Ice movement and structural characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier system, Atlin Provincial Park, British Columbia by Ronald Frederick Johnson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Ronald Frederick Johnson (1983) Abstract: The Cathedral Glacier is a receding double cirque glacier system located in northwestern British Columbia. The purpose of this study was to use ice movement data and structural characteristics to determine which cirque's flow unit is presently the most active. Results of a horizontal ice surface movement survey show that the average rate of ice movement per year for 1979-1981 was approximately 5.meters in the upper reaches of the upper cirque compared to only 2.5 m in the lower cirque. There is a slight increase to 3 meters midway down-glacier in the lower cirque flow unit. The arcuate patterns of primary stratification on the glacier's surface delineate the two flow units. Up-glacier dips of the primary stratification indicate that rotational slippage has occurred. However, the presence of secondary structures indicate that englacial shear deformation has also occurred. Crevasses are best developed in the upper reaches of the upper cirque. They are the result of extending flow put of the accumulation zone. Crevasses are also present midway down-glacier in the lower cirque approximately in the area where the rate of ice movement increases slightly. These crevasses indicate extending flow over an extrapolated convex bedrock surface which exists beneath the glacier. Longitudinal tectonic foliation was observed near the glacier margins and in the area between the two flow units and was noted to parallel the primary stratification. This foliation results from the lateral shear strain between the ice and cirque walls or between the different layers of primary stratification. Transverse foliation associated with and parallel to stepped "overthrust" structures indicates compressive shearing strain has occurred near the terminus of the glacier. Movement data show that the rate of horizontal surface movement is approximately twice as great in the upper cirque as it is in the lower cirque. In addition, crevasses and foliation were found to be more numerous and better developed in the upper cirque. The conclusion drawn from these data is that the upper cirque flow unit is presently the most active in the Cathedral Glacier. ICE MOVEMENT AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CATHEDRAL GLACIER SYSTEM, ATLIN PROVINCIAL PARK, BRITISH COLUMBIA by Ronald Frederick Johnson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in .. Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 1983 main Lia. N 3Yg :T6,36,% C,cp. 5 APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Ronald Frederick Johnson This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department 3- Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his/her absence, by the Director of Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the pro­ posed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date / V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Great appreciation is extended to Dr. John Montagne (Committee Chairman) for sharing his knowledge, time and enthusiasm for the field work and the final writing of the thesis. Dr. Maynard M. Miller for providing valuable insight into some of the specific problems related to the thesis, Mrs. Joan Miller for providing logistical support for the field work, and the Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research for financial support. Appreciation is also extended to Dr. Steven G. Custer and Dr. David R. Lageson for critical review of the thesis; the entire field crew at Camp 29, particularly John B. Price, Mike Bruzga, Gary Mendivil, Joel Blumenthal, Scott Odden, and Chip Laymon; my wife. Fay Shultz Johnson for putting up with my long absences and for assistance with drafting; and Sharon Dusenberry for typing the final draft of the thesis. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . . . ix 3. ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi 4. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Physical Setting of the Cathedral Glacier. . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier. . . . . . . Previous Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . Objectives of this Study. . . . . . . . 2 4 8 10 5. ICE MOVEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of Field Procedures. . . . . . . . . Survey Data Reduction Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion of Ice Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS. . . . . . . 7. viii 12 12 14 17 20 21 Field Mapping Techniques. . . . . . Primary Stratification... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crevasses , .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... Crevasse traces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foliation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . 22 24 31 38 38 42 NON-STRUCTURAL SURFACE FEATURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Medial and Surface Debris. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ,. . . . . . . . . Supraglacial Streams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moulins. . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Semipermanent N§v6 and Superimposed Ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . Relationship Between Flow Units of the Cathedral Glacier... Zones of Compression and Tension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nature of the Bedrock Profile Beneath the Glacier. . . . . . . Structures Which Need Further Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 44 46 48 50 50 51 51 51 vii TABLE QF C O N T E N T S - Continued Page 9. References Cited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 53 APPENDICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Appendix A Field Survey Data for 1979-1981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B Movement Data for 1979-1980, 1980-1981, and 1979-1981. Appendix C Average Rate of Movement for One Year Based on the Rate of Movement for 1979-1981. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 60 64 viii LIST OF TABLES Table I. Effects and conditions of compressive and extending flow..... Page 34 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 . Location map of study a rea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. General map of the Cathedral Glacier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Oblique aerial photo of the Cathedral Glacier. . . . . . . . . . 6 4. Longitudinal profiles of the glacier surface. . . . . . . . . . . 7 5. Oblique aerial photo of the Cathedral Glacier and the Neoglacial moraine complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6. Map showing the location of base survey stations and glacier movement stakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Diagramatic representation of the glacier survey coordinate system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Map showing horizontal surface movement vectors. . . . . . . . 9. 13 16 18 Photo showing ice axe simulating the attitude of foliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 10. Photo of primary stratification in the upper cirque. . . . . 25 11. Map showing primary stratification and foliation. . . . ../... 27 12. Diagram showing movement vectors for the glacier VeslSkautbreen, Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Diagram showing calculated positions of primary strati­ fication at 10 year intervals for the glacier VeslSkautbreen, Norway.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 14. Structure map showing crevasses and crevasse traces. . . . . 32 15. Photo showing left stepping en echelon crevasses. . . . . . . 33 16. Diagram showing extrapolated longitudinal bedrock profile beneath the upper cirque. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Diagram showing extrapolated longitudinal bedrock profile beneath the lower cirque. . . . . . . 36 13. 17. X LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 18. Page Diagram showing the relationship between crevasse orientations and the principle stress, ax .. . . . . . . . . . . . 37 19. Photo of typical longitudinal tectonic foliation. . . . . . . . 39 20. Photo of stepped "overthrust" structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 21. Photo of medial debris pile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 22. Photo of supraglacial streams with sine-generated meander forms.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. , Map showing non-structural surface features.. . ... . . ... 47 xi ABSTRACT The Cathedral Glacier is a receding double cirque glacier system located in northwestern British Columbia. The purpose of this study was to use ice movement data and structural characteristics to determine which cirque's flow unit is presently the most active. Results of a horizontal ice surface movement survey show that the . average rate of ice movement per year for 1979-1981 was approximately .5.meters in the upper reaches of the upper cirque compared to only 2.5 m in the lower cirque. There is a slight increase to 3 meters midway down-glacier in the lower cirque flow unit. The arcuate patterns of primary stratification on the glacier's surface delineate the two flow units. Up-glacier dips of the primary stratification indicate that rotational slippage has occurred. However, the presence of secondary structures indicate that englacial shear deformation has also occurred. Crevasses are best developed in the upper reaches of the upper cirque. They are the result of extending flow put of the accumulation zone. Crevasses are also present midway down-glacier in the lower cirque approximately in the area where the rate of ice movement increases slightly. These crevasses indicate extending flow over an extrapolated convex bedrock surface which exists beneath the glacier. Longitudinal tectonic foliation was observed near the glacier margins and in the area between the two flow units and was noted to parallel the primary stratification. This foliation results from the lateral shear strain between the ice and cirque walls or between the different layers of primary stratification. Transverse foliation associated with and parallel to stepped "overthrust" structures indi­ cates compressive shearing strain has occurred near the terminus of the glacier. Movement data show that the rate of horizontal surface movement is approximately twice as great in the upper cirque as it is in the lower cirque. In addition, crevasses and foliation were found to be . more numerous and better developed in the upper cirque. The conclu­ sion drawn from these data is that the upper cirque flow unit is presently the most active in the Cathedral Glacier. I I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Research on the Cathedral Glacier began i n 1972 with the establish ment of Camp 29, which is located on a bedrock berm near the terminus of the glacier. This camp serves as a research base for work conducted under the auspices of the Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research at the Pacific Science Center, Seattle, Washington and its affiliated Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP). Since 1972, three major studies have been conducted that have a direct relationship to this particular study. The first investigation was a field mapping project conducted by JIRP under the direction of Dr. G. Konecny, then of the Division of Survey Engineering at the Uni­ versity of New Brunswick. This project resulted in a topographic map published in 1976 and used in all subsequent field work on the Cathedral Glacier. The second study was by V. K. Jones in 1975, resulting in a Master's thesis in geology at Michigan State University. best described by the title of his thesis: His work is "Contributions to the Geomorphology and Neoglacial Chronology of the Cathedral Glacier System". The other major study is presently being completed as a Master's thesis .by J... B. Price at the University of Arizona. His research concerns the 1979-80 mass balance and glacio-hydrolog.ical characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier. These works, which will be 2 discussed later, led to the present study involving the-movement characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier. Physical Setting of the Cathedral Glacier The Cathedral Glacier is in the northwestern corner of British Columbia at 59° 20' N latitude, 134° 5' W longitude (Figure I). As such it lies within the confines of the newly established Atlin Provincial Wilderness Park. The glacier is within the Cathedral Massif, a rugged bedrock highland on the southwestern end of Atlin Lake. The massif is located just north and east of the Juneau Icefield, North America's fifth largest continuous icefield which in turn is located in the Northern . v. Boundary Range of the Alaska-British Columbia border region. The climate of the Cathedral Massif is characterized by cold, dry conditions and hence may be termed a periglacial environment. These conditions are in contrast with the maritime climate found in the southern and western regions of the Juneau Icefield. Because of this contrast, the acquisition of meteorological data from the Cathedral Glacier area is an important scientific function of Camp 29. Meteor­ ological data obtained at Camp 29 can be compared with data from other research stations located across the Juneau Icefield. With these data is is possible to obtain a better understanding of the climate of the Juneau Icefield itself. The data are also a key to understanding the relationship between climate and glacial activity at both the Cathedral Glacier site and on the main Juneau Icefield. 3 Figure I The Northern Boundary Range and the Juneau Icefield, South­ eastern Alaska and the Atlin Lake District, British Columbia. 4 Physical Characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier The Cathedral Glacier is a receding, north-facing cirque glacier with a surface area of approximately 1.5 square kilometers. lies between 1550 and 2000 meters elevation. The glacier The upper section of the glacier is bifurcated into two accumulation zones (Figures 2 and 3). Due to an approximate 30 m elevation difference between these two accumulation zones, they are designated as the lower and upper cirques. These cirques lie at the base of Cathedral Peak (2108 m) and comprise the heads of two major flow units. The eastern flow unit starts in the accumulation zone of the lower cirque and the ice from here flows north past the western flank of Mount Edward Little (1900 m) to its terminus on the eastern side of the Camp 29 bedrock berm. Most of the ice from the upper cirque flows past the eastern flank of Splinter Peak (1895 m) to a proglacial lake which has formed between the upper cirque terminus and the Camp 29 bedrock berm (Figure 2). Some ice from the upper cirque flows east of the bedrock berm and terminates with ice from the lower cirque. An aerial photograph of the Cathedral Glacier (Figure 3) provides a useful perspective of the physical characteristics of the glacier The topographic configuration and differences between the upper and lower cirque, i c e surfaces can best be seen in longitudinal profiles E-E1 and F-F1 (Figure 4). Both cirques have relatively steep terminus slopes that lessen upglacier in an area where the glacier widens. A major difference is that the ice surface slope in the lower cirque almost flat­ tens to a gently concave upward profile before rising steeply to the 5 Camp 29 Splinter Peak 1895m wsmsi * Edward ? Little 900m Lower ICiraue 1800m SCALE xr;:.y>-^ O 400m XS/ 1 :5 0 0 0 Approximate Contour Interval 20-25m Cathedral Peak 2108m Contour Lines U Bedrock . Hl Lake fig u re 2. ---I_I Cross Section Lines Ice, Pirn or Snow General map o f the Cathedral G la c ie r. (A fte r JlRP1 1976) Figure 3. Oblique aerial photo of the Cathedral Glacier, view to the south. Miller, September, 1979) (Photo: M. M. LONGITUDINAL PROFILES No Vertical Exaggeration Elevation 1900m Upper Cirque Ice Surface Profile 1700m Lower Cirque Ice Surface Profile 1500m 1500m 1000m Distance From Headwall Figure 4. Longitudinal profiles of the glacier surface on the upper and lower cirques. 8 headwalI , while the ice surface profile of the upper cirque maintains a fairly even and gently convex upward profile for its entire length. Because of the bifurcated nature of this glacier and notable physical differences between the upper and lower cirques the Cathedral Glacier is considered to be a double cirque glacial system. Previous Research An open file report of the Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research prepared by Guingne (1974) provides a useful reference for the hydrologic regime of the glacier in the early 1970's, as does Miller (1975). From his 1973-1975 work on the moraines (Figure 5) and his analysis of the climate of the Cathedral Glacier, Jones (1975) has reported the following conclusions which are pertinent to the present study: 1. Maximum snow accumulation has alternated from one cirque to the other, due to long-term shifts in the direction of dominant storm winds and of associated accumulation by wind drifting. 2. A substantial change in mass balance of this glacier system has . taken place over a period of years, with phasing caused by dif­ fering flow distances (flow lags) from the separate accumula­ tion areas. 3. There have been significant vertical changes in the elevation of ' the mean freezing level due to changes in mean temperature. This in turn has periodically shifted the dominant net accumula­ tion from the lower cirque to the higher one, and vise versa. 4. Analysis of till-boulder rock type and provenance below the Camp 29 berm suggests that during most of the recent (post 1920's ) glacial activity the lower cirque flow unit has. been more active. These conclusions indicate that due to cyclic climatic changes the mass balance has alternately changed through time between the two cirques. Such changes in the mass balance are assumed to have affected the relative 9 Figure 5. Oblique aerial photo of the Cathedral Glacier and the Neo­ glacial moraine complex. View is toward the southwest with the Juneau Icefield in the background. (Photo: M. NI. Miller, September, 1979) 10 flow activities between the two cirques. Furthermore, during the most recent glacial advance in this century the lower cirque flow unit was more active than the upper cirque flow unit. These interpretations and assumptions raise an important question as to what the present relative flow activity is between the two cirques. The present study will attempt to answer this question. Price (Master's thesis in progress) provides insight into the present flow activities of the two cirques with the following conclusions con­ cerning the mass balance of the Cathedral Glacier. 1. The major accumulation for the glacier is by the deposition of snow through wind drifting and avalanching. 2. The mass balance of the glacier is presently negative. 3. The mass balance of the upper cirque is less negative than the mass balance of the lower cirque. Thus, since the upper cirque has a less negative mass balance than the lower cirque, the ice flow is by implication more active in the upper cirque than in the lower cirque. Though many other studies have been completed on the Cathedral Glacier, the aforementioned thesis presentations of Jones and Price pro­ vide the basic background for the objectives of this study. Objectives of this Study The objectives of this study are: 1. To determine the present relationship between the flow units originating in the Tower and upper cirques. 2. To differentiate and explain zones of compression and tension within the glacier. Tl 3. To determine the. nature and estimate the topographic configura­ tion of the bedrock profile beneath the glacier. 4. To analyze and clarify the nature, origin and significance of discrete structures present in the glacier. Achievement of these objectives is based on the interpretation of field observations and data with respect to some basic glaciological concepts. These concepts include: 1. The movement activity of a given flow unit within this small glacier system is related to the present mass balance of that flow unit. 2. The relative movement activity between flow units can be deter­ mined by the rate of surface ice movement and the characteruand geometry of the structures present within a given flow unit. 3. Structure and movement data can be used to delineate the glacier into zones of compression and tension. These data further can be used to determine the configuration and morphology of gross bedrock features beneath the glacier. Procedures used for this study include: 1. The acquisition and reduction of horizontal surface movement data for the glacier. 2. Mapping and description of structures within the glacier. The remainder of this thesis will deal with the procedures used, the data obtained during this .study and the resulting interpretations. Ice movement will be considered first, followed by discussions on the struc­ tural and non-structural characteristics of the glacier. Conclusions will be derived from application of the basic concepts stated to the data presented. 12 CHAPTER II ICE MOVEMENT This chapter describes the field and office procedures used to obtain and reduce the survey data. The data are analyzed so that the general horizontal surface flow characteristics of the glacier can be applied to the understanding of the structures and relative movement characteristics within the glacier. Description of Field Procedures Approximately sixty movement stakes were fixed into the surface of the glacier during the summer of 1976. The stakes were placed longitudi­ nally along the centers of both the upper and lower cirque flow units, and in the area separating the two flow units (Figure 6). These stakes have also served as ablation stakes for use in mass balance studies. Because of the potential ablation,.I .5 m lengths of 2.5 cm white PVC pipes were used. Four lengths were wired together and emplaced to a depth of six meters by use of a thermal drill, Each section was marked with a location number and a Roman numeral indicating which section is exposed. As one section of the stake ablated out, it was removed from the section which remained in the ice. This system worked well for both the movement and ablation studies because it allowed the stakes to be set at depth with out the problems associated with one long section of pipe. 13 UC LC MP CP = = = = Upper Cirque Lower Cirque Middle Part Central Part Figure 6. Map showing the location of base survey stations and glacier movement stakes for 1981. 14 In order to survey the entire surface of the glacier with as few base survey stations as possible, two sites were selected from which most of the movement stakes could be located. Survey Station C was located on the south ridge of Splinter Peak to the west of the glacier. To the east of the glacier Survey Station A was located near the summit of Mount Edward Little (Figure 6). The field survey was conducted with the use of two Wild T-2 theodo­ lites using standard triangulation procedures. Because of the number of stakes involved and the complexity of reducing vertical ice movement data, only horizontal components of movement were recorded. and Station C were each occupied by an instrument person. Station A Because the movement stakes were white it was necessary for the rod person to use a 3 m, brown, wooden rod to facilitate the location of the movement stakes by the instrument persons. The rod was placed at the intersection of the ice surface and the movement stake. The theodolites were zeroed on Stations A and C and horizontal angles were read for each movement stake. . During periods of good weather, with radio communications between members of the survey crew, it was possible to survey all the movement stakes in one 10-12 hour period. The field procedures described above seemed to work quite well and are recommended for the acquisition of future movement data for the Cathedral Glacier. Survey Data Reduction Procedures The field survey data allowed computation of angles between lines connecting specific survey stations and specific movement stakes. The angles thus recorded were in degrees, minutes and seconds (Appendix A). 15 In order to reduce the data into a workable form the survey data were plotted on a coordinate system. The coordinate system for the Cathedral Glacier developed by Sidoti (1979) was expanded for this study. Basic trigonometry was used to convert the angles for each movement stake to points (X9Y) on a coordinate system. Survey A was designated the origin (O9O) of a coordinate system in which the Y axis extended to Survey C and the X axis extended perpen­ dicular to the Y axis. The distance between Survey A and Survey C along the Y axis was used as the baseline distance. This distance is 1275 m and was determined from the Cathedral Glacier Map (JIRP9 1976). For each computation, with two known angles and one known side it X I was possible to locate any given movement stake on the coordinate system, as follows: Given: (X^,Y^) = coordinates of known point (O9O) A 9C - measured angles B = internal angle = 180-(A+C) B = known baseline distance It is then possible to determine: (Xg)Yg) = coordinates of the movement stake C = distance from (X^ ,Y^) to (Xg9Yg) By employing the following calculations: 1. C = (sinC/sinB) B 2. Xg = XytCsinA 3. Yg = Y 1+CcosA A diagramatic representation of this procedure is given in Figure 7. 16 Survey C Y axis Survey C SCALE 400m 1:5000 Coordinates of Known Point Measured Angles Known Baseline Length Coordinates of Movement Stake Internal Angle Distance from (X1 ,Y1 ) to f Vr 2 ) Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of the glacier survey coordinate system. 17 All distances were measured in meters so that the coordinates are expressed in meters. All movement stakes to the north of the Y axis have coordinates■(+X,+ Y ) while all other movement stakes are expressed as (-X,+Y). The coordinate system when superimposed on a map allows the direct location of the movement stakes for the years 1979-1981. Horizontal surface movement was determined by using simple calcula­ tions based on the coordinate system as follows: Given: (X2iY2 ) = original location of movement stake (XgiY2 ) = new position of movement stake The distance between (XgiY2 ) and (Xg5Y2 ) can be calculated by using the distance formula. 4. d The movement surveys were conducted within one week of September 1st for each of the three years between 1979 and 1981. lated represent the amount of movement for one year. The distances calcu­ Appendix B lists the calculated movement distances for 1979-1980, 1980-1981 , and 1979-1981 Appendix C lists the average movement for one year based on total move­ ment between 1979 and 1981. Discussion of Ice Movement A significant difference exists in the horizontal surface movement of the two major flow units. Appendix C and Figure 8 show that the rate of ice movement in the upper (western) cirque is approximately twice as great as the movement in the lower (eastern) cirque. The increase in the rate of ice movement near the mid-section of the lower cirque is problematic. Ice movement from a minor flow unit 18 t f T SCALE 400m 1:5000 = 5 meters of movement per year Figure 8. Horizontal surface movement vectors. The length of each vector represents the approximate average movement for one year over the interval 1979-1981. # 19 along the east margin of the glacier is converging with ice movement from the major lower cirque flow unit. This convergence may cause a slight increase in the rate of longitudinal ice movement. The major cause of the increased rate of ice movement is presumably, related to the existence of a convex bedrock surface extending transversely beneath the glacier. This convex bedrock surface will be discussed in more detail in a later part of this report. Suffice it to say that the ice moving over this convex surface is in extending flow (see page 33), causing an increase in the rate of ice movement in this area. Ice at the lower cirque terminus was observed to be less than 2 m thick. The existence of thin ice and the measured low values for the rate of ice movement there indicate that the ice in this region is practically stagnant. Ice movement in the upper cirque is more rapid than the movement in the lower cirque. The greatest velocity occurs in the upper section where movement exceeds 5 m y r ~ \ Extending flow (see page 33) coming . out of the accumulation area is the best explanation for these high rates of movement. Rates of movement throughout the upper cirque decrease -I steadily downglacier until the velocity is less than .5 m yr .. As is the case with the lower cirque, ice near the terminus of the upper cirque was also found to be practically stagnant. The rate of ice movement along the middle section of the glacier between the two major flow units was found to be relatively constant. Rates of movement here ranged from approximately 3 m yr~^ to 4 m yr"^ ° 20 Conclusions The horizontal surface movement data suggest that active ice is restricted to the area upglacier from the narrow (northern) section of the glacier (Figure 8). Also, the lower.cirque flow unit shows a slight increase in the rate of ice movement in ah area immediately upglacier from where the glacier narrows. Finally, the rate of ice movement in the upper cirque was found to be significantly greater than in the lower cirque. 21 CHAPTER III STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Analysis of the structural characteristics of the Cathedral Glacier comprises a second major element of this study. The significance of this particular aspect of the research relates to the following: 1. The location, orientation and nature of the englacial structures provide a key to understanding the movement characteristics of the glacier. 2. It can be shown that the structures are related to the ice movement characteristics discussed in Chapter II. 3. The structures provide insight as to the nature of the bedrock surface beneath the glacier. The structures described are divided into two types; primary and secondary. Miller (1955 and 1971) has outlined these in a system used in the nomeclature of the reports on the Juneau Icefield Research Pro­ gram. Hambrey (1975) restates what Miller has outlined, namely that "primary structures result from the deposition of snow or collection of water on existing surfaces", and that "secondary structures are the result of plastic deformation and fracture during flow." The most important primary structure used in this study is primary , stratification. Crevasses, crevasse traces and foliation are the secon­ dary structures that will be considered. Field mapping techniques used in plotting these structures will be discussed, followed by description and analysis of the structures. 22 Field Mapping Techniques A Brunton compass and tape measure were the basic field tools used for this study. Because movement stakes were on the glacier surface, it was possible to locate the structures with reasonable accuracy. The method entailed establishing a compass bearing between a movement stake (location known from survey data) and the structure of interest. The distance from the movement stake to the specific structure was then measured. Likewise, the trends and sizes of structures were determined using the Brunton compass, for bearings and tape measure for distance. Description of primary stratification and foliation often involved the measurement of strike and dip. Because of the lack of flat smooth surfaces from which to take the necessary readings, the shaft, of an ice axe was often employed to represent an extension of the attitude of the structures being measured. The ice axe was placed into the surface of the glacier with a dip similar to the observed dip of the structure (Figure 9). The compass was placed along the shaft of the ice axe and the angle of dip recorded. Strikes were determined from either linear trends of structures or from measurements perpendicular to the direc­ tion of dip. Some error is inherent in this procedure but this is con­ sidered as limited to less than five degrees. Even with some error, the data are sufficiently accurate to provide insight into the glacier's structural characteristics. 23 Figure 9. Ice axe sim ulating the a ttitu d e o f fo lia tio n . Photo was taken in the upper cirque near the western edge o f the g la c ie r. August, 1981) While on the g la c ie r surface i t was often d i f f i c u l t to trace primary s tr a tific a tio n fo r a s ig n ific a n t distance. Such s tr a tific a tio n was best observed from the ridges on e ith e r side o f the g la c ie r. A technique was devised in which radio-equipped personnel on the ridges directed radioequipped personnel on the g la c ie r to s p e c ific s ite lo c a tio n s . Thus personnel on the g la c ie r could walk along a s p e c ific s tr a tific a tio n 24 structure with exact guidance from the observer on the ridge. Orange colored wooden blocks were placed on the glacier surface so that strikes and dips at selected sites could be measured at a later time. This procedure worked Well and was used for locating other structures that also were more easily traced by viewing from some height well above the glacier surface. Primary Stratification Primary stratification is a sedimentary structure resulting from the initial deposition of snow in the accumulation area of a glacier (Miller, 1955 and Hambrey, 1975). Structural features from this origin are well exposed on the surface of the Cathedral Glacier in approximately2m wide bands of coarse bubbly glacier ice alternating with dense glacier ice or darker and less bubbly glacier ice approximately 0.2 m wide (Figure 10). This banding is similar to the sedimentary originated banding described by Gibson and Dyson, 1939; Clark and Lewis, 1951; Grove, 1960; and Hambreyi 1975. Although primary stratification is described in other glacier studies, the studies mentioned above are more relevant to this study as they generally deal with primary structures in other cirque glaciers. The banding associated with primary stratification can be explained by considering the major changes that occur in a snowpack during a given year. With the onset of the accumulation season in the fall, new snow is deposited on the glacier surface by snowfall, by wind drifting and to some extent by snow avalanching. The thickness of the deposited snow is ultimately affected by the settling and densification of the snowpack. 25 Figure 10. Primary s t r a t if ic a t io n in the upper c irq u e , view toward the ea st. (August, 1981) Some hard layers are formed by the a ffe c t o f wind, sun and the refree zing o f percolated meltwater from the snow surface. Because o f successive snow falls in d iv id u a l storm layers do not develop to th e p o in t where they are s ig n ific a n t observable features in the sedimentary sequence forming prim ary s t r a t if ic a t io n . During the a b la tio n season the new snow surface exposed fo r long periods o f time becomes comprised o f old snow and then 26 firn. Organic material and dust also accumulates on the snow surface. The surface can also become saturated with meltwater. At the end of the ablation season the surface layer retains its identity on top of the one year snowpack which at a density of 0.45 becomes a firn-pack (Miller,'1971). This cycle is completed with the beginning of the next accumulation season. During the transformation from new snow, to old snow, to firn and then to glacier ice the layers develop distinct ice characteristics. Coarse bubbly glacier ice corresponds with the basal accumulation layer while a dense more bubble-free ice corresponds with the overlying ablation affected layer. In map view the primary stratification is seen as bands with arcuate patterns convex downglacier. Two distinct arcuate patterns delineate the flow units originating from the lower and upper cirques (Figure 11). A minor flow unit in the lower cirque can also be identified by the arcuate nature of the primary stratification. The arcuate patterns are caused by retarded ice movement at the glacier margins and between flow units. The dips of the primary stratification provides insight to the nature of flow in the glacier, in that primary stratification dips toward the center of each flow unit. the margins of the flow units. Dip angles were found to be greater near This is consistent with the observations of Grove (1960). As primary stratification originates from snow deposition in the accumulation area, the initial dip of the stratification is down-glacier and at the angle of the existing surface. Rotational slippage provides the ice movement, required for the up-glacier dips observed on the glacier. However, rotational slippage is not the only type of ice 27 SCALE O Zm Om 1:5000 ^ Strike and. Dip of Primary Stratification ^ Strike and Dip of Foliation ^ Vertical Foliation '"'Trace of Representative Primary Stratification Figure 11. S tru ctu re map showing prim ary s t r a t if ic a t io n and f o lia t io n observed in 1980 and 1981. 28 movement which has occurred in the Cathedral Glacier. Other types of ice movement will be discussed in subsequent sections of this chapter. Rotational slippage was described by Gibson and Dyson in 1939. They concluded that due to the weight of a wedge-shaped accumulation of snow and firn a downward force is exerted in the accumulation zone of the glacier, causing the sedimentary stratification to dip up-glacier due to ice rotation. Sharp (1954) elaborated on this type of ice move­ ment by stating that; "Rotational slippage involves movement along curved shear surfaces within the ice and along the bed, if of a proper shape, with rotation about an essentially horizontal axis above the glacier. The motive force is furnished by unequal accumulation and distribution of snow and ice." The results of an excellent and detailed study of the Norwegian cirque glacier Vesl-Skautbreen (McCall, 1960) provides data to support the -concept of rotational, slipping. Detailed surveys of both surface movement and tunnel deformations show a forward and downward motion in the accumulation zone and a forward and upward heaving at the terminus (Figures 12 and 13). On the Cathedral Glacier, primary stratification dipping up-glacier indicates that rotational slipping has occurred. However, with the glacier's present state of negative mass balance, it is difficult to envision that the present amount of accumulation is sufficient to provide a significant motive force for rotational slipping, thus some of the effect in this case maybe relict. Also, rotational slipping assumes that little deformation occurs in the moving mass of ice; i.e. the mass moves as a rigid body (McCall, 1960). The secondary structures 29 Upper tunnel Lower tunnel Rock Bed meters Figure 12. Movement vectors fo r the g la c ie r Vesl-Skautbreen, Norway. (McCall, 1960) 30 meters Figure 13. Calculated positions of primary stratification at 10 year intervals for the glacier Vesl-Skautbreen, Norway. (McCall, 1960) 31. discussed in the remainder of this chapter however, suggest a probable deformation of the ice, through englacial flow deformation. Crevasses Due to low strain rates which correspond to. the overall low rates of ice movement, the crevasses in the Cathedral Glacier were found to be neither extensive nor large. Crevasse widths ranged from approximately I cm to I m and depths varied from a few meters to a few centimeters. In many cases meltwater, either standing or flowing, was associated with the crevasses. Crevasses are concentrated in two areas of the glacier (Figure 14). The best developed crevasse system is located in the upper reaches of the upper cirque. Crevasses in this area were found to be up to 200 m long and many were concave downglacier. 50 cm. Here the widths ranged from 10- An interesting feature is the en echelon, left-stepping nature of some of these crevasses (Figure 15). Though the exact mechanism for this phenomena is not well understood, it is assumed to be the result of dif­ fering strain rates the largest of which is favored by the thickening ice from the margin of the glacier to the center of the flow units. In the lower cirque the best developed crevasse system was located approxi­ mately 800 m downglacier from the headwalI . The crevasses here consisted of cracks only 1-2 cm wide. Most were linear in surface expression but many tended to be slightly concave downglacier. Crevasse patterns on the surface of the Cathedral Glacier prove very useful when used to interpret the types on englacial flow present. 32 SCALE 40 Om 1:5000 Crevasses --•'''Crevasse Traces Figure 14. S tructure map showing crevasses and crevasse traces observed in 1980 and 1981. 33 I V Figure 15. L e ft stepping en echelon crevasses located in the upper c irq u e , view toward the west. (August, 1981) in the g la c ie r. The fo llo w in g discussion is based on Nye's (1952) c la s s ic paper on the mechanics o f g la c ie r flo w . Nye has id e n tifie d these two types o f englacial flo w : I ) Compres­ sive Flow, which has a lo n g itu d in a l stre ss which is compressive through­ out the depth o f the g la c ie r; and 2) Extending Flow, which is compres­ sive a t depth and te n s ile in the upper surface la y e r. The fo llo w in g 34 table modified a fte r Nye (1952) summarizes the e ffe c ts and conditions of these two types o f flow . Table I . E ffects and conditions o f compressive and extending flow . Compressive Flow Extending Flow ■ Effects Upper layer in compression No crevasses Thrust planes Upper layer in tension Tranverse crevasses (Other shear fa u lts ? ) Conditions Ablation area Concave bed Accumulation area Convex bed At present the crevasse patterns in the Cathedral Glacier are gen­ e ra lly in d ic a tiv e o f extending flow con dition s, though as discussed la te r there are some sections w ith compressive flow . As previously noted, the major crevasse system is located in the upper section o f the upper cirque. These crevasses are related to the extending flow out o f the upper cirqu e's accumulation area. As has been shown in the previous chapter, th is area is coincident w ith the highest rate o f ice movement in the g la c ie r. The best developed crevasses in the lower cirque are located 500-700 m downg la c ie r from the accumulation area. This is the same area in which there is a s lig h t increase in the rate o f ice movement, also discussed in Chapter I I . The probable cause fo r th is crevasse system is extending flow over a transverse convex bedrock surface beneath the g la c ie r in its middle section. Figures 16 and 17 are cross sections down through the upper cirques. The bedrock p r o file as shown, in Figures 16 and 17 are ' rough approximations extrapolated from the crevasse patterns and ice , 1 ‘ LONGITUDINAL PROFILE UPPER CIRQUE Vertical Exaggeration 2x Headwall 1900. Glacier Surface Profile Extrapolated Bedrock Profile 1000 Meters Figure 16. Extrapolated longitudinal bedrock profile beneath the upper cirque. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE LOWER CIRQUE Vertical Exaggeration 2x Meters Headwall Glacier Surface Profile Extrapolated Bedrock Profile 1000 Meters Figure 17. Extrapolated longitudinal bedrock profile beneath the lower cirque. 37 movement characteristics of the glacier. In order to substantiate the existence of a convex bedrock surface, further geophysical studies should be initiated to determine the actual bedrock profile beneath the glacier. The foregoing discussion has been based on the location of crevasses on the glacier surface. When the orientations of these crevasses are considered, it is possible to gain some understanding of the stresses present in the ice. Nye (1952) used the angle in which the crevasses intersect or trend toward the glacier margins to determine whether the principle stress,(Tx, is compressive, equal to zero or tensiI (Figure 18). The crevasses on the Cathedral Glacier intersect or trend toward the glacier margins at angles which are greater than 45 degrees. Thus using N y e 1s concept, the existing crevasses are of the transverse type and formed under conditions of tensil stress. A Figure 18. B C The relationship between crevasse orientations and the prin­ ciple s t r e s s , (Nye, 1952). The unbroken lines show the theoretical positions and directions of crevasses in three possible cases. The diagrams at the top indicate the stress acting near the margins shown uppermost in the figure. The case for the Cathedral Glacier is shown in (c). 38 In summary the crevasse patterns in the Cathedral Glacier aid in understanding the flow conditions in the glacier. The location of the crevasses indicate areas of extending flow caused by a positive snow and ice budget in the zone of accumulation or the presence of a convex bedrock surface midway down-glacier from that zone. Finally, the orienta tion of the crevasses indicate that they are of the transverse type and formed under conditions of tensiI stress. Crevasse Traces ' Crevasse traces were described by Hambrey (1975) as long, thin, steeply dipping ice layers. It is well-known among glaciologists that many crevasse traces represent healed crevasses and can thus be used to indicate zones of compression. On the Cathedral Glacier, crevasse traces are best observed down-glacier from the major crevasse, system in the upper cirque (Figure 14)., Other; minor crevasse traces are located in the lower cirque, down-glacier from the extrapolated convex bedrock surface. These areas are thus considered to be in a concave bedrock zone and to represent ice that is in compressive flow. Crevasse traces which occur in zones of extending flow may represent either the basal remnants of crevasses that have undergone ablation or are the unopened extensions of existing crevasses (Hambrey, 1975). Foliation Foliation in the Cathedral Glacier consists of thin, alternating, discontinuous bands of bubble-rich ahd relatively bubble-free ice . (Figure 19). Miller (1955) refers to these as tectonic foliation bands 39 and relates them to discontinuous flow within the glacier. the bands also show differences in grain size. In some cases Most of the bands ranged from one to several centimeters in width and may trend continuously for up to three meters. wide and 30 cm long. Some foliation was in the form of lenses up to 10 cm The foliation observed was similar to foliation described by Miller, 1955, 1971; Untersteiner, 1955; Allen and others, 1960; Hambrey, 1976; and Hooke and Huddleston, 1978. Figure 19. Typical longitudinal tectonic foliation developed near the margin of the glacier in the upper cirque. (July, 1981) 40 Steeply dipping longitudinal foliation was best observed along the margins of the glacier and in the lateral mid-section of the glacier between the two flow units (Figure 11). This foliation is considered to represent lateral shear strain between the ice and cirque walls or between the ice of the two flow units. Transverse foliations near the terminus of the upper cirque were in many cases associated"with stepped "overthrust" features. Many of the features have debris located in the down-stepped area (Figure 20). origin of similar features has been discussed by (McCall, 1960). The He concluded that "stepped features were not the result of overthrusting but were due to differential ablation, in which the dirty ice absorbs more heat than the adjacent cleaner ice." By way of further explanation, the presence of foliation which, in this case, is the result of compressive shearing strain indicates that • some type of overthrusting has occurred in association with the stepped "overthrust" features. Because the ice in this area is considered essentially stagnant, the foliation is considered primarily relict. Though the present appearance of the stepped "overthrust" features may be due to differential ablation, the observed foliation indicates that at one time the compressive shearing stresses were sufficient to produce overthrusting. The parallelism of the tectonic foliation with primary stratifica­ tion may be a significant aspect of the Cathedral Glacier (Figure 11). Nowhere on the surface of the glacier was foliation observed to crosscut primary stratification. This is probably because the primary stratifica­ tion forms zones of weakness to shear. Hambrey (1976) observed this 41 re la tio n s h ip in the Okstaindan g la c ie rs o f Norway. He concludes th a t d iffe r e n tia l movement may cause shearing between d iffe r e n t layers and the subsequent r e c r y s ta lliz a tio n o f the ice produces the f o lia t io n . The evidence seen on the Cathedral G lacie r supports th is conclusion. Figure 20. Stepped "o v e rth ru s t" s tru c tu re o ve rlying dark debris la ye r near the terminus o f the upper cirq u e . The re la te d "over­ th ru s t" fea ture is dipping toward the l e f t o f the photo, view toward the west. (August, 1981) 42 Conclusion The up-glacier dips of primary stratification indicate that rota­ tional slipping is a factor in ice movement for the Cathedral Glacier. However, the existence of crevasses, crevasse traces and tectonic folia­ tion indicates that discontinuous englacial shear deformation also occurs within the glacier. . Therefore, the nature of ice movement within this glacier is considered to combine rotational slippage and englacial shear deformation. Extending and compressive flow are two well-known types of englacial ice deformation. Extending flow generally occurs in the accumulation area and where a convex bedrock surface exists beneath the glacier. The location of open crevasses together with the higher rates of ice movement readily delineate the areas of extending flow on the Cathedral Glacier. Crevasse traces and a slower rate of flow in a very general way delineate this glacier's areas of compressive flow. Longitudinal tectonic foliation results from the lateral shear strain between the ice and cirque walls or between the ice of the two flow units. Transverse foliation associated with stepped "overthrust" features indicate compressive shearing strain near the terminus of the glacier. Finally, the parallelism of the secondary tectonic foliation and primary stratification is noted. The described foliation is caused by the flow shearing between the different layers of primary stratificati o n . 43 CHAPTER IV NON-STRUCTURAL SURFACE FEATURES Non-structural surface features are those features on the surface of the glacier that are not directly related to the ice movement of the glacier. Non-structural surface features were mapped because they com­ prise the majority of surface features on the glacier and they can be used as direct aids in discerning some of the flow characteristics of the glacier. Such features include, medial and surface debris, supra- glacial streams, moulins, semipermanent n§v§ lines and superimposed ice. These non-structural features are discussed in this chapter. Medial and Surface Debris The surface of the glacier is littered with debris derived by mass wastage off of the headwalls and surrounding sidewalls of the two adjacent cirques. The. debris originates in two rock types exposed on the cirque headwalI . Metabasaltic rock comprises the highest part of . the headwal!. This rock is intruded by granodiorite, as indicated by the contact between the two rock types seen on the headwalI of the upper cirque (Figure. 3). The flanks of Mount Edward Little and Splinter Peak consist primarily of the granodiorite. Due to the bedrock contact on the cirque headwalI, granodiorite debris is located on the western part of the glacier while metabasaltic rocks comprise most of the debris on the eastern side of the glacier. The size of the debris ranges from 44 several centimeters to several meters in longest dimension. A meta- basaltic block 7.5 m x 3.5 m found near the center of the glacier was the largest debris block observed. Though rock debris is scattered over most of the glacier surface, in a few areas the debris is concentrated in linear piles. The most noticeable pile is located in the center of the glacier and is referred to as the medial debris pile (Figure 21). This pile consists of meta- basaltic rock and trends for 120 m longitudinally in a zone which sepa­ rates the upper and lower flow units. Another major linear debris pile occurs near the west margin of the glacier and consists of granodiorite blocks. These debris piles are the result of periodic rockfalls from the cirque headwall onto the glacier surface. Subsequent ice movement carries the debris down-glacier and also accentuates the linear shapes of the piles. Other scattered rock debris on the glacier surface is a consequence of rockfalls from the over-steepened cirque sidewalls and headwalls . Supraglacial Streams Some of the most striking features on the surface of this glacier are the sine-generated meanders of supraglacial streams. The best developed streams are located between the mid-section of the glacier and the terminus of both upper and lower cirques (Figure 22). Most of the streams are several hundred meters in length with depths ranging from 0.5 m to 3 m. These streams act as channels for water derived from the melting of the snow, fi.rn and ice on the upper reaches of the glacier. 45 Figure 21. Medial debris p ile located near the middle of the g la c ie r. View is toward the northwest, taken from the east margin of the g la c ie r in August, 1981. Most o f the streams have minor trib u ta rie s flow ing in to them, thus form­ ing a somewhat d e n d ritic drainage pattern. Sugden and John (1979) have noted th a t "the sine-generated nature o f the meanders can be expected in a uniform medium lik e ic e ." However, in some cases i t appears th a t ir r e g u la r itie s in the meander pattern may be caused by primary s tr a tific a tio n or other impending s tru c tu re . ideas are noted by M ille r (1982, personal communication). These 46 Figure 22. Supraglacial streams w ith sine-generated meander forms located near the terminus o f the upper c irq u e . View toward the south, taken in August, 1981. Moul ins Moulins are r e s tric te d to the r e la tiv e ly f l a t area o f the g la c ie r surface in the lower cirque (Figure 23). In the summer o f 1981 three major moulins were located in th is area. The la rg e s t had surface dimen­ sions o f 4.2 m x 3.0 m, w hile the oth er two had dimensions on the order 47 •* Moulins 'v Debris Piles Superimposed Ice Zo n e , 1981 Figure 23. Map showing non-structural surface features. 48 of I m x 2 m with undetermined depth. In 1980, however, one of the tnoulins was descended to a depth of 50 m, which is well below the deep­ est crevasse level. At that depth the moulin interconnected with a system of englacial streams, indicating that the ice in this area is at least 50 m thick. The moulins were fed by a relatively straight and narrow supraglacial stream, about 150 m in length and nourished by the upper glacier n6v6 zone. Semipermanent NevS and Superimposed Ice The semipermanent n6v6-line, 1981, was located in the upper reaches of the glacier. Superimposed ice was positioned a few feet just down- glacier from the semipermanent n6v6 (Figure 23) and in places merged with it. The width of the superimposed ice ranged from one to several meters. Superimposed ice results from the refreezing of meltwater from the snow and firn in the accumulation area. The meltwater is refrozen when it comes in contact with the cold glacier ice at this location. The presence of cold ice is a thermophysical characteristic of the Cathedral Glacier. Jones (1975) states that "englacial temperature measurements to a depth of 18 m in 1972 indicated that this glacier is thermophysicalIy sub-polar in its upper headwall portion; i.e. above 1820 m. (0° C)." Below the 1730 m elevation, it is essentially temperate A sub-polar glacier is characterized by englacial temperatures of -2° C to -10° C with a surface layer of O0 C due to seasonal warming (Miller, 1976). Therefore when surface flowing meltwater comes in contact with ice that is below O0 C it freezes and forms superimposed ice. This means that the annual semipermanent equilibrium line is I 49 represented by the lower edge of the superimposed ice as opposed to the semipermanent n6v6 line represented by the lower margin of the retained firn-pack. 50 CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS This study was based on four objectives: 1. To determine the present relationship between the flow units originating from the lower and upper cirques accumulation zones. 2. To delineate the glacier into zones and sectors of compression and tension. 3. To determine the approximate morphology of the bedrock profile beneath the glacier. 4. To comment on any significant structures, including some which require further research. This study will conclude with comments on each of these objectives. Relationship Between Flow Units of the Cathedral Glacier Jones' work (1975) as outlined in Chapter I , indicates that the. mass balance was alternately changed through time between the two cirques. Mass balance studies by Price (in progress) lead to the conclusion that the mass balance for 1979-1980 was less negative in the upper cirque than in the lower c i rque.• Movement data from this study show that the rate of horizontal surface movement is approximately twice as great in the upper cirque as compared to the lower cirque. In addition, crevasses and foliation in 1980 and 1981 were found to be better developed in the upper cirque. The conclusion drawn from these data is that the upper cirque flow unit is presently the most active in the Cathedral Glacier. 51 Zones o f Compression and Tension Analysis o f crevasse patterns and o rie n ta tio n s in d ica te th a t the crevasses are o f the transverse type mostly formed under conditions of te n s ile stre ss. Crevasses are located near the accumulation zone and approximately midway down-glacier from the headwall.. Therefore these areas are considered tensional zones. Zones o f compression e x is t near the terminus o f the g la c ie r and in the area between areas containing crevasses. Structures which are in d ic a tiv e o f compressive zones are crevasse tra ces, "o ve rth ru st" features and transverse fo lia tio n . Nature o f the Bedrock P ro file Beneath the G lacier The existence o f s ig n ific a n t crevasses and a s lig h t increase in the rate o f ice movement midway down-glacier in the lower cirque fu rth e r conote extending flo w . Lacking s u ffic ie n t accumulation evidence, the most lik e ly cause fo r extending flow in th is sector is a convex bedrock surface which trends transversely beneath the g la c ie r. Figures 16 and 17 show the extrapolated p r o file o f the bedrock surface beneath the upper and lower cirques. There is need fo r fu rth e r studies using geophysical techniques to determine the exact depth o f the ice and the morphological configuration in the bedrock p r o file . Structures Which Need Further Study This section is intended to id e n tify those structures which need fu rth e r detailed study. These features include a zone o f le ft-s te p p in g . en echelon crevasses located in the upper cirque and a set o f "over­ th ru s t" features near the g la c ie r terminus. Also deserving fu rth e r 52 study is the relationship between tectonic foliation and primary stratification structures throughout the glacier system. More detailed studies of these structures and their future modification will aid in the understanding of the regimen and movement of the Cathedral Glacier. It is hoped that the information in this thesis will serve as a useful reference and base for further studies of this unique and inter­ esting glacier system. -v T 53 REFERENCES CITED 54 REFERENCES CITED A lle n , C.R., and-others, 1960, Structure o f the lower Blue G lacier, Washington: Journal o f Geology, y. 68, p. 601-625. C lark, J.M ., and Lewis, W.V., 1951, Rotational movement in cirque and v a lle y g la c ie rs : Journal of Geology, v. 59, p. 546-566. Gibson, G-R- and Dyson, J .L ., 1939, Grinnel G lacier, Glacier National Park, Montana: Geological Society o f America B u lle tin , v. 50, p. 681-696. Grove, J.M ., 1960, The bands and layers o f Vesl-Skautbreen, iji Lewis, V.R ., e d ., Norwegian cirque g la c ie rs : Royal Geographic" Research Service, no. 4 ,.p . 39-62. Guigne, J .Y ., 1974, Hydrological observations on the Lemon and Cathedral G laciers: Research Report, Juneau Ic e fie ld Research Program, Foundation fo r G lacier and Environmental Research. Hambrey, M .J., 1975, The o rig in of fo lia tio n in g la c ie rs , evidence from some Norwegian examples: Journal o f Glaciology, v. 14, p. 181-185. Hambrey, M .J., 1976, S tructure o f the g la c ie r Charles Rabots Bre, Norway: Geological Society of America B u lle tin , v. 87, p. 16291637. Hooke, R .L., and Hudleston, P .J ., 1978, O rigin o f fo lia tio n in g la cie rs: Journal o f G laciology, v. 20, no. 83, p. 285-299. JIRP, 1976, Topographic map o f the Cathedral G lacier: Juneau Ic e fie ld Research Program, Foundation fo r G lacier and Environmental Research Jones, V .K ., 1975, C ontributions to the geomorphology and Neoglacial chronology o f the Cathedral G lacier System, A tlin Wilderness Park, B ritis h Columbia: unpublished M.S. th e s is , Michigan.State U n iv e rs ity , Lansing, Michigan, 183 p. , M ille r , M.M., 1955, A nomenclature fo r c e rta in englacial structures: Acta Geographica, v. 14, p. 291-299. M ille r , M.M., 1971, Glaciers and glacio logy: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia o f Science and Technology, v. 6, p. 218-229. M ille r , M.M., 1975, A mountain, and g la c ie r te rra in study and related in ve stig a tio n s in the Juneau Ic e fie ld region, Alaska-Canada: Final Report, U.S. Army Research O ffic e , Durham. 55 Miller, M.M., 1955, Thermo-physical characteristics of glaciers-toward a rational classification: Journal of Glaciology, v. 16, no. 74, p. 297-300. Nye, J.F., 1952, The mechanics of glacier flow: v. 2, p. 82-93. Journal of Glaciology, Sidoti, P., 1979, The 1979 Cathedral Glacier survey: Research Report, Juneau Icefield Research Program, Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research. Untersteiner, N., 1955, Some observations on the banding of glacier ice: Journal of Glaciology, v. 2, p. 502-506. APPENDICES 57 APPENDIX A FIELD SURVEY DATA FOR 1979-1981 / I 58 APPENDIX A Field Data for 1979, 1980, and 1981. Data is in degrees, minutes and seconds. Nineteen seventy-nine data obtained by Sidoti, Bruzga and Harding. Nineteen eighty data obtained by Johnson, Rassmusen and Bruzga. Nineteen eighty-one data obtained by Johnson, Beck and Klienman. STAKE NO. 1979 Survey C Survey A UCOOO UC003 UC004 UC005 UC006 UC007 UC008 UC009 UCOlO UCOll UCOl 3 UCOl 4 UC MP006 MP007 MP008 MP009 MPOlO MPOll MPOl 2 MPOl 2 MPOl 4 LCOOl LC002 22 04 15 25 30 33 06 26 00 05 38 21 19 03 10 16 17 18 29 20 28 46 11 58 45 13 53 24 43 32 62 69 74 81 84 50 19 28 43 08 01 24 44 53 58 30 32 35 39 41 21 55 17 15 26 23 02 12 15 27 07 16 23 30 37 42 47 51 54 24 20 31 03 51 56 09 34 17 21 44 31 41 28 12 20 26 08 33 18 25 40 27 25 07 16 23 30 37 42 46 50 53 43 34 37 01 45 52 02 05 23 15 15 28 16 43 06 46 30 49 46 21 29 23 19 36 1980 Survey C Survey A 22 04 14 25 35 44 54 62 69 74 81 84 29 16 49 05 05 51 06 30 04 17 39 07 32 20 14 02 24 04 21 25 27 08 24 20 19 03 10 16 21 25 27 30 32 35 39 41 16 06 12 18 11 33 40 12 43 08 06 17 56 02 11 44 36 01 03 35 58 32 22 39 07 16 10 07 19 09 15 49 30 15 47 00 23 37 54 23 32 17 36 42 47 51 54 24 20 57 24 08 12 38 32 42 23 01 13 50 03 23 36 36 41 46 49 53 43 34 52 55 11 53 07 29 18 30 59 55 08 46 04 20 1981 Survey C Survey A 04 14 24 34 44 53 62 68 74 81 84 01 33 45 44 30 46 12 50 07 36 07 03 06 56 57 10 04 00 08 22 14 11 02 09 16 21 24 27 30 32 35 38 41 53 60 07 01 23 31 04 35 00 57 08 55 18 24 27 34 58 15 19 37 29 27 07 15 23 30 36 42 46 51 54 23 20 01 36 24 30 46 14 58 05 32 33 43 25 13 48 42 51 19 54 49 20 00 38 07 15 23 30 36 41 46 49 53 43 34 02 08 31 06 16 18 26 46 41 03 44 42 02 45 45 41 00 00 30 06 20 11 59 STAKE NO. 1979 Survey C Survey A 1980 Survey C Survey A 1981 Survey C Survey A LC005 LC006 LC007 LC008 LC009 LCOlO LCOll LCOl 2 LCOl 3 02 04 11 17 21 24 28 30 33 40 30 09 00 30 55 20 53 29 30 46 20 21 16 28 27 33 34 03 06 17 28 39 48 58 66 71 50 49 56 55 43 55 37 02 54 38 38 14 22 22 15 16 56 41 02 04 10 16 21 24 28 30 33 03 01 08 04 08 04 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 010 on 012 014 016 03 03 06 43 55 59 27 31 54 57 08 47 45 04 49 57 45 22 05 07 17 17 19 25 45 56 20 59 54 05 15 34 44 18 50 31 03 15 53 05 25 36 03 24 11 07 42 Ol 06 90 22 16 39 30 29 05 57 17 10 36 03 52 58 12 38 51 56 27 OO 36 44 41 24 47 43 12 50 14 59 70 06 90 22 50 19 58 49 20 47 14 48 25 24 20 20 29 08 57 21 45 07 47 16 46 40 15 58 32 12 10 27 04 06 17 28 39 48 58 65 71 24 28 11 38 51 05 31 39 35 26 39 25 52 48 56 52 42 28 48 01 36 01 38 28 49 03 58 01 10 05 03 42 14 04 20 07 06 13 07 16 21 24 28 30 33 38 11 39 09 44 20 25 28 15 58 27 39 09 15 44 48 26 07 14 58 16 11 24 65 43 56 46 71 39 23 03 03 06 43 54 59 70 06 90 22 16 38 04 18 43 06 23 04 04 10 29 11 56 43 46 11 12 47 40 22 09 76 42 44 21 24 05 07 16 17 19 24 28 11 48 51 56 27 06 27 33 41 37 47 43 21 21 53 34 04 17 09 02 05 51 48 28 35 10 23 08 29 60 APPENDIX B MOVEMENT DATA FOR 1979-1980, 1980-1981, and 1979-1981 APPENDIX B Reduced Data for 1979, 1980, and 1981. STAKE NO. UCOOO UC003 UC004 UC005 UC006 UC007 UC008 UC009 UCOlO UCOll UCOl 3 UCOl 4 1979 X Y 241.9 42.7 140.0 231.4 691.1 738.2 756.5 788.7 403.0 875.3 574.6 663.3 754.1 931.3 1032.3 980.3 1024.6 1065.6 1139.7 1169.2 Coordinates are in meters. COORDINATES 1980 X Y 241.8 40.0 136.6 229.6 318.6 484.6 569.7 657.7 749.1 926.0 1027.0 691.1 738.6 758.8 784.5 821.6 924.3 978.5 1023.5 1064.2 1139.2 1169.3 1981 X 37.5 133.9 226.6 315.4 395.6 480.9 565.6 653.3 744.8 921.0 1021.3 Movement is in m yr 79-80 MOVEMENT 80-81 79-80 Y 740.9 759.1 783.8 820.5 872.5 922.6 976.8 1022.0 1063.2 1139.0 1169.8 .1 2.7 4.1 4.6 3.7 2.7 3.0 3.4 5.9 6.6 6.9 7,9 5.2 5.7 5.2 5.3 5.3 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.4 5.0 5.1 9.7 10.3 9.6 10.3 10.4 STAKE COORDINATES MOVEMENT 1981 1980 1979 NO. X Y X Y X Y MP006 MP007 MP008 MP009 MPOlO MPOlO MPOl 2 MPOl 3 MPOl 4 84.8 183.2 281.3 381.6 482.2 580.8 679.7 633.0 638.2 638.9 638.3 638.8 642.9 647.5 81.5 180.4 278.3 635.3 638.4 638.9 877.2 654.9 478.9 577.4 675.6 774.5 873.4 638.4 642.8 648.0 652.6 655.1 78.5 177.6 275.0 375.2 475.7 573.8 672.0 771.2 869.8 637.0 639.3 639.7 638.3 638.6 643.0 647.9 652:6 655.4 LCOOl LC002 LC005 LC006 LC007 LC008 LC009 LCOlO LCOll LCOl 2 LCOl 3 392.7 309.9 35.1 60.6 156.2 251.0 340.8 421.7 517.5 602.7 693.7 414.2 454.6 523.1 506.6 482.6 247.9 410.1 367.6 315.6 267.7 226.6 392.9 310.2 37.4 58.0 153.7 247.9 337.8 418.7 514.9 600.1 691.4 414.3 454.6 523.7 507.2 582.9 454.8 410.6 368.3 316.5 268.7 227.3 310.5 39.7 55.4 454.5 523.1 508.5 334.8 416.0 512.7 579.9 688.7 411.2 368.9 317.0 296.6 228.4 79-80 80-81 79-81 3.9 2.8 3.0 3.4 2.9 3.4 3.3 3.4 4.1 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.6 7.4 5.7 6.4 6.4 6.5 7.0 7.7 3.8 .22 .3 2.3 2.6 2.5 3.1 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.8 2.4 7.4 .32 2.4 2.9 .61 4.6 5.5 3.1 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.9 6.1 5.8 5.0 5.2 5.3 STAKE NO. X Y 48.2 54.4 111.4 309.7 368.8 468.5 478.4 390.0 356.5 953.9 1018.1 1000.4 444.8 1283.8 309.1 212.9 780.5 46.1 52.7 465.0 587.3 92.2 1020.3 392.9 478. 389. 1065. 445. 1981 X Y 51.1 107.6 303.3 362.3 461.3 582.9 89.8 390.4 362.0 951.1 1015.6 998.6 1063.6 446.9 394.1 323.1 398.0 309.1 213.3 778.6 CO OO CNJ 94.7 1025.3 391.9 324.0 404.7 COORDINATES 1980 X Y O O O on 002 003 004 005 006 007 OlO on 012 014 016 1979 309. 79-80 2.1 1.8 3.5 2.5 5.0 1.0 80-81 79-80 1.8 4.0 4.7 2.9 1.2 3.3 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.4 5.3 2.2 .98 6.9 64 APPENDIX C • 1 AVERAGE RATE OF MOVEMENT FOR ONE YEAR BASED ON THE RATE OF MOVEMENT FOR 1979-1981 \ 65 APPENDIX C Movement Rates. Data is in meters per year. STAKE NO. MP006 MP007 MP008 MP009 MPOlO MPOll MPOl 2 MPOl 3 MPOl 4 .1 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.9 5.2 4.8 5.2 5.2 3.7 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.9 3.3 3.7 STAKE. MOVEMENT NO. CM CM UCOOO UC003 UC004 UC005 UC006 UC007 UC008 UC009 UCOlO UCOll UCOl 3 UCOl 4 MOVEMENT - LCOOl LC002 .31 LC005 2.3 LC006 2.8 LC007 2.5 LC008 . 3.1 3.1 LC009 LCOlO 2.9 LCOll 2.5 LCOl 2 2.6 LCOl 3 2.7 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 010 on 012 014 016 2.1 1.7 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.7 4.7 2.7 5.0 1.1 .5 3.5 k ■V ">■•••'■ MAIN L ia N378 J6368 cop.2 Johnson, R, F. Ice movement and structural characteristic: of the Cathedral Glacier System, Atlin Provincial Park, British Columbia y ,„