com and wheat, its feed value has been considered to be inferior. As barley contains more crude fiber than com and wheat, the hulls o f barley may be responsible for a dilution effect of nutrients in the grain. The inhibitory effects o f barley hulls on nutrient digestion, absorption, and util­ ization o f barley in diets were reported by Larson and Oldfield (1960). A remarkable depression o f weigh gains caused by reduced digestibility o f the energy supplying compo­ nents was found in pig feeding trials. This observation was supported by Gill et al. (1966). Effects o f the hull on pig performance was studied by Newman et al. (1978) using hulless and covered iso types. Gains o f pigs fed hulless Compana were superior to those fed Compana barley. Glacier barley was equal to hulless Glacier. From these results, they sug­ gested that differences may exist in the nutritive value o f hulless barley that are not asso­ ciated with lower crude fiber content. - Using four Betzes iso types, differing in length of awn and caryopsis covering, differ­ ences in nutritional quality traits were tested. The length o f awn was associated with 0-glucan differences in the grain. The presence o f the hull appeared to have a minor influ­ ence on rat performance. True protein digestibility and digestible energy in covered barley was lower than that o f hulless barley in rat feeding trials. The presence o f hulls increased feed consumption and produced poor feed conversion in pigs, bu t the rate o f gain was not 25 changed by the presence o f the hull (Truscott, 1980). In chick diets Andersson et al. (1961) found hulless and covered barleys to be quite similar. Viscous barleys caused a problem termed “ sticky droppings” in poultry, which leads to poor growth and production. This problem can be overcome by water-treatment or the addition o f /3-glucanase to barley. Gohl (1977) discovered that water treatment did not sig­ nificantly affect dry matter, crude protein digestibility or biological value. Water treatment o f barley increased the gains of body weight for rats over those o f untreated barley. Starch disappearance in the gastrointestinal tract differed little between treated and untreated barley. Available energy in grains and purified starch from barleys o f different amylose con­ tent were evaluated in rat and pig feeding trials (Calvert, 1975; Newman, 1979). The waxy gene had no effect on the nutritional value o f barley starch, whereas the high amylose starch from high amylose Glacier appeared to be lower in nutritional value than starch from Glacier, Compana and Wapana. These results are supported by the performance of swine fed normal and waxy starch types in com and sorghum (Jensen et al., 1973; Cohen and Tanksley, 1973). The digestible energy (DB), which is determined by subtracting gross energy o f the feces from the gross energy o f the barley, has been used to estimate the available dietary energy. Digestible energy determined by the use o f a bomb calorimeter is probably the least precise measure o f a feeds energy value to an animal. This is also one o f the easiest methods available to determine digestible energy (Maynard et al., 1979). The apparent digestibility coefficients o f energy o f diets varied from 79 to 89% in barley diets and those o f starch are about 95%. The hulless barley diets showed signifi­ 26 cantly higher digestible energy than covered barley diets in metabolic trials of rats (Vermorel and Keller, 1967; Gobi, 1977;Truscott, 1980). Chapter 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Inheritances and Linkages of Starch Mutants Description of Mutants Pericarp starch mutants were obtained from the M2 seeds o f barley cultivar, Nubet, treated with 0 .01M o f diethyl sulfate. Seed was treated with diethyl sulfate in the spring of 1978 by the method recommended by Nilan (1964) and planted at Bozeman, Montana. Bulked seed, harvested in 1978, was soaked in 1% iodine (IKI) solution for 5 minutes and the treated seeds rinsed with tap water. Dark and light blue stained seeds were selected. Each o f 10 seeds were increased at the experimental field o f Arizona State University in Mesa, Arizona. Four plants o f dark blue and 5 plants of light blue stained seed were har­ vested and the phenotypic appearances o f Ms seeds were observed. Three plants, Per 16, Per 17, and Per 18, stained dark blue and 5 plants. Per 28, Per 30, Per 31, Per 32, and Per 33, stained light blue with no segregation on the head. The remaining dark blue m utant plant, Per 19, segregated light and dark blue within the spike and Per 30 and Per 33, light blue mutants had thin kernels. These three lines were excluded from the study. The fractured starch m utant was selected from the same material as the pericarp mutants. A low percentage o f opaque seeds occurred among the normally vitreous seeds. These opaque seeds were selected, grown, threshed as individual plants, and the seed examined. It had been previously observed that waxy endosperm were opaque. The true breeding plants with opaque seed were stained with iodine. The waxy endosperm mutants stained reddish brown, the endosperm o f other opaque mutants stained dark blue as did the fractured starch mutant. The fractured starch m utant, characterized by the angular starch granules, was identified later by microscopic observation. Small pieces o f the endo­ 28 sperm starch were placed on a glass slide with a few drops o f water and a cover glass applied. The m utant was easily distinguished from the round starch granules of the normal endosperm with the 16 X 10 or 100 X 10 power magnifications. The three lines o f the fractured starch m utant used in this study were provided by Eslick. Allelism o f Mutants During the summer o f 1979, each o f these mutants and Nubet were planted at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, in a 3 m single row, spaced 30 cm apart. A diallel cross among the 8 lines o f pericarp starch mutants was made to determine allelism. Two or three spikes o f each line for a cross were emasculated by hand before the anthers turned yellow and covered with glassine paper bags to protect from foreign pollen. After three or four days, the emasculated heads were pollinated with male pollen from selected parents. To identify crosses and parents, each was marked with a proper identification tag. Crosses between the starch mutants and Nubet and Nupana were also made using the method described above. In November 1979, 10 seeds o f each cross were planted at the Mesa experimental field o f Arizona State University and 4 plants o f each cross were har­ vested separately. F i plants (F 1 seeds) o f the 8 parent diallel cross among pericarp starch mutants were tested for phenotypic appearances with the iodine solution to determine allelism. A fter each m utant was confirmed as a member o f a m utant group, i.e., allelic, the mutant stocks maintaining each o f the three lines were designated Pemubet I , dark blue staining m utant, Pemubet 2, light blue staining m utant, and Franubet, fractured starch mutant. 29 Inheritance o f Mutants In the summer of 1980, four families o f the segregating F 3 populations from the individual F 1 plants o f each cross harvested in Mesa, Arizona, were grown at the Agricul­ tural Experiment Station, Bozeman. Whenever possible, 120 seeds o f each family were planted in a row 30 cm apart and 12 m long. For the F 3 segregations o f pericarp starch mutants, the individual F 3 plants were harvested and the phenotypic appearances deter­ mined with the iodine solution. After the heterogeneity X3 o f each family was tested against the total segregation ratio o f each cross, the data obtained from each family were added for the segregation ratio o f a cross. Linkage During the summer of 1979, translocation homozygote lethals developed by Bigger* staff (1981) involving all possible combinations o f the seven barley chromosomes were crossed to Shonubet (short awn-Nubet) to establish a hulless tester set o f translocation homozygote lethals. Information on translocations utilized are presented in Table 3-1. In November 1979, 10 seeds o f each cross with the translocations were planted at the Mesa experimental field of Arizona State University and 4 semisterile plants of a cross, when â– I possible, were harvested. The segregating F 3 populations were grown at Bozeman in 1980. Whenever possible, 120 seeds o f four families were planted in rows 30 cm apart, 12 m long. A t heading time the semisterile, short awn plants in the F 3 populations o f trans­ location crosses were tagged and crossed with the starch mutants. Since the short awn gene is tightly linked with the hulless gene, the homozygous hulless, short-awn heterozygote 30 translocations were the expected parents. To determine the recombination o f the trans­ location breakpoints involving chromosome I with the short awn and naked genes, F 1 phenotypic segregation ratios o f these populations were classified The crossed seed between the starch mutants and the hulless translocations were harvested with the parents. The male parents, presumed to be hulless translocation hetero­ zygotes were confirmed at maturity. The F t plants o f these crosses were increased in the greenhouse. Sixteen seeds o f each cross, a total o f 46 combinations, between the 3 starch mutants and hulless translocation homozygote lethals, were planted in 3 benches. Due to the physiological sterility caused by inadequate control o f greenhouse conditions, geneti­ cally semisterile plants were not easily identified and very few seeds were harvested from some plants. The available seed harvested from the individual plants was planted in a 3 m row in the field at the Huntley Agricultural Experimental Station in May 1981. Since the F 1 seeds increased in the greenhouse were too few to establish recombination, the remain­ ing available crossed seeds were planted again in the greenhouse in February 1981. All the semisterile plants were harvested and planted in the Bozeman field in June o f 1981. During the summer o f 1981, the semisterile and fertile plants o f a cross were sepa­ rated, and the plants threshed individually. F 1 segregation ratios o f the pericarp starch mutants crossed with translocation homozygote lethals were obtained from the material planted in the Bozeman field. F 1 segregation ratios o f the fractured starch m utant were obtained from the population grown at Huntley and Bozeman. Ten to 12 seeds, harvested from a fertile plant, were observed under the light microscope to determine the phenotype for fractured starch. The results obtained from fertile classes from Bozeman and Huntley data were combined. To obtain the linkage recombination, the maximum-likelihood 31 Table 3-1. Description of translocations utilized to establish hulless tester stocks o f trans­ location homozygote lethals. Translocation Designation Cultivar Tl-3e Tl-Ae Tl-Sf Tl-6a Bonus Bonus Bonus Mars I L S S L S L Sat Tl-Se Bonus L S? Tl-Sj Bonus L Sat Tl-7c Mars S? Sat Tl-71 Tl-Tk T2-3a T2-3c T2-4a T2-4d T2-5a ' T2-5e T3-4b T3-4d TA-Se Bonus, ert a Bonus, ert a Gull Bonus Mars Bonus Bonus Bonus Mars Bonus Bonus L I S? S? Sat L S L TA-7b TS-Sb T5-7g TS-Tc Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Breakpoints* . - - S? L? L S? - - - S - - L L S L L S Sat L L S Authority Persson (1969) Persson (1969) Ramage et al, (1961) Ramage et al. (1961), Tuleen (1974) Persson (1969), Nilan (1964) Persson (1969), Ramage (1971) Nilan (1964, Ramage and Suneson (1961) Ramage (1971) Persson (1969) Kasha and Burnham (1965) Kasha and Burnham (1965) Ramage et al. (1961) Ramage et al, (1961) Nilan (1964) Persson (1969) Ramage et al. (1961) Ramage et al. (1961) Hagbert et al. (1975) Tuleen (1974) Ramage et al. (1961), Ramage and Suneson (1961) S - short arm; L â– long arm; Sat - satellite; ? * probably In that arm; - * breakpoint not determined. * ; Interchange chromosome with lower number listed first, higher number listed second. F 32 method modified by Eslick (personal communication, 1981) for application to trans­ location homozygote lethals was used. Characters Associated with Starch Mutants Yield and Yield Components 123 Three starch mutants and their parent, Nubet, were evaluated for yield and yield components in 3 environments (Bozeman-1980, Bozeman-19 8 1, and Huntley-1981). The yield trials were planted in randomized complete blocks with four replications in bordered four rows, 3 m long plots. The seeding rate was I g per 30 cm and the center 2 rows were harvested. The harvest area was 1.8 ma per plot. In yield trials at Bozeman in 1980, three lines of Pemubet I (Per 16, Per 17 and Per 18), two lines of Pemubet 2 (Per 28 and Per 31) and 3 lines of Franubet (Opa-1, Opa-2 and Opa-3) were tested and data obtained from each line were averaged for each starch m utant in each block. In yield trials grown at Bozeman and Huntley in 1981, the starch m utant stocks con­ sisting o f a mixture of the 3 lines o f each m utant. The data were analyzed by a factorial arrangement using the environments and isotypes as major effects. Measurements o f yield and yield components were conducted as follows: 1. Yield, measured in grain weight per harvested area, was converted to kg per hectare. 2. Number o f kernel per spike was obtained by counting the number o f grains from 20 spikes collected at random from the border rows o f the yield trials. 3. Kernel weight (mg/kemel) was obtained by weighing the counted seed from the 20 col­ lected spikes. 33 4. No. o f spikes per m1 was calculated by the following formula: No. of spikes/m2 = Grain weight o f 1.8 m2 (g)/Grain weight (g) X No. o f kernel per spike X 1.8. Proximate Analysis and Amino Acid Contents The grain samples of starch mutants used in proximate analysis were grown under the conditions presented in Table 3-2. Seeding rates at all the environments was I g per 30 cm in rows spaced 30 cm apart. Wanubet was not grown in the Bozeman-1980 nursery and Pemubet 2 was not increased at Mesa-1981. Special care was taken to clean the seed and to equalize the moisture content o f grain. The samples were stored and air dried in the seed room before analysis. Whenever moisture content varied more than 2 percent, all the samples were dried in an oven at 50 C for 12 hours. Grain for chemical analysis was ground with a UDY Cyclone mill fitted with a 1.0 mm screen. Paired T-tests between Nubet and starch mutants were used to compare averaged data. The fractions of pearled offals analyzed for chemical components were obtained by the collection o f grits during the pearling experiments. Three to six samples o f each starch m utant grown in the different environments were pearled in sequence. A fter finishing 3-6 samples with a predetermined pearling time, the grits were collected from the pearler. Therefore each pearled offal represented the average o f 3-6 environments. Chemical analysis determinations were performed by the following procedures: 1. Protein content by UDY method: Used the AACC method (1962) and facilities in the Cereal Laboratory at Montana State University. 2. Proximate analysis including protein by Kjeldahl method, ash, ether extract, and crude fiber content were determined at the Animal Nutrition Center, Animal and Range Table 3-2. Growing conditions o f barley starch m utants used for analysis. Environment number Year Location Planting date Experiment Previous crop Mu tant not grown I 1980 Bozeman, Mt. . May I Yield trial Alfalfa Wanubet 2 1980 Bozeman, Mt. May 30 Increase Fallow Wanubet 3 1980 Bozeman, Mt. May 9 Increase Fallow Wanubet 4 1980-1981 Mesa, Arizona Nov. Increase - 5 1980-1981 Chandler, Arz. Nov. Increase - Huntley, Mt. May Yield trial 6 . 1981 Fallow Pernubet 35 Science Department of Montana State University. AOAC standard methods (1970) were used for these analyses. 3. Starch content: The enzymatic procedure described by Banks and Greenwood (1971) was used to hydrolyze the starch and the glucose content was estimated using glucooxidase. 4. Amino acid analysis: Four pairs o f samples o f Franubet and Nubet grown at Bozeman, in 1980, were analyzed. The growing conditions o f three pairs, environment numbers I, 2 and 3, are described in Table 3-2, and the other pair of samples was grown in the same field condition but planted late (July 3, 1980). Amino acid analysis o f the above samples was performed using a Bechman 120 C automatic analyzer (Spackman et al., 1958) and was conducted by A A A. Laboratories: 6206, 89th Avenue, Southeast, Mercer Island, Washington, USA. ' ' /KSlucan Viscosity, Amylose Content and Brabender Viscoamylogram I. I. f -Glucan viscosity: Viscosity was determined using a method described by Fox (1981). The resultant viscosity is termed “j$-glucan viscosity.” The grain samples used were grown under the conditions described in Table 3-2. Pearled offal samples analyzed were reground in a UDY Cyclone Mill using a 1.0 mm screen. For the analysis o f 0-glucan viscosity in developing grain o f Franubet and Nubet, samples were harvested intermittently from the border rows o f the Bozeman-1980 yield trial. Since anthesis o f Franubet was 3 days later than that o f Nubet, the first four samples of Franubet were obtained 3 days later than Nubet to synchronize the days from anthesis. After 25 days from anthesis, the samples were harvest on the same day. Harvested plants 36 were dried in the greenhouse and the sample preparations were the same as the grain samples. 2. Amylose content: Amylose content o f flour samples was determined by the potentiometric titration of iodine affinity. Only two flour samples o f each starch mutant, grown at Bozeman in 1980, environment numbers I and 2 as described in Table 3-2, were analyzed. Amylose content and Brabender viscoamylogram were conducted in the Cereal Chemistry Laboratory o f Montana State University. 3. Brabender viscoamylogram: Three flour samples o f each starch m utant, grown under environment numbers I , 2 and 3 (Table 3-2), were prepared on the Buhler test mill. The milling method used is explained in the next section. The Brabender viscoamylograms were conducted at the 11% level o f paste (dry matter basis) by the method described by Smith (1964). Each sample was run with and without the addition o f 200 mg HgCl, which is a potent inhibitor o f the alpha-amylase enzyme system. Paste viscosity peaks and the drops after holding at 92.5 C, and gelatinization temperature were obtained from the Brabender viscosity curves and three graphs o f each m utant were averaged to draw the com­ posite curves presented. Water Absorption o f Grain and Pearled Grain Seed from starch mutants grown in several environments described in Table 3-2 was placed in a small round tube designed to drain the water through the bottom of the tube. Ten grams o f each sample were soaked for 10 seconds in the water and drained for 30 seconds on tissue paper. The weight o f the 10 second soaked sample was determined with the container for the initial sample weight. The increments o f weight due to water absorp­ tion by the grain were measured after 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours o f steep time at room 37 temperature, approximately 21 C. Surface water on the sample was drained for 30 seconds before weighing. Moisture percentages were calculated on a IO g sample basis. Data were statistically analyzed using the paired T-test between Nubet and starch mutants at each steep time. For the sample o f pearled grain, 50 g o f each m utant was pearled for 2.25 minutes and for an additional 30 seconds for Wanubet and 15 seconds for Franubet. Use o f Starch Mutants Milling Barley starch mutants were milled with the Buhler test mill. To determine the ef­ fects of tempering moisture on the milling barley, the samples from environment number 2 of Pemubet I and Nubet and a sample from environment number 3 o f Franubet explained in Table 3-2 were tempered to 3 levels o f moisture. About I kg of seed was cleaned and tempered for 30 minutes to a 11, 13 and 15% moisture level before milling. Since the moisture content o f samples showed near 9%, about 20 ml, 40 ml and 60 ml o f water were added to each sample to get the assigned tempering moistures. The mill feeding rates were about 80-120 g per minute adjusting the vibration nub at 28-30. Total grain weight before milling and the weight o f the milled fractions were used to determine the percent recovery. The suction system o f the Buhler test mill was disconnected and a cloth bag was • attached to collect the red dog flour. The rest o f milling procedure was that described by McGuire (1979) including the sieve changes and tailing process. Shorts were returned to 1st reduction rolls for a second passage through the mill called tailing process and the throughs are referred to tailed flour. The red dog flour collected in the cloth bag was remilled same as the tailings. Each milling stream collected separately. 38 The experimental design was random factorial arrangement with 2 replications. The methods o f chemical analysis used for this study were the same as those o f the pre­ vious method. Only one sample o f a milled fraction was analyzed. To compare the milling properties and flour yields o f starch mutants, grain o f the starch mutants grown in several environments (Table 3-2) were milled. Samples were tempered for 30 minutes adding 15 ml o f water before milling. The suction system was connected and the percent recovery o f each sample was determined. The percentage o f milled fractions were determined on the basis o f recovery o f all streams. Three kinds o f flour, collected from break roll, reduction roll, and tailed flour, were combined and con­ sidered as total flour. The chemical analysis o f the milled fractions was conducted by the methods explained above. Paired T-tests were applied for the comparison between Nubet and the starch m utant means. Factors Affecting Pearling Index and Pearling Rate Five separate experiments were conducted to determine the pearling index and pearling rate. A Strong-Scott barley pearler, model 38, equipped with 10-mesh wire screen was used in these experiments. The term pearling index refers to the percent of initial grain weight recovered as pearled grain. Pearling index = Pearled grain weight X 100/Initial grain weight Either the slope (byx) by linear regression between pearling time and pearling index or the differences of pearling index for I minute are referred to as the pearling rate. After the sample size experiment was conducted, 50 g samples were used in the remaining experiments. 39 Experiment I : Sample size effect on pearling index. Betzes and Nubet grain grown at Bozeman, in 1975, were used with 2 replications. Samples of 25, 50 and 100 g were pearled for 15 second intervals from 0.5 and 3 minutes. A factorial arrangement with a complete random design was used for statistical analysis. Experiment 2: Tempering moisture effects on pearling index. Four Betzes iso type, Betzes, Nubet, Wabet and Wanubet grown at Huntley, in 1981, were pearled for 2 minutes. Grain samples were dried in the oven for 50 C for 12 hours. Moisture contents of samples ranged from 7.2 to 7.6 percent. Water was added to obtain the assigned moisture levels at the end o f 2 hours before the samples were pearled. The amount o f water added was determined on the basis o f the initial moisture and assigned moisture levels. A factorial arrangement with a complete random design was applied for the statistical analysis. The factors used were caryopsis shape, waxy endosperm, normal shape and endosperm and moisture levels. Experiment 3: Genotype comparison o f pearling index. Pairs of iso types o f Compana, Titan and Betzes were pearled. The waxy iso types of Compana, Titan and Betzes grown in 22, 16 and 18 different environments, respectively, were compared for pearling index to their normal iso types. Brachytic isotype o f Betzes I grown in 29 environments and hulless iso type o f Betzes grown in 10 environments were compared to their normal isotypes. AU o f these samples were provided from stocks on hand. The paired T-test was used for the comparisons o f the I and 2 minute pearling index for the waxy isotypes. Pearling rate was determined by the difference between the low and high pearling index and adjusted to a per minute basis. 40 Experiment 4: Pearling rate differences o f Betzes isotypes and the relationship o f pearling index to ash content o f pearled grain. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the pearling rate differences among the layers of grain and to determine a method for comparing the genotype differ­ ences o f pearling index at the same pearling rate. Grain samples o f waxy and hulless iso­ types of Betzes grown in Bozeman, 1979, and Huntley, 1981, were pearled for successive time intervals up to 3 minutes. The time intervals of the first minute were 15 seconds and the remaining intervals were 30 seconds. The pearled grains collected at different pearling times were weighed to determine the pearling index and were analyzed for ash content. The factorial arrangement o f three factors including pearling time, waxy ness and caryopsis types was used with 2 field replications o f a completely random design. Experiment 5 : Pearling rates o f starch mutants. The seed samples of starch mutants grown in the several environments previously described were pearled with successive time intervals as for experiment 4. The linear regression coefficients between pearling index and pearling time were compared for Nubet and the starch mutants. Rat Feeding Trial To evaluate the energy and nutritive value o f the starch mutants, a rat feeding trial and an energy balance trial were conducted in the Animal Nutrition Center, Animal and Range Science Department of Montana State University. In the feeding trial, eight female weanling rats (mean weight 70 g) stratified accord­ ing to initial body weight were individually fed balanced diets o f starch mutants with a 41 caesin diet check for four weeks. Barleys used in rat feeding trials were grown in Bozeman in 1980 (environment 2 in Table 3-2). Diets were prepared with com starch, com oil, vitamins, minerals and each barley m utant to contain 14.5% protein. Protein contents of the m utant grain was diluted to the assigned protein content by adding com starch and 1% of com oil and supplements consisting o f vitamins and minerals were added to each diet. The proximate analysis of the balanced diets are presented in Table 4-23. Sufficient water and diet were supplied free choice. The rats were fed for 28 days and were weighed weekly. Feed consumption and feed efficient (feed consumed/gain) were calculated at the completion o f the experiment. Protein efficiency ratios (PER) were determined by units of gain/protein consumed. To determine the digestible energy o f the starch m utant diets used in the feeding trial, female growing rats were placed on a 9 day metabolism trial (5 days for adjustment and 4 days for collection). Sixteen rats were stratified by initial body weight and four rats with an average 9 1 g were assigned to each diet. Each rat was fed 10 grams o f diet per day with water free choice. The calculation of digestible energy for each rat was according to the following formulas: 1. Determine fecal weight on the dry m atter basis. 2. Total energy loss in feces = Fecal DM X Cal/g o f feces. 3. Total gross energy consumed = g o f feed consumed X Cal/g o f feed. 4. Digestible energy coefficient = Gross energy - Fecal energy/Gross energy X 100. The amount o f energy in feed and fecal material was determined by a Parr Adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter. Chapter 4 RESULTS Inheritance and Linkages of Starch Mutants Description of Mutants Pericarp starch mutants, Pem ubet I and Pemubet 2, were found after examining ap­ proximately 2,500 and 1,700 Ma seeds, respectively (Table 4-1). Appearance of mutants is shown in Figure 4-1. Pemubet I stained dark blue (black in the picture) and Pemubet 2 stained light blue (gray in the picture) on the surface of grain with iodine solution. The im­ mature grains o f either mutant and Nubet tended to be green in grain harvested 2 to 3 weeks after anthesis. The greenish color gradually disappeared as the grain matured. Both Pemubet 2 and Nubet retained the green color when the immature grains were stained with iodine solution. Pernubet I seed stained as early as 12 days after anthesis without interference o f the chlorophyll color and the intensity o f blue tended to become darker as the grain approached maturity. The stained layers o f the pericarp starch mutants are illustrated in the photo­ micrographs (Fig. 4-1). The layers between the epicarp and aleurone were darker in the mutants due to positive starch stain (IKI) whereas the large rectangular heavy walled cells o f the aluerone were free of iodine staining, and thus starch. The pericarps were separated from the endosperm without the green layers by peel­ ing the seed coat o f the immatured grain at 2 1 days after anthesis. The samples were stained with iodine. In the samples from Pemubet I , large numbers o f small spherical starch gran­ ules were detected in the epicarp under the microscope. The large starch granules were not present in Pemubet 2. Instead, the light blue staining was scattered in the pericarp cells. Since green pigments originating from chloroplasts are located in the cross cell layers. Table 4-1. Sources o f barley starch m utants, gene symbols and m utation rates. Mutant Parent Mutation rate per I Nubet 1/2,500 B79 B79 B79 B79 per per per per 16 17 18 19* Pernubet 2 per 2 Nubet 1/1,700 B79 B79 B79 B79 B79 per per per per per 28 30* 31 32* 33 Franubet fra Nubet Name of stock Gene symbol Pericarp starch I Pernubet I Pericarp starch 2 Fractured starch * : Excluded from the study Previous designation of mutants B79 opq I B79 opq 2 B79 opq 3 44 NUBET IMMMMt M 12 18 21 25 30 Days a f t e r a n t h e s is 35 I PERNUBET ! ( P 2M E2LO IMMMMMt 12 18 21 25 30 Days a f t e r a n t h e s is 35 PERNUBET 2 P«r 2) HtMHMMt 12 • 18 21 25 30 Days a f t e r a n th e s is 35 Figure 4-1. Grain appearance of barley pericarp starch mutants and photomicrographs of outside layers of the seed, stained with iodine solution. -» indicates the starch stained. 45 starch deposition in this m utant appeared to start at the layer between epicarp and hypodermis and proceed inward. Appearance o f the fractured starch m utant, named Franubet, is shown in Figure 4-2. When viewed on the light table, the seed cross section shows an opaque endosperm (darker in picture) similar to waxy endosperm. The endosperm o f Nubet appeared relatively vitre­ ous with clear strips o f cell wall. In contrast, Franubet endosperm was shown to have a white hue with indistinct cell walls in the center o f the endosperm. The difference between Wanubet (Waxy endosperm isogene) and Franubet was shown after treatment with iodine solution. Waxy endosperm developed a reddish brown color right after iodine treatment. In contrast, the Franubet endosperm revealed the blue staining of a nonwaxy endosperm. The vitreous ring around the kernel near the aleurone layer was also a good indicator o f the Franubet genotype. Most starch granules o f Franubet were angular and irregular in shape and size while the starch granules o f Nubet were round and regular. Most o f the granules o f Franubet were smaller than the large granules o f Nubet. Some o f the Franubet granules were larger than the large Nubet granules. These extra-large granules seemed to consist of many small granules. The irregular and angular shapes o f the starch granules o f Franubet were observed as early as 9 days after anthesis with a few normal granules. Most o f the round starch was cracked or fractured and formed a center cavity when the grain matured. Allelism of Mutants Allelism was detected among the 8 pericarp mutants (Table 4-2) selected for study. F 1 seeds (F t plants) o f an 8 parent diallele cross among lines o f pericarp starch mutants were treated with iodine solution. F 1 seeds crossed between Per 16, Per 17 and Per 18 46 Franubet Nubet Figure 4-2. Photographs of cross sections o f the grain of Franubet and Nubet on a light table and photomicrographs of their starch granules. Table 4-2. Phenotypic appearances o f a Fi diallel cross among pericarp starch mutants in barley. Male mutant no. Female mutant no. per 16 per 17 per 18 per 28 per 30 per 31 per 32 per 33 per -16 - W per 17 B - per 18 B B - per 28 W W W - per 30 W W W L - per 31 W W W L L - per 32 W W W L L L - L per 33 W W W L L L L - W B : Blue stained by Iodine solution. L : Light blue stained by Iodine solution. W : Not stained by iodine solution. W - - L L L 48 (Pemubet I) stained blue and F 1 seeds crossed between Per 2 8 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 2 and 33 (Pemubet 2) stained light blue. Crosses with Per 16, Per 17, and Per 18 to Per 2 8 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 2 and 33 did not stain. No differences were found in reciprocal crosses. Inheritance o f Mutants F 2 monohybrid ratios for starch m utants were obtained from crosses o f mutants with Nubet and Nupana (Table 4-3). F 3 segregation ratio of Pemubet I agreed with a 3:1 ratio at the 95% probability level. No difference between Nubet and Nupana crosses indi­ cated the inheritance of Pemubet I was not changed by the genotype background. F 1 segregation ratio of Pemubet 2 did not fit a 3:1, 15:1, or 13:3 ratio. F 1 segre­ gation of the crosses between Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 showed the white, light blue and blue class. No additive gene appearance was noted in the segregation (Table 4-3). F 1 segre­ gation did not fit 9:3:4 or 45:3:16 ratio also indicating the Pemubet 2 gene involved other factors affecting its inheritance. Crossed seeds o f reciprocal crosses between Franubet and Nubet were observed under the microscope to verify the suspected xenia effect o f the fractured starch gene. Seed from both crosses had the round granule characteristic of Nubet. This result revealed that normal starch granules were dominate to fractured starch granules in the endosperm genotypes o f Fra fra fra and Fra Fra fra and the gene expressed xenia. F 1 segregation ratios (F 1 seeds) o f Franubet crosses fit a 3:1 ratio for starch granule type with over 95% prob­ ability regardless o f genotype background. Backcross F 1 seed segregation also showed an agreement with the expected ratio o f IAa: Iaa with a 75-50% probability. Table 4-3. Segregation ratios o f barley starch m utants phenotypes. Cross Female Generation Male Ratio Chi- Total tested square Segregation A- aa Nubet x Pernubet I Nupana x Pernubet I Fy plant Fy plant 303 311 103 104 406 415 3:1 3:1 Nubet x Pemubet 2 Fy plant 1,014 109 1,123 3:1 15:1 13:3 Nubet x Franubet Franubet x Nubet Nubet x Fra/Franubet Nubet x Franubet Franubet x Nupana F^ seed F^ seed BC^ seed Fy seed Fy seed 25 35 71 436 104 0 0 64 148 35 25 35 135 584 139 : A-B- A-bb aa- per I x per 2 Fy plant 808 54 5 0.030 0.001 140.09 16.67 60.29 Probability of fit <0.95 <0.95 >0.005 >0.005 >0.005 1:1 3:1 3:1 0.363 0.037 0.002 0.75-0.50 <0.95 <0.95 9:3: 4 45:3:16 39:9:16 41.74 157.11 4.843 >0.005 >0.005 0.10-0.05 Total 1177 A- : Dcxninant classes of starch mutants. aa : Recessive classes of starch mutant. A-B- : Double dominant for per I and per 2. A-bb : Per I- per 2 per 2. aa- : Either per I per I Per 2- or per I per I per 2 per 2 respectively. 50 Linkage Linkage was determined between translocation breakpoints and starch mutants from F2 plant segregation ratios. F 3 segregation data for location o f the pericarp starch mutant I gene are presented in Table 4-5. The F3 segregations were expected to fit a ratio 6 semisterile dominant:2 semi-sterile recessive:] fertile dominant: I fertile recessive when the gene was independent from the translocation breakpoint in the crosses between trans­ location homozygote lethal stocks and the gene studied. Linkage chi-square was calculated by subtracting the chi-square values for 3A-: Iaa and 2 semi-sterile:I fertile ratios from the chi-square o f the 6 :2 :3 :1 ratio expected with independence. With no crossing over the expected ratio is 2 :0 :0 :1. The linkage chi-squares obtained from the crosses of T l-6 j, T l-7c, T2-5a and T5-6b were significant. Since the segregations o f the T2-5a and T5-6b crosses showed an excess of recombinants, the significant linkage chi-squares o f these crosses appeared to be due to unusual segregation (an excess of recombinants over that expected with independence) and were considered as independent in determining linkage. Since linkage is indicated for the breakpoints o f two translocations, T I - 6j and T I -7c, with the Pem ubet I locus, and the chromosome in common is chromosome I , the Pemubet I m utant is assigned to chromosome I by this method. Linkages between breakpoint and pericarp starch I genes were 1.3 ± 0.6% in T l-6 j and 5.3 ± 2.8% in T I-7c combinations. During the conversion o f the covered translocation tester set to hulless, the linkage recombinations were determined between the translocation breakpoints involving chromo­ some I and the naked caryopsis and the short awn gene (Table 4-4). The crosses o f T l-4e, T l-6e and T I -7k showed 0.5 to 0% recombinations between the breakpoints and both the 51 Table 4-4. Linkage recombinations between translocation breakpoints involving chromo­ some I and naked and short awn gene from F2 segregations of barley translo­ cation homozygote lethals. Translocations Recombination (7.) No. of plants observed naked (n) Breakpoints short awn (lk2 ) Tl - 3e 273 6.7 + 1.4 10.2 + 1.8 Tl - 4e 328 0.1 + 0.7 0.1 + 0.7 Long arm beyond Ikg Tl - 5f 391 2.6 + 0.7 7.8 + 1.3 Short arm* Tl - 6a 364 3.7 + 0.9 7.2 + 1.3 Short arm* Tl - 6e 442 0 0 Long arm beyond Ikg Tl - 6j 338 3.5 + 0.9 7.8 + 1.4 Tl - 7c 323 5.8 + 1.2 10.8 + 1.7 Tl - 71 374 2.9 ± 0.8 9.1 + 1.4 Long arm near centromere Tl - 7k 332 0.2 + 0.2 0.5 + 0.3 Long arm beyond Ikg + 0.4 * : Possibly in long arm near centromere. +0.4 Short arm Long arm near centromere Short arm Table 4-5. F 2 segregations o f pericarp starch m u tan t I crossed w ith translocation hom ozygote lethals and their linkage recom bination values. Male in cross Semi-sterile Fertile Chi-•square Total Recombination (%) 2 6:2:3:!-/ Linkage x 232 50 276.96** 49.98** 264.75** 17.95** 1.3 + 0.6 5.3 + 2.8 4 7 78 158 3.26 11.51** 0.00 0.18 independent independent 64 46 15 9 155 165 27.32** 3.17 5.28* 3.17 independent independent 14 13 31 25 9 8 109 91 1.48 0.56 0.04 0.02 independent independent 44 65 14 14 43 21 23 3 124 103 27.56** 10.73** 3.92* 2.11 independent independent 77 24 28 7 136 0.10 independent Per I per I per I Per I T1-6J Tl-7c 150 21 3 2 I 2 78 25 T2-3a T2-4d 46 99 13 24 15 28 T2-5a 13-4b 49 78 27 32 T3-4d T4-5e 55 45 T5-6b T5-7g T6-7c per I per I 3.98 a/ : 6:2:3:1 is a ratio of SSA-:SSaa:FA-:Faa expected. *, ** : Significant at Pe OeOS and 0.01 levels, respectively. \ 53 short awn and naked caryopsis genes. Since crossing over is greatly reduced in the inter­ stitial segment o f a translocation heterozygote, the breakpoint o f these translocations was postulated to be distal to the short awn gene. The largest recombinations were shown in the crosses of T l-3e and T I -7c. Recombinations in the crosses ranged from 2.6 to 3.7% with the naked caryopsis gene and from 7.2 to 9.1% with the short awn gene. F 1 segregation and recombination data for the location o f pericarp starch m utant 2 gene are presented in Table 4-6. None o f the crosses fit the expected 6 :2 :3 :1 ratio, prob­ ably due to the abnormal segregations o f Pemubet 2 previously discussed. When the link­ age chi-square and maximum likelihood methods were applied, assuming single gene con­ trol for this phenotype, the linkage chi-squares for Tl-7c, T l-7i and T5-7g which have chromosome 7 in common were shown to be linked and their recombinations were 26.0 ± 4.9, 34.2 ± 7.1 and 2.9 ±1.7% , respectively. The linkage chi-square o f T l-6j was also sig­ nificant, but the segregation showed an excess o f recombinants and thus considered inde­ pendent. Pericarp starch m utant 2 appears to be associated with chromosome 7. Addi­ tional information would be desirable. â– < . F 1 segregations for the fractured starch mutant are shown in Table 4-7. Since the normal starch genes express xenia, the heterozygous and homozygous genotypes for fractured starch gene were classified in F 1 plants. Chi-square values were expected to fit a ratio lA A :2A a:laa when the fractured starch gene was independent of translocation breakpoints. With no recombination the expected ratio is 0:0:1. The segregations o f T2-4a and T2-4d were significantly different from the expected ratio and linkage recombinations of T2-4a and T2-4d were 25.8 ± 8.5 and 30.8 ± 6.9%, respectively. Table 4-6. F 2 segregations o f pericarp starch m utant 2 crossed with translocation hom ozygote lethals and their recom bination values. Male in cross Semi- sterile Per 2 per 2 per 2 Fertile Per 2 Total per 2 per 2 Chi- square 6:2:3:!-/ Recombination Linkage x2 (%) independent Tl-6 j 18 13 18 2 51 7.94** 6.62** Tl-7c 74 2 21 11 108 23.41** 13.06** 26.0 + 4.9 Tl-71 42 13 10 8 73 8.87** 6.40** 34.2 + 7.1 T3-4d 65 13 43 10 131 6.86** 0.00 independent T4-5e 90 11 25 5 131 19.58** 1.74 independent T5-7g 58 I 2 22 83 68.27** 67.21** 2.9 ± 1.7 a/ : 6:2:3:1 is a ratio of SSA-:SSaa:FA-:Faa expected. *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Table 4-7. F2 segregations o f th e fractured starch m utant crossed w ith translocation hom ozygote lethals and their linkage recom bination values. Male in cross Tl-3e Tl-6a Tl-6 j Tl-7c T2-3a T2-4a T2-4d T2-5e T3-4b T3-4d T4-5e 14-Tb T5-6b T5-7g T6-7c Fertile Total AAA Aaa AAa aaa 8 I 4 5 26 3 12 14 50 7 4 7 19 23 13 7 5 11 12 38 17 21 19 64 27 9 6 27 34 34 5 I 2 3 21 25 40 13 38 18 9 2 15 15 10 20 7 17 20 85 45 73 46 152 52 22 15 61 72 57 Chi-square for a ratio Recombination IAAA:2Aaa:Iaaa (%) 2.700 1.286 1.941 1.200 1.541 24.200** 34.644** 1.435 5.684 4.730 3.000 3.933 1.328 2.000 2.438 independent independent independent independent independent 25.8 + 8.5 30.8 + 6.9 independent independent 39.5 + 8.4 38.6 + 12.9 independent independent independent independent A, a Indicates the dominant genotype (Fra) and the recessive genotype (fra), respectively. *, ** : Significant at p*0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. 56 Independent assortment was shown for the crosses between Franubet and T2-3a and T2-5e translocations. Chromosome 2 breakpoints thus appear to be inherited indepen­ dently of the fractured starch gene. This places the fractured starch gene on chromosome 4. The segregation of T3-4d and T4-5e crosses also showed a linkage between the frac­ tured starch gene and translocation breakpoints. Weak linkage obtained appeared to sup­ port the gene assignment on chromosome 4 because both translocations have chromosome 4 in common and in other crosses both chromosome 3 and 5 breakpoints appear to be independent o f the fractured starch gene. T2-4d and T4-5e breakpoints are reported in the long arm of chromosome 4. T3-4b and T4-7b are reported in the short arm of chromosome 4. This would place the gene distal to the breakpoints in the long arm of chromosome 4. It would also place the breakpoints of T2-4a and T3-4d in the long arm o f chromosome 4. Additional information from crosses with genes or breakpoints in the long arm o f chromo­ some 4 would be desirable. ' Characters Associated with Starch Mutants Yield and Yield Components Yield performance o f starch m utants was evaluated in replicated trials in 3 environ­ ments (Table 4-8). Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 were inferior to Nubet in yield while the yield o f Franubet was not significantly different from the yield of Nubet. Starch mutants had lighter kernel weight than that o f Nubet with this being the main reason for reduced yields of Pemubet I and Pemubet 2. Number of kernels per spike in Franubet was signifi­ cantly less than that for Nubet and the number o f spikes per m3 o f Franubet was signifi­ cantly higher than Nubet. t 57 Table 4-8. Average yield and yield components o f barley starch mutants tested in 3 envi­ ronments with 4 replications. Mutants Yield kg/ha No. of kernels per spike Kernel wt. mg No. of spikes per Nubet 3,174 23.7 40.4 334 Pemubet I 2,587* 24.2 35.9* 302 Pernubet 2 2,745* 23.1 36.2* 332 Franubet 2,975 20.1* 33.3* 451* Glonubet 2,975 22.4* 36.6* 367 LSD (5%) 259 0.66 1.03 35.6 * : Significantly differs from Nubet at pe0.05 level. The analysis o f variance for yield trials grown in 3 environments (Table 4-9) revealed significant interactions between genotypes and environments for the yield components. Interactions for yields, however, were not significant. These results could be explained by the compensating effects o f the yield components. Yield and yield component inter­ actions are presented in Figure 4-3. The number o f spikes per m1 in Franubet and the number of kernels per spike in Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 appeared to be major compo­ nents compensating to maintain the yield in the high yielding conditions such as Huntley1981 and Bozeman-19 8 1. More increments o f these yield components than for other mutants apparently resulted in the yield component interactions. These extra increments of yield components were accompanied by excessive reduction o f the other yield com­ ponents. In Franubet, the increased number o f spikes per ma was associated with a reduction o f kernel weight. The lower numbers o f spikes per unit area o f Pemubet I and Table 4-9. Analysis o f variances fo r yield trials o f barley starch m utants tested in 3 environm ents w ith 4 replications. Mean squares Source No. of kernels - Kernel wt. per spike No. of spikes/mz df Yield Environments (A) 2 4,851,804** 152.08** Error a 9 109,774 1.45 3.06 2,630 Genotypes (B) 4 623,919** 30.15** 77.62** 39,197** AxB 8 181,076 6.34** 5.42* 5,925** 36 97,795 0.64 1.56 1,840 Main plot 58.20** 63,187** Sub plot Error b Total 59 *, ** : Significant at p-0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. No. of kernels per spike No. of spikes per m* Figure 4-3. Graphic representation o f yield and yield component interactions o f barley starch mutants with the environments. 60 2 were followed by higher numbers o f seed per spike. In this way, the yield differences at each o f the environments and the order o f mutant yields among environments were sim­ ilar to each other and thus resulted in the no significant interaction for yield. Proximate Analysis and Amino Acid Contents Proximate analysis of the grain o f the starch mutants grown in several environments is shown in Table 4-10. Three to six samples were compared by paired T-test. Protein con­ tents determined by the UDY method were significantly higher for Franubet than Nubet. Protein contents determined by the Kjeldahl method were not different for Nubet and Franubet. Starch contents of Pemubet I were significantly lower than that of Nubet and the remaining mutants had the same starch content as that o f Nubet. Ether extract (lipids), crude fiber and ash contents o f the m utants were not significantly different from those o f Nubet. Starch contents were determined on the pearled offal fractions collected from the abraded grits o f the grains from the pearling machine (Fig. 4-4). The 0-5% fraction o f pearled offal consisted principally of germ, pericarp while the 15-20% fraction o f pearled offal apparently consisted mostly o f aleurone layer and endosperm starch. As expected, the starch contents increased as pearled offal fractions were collected from the outside o f the kernel toward the center. The fractions free from outside layers had about 70% starch. The starch contents of these pearled offal fractions not only reflected genotype differences, but overlapping fractions due to the sample preparation (pearling) also influenced the results. Table 4-10. Proxim ate analysis o f grains from barley starch m utants grown in several environm ents (Dry m atter basis). Mutants Measurements Nubet Environment 6 Pemubet I 6 Pemubet 2 5 Franubet 6 Wanubet 3 % protein (UDY) Difference 14.84 15.04 (+0.20) 15.81 (40.45) 16.11* (+1.27) 13.46 (40.17) % protein (KJeldahl) Difference 14.34 14.71 (+0.37) 16.13 (+1.31) 15.14 (40.80) 11.88 (-0.29) % starch Difference 59.7 57.9** (-1.8) 56.5 (-3.2) 59.8 (+0.1) 57.4 (-1.9) % ether extract Difference 2.55 2.61 (40.06) 2.51 (-0.05) 2.90 (40.35) 2.95 (40.42) % crude fiber Difference 0.38 0.32 (-0.06) 0.34 (-0.04) 0.39 (40.01) 0.43 (+0.10) % ash Difference 1.86 1.94 (40.08) 1.80 (-0.08) 1.97 (+0.11) 1.96 (40.05) The numbers in the parentheses indicate average differences from Nubet. *,** : Significantly differs from Nubet at p*0,05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Percent s ta rc h ( a s Is b asis) (y ) 62 —* —* 0 5 10 15 I t t t 5 10 15 20 20 t 80 N ubet : Pernubet I : Franubet : 30 40 0.412 0.9 9 0 0 . 3 1 6* 0.452 09 7 9 0 .9 S 7 60 Percent grain weight removed as pearled offal (x ) a/ : Slope of log 10 of starch content on log 10 of pearled offal fractions. b/ : Correlation coefficients between log 10 of starch content and log 10 of pearled offal fractions. * : Differs from Nubet at p-0.05 level. Figure 4-4. Changes o f starch co n ten t in pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m utants. 63 Pericarp starch mutant I tended to have a higher starch content in outside fractions than Nubet, and between outside fractions and center o f kernel were lower in starch con­ tent than Nubet. This tendency might explain the kernel weight differences. Since Pemubet I had smaller grain than Nubet, the outer layers of the kernel should represent a higher proportion in the intermediate offal fractions. The log conversions o f the starch contents and % pearled offal fractions were made to test the slope differences between Nubet and the mutants. The correlation coefficients between the two traits calculated from the log conversion data were 0.990, 0.979 and 0.987. A significant difference between the slope o f Nubet and Pemubet I were detected. Ash content o f the pearled offal fractions o f the starch mutants and Nubet are com­ pared in Figure 4-5. In general, the ash content of the pearled offal fractions showed an inverse relationship to starch content. Inverse transformations o f the ash content were made to test the slope differences. No significant differences o f slope between Nubet and the mutants indicated a similar pattern o f ash content in the offal fractions o f Nubet and the mutants. The offal fractions near the outside o f the kernel consisting mainly o f the pericarp and aleurone layer ranged from 3.7% to 4.5% according to genotype. The pericarp-aleurone offal fractions o f the Pemubet I appeared to have a lower ash content than Nubet, but the statistical analysis o f these comparisons did not support this conclusion. The endosperm, presumably free o f aleurone and outer layers consisted o f 0.60% ash with relatively small genotype differences. Protein contents o f pearled offal fractions showed a pattern similar to those o f ash content (Fig. 4-6). The outermost layer o f the kernel consisted o f more than 25% protein and the inner fraction, free from the outside layers, approached 10% protein. No signifi- 64 • * • * 4 O 5 10 15 I i i i 5 10 15 20 20 i 30 i 30 40 Nubet Pernubet I Pernubet 2 Franubet 40 50 i 50 i 60 60 I 70 Percent of grain removed as pearled offal (x ) a/ : Slope of 1/ash content on pearled offal fractions, b/ : Correlation coefficients between 1/ash content and pearled offal fractions. Figure 4-5. Changes o f ash co n ten t in pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m utants. I I 65 »" — 'â– # 0 - â– — A ^ Nubet Pernubet I Pernubet 2 Franubet 20 40 50 30 0 5 10 15 ( ( t ( I I I ( 5 10 15 20 50 60 40 30 Percent of grain removed as pearled 60 I 70 offal ( x ) 70 I 100 a/ : Slope of I/protein content on pearled offal fractions, b/ : Correlation coefficient between I/protein content and pearled offal fractions. Figure 4-6. Changes o f protein content in pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m utants. 66 cant differences between the slope o f Nubet and the slope o f mutants were determined from the transformed linear regression data. Linearity was established by dividing one by the protein content and regressing on the pearled offal fractions. The amino acid content o f the fractured starch m utant was compared to Nubet utilizing paired samples grown in 4 environments. Average percent amino acid in the grain and in the protein was calculated (Table 4-11). Glutamic acid and proline were the dominate amino acids present in both Nubet and Franubet. Significant differences between Franubet and Nubet were shown for isoleucine, lysine, glutamic acid and proline on the basis o f the amount in the grain. Lysine content in Franubet was over 18% higher than in Nubet. The increased lysine in Franubet was asso­ ciated with a decrease in glutamic acid, isoleucine and proline in the grain. Lysine content based on the protein was 2.22% in Nubet and 2.81% in Franubet. These might be relatively lower than usual and are suspected to be due to the high protein content in the samples which were grown at high fertility level. While comparing amino acids in the protein, Franubet had more alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, leucine, lysine, threonine and tyrosine and significantly less glutamic acid than Nubet. g-Glucan Viscosity, Amylose Content and Brabender Viscoamylogram P-Glucan viscosity o f grain and pearled fractions o f the starch m utants were measured with a Brookfield viscometer on the alkali extractions (Fig. 4-7). P-Glucan vis­ cosities o f Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 were not significantly different from the viscosity o f Nubet. The lowest P-glucan viscosity was shown by the Franubet grain determinations, Table 4 -1 1. Average am ino acid contents o f grain o f fractured starch m utant (F ranubet) com pared to N ubet, from samples growin in 4 environm ents. Amino acid As % of grain (DMB) Fr^nybet As % of protein (DMB) Difference (y-x) Nubet (x) Franubet (V) Difference (y-x) 40,23* 40.69 40.36** -2.47* 40.26** Alanine Arginine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Glycine 0.599 0.607 0.982 5.755 0.491 0.602 0.682 0.983 4.995 0.504 40.003 40.075 40.001 -0.760** 40.013 3.33 3.36 5.45 31.91 2.73 3.56 4.06 5.81 29.44 2.98 Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine 0.235 0.615 1.080 0.400 0.308 0.257 0.583 1.070 0.473 0.302 40.002 -0.032** -0.010 40.073* -0.006 1.30 3.42 6.01 2.22 1.71 1.53 3.44 6.35 2.81 1.78 Phenylalanine Proline Serine Threonine Tyrosine 0.953 2.400 0.828 0.597 0.474 0.879 2.140 0.804 0.593 0.492 -0.074 -0.260* -0.024 -0.004 40.018 5.28 13.28 4.60 3.32 2.63 5.21 12.62 4.75 3.51 2.91 Valine Taurine 0.807 0.923 0.781 0.782 -0.026 -0.141 4.48 5.14 4.61 4.61 18.000 16.900 Total 40.22 40.03 40.34* 40.59* 40.07 -0.07 -0.66 40.14 40.19** 40.28* 40.13 -0.53 -1.100** *,** : Significantly differs from Nubet at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively 68 80 â– - g lu c a n v is c o s ity ( c p s .) 70 â– 60 â– 50 â– 40 • 30 â– «q 20 â– 10 â– 20 30 0 5 1015 40 50 60 70 I i i i i i i i i i 100 30 5 10 15 20 50 40 70 60 Percent of grain weight removed as pearled offal Indicates the average viscosity of grain grown in several environments. *, ** : Significantly differs from Nubet at p-0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Figure 4-7. Mean 0-glucan viscosity o f grain and pearled offal fractions o f barley starch m utants grown in several environments. 69 averaging 4.0 centerpoise units, which was significantly lower than Nubet. Wanubet had the highest 0-glucan viscosity in grain and was almost double that of Nubet. The area o f deposition of substances contributing to viscosity in the grain are also illustrated in Figure 4-8. Outer layers o f pearled offal tended to have the lowest /S-glucan viscosity regardless o f genotype. The pearled offal fractions collected nearer the center of the kernel showed higher jJ-glucan viscosity than pearled offal fractions from the outer layers. The pearled offal collected as the 30 to 40% or 40 to 50% fractions had the maxi­ mum viscosity and the more central fractions of the endosperm tended to decline slightly in viscosity. Genotype differences appeared to be greatest at maximum 0-glucan viscosities. Synthesis of 0-glucan substance in the developing kernel is shown in Figure 4-8. 0-Glucan viscosity o f Nubet started to increase 3 weeks after anthesis and was at maximum from 30 to 35 days after anthesis until maturity. Franubet showed the same tendency as Nubet with much lower viscosity. Amylose contents o f starch mutants were determined by potentiometric titration o f iodine affinity (Table 4-12). Since the electrode had been stored in a dry condition for too long a time, the standard curve appeared to have shifted. Therefore results obtained from the samples are suspected to be I or 2% higher values than they should be. The amylose content o f flour samples from starch mutants ranged from 22.0% to 24.5% in non-defatted samples and from 27.5% to 30.5% of dry weight in defatted samples. The genotype differ­ ences were not significant. The gelatinization temperatures o f the starch mutants were about 60 C with little variation (Table 4-12). No significant differences among genotypes were detected. 70 N ubet o 10 F ra n u b e t 9 13 15 18 21 harvest Days from anthesis Figure 4-8. Changes o f 0-glucan viscosity as the grain of Nubet and Franubet developed. Table 4-12. Amylose content, gelatinization tem perature and am ylograph paste viscosity data o f Buhler milled flours prepared from barley starch m utants. Mutants No. of Measurements 7o Environments Nubet Pernubet I Pernubet 2 Franubet 2 2 24.5 30.5 22.0 27.5 24.5 29.0 23.5 29.0 2 60.0 60.5 (59.0) 60.0 1630 370 1650 380 (1500) ( 400) 1583 430 770 170 ( 660) ( 260) 800 180 amylose Non-defatted Defatted Gelatinization temoerature ( C) Amylograph viscosity with HgCl? (EU) Peak Drop at 92.5 C 3 3 Amylogranh viscosity without HgCl? (EU) Peak Drop at 92.5 C 3 3 ( ) : Data from I sample only. 830 300 72 Amylograph paste viscosities o f flours milled from starch mutants with HgQ, and without HgCl2 are presented in Table 4-12 and Figure 4-9. The greatest differences oc­ curred between with HgCl2 and without HgCl2 indicating alpha-amylase activities during starch cooking. The maximum viscosity o f the Nubet flour with HgQ2 was about 1600BU and viscosity dropped at 92.5 C to about 400BU. No consistent differences between genotypes occurred in the curves and no significant differences were detected for maxi­ mum viscosities and viscosities dropped at 92.5 C. Water Absorption of Grain and Pearled Grain The percent water absorptions o f grain and pearled grain o f the starch mutants were determined by successive increments o f steeping time and data are presented in Table 4-13 and Figure 4-10. The water absorptions plotted against the steeping times showed hyper­ bolic curves in either grain or pearled grain. The water absorptions o f pearled grain were considerably faster than the water absorptions o f intact grain. The maximum absorptions were reached within 12 hours in pearled grain and after 48 hours o f steeping in intact grain. The intact grain o f Wanubet absorbed more water after 24 and 48 hours steeping than Nubet but no significant differences between Nubet and Wanubet were found after steeping for 12 hours or less. The pearled grain o f Wanubet had an exceptionally high water absorption as compared to the pearled grain o f Nubet. The greatest difference oc­ curred between the pearled grain o f Nubet and Wanubet at the 12 hours steeping with little change after 12 hours steeping. These results demonstrated that the water permeability o f Wanubet grain appeared to be similar to that o f Nubet. The water holding capacity of Wanubet endosperm, however, was much higher than Nubet endosperm. 73 Temperature Temperature 70 -e— 40 *C 4 0 eC i t ....... Pernubet I I IBUl & L . 70 1800 - 1800 V iscosity — •• 1400 II with HflCia 1000 / Pernubet 2 5 1400 ea fl • • " ♦ W i t h HflCI2 i\ - 1000 â– w o o KJ 600 600 A ,/ 200 / 20 200 Without HgCla 40 J 60 20 Time I mlns.l 4 0 eC Temperature 92.3 40 "C Without HflCI2 40 60 Time ImInsJ Temperature 92J 70 ........ ' â– -N ..M...... »â– 1800 (BUI 3 V iscosity Franubet - IOOO • o o O 1400 • > 600 200 \\ I ! ♦ —Wlt h HgCI2 l \ j I:A # 20 Without HflCI2 40 60 Time (mlns.l 80 Figure 4-9. Brabender amylograms o f Buhler milled flours obtained from barley starch mutants, with and w ithout HgQj added. Table 4-13. Average w ater absorbed b y grain and pearled grain o f barley starch m utants, growin in several envi­ ronm ents, for different steep tim es a t room tem perature. Nubet Environment 6 Pernubet I 6 Pernubet 2 5 Franubet 6 Wanubet 3 Water absorotion of grain. % 3 6 9 12 24 48 hours hours hours hours hours hours 13.2 22.6 30.1 35.3 48.5 59.2 14.3* 24.9** 32.8** 38.5** 52.2* 63.1 14.0 23.7 31.6 37.1 50.2 61.8 15.9* 27.1** 35.9** 41.6* 55.1* 66.3** 13.5 23.5 32.1 38.3 55.2** 70.4** Water absorption of pearled grain. 7. Average pearling index 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours 12 hours 24 hours (67.4) (66.6) (68.0) 31.5 53.2 59.1 62.3 63.8 39.8* 57.6* 63.4* 67.1* 68.9* 37.6 55.1 61.5 64.6 65.9 *, ** : Significantly differs (67.7) 43.5** 60.6** 63.0 65.6 66.4 (69.5) 46.1* 69.0** 76.7** 80.6** 81.6** from Nubet at p=0.05 and 0,01 level, respectively. 75 P e a rle d grain $ Grain Nubet Pernubet I Franubet Wanubet 3 6 9 12 24 Steeping tim e (h o u rs) Figure 4-10. Relationship of water absorption to steeping time o f the grain and pearled grain o f barley starch mutants, mean o f several environments. 76 Pearled and intact grain o f Franubet absorbed more water than that o f Nubet at all steeping times, however, no sign (leant differences from Nubet were found after 9 hours of steeping the pearled grain. The water absorptions o f intact and pearled grain of Pemubet I were significantly higher than Nubet at all steeping times. The endosperm o f Franubet and Pemubet I ap­ peared to absorb water faster than the endosperm of Nubet. No significant differences were obtained between Pemubet 2 and Nubet in either intact or pearled grain at all steeping times. Use o f Starch Mutants Milling The average effects o f tempering moisture on milling fractions o f starch mutants (Pemubet I, Franubet and Nubet) recovered from the Buhler test mill are presented in Figure 4-11. Analysis o f variances o f the recovery o f each fraction revealed that reduction roll flour, tailed flour and bran were significantly different for the isotypes and the tempering moisture levels (Table 4-14). Interaction o f the bran fraction o f isotypes with moisture levels was significant. This indicated the moisture effected the bran recovery o f one isoline differently than the others. The interactions o f the other milled extractions were not significant so that only average tempering moisture effects are discussed here. As the moisture o f the tempered barley increased, the flour yield recovered from the reduction roll and tailed flour decreased as the bran fraction increased at the expense o f flour yield. 77 100 â– 90 â– Shorts I to I Xl 80 Bran5z Shorts Bran^z Shorts B ran 5z â– >1 I$ I 70 & Tailed flour 60 f7 O 2 â– n £ 50 Tailed flour 6, 40 S/ E g 0) Tailed flour â– 30 â– . R e d u c tio n R e d u c ti o n ro ll flo u r ro ll f lo u r & R e d u c tio n ro ll flo u r H 2 20 â– iI nU B re a k B re a k B re a k ro ll f l o u r ro ll flo u r ro ll f l o u r 11 13 15 Tempering m oisture (%) Figure4-11. Tempering moisture effects on Buhler milled fractions (Average o f Pemubet I , Franubet and Nubet with 2 replications). The different letter super­ scripts indicate a significant difference among each milled fractions at P=O OS level. Table 4-14. Analyses o f variance of the tempering moisture effects on Buhler milled fractions for barley starch mutants. Source DF Mean squares Break flour Reduction flour Tailed â– . flour 1.96 Bran Shorts Genotypes (A) 2 7.46* 115.43** Moistures (B) 2 0.12 308.28** AxB 4 2.22 3.15 4.19 Error 9 0.99 3.36 1.72 2.26 1.55 Total 17 1.30 2.39 1.71 1.96 1.63 LSD (5%) for moisture 29.87** , *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. 89.29** 71.98** 437.86** 0.31 17.95** 5.12 79 In general, barley bran was crumbled rather than flaked and some o f the endosperm starch remained attached. Well separated bran from the endosperm was not obtained regardless of the genotype or tempering moisture level. The shorts appeared to be flaked pieces from the crushed endosperm. Shorts were light and fluffy. The yield o f the shorts was relatively consistent for all tempered moisture levels, but a considerable amount of bran and the first shorts to come from the reduction sieves increased with increasing moisture levels. The constant amount o f shorts obtained are suspected to be due to the tailing process. Average flour yield, obtained by adding break roll, reduction roll and tailed flour, were significantly lowered as tempering moisture increased. Ash and protein contents o f the flours collected from each mill stream tended to increase as the tempering moisture decreased and as the flour yield increased. Higher per­ centages of ash and protein in the tailed flour appeared to be an increasing source o f ash and protein contents o f the flour (Fig. 4-12). The milling properties and flour yields of starch mutants were evaluated by com­ parison to Nubet (Fig. 4-13). Significant differences were obtained between Nubet and Franubet, and Nubet and Wanubet for percent recovery, yield of flour, and yield of bran. The percent recovery and flour yield o f Franubet were higher, and those o f Wanubet were lower than Nubet. Pemubet I and 2 were not different from Nubet. The flour yield o f Franubet ranged from 70 to 81% and averaged 13% more than was obtained from Nubet. The flour yield o f Wanubet was significantly less than Nubet drastically increasing the bran fraction. The pericarp starch mutants were not significantly different from Nubet for flour, bran and short recovery. 80 13% m oisture : 15%moisture : I' , Breakroll Reduction roll Flour Tailed Breakroil Fteductionroii Flour Tailed Shorts Percent p ro te in (DMB) Percent ash (DMB) 11% m oisture : ;*x*:*: Milled B ran Shorts fraction Figure 4-12. Ash and protein content o f Buhler milled fractions as effected by temper­ ing moisture (Average of Pemubet I , Franubet and Nubet). ! 81 Recovery, % 90 100 90 .y.y.v 90 91 93** m 87* x x ::: •shw-: XyXy 80 IlS 70 Illill c o 60 BH 4* O 2 50 « 40 2 Kl â– 30 20 BNM Itli # ISSBBl EBB - : IS IM II 0 B Nubet Pernubet I / # # # :I • f Il Pernubet 2 H:;#- P Franubet Wanube1 Nubet and mutants * : Differs from Nubet at p«0.05 level. Figure 4-13. Comparisons o f average percent recovery and Buhler milled fractions for barley starch mutants grown in several environments. 82 Protein, ash and starch contents o f the milled fractions recovered from starch mutants were compared with those o f Nubet (Table 4-15). In general, the protein and ash content o f the flours were relatively lower than the protein and ash content o f bran and shorts. Starch content o f the flour was higher than starch content of the grain (Table 4-10). These results indicated that barley endosperms were separated, to some degree, from the bran layer through the milling process. No differences were shown for protein and starch content of the flour between Nubet and Wanubet, ash content o f the Wanubet flour was higher and the protein and ash content o f bran less than that o f Nubet. The reduction of protein and ash contents in the bran appeared to be due to a failure to separate bran from the endosperm. P-Glucan viscosity data of the milled fractions are presented in Table 4-15. The viscosity of the flour was basically less than grain viscosity (Table 4-7) and viscosity of the shorts was very high. The milled fractions of Franubet had much lower viscosities in flour, bran and short fractions as compared to those o f Nubet. These results appear to reflect the lower grain viscosity in the grain o f Franubet. The milled fractions of Wanubet were expected to have a higher viscosity than the milled fractions o f Nubet. Only the viscosity of the Ipran was higher than Nubet. Since the shorts were shown to have an extremely high viscosity compared to flour and bran, it was suspected that the cell wall material in the endosperm was separated from the starch and collected in the short stream in the milling process. Low 0-glucan viscosity o f Franubet shorts compared to the Nubet shorts indicated that the less viscous cell wall substances in the Franubet endosperm which is supported by the indistinct cell wall observed in Franubet endosperm (Fig. 4-2). Table 4-15. Protein, ash and starch content and 0-glucan viscosity o f milled fractions from barley starch mutants. Nubet No. of paired samples Pemubet I 6 6 Pemubet 2 5 Franubet 6 Wanubet 3 Flour Protein, % (UDY) Ash, % Starch, 7. B-glucan viscosity,cps. 11.8 1.315 68.2 10.1 12.5 1.464** 66.2** 11.3 12.5 1.263 65.4* 9.8 13.5* 1.439* 65.0** 3.9** 11.6 1.628** 65.4 14.3 Bran Protein, 7. (UDY) Ash, % B-glucan viscosity,cps. 17.6 2.804 18.6 16.9 2.731 31.2 18.0 2.491 29.7* 20.9** 3.515* 5.1** 12.8* 2.067* 52.8** Shorts Protein, 7. (UDY) 15.1 Ash, 7. 2.460 B-glucan viscosity,cps. 1,195 15.5 2.412 1,314 15.9 2.259 833 *, ** : Significantly differs 19.1** 3.537** 23** 11.7 2.306 242* from Nubet at p=0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively. 84 Phenotypic, genotypic and environment correlations among determinations on grain and flour samples from starch mutants are presented in Table 4-16. Twenty-six samples representing five isotypes o f Nubet grown in several environments provided the data for these correlations. Strong positive relationships appeared between whole grain and flour protein, and whole grain and flour ash. Highly significant phenotypic correlations for these traits indi­ cated the strong influences o f grain measurements on the flour quality. Environmental correlations between grain and flour protein and grain and flour ash content were highly significant. These environmental correlations show the strong effect o f environment on variation among kernel traits. Highly significant positive correlations between grain pro­ tein determined by either UDY or the Kjeldahl method and flour yield indicated that the higher the protein content of grain the higher the flour yield. This protein relation­ ship is also shown by protein in the flour. In contrast to the above, the genotypic cor­ relation between grain protein determined by the UDY method and flour yield and the environmental correlation between grain protein determined by Kjeldahl method and flour yield were positive and significant. The relationship o f these traits are shown in Figure 4-14. Significant positive environmental correlation between flour yield and grain protein determined in Kjeldahl method could be explained with this figure. Wide ranges of grain protein within genotypes (Fig. 4-14) and no differences detected between Nubet and starch mutants (Table 4-10) indicated that most o f the variation was due to the environ­ ments. When the higher protein samples are considered to represent the high protein envi­ ronments, the samples grown in high protein conditions showed higher flour yield than the samples grown in low protein conditions. Table 4-16. Phenotypic (P), genotypic (G) and environm ent (E) correlation coefficients am ong determ inations o n grain and flour samples from barley starch m utants grown in several environm ents. (2) Grain protein, 7. (UDY) Grain protein, % (Kjeldahl) Grain ash, 7. Grain starch, % Grain B-glucan viscosity, cps. Flour yield, % Flour protein, % (UDY) Flour ash, % (I) P G E (2) P G E P (3) G E (4) P G E (5) P G E (6) P G E (7) P G E (8) P G E (3) 0.876** 0.112 0.917* -0.187 0.867** -0.093 -0.373 -0.289 -0.340 ' (4) -0.245 0.129 -0.354 -0.156 -0.136 -0.164 -0.006 0.388 -0.109 (5) (6) -0.531** 0.512** -0.801 0.879* -0.458* 0.345 0.581** -0.449* 0.678 -0.572 0.633** -0.417 -0.233 0.037 -0.180 0.124 0.232 -0.639** 0.332 -0.196 -0.776 0.633 0.160 0.279 -0.799** -0.988** -0.213 (7) (8) 0.832** 0.826 0.841** 0.847** 0.570 0.945** -0.141 0.379 -0.239 -0.050 0.267 -0.117 -0.404* -0.792 -0.340 0.569** 0.843 0.673** -0.067 -0.564 0.243 -0.240 -0.761 0.165 0.701** 0.863 0.712** 0.028 -0.014 0.057 -0.231 -0.327 -0.043 -0.253 -0.375 -0.006 0.558** 0.327 0.231 Number of samples are phenotypic-26, genotypic-5 and environment-21, respectively *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively. 86 Significant genotypic correlation between flour yield and grain protein determined by UDY method were suspected to be due to the altered protein associated with Franubet. Franubet showed higher flour yield than Nubet (Figs. 4-13 and 4-14) and higher UDYprotein than KJeldahl protein (Table 4-10). These two traits associated in Franubet may be the reason for the significant genetic correlation. Negative phenotypic correlations between grain protein determined by both methods and /J-glucan were significant. The higher the protein content the lower the 0-glucan viscosity of the grain. The environmental variation o f protein appeared to provide the major contribution to the significant correlation. A significant environmental corre­ lation between UDY protein and 0-gIucan viscosity o f the grain supported this statement. Correlations between starch content and the other determinations were not signifi­ cant. These results indicated that the starch content o f grain was not related to the pro­ tein content of grain or flour yield. Strong negative relationships were obtained between /J-glucan viscosity and flour yield (Table 4-16, Fig. 4-15). The higher the 0-glucan content o f the grain, the lower the flour yield. Both traits showed random variation among environments within isotypes (Fig. 4-15), but highly significant genotypic correlation indicated that most o f the vari­ ations of these traits were due to the isotype differences. As shown in Table 4-10, Figures 4-13 and 4-14, Franubet and Wanubet were distinguished from the other isotypes. Significant phenotypic correlation between flour yield and flour protein indicated the higher the flour yield was the higher the flour protein. The flour yield from the high protein grain may have included more by the outside layers which had a high protein content. 87 Flour yield (% ),(Y ) 80 - 9 =12.4+3.26 X r» 0.531 * * 70 • 60 50 - Nubet • Pernubet I * Pemubet 2 ♦ Franubet * Wanubet • â– 40 12 14 16 Grain protein by UDY (%),(x) Flour yield ( % ) ,(¥ ) Ys 19.5 + 2.89 X r . 0.581 18 * * o Nubet • Pemubet I * Pemubet 2 ♦ Franubet * Wanubet • 12 14 16 Grain protein byKjeldahl(% ) ,( X) 18 Figure 4-14. Relationships o f grain protein determined by UDY and Kjeldahl method to flour yield among barley starch mutants grown in several environments. 88 Flour yield ( % ) ,( Y) Nubet • Pernubet I * Pernubet 2 ♦ Franubet * Wanubet • : 73.9+ 0.87 * r« 0.799 10 20 30 Grain B glucan viscosity(cps.),(x) 40 Figure 4-15. Relationship of grain 0-glucan viscosity to flour yield among barley starch mutants grown in several environments. 89 Factors Affecting Pearling Index and Pearling Rate To determine the factors affecting the pearling index, sample size, moisture effects and isotypes were investigated with Betzes, Compana and Titan isolines. The pearling index data for sample sizes are presented in Figure 4-16. As can be seen from this figure the pearling indexes for a given pearling time were dependent upon sample size. Analysis of variance of this experiment (Table 4-17) verified these differences. The interactions between iso type and sample size, isotype and pearling time, and sample size and pearling time were significant, but these variances were relatively small compared to the variances of the main effects. The linear relationship o f pearling index to pearling time among dif­ ferent sample sizes for the two isotypes are presented in Table 4-18. The differences of slopes were significantly different within the same sample sizes. It is interesting th at the covered isotype pearled more rapidly than the hulless isotype. With the very high correlation coefficients observed for all sample sizes, it would appear that all three sample sizes are equally accurate. Fifty gram samples were pearled in subsequent tests. Barley is usually commercially pearled to 60 to 75 of the original weight. The relationship o f moisture content o f the grain to pearling index was tested using 4 Betzes iso types, each grown in 2 environments (Fig. 4-17). Moisture levels ranged from 10 to 30%. The pearling indexes increased as moisture levels increased for the fixed pearl­ ing time of 2 minutes. The waxy endosperm isotypes in both covered and hulless had higher pearling indexes than their counterpart normal isotypes at each moisture level and hulless iso types also showed higher pearling indexes than covered isotypes. ;>r â– 90 OO 90 BO 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pearling time ImInsJ Relationship o f pearling index to sample size and pearling time determined on the hulless and covered isotypes o f Betzes (Average o f 2 replications). 91 90*- —• â– e -O O**Me*«0 10 14 18 22 Nubet Betzes Wanubet Wabet 30 Percent m o is tu re In grain Figure 4-17. Relationship o f pearling index determined at 2 minutes to the percent moisture in grain o f Betzes isotypes. 92 Table 4-17. Analysis o f variance o f pearling index o f Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered) for different sample sizes with 2 replications. DF Source Mean square F Isotype (A) I 315.36 195.80** Sample size (B) 2 5972.87 3708.51** Pearling time (C) 10 2520.72 1565.09** AxB 2 10.93 6.89** AxC 10 3.33 BxC 20 131.06 A x B x C 20 1.11 Error 66 1.61 Total 131 2.07* 81.38** 0.69 *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. The analysis o f variance (Table 4-19) o f the moisture effects indicated significant interactions between moisture effect and isotype. Hulless types showed slower increases of the pearling index at the low level o f moisture and increasing sharply at the higher moisture levels. The covered types showed rapid increases with increasing moisture at the low levels o f moisture and slower increases at the higher levels o f moisture. The possible explanation o f these results was a difference in speed o f water absorption between covered and hulless isotypes for 2 hour steep period used. When comparing genotypes these results suggest that the comparisons should be made with grain o f the moisture level commonly present for commercial pearling; i.e., air dry. 93 Table 4-18. Regression and correlation coefficients between pearling index and pearling time for sample sizes of Betzes and Nubet. Slope Correlation coefficient 25g -23.79“ -0.999** Il 50g -15.74- -0.999** II IOOg - 1 1 .1 0 - -0.999** Isotype Betzes Sample size Nubet 25g -26.19- -0.999** it 50g b -15.98- -0.999** Il IOOg -12.06- -0.999** ** : Significant at p=0.01 level. The different letter superscripts indicate a significant difference within isolines at p-0.01 level. Pearling indexes and pearling rates o f isotypes were compared to determine the effect of certain genes (Table 4-20). Significant differences of pearling index were present for each comparison. Pearling indexes o f the waxy endosperm and hulless isotypes were higher than those o f the normal parents (isotypes) and brachytic iso types had a lower pearling index than the normal isotype. The pearling rates were determined by the differences o f pearling indexes deter­ mined at two pearling times. Pearling rates o f waxy isotypes were significantly lower than those o f normal parents and pearling rates o f brachytic and hulless isotypes were no t sig­ nificantly different from the normal isotypes. 94 Table 4-19. Analysis o f variance o f 2 minutes pearling index as affected by % moisture in grain o f Betzes iso types (hulless vs. covered, waxy vs. normal endosperm). DF Source Mean square F Endosperm type (A) I 210.45 434.98** Hull type (B) I 56.10 115.95** Moisture level (C) 4 164.44 339.88** AxB I 7.03 14.53** 4 0.06 0.12 BxC 4 8.27 17.10** A x B x C 4 1.98 4.09* Error 21 0.48 Total 39 AxC ? *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Correlation coefficients between kernel weight and pearling index within each iso­ type are presented in Table 4-21. The variations o f the kernel weight within each isotype were due to environment. Wabet (waxy Betzes) and the derived Betzes, Watan (waxy Titan) and brachytic Betzes showed significant positive correlations and Wapana (waxy Compana) and the derived Compana showed strong negative correlations. Since the samples with lower kernel weights consisted o f much small grain, and since many of the small grains were found in the pearled offal box during the pearling Table 4-20. Genotype comparisons of grain weight and pearling indexes for the isogenic pairs o f Compana, Betzes and Titan grown in different environments. Genotype Compana Betzes Titan Betzes Betzes Pearling index Pearling rate per min.. 7. Isotype Environments Kernel wt. No. mg I mins. 1.5 mins. Normal Waxy 22 22 50.28 48.29** 64.9 67.4** - Normal Waxy 18 18 37.79 36.04** 68.8 69.7 Normal Waxy 16 16 34.29 33.76 70.2 71.6* Normal Brachytic 29 29 38.60 30.24** 71.7 68.0** 62.6 58.4** - 18.1 19.2 Covered Hulless 10 10 39.57 35.33** 71.9 76.2** 63.2 66.7** • 17.4 19.0 * * - 2 mins. 42.7 49.2** 22.3 18.4** 48.6 53.1** 20.2 16.5** 47.0 56.6** 23.2 ? 15.0** • *, ** : Significantly differs from normal genotypes at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. 96 Table 4-21. Correlation coefficients between kernel weight and pearling index within the isotypes o f Compana, Betzes and Titan. Environments No. Correlation coefficients r Normal Waxy 22 22 -0.606** —0.640** Normal .Waxy 18 18 0.646** 0.904** Titan Normal Waxy 16 16 0.325 0.741** Betzes Normal Brachytic 29 29 0.062 0.727** Covered Hulless 10 10 Genotype Isotype Compana Betzes . Betzes -0.503 -0.322 *, ** : Significant at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels. operation, the positive correlations for Titan and Betzes isotypes could be due to the shriveled grain. The negative correlation indicated that the larger grain pearled faster than smaller grain in Compana isotypes. Most o f the pearled grain of Compana and Wapana contained half kernels. Many broken pieces o f kernels were found in pearled offal fractions. The sig­ nificant negative correlations o f these isotypes appear to be because the larger kernels broke easier than smaller kernels. Pearling index of a sample for successive time increments provides information on the action o f the pearler on the various layers of the barley kernel. Two isogenic pairs of 97 waxy endosperm and caryopsis covering isotypes Betzes grown in 2 environments were pearled in successive increments for 3 minutes. The relationships o f pearling index to pearling time and iso type are presented in Figure 4-18 and Table 4-22. The pearling indexes for the first 15 seconds show sharp dif­ ferences between covered and hulless iso types and most o f the pearled grain was free from the hulls. After the first 15 seconds, the grain was pearled at a constant rate as pearl­ ing time increased. The correlation coefficients were r=0.999 and pearling rates per minute ranged from 13.7 to 17.1%. The pearling rates per minute for normal endosperm isotypes were significantly faster than those o f waxy endosperm isotypes with no difference in rate of pearling between covered and hulless isotypes. Table 4-22. Analysis o f variance o f pearling index for successive pearling time increments on Betzes isotypes (hulless vs. covered, waxy vs. normal endosperm). DF Mean square Endosperm type (A) I 537.1 278** Caryopsis type (B) I 245.6 127** Pearling time 7 1885.0 976** AxB I 13.1 AxC 7 0.8 BxC 7 17.6 A x B x C 7 0.6 32 1.9 Source Error (C) F 6.8* 0.4 9.1* 0.3 *, ** : Significant at p=-0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. 98 100 JK X o> n c 0) C I Nubet Betzes Wanubet Wabet as 1.0 0.999 1.5 20 2.5 3.0 P earlin g tim e Imins.) lx) The different letter super sc ipts indicate a significant difference among isotypes at p=0.05 level. Figure 4-18. Relationship o f pearling index to isotypes (hulless vs. covered, and waxy vs. normal endosperm) and pearling times in Betzes barley. 99 Since the pearling index and pearling rate were linearly dependent upon the pearl­ ing time and endosperm characteristics, the ash content was used to equalize the pearling index for a comparison of genotypes. In Figure 4-19 the relationship o f pearling index to ash content for the different isotypes is shown. The ash contents o f the grain, with suc­ cessive layers removed, were probably the same for the waxy endosperm isotypes and their normal isotypes. The plotted lines of Betzes and Wabet for ash content and pearling index are probably the same line, as are the Nubet and Wanubet plot. Since these pairs o f iso­ types were expected to have similar ash distribution in the endosperm the lines obtained from ash content and pearling index represent the pearling rates freed o f the pearling time. Accordingly the relationships o f pearling indexes o f waxy iso types were not different from the normal endosperm isotypes when pearling time is determined by ash content. The relationships o f covered iso types were much different from the relationship o f hulless iso­ types. Since the hull o f the covered isotypes consisted o f material with a high ash content these differences are regarded as the effect o f hulls on ash content. Pearling index and ash content o f pearled grain o f starch mutants were compared to those o f Nubet (Fig. 4-20). The pearling rates of Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 were not sig­ nificantly different from Nubet and their pearling rates per minute were 18 to 17%. Pearl­ ing rate per minute o f Franubet and Wanubet was significantly different from that of Nubet. Franubet pearled slower than Nubet and faster than Wanubet. Relationships o f pearling index to ash contents are presented in Figure 4-21. In general, ash content was lower as the pearling index decreased, and when the pearled grain was free from the outside layers, the decreasing rates o f ash content were stabilized. It would appear necessary to remove more o f the outer layers o f the Pemubet mutants to 100 2 .5 1- /-S 1.5 o 1.0 —• Nubet â– f Betzes 4# Waaubet â– it Wabet Rearing index Figure 4-19. Relationship o f pearling index to ash content o f pearled grain o f Betzes iso­ types (hulless vs. covered, and waxy vs. normal endosperm). 101 o a 60 Nubet Pernubet I Pernubet 2 Franubet Wanubet as 10 15 2.0 2.5 P earlin g tim e lm ins.|,(x| 3.0 *,** : Significantly differs from Nubet at p=0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Figure 4-20. Comparisons o f linear relationship between pearling index and pearling time among barley starch mutants grown in several environments. 102 2.0 A sh c o n te n t (%) 1.5 1.0 0.5 e — — • Nubet Pemubet I -<^***"***l£- Pemubet 2 Franubet ‘ I ____________ I ____________ I ____________ a____________I ____________i ____________ I 100 90 80 70 P e a rlin g 60 50 In d e x 40 I remaining Figure 4-21. Relationship o f ash content to pearling index o f barley starch mutants grown in several environments. 103 obtain pearled barley with a 1% ash content than would be necessary with Nubet or the other mutants. Rat Feeding Trial Results obtained from the feeding trials o f weanling female rats fed barley starch mutant rations are presented in Table 4-24. Differences were noted in respect to rat gain per day and feed consumption between the casein diet and barley diets. A slightly lower rate o f growth was shown for the Pemubet I diet as compared to rats fed the Nubet diet, but no pronounced differences were observed among the other diets. The feed to gain ratios indicating conversion ranged from 0.228 to 0.246 but the differences were nonsig­ nificant. These results indicated that the energy-nutrition o f starch mutants was similar to Nubet. The protein efficiency ratios (PER) also exhibited no significant differences among iso types. Since these results were obtained with 14.5% protein diets (Table 4-23), no dif­ ferences in the protein efficiency ratios were expected. These data indicated the protein conversion to body weight. Energy consumption and digestible energy were estimated and results are presented in Table 4-25. The Franubet diet showed slightly lower digestible energy than the other iso types but the differences were not significant. 104 Table 4-23. Proximate analysis o f barley starch mutants balanced diets adjusted to 14.5 percent protein. Protein 7. Fat— ^ % Nubet 14.8 1.6 Pernubet I 14.6 Pernubet 2 Ration Fiber % Ash 7. NFE-/ 7. H 2O % 1.3 2.3 73.2 6.8 1.6 1.5 2.6 72.6 7.1 14.6 1.3 1.2 2.3 73.6 7.0 Franubet 14.4 1.8 1.7 2.7 73.1 6.3 Casein 15.0 2.1 0.1 0.8 75.3 6.7 . a/ : Ether extract. b/ : Nitrogen-free extract. Table 4-24. Average gain/day, feed consumption, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio for rats fed 14.5% isoprotein diets containing barley starch mutants. Ration Nubet Pernubet I Pernubet 2 Franubet Casein LSD (57.) No. of rats fed 8 8 8 8 8 Gain/day g 4.25 4.00* 4.18 4.11 3.64* 0.19 Feed consumed Gain/feed g/4 weeks ratio 501 492 514 492 416* 38.4 0.237 0.226 0.228 0.234 0.246 NS a/ : Protein efficiency ratio. * : Significantly differs from Nubet at p~0.05 level. NS : Non-significant. PER-/ 1.60 1.55 1.56 1.62 1.63 NS 105 Table 4-25. Average energy consumption, energy digested and percent digestible energy data from rats fed 14.5% iso protein diets containing barley starch mutants. Ration No. of rats fed Energy consumed Kcal/day Energy digested Digestible Kcal/day energy, % Nubet 4 39.9 33.4 84.1 Pemubet I 4 39.7 33.7 83.4 Pemubet 2 4 39.6 32.8 84.3 Franubet 4 40.6 33.5 81.6 NS NS NS LSD (5%) NS : Non-significant. Chapter 5 DISCUSSION Inheritances and Linkages o f Starch Mutants MacGregor et al. (1972) observed changes of starch storage in the pericarp layers o f barley. Large numbers o f small starch granule are present in the pericarps during the first 10 days after anthesis but the granules are quickly degraded by alpha-amylase. No starch granules were detected in the pericarp layers 16 days after anthesis within the limited number o f cultivars examined. Pericarp starch mutants found in this study appeared to deposit starch in the peri­ carp 12 days after anthesis. The reasons for starch deposition are not clearly understood but the flour samples milled from pericarp mutants exhibited the same amount o f alphaamylase activity as the flour sample o f Nubet used in the amylogram tests. Preliminary observations o f alpha-amylase activity determined by blue plate agar assay also indicated no differences between Nubet and the pericarp mutants. Deposition o f starch in the peri­ carp was probably not due to a deficiency o f alpha-amylase. As mentioned by Blakely et a l (1979) the testa cells originating from the integu­ ments were collapsed and so closely adhered to the pericarp layer during grain develop­ ment that the pericarp and testa layer could not be identified with microscopic observa­ tion. No significant differences of morphological cell structure and thickness o f bran were found between Nubet and pericarp starch mutants. The pericarp starch mutants did not appear to have thin or missing bran layers. 107 Blakely et al. (1979) reported sorghum grain mutants with no testa layer. This report suggested the possibility o f a structural mutant o f barley with the bran layer miss­ ing. This m utant was identified by measurement o f the thickness o f the pericarp-aleurone junction under the light microscope but quicker methods are required to select efficiently from a large population. The staining method with iodine or May-Grunwald solution was considered to be a good method for selecting these mutants, but the chemical compo­ sition o f the cells interfered with the selection o f structural mutants. F2 segregations for starch in the pericarp obtained from the crosses between Pernubet I and Nubet and Nupana fit to a 3:1 ratio. A single recessive gene controlled this character. No xenia effect was observed. The seed o f the F2 plants showed the pheno­ types o f the parents. No segregation was obtained within the seed from a single plant. From a three point linkage study, the location o f hulless caryopsis, n and short awn gene, Zk2 were determined by Eslick et al. (1972). The n and I k 2 genes were both located on the long arm of chromosome I and their recombinations from the centromere were 14.7% for short awn and 7.2% for the hulless caryopsis gene. The recombination values obtained from the crosses o f translocations involving chromosome I with n and I k 1 were generally lower than recombination values reported from the crosses between male sterile 10 (ms 10) and n and Zk2. No recombination geno­ types between either n and I k 1 and the breakpoint o f chromosome I in the T l-4e, T l-7k crosses were obtained. These results confirmed the recombinations reported by Persson i (1969) which showed the tight linkages between T l-4e and n, and T l-6e and T l-7k and dense ear (ari-d) located near the n gene. These translocations appeared to be exchanged in the chromosome I arm distal to I k 1. The breakpoints o f Tl-6j and T l-7i occur on 108 chromosome I near the centromere and T l-3e, Tl-Sf and Tl-6a exchanged the short arm o f chromosome I appeared which agrees with previous results summarized in Table 3-1. Since the linkage values between pericarp starch m utant I (per I) and the trans­ location breakpoints in Tl-6j and T l -7c crosses were 1.3% ± 0.6 and 5.3% t 2.8, respec­ tively, and the linkage chi-squares were significant, the per I gene is assigned to chromo­ some I. Though the linkage chi-squares o f T2-5a and T5-6b crosses were also significant, excess recombinants in both crosses over that expected with independence suggest that these segregations should be considered as independent in determining linkage. From the recombinations obtained from T1-6J and T l-7c crosses with per / , the gene location o f per I was estimated. This gene appeared to be located on the long arm o f chromosome I at a point between the centromere and it The location o f translocation breakpoints involving chromosome I and per I, based on data presented in this paper, were diagrammed as following. Chromosome I Tl-Se T l-S f T l-6a T l-7c * * * * short arm Tl-6j T l-7i centromere Nr T M e ** T l-6e • • T l-7k • • per I h ------- M 13% n Ik 1 long arm 5.3% ^ Kr 8% K14% *, Breakpoint location considered to be somewhere in short arm, **, or distal to I k 1 in long arm. 109 F1 segregation o f pericarp starch m utant 2 (per 2) was 1019 Per 2 — 109 per 2 per 2. The nearest expected segregation ratios are 3:1, 15:1 and 13:3. The segregation obtained did not fit any o f these ratios. F2 segregation o f this gene obtained from the crosses with translocations showed considerable variation. Three segregations fitted a 3:1 ratio and the other three segre­ gations were similar to that o f the parental crosses. These results indicated other factors were affecting the inheritance o f this gene. Biggerstaff and Eslick (1978) reported unusual segregations from the progeny o f the translocations treated with diethyl sulfate. Gamete lethal selective genes were assumed to be the most likely cause o f the unusual segregations. One possible explanation for the dis­ agreement o f per 2 with the expected ratio might also be gamete lethal gene involvement. Since the F1 segregation o f per 2 in combinations with translocations were backcrossed twice with the parental genotypes, the chances o f an association o f the gamete selective gene with per 2 were reduced if the per 2 gene inheritance was influenced by a gamete selective gene. F1 segregations obtained from crosses o f the parental genotypes backcrossed only once would have a greater chance o f having a gamete selective gene present. The linkage chi-squares for the crosses between T l -7c, T l-7i and T5-7g and peri­ carp starch m utant 2 (per 2 ) were significant and their recombinations were 26.0 i 4.9, 34.2 ± 7.1 and 2.9 ± 1.7%, respectively, when the gene was assumed to be a single re­ cessive gene. All these translocations have chromosome 7 in common. no The breakpoints o f T l -7c, T l-7i and T5-7g were identified by Nilan (1964), Ramage (1971) and Tuleen (1974). The satellite o f chromosome 7 (short arm) was inter­ changed in T l -7c and T l-7i and long arm interchanges were reported for T5-7g. Therefore the per 2 gene appeared to be located on the long arm of chromosome 7. The linkage chisquare o f T1-6J was also significant, bu t an excess o f recombinants in this cross was con­ sidered as independent inheritance. The starch granules of Franubet were angular and irregular in shape and size. These shapes formed during the early stages o f grain filling. Some starch granules were much longer than those o f Nubet. These extra Iyge granules, however, appeared to be com­ pounded o f many small granules. A few round granules were found in this m utant but most o f them were fractured or cracked and showed a center cavity when samples were obtained from mature grain. The starch granules o f Franubet resemble to some degree the starch granules o f sugary endosperm in com but the starch content o f Franubet endo­ sperm was very high. The starch granules o f rice are similar to the starch granules o f this m utant with regard to the angular shape, but quite different in size and regularity. Vitrious endosperms are considered to be due to the high protein content o f the endosperm in wheat. This character has been used as a selection criterion for hard wheat (Pomeranz, 1971). A vitrious ring around the Franubet endosperm was postulated to have a high protein content (Eslick, 1981, Personal Communication) but further studies are necessary to prove this assumption. The F 2 and backcross segregation o f crosses o f the fractured starch m utant fitted a ratio o f 3:1 and I : I , respectively. The crossed seeds were all normal starch phenotype. Ill These results indicated a single gene inheritance with xenia. The genotype o f Fra (Normal starch genotype) appeared to be dominant over the genotype o f fra (fractured starch genotype) in either the heterozygous genotypes o f endosperm (Fra fra fra or Fra Fra fra) and no dossage effect was observed in these endosperms. The recombinations obtained using translocation homozygote lethals and the frac­ tured starch gene revealed the location o f this gene. Ramage et al. (1961), Nilan (1964) and Persson (1969) reported the breakpoints o f translocations involving chromosome 4. T2-4d and T4-5e are exchanged in the long arm . i ' 1 o f chromosome 4 and the short arm exchanges of this chromosome are reported to be T3T3-4b and T4-7b. The recombination values obtained from the crosses o f T2-4a, T2-4d, T3-4d and T4-5e appeared to place the fractured starch gene (fra) distal to those break­ points and over 50 map units distance from the centromere o f the long arm. The indepen­ dent assortments o f T 3 ^ b and T4-7b also appeared to support this assumption. The posi­ tion o f translocation breakpoints and th e /ro gene obtained are diagrammed as following. Chromosome 4 T3-4d T4-5e T3-4b* T4-7b* T2-4d long arm K -----26% Short arm centromere K K- fra T2-4a —I— --------1--------- 31% over 50% *, Breakpoint location considered to somewhere in short arm. — 4- >1 112 Characters Associated with Starch Mutants Side effects associated with starch mutants were observed. The significant reduc­ tion o f the grain size o f Pemubet I appeared to cause a lower yield than Nubet. The starch content o f grain was also lower in Pemubet I than Nubet, although the most starch granules were deposited in the pericarp layer of Pemubet I . The lower seed weight o f Pemubet I was suspected to be due to inferior deposition o f starch in the endosperm and a genetic association between the pericarp starch gene and grain size. The roll o f the peri­ carp starch in the accumulation o f starch in the endosperm is not known. The number o f kernels per spike and kernel weight o f Franubet were significantly smaller than those o f Nubet but the number o f spikes per m1 o f Franubet were much higher than Nubet. No significant difference in yield was found between Franubet and Nubet. This appeared to be due to the compensating effects o f yield components. In addi­ tion to the differences o f yield components as compared to Nubet, the shorter height and later heading were constantly associated with Franubet in the several environments. No significant differences were obtained between Nubet and starch mutants for chemical composition determined by proximate analysis o f the grain except for the UDY-protein content o f Franubet and the starch content o f Pemubet I . Protein content o f grain is influenced to a great extent by growing conditions. Environmental effects on grain protein were reported by Canvin (1976), Johnson e t al. (1969) and McGuire et al. (1979). It is generally accepted that the genetic variations o f protein content are much smaller than the variations due to environment. Good genetic gains for protein content were reported with 65 generations o f continuous selection for 113 high protein in com. Yielding capacity and seed size were lower for high protein selections (Dudley and Lambert, 1969). Since the UDY method determining protein content is related to the amount o f NH3 ions in the sample, the results o f the protein analysis determined by the two methods suggested a difference in amino acid content o f the proteins. An amino acid analysis re­ vealed significant increases o f lysine and decreases o f isoiuciene, glutamic acid and proline in Franubet. High lysine barley has been studied by many breeders (Munck et al., 1970; Ingverson et al., 1975; Jarvi and Eslick, 1975; Ullrich and Eslick, 1978). Most o f the mutants are associated with shrunken endosperms causing lower grain yield. Franubet had a plump (non-shnmken) kernel with high lysine and this m utant should be considered as a new source o f high lysine cultivars. According to Palmer (1979), the main objective of the malting process is to encour­ age the development o f flavor compounds and to promote enzymatic hydrolysis o f the protein and carbohydrate reserves of the grain. The synthesis o f enzymes such as alphaamylase, endo-0-glucanase and endo-protease is of primary importance in malting. Fincher (1975) has shown that the cell walls o f endosperm contain 70-75% 0-glucan and 20-25% arabinoxylan. Because o f the chemical nature o f these 0-glucans and the function o f cell walls, which is entrapping the starch and protein reserves, the degradation o f the starchy endosperm is prevented until the cell walls o f the endosperm are trans­ formed. Significant degradation o f 0-glucan occurs by the action o f f-glucanase during malting and in consequence, endosperm starch and protein are exposed to enzymes that convert to sugars and amino acids (Palmer, 1979). 114 Since Franubet showed a significantly lower 0-glucan viscosity indicating low fl-glucan, problems related to 0-glucan in malting would be expected to be reduced when this m utant was used for malting. Only a short period o f germination may be required for developing alpha-amylase and protease. More rapid modification o f the endosperm might be expected o f this genotype. Some relationship was suspected between low viscosity and less visual cell wall material in Franubet (Fig. 4-2, Fig. 4-7). Further investigation will be required to determine this. An elevated 0-glucan viscosity o f the waxy genotype was in agreement with results reported by Fox (19 8 1). The genetic relationship o f viscosity to waxy and fractured starch endosperms remains to be defined but different mechanisms for control o f viscosity are suspected. The 0-glucan viscosity curves o f developing endosperms showed that Nubet endo­ sperm started to increase in viscosity 21 days after an thesis and maximum viscosity was reached at physiological maturity. This result appeared to agree with a previous study reported by Coles (1979). According to his suggestion, starch accumulation is nearly com­ plete when the moisture content o f the endosperm declines to 40%, whereas the accumu­ lation o f 0-glucan and hemicellulose occurs near physiological maturity. Contrasting results are reported on the storage site o f the viscous substance in the kernel. Taiz and Jones (1970) suggested that 0-glucans were contained in the aleurone cell walls, but McNeil and Albersheim (1975) found the aleurone cell wall consisted o f arabinoxylan and cellulose. Fulcher et aL (1977) suggested that the main deposition o f 0-glucans are at the sub-aleurone cell walls but results showed by Gohl et al. (1977) indi­ cated the highest deposition o f 0-glucans were near the center o f the endosperm. 115 The results o f viscosity obtained from the fractions o f pearled offal appeared to be similar to the results reported by Gohl et al. (1977). The outside layer including germ, pericarp, testa and aleurone layer had lower viscosity than the center o f the endosperm and gradually increased from outside to inside. This indicated that the cell walls originating from the bran and aleurone layers contributed very little viscosity to the grain though most of the cellulose and hemicellulose are located in these layers. The genotype differ­ ences for 0-blucan viscosity o f the pearled grain increased as the outside layers o f the grain were removed. No differences were shown for amylose content, gelatinization temperature, paste viscosity and amylogram curves between Nubet and the starch mutants. These results indicated that the starch properties were not altered in the mutants. O f particular note is that the structural changes o f starch granules in the endosperm o f Franubet did not influ­ ence the amylose content or amylogram properties. Miller et al. (1973) suggested that the major contribution to the viscosity o f cooked starch paste is the molecules extruded from the granules during cooking. Fox (1981) reported the relationship o f Brabender peak pasting viscosity to 0-glucan viscosity and alpha-amylase activity. A strong negative correlation existed between log 10 Brabender peak pasting viscosity and log 10 alpha-amylase activity. A positive correlation was found between log 10 Brabender peak pasting viscosity and log 10 0-glucan viscosity within 12 samples o f waxy isotypes o f Betzes, Compana and Titan. The differences of Brabender peak pasting viscosity between samples treated with HgQ2 and without HgCl2 suggested the influences o f alpha-amylase on the past viscosities. Effect o f low 116 0-glucan viscosity in the Franubet flour was not evident in the amylograph viscosity. Genotype differences are suspected to be the reason for the differing results. Fast imbibition rate in pearled grains appeared to support the role o f surface layers o f the barley kernel in moderating water entry as reported by Brookes et al. (1976). The significant differences o f water absorption between Nubet, Franubet and Pemubet I found in either whole grain or pearled grain indicated fast water uptakes by the endosperms o f those mutants. Since kernel sizes o f the starch mutants were signifi­ cantly smaller than those o f Nubet, these results appeared to be similar to the results obtained by Briggs (1978). Pearled grain o f Wanubet absorbed more water at a significant­ ly faster rate compared to the pearled grain o f Nubet. The water absorption o f Wanubet seed appeared to be regulated by surface layers. Since waxy endosperms are basically dif­ ferent in amylose content and viscous substance from normal endosperm, these character­ istics appear to be related to water holding capacity. The variations obtained suggest the water absorption rate for a given steep time and the maximum water absorption are variable among barley cultivars and these differences may be at the maximum when surface layers are removed. Use o f Starch Mutants Tempering is generally practiced in wheat milling for toughening bran and changing the physical characteristics o f the endosperm before milling. The milling efficiency is usu­ ally improved with proper tempering. Moisture effects o f tempered barley were compared to the recovery o f milled fractions. As moisture level in tempered barley increased, the flour yield recovered from 117 the reduction roll was decreased and the bran was increased. Positive effects o f tempering were reported by Cheigh et al. (1975). Barley was tempered for 2 to 48 hours and moisture was adjusted to 14 percent. Sorum (1977) reported th at dry milling of barley produced higher flour extraction without increasing ash content. The basic tendency o f these results supports the results o f Sorum (1977). No sign o f improvement on the separation between endosperm and the bran was noted with differing tempering levels. More recovery o f bran appeared to be due to the endosperm attachment on the bran when barley was tempered to a higher moisture level. A considerable amount o f a barley sample was lost during milling with Buhler test mill, especially when the crushed barley sample “ plugged” the milling stream. This loss was mainly due to the suction system on the Buhler test mill. The “plugging” problem appeared to be one o f the major problems when milling barley with this mill. The feed rate was adjusted so as to minimize this problem. When the “ plugging” problem was reduced by using the correct feed rate the recovery o f milled product was maximized. This highest recovery of total of milling fractions in Franubet suggests good milling properties in this iso type while the lowest recovery for Wanubet suggest poor milling pro­ perties. The tempering, feeding rate, and endosperm characteristics were suspected to cre­ ate the “ plugging” problem but an evaluation method for this problem was not established in this study. Average flour yield o f Franubet was increased 13% over N ubet and Wanubet aver­ aged 16% less flour yield than N ubet. No differences were found between pericarp starch 118 mutants and Nubet. Flour yields ranged from 42% to 75% among genotypes and the dif­ ferences from the highest to the lowest within genotypes was 10 to 14 percent. This vari­ ation indicated that the genotype differences on the flour yield appeared to be greater than variation due to environments including the variation originating from the milling process. The effectiveness of milling barley is characterized by a decrease in flour ash and a change in ash distribution in the milling fractions. The Franubet flours consisted o f signi­ ficantly higher contents o f ash and protein and a lower starch content than those of Nubet. Forty-four percent o f the total ash was found in the flour of Nubet and 58% of the ash was found in the Franubet flour. Since the outside layers of the kernel consisted of material high in ash and protein and low in starch content more contamination by the outside layers was suspected to be present in Franubet flour. The 0-glucan viscosity o f the flour was less than grain viscosity and 0-glucan vis­ cosity o f shorts was very much higher than flour viscosity. Most o f the viscous substances which caused the differences between grain and flour 0-glucan viscosity appeared to be collected in the shorts fraction. Since the viscous substance was distributed in the endo­ sperm along with starch granules, the collection o f these substances in the shorts sug­ gested the separation o f starch granules from the viscous substances. Significant differ­ ences were shown for the 0-glucan viscosity between the milled fractions o f Franubet and Wanubet as compared to Nubet. The differences in 0-glucan viscosity between Franubet and Nubet appeared to reflect the isotype differences for the grain characteristics. The viscosity o f the Wanubet fractions did not seem to be associated with changes in the grain characteristics. 119 These results suggest the flour characteristics may be not only influenced by the grain characteristics, but also associated with the % flour recovered. Significant positive correlations between whole grain protein and flour protein, and grain ash and flour ash appeared to confirm the results reported by McGuire (1979) indi­ cating that the strong influence o f grain quality on flour characteristics. Significant posi­ tive correlations between flour yield and flour protein, and protein and flour ash were ob­ tained. These results may be due to a failure to separate flour from the oustide layers o f the kernel. The positive relationship with a strong correlation between grain protein and flour yield indicated the higher the protein content of the grain the higher the flour yield. The significant environmental correlation between grain protein (determined by Kjeldahl method) and flour yield suggests that the genetic variations o f protein content among starch mutants are much smaller than variations due to environment. However, significant genotypic correlation between grain protein determined by UDY method and flour yield appeared to confirm the different amino acid distribution in Franubet compared to Nubet. The inverse relationship with a strong correlation between 0-glucan viscosity and flour yield suggested that the highly viscous substances in the grain were the major factors reducing flour yield. The significant genotypic correlation indicated that most o f the vari­ ations for this correlation were due to the isotype differences. Factors affecting the pearling index in barley were sample size, moisture content, pearling time and isotype differences. Effects o f sample size, moisture content and pearl­ ing time to pearling index showed basic tendencies similar to those reported by Taylor et al. (1939), McQuggage (1943) and Kramer and Albrecht (1948). 120 Errors associated with the Strong Scott pearler were relatively small and the great­ est variances appeared to be due to the sample differences. Peariing time was suspected to be the major factor causing variation in pearling index. The strong linear relationship of pearling index to pearling time indicated that pearling properties could be represented by a comparison o f the slope (byx) obtained from two indexes o f one sample pearled for two different lengths of time. Significant differences o f pearling index and pearling slopes (byx) were found be­ tween waxy and normal endosperm genotypes indicating isotype variation. Higher pearl­ ing indexes at a given pearling time and slower pearling rates were shown for waxy endo­ sperm isotypes compared to their normal isotypes. The pearling rate is an indication o f kernel hardness when comparing hard and soft types o f wheat (Taylor et al., 1939; McGuggage, 1943; and Kramer and Albrecht, 1948). In general, the harder the grain, the less the material removed in pearling. These results suggested that the grain o f waxy endosperm was a harder grain than the normal isotypes. By the “ bite” test waxy endosperm types have been observed to be less hard than normal endosperm types. Usually opaqueness in wheat is associated with low protein and softness. Waxy endosperm barleys are opaque. Hardness tested by other methods is needed to confirm the results observed here. It is possible that high viscosity is associated with a slower pearling rate. In the comparisons o f normal and bachytic or hulless caryopsis isotypes in Betzes, isotype differences were found for pearling index but no differences were noted in pearl­ ing slopes between normal and m utant isotypes. These results suggested that pearling rates were similar for isotypes when the endosperm types were the same. The pearling index at 121 a given time was different between isotypes but this difference is probably related to kernel shape or size. The significant positive correlation between grain weight and pearling index in the Betzes and Titan genotypes revealed that grain size o f a sample affects the pearling index. Small kernels or broken kernels in a sample sifted out into the pearled offal and resulted in a reduced pearling index when determined for a constant pearling time. The negative correlation o f these traits for Compana and Wapana indicated that the large grains pearled faster. Broken kernels o f the pearls in these cultivars probably caused these results. Chung et al. (1974) reported that the resistant forces o f the large grain at the initi­ ation o f pearling were greater than those o f small grain. The broken kernels observed may be partially due to the initial resistance of large kernels. The strong linear relationship between pearling index and pearling time also indicated that the differences in pearling rates among grain layers, if they exist in kernels, were not measurable with this machine. Probably the pericarp and aleurone layers were too thin to be detected with this machine. Since the pearling rate was directly dependent upon the pearling time and endosperm properties, the comparisons o f optimum pearling rates among genotypes were difficult and other measurements were required to equalize the pearling rates. Ash content o f pearled grain was observed for this purpose and an acceptable relationship was found between ash content and pearling rate. Pearling rates among genotypes are comparable only if the ash contents o f genotypes are similar and if the distributions o f ash among layers o f tissues are uniform. 122 One percent o f ash content o f the pearled grain was assumed to be an acceptable pearl for human consumption. The pearling indexes at 1% ash for Betzes and Wabet were 68 and 66% and those o f Nubet and Wanubet were 78 and 77%, respectively. Pearling rates adjusted to one percent ash content o f the pearls and converted to pearling indexes, 67% for the covered, and 77% for the naked corresponded well with the conventional pearling indexes o f naked and covered barley used in Korea. The variation o f ash content due to the genotype and environment should be considered in determining the grain ash content but further information regarding this point was not obtained. Pearling rates o f starch mutants were compared to that o f Nubet. Franubet pearled slower than Nubet and faster than Wanubet and Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 showed no dif­ ferences from Nubet in pearling rates. Pearling indexes determined at I percent ash content were relatively higher for Nubet and Franubet than Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 but these differences were not considered to be due to the ash content associated with the isotypes. Differences o f growth performance o f rats fed the four starch m utant diets ad­ justed to 14.5% isoprotein levels were not significant. This was true for a rat feeding trial and an energy balance trial. The results indicate the energy value o f the starch mutants are basically that o f Nubet. Newman (Personal communication, 1980) suggested that the evaluation o f energy values in cereals is quite difficult to measure in a rat feeding trial. Variations due to the genotype o f the rats might be a reason and the physiological energy balance within the ani­ mal body and the energy trade o ff between protein and carbohydrate may be other reasons. 123 Since Franubet has significantly less viscous material, though to be mainly 0-glucan, a greater growth performance o f chicks in a feed trial may be expected with this barley in the diet. Chapter 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Two pericarp starch mutants (Pemubet I and Pemubet 2) accumulated starch in the pericarp layer and one fractured starch mutant (Franubet) in which the endosperm con­ sisted of angular o r fractured starch granules were identified and their inheritances were investigated. Characters associated with these genes and their use related to the human consumption were studied. The pericarp layers o f the grain were mutated by the diethylesulfate and the pheno­ typic appearances o f these mutants identified by the treatment with iodine solution (blue and light blue staining on the surface o f the grain) expressed the homozygous recessive genotypes o f the plants. Pericarp starch m utant I was inherited as single gene and assigned the symbol per I. Pericarp starch mutant 2 (Pemubet 2) symbolized per 2 appeared to inherited also as single recessive gene, however, unusual F1 segregations occurred in some crosses with parents or translocations. The linkage studies using translocation homozygote lethal stocks indicate that per I was located on the long arm o f chromosome I near the centromere and per 2 was placed on the long arm o f the chromosome 7. Probable gene order from the centromere o f chromosome I was Tl-7i-Tl-6j-per J-K-Ik1. Changes o f ash and starch distribution were associated with starch deposition in the pericarp layer o f Pemubet I . Smaller seed size appeared to be associated with both peri­ carp starch mutants. The additional starch accumulations in the pericarp layer did not influence the chemical composition, such as protein, ash, ether extract, crude fiber, amylose content 125 and 0-glucan viscosity o f the grain. No significant advantages were found for pearling, mill­ ing and energy or nutritive value of these grains. The fractured starch m utant gene (Franubet) was inherited as single recessive gene expressing xenia and was assigned the symbol fra. Seeds of this m utant appeared as opaque on a light table and the endosperm consists o f angular, irregular, and compound starch granules which are easily distinguished from the round, regular granules o f normal Nubet starch. This gene was assigned to chromosome 4, distal in the long ami, by linkage with translocation breakpoints. In addition to the reduced seed size, fewer kernels per spike, shorter culm length, and higher tillering ability, lower /3-glucan viscosity, faster water absorption, and higher lysine content of the grain were associated with this mutant. P-Glucan viscosity o f the Nubet grain increased from 3 weeks after anthesis to physiological grain maturity and most of the viscous substances appeared to be stored in the endosperm. The highest 0-glucan viscosity was obtained for the waxy endosperm isotype and the lowest for the fractured starch mutant. These results indicated that different genetic mechanisms for the P-glucan viscosity existed among the mutants. No differences for chemical components of the grain, such as starch, protein, ash, crude fiber, ether extract and amylose content were found between Franubet and N ubet. No significant changes o f the viscoamylograph curves were attributable to the starch granule changes in Franubet. 126 Increasing moisture level of tempered grain appeared to cause flour yield reductions and created “ plugging” problems in the Buhler milling process. No significant improvement o f the separation o f brain and endosperm was observed when the tempering moisture levels were altered. The variation of the flour yield due to the genotype differences was significantly greater than the variation due to the environment including the errors associated with the milling process. The highest flour yield was obtained for Franubet and the lowest flour yield was from the grain of Wanubet. The 0-glucan viscosity of the grain appeared to be related to the flour yield and a strong negative correlation (r= -0.799**) was obtained between 0-glucan viscosity o f the grain and percent flour yield obtained from Nubet and its starch mutants. The high flour extraction from Franubet appeared to elevate the ash and protein content in the flour probably by contamination with outside layers. The pearling index of barley grain was largely dependent upon the sample size charged, moisture content o f grain and pearling time assigned. Genotype differences for pearling rates could be determined by pearling for 2 minutes or more lengths o f time with the same sample size and moisture level. The grain o f waxy endosperm and hulless geno­ types pearled slower than their normal counterparts. The pearling rates o f kernel layers were not distinguishable with the successive increments of pearling time and it was difficult to determine the optimum pearling index for the pot barley for Korean consumption with a Strong-Scott barley pearler. For the comparisons o f genotype differences o f pearling index, the pearling can be equalized by taking the pearling index at the same amount o f ash content in the pearled grain. Ash contents due to different genotypic background should be considered before 127 applying this method. The pearling index at 1% ash content in the pearled grain appeared to be acceptable for incorporation in the Korean diet and for comparing genotype differ­ ences. Pearling indexes of Pemubet I and Pemubet 2 appeared to be lower than those o f Nubet and Franubet at the 1% ash level. The rat feeding trial and energy balance studies were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value o f the starch mutants. No significant differences were found between Nubet and starch mutant rations for gain per day, feed consumption, or percent digestible energy. The two pericarp starch mutants were shown to have no advantage in accomplishing the objectives o f this study, however, the Pemubet I gene may be a good marker for genetic studies. Franubet m utant was shown to be lower in 0-glucan viscosity, higher in lysine con­ tent of the grain, to imbibe water more rapidly and mill easier with higher flour yield than Nubet. The angular starch and fewer cell walls in Franubet endosperm may contribute to finding a barley that tastes like rice. LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED AACC. 1962. American Association o f Cereal Chemists. Cereal Laboratory Methods (7th ed.). The Association, St. Paul, Minn. Andersson, J. O., D. C. Dobson, and R. K. Wagstaff. 1961. Studies on the value o f hulless barley in chick diets and means o f increasing this value. Poultry Sci. 40: 1571-1584. AOAC. 1970. Official Methods o f Analysis (I Ith ed.). Association o f Official Agricultural Chemists, Washington, D. C. Banks, W. and C.T. Greenwood. 1971. The characterization of starch and its components. Part 4. The specific estimation o f glucose using glucose oxidase. Starke 23: 222-228. Banks, W. and C. T. Greenwood, (ed.). 1975. 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