Hydrodesulfurization of sulfate turpentine by William Bruce Isaacson A thesis submitted tp the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the .requirements far the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by William Bruce Isaacson (1963) Abstract: Samples of crude sulfate turpentine were obtained from sulfate pulp mills in Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Georgia. The sulfur content of the samples was found to vary widely with different mills and also on samples from the same mills taken at different times. The compositions of the samples were determined by gas chromatography. The a-pinene content of the samples from Washington and Oregon was approximately 85% that from Montana was 35% and that from Georgia was 65% The a-pinene fraction, 145-155 °C at 640 mm Hg, was distilled from the crude sulfate turpentine using a precision distillation column at a reflux ratio of 10:1. The a-pinene fraction, containing 95% a-pinene was then subjected to a hydrodesulfurization treatment to remove objectionable sulfur compounds present. The hydrodesulfurization was carried out in a flow-tube reactor in the presence of Houdry "Series C" cobalt molybdate catalyst. The effects of temperature, pressure, space velocity, and hydrogen flow rate on sulfur were investigated. The reactor products were analyzed for a-pinene recovery as well as sulfur content to insure a high yield of a-pinene in the desulfurized product. The optimum reactor conditions for desulfurization and a-pinene recovery determined in this investigation were 400°F, 25 psig,space velocity = 2.5 hr-1, and hydrogen rate of 5,000 SCF/bbl. Sixty to ninety percent of the sulfur was removed from the a-pinene feedstocks With an 80% composition of a-pinene remaining in the reactor product. Increases in the reactor pressure and space velocity tend to decrease the sulfur removal. An optimum reactor temperature exists for each space velocity and tends to increase with increasing space velocity. Increasing the reactor temperature tends to decrease the recovery of a-pinene in the reactor product. Increasing the space velocity tends to increase the recovery of a-pinene. The hydrodesulfurization of the entire boiling range of crude sulfate turpentine did net appreciably improve the odor. However, 28-80% of the sulfur was removed on the different feedstocks The desulfurization ability of the catalyst appears to improve slightly with use of the catalyst. No deactivation was noted for 600 volumes of oil/volume of catalyst. :HiDRODESULFTmiZATIQN OF SULFATE TURPENTINE by WILLIAM BRUCE-ISAACSON f A thesis, submitted .to the Graduate Faculty, in partial fulfillment of the .requirements for the degree ■ or DOCTOR OF 'PHILOSOPHY, in Chemical Engineering Approved: Headjl Major.Department^,— Chairman ? -Examining :Coimj>tge ean,"Graduate Diyision. ■MONTANA STATE.,COLLEGE ,Bozeman* ■Montana .Uuly v .196.5 RESTRICTED STASiJ <2 <3 / = - s Z Ii -VITA The author , William Bruce Isaacsony -was torn, in Minot , MOfth _ ■ Dakota on December 4, .1937,,.. the son oi* Mr, and Mrs. Franklin 6. Isaac­ son. -He is married to the .former Brigitta Brauner of Wlm,.,.Germany. •Hr,. Isaacson attended elementary.schools in Minot, ,North Ddkota and Worth Mankato,,-Minnesota,-.anh, he was graduated .from Minot ^igh School in 1556- -In. September 195 6.,.he enrolled in the State Teachers College in Minot,-North Dakota.in. the Pre-Engineering .Curriculum. • He transferred to Montana State College in Bozeman,, Montana in September 1958% and received .his ■Bachelor of Science in. Chemical Engineering degree in ^une I960. .,In.September i 960, .Mr, Isaacson enrolled...in. the-Graduate Division at Montana State College to work, toward, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering: •Mr. Isaacson has the following .work experiencet ■ Laboratory- Technician,,Westland Oil-Company..Refinery, Williston, North Dakota,-May.1958 to September 19 58, Student Chemical Engineer, Research and Development Department , Standard Oil Company ( l n d . -Mandan, Nor 6h .Dakota., June 1959 to September 1959* . Technologist, ,Shell Chemical Company., Torranpey California, June i960 to September i 960. Teaching Assistant.,.- Chemical Engineering.Department^ Montana. State College, Bozeman, Montana, September i 960 to June 1961. Research. Assistant., Chemical Engineering Department., ,Montana. State College, Bozeman, Montana* September I 96I to September I.962. Since September l962,,Mr.-Isaacson has been employed as. both a. Teach­ ing: Assistant and Research Assistant, while pursuing his graduate studies at Montana State College. Iii . ACKN.OWLED G3MENT The author wishess to thank .the -entire staff of the Chemical .Engineering•Department of. JMpntanavState C o l l e g e a n d in .particular Dr'* Lloyd Berg who directed this research* ,for their encouragement * •suggestions* and Criticisms which led to .the successful completion of this 'project.* ■The author also wishes .fo acknowledge the Engineering..Experiment Station of ■Montana State College ..for their financial support given: this .project and. the pulp a n d paper .companies who have supplied the raw .materials and. other valuable information. •1# ■TABLE -OF CONTENTS Eage A b s t r a c t .................... ; .................................... I n t r o d u c t i o n , .............................. : Research, Objectives x ........................ I . g Equipment and Experimental, P r o c e d u r e .................... : A. ■ M a t e r i a l s ......................................... B, ■ Eiquipment . 7 7 . 8 0 , ■ Operating , P r o c e d u r e ........................................ 10 D. . -Analytical P r o c e d u r e s . .................................... 11 :■ Thermodynamic feasibility S t u d y .................................... 13 . R e s u l t s .and . D i s c u s s i o n ........................................ A. ■ B» Qi . D. E. ’F . 15 • C o m p o u n d - I d e n t i f i c a t i o n . ................................ .15 .Distillation, of the a-Pinene F r a c t i o n .............. .16 ■ Preliminary. DesUlfurizatipn. Runs . . . .• . • . . 17 Extended Runs for Line-Out P e r i o d . .................... 19 20 -Verification of-Reactor F e e d and Products . . . . Effect o f ■Temperature* Pressure* Space Velocity, and •Hydrogen Rate on. Sulfur Removal . . ' . . G. Effect of Variables o n C o m p o s i t i o n .................... '23 H. Sulfur Removal.on Different a-Tinene-Fractions 1. Sulfur R e m o y a l .on Crude.Sulfate Turpentine Samples . ■ I.. ■ Catalyst. Life 24 . . . .......................... 21 . 25 25 I ■V TABLE•OF CONTENTS.(continued) ,P&geh ConcLuSions • • . . ; ................ ... ■ . . . ... 26 Suggestions for Future W o r k ...................................... 29 'A p p e n d i x ............. :.......................................... Literature C i t e d .................................. 3.1 86 •VlLIST QP TABLES ■Page Chemleal Compeimds Table U Themnodyriamld.. D a t a ..................................... 3.7 Table. Ill Aetlylty O e e f T l c l e n t s ............................. ■ Table IV • ■ ' ............................ 32 Table I .Sulfuii Content of Crude Sulfate Turpentine • . . . Table V Crude Sulfate Turpentine Compositions Table VI Distillation Data, ,for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from T0I e d o ,. O r e g o n ..................... ^9 Table VII Distillation Data.for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from lies sup y ■Georgia ■Table VIII Table IX Distillation.Data .for CrUde Sulfate Turpentine.from Missoulay Montana .Distillation-Da,ta for Crude Sulfate •Turpentine fpom Springfield,*, Oregon Table X ............. ^7 ^ ................... 51 ................ . . . . . . 53 55 Distillation.Data for Crude Splfate Turpentine from. Eyerett,* ,Washington ................... 57 TaTle XI Preliminary Desulfurization D a t a ..................... 59 Table XII ,Data.for Runs 'Using .20^-H2S^SO^..H2 Table XIII Table XlV Table XV Table XVI ' ...................60 Extended Run o n Non-Sulfided. Catalyst ■at High. P r e s s u r e ' ............... 6l Extended-Run on Non-Sulfided Catalyst at- Low-Pressure...................... 63 .Extended Run on Sulfided Catalyst at Low. P r e s s u r e ...................................... '64 .Effect of Temperature on Sulfur. Removal,............ 69 • ■ V-ii •LIST, OF TABLES - (.coixtlnued). Kage Table XVII -Table XVIII .Effect of Pressure on Sulfur Removal..................71 Effect of Space Velocity. on Sulfur Removal. . . . 75 Table XIX EffebU- of HydUogeU Rate ..on, Sulf u r 'Removal . . . . Table. XX Cc^.os.ltldri.of•.Reactor P r o d u c t s ................. ... Table XXI Sulfur Removal, on. Different Table XXII Sulfur' RempVal on Crude Sulfate Turpentine a.-Finene Feedstocks . . . . . . Table .XXIII. . Catalyst L i f e ....................... ‘............... Table X X I V ' 75 77 . 82 83 84 Properties of Hpudfy llBeries. C ir Cobalt •■■Molybdate Oatalybf,.. . ...............................85 .Fill LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I .Figure .2 Flow Diagram. Fpr Topical Sulfate Turpentine Recovery System. ! ............ Schematic Flow, Diagram of ■Hydrotreating Upit . . 34 • • 45 Figure 3- .Detailed Diagram.of R e a c t o r ................... . . 46 - •Figure .4 ■Distillation•Plot for Crude. Sulfate Turpentine..f rojn. Teledp,.,,' O r e g o n ................ . . 50 Distillation Plqt for Crude Sulfate ■• Turpentine from ,Jessup;-,/ G e o r g i a ............ • • 52 •, • 54 ■ Figure 5 ■ F i g u r e ■6 Figure 7 Distillation Plqt for Crude ..Sulfate -TUrpentine from Missoula.-,,. Montana,............ Distillation Plot for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Springfield,, Oregon, . .: . . • 56 Distillation Plot for Crude Sulfate Turpentine, from. Everett.Washington........... . . 0 Extended Run..on Non^Sulfided Catalyst at High-Pressure . . . . '. . . 62 -Figure.10- Extended Run at ■Lqw-.. Pressure.................. . . 65 Figure 11 Infrared Spectrum,of Known a-Pinene Sample. . . . 66 Figure 12 ; Infrared Spectrum of. .appinene Distilled from .Crude Sulfate Turpentine .(Reactor Feed) . . ' Figure .8 ■Figure 9 . ... 67 /Figure 13 -Infrared. Spectrum, of a F i n e n e Reactor Product. . . . . 68 " Figure 14 Temperature Effect on Sulfur,Removal .......... . . 70 Pressure Effect on Sulfur Removal ............ • • 72 -Spade Velocity Effect on Sulfur Removal . . . 74 Figure 1.5. F i g u r e 16 . Ix LIST OF-'FIGURES (continued) . Page Flgtare 17 Figure 18, Hydrogen Rate. Eff ect- on Sulfur R e m o y a l .............. 76 -Chromatogram for a - Finene.F e e d s t o c k .................78 ■Flghre 19 -■ Chromatogram for Reactor Froduct at. 400.°F:>..25.psig.,. SV, = ,2 .5. •' F i g u r e .20 ... . . . . . .79 Chromatogram for Reactor Product at ' W pFy. 25 p s i g y SV. -. -Figure 21 . 1.25 .............................. 80 Chromatogram, for Reactor Product at, 40.00Fy .5.OO psig,, SV.,=,'2.5. . '. .s ........... .81 X ABSTRACT Samples of crude sulfate turpentine were obtained from sulfate pulp mills in Montana*. Oregon*, Washington,^- and Georgia. -The sulfur content of the samples was found to rary 'widely with,different .mills. And also on samples.from the same mills .taken at different times. •The compositions of the samples were determined by gas chromato-’ graphy. - The a-pinene'content of the samples from. Washington and. Oregon was approximately.85^ * .that from Montana was and that from Georgia was 65/ 0. The a-pinene fraction*.145-155'°C at 64-0.mm Hg*.was distilled from the crude sulfate turpentine -using a precision distillation column at a reflux ratio of 10:1, ■The a-pinene fraction, containing, '95$. a-pinene was ■then subjected to a hydrodesulfurization treatment to remove objection­ able sulfur compounds, present. The by dr odes ULf urlz at Ion was carried out in a flow-tube reactor in the presence of Houdry "Series C" cobalt, mol­ ybdate catalyst. •The effects of temperature*.pressure *, space velocity*, and hydrogen flow pate-on sulfur were Investigated. The reactor products were analyzed for a-plnene recovery as well as sulfur content to insure a high yield of a-pinene in the desulfurized product. The optimum reactor conditions for. desulfurization and a-pinene recovery, determined in, .this investi­ gation w e r e -iLOO0H^ ,25 psig*. space velocity = 2.5 hr”1*, a n d hydrogen rate ■of 5*000. SCP/bbl. '. Sixty to ninety percent of the sulfur was .removed from the a-pinene feedstocks With a n 8.0$ composition of a-pinene re™ .malning in the reactor product. Increases in the reactor pressure and space velocity tend to decrease the.sulfur removal. ■ An optimum, reactor temperature exists for each space velocity and tends to increase with increasing Space velocity. Increasing.:the reactor temperature tends to decrease the recovery of a-pinene in-the reactor product, ■ Increasing the space Velocity tends to .Increase the recovery of a-pinene. ThehydrodesulfurizatlQn-Of the entire boiling, range of crude sulfate turpentine- did, not appreciably, improve, the odor. .However* 287-80$ o f .the sulfur was removed.on the different feedstocks. The desulfurization ability.,of the -catalyst appears to improve slightly, with.use of the catalyst. -No deactivation was noted for 60.0 Volumes of oil/volume of catalyst. •.INTRODUCTION Tfefe problem, of controlling, and, reducing.water and atmospheric pointion in the United States is becoming ■increasingly important, .Effluents from sulfate (of kraft) -pulp,mills are ,major contributors to the polution'problem. ThO release .of foul odors has been a major defect of the kraft pulping process ever since its.development in Germany more than years ago, -The odors are liberated, at several points in. the process which are usually widely separated .,in the mill* thus making the problem, of containing,and controlling these odors difficult (3 )., The furnace.flue gases.generally contain a relatively,small.con­ centration of the .malodorous substances h o w e v e r t h e total volume .of discharge is so great that a considerable nuisance may result. .Condensates from, the multiple-effect evaporator on t h e .nNlack liquor" recovery system may contain a considerable amount of the foulsmelling compounds.*., thus .giving rise-to a secondary nuisance. The gases liberated.in relieving and .blowing the.digesters are a major source fop' the foul odors, associated with the .kr’aft mill. •The .major.offenders are organic sulfur compounds,* the principal malodorous substances being hydrogen .sulfide*, methyl .mercaptan.^ ..dimethyl sulfide, ■and dimethyl.disulfide•(3). ■ Control.of these gases is particularly ..difficult pecause..their, fate -of release is subject to large fluctuations inherent from the batch digestion process. -2~ • If the .gases evolved.from the digester relief valve are candensely,the material■obtained Is called crude sulfate turpentine. A typical flow diagram for the recovery of this material Is shown In the Appendix in Figure I. The crude sulfate turpentine has a .foul odor due to the sulfur compo,unds present. This research project Is concerned with the.desulfurization of the a-plnene fraction (approximately 85 per■CBiit) obtained from crude sulfate turpentine samples, from five sulfate pulp mills. ."Mass spectrometer examination of the volatile components in. the condensate from the kraft pulp digester blow gas has confirmed the presence of hydrogen sulfide^ methyl mercaptan, .dimethyl sulfide, and. dimethyl disulfide, and has shown, that corresponding ethyl compounds _ and other sulfur^containing derivatives are not present in substantial concentrations" (15).. The same sulfur compounds have been reported present in the .CpUde sulfate turpentine by EfisheV, Prokhorov, and. Matyushkina (13) and also.by.Enkvist (14).• • The amount of loss ,of volatile organic sulfur compounds associ­ ated with the digester relief and blow as reported by Bergstrom and Trobeck is approximately two pounds of sulfur per ton of pulp produced (4).. . Pulping of Douglas-f,Ir produces one to five pounds of sulfur per top of pulp produced.of the same type of organic sulfur compounds, de­ pending -upon the pulping conditions (5). ■ The most critical factor in fixing the amount of t%is material produced is the cooking-temperature. -3■ More sulfur compounds are produced at the higher temperatures. Due to the high vapor pressure of these compounds they readily escape into the atmosphere during relief from the digester. .Some of the materials are partially condensed with the steam, and appear in the digester relief condensate (crude sulfate .turpentine). Some sulfur analyses of samples of digester relief gases by Felicetta,..Peniston„ and-McCarthy have shown the following distri=* but ion (1. 5 ): . H2S CH3SH .(CE3 )2S (CH3 )2S 2 Sample I 131 5240 7350 4095 Sample 2 138 . 4880 70,0.0 3870 (concentrations in parts p e r .million by volume) Most- Southern kraft mills obtain some reduction in the emission of odorous compounds from the digester gases through the recovery of the cru.de sulfate turpentine. ■ The woods used, by the -Southern, mills yield up to four 'gallons, of crude sulfate-turpentine per ton 6f pulp produced, and make the recovery.of.this material for refinement econ* omically. favorable. ■The yield of turpentine obtained from, the Northern and Western, mills is somewhat lower * -approximately. 1.5 gallons per ton of pulp produced*.and recovery for refinement is seldom practiced. The type of trees processed*.the -operating conditions p .and the-efficiency of the recovery., operation determine the yield, of the turpentine obtained.. Current practices of recovery and disposal of crude sulfate tur­ pentine from Western pulp mills vary..with different locations and with different mills. some.mills. Burning as a partial fuel requirement is practiced in Others haye dumped, this material into the ocean where location permits. Repeated vaporization into the atmosphere has been tried., as well as disposing into settling ponds. In one casey.no re- -covery system is used and all relief gases and. turpentine emitted from the digesters are discharged into the atmosphere. Recovery of the crude sulfate turpentine is becoming of greater importance as a stable market for the material has developed:, •and, also as polution restrictions are tightened. An interest in individual pure terpene hydrocarbons has also developed in the last few years and new sources of the basic terpenes are being sought (33). ■Once the crude sulfate turpentine has been recovered^.the problem then becomes that of desulfurization and purification to .provide a pro­ duct that will meet with public acceptance and-also haye the same desir­ able chemical and physical properties associated with pure gum spirits of turpentine. Many methods have .been employed to accomplish, these tasks with steam distillation and/or chemical treatment. Treating pith hypochlorite or ethylene-diamine to further reduce the sulfur content appear to be the most common (6.y J y .9..,.13-,- 17*. 20,. 25*,,27.*- 32>: -34). -This research project is an-attempt to desulfurize .the crude sulfate turpentine and also the a-pinene .fraction of the crude sulfate -5-. turpentine by a .method.not. previously ,reported jn. the.literature. Kie process proposed..is slmlJ,ar to. that used.In. the petroleum. Industry to desulfurize various petroleum .fractions. The oil,., in this ..ease -the turpentine, is reacted with hydrogen gas at elevated temperatures and pressures in the presence of a-Cobalt molybdate Catalyst. -The raercap- t a n s s u l f i d e s a n d disulfides react ..with, the hydrogen, to form, the hydrocarbon and. hydrogen sulfide which is removed, by. bubbling through a caustic solution. ■The .reaction.-is carried.out in a tubular~flow reactor.. •The reactor conditions however,, are considerably,, milder than those employed in. the petroleum industry due to the structural properties of the terpenes and side reactions, not prevalent with compounds occurring in petroleum. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this research were to determine the a•pinene content of samples of crude sulfate turpentine.obtained, from kraft pulp mills .from five locations; to fractionate out the a.~pinene boiling fraction and subject it.to a hydrodesulfurization treatment to remove the ohjectionablei .sulfur compounds present;, to determine the optimum operating conditions for the hydrodesulfurization; and to maintain a high yield.of a—pinene in the hydrotreated-desulfurized reaction product. The.hydrodesulfurization was to be carried out in-a flowrfcube reactor and the effects of the following variables on .desulfurization and product rearrangement were ;to be investigated: .I. Temperature 2. .Pressure 5. Space. Velocity 4-. Hydrogen Blow. Rate The above objectives.were realized insofar as time and available equipment allowed. ■ The research, was meant to be both fundamental and applied in nature y with the hope that the results could be applied, toward commercial .utilization,- EQUIPMENT AND EXPERIMENTAL, CONSIDERATIONS A. Materials Feedstock: The .crude sulfate turpentine used for this research project was obtained.from the following pulp, mills; :Waldorfw-Hoerner Pulp •Mill*. ■Missoula* ■Montana Georgia-Pacific Paper Company,-Toledo *.Oregon Weyerhaeuser Pulp .Mill y .Springfield,. .Oregon Weyerhaeuser Pulp Mill,* Everett, .Washington Rayonier Pulp-Mill*, Jessup*- Georgia The a-pinene Content of the various, samples.was .determined by means of gas chromatography. The a-*pinene fraction,. 145-155°C at 64-0 ram Hg pressure,, was distilled using a packed ..distillation column described below. The a-pinene fraction was then washed with a ten percent solution of sodium hydroxide to remove dissolved hydrogen sulfide and mereaptans. The caustic wash was followed by two water washings to remove trace amounts of caustic. ■ By this means it was possible to determine the desulfurization due to the hydrotreating. The sulfur con­ tent of all reactor feed stocks was determined at this point. - Catalyst and Catalyst Supports: The -catalyst used. for. the hydro­ desulfurization was a Houdry "Series C" cobalt molybdate catalyst, .Pre­ vious investigations at Montana State College on hydrodesulfurization of petroleum, distillates using.the same catalyst have shopn it to be very effective for.removing sulfur (21* ,29). This.catalyst is a typical hydrodesulfurization catalyst and is used extensively in the petroleum -8 industry. - The physical and chemical'properties of the catalyst are given in Table XXIV. •The amount of catalyst used, for each run was 12 cc (10 grams). The catalyst was diluted with 1/8rin, alundum pellets in order to keep the volume of the reaction zone of approximately 50 cc in the reactor. The catalyst bed was supported .on. the top and bottom in the reactor by l/4~in. low surface area alumina pellets. -,.Hydrogen Gas : The .hydrogen .used .for the desulfurization, was pur- .chased in high pressure cylinders from-HR Oxygen and Supply Company in Billings ^.Montana. Trace amounts of oxygen and water w.ere removed, by passing the gas through a "Deoxo" unit and a drying unit containing Drierite. ■B. Equipment Distillation Equipment: The distillation column used to,separate the a-pinene fraction from the crude sulfate turpentine was a. .four-foot glass column, ,1^3/4-in..in diameter. The column was packed with l/8.-»in. .stainless steel helices '(Eenske rings).. The column was wrapped, with aluminum foil to reduce heat-losses and enclosed .inside another.glass cylinder 3-in. in didfiieter arid four feet in length. > • The inside column was provided with ground .glass joints at the top and bottom to insure leak-free connections with.the stillpot and the condensing head. Auxiliary equipment for the distillation column included a Corad condensing head,- .stillpots ranging in size from one liter to fifty -9•liters Grlas-Col heating mantles ^ and Powenstats . .Reactor Equipment: ■ shown in Figure 2. A schematic flow diagram-of the reactor is The reactor operates as a continuous-flow>.fixed- bed, .integral reactor. •The turpentine feedstock is pumped from the reservoir to. the top of the reactor where it is joined by the purified hydrogen just prior to entering the reactor. •The turpentine and hydro­ gen then pass down, through, the pre-heat zone* catalyst zone, and effluent zone together. The reacted products then pass through a concentrie- -pipe water cooler and.through the pressure regulator. The gaseous and liquid products then pass through a cooling coil in an ice bath and then into a receiver flask where the liquid product is collected. -The gases are bubbled through a caustic solution and vented.to the atmos­ phere. .Reac t or Sp ec if ic at ions : The reactor was made from 1-in.- OD,, ■schedule 8 0 , .stainless steel seamless.pipe,.30 inches in length. The bottom of the reactor was silver soldered to a flanged union to permit ease of removing to change catalyst. -The top of the. reactor was p.ef- .manently connected.to a high pressure cross with, a 1500 psi rupture disc inserted, in one side as a safety, precaution. .The reactor was covered with a layer of asbestos tape and then wrapped with four ceramicbeaded nichrome heating coils. A l-l/2-in. layer of insulating cement was placed-over the heating ,coils. •A 1/4-in. OD stainless steel thermowell sealed at one end. was passed down through the center of the reactor. Four iron*,const ant an thermocouples were placed .inside the thermowell for measuring the tern^ perature at various positions. A diagram Indicating .the positions of the thermocouples,, heating.coils.* and.catalyst zone is shown in. Figure 3, . Reactor.auxiliary equipment included the following; -a Lapp Pulsa- ■feeder pump j ■a Brooks armored high, pressure rotameter> a -Grove (Mity.-rfflite) back pressure ,regulator;,four 110-volt Powerstatsj.a IOQO ml.graduated feed reservoir with a I 5 ml burette attached for measuring reactor feed rates 5 a Leeds and Ndrthrup indicating potentiometer; three Marshall­ town test pressure gauges; a Dohor Purifier 5 .a.Matheson hydrogen, regulator. ■All of the tubing used.on the unit was type 302 stainless steel, .l/8.-in. OD tubing. C. Various Hoke valves were also used. Operating Procedure :Reactor Rrepapat jon; In preparing for a run^ ,the reactor was loaded with catalyst, purged with hydrogen.to remove the air, .then, pressurized and tested fop leaks. 'The reactor heat was -.turned, on and the temperature, adjusted to. approximately the desired operating tempera­ ture. The hydrogen was turned on and metered through a .rotameter. •The flow rate was adjusted.by means of a needle valve. The feed pump was then turned on and the flow adjusted.by means of measuring the volu.metric flow rate from t h e -15..ml burette. • The temperature was recorded JJLevery half, hour1 and the Powerstats adjusted-when necessary.' The reacted liquid products were collected, in the flask below the Mity-mite pres­ sure regulator. Before some of the runs y the catalyst was pre-sulfided. t.o insure maximum activity. - The pre-sulfiding .was accomplished, by passing a ZQf0 H2 S - 80$..H2 mixture over the catalyst until, half as many grams of sul­ fur as ghams of catalyst had, been passed through the reactor. . This procedure is the same a s .that followed by.Kiovsky (21). :Sampling: The .unit was allowed, to .run at steady state and samples were taken at two-hour intervals, after the lineout period.. .Each sample was analyzed for.total sulfur and terpene,distribution by the methods described below. D. •Analytical. Procedures 1.Sulfur Analysis; The total,.sulfur content of the crude sulfate turpentine samples., .the a-pinene reactor feed. ■stocks r , a n d .the reactor products was determined by the Quartz Tube Combustion Method;-, ASTM ,Designation; :D I ^ l -*58 T ,(2). •The samples of reactor feed and product were washed with a. ten percent solution of sodium hydroxide to remove hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. • The .caustic wash was followed by two water, washings. Two determinations .were .run on each sample and the results averaged. . Qas,, Chromatograph Analysis: The. compositions of the samples were determined by.means of an. Aerograph gas chromatograph manufactured by the Wilkens Instrument and Research Company; •The column used was a !/1Jr In. stainless steel tube, six feet in length-, -packed with Carbowax 1J-OOO adsorbent on Chromosorb C-^-8560 supports (35). AMinneapdlis- •Honeywell recorder was used to record, the chromatograms. The column temperature was h e l d •constant at 90°C and the helium flow rate of 35 Ce per minute was employed. A 2 ul sample was injected into the Chromato^- graph for analysis. -The characteristic peak areas were determined by means of a K&E compensating polar planimeter. -.Infrared Spectrophotometer-: Infrared spectrums of Various samples were run by. the Chemistry Department of Montana.State Collegfe on a Beckman Model IR1J-.Spectrophotometer. THERMODYNAMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY In order to establish the feasibility of the desulfurization reactions >,a •thermodynamic study- was conducted,fo,r five possible re­ actions occurring in the reactor. The sulfur compounds chosen for the study are those having .been identified, as present in the. crude sulfate turpentine. ■1.. ■ Methyl Mercaptan +!-Hydrogen -Se-Methane + Hydrogen Sulfide CH3SH Ih 2 I + --- > 2. .Dimethyl Sulfide + Hydrogen — CH 3SCH 3 3. .2H 2 + H2 + 5. .+ 3H2 :H2S Methane +-Hydrogen Sulfide + " R2S Ethane.+ Hydrogen Sulfide --- >* C2Hg .+ ■4. . Dimethyl Disulfide +-,Hydrogen — CH 3SSCH 3 + 2 GH 4 I Dimethyl Sulfide + Hydrogen, — CH 3SCH 3 .CH4 .H2S Methane +, Hydrogen Sulfide --- >■ 2 CH4 + -HH2S Dimethyl- Disulfide + Hydrogen — >-E thane.+.Hydrogen Sulfide OH 3SSCH 3 + -HH2 ■ ---- 5- C2H 6 + H H 2S In all cases the reactions,-were .considered ,to go to the. hydrocarbon, and hydrogen sulfide. -The -conditions for the investigation were 3Q0°F to and.,from one atm to twenty atm^.. the range of conditions of the experimental -work. The -complete thermodynamic study with tabulated results is included in. the Appendix. -14• All .of the reactions appeared to be very favorable over the range of conditions investigated. The conversion in every case was greater ■than 99.9 percent. Experimental data indicated-a reaction between hydrogen sulfide and a-pinene,. thus tying the sulfur a n d .terpene together forming a thlo^ ...terpene. ■Thermodynamic data for terpenes are .very limited and that for .thioterpenes does not exist. Estimation methods also, fail to lend them­ selves for thermodynamic values f o r .thioterpenes. Therefore, a thermo­ dynamic feasibility investigation for reactions between hydrogen sul­ fide and the tefpenes could not be carried, .out. RESULTS M D DISCUSSION A. Compound Identification The chemical structure, boiling .pointr and. nomenclature of the compounds used in this discussion are given in Table I for easy reference. 1The total sulfur content of samples of crude sulfate turpentine was determined using the method described under Analytical Procedure. More than one sample was obtained from three of the pulp mills. results appear in Table IV. The It is apparent .from the results that the sulfur content yaries widely with different pulp mills and also on samples from the same pulp mill. ■The amount of sulfur present is dependent upon the procedure and equipment used for the digester relief, and the efficiency of the condensation of the volatile vapors, see Figure I. Therefore, deviations obtained in the sulfur analysis on different samples can be expected. ■The compositions of the samples of crude sulfate.turpentine from the different locations were determined, by use of gas Chromatography. The characteristic peaks obtained in the chromatograms were identified by injecting known samples of pure terpenes along with, the unknown sam­ ple. into the chromatograph and observing the location of the pure terpqne. The identity, retention order^ and retention time of all compounds present in the crude sulfate turpentine were identified by this pro.cedure. The principal compounds present in the crude sulfate turpentine were a-pinene,.cairiphene, b-pinene,,dipentene, and in the Missoula, •Montana turpentine,.delta--3^carene. • The relative amounts of each. conM ■ponent present were determined, .on the principle that the area undef the chromatogpam peak is proportional to the amount.of that substance prer-sent i n •the sample (35). Table Y shows the average weight percentage composition of the samples. The composition of the turpentine is de­ pendent upon the types of trees Used in the pulping process (28). The crude sulfate turpentine from M i s s o u l a M o n t a n a has a high, content -of delta-3 ^carene., -The delta-3-car ene is characteristic pf ponderosa pine Yhich is used, extensively.,in the MisSoula, mill. The sample from Jessupy, Georgia, has a, higher content of b-pinene than the samples obtained from, .the'Western.miilp. -This is. Characteristic of. the Southern, pines. The 'samples from Oregon and Washington.contain approximately 85 .percent a-pinene Yhich is a result .of the Douglas fir which, is processed, in that area. B. hlstillation of the, a,-Plrene- Fraction Next,.one-Jiter samples, of the crude sulfate turpentine from the five locations were distilled, in a precision, distillation column, at a reflux ratio,.of 10 :1 . ■The temperature was noted at 10 cc.intervals and samples.were ,taken at 20 cc intervals. ■ The samples were analyzed for composition using gas chromatography to see the separation attained,. Tables VI through X contain the distillation data and/Figures. 4 through ■8 are the plots of volume percent distilled versus temperature (0O) for the five samples. The a-pinene boiling plateau is readily apparent on . the plots p /being approximately, at 148-150/C at 640 m m Hg. -17-■ TheCPHial decomposition of the terpenes occurred, at temperatures in excess of 16^°C. -This was noted by a. dip in the temperature;^, the formation of water I n -the distillate,, and. the darkening •of the liquid, remaining in the stillpot. /Approximately 50 percent of the total charge to the stillpot dis­ tilled between',145-1550-C at. a reflux ratio of 10}I, with, the exception of the Missoula sample which,was lower due to the lower a-pinene con­ tent. .Large- samples.were then distilled from, a SO^liter stillpot and ■the 145-1 550C.fraction was collected. .This material was. then..-washed, with a. 10 percent solution of S-o.dium, hydroxide t.o Pempye Pissolyed hydrogen sulfide and. mere apt ans.. two water washings. Kie caustic washing was followed, by This material was then used as.reactor feedstock for the hydrodesulfurization treatment. C. ■Preliminary Hydrodesulfurization Runs The.first attempt to hydrodesulfuplze, the a-pinene.fraction in the flow-tube reactor was ,carried.out at conditions similar to that employed in the petroleum industry for the desulfurization of petyoleum distillates. The conditions selected wepe; reactor temperature,-,YQO0T1^ reactor'pressure,. 250 psig;.space velocity, .10 hf^1; and hydrogen flow rate of 1000 SCF/pbl. (Space velocity is. defined, as volumes of oil. p e r ' hour per .yoliume of catalyst). The chromatogram, of the reactor product showed that most of the a-pinene had. been destroyed. ■Therefore, it was. decided to decrease the. temperature of.the reactor by 5O 0F increments until, a. ,fair yield of a-pinene was recovered in the reactor product. -18 This temperature was 550°F, The sulfur removal data for runs at 1J-OO0F to 550°F are contained in Table XI. The results indicate that as the temperature increases in this interval,.the amount of sulfur removed decreases. This is contrary to hydrodesulfurization reactions occurring in petroleum fractions and indicates the possibility of side reactions or interference in desul­ furization caused by the teppene rearrangement. ■The effect of space velocity on desulfurization was investigated next by passing a-pinene feedstock with differing sulfur* level oyer the catalyst at space velocities of 10, 5 y and 2.5 h r ^ 1. The results of this studyy also appearing in Table Xl-,. indicate that a. high space vel­ ocity favors the removal of sulfur and also that as the amount of sulr .fur present in the feedstock increases, the percentage sulfur removed decreases. This is also contrary to reactions of hydrodesulfurization for petroleum distillates. . After examining. Table XI further, it was decided that possibly a reaction was occurring between the hydrogen sulfide formed from the hydrodesulfurization reaction and the terpenes. To investigate this possibility, a set of runs was performed on the a-pinene feedstocks using a synthetic mixture of 20% hydrogen sulfide and 80% hydrogen rather than pure hydrogen. .The results of this study, .Table XII, clearly indicate a reaction between the hydrogen sulfide and one of the terpenes present in the reactor. All of the reactor products contained -19-raore sulfur than was present in the reactor feedstocks .No attempt was made to identify the reaction product between the hydrogen sulfide and .the terpene; however, a search of the literature indicated a.reaction between .sulfur and a-pinene to form a thioterpene.with a sulfur■bridge replacing the double bond (31),. .This is one possibility for the side reaction. .D. Extended.Runs for Dine-Out Period In order to find the time for the reactor to reach steady state ■after•start-up,.a series of extended runs-was.!conducted both at high and ■.low.'pressures. Table XIII contains the data for the extended run on non-sulfided catalyst at .250- psig reactor pressure. Figure 12 is a plot o f these data. . It is. apparent from the. plot that steady state is reached after seven hours on stream at constant reactor conditions. ,While the manufacturers tilaim.that the catalyst used .for the investigation has. been pre-sulfIded-,- Kiovsky has shown.that their -claim is incorrect- (21). .He found better -conversion was obtained by pre­ sulfiding the catalyst using a 2Q% hydrogen sulfide and.8 hydrogen mixture. .In order to determine the effect of .pre-sulfiding the catalyst .for this study,.a line-out study for .two runs was carried out; one on pre-sulfided catalyst and the other on non-sulfided catalyst. Thesul- .Tiding procedure-was the same as .that.followed by.Kiovsky. .Table -XIV contains data.for.the extended run o n •the non-sulfided catalyst at a.reactor:pressure of 25 psig. ■ The line-out time at this -.20- pressure and at reactor temperature of -M-OO0F and ■space ■velocity of 2.. 5 hr "1 is approximately four hours. •Table XV. contains the data for the exact same run,,but on the pre-sulfided catalyst. out time, is approximately 18 hours. -Here,the,line- However, a. greater'percentage of the sulfur,is removed,,see Figure.13. The reason for the total sulfur ■content to be greater than.the sulfur content of the feedstock,on the initial sample .from t h e ■run on.the pre-sulfided.catalyst.is due to the reaction between the terpenes and the excess, hydrogen sulfide from.the pre-sulfiding operation. .It was also determined that once a batch of catalyst had been-pre-sulfided,. it was not necessary to pre-sulfide the ■catalyst for another run on the same catalyst. -The pre-sulfided.catalyst was used for the remainder of the runs carried out in this, investigation without loss of the activity, observed. E . -Verification of Reactor.Feed and Products The positive identification of the reactor feedstock and reactor ■product as a^pinene was made by. means of analyses.of these samples by infrared spectrophotometer. The spectrums of these samples were com­ pared with the spectrum of a known sample of a-pinene. .The spectrums appear as. Figures.11,.12, a n d .13. -The spectrums of the reactor feed and reactor product are almost identical with that of the known sample of a-pinene. .This.verifies the a-pinene peak produced on the chromato­ grams as a-pinene and not that of some other terpene that has,the same retention time as a-pinene. -21F. Effect of Temperature, Pressure,Space .Velocity,.and Hydrogen Rate on Sulfur Removal Next, ,the effects of temperature,.pressure,, space velocity, ,and hydrogen rate on the sulfur conversion were .Investigated. A single feedstock from Springfield,■ Oregon-was used-for these runs so that an easy comparison could-be made. < .Table XVII and Figure 14 show the effect of temperature on the ■sulfur■removal at different space velocities. A run at space velocity (SV) o f '1.25 hr-1 was performed at 400°F and 25 -psig. - However, the yield of a-.pinene in the product was only- 42#.as compared -with 82# at a space velocity of 2.5 at the same conditions. ■Therefore, a space velocity of 2.5 was considered as the lower limit for the recovery of a high yield of a-pinene in the reactor product. .The curve obtained at SV = 10.0 appears to ,be headed for a minimum above 500°F. Since temperature as well as space velocity has an effect on the composition, the yield of a-.pinene at SV.= 10.0, 500 0F, -and 25 psig is less ,than that at SV = 2.5, .400°F, and 25 -psig." .Also, the sulfur Is .three times as great at SV.= 10.0. .Therefore, ,no runs were made to continue this line to its minimum value. .Duplicate runs were made for all tempera­ tures at SV.= 2.5 to verify the line. . Deviations of ,10-.15 -ppm sulfur are -considered .within the limits of reproducibility of the analytical procedure used. •The sulfur content of the reactor -product at 400°F, SV.= 2.5,- and 25 psig was approximately 55-70’PPm with a conversion of approximately 85#. v -22The effect o.f pressure was ,investigated by a. series.of runs with only the-pressure.varied and-all other variables held constant: -The data,from-these runs .are:reported.in Table•XVII and-plotted in Figure ■ 15. .Duplicate ,runs-were'performed,for -this study. .The plot shows a . gradual, decrease in sulfur removal with increase in reactor pressure. ■One run--was carried,,out at a reactor pressure of $00 psig. -The reactor -product contained- only' 1 % of a-pinene and 42$. p-inane, thus indicating ;hydrogenation of the double bond.present in the a-pinene. .No further • investigations'were carried out at t&is elevated pressure. - The effect.of space velocity on sulfur removal was studied with all other variables held constant. .The space velocity was varied from SV;= 1 . 2 5 -to 15 .O -hr-1. -The data for these runs are given in. Table XVIII and plotted,in Figure 16. The data.indicate decreasing.sulfur removal with,increasing-space velocity. .This.-is in direct conflict with the data obtained, in the preliminary desulfurization runs. .How­ ever, it.is noted that the sulfur content of the-feedstocks was not con­ stant in the preliminary, runs. With increasing sulfur content in the feed, ,more hydrogen -sulfide.could be:-produced by.the desulfurization reaction,.thus resulting,in-a greater chance to combine with the ter-penes. Another influencing factor could be the change of. phase occur- ,ring in the reactor. At 2$0 psig the.terpenes pass through the reactor largely-in the liquid-phase. At 2$ psig,.the terpenes pass through the reactor in the'Vapor state and-hence-the -residence time, is greatly reduced. -23•The effect of hydrogen flow rate was determined previous to the temperature, pressure,and space velocity studies. .Hydrogen rates of 2500, 5000, and 10,000 SCH/bbl were employed for three runs at 4dO°F, ■and :250 pslg. .The conversion (sulfur original - sulfur f Inal/sulfur original).was calculated and:plotted In Figure 17. - ported-.In ■Table ■XIX. These data are re- -The conversion asymptotically approaches a con­ stant value at approximately 5000' SGF/bbl. -This, hydrogen flow rate was used for all runs in the optimization study,. •G. .Effect of Variables on Composition* • The effects of temperature,■pressure and space velocity on the composition of the reactor products were determined by means of char­ acteristic peak areas.produced.in chromatograms of the products. .The results are given in-Table XX. • The a-pinene content of the feedstock was '95' percent. An increase in temperature tends to decrease the a-pinene content and.increase the camphene content. At 400°F, .25 pslg, and SV.= 2.5)-dipentene appears and tends to. increase with increasing-temperature. At 500°]?, .25 pslg-, ■and SV = 2,5,.the a-pinene content has -decreased from 95# to 39#,-the camphene content has increased from 3# to ..38#, the -b-pinene has de.creased -from 2# to 0#, -and .dipentene has increased from 0# to 18#-. Pressure appears to decrease the yield of a-pinene slightly in the-range of 25-250-pslg. . Since a .change of-phase is encountered in the reactor between these-limits■the slight discrepancy-in the trend.in- •-.24dicated. in the pressure effect in- Table XX is entirely possible. .At a reactor pressure of 500 psig,■a- 19$ .yield of a-pinene was .obtained. ■However,.more significant is the 42$ yield of p inane. Increasing the space velocity tends to increase the. ..recovery of a--pinene and decrease the .yields of the other terpenes present in sub•stantial amounts. •It was noted that reactor.compositions also change slightly with catalyst life. .The'longer the catalyst has been in u s e , .the greater ■the recovery of a-pinene. -The compositions reported ;in- Table XX were from samples taken from- a catalyst which had approximately $00 volumes of oil per volume of catalyst passed over the catalyst. Duplicate runs made after this catalyst use do not change the composition significantly. Chromatograms .of the reactor feedstock and reactor products at 400°?,.25'P'Sig, S V = 2.5; 400°?, 25 psig, SV = 1.25; and 400°?, 500 psig, .SV = 2.5 are shown as,Figures 18, .19, 20, and 21. .H. .Sulfur Removal.on Different a^Plnene Fractions The .a-pinene fractions distilled ,from the other four samples of crude sulfate turpentine were desulfurized using the best conditions obtained from.the previous studies. and SV = 2,5. .The conditions were 400°?, .25 psig, The results appear-in Table XXI. - The sulfur content of the feedstocks vary with location and also with different samples from the same location. The same was shown with the sulfur content for sam­ ples. of crude sulfate turpentine in Table IV. .The conversion obtained ■-25“ was greater than 65$ . i n all samples and as high as 91$.in the sample from Toledo, Oregon. Conversions will vary depending upon thfe concen­ trations of different sulfur compounds present * -I. . Sulfur Removal on Crude Sulfate Turpentine Samples Samples of untreated crude sulfate turpentine from the different pulp mills were passed through the reactor at the optimum operating conditions determined for the a-pinene desulfurization. .The results appear in Table .XXII. Conversions varied from 28$ to 80$. All samples still retained the undesirable odor after the desulfurization treatment. J. .Catalyst■Life The catalyst used throughout this investigation was Houdry '"Series C" catalyst. The properties of the catalyst.appear in Table XXIV. .The life of the catalyst was checked by repeating the same run at different volume of oil per volume of catalyst life ratios. - The results for three trials are given in Table XXIII. -It appears that the desulfuri­ zation ability of the catalyst improves slightly with use up to approxi­ mately 600 volumes of oil per volume of catalyst life. <were obtained. No further data CONCLUSIONS . The sulfur content of crude sulfate turpentine varies widely with samples from different pulp mills and also with sa.mples from the same pulp mill taken at different times. The main sulfur compounds present in the crude sulfate turpentine are hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl Sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide. ■The terpene composition of the crude sulfate turpentine varies with location. The samples obtained from Washington and Oregon contain approximately 85$ a-pinene, that from Montana contains approximately ... 35$ a-pinene and 40$ delta-3-carene, and the sample from Georgia con­ tains approximately 65% a-pinene and 20% b-pinene. The composition is dependent upon the type of trees processed in the pulp mill. Atmospheric distillation of the crude sulfate turpentine at a reflux ratio of 10:1.will yield a ^Of0 fraction boiling from-l45--155°C at 640 mm. H g 'Which contains 95$ a-pinene. lower for the Montana turpentine. ■This fraction is slightly Thermal decomposition of the tur- -pentine is encountered.near'l65°C. .Sixty to ninety percent of the sulfur remaining in the a-pinene fraction can be removed by hydrotreating this material in a flow-tube reactor in the presence o f 'Houdry "Series C" catalyst. At a hydrogen rate of 5000 SCF/bbl,. the optimum reactor operating conditions which will remove the most sulfur and at the same time retain a high yield of a-pinene in the reactor product are 400°F,.25 psig, SV = 2.5 hr-1. “27A reaction occurs between hydrogen-sulfide and a-pihene to form a thioterpehe. .No--identification of this compound was made. .An increase.in reactor-pressure tends to decrease the SUlfur -removal. .Ah.increase.-in -space velocity- tends to decrease the Sulfur removal. .Ah .optimum-reactor .temperature for a .given pressure and space velocity exists and tends.to increase with space velocity. An' increase in temperature tends to decrease the recovery of a- pihene in the reactor product. The amounts of camphehe and dipentehe increase in the reactor product as -the temperature I S .increased. .In the range of 2-5--250 psig, an. increase in the reactor -pressure tends to decrease the -recovery of a-pihene slightly. -However, hydro­ genation of the double bond ,in a^pinene occurs at .500 psig> and a 42% yield.of p inane is obtained. - Increasing ,.the space velocity tends ■to increase the recovery of a-pinene in the reactor product.• • Hydrodesulfurization of the entire boiling :range of crude sulfate turpentine does not improve the odor of the material. ■ H o w e v e r 28-80% of the sulfur-was.removed. .The.catalyst has a greater activity after it is-pre-Sulfided-using 'a mixture of 20% hydrogen sulfide and 80% hydrogen. Once the catalyst has been sulfided-it•is not necessary to sulfide it for subsequent runs '0 -2 8 ■on the same catalyst. The desulfurization ability of the catalyst seems to improve slightly with use. -No deactivation of the catalyst was. noted for use of 600 volumes of oil per volume of catalyst. ■SUGGESTIONS' FOR. FUTURE STUDY •Throughout this research,project, many-interesting phenomena were observed which could be investigated.further. A most interesting investigation would be a study on the hydro­ genation of a-pinene to p inane,.accompanied.with desulfurization. A 4 2 $ -yield o f 'pinane was obtained under 35 atmospheres pressure at 4.00°F in the reactor effluent. .Since this project was concerned primarily with a-pinene, ,no further -investigation on hydrogenation of a-pinene to p inane was carried out. Another investigation could be undertaken to produce other ter•penes such as camphene and dipentene from the destructive hydrogena­ tion of a-pinene. Separation o f 'the individual pure terpenes from the crude sulfate turpentine would be of value. .Delta-3-carene has recently been -sepa­ rated by McCumber from the crude sulfate turpentine from Missoula, Montana. (26) . .The next separation should be that of b-p.inene or di­ pentene. I .An improved method of sulfur analysis should be used for further work on desulfurization. Several other methods requiring.expensive equipment have been reported in the literature (I, ,10, 15). Possibly gas chromatography could be used for the sulfur analysis .in addition to the terpene analysis. -30■ Investigation into hydrodesulfurization of the entire boiling range of crude sulfate.turpentine could be exploited ,further than is set forth in this research project. APPENDIX' -32Table I. Compound Chemical Compounds Structure Bolling Point Alpha-plnene 156°C Beta-plnene 162°C Dlpentene 178 °C Plnane 169°C Camphene I 59°c -33 t Table I. (Cont.) Compound Chemical. Compounds Structure' Methyl Mercaptan H -H-C-S-H H Dimethyl Sulfide % •JH-C-S-C-H H .H Dimethyl Disulfide H H H-i-S-S-d-H H ■H Boiling-Point 5.8°c . 380C IlT0C H T 0C Cyclone Separators Relief Valve Condenser Vents Digester Turpentine — Wood Chips & To Black Liquor Sump or Blow Tank Water White Liquor Steam To Ditch Pulp & Black Liquor Figure I. To Turpentine Storage Flow Diagram for Typical Sulfate Turpentine Recovery System. -35-Thermodynamic Study A thermodynamic study of the.following overall reactions was performed at six temperatures and four pressures. The five reactions were: 1. .Methyl Mercaptan +.Hydrogen— CH3SH 2. + H2 Methane +.Hydrogen Sulfide --- CH4 + H2S Dimethyl Sulfide +.Hydrogen — 5-Methane +-Hydrogen Sulfide CH3 SCH3 + SH2 -- > - ZCH4 + H2S 3. .Dimethyl Sulfide + Hydrogen---HEthane + Hydrogen Sulfide CH3 SCH3 4. H2 --- ^ C2Hg + -H2S Dimethyl Disulfide + Hydrogen — HMethane + Hydrogen Sulfide CH3 SSCH3 5. + .+ 3H2 --- ZCH4 + ZH2S Dimethyl Disulfide + Hydrogen — H-Ethane +■Hydrogen Sulfide CH3 SSCH3 + ZH2 --- C2 H6 + ZH2S The data required.for the calculations- are given in Table I. The source for the data.is given in the footnotes. Since no data were available for some of the compounds, methods of estimation were used. .When more than.one method of estimation was used, the .results were averaged. -36The equations used for the calculations are as follows: A H ° o = AH° Ac0 . - AH: 298 (products,) 298 (reactants) __ O 0 ^298 _Q°- ^298 (products.) Ap; = ^298 (reactants) - T A S °98 K = e- A F 7 RT ^eq In' order to account for deviations from-ideality, the activity co­ efficients were calculated from Then ■where A N = moles of products - moles of reactants -37Table II. Compound 'T0 (oK) .Thermodynamic Data Pc (ATM) Source ^298 Kcal/Mol ^298 Source EU/Mol 305.3 48.2 (11) -20.24 33.1 ■12.8 (19) 0 Hydrogen Sulfide 373.2 88.9 (23) - 4.82 49.15 (23). Methane 190.8 45.8 • (U) -I7.89 44.50 (23) Methyl Disulfide 617.0 53.1 (30) - 5.75 80,54 (8 ) Methyl Mercaptan 470.0 ■54.6 . (19) - 5.47 60.16 (8) Methyl Sulfide 503.1 54.6 (19) 68.32 (8) Ethane Hydrogen 8.98 ' 54.85 (23) ■ 31.21 (23) -38TaBld III. Activity Coefficients In ¥ -= 9 Tcp 128 P%T Compound Temp- °F 300 350 C p H, 400 450 500 550 300 35P H2 H 2S 5 0.998 0.998 0.999 0.999 1.000 1.000 0.989 0.991 0.993 0.995 0.996 0.997 1.009 1.005 10 0.978 0.983 0.986 0.990 0.992 0.994 20 0.956 0.966 , 0.973 0.979 0.984 O.988 400 450 500 550 1.000 i .000 1.000 1.005 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.017 1.010 1.009 '1.009 .1.009 1.008 300 550 0.998 0.997 0.997 0.996 0.995 0.994 1.029 1.023 1.019 1.016 1.013 1.011 1.059 1.047 1.039 1,032 1.026 1.022 .1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.001 1.002 0.997 0.999 1.000 0.796 0.833 0.855 0.869 0.897 0.913 0.634 0.693 0.732 400 450 300 350 CH 3SSCH 3 I 1.002 1.001 1.001 500 550 CH 4 Pressure,.ATM 400 450 .1.000 500 550 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 30Q 350 0.977 0.982 0.984 0.987 0.989 0.991 0.894 0.912 0.925 0.937 9.948 0.955 400 450 500 550 1.000 1.000 ■1.035 1.020 1.020 1.018 1.017 1.016 . 1.126 1.096 1.080 1.065 '1.053 1.044 I..002 1.003 1.003 0.772 0.807 0.833 -39Table III. Compound Temp 0P 300 350 CH3SH 400 450 500 550 300 350 CH 3SCH 3 (Confc.) 400 450 500 550 Activity Coefficients Pressure, ATM 10 20 I 5 0.991 0.993 0.994 0.995 0.996 0.997 0.955 0.963 0.970 0.975 0.980 0.983 0.913 0.928 0.940 0.951 0.961 0.966 0.833 0.861 0.884 0.904 0.923 0.933 0.985 0.991 0.992 0.994 0.995 0.996 0.929 0.954 0.961 0.969 0.974 0.978 0.862 0.911 0.924 0.938 0.949 0.957 0.830 0.853 0.871 0.901 0.915 0.744 -40. Thermodynamic' Study Continued CH 3S H (g) Reaction I: + 'H2 (g) — >- CH 4 (g) -17,890 + .(-4820) -5470 A H, 298 H 2S(g) + " A H° g = -20,540 cal/mol 60.16 '298' + 21.21 — > 44.50 + 49.15 A S°9g u 2.28 EU/mol ^^^298 ^ Ff ^ 9 8 -20,340 - (298)(2 ;28) 298 A F* g =.-21,020 cal/mol af /r t •K eq = e ( t CH4 ) ( if H 2S)' ( t CH 3SH)(tf H2 ) Keq Ky Temp 0F, a S H - 300 350 400 450 500 550 _ ^eq " Ky A 'F6 cal/mol (I - &)f K eq 2.42 x 10 ^ -21,982 5.01 XT. ioio -22,045 -22,109 . ■1.51 X IoJ0 4.26 x 10% -224170 -22,240 1.38 X 10% 5.01 .x.10° -22,300 Ky 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.000 1.000 1 .000" kN 2.41 5.00 1.50 4.26 1.38 5-01 Conversion x 10^ 99 .99 x IQlO x IQlO x 10? > (Conversion greater than 99-99 percent for-pressures of 5, ..10, and 20 atmospheres. Data not shown.) -41Thermodynamic Study Continued CH3 SCH3 ..+ 2Hg— 5--2CH4 Reaction 2: -8980 h298: * + HgS 0 -- >-( 2 )(-17 ,890) + + -4820 4 H °98 = -31,620 cal/mol 3° = 68.32 (2 )(31.21) + (2 )(44.50) + 49.15 J S“nQ = 7 . 4 1 EU/mol '298 P‘ t S 411Z9S - j t 4 s Z9S 4 f Z9S m - 3 1 - 620 - (T-W)(Z9S) A Fgng = -53,710 cal/mol Keq , e-' 4 ^ K = ( H 5S ) (% CH3SCH3)(X h 2)2 * X\|T — CH4 )2 ( Ke 9 --------- — K eq --- K% ■Temp 0F Ky 4 F 0cal/mol _ — ^ ---------------- (I - .x) (2 - -2x) 2 k K K eq kN Conversion 18 300 .I atm a td H 350 400 450 500 550 -34,730 -34,940 -35,140 -35,340 -35,560 -35,760 1.23.x 1 .12'x I >55 x 2.40 x 4.26 X ' 1.02 x I I 1.013 1.011 ■ 1.010 1.009 .1.008 .1.008 1.22 x X .1.11 1.54 2.38 4..23 -x X x 1.01 x (Conversion greater -than 99-99 percent for. pressures of 5 20 atmospheres. Data not shown.) > 10, and 99.99 y? -42Thermodynamic Study Continued ■Reaction 3: + Hg — -898O 'H A CH3 SCH3 298' + CgHg O — + HgS -20,240 + -4820 ^ ^!98 = "1^ jOS o cal/mol 68.32 + 31.21 54.85 + 49.15 4 rS °98 = 4.47 EU/mol 0 TAS 298 A F*.9g = - 16,080 - .(4.47) (298) = -17,411 K eq ■ft , e - a p ^ RT ■ - (.Y C.^g) (KHgS) ------------- : -- ) (V CH3 S1CH3)(Y Hg) ■I atm (I - x )2 Temp 0P A P° cal/mol 300 350 -I? ,970 -18,090 -18„210 400 450 500 ' 550 -18,340 -18.,470 . -18)590 K eq t ^"N Conversion 2.09 x- 10, 1.001 6.91 x-io: 2.46 x. 10! 9,55 x. 10, I..000. 2.09 x .IO? 6.91 X-IOq 1.000 1.000 0.999 9.55 x IOj 3.99 x ipf 3.98 xio, 1.90 x :10 0.999 99.99 2.46 x IQP 1.91 X 10' . T (Conversion greater than. 99*99 percent for pressures of 5,-10,-and 20 atmospheres. Data not shown.) -43Thermodyhamic Study' Continued CH 3SSCH 3 Reaction 4 A ' E29.8: “575Q 3H 2 + SCH 4 ■ + 2H2S 0 — ^ (2 ) (-17,890) ’+ (2 ) (-.4820) + •4H° 0 ='-39,570 cal/mal 80.54 S^98: (3) (31.21) -^.'( 2 ) (44 .50) + +" (2 ) (49.15) /lS”g8 = 15.13 EH/mol T4S 298 A ' F °g8 = -39)580 - (15.13)(298)■= -44,080 cal/mol K . . - A l fM I ~<0H4)g ( l^ H gS )2 ( X CH 3SSCH3){ p’ rN _ Kgq- = K* ■Temp .°F a ta H 300 350 400 450 .500 550 H 2)3 , K* A F0cal/mol -45,970 '.46,380 -46,950 '-47,210 -47,650 -48 ,070 4 l6x' .(l.-:x) (3 - 3x) 3 K eq ■K X ■24 .1.00 x;10,% 4.17 X=IO^ 4.17- x / i q ^ •3.62 x a o ^ .4.26 x IOl-O 7.07 X 1JOis 1.012 . 1.009 ..1.007 ■1.005 ■1.001 0.996 ■K M 9,88 x.lo23 Conversion 99.99 4 . 1 3 -x I O ^ 4.14 x IO21 3.60 x IO2O 4.25 X l O ^ 7 . 1 0 -'X-IOis > (Conversion greater than 99-99 percent for-pressures of 5 ■10, ■and 20 atmospheres. Datajnot shown.) •r .-44Thermodynamic Study- Continued ■Reaction.5 : -CH3SSCH 3 -5750 .A H° 9g: H H 2 — S-C2Hg + + -O -- ?- -20,240 SH2S ,+ (2 )(-4820) A E 298 = -24jl30 cal/mol . 80.54 I■ ^298= (2) (31.21) + 54,85 + (2) (49.15) A Sj 98 = 10.09 EU/mol. ' P0 „ = -24 -,130 ■- (10.09) (298) = -27,138 cal/mol A F' 298 - A F°/RT %eq = e U CaHg) C ^ H 2S-)2 (t CH3SSCH3 ) ( K. .Tf jxN " 5. . 11 £> H2) i1 -- x) (2 .- H -Temp- 0F 300 =350 S -P 400 cti iH 450 500 550 ■F cal/mol -28,390 -38,670 -28 ,450 -29,220 '-29,520 -27,790 4x 3 ' K-e'q- 'r- ' ' r % K eq 14' 6.15 .1.00 2.14 •5.50 - 1.41 7.57 Zx)^ -X'.10 x .10^' .. - 1.008 x ,103-2 '1.005 --X.-.1 0 ^ x.-lO12 X-. I O 1 * 1.010 1.003 1.001 0.996 Conversion 6 .0-9 Xiio^ 9 .94-x ..IO^ 2.13 %'ioT; 5.48 x-lb .1.41 X.:10^2 7.60 X IOiu ,99.99 Y (Conversion, .greater-than. 99-99'Percent for-pressures of 5 , •10, and ;2 0 ;atmospheres. .Bata not shown.) To Temperature H O Volt Line Indicator Figure 2. Powerstats T-- -45- Schematic Flow Diagram of Hydrogenation Unit V j - r v i - f v 0 P 1 DH- HCD O P H- Cf U-I- CD S ’ oq Cooler -Cold H2O O <-i HD P I Reactor Pressure Controller Stripping Flasks Sample Flask Ice Bath -46- Figure 3. Detailed Diagram of Reactor . Table-IV. .Sulfur Content of Crude Sulfate Turpentine S o u r c e _____________________ Sample No, Waldo r f - H o emer; ,Missoula,.Montana Weyerhaeuser; .Everett, Washington Weyerhaeuser; Springfield, Oregon .' .Sulfur.-ppm I 540 !2 3290 .1 2 1710 1 2 ,800% . .1 1360 •2 ■2400 Georgia Pacific;.Toledo, Oregon .I 5860 Rayonier, Inc.;,Jessup,fGeorgia I I 365 Tatile V. ■Crude Sulfate. Turpentine Compositions 0)■ ti 0) 0 •rl 0) Cd' I1 c ti o Waldorf-Hoerner, . ■ .Missoula,,Montand ' .54.0 1.0 Weyerhaeuser, Sphingfield:, Oregon 84.0 Weyerhaeuser, Everett, Washington ~ Source •1 'i l. «(D £. 0) £ •H Pt 42 CD ' £ ■ I KY cti: -p H' Q) rD «8 CO CU 0 ) ■s £ <D £ ' Ig rti -P. ,unidentified ■Composition, Weight % ,'9.6 41.5 • 12.0 •2.0 2.9 ■5.5 ■T 9.6 85,8 2.4 5,5 'T ,8.5 Georgik Pacific, . Toledo,.Oregon 87.6 2.2 .5,6 6.6 — Rayonier,.Inc.,, .Jessup,, Geohgia 64,7 1.0 .19.1 9.5 5.0 -- -49Table.VI. .Distillation Data for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Toledo,.Oregon Sample Size: ■1000 ml Reflux R a tio: 10:1 Barometric Pressure '= 640 mm Hg ■■Volume % .Distilled Temp °C IBP >5 ■2 •138 4 .149 j 6" ■8 .10 .12 14 ■150 ■150 ■ .150 1$0.5 ,16 150.5 150.5 ■18 ■ 150.5 20 22 150.5 150.5 ■150.5 ■24 26 28 150.5 150.5 Volume % Distilled '30 32 34 36 38 40 . 42 44 46 48 50 ' 52 54 56 58. Temp 0C 150.5 150.5 ■ 150.5 150.5 151 151 ..151 ■ 151 — — — “ “ — — — 154 160 16? Decomposition Starts 210 200 190 180 170 / Z O Temperature 0 160 CU 150 U CU g1 140 r -50- U S CU Eh 130 120,-. H (Barometric Pressure = 640 mm Hg) O 100 90 0 1 I 1 10 I 20 I I 30 1 I 40 I I I 50 I 60 I I 70 I I 80 Volume Percent Distilled Figure 4. Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Toledo, Oregon I 90 -51Table VII. ;Distillation Data for Crude Sulfate .Turpentine ■from-Jessup,■Georgia Sample Size: 1000.ml Reflux Ratio; 10:1 Barometric Pressure: 636 mm-Hg V o l u m e •% ,Distilled .T e m p ■°C Volume % Distilled ■Temp 0C IBP .'118 2 •146 4 .150 150 •150 ■42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 .58 60 150.5 150,5 151 ■ 151 .151 ■151 152 153 "154 .155 62 64 • 158.5 6 .8 ■10 ■12 14 •16 18 20 22 150.5 ■24 26 I.5O .5 150.5 150.5 66 .68 ,150.5 150.5 72 28 •30 32 , :150 •150 150.5 ■150.5 ■ ■150.5 .150.5 34 ■36 ■3.8 40 .150.5 150.5 150.5 150.5 70 74 76 78 80 156.5 159.5 160 .160,5 ■l6l •162.5 164 166.5 De c o m p o s i t i o n Starts Temperature l80 - 140 -1 (Barometric Pressure = 6)6 mm Hg) Volume Percent Distilled Figure 5. Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Jessup, Georgia -53Table VlII.' ,Distillation Data.for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from- Missoula,Montana Sample Size: -1000 ml Reflux Ratio: :10:1 Barometric Pressure: 640.7-mm-Hg Volume % Distilled IBP .2 4 6 8 •10 12 14 16 18 ■ 20 22 24 26 28 30 •Temp °C . 134 ■ ,.146 :147 ' .149' -149.5 : 150 158 !■150 150.5 ■ 150.5 ■ 151. 1.51 151.5 ■ 152 153 .154 Volume ',Distilled 32 34 •Temp 0C , '1:55 '156.5 1.57 36 38 ■40 42 44 ■46 48 50 ' 52 54 56 .58 60 62 64 159 160.5 ' 162 163,5 164 . ■ 164.5 165 '165 ■ I 65 ' 165 ■'■165 165 ".165.5 Decomposition Starts -46- Temperature (Barometric Pressure = 640 mm Hg) Volume Percent Distilled Figure 6. Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Missoula, Montana -.55Table IX. Distillation Data for Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Springfield, Oregon Sample Size: 1000 ml Reflux Ratio: 10:1 Barometric Pressure: 637-5 mm Hg Volume % Distilled Temp °C IBP 47 145 2 .150 150 150 150 4 6 8 10 .12 . 150 14 ■■150 16 18 20 22 150 1.50 24 26 28 30 150 . 1.50 .150 150 150 1.50 Volume % Distilled 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 . 50 52 54 56 Temp 0C 150 151 151 151 151 151 151 . 151 151 1.51 152 ■152 ' 153. 156 Decomposition Starts 58 60 6 ■ ' 210 200 - 190 180 " 170 o 160 150 140 130 -56- Temperature o \- 120 (Barometric Pressure = 637.5 mm Hg) HO 100 J---- 1 ---- 1 ____ I____ 1 ____ I____ I____ I ____ 1 ____ I ____ 1 ____ I ____ 1 ____ I 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Volume Percent Distilled Figure 7. Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Springfield, Oregon 90 ■57 Table X. .Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Eyerett, Washington > Sample Size: ■1000 ml Reflux Ratio: 10:1 Barometric Pressure: 644 mm Hg Volume % Distilled IBP ■2 4 6 8 . 10 12 14 .l 6 18 20 ■ 22 24 26 .28 30 ■32 ■54 36 38 -Temp- 0C 6l •l 4 l . :146 ■ 146 -146.5 ' 147 ■147 147 ■ 147 147 147 147 ■ 147 ■147 •147 . 147 147 ■ 147 ■ 14,7 147 •Volume $ 'Distilled ■40 . ■42 ■ 44 46 . 48 50 ■52 54 56 58 ■■Temp °C 6o 147 . 147 '147 ."147 147 148 l48 .5 149 151. ■ 153 1 5 7 .5 62 '161 64 ••164 1-66.5 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 '168 171 . 173.5 180 185.5 Decomposition Starts Temperature -58- (Barometric Pressure = 645 mm Hg) Volume Percent Distilled Figure 8. Distillation of Crude Sulfate Turpentine from Everett, Washington - Table XI. 59 - Preliminary Desulfurization- Data Temperature Effect Temp (0F) 400 450 Pressure (psig) 25Q 250 500 250 550 250 SV (hr-1 ) 10 10 10 ■ 10 Sulfur (ppm) Feed Product 580, 5&0 .580 580 200 320 430 430 Conversion .' % 65.5 44.9 22.4 22.4 Hydrogen Rate.= 1000 SCP/bbl Space Velocity Effect 450 4.50 450 290 230 290 SV I H Pressure (psig) % Temp (0F) '10 5 2.3 Sulfur (ppm) .Feed ' Product Conversion # 980 320 44.9 I 6OO 1200 1900 29.0 2100 . Hydrogen Rate = 1000 SCP/bbl o 9-5 . -SoTable XII. Data For Runs Using 20^-H 2S-SO^-H 2 Reactor Temperature: 550°F ■Reactor Pressure: 250 psig Space Velocity: 10 hr "1 H 2S-H 2 -Rate: .1000 SGF/bbl Sample a-Pinene-Feed, Springfield, Oregon Reactor Product a-Pinene Feed,,Missoula, ,Montana Reactor Product a-Pinene Feed, Jegsup,•Georgia 1 Sulfur,,(ppm) 510 ■ 10,800 -150 9,450 190 Reactor Product 13,100 a-Pinene Feed, Springfield, Oregon ' 1,570 Reactor Product 11,900 a-Pinene Feed,-Toledo,.Oregon Reactor Product 720 11,900 ■6lTable XIII. Extended Run on Non-SulfIde.d Catalyst at High- Pressure Feedstock: a-Plnene, Springfield, Gregop Reactor Temperature: -UOO0F ■Reactor Pressure: 250 pslg Space Velocity: 5 h r -1 Hydrogen R a t e : 5000 SCF/bbl Sulfur Content of -Feed: .510 ppm' A-BdlfUl1 (ppm) Conversion 0 510 0.0 1.5 300 ■Ul.U 5 - -195 62.3 4 ■165 .67.4 5 -175 6 5 .3 7 200 61.0 11 :90 6 3 .3 . 18 ■175 6 5 .3 26 180 6 4 ,3 Hours on Stream „ 550 Total Sulfur, ppm Feedstock: a-Plnene, Springfield, Oregon Reactor Temperature: 400°F Reactor Pressure: 250 psig Space Velocity: 5 hr -1 Hydrogen Rate: 5000 SCF/bbl I rvi 1 0 150 - 100 - 50 - 0 _______ 1______ I_______ I______ I _______ I_______ 1______ 1________ 1_______ 1_______ 1_______ 1_______ 1_____ 1_________|_ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Hours on Stream Figure 9- Extended Run on Non-Sulfided Catalyst at High Pressure -63- Table. XIV. Extended Run on Non-Sulflded Catalyst at Low Pressure Feedstock: .a-Plnene, Springfield,:Oregon Reactor Temperature: 400°F Reactor^Pressure: .25 psig Space Velocity: 2.5 hr -1 H 2 R a t e : 5000 SCF/bbl Sulfur Content of Feedstock: 510 ppm Hours On Stream Sulfur (ppm) Conversion 2 .140 72.5 3 120 76.5 ■5,5 140 72.5 • 7.5 130 74.5 9.5 130 .74.5 11.5 1)0 74.5 13.5 •155 69.7 ■ -64Table XV, Extended,Hun .on Sulfided Catalyst' at Low Pressure Feedstock: .a-Pinene, Springfield,.Oregon Reactor Temperature: -HOO0F Reactor Pressure: :25 psig Space Velocity.: 2.5 hrrl H 2 Rate: 5000 SCF/bbl Sulfur Content of Feedstock; :510 ppm ■ Hours,.on Stream 2 ■4 . Sulfur (ppm) Conversion 590 .215 - 57.9 6 .160 . .68,7 8 130 7^.5 19 90 82.4 24 .70 8 6 .3 28 . 65 87.3 32 70 .8 6 . 3 a-Plnene 240 * 160 - 120 - Non-sulfided -65- Total Sulfur (ppm) Reactor Pressure -- 25 pslg SV -- 2.5 hr "1 Catalyst 14 16 20 22 26 28 32 34 Hours On Stream Figure 10. Lineout Time for Sulfided and Non-Sulfided Catalyst at Low Pressure 36 W AVELENGTH IN M IC R O N S 6___________ 7________ 8 O-N On I 2500 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 WAVENUMBER Figure 11. 1400 IN 1300 1200 1100 KAYSERS Infrared Spectrum of Known a -Pinene Sample W AVELENGTH 4 IN M IC R O N S 5 50 40 30 -67~ W AVENUMBER Figure 12. IN KA Y S E R S Infrared Spectrum of a-Pinene Distilled From Crude Sulfate Turpentine (Reactor Feedstock) W AVELENGTH IN M IC R O N S 6___________ 7________ 8 k I 2500 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 W AVENUMBER Figure 13. 1400 IN 1300 1200 1100 1000 KAYSERS Infrared Spectrum of a-Pinene Reactor Product 900 -: Table XVI. 69- Effect of Temperature op Sulfur Removal F e e d s t o c k a - P l n e n e , Springfield, Oregon Reactor s : 25 pslg Hydrogen-Rate: .5000 SCF/bbl . Sulfur- Content )f Feedstock:: 510 ppm Reactor- Temp °F Trial I S,V. Trial 2 ^300 -2.5 350 ■2,5 50 350 '5.0 250 --- 350 .10.0 315 — 400 2.5 70 75 400 5.0 LT\ CO ■ loo 400 .10.0 175 205 450 2.5 . '75 90 450 5.0 - 220 500 2.5 -115 .500 .10.0 140 O LT\ '155 .82.5 ^ 90; . .Average Conversion 56,8 220 ■ 95 10.0 ■Trial 3 -51.0 ---5-5 38.2 8-6.9 81,8 "- - .62.8 — 83.8 HO ■ -- 79.9 --- ---- 69.7 130 ‘--- 76.0 ■ ■ 72.5 a -Plnene, Springfield, Ore. Sulfur = 510 ppm Reactor Pressure: 25 psig H 2 Rate: 5000 SCF/bbl -oi~ Total Sulfur (ppm) Feedstock: Reactor Temperature °F Figure 14. Temperature Effect on Sulfur Removal • 'Table XVII. Effect of Pressure on SVIfur'Removal ■Feedstock: a-^Pinene, .Springfield, Oregon Reactor Temperature: 400°F :Space Velocity: .2.5 hr -1 ■ H 2 R a t e : ' 5000 SCF/bbl Sulfur Content of Feedstock 510 ppm Reactor Pressure (psig) . Trial I •Trial 2 Average ■ Average Conversion 25 70 75 72.5 85.8 ■100 105 95 -100.0 80.5 '175 '125 105 II 5.O 77.5 250 .145 135 140.0 72.6 Total Sulfur (ppm) 220 20 - 25 -L_ -J--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1_________ i_ 50 75 ioo 125 150 175 Reactor Pressure (pslg) Figure 15. Pressure Effect on Sulfur Removal 200 225 250 -73Table XVIII. •Effect of .'Space Velocity on Sulfur-Removal ■Feedstock: .-a-Flnene, Springfield, Qregon Reactor Temperature: 400°F Reactor•Pressure: :2 5 'pslg H 2 'Rate: .5000 SCF/bbl Sulfur Content of Feedstock: $10 ppm Space Velocity, ■hr"1 -Trial -.1 Trial 2 - Trial 3 Average Conversion ■50 .--- -- 90.2 2.5 ■55 ■70 75 86,9 5.0 85 ■100 — 81.9 1755 205 -- .62.7 240 LOv CXI 10.0 '15.0 O 1 .2-5 .52.0 ~hL- Total Sulfur (ppm) 260 Figure 16. Space Velocity Effect on Sulfur Removal -75• 'Table XIX. .Effect of Hydrogen Rate on Sulfur-Removal •Feedstock: a-Plnene, Springfield,■Oregon Reactor Temperature: /UOOcF Reactor Pressure: .250 pslg Space Velocity: 5' hr-1 Sulfur Content of Feedstock;: 510 ppm Hydrogen Rate,, SCF/bbl Sulfur (ppm) 'Conversion 2500 -510 3 9 .2 •5000 ■ 180 64.7 .10,000 •150 ■70,7 Percent Conversion 100 -76- 20 - 0 — 1000 ___I____________ I____________ I____________ I____________ I____________ I____________ I____________ I____________ 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Hydrogen Rate, SCF/bbl Figure 17. Effect of Hydrogen Rate on Sulfur Removal 9000 10,000 -77Table XX; .Composition.of Reaptor Products •Feedstock: Temp SF Pressure (psig) .SV hr"1 Feedstock 25 25 25 25 25 25 -IOiO 400 400 400 .400 400 25 100 175 ■2.5 •2.5 ■2.5 400 400 400 400 '400 25 25 25 25 25 )00 350 400 450 500 500 250 500 a-Plnene, SprlngfIeld,•Oregon 9 4 .9 •2.. 5 2.5 2.5 ■2.5 2.5 • 2.5 2.5 .■1.25 2.5 ■5.0 •10.0 -1 5 , 0 •Camphene B — 'Plnene 92.6 92.0 81.9 77.5 -3 9 .0 7 8 ,5 81.9 69.0 •71.6 •71.5 . •19.0 41.5 . 81.9 88.8 9 2 .4 9 2 .7 . 3.4 5.1 6.0 ' ■11.3 '15.1 3 8 .1 . '12.6 1 1 .3 1 8 .3 .•'■17.9 -18.4 bPinene Dipentene Pinane '1.7 -2.3 -2.0 1.8 2.4 5.0 6.5 1 7 .5 6,5 -1,8 -2.1 ■1,5 2.0 10.6 ■9 . 0 8.1 0 .9 . • 1,8 . 1.7 - 1.7 .2,6 ■5.4 5.0 3 9 ;0 42.0 3 6 .9 /11.3 6.2 4.8 ■4.7 "Mis c . 21,6 5 .0 3.4 '■1,1 T' -T 78 O- PtNCNC H EEDSTOCK d Figure 18. Chromatogram for a-Pinene Feedstock Is! 79 ■REACT OS_BR O DUCJ- 4 0 0 ° F___ 2 5 p s ig _ SV = S-S Figure 19. Chromatogram for Reactor Product at 400°F, 25 psig, SV = 2.5. REACTOR—EROO-UCT- PSpcij R V ,194 W| Figure 20 I Chromatogram for Reactor Product at 400°F, 25 psig, SV = 1.25 -80- AnrPF REACTOR PRODUCT SOOpsig Figure 21. SV= 2 .5 Chromatogram for Reactor Product at 400°F, 500 psig, SV = 2.5 Table XXI. Sulfur Removal on Different Feedstocks Reactor Temperature: 400°F Reactor Pressure: ■25 ‘pslg .Space Velocity: 2..5. hr -1 H 2 R a t e : 5000 SCF/bbl Source Sulfur (ppm) a-Plnene F e ed,.Springfield,■Oregon Reactor Product 510 a-Plnene Feed, .Toledo,,Oregon Reactor Product 720 a-Plnene Feed,.Missoula, .Montana Reactor Product a-Plnene Feed,,Everett, Washington Reactor Product a-Plnene Feed,.Jessup,-Georgia Reactor Product 55 Conversion 89.2 — — " 65 ■9 1 .0 ..150 50 66,7 -..i860 580 .190 55 .68,8 — — — 71.0 'Table X-XII. ,Sulfur Removal on Crude Sulfate Turpentine (CST) Reactor- Temperature: .400°P Reactor-Pressure: .25'psig Space. Velocity: ■2.,5 hr "1 H 2 R ate: 5000 SCP/bbl Source CST, Springfield,•Oregon Reactor Product GST,,Toledo,,Oregon Reactor Product GST,'Missoula, .Montana Reactor Product GST,.Everett, Washington Reactor Product OST,,Jessup, Georgia Reactor Product Sulfur (ppm) Conversion 2400' 705 ■70.7 .5860 1355 3290 700 ■ 12,800 2550 365 260 60.2 ■ ■ ■■ 78.8 _* ■ 80.0 ■ ■— 28,8 -84Table XXIXI. .Catalyst Life Feedstock; ■a-rPlnene, Springfield, Oregon ,Sulfur Content of Feed: $10 ppm Reactor Temperature: 400°F Reactor Pressure: 25 psig Space Velocity,: 2.5 hr -1 H 2 Rate: 5000 SCF/bbl ■Catalyst-Volume: -12 cc Vol Oil/Vol Catalyst Sulfur Conversion 80 .?0 .86.3 186 60 88.3 592 55 8543 -85Table XXIV.. . Properties of Houdry "Series Cobalt Molybdate Catalyst I. Chemical Composition: C o O -MoO3 15# AlgO 3 82# N a g O ■2. 3., Surface Area: Pellet Size: 0 .05# :310-540.meters2/gram Diameter -- 0.115-0.135 inch -Length 4. .Average Pore Diameter: 5. . — .0.094-0.250 ,inch 58 Angstroms Bulk Density: -O.8O-O. 9O g/cc 6 . Pellet Density: 1.3 g/cc ■LITERATURE CITED I. Adams, D .■F ., and R ; .K . .Koppe, "Gas Chromatographic Analysis of 'Hydrogen Sulphide, Sulfur Dioxide,.Mercaptans,.and Alkyl Sulfides and Disulfides",. TAPPI, V o l ..42,.No. 7,,p p . 601605, (July. 1959) . . .2. ASTM Standards on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, American Society for Testing Materials (195$) • .5. "B. C . Research Council Discovers Method to Reduce Kraft Mill Odors", Paper Trade Journal, January 194-9, P- 14-. 4-. Bergstrom, H. 0. V. , "Pollution of Water and Air by Sulfate Mills," Pulp and Paper Magazine (Canada), V o l , 54-,.No.. 12, pp 135-140, 5. (1953)- Bialkowsky, .H. W., and G. 0. 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