Effect of moisture stress on alfalfa seed production and plant growth by Larry Sherman Hicks A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agronomy Montana State University © Copyright by Larry Sherman Hicks (1986) Abstract: Moisture availability is a primary factor influencing alfalfa (Medicaqo sativa L.) seed yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of four applied moisture regimes (non, low, medium, and high) on alfalfa seed production. Four alfalfa cultivars ('Ladak 65', 'Vernal' , 'Apollo', and 'Thor'), with differing fall dormancies, were evaluated under a line-source sprinkler irrigation system in 1985 at Manhattan, Montana. Cultivars matured in order of their fall dormancy level and with increased irrigation. Total evapotranspiration (ET) was similar among cultivars and was greatest in the high irrigation regime. Seasonal ET was similar among cultivars in all irrigation regimes except in the non-irrigated plots. Patterns of plant available water depletion were similar among cultivars in all irrigation regimes. Root penetration exhibited patterns similar to cultivar fall dormancy levels with Ladak 65 having the greatest root penetration. Ladak 65 acheived the greatest heights in all irrigation regimes. Internode length, biomass, total seed yield, and pure live seed increased with increased ET. A good relationship existed between increased biomass for increased total and pure live seed yield for all cultivars. Stem number per plant varied among cultivars with increased biomass. Internode length increased with increased biomass for all cultivars. Stems per plant, pods per stem, biomass water use efficiency (WUE), seed WUE, germination, hard seed, and seed weight all varied among cultivars with increased ET. The relationship between pods per stem and seed yield varied among cultivars. Total viable seed increased with increased ET for all cultivars except Ladak 65. EFFECT OF MOISTURE STRESS ON ALFALFA SEED PRODUCTION AND PLANT GROWTH by Larry Sherman Hicks A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agronomy MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana September, 1986 MAW LIB. H 3 78 hisasi C.r-A. APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Larry Sherman Hicks This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. W I Cy £ L Date <~X/^n/vjy 6(' A l w -- _ Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers from under rules of the Library. Brief quotations this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, his absence, by the Dean of Libraries when, or in in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. for financial permission. Signature Date Any copying or use of the material in this thesis gain shall not be allowed without my V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the following: My parents for their encouragement and support in pursuing an advanced degree. Jim Bunker for extensive assistance in computer program data analyses. Dr. Ronald H . friendship, and Lockerman for his assistance, guidance, patience while serving as my major and Gerald professor. Drs. Loren Wiesner, Raymond Ditterline, Westesen for their advice and friendship while serving on my graduate committee. Dr. D. G. assistantship Miller and for financial arranging support my to the research 1985 WSCS meetings in Moscow, ID. To my contemplate fellow the I graduate students who complexity and inspired intracacies of me agronomic research in our many discussions on the subject. Also, their indepth participation in the adventures into the art of trout fishing. many to for philosophical Special thanks to R. Denny Hall. The Plant Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Soil Science Department for support. and the vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL......... ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE....................... ill VITA................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................... LIST OF TABLES................................. vi viii LIST OF FIGURES....................................... xi ABSTRACT.............................................. xv Chapter I. II. INTRODUCTION........... .................... .. I LITERATURE REVIEW............................ 2 Crop........................................ Botanical Description....................... Adaptation.................................. Stand Establishment......................... Harvest................................ Economic Value.............................. Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency.. Moisture Stress on Alfalfa Seed Production... III. MATERIALS AND METHODS............... Site Description............................ Experimental Design......................... Planting and Establishment.................. Meteorological Observations. ................. Irrigation System. ........................... Pollination......... Soil Moisture Determinations............ Root Penetration............................ Evapotranspiration.......................... Growth and Yield Measurements............... ' Water Use Efficiency........................ Seed Quality................................ 2 4 5 6 6 8 8 13 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 26 vii TABLE OF CONTEMTS-Continued Page Statistical Methods......................... IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.... ............... Water Application................... Environment............ Growing Season............. Evapotranspiration............ Total Evapotranspiration (ET)............ Seasonal ET.............................. Soil Moisture Depletion................... Root Penetration................. Plant Height........................... Relationship for Internode Length to ET..... Biomass Yield....... Relationship for ET to Stem Number per Plant. Relationship for Stem Number per Plant and Internode Length to Biomass Yield......... Total Seed Yield............................ Relationship for Pods per Stem to Seed Yield. Relationship for Pod Number per Stem to ET... Pure Live Seed Yield........................ Biomass Effect on Seed Yield................ Biomass Water Use Efficiency. ......... Seed Yield Water Use Efficiency............. Seed Quality.............................. . . Germination......... ......... .......... . Hardseed............ Total Viable Seed (TVS) ....... ....... Seed Weight.................. V. SUMMARY............. 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 34 38 42 46 47 51 52 54 57 58 59 60 65 66 66 66 67 68 71 73 LITERATURE CITED................................ 77 APPENDIX .......................... 83 viii LIST OF TABLES Table I. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page Growing season length for each cultivar within each irrigation treatment in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ......... ?......... 28 Regression analyses for the effect of increased days to maturity and evapotranspiration for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ............. ..................... 29 Total evapotranspiration at both locations for all cultivars at four irrigation regimes in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT... 29 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on internode length (cm) at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT................... 47 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on the stem number plant-1 at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .................. 52 Regression analysis for the effectof stem number plant on biomass yield (Mg ha 1) at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT............. 53 Regression analysis for the effect of increased internode length (cm) on biomass yield (Mg ha ) at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT.......... 53 Regression analysis for the effect of the pod number stem on seed yield at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT............................ 58 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on pods stem at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............ ...................... 58 ix LIST OF TABLES-Continued Table 10. 11. 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17. 18. Page Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET on pure live seed (PLS) yield at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT.......... ........ 59 Regression analysis for the effect of increased biomass on pure live seed (PLS) yield for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT.... ............ 65 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on biomass WUE for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ..................... *..... 65 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on seed yield WUE for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT.................. ......... 66 Regression.analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on percent germination for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............................ 67 Regression analysis for the effect of increased. ET (cm) on hardseed percentage for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT............................ 68 Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on seed weight (g 1000 seed 1) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............. 72 Combined total irrigation amounts (cm) for all irrigation regimes on both sides of the pipe in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT... 84 Differences in the amount of water used in ET (cm) and that received through irrigation and precipitation at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT .................................. 84 LIST OF TABLES-Continued Table 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Page Daily environmental data in 1985 for the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan M T .................... 84 Biomass yield (Mg ha ) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT............................ 88 Total seed yield (kg ha ^) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT......... 88 Pure live seed (PLS) yield (kg ha 1) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .................. 89 Biomass WUE at four irrigation regimes for all cultivars at both locations in .1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT .................. 89 Percent germination, hard seed, and total viable seed at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ....... 90 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under non-irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations...... .............................. 31 The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under low irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan,' MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations.................................... 32 The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under medium irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations............................. ....... 33 The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under high irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations................................ . 34 The effect of time on plant available water in the non-irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrow indicate time of irrigations.................................... 35 The effect of time on plant available water in the low irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations.................................... 36 The effect of time on plant available water in the medium irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations.................................... 37 xii LIST OF FIGURES-Continued Page Figure 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16. The effect of time on plant available water in the high irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations.................................... 38 Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the non-irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................... 39 Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the low irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............................ 40 Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the medium irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................... 41 Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the high irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............................ 42 The effect of time on plant height in the nonirrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT .................................. 43 The effect of time plant height in the low irrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT .................................. 44 The effect of time on plant height in the medium irrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .................................. 45 The effect of time on plant height in the high irrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ......... ......................... 46 Xiii LIST OF FIGURES-Continued Figure 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Page Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high ) on Ladak 65 biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT........................... 48 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Vernal biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................................. 49 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Apollo biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ................................. 50 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Thor biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .......... ....................... 51 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Ladak 65 seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............ ..................... 54 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Vernal seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ................................. 55 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Apollo seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................................. 56 xiv I LIST OF FIGURES-Continued Figure 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Page Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Thor seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ......................... ......... 57 Relationship for Ladak 65 biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .......... 61 Relationship for Thor biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT .......... 62 Relationship for Vernal biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T .......... 63 Relationship for Apollo biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT.......... 64 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Vernal at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................... 69 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Apollo at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT ............................ 70 Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Thor at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, M T ................... 71 XV ABSTRACT Moisture availability is a primary factor influencing alfalfa (Medicaqo sativa L .) seed yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of four applied moisture regimes (non, low, medium, and high) on alfalfa seed production. Four alfalfa cultivars (1Ladak 65', 1Vernal1, 1Apollo.1, and 'Thor'), with differing fall dormancies, were evaluated under a line-source sprinkler irrigation system in 1985 at Manhattan, Montana. Cultivars matured in order of their fall dormancy level and with increased irrigation. Total evapotranspiration (ET) was similar among cultivars and was greatest in the high irrigation regime. Seasonal ET was similar among cultivars in all irrigation regimes except in the non-irrigated plots. Patterns of plant available water depletion were similar among cultivars in all irrigation regimes. Root penetration exhibited patterns similar to cultivar fall dormancy levels with Ladak 65 having the greatest root penetration. Ladak 65 acheived the greatest heights in all irrigation regimes. Internode length, biomass, total seed yield, and pure live seed increased with increased ET. A good relationship existed between increased biomass for increased total and pure live seed yield for all cultivars. Stem number per plant varied among cultivars with increased biomass. Internode length increased with increased biomass for all cultivars. Stems per plant, pods per stem, biomass water use efficiency (WUE), seed WUE, germination, hard seed, and seed weight all varied among cultivars with increased ET. The relationship between pods per stem and seed yield varied among cultivars. Total viable seed increased with increased ET for all cultivars except Ladak 65. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The first annual report of the Montana Farmers Institute in 1902 indicated that alfalfa was introduced into Montana around 1880. The date it was first cultivated for seed in the state is unknown. Prior to World War II, most of produced in the United States came from Montana, Utah, were the alfalfa Kansas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Although large harvested, average yields were seed acreages usually . below H O kg ha ^ . Seed yields have increased dramatically in most areas since the advent of germplasm, cultural efficient practices. approximately Irrigation production and 135 kg selective pollinator However, pesticides, utilization, Montana and still averages management. alfalfa Soil moisture may limiting factor in achieving desirable alfalfa seed Improved better ha-1. is an important component in crop improved seed be a yields. irrigation management practices may be required to maximize alfalfa seed production. This study was initiated to evaluate the effects of varying levels of moisture stress on the seed yield of four alfalfa cultivars. 2 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Crop Alfalfa (Medicaqo domesticated forage. alfalfa been has Phylogenetic sativa L .), is Bolton et al. the indicate known (1972) reported used as a forage crop studies oldest for southwestern 3300 Asia that years. as the probable origin for alfalfa. Alfalfa became more diverse as it spread from northeast Persia to other parts of the world. Bolton et al. (1972) reported that alfalfa was brought to South America by the Spaniards in the 16th century. The first recorded production of alfalfa in the United States was in Georgia in 1736. the acid However, it did not tolerate soils and humid climate (Martin et al., 1976; Bolton et al., 1972). Introduction into California from Peru in 1841 and from Chile in 1850 secured alfalfa's place the United States (Martin et al., 1976). Alfalfa was in well adapted to the sunny, dry climate and irrigated soils of the southwest and rapidly spread to neighboring states (Hendry, 1923). Introduction of a winter hardy alfalfa into Minnesota by Windelin Grimm during the mid 1880's further increased alfalfa's range of utilization (Martin et al., 1976). 3 The exact date alfalfa was introduced into Montana is unknown. Communications by W.B. Harlan indicate that alfalfa was seeded in (Alexander, rancher, the late 1800's in 1961). is J .D . the 0 1Donnell, Bitterroot a Valley Yellowstone Valley reported to have grown alfalfa in 1884 (Mont. Farmers Inst., 1902). Alfalfa has world-wide distribution. However, it is largely confined to the temperate regions of the world. The United the States, Argentina, leading producers, (Bolton et al., and the Soviet Union are accounting for 70% of the world 1972). The combined acreage acreage of France, Italy, Canada, and Australia account for another 20%. Wisconsin, leading and Iowa, California and alfalfa hay producing states in the Johnson, 1983). Montana alfalfa hay production (Pratt Fergus, Beaverhead, and production hectares U .S . are (Clampet and Lies, in 1984) . Madison, Gallatin counties are the leading 1984). Total 1983 hay in Montana was 2,441,275 metric tons on (Pratt and Lies, the ranks Ilth in the nation producers in Montana (Pratt and Lies, 3,203 Minnesota 1984). 473,481 An average of 6,944 and kg ha 1 of alfalfa hay were produced on 246,048 ha of irrigated land and 227,433 ha of non-irrigated land, respectively. The United States produced 46,330 metric tons of alfalfa seed in 1980 with California, Idaho, Washington, and Nevada being the leading seed producing states (Clampet and 4 Johnson, the 1981). Montana and South Dakota are ranked 8th in U.S., each producing approximately I,905 metric tons of alfalfa seed (Clampet and Johnson, 1981). Average seed yield for Montana in 1980 was 134.4 kg ha-1 (Clampet and 1981). Average U.S. produced 582 kg ha yield was 267 kg ha""1 and Johnson, California (Clampet and Johnson, 1981). Botanical Description Alfalfa is an herbaceous perennial legume that may live 20 years or longer in dry climates (Martin et Flowers are shades of 1979). Seed born on loose racemes and vary in purple pods have one to five 1979). followed alternate, 1976). third of Approximatly a margin this et and al., contain leaf, cotyledons, with subsequent trifoliolate leaves (Martin et leaflets the from kidney-shaped seeds (Ditterline et unifoliolate pinnately, projection al., one Oblong of spirals Alfalfa seedlings emerge with two by 1976). color to yellow or white (bitterline several yellowish-green, al., ai., are sharply toothed on and the mid-rib tip the terminates (Martin et al., upper with al., the 1976). 48% of the plant may be leaves (Kiesselbach et 1934). Stems arise from a fleshy crown and may grow to height of one meter, with 5 to 25 stems per plant (Ditterline et al., 1976). Alfalfa rhizomatous, has four general root and types; tap, creeping (Smoliak and Bjorge, branched, 1981). An 5 alfalfa tap-root system may penetrate the soil in excess nine meters (Martin et al., that 1976). of Carlson (1925) reported all alfalfa cultivars develop branched root systems in compacted soil, while taproots predominate ■ under porous is the most commonly grown alfalfa conditions. Medicago sativa L . (Clement, 1962). However, yellow-flowered alfalfa (M. falcata L .) is sometimes regarded as a subspecies of common alfalfa (Clement yellow flowers, 1962). M^ falcata is distinguished by sickle-shaped pods, decumbent growth habit, low-set branched crowns, and branched roots (Clement, 1962). Adaptation Alfalfa is conditions. adapted Accord to (1972) a wide range reported that of yellow-flowered alfalfa has survived temperatures below -62° C , alfalfa has Deep survived loam soils temperatures in climatic excess with porous subsoils are and common of 54.5°C. best for alfalfa production (Martin et al., 1976). Smoliak and Bjorge (1981) reported waterlogging, ,that alfalfa does not or poor tolerate internal soil drainage flooding, during the growing season. Alfalfa grows on most soils in semi-arid regions except those tables with either (Martin tolerance. high alkaline salts et al., 1976). or shallow Alfalfa has moderate According to. Richards (1969), water salt alfalfa tolerates 6 an EC of 8 mmhos cm * before a 50% stand reduction occurs. Alfalfa is very sensitive to soil acidity less than 6.0. (Smoliak and Bjorge, pH 1981 ). However, it may be grown on acid soils with lime amendments. (Martin et al., 1976). Alfalfa is relatively drought tolerant, but responds well to irrigation. Stand Establishment Good seedbed preparation is the key to alfalfa stand establishment. Cultivated soils should be packed to obtain a firm seedbed direct (Ditterline et al., drilled into cereal 1979). grain Alfalfa may stubble with be minimum tillage. Seeding depth is commonly 6 to 12 mm in heavy soils and slightly deeper on light soils (Martin et al., 1976). Wiesner (1982) reported that seeding rates for seed Wide production row in Montana range from .6 to 2.0 kg X.. ■ spacings out-yield dense stands for production. Irrigated range 61 from alfalfa to and 92 respectively (Wiesner, dryland and 1982). 122 to alfalfa 244 ha seed row spacings in Montana, cm Additionally, 25-35 cm plant spacing within the row is important for maximum seed yields. Harvest Alfalfa seed production in many areas is a of hay production (Smith, by-product 1972). Seed is harvested when hay is not needed or when a good seed set occurs (Smith, 1972). a ' 7 Seed production is best on vigorous excessive soil moisture, highest (Smith, seed 1972). yields However, and fertility can induce delay and/or prolong flowering , production plants. lodging, and result in poor nectar Tysdal (1946) reported that the were obtained from upright plants growing in widely spaced rows. Seed are usually ready for harvest 60 days after flowering, (Smith when 1972; combined or 2/3 to 3/4 of the pods (curls) Wiesner, 1982). swathed then Seed crops combined peak are are brown directly (Wiesner, 1982). Shattering losses are proportional to the amount of handling during harvest (Smith, plant defoliation popularity alfalfa seed harvest in combined (Wiesner, decreased wind-row rows with a Direct combining desiccant spray as a method of reducing handling harvested 1982). 1981). (Smith, 1981). Most is gaining losses during alfalfa Montana is sprayed with desiccant and 1982). losses Direct from wind combining and rain seed direct provides (Wiesner, The crop must be swathed and allowed to dry in wind­ if desiccants are not used (Wiesner, should following be 1982). done early in the morning when a heavy Swathing dew is present to prevent seed loss (Wiesner, 1982). Alfalfa seed should be at approximatly before combining (Wiesner, be 13% moisture 1982). Additionally, seed should checked often in storage for heating when combined at high moisture content. a 8 Economic Value Alfalfa seed in the United States averaged $0.54 kg-1 in 1980 (Clampet and Johnson, 1981). Additionally, total U.S. alfalfa seed production in 1980 was valued at $115,000,000. Montana producers alfalfa seed received an average of $0.34 and $3,440,000 for a state total kg-1 for (Pratt and Lies, 1981). Evapotranspiration (ET) and Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Evaporation (E), transpiration (T), and water use efficiency (WUE) and are important alfalfa production components. Stewart Hagan (1969) reported that the physiological nature of alfalfa manifested through seasonal fall storage followed by spring retrieval of photosynthates alters the yield relationship Smeal into a convex function. (1984) relationship reported that a However, highly to Arnold significant existed between alfalfa dry matter ET and linear production and ET. Precipitation, temperature, Hagan, humidity, 1969). measurements exerted irrigation, and Rosenberg were minimal wind (1969) solar affect ET reported obtained from well watered canopy resistance. Well radiation,, (Stewart that and best crops watered ET which alfalfa demonstrated little resistance to ET and consumed as much or more water than Rosenberg, 1969). other crops (Blad and Rosenberg, 1974; 9 Rosenberg (1969) reported ET rates 25% higher in alfalfa than native pasture grown under the same conditions. Sharrett et al. significantly (1983) higher in reported that irrigated than ET dryland Lower available soil water in dryland alfalfa lower leaf canopy water potential, rates alfalfa. resulted which reduced ET temperatures (CT) during the day. were and in raised Early morning ET and CT did not differ appreciably between irrigated and nonirrigated (1984) and alfalfa (Sharrett et al., reported that period 1983). Jabbar et that ET increased from morning to leaf water potential decreased during in alfalfa with adequate soil al. mid-day this time moisture. Low temperatures may induce strong canopy resistance which leads to lower ET rates than are possible under atmospheric conditions at that time. (Rosenberg, 1969). Alfalfa al., ET rates depend upon growth 1958), plant height factors such (Stewart and when as degree of ground Hagan, alfalfa 1969). was regrowth (Stewart and cover ET (1969) cultivars. et Wit reported (1958), that ET and increased 1969). reported rates ET plant decreased harvested Hagan, and rates Additionally, higher ET rates were observed in taller plants. Hagan (Peck atmospheric demand, soil moisture regimes, and significantly during stage, Stewart and differed differences among between 'Grimm', a winterhardy cultivar, and 'Hairy Peruvian', which is adapted to hot climates. Alfalfa ET reached maximum 10 rates in late spring and declined as summer advanced. Soil moisture content exhibits an important role in the ET rate. Stewart and Hagan (1969) reported that ET increased markedly above reference treatments as soil moisture regimes increased in wetness up to but not including saturation. Alfalfa growth and ET decreased when approximatly 80% of the available soil moisture was depleted (Stewart and Hagan, 1969). Most net radiation is used in ET when soil moisture available and crop cover shades the ground (Tanner is and Lemon, 1962). Jabbar et al. (1984) reported that ET patterns followed the patterns of solar radiation. Net radiation provided energy sufficient to evaporate 7mm of water per day on clear summer days in Nebraska (Rosenberg and Shashi, 1978). Tanner and Lemon (1962) reported that alfalfa may use more energy than is supplied by radiant energy. This usually occurs in (Rosenberg, the spring 1969). when alfalfa Advected sensible is growing heat actively provides the additional energy consumed in the ET process (Rosenberg and Shashi, 1978; Tanner and Lemon, 1962). Irrigation in the western states is limited to.areas surrounded by dryland primarily or desert. Advected sensible heat is a major source of energy consumed when ET occurs alfalfa under dry conditions (Rosenberg, 1969). Approximately 20 to 40% of the energy for ET in alfalfa be supplied by advected sensible heat (Blad and in may Rosenberg, 11 .1974). Rosenberg and Shashi (1978) reported that ET values rarely exceed 12 mm in alfalfa. Evapotranspiration values in alfalfa 14.22 during a drought in Nebraska ranged from 4.75 to mm of water per day and exceeded IOmm per day on one- third of the days. Total ET should include nocturnal ET. Rosenberg (1969) reported that nocturnal ET is common during the alfalfa growing season. This is due to strong temperature inversions which result Nocturnal summer. total in ET was Nocturnal a downward delivery of greatest and ET in spring sensible heat. lowest during has accounted for 20% of the daily water consumption in alfalfa with as much as I mm of water, per night being transpired. Jabbar et al. (1984) reported that transpiration may equal ET in alfalfa when the canopy covers the soil surface. However, wide this is doubtful row-spacing. transpiration Tanner in alfalfa grown for seed due to and Lemon (1962) reported that is influenced by both plant and soil factors. Plant factors include leaf area, root proliferation, type and physiological age (Tanner and Lemon, 1962). plant Soil factors affecting evaporation include soil moisture content, soil Lemon, water moisture suction, 1962). and The plant is the major area of resistance to transmission resistance and water transmission (Tanner becoming in the the. soil-plant major area only wilting point (Jabbar et al., 1984). system near with the soil plant 12 Soil water content is crucial in transpiration. Gardner and Ehlig (1963) reported that transpiration rates should be proportional to available soil water content at wilting. The lower at limits of water available for transpiration may occur suctions above -1.5 MPa. that transpiration is Ogata et al. determined conditions following irrigation. gradients as soil (1960) largely reported by weather However, increased suction moisture becomes depleted lead to a continuous decreasing transpiration rate. Gardener and Ehlig (1963) reported that the transpiration rate increased as soil water increased in alfalfa. Alfalfa under production per unit of water use low evaporative conditions is (Stewart greatest and Hagan, 1969). Additionally, yield per unit of water use declined as ET rate increased with seasonal progression from summer fall. In New Mexico, peak water-use of 0.96 cm to day-1 occurred during late June and July (Arnold and Smeal, 1985). Stewart and Hagan (1969) reported a between evaporation pan data and alfalfa under good field conditions. linearly with decreased as conditions quality al., yield (Gomez was correlation yield produced Alfalfa forage yield increased et al., increased with (Stewart and Hagan, 1985; nitrogen ET positive 1985). ET 1969).. However, under good Conversely, generally lower with high ET rates WUE field forage (Gomez et Jensen et al., 1985) . Additionally, whole plant percentage decreased linearly with ET (Gomez et 13 al., 1985). Water temperate regions use efficiency is less in arid than at high temperatures with sufficient soil moisture. Moisture Stress on Alfalfa Seed Production . Alfalfa This is seed yield may vary with time and due to the interaction between plant location. factors and soil moisture availability (Goldman and Dovrat, 1980). Blinn (1910) reported that proper soil moisture is important alfalfa seed production. and Soil moisture suction between -0.2 -0.8 MPa produced optimum alfalfa seed yields when soil was kept continuously moist and not irrigation water applied during heavy bloom (Taylor et al., contrast, alfalfa forage optimum. Forage yield water the was 1959). In such an yields did not exhibit increased with increased amounts of as soil moisture suction decreased to field (Mayernak et al., for capacity 1985; Taylor et al., 1959). Additionally, irrigation throughout the season increased forage yield over irrigation supplied early in the season. Moisture growth stress (Rahman, decreased soil wilting point. greatly affected 1973). moisture Growth before Naylor et al. decreased in forage yield, was alfalfa greatly reaching vegetative reduced the (1985) reported that acid detergent fiber, by permanent alfalfa cell wall content, lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, and increased in leaf and ash percentage as water stress increased. Pandey 14 et al. (1984) water decreased (Vigna reported in cowpea radiata L .), (Arachis hypogaea that harvest index declined as (Vigna unguiculata L .), mungbean soybean (Glycine max L .), and peanut L .) suggesting that seed yield was sensitive to moisture stress than total plant yield. more Taylor et al. (1959) reported that alfalfa seed yields were reduced if soil moisture was reduced to -1.5 MPa before harvest. Alfalfa obtain plants maximum must yields be mature to fill seed (Yamada et al., pods 1973). to However, vegetative growth must be suppressed to promote flowering in alfalfa. Suppression formation of vegetative alfalfa seed more than growth (Fuelleman, on of plants that grew vulgaris L. ) moisture near favored increased the vegetative 1934). Alter (1920) reported that stress alfalfa is neededI to force seed reported growth setting. heaviest alfalfa seed yields slowly. seed the Similar to alfalfa, Blinn (1910) resulted good beet yields were obtained by minimum requirement for keeping plant when (Beta soi I growth (Blinn, 1910). The amount of soil moisture at flowering and during pod maturation is important for good alfalfa seed yields (Willis and Bopp, alfalfa during reported by 1910; Martin, 1915; Hollowell, 1929). Reduced seed yields were observed if plants were the bloom stage (Taylor et al., 1959). that highest seed yields in alfalfa were irrigated They also obtained maintaining continuous soil moisture from the initiation 15 of spring (1980) growth reported until flowering. Goldman that 80 mm of applied water and Dovrat reduced yields when conditions favored vegetative growth. seed Yamada et al. (1973) reported that 122 cm of water was needed to fill the soil profile and insure good alfalfa seed yields on dry California soils. (replenishment Cohen et al. (1972) reported irrigation of soil moisture) timing and amount markedly affected alfalfa flower intensity. Moderate rates of applied water (90 mm), before flowering in alfalfa did seed yield; however, to affect seed yields decreased at high (150 mm) (Goldman and Dovrat, applied not 1980). dry soils at mid-flowering alfalfa seed y i e l d s b u t , rates Moderate water rates markedly increased seed yield was less affected by water applied after flowering (Goldman and Dovrat, 1980). Taylor et al. (1959) concluded that there is an optimum soil moisture for maximum alfalfa seed yields. Extremely dry or wet soil may affect the proper functioning of flowers for alfalfa seed production. alfalfa was Dovrat, 1980). response prolonged Tysdal Flowering and seed under wet conditions (1946) reported no of four alfalfa cultivars to three set (Goldman difference soil in and in moisture regimes (high, medium, and low). Martin is usually (1915) reported that alfalfa seed crop due to an excess or an insufficiency moisture during pod maturation. reported that wet or flooded Thompson and Fick conditions reduce failure of soil (1981) alfalfa 16 forage yields growth was flooding and decrease stand in alfalfa. Root inhibited and top growth was reduced 50% at 34° C . periods life of However, alfalfa may after tolerate flooding at lower temperatures. longer Tysdal (1946) reported that alfalfa lodged and produced two to five less seed yield with more shrivelled seed under irrigation. times excessive Forty-percent soil moisture resulted in greater seed yield and more seed per 100 grams of fresh weight than from alfalfa plants grown at 20 or 30% soil moisture in contributed to greenhouse experiments. Lack of suppressed second al. sufficient alfalfa year seed subsoil moisture yield during the first and/or of production (Yamada et al., 1973). Taylor et (1959) reported that maximum alfalfa seed yields may be obtained if mean soil moisture suction is not allowed to exceed -0.2 MPa. Soil Pandey moisture stress may affect seed yield components. et al. development, contribute (1946) seed all ovule to reported raceme, (1984) reported number per that pod, high seed yields in that fresh weight, flowers per plant, flower and grain and seed filling legumes. TysdaI number of stems and seed per pods per plant, 100 weight and grams of seed per 100 grams of fresh weight increased from low (20%) to high (40%) soil moisture. The number of racemes per plant was highest in medium soil pod moisture in greenhouse grown alfalfa. Alfalfa (30%) seed 17 yield under field conditions was consistently higher in low compared row to high moisture regimes at three spacings (Tysdal, produced the 1946). most different Additionally, high moisture plots seed. Moisture interactions were attributed to differential affects of irrigation timing. Moderate moisture which temperature, low humidity, below optimum produced alfalfa was reserves conducive content 1945). and vegetative to the storage of high (Grandfield, carbohydrate among air growth organic The range of with change in water soil root variation supply in differs species and also at various stages of growth within a species (Rahman, 1973). A wide range of carbohydrate variation was demonstrated in alfalfa at preflower, end of flowering, and fruiting stages (Rahman, 1973). The rate accumulation of total in roots, nonstructural carbohydrate followed by a period of depletion, was much greater in plants under moisture stress than plants grown with unlimited soil moisture (Grandfield, et al., 1972). positively 1945; Dovrat et al., al., stem, per stem, carbohydrates levels were 1969). High alfalfa root and crown reserves produced more stems and buds (Willard 1934), more (Dobrenz root correlated with alfalfa seed yields (Grandfield, carbohydrate et High 1945; Cohen seed larger quantities of seed, per pod, and Massengale, and a higher 1966), more pods percent pod per set greater number of racemes and more pods per raceme (Dovrat et al., 1969) 18 than plants with low carbohydrate reserves. However, Dobrenz and per Massengale (1966) reported that the number stem were carbohydrate reported consistently negatively fractions in the roots. that stored root with alfalfa seed weight. structural carbohydrates vegetative growth. pod high racemes correlated Cohen et carbohydrates correlated of al. with (1972) were positively Total available became limited due to non- increased This resulted in a lower percentage of set in alfalfa plants with high flowering intensity at soil moisture levels (Cohen et al., 1972). Cultural practices designed to increase carbohydrate root reserves in alfalfa yields. during the growing season may maximize alfalfa seed 19 CHAPTER III MATERIALS AND METHODS Moisture plant growth. growth the stress The affects vegetative and effects of moisture stress reproductive on alfalfa and seed yield components were evaluated in 1985 John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Four on alfalfa cultivars of varying fall dormancy levels (Ladak 65, Vernal, Apollo, and Thor) were utilized, with Ladak 65 being the most dormant. Site Description The experiment was established in 1984 on previously cropped to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). was a Manhattan very fine, Typic Calciborolls). replication ^ cm to site The soil sandy-loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, Composite soil samples of five cores were taken on 15 May at O to -30 and 30 to determine analyzed a initial soil fertility. Samples 60 were by standard soil test methods in the Montana State University Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory. The cumulative analyses indicated the presence of 140, ha-1 of electrical N, P, and K, conductivity effervescence, 256, respectively. (EC) of 0.7 The and 2216, kg soil an mmhos, had medium and pH and organic matter content at 0 to 30 20 and 30 to 60 cm of 8.4, Bulk densities 8.7 and 1.64, 0.62 %, respectively. at 20 cm increments from 0 to 400 cm were 1.32, 1.30, 1.29, 1.33, 1.30, 1.33, 1.40, 1.36, 1.34, 1.39, 1.39, 1.36, 1.37, 1.35, 1.40, 1.41, 1.41, 1.43, 1.44, and 1.45, respectively. Additional Samples were soil samples were taken on analyzed as in indicated the presence of 76, 1984. 83, 2 June Cumulative 1985. analyses 1597, and 73, kg ha-1 of N, P , K, S , and 0.3, 52.1, 5.4 c mol kg-1 of Na, 1/2 Ca, and 1/2 Mg, respectively. Experimental Design A design a modified randomized block, split-block was utilized with two replications on either side of line-source irrigation treatments (2.4 x irrigated, low, medium angles complete from irrigation the system. 4.8 m) of and Four main increasing irrigation moisture high) were applied line-source on both sides. at right Main plot treatments were fixed due to the systematics of J- the (non- line-source system, and " could not . be tested statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Hanks et al., 1980). However, angles to the pipe to afford a valid for cultivar interactions. the cultivars differences Main and were randomized at statistical irrigation plot effects were analyzed regression as described by Hanks et al. (1980). by right analysis cultivar by linear 21 Planting and Establishment The experimental site was preplant incorporated with EPTC (S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate) at 0.77 I ha-1 on 4 May 1984 and roller packed planted on 18 June Seed were 1984 with a coneseed planter to a depth Seeding rate was 60 seeds meter-1 of linear of 13 mm Eight to insure a firm seedbed. row plots utilized Wiesner spacings produced with sixty-one (1982) the cm row spacings reported that 61 to best yields row. 92 were cm row irrigation under in Montana. Commercial granular Rhizobium inoculum specific for alfalfa was added to the seed prior to planting. The experimental area was irrigated uniformly immediately after irrigations (6.5 planting followed by four mm) until full (13- mm) day interval emergence. Subsequent / irrigations (13 mm) during the applied at 14 day intervals. applied were establishment approximately to 25 one cm plant in were Five centimeters of water were late in the fall to fill the soil thinned year profile. every 30 cm when height. Plots were they Plants were hand-weeded throughout the growing season when necessary. Meteorological Observations Precipitation, with standard (Appendix, temperature, and humidity were measured weather instruments and recorded daily Table 18). Evaporation was recorded by measuring daily water loss from No. I wash tubs as described by Bauder 22 et al. (1982) (Appendix, Table 18). Irrigation System Irrigation sprinkler al. treatments were applied with a system (1976). similar to the one described by Hanks Model 25 sprinklers with Bird Sprinkler Manufacturing Co., were utilized. 379.5 rate line-source The 4 mm nozzles Glendora , system was operated at (Rain California) approximately kP.a producing a 15 m wetting radius and of 0.34 I s 1 per sprinkler head. a discharge The main irrigation line consisted of 7.6 cm aluminium pipe with hook and couplings. Sprinklers were et placed on 2.5 x 60 cm latch risers spaced 4.6 m apart. In 1985, insufficient only water two as irrigations were applied a result of drought. due to Additional irrigations were originally planned. Evaporative losses from evaporation pans in the irrigation Cumulative regime were used use (Bauder et al., water were June placed season. 1985 evaporated. each schedule irrigations. evaporation from pans is a good estimate of crop water growing to medium in the pans at the approximately Collection applied water. Fifteen centimeters initiation of of the Irrigations were applied on 17 May and when subplot 1982). at 15 cm of water 20 were cups were placed in the center of canopy level to determine the amount of Irrigations were applied when wind speed was 23 less than 8 kmph and at successive intervals to control runoff. Pollination Alfalfa leafcutter (Fabriscus), bees are were the production bees, Meqachile rotundata used as pollinators. Alfalfa leafcutter most reliable pollinator for in northern regions (Hobbs 1973). alfalfa Eight seed liters (25,000 larva) of leafcutter bees and four loose grooved bee boards were placed.in a shelter facing southeast on 30 June 1985. Buckwheat (Faqopyrum saqittatum L .) was planted in 12 m rows at both ends of the field on 18 May and I June to provide bee nesting material. Soil Moisture Determinations Soil moisture determinations were made with a probe (Cambell, Neutron neutron Model 503DR Hydroprobe) at 20 cm intervals. probe access tubes (1120 160 psi PVC pipe with a 43 mm internal diameter) were placed 400 cm deep in the of each plot on 4 April 1985 . taken on Additional 24 Initial probe readings were April 1985 and at 14 measurements center to 21 day intervals. were taken prior to and 24 hours after each irrigation. Plant available water (PAW) in 1985 was the difference between the soil moisture content and the permanent wilting point (PWP). PWP was 9.5, 8.5, 6.8, 6.0, 5.8, 5.9, 6.2, 6.3, 24 6.4, 5.9, 8.2, at 20 centimeter increments from 0 to 400 centimeters. PWP values were determined by pressure plate extractions at. -1.5 MPa. 6.1, 6.6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 7.1, 7.9, and Plant available water was calculated at 20 cm intervals to 400 cm on one side of the pipe (location two). Root Penetration Root penetration was determined by depletion of PAW at 20 cm increments. Water depletion in the lower soil profile was attributed to root penetration reduction in plant available when a 5 % water or occurred greater between observation dates. Evapotranspiration Evapotranspiration (ET) consist of crop and soil surface evaporation. transpiration Seasonal ET was determined at location two for each treatment by the equation: moisture soil Total both ET = soil content at planting + precipitation + irrigation - moisture content at the following measurement ET was the cummulative of seasonal ET locations. period. calculated at Total ET was used to evaluate plant growth and yield parameters. Growth and Yield Measurements Plant height was measured in location two a t . ten day intervals from 4 April until 24 July 1985. Measurements were 25 terminated when the non-irrigated plants attained maximum height and the high irrigated plants lodged. Two square harvested black meters adjacent to the access tubes were when 2/3 to 3/4 of the seed pods turned brown in color. Smith (1972) and Wiesner (1982) to reported highest seed yields when 2/3 to 3/4 of the pods are brown to black. per stem Harvest measurements consisted of number of harvested area, — I ■ , basal stems plant-1, number plants of pods length of the third internode from the crown, total biomass, and seed yield. Basal stems plant-1, number of pods stem-1, and third determined by internode random length from the selection of ten stems crown were within the harvest area. Plants were initially processed through a Vogel rubberroller three thresher for straw removal. Seed were removed successive runs through a resilient tapered (Hannaford "Seedmaster", by thresher Model MkII) and cleaned with an Oregon "Continuous" seed-blower. Water Use Efficiency Water production use efficiency (WUE) was used to determine of a given yield component per unit of the water consumed by evapotranspiration. WUE determinations were made for total biomass and seed yield for each each irrigation regime. cultivar within 26 Seed Quality Seed from determinations all was cultivars open utilized pollinated. for quality Consequently, seed utilized in quality determinations were not genetically pure within each cultivar. A seed Precision Divider (Garnet MFG Co.) was used to reduce samples quality four to a 5 to 10 g representative sample for analyses. Germination was determined by utilizing replications of 50 seeds which were placed on blotters moist in standard germination boxes in a 20*C germinatof for 7 days. Number of germinated, dead + abnormal, and hard seeds were determined. Seed weight was determined by using four replications of 1,000 seeds from each sample. Pure percent live total seed viable (PLS) was calculated seed by total seed by multipling yield for each cultivar within each irrigation regime. Statistical Methods Data were analyzed with the Plant and Discovery computer system and the M.S.U. Soil Science Computing Service Vax780 using SAS. Main plot effects were analyzed by regression. Figures were constructed using the linear graphics package Tellagraf on the M.S.U. CP-6 main frame computer. 27 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Water Application A water line-source application conditions. the irrigation system on both sides of the pipe identical under Table 16). Variable application was attributed to above ground side-hill slope. wind Variable water application between resulted in variations in evapotranspiration (ET), and ideal Differential water application between sides of pipe occurred in 1985 (Appendix, water produces seed yield. and sides biomass, Experimental results in 1985 are presented as two locations because of differential water application. Environment Environmental Growing season data are given in precipitation drought conditions. Appendix, Table was limited in 1985 due Total growing season precipitation 19. to was 140 mm. Most of the precipitation occurred in May and August with 71 and 40.5 mm, highest with respectively. a respectively. mean Humidity high July temperatures and low of 296 and 20° were C., was highest in August and the early part of September. Evaporative demand was highest in May and decreased throughout the growing season. I 28 Growing Season Maximum growing season length from initial green-up late March I). until harvest in September was 157 days in (Table Plants matured in sequential order from the %on to high irrigation regime. Regression analysis indicated a good relationship between increased days to maturity I . increased evapotranspiration for all cultivars (Table In general cultivars. matured,in relation to their and 2). fall dormancy level with Ladak 65 maturing first. Table I. Growing season length for each cultivar within each irrigation treatment in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. • Harvest Date Total Days Cultivar . \Ladak 65 Non-Irr. Low Medium High 8/6 8/9 8/19 8/29 127 130 140 150 Vernal Non-Irr. Low Medium ' High 8/6 8/13 8/29 9/5 . 127 134 150 157 . Apollo Non-Irr. Low Medium High 8/13 8/26 9/5 9/5 134 147 157 157 Thor Non-Irr. Low Medium High 8/13 8/26 9/5 9/5 134 147 157 157 29 Table 2. Regression analyses for the effect of increased days to maturity and evapotranspiration for all cultivars in 1985 at both locations at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Intercept -1,388 -997 -1,226 -1,375 Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Slope 13.6 10.3 11.4 12.4 Prob. R2 0.90 0.95 0.87 0.83 0.0003 0.0001 0.0007 0.0017 Evapotranspiration Total Evapotranspiration (ET). Total ET was similar at both locations for each cultivar except in the non-irr!gated regimes (Table 3). Differences were attributed to variable water application resulting from winds and side-hill slope. Table 3. Total evapotranspiration at both locations for all cultivars at four irrigation regimes in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Evapotranspiration (mm) Irrigation Regime Medium Non-Irr. Low High Location I Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor 258 268 291 280 393 401 423 428 526 509 509 510 645 639 609 634 Location 2 Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor 362 345 340 335 419 406 418 401 580 543 540 539 626 639 635 668 30 Total ET was greatest in the high irrigated These results agree with reports by Sharrett et plots. al. (1983) and Stewart and Hagan (1969). Total ET was greater in all treatments than the precipitation This and irrigation in 1985 (Appendix, may be attributed to a fall irrigation in total Table 17). 1984 which filled the soil profile. Water use above the added crop year moisture depths indicated depletion of stored moisture in the soil profile. at lower Deep root penetration could be responsible for the additional moisture consumed in ET. Total ET from one season may indicate potential soil moisture levels needed to produce a crop the next year. This information could be useful in irrigation management to insure maximum yields in succeeding years. Water consumption an irrigation regime. as much among cultivars was similar However, growing season length varied as 13 days among cultivars treatment (Table within I). This within an irrigation would indicate that the same amount of water was needed to produce a seed crop regardless of the cultivar or length of time to mature the crop. Seasonal ET. for location among Seasonal ET moisture data were collected two to determine if differential ET cultivars within each irrigation occurred regime. All cultivate exhibited similar seasonal ET patterns within each irrigation season regime (Fig. under I, non-irrigation. 2, 3, These 4) except during cultivar mid­ variations 31 (Figure I) may have resulted from either non-uniform canopy cover or variable plant density. N O N -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL 140- H THOR < too­ 19 26 16 23 30 14 JUNE Figure 28 ls 4 25 AUGUST I. The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under non-irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. Rosenberg rates 21 were and Shashi (1978) reported that alfalfa maximal in late spring and declined as ET summer advanced. Our experiment exhibited similar results. Seasonal plants A ET may be used to monitor crop water use as make transitional changes in growth and development. seasonal ET model may have potential in the development of more efficient irrigation management practices. 32 L O W -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL □ APOLLO H THOR 120 - < 100- 19 MAY Figure 26 JUNE 16 23 30 JULY 21 28 16 25 AUGUST 2. The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under low irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. 33 M E D IU M -IR R A LADAK 65_____ X VERNAL □ APOLLO H THOR 19 26 16 23 30 14 21 26 4 18 25 AUGUST Figure 3. The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under medium irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. 34 H IG H -IR R A LADAK 65 160 - X VERNAL D APOLLO H THOR 19 26 16 23 30 14 21 28 4 18 23 AUGUST Figure 4. The effect of time on evapotranspiration (ET) under high irrigation at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. Soil Moisture Depletion Irrigations varying degrees replenished within each plant available treatment (Fig. water to 5, 7, 6, 8). However, irrigations applied in 1985 were not sufficient to maintain resulting plant 1985 the season in a net decrease in stored soil moisture in irrigation regimes. in available water throughout all Additional irrigations were not applied due to drought conditions. Ladak 65 had equal or 35 lower PAW than the other cultivars in all irrigation regimes at the initiation the least season of the season. Additionally, Ladak 65 had amount of PAW in all irrigation regimes progressed. penetration or This may be the result extraction of soil of moisture as deep at the root greater tensions. N O N -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL D APOLLO H THOR 20 27 APRIL Figure 4 11 18 25 I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 5. The effect of time on plant available water in the non-irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. The slight increase in plant available water at the end of the season for Apollo and Thor may be attributed to late season precipitation in the non-irrigated plots (Figure 5). 36 Late season precipitation may also account for the leveling off of PAW depletion in the low irrigated plots (Figure Stabilization 6). of PAW depletion at the end of the season by Thor in the medium irrigation (Figure 7) and Ladak 65 in the high irrigation treatments (Figure 8) may indicate either the onset of dormancy or complete senescence. L O W -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL O APOLLO H THOR 20 ~ ■— 20 i 27 APRIL Figure 4 11 18 25 I JUNE 15 22 2* 6 JULY 13 20 27 3 10 17 AUGUST 24 31 7 SEPTEMBER 6. The effect of time on plant available water in the low irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. Plant available water is a good indicator of stored soil moisture. It may be used to determine irrigation timing and rate of application needed to produce a specified amount 37 of crop growth. determine A fall Plant available water data might be used to whether a fall or spring irrigation is desirable. irrigation would be most benefical if PAW was low and irrigation cost were minimal. M E D IU M -IR R 6 LADAK 65 X VERNAL □ APOLLO H THOR 2 0 4 — I— r 20 27 APRIL Figure 4 11 18 25 I JUNE 8 15 22 2» 6 JULY 13 20 27 3 10 AUGUST n 24 31 7 SEPTEMBER 7. The effect of time on plant available water in the medium irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. 38 H IG H -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL D APOLLO H THOR 20 27 4 11 18 25 Figure 15 22 2* 6 JULY APRIL 11 20 27 I 10 AUGUST 17 24 11 7 SEPTEMBER 8. The effect of time on plant available water in the high irrigated regime for all cultivars at location two in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Arrows indicate time of irrigations. Root Penetration Ladak 65 had the deepest root penetration from 4 to harvest at all irrigation levels (Fig. with the exception of Vernal, 9, 10, 11, July 12) in the non-irrigated regime, where the roots of both penetrated to 340 cm. 39 N O N -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL D APOLLO H THOR 290330370- AUGUST Figure 9. Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the nonirrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Root growth of Thor was slower than the other cultivars during the early portion of the season in the low plots (Figure 10). irrigated Apollo root penetration stabilized at approximately 260 cm by the end of the growing season in the medium irrigated plots (Figure 11). In general, higher irrigation regimes had deeper root penetration as a result of a longer growing season. However, on 8 August root penetration for all cultivars in the irrigated regime was deepest or equal to the nonother 40 irrigation regimes. penetration of irrigated deeper and plots. under moisture. any cultivar These dry However, onset Ladak 65 at had the 360 deepest cm in the data suggest that roots conditions in order to root medium penetrate extract soil dry conditions result in early maturity of dormancy resulting in less time for maximum root growth. L O W -IR R A LADAK 65 130- X VERNAL □ APOLLO H THOR 250290330370- JUNE AUGUST Figure 10. Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the low irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 41 M ED IU W -IR R A LADAK 65 130170- X VERNAL D APOLLO H THOR 210 250290330370- AUGUST Figure 11. Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the medium irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 42 H IG H -IR R A LADAK 65 X VERNAL D APOLLO B THOR 290330370- AUGUST JUNE Figure 12. Root penetration with progression of the season at location two for all cultivars in the high irrigated regime in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Ladak 65 is known to be a good forage producer under dryland conditions, this may be the result of its deep root penetration. data would suggest that These deeper rooted cultivars would be better dryland producers because of their ability to obtain deep stored soil moisture. Plant Height All cultivars achieved minimum and maximum heights the non and high irrigation regimes, in respectively. Ladak 65 43 achieved greater heights than the other cultivars under all irrigation regimes (Fig. 13, 14, 15, 16,). However, seasonal ET patterns (Fig. I, 2, 3, 4) for all cultivars were similar within each irrigation treatment. These data suggest that Ladak 65 was more efficient in converting water consumed ET into stem growth. This physiological trait may in have potential use in promoting greater forage and seed yield. N O N -IR R IZZl LADAK 65 100 - a ra VERNAL APOLLO THOR MAY JU N E JULY Figure 13. The effect of time on plant height in the nonirrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 44 120 110100- L O W -IR R EZl LADAK 65 □ VERNAL C S APOLLO 90 E u X O LJ THOR -PR 8070- /s; 60 - ','H X t— Z < % Af . ;1 :';S| % 50- ■fk 40 30- II I% I % 20- 10zV 0 25 5 MAY Cf / # 'A zS /, KSi /Li 25 4 JUNE 24 Ef =S1 /s/'' zS Ms'A 4 JULY Figure 14. The effect of time on plant height in the low irrigated regime at location two for a ] I cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 45 M E D IU M -IR R IZZl GD ED ED LADAK 65 VERNAL APOLLO THOR JUNE Figure 15. The effect of time on plant height in the medium irrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 46 H IG H -IR R EZl LADAK 65 100E a VERNAL C a APOLLO THOR 80- Figure 16. The effect of time on plant height in the high irrigated regime at location two for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Relationship for Internode Length to ET All between 65, cultivars had a positive linear relationship increased ET on internode length (Table Apollo, 4 ). Ladak and Thor exhibited a good relationship between increased ET and internode length. Vernal exhibited a poor 2 as indicated by its low R . Apollo and Thor relationship exhibited the greatest increase in internode length for each centimeter of water consumed in ET. Increased internode 47 length of Apollo and Thor could be the result of their Flemish genetic background and lower fall dormancy level. Table 4. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on internode length (cm) at both locations for all cultivars in 1.985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Intercept Cultivar 1.96 3.00 0.52 0.19 Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Prob. Slope 0.0008 0.04 0.0005 0.0002 0.06 0.05 0.12 0.12 R2 0.87 0.55 0.89 0.91 Biomass Yield All cultivars exhibited a linear between increased ET and total biomass. have reported that Yields increased 45, Several researchers alfalfa forage yields increased ET (Gomez et al., 46, 1985; relationship increased Mayernak et al., with 1985). 40, and 42 % from the non to high irrigation regime for Ladak 65 (Fig. 17), Vernal (Fig. 18), Apollo (Fig. 19), and Thor (Fig. 20), respectively. Ladak 65 had the irrigation 20) . greatest average biomass yield regime and Thor had the least in the high (Appendix, Table 48 LADAK 65 A LOC I D LOC 2 Y = 1.51 + 0.016X R = 0 .8 3 ET (mm) Figure 17. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Ladak 65 biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 49 VERNAL A LOC I D LOC 2 1.2 + 0.016X ET (mm) Figure 18. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Vernal biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter F a r m , Manhattan, MT. 50 A P O LLO A LOC I □ LOC 2 Y = 2.1 + 0.015X ET (m m ) Figure 19. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, m e d i u m , high) on Apollo biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 51 THOR A LOC I D LOC 2 Y = 3 .3 + 0.013X ET (mm) Figure 20. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Thor biomass yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Relationship for ET to Stem Number per Plant Cultivars varied in stem number plant-1 to increased ET (Table 5). between stem exhibited ET. Vernal number and Apollo had a negative plant 1 and ET. Ladak relationship 65 no relationship between stem number Genetic influenced variations. by background and physiological environment may be responsible and Thor plant-1 and traits as for these 52 Highest regime (Appendix, plant * These seed yields occurred in the Table 21). However, high irrigation basal stem number decreased for Vernal and Apollo with increased ET. data suggest that stems for these cultivars increased in size and branched with increased irrigation. Grandfield (1945) and Cohen et al. (1972) reported alfalfa plants nonstructual under stress had high levels of carbohydrates. Willard et al. (1934) that total reported that high root and crown carbohydrate reserves produced more stems. These previous reports would explain the high number of stems plant Table in the non-irrigated plots. 5. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on stem number plant at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept 28.46 35.08 30.34 19.05 Slope Prob. -0.09 -0.26 -0.20 0.02 NS 0.0001 0.02 NS R2 0.22 0.94 0.65 0.03 Relationship for Stem Number per Plant and Internode Length to Biomass Yield Cultivars varied in relationship to increased stem number per plant and biomass yield (Table 6). Vernal had the best fit and Ladak decrease with the greatest probability followed by 65. in The negative relationships resulted the number of stems plant-1 with a Apollo in a subsequent increase in total biomass with increased ET (Figures 17, 18, 53 19, 20). Consequently, these data suggest that the stems in the high possible irrigation regime greater irrigated may have been larger with leaf area than stems in the low and regimes. Thor exhibited no relationship a non- between stem number plant-1 and biomass yield. Table 6. Regression analysis for the effect of stem number plant on biomass yield (Mg ha 1) at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Intercept 25.15 23.00 20.56 -I .65 Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Slope R2 Prob -0.65 -0.62 -0.54 0.55 0.06 0.0002 0.02 NS 0.47 0.92 0.60 0.18 Internode length contributes to plant height and taller plants may have greater biological demonstrated a positive linear yield. response All for cultivars increased internode length on increased biomass (Table 7) . Table 7. Regression analysis for the effect of increased internode length (cm) on biomass yield (Mg ha ) at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept -2.91 0.60 3.05 4.06 Slope 2.63 1.49 1.03 0.85 Irrigation or other cultural practice, Prob. 0.003 0.10 ■ 0.03 0.02 that result increased internode length may increase biomass R2 0.79 0.39 0.55 0.65 in production. 54 Ladak for, 65 had the greatest amount a variability accounted followed by Thor, Apollo, and Vernal, respectively. Total Seed Yield Ladak 65 had a curvalinear response for increased ET on seed yield (Fig. and Thor (Fig. seed yield. Thor 21). Vernal (Fig. 22), Apollo (Fig. 23), 24) had linear responses for increased ET to Seed yield for Ladak 65, increased 60, 69, 66, Vernal, Apollo, and and 64 % from the non to high irrigated plots, respectively. LADAK 65 1800- A LOC I □ L0C 2 SZ 1600- Y = 1530 - 3.64X + 0 .0 0 6 X 1400- 1000 - ET (mm) Figure 21. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Ladak 65 seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 55 Greatest seed yields occurred under the higher irrigation regimes. Plants in the higher irrigation regimes maintained their flowers longer and had a longer duration. These results are in agreement with flowering those of Goldman and Dovrat (1980). 2000 VERNAL 1 8 00- A LOC I D LOC 2 1600- Y = 5 9 8 + 1.86X 1200- 1000 - ET (mm) Figure 22. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Vernal seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Both irrigations in 1985 were applied before flowering. Taylor et al. (1959) and Goldman and Dovrat (1980) reported that irrigation during flowering decreased seed yields. 56 Taylor et al. were obtained Results from (1959) reported that optimum seed yields when the soil was kept this continuously experiment agreed with Taylor moist. et al. (1959) . 2000 APOLLO 1800- A LOC I □ LOC 2 1600- Y = 269 + 2.55X 1400- 1200 - 1000- ET (mm) Figure 23. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Apollo seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Many soil researchers agree that insufficient or excessive moisture is not condusive to high alfalfa seed (Willis and Bopp, Tysdal, 1946; Taylor, 1959; Goldman and Dovrat, 1980). Seed yield 1910; Martin, 1915; Hollowell, yields in this experiment would indicate that optimum 1929; soil 57 moisture conditions occurred in the high irrigation regime. However, only two irrigations occurring before bloom. were Subsequently, applied the with soil both profile contained sufficient moisture to mature the crop. 2000 THOR 1800- A LOC I D LOC 2 1600- Y = 370 + 1.93X R = 0 .8 4 1400- 1200 - 1000 - ET (mm) Figure 24. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) on Thor seed yield at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Relationship for Pods Per Stem to Seed Yield Pod some number stem ^ is a good indicator of seed yield in crops. Thor was the only cultivar that exhibited relationship between pods stem-1 and seed yield (Table 8). a 58 Pod yield number stem * was not a good estimate in this experiment. variation and observation for seed of stem This may be the result the size of the pods on the stems. Visual at harvest indicated a large variation in stem and pod size. Larger pods had more seed pod-1. . Table 8. Regression analysis for the effect of the pod number stem on.seed yield at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept 1504 234 367 368 Slope Prob. -0.93 7.68 7.99 6.42 R2 NS NS NS 0.05 0.02 0.17 0.20 0.51 Relationship for Pod Number Per Stem to ET Large variation among cultivars occurred for ET on pod number per stem (Table 9). exhibited number per increase Table no relationship stem. increased Ladak 65 and between increased Vernal and Thor had a ET Apollo and positive pod linear in the number of pods per stem with increased ET. 9. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on pods stem at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept 244.59 121.45 105.52 43.19 Slope -1.39 0.76 0.69 2.10 Prob. . NS 0.08 NS 0.003 R2 0.16 0.43 0.22 0.80 59 Variation differences or in pod number may be attributed to cultivar in their response to reproductive growth possibly differential pollinator habit visitation among Pure live seed (PLS) yield is the percent total viable cultivars. Pure Live Seed Yield seed multiplied by total seed yield and is an estimate of a seed crops quality and value. Differences occurred between increased ET and PLS and total seed yield for all cultivars. All cultivars had a good relationship between increased and PLS (Table 10). while Vernal, ET Ladak 65 had a curvalinear relationship Apollo, and Thor had linear relationships. Relative to the other cultivars. Vernal yielded the most PLS in the greatest non PLS and medium treatments while yield in the low and high Apollo had irrigated the plots (Appendix, Table 22). Table 10. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET on pure live seed (PLS) yield at both locations for all cultivars in 19.85 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept Slope 1331 -3.75* 0.006** 2.013 2.831 2.085 354 -50 155 Prob. 0.003 0.003 0.0001 0.001 * (X) ** (X2) Ladak 65 had a quadratic for increased ET on PLS yield. R2 0.90 0.79 0.96 0.84 response 60 As values, good or better relationship, as indicated by 2 existed between increased ET on PLS (Table 10) than for increased ET on total seed yield (Figures 24). R 21, 22, 23, High total seed yields were not necessarily indicative of high levels of PLS in this experiment. Biomass Effect On Seed Yield Biomass Effect on Total Seed Yield. Good relationships existed between increased Ladak 65 (Fig. Apollo (Fig. for 25), 28). biomass and total seed yield for Thor (Fig. 26), Vernal (Fig. 27), and Ladak 65 demonstrated the best response increased biomass on total seed yield followed by Thor, Vernal and Apollo. production potential. Larger plants may have a higher seed 61 2000- LADAK 65 A LOC I 1800- □ L0C 2 Y = IOB + 132X 1600- MOO- 1200 - 1000 - BIOMASS (Mg ha1) Figure 25. Relationship for Ladak 65 biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter F a r m , Manhattan, MT. 62 2000- THOR A LOC I 1800 - □ L0C 2 Y = - 7 8 + 148x 1600 - R = 0 .9 2 UOO- 1200 - 1000- BIOMASS (Mg ha1) Figure 26. Relationship for Thor biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. 63 2000- VERNAL A LOC I 1 8 00- D LOC 2 Y = 4 4 0 + 112X 1600- R = 0 .8 5 1400- 1200 - 1000- BIOMASS (Mg h a1) Figure 27. Relationship for Vernal seed yield under four low, medium, high) at the John Schutter Farm, biomass yield on total irrigation levels (non, both locations in 1985 at Manhattan, MT. 64 APOLLO 2000 - A LOC I D LOC 2 1800- Y = 245 + 132X 1600- 1 4 00- 1000- BIOMASS (Mg hd1) Figure 28. Relationship for Apollo biomass yield on total seed yield under four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Biomass cultivars biomass had and relationship increased Effect a PLS on Pure Live Seed positive relationship yield (Table between increased 11). Yield (PLS). All between increased There was a biomass to PLS than biomass to total seed yield (Figures 25, better for 26, 27, 28). However, the increase was slight for Vernal and Apollo. Results sampling from this experiment would indicate that biomass may have potential use as an indicator for alfalfa PLS yields. 65 Table 11. Regression analysis for the effect of increased biomass on pure live seed (PLS) yield for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept Slope Prob. -2.9 213.6 -87.0 -332.8 106.6 121.8 147.2 160 .I 0.0001 0.0004 0.003 0.0002 R2 0.95 0.89 0.78 0.92 Biomass Water Use Efficiency Biomass WUE was generally lower in the high irrigation regime (Appendix, Table 23). Water use efficiency (WUE) for biomass (Table 12) varied among cultivars. Thor was the only cultivar that demonstrated a relationship between ET and biomass WUE. All cultivars had a negative indicating a reduction in WUE with increasing Ladak data 65, Vernal, increased ET. However, and Apollo were non-significant. agree with reports from Stewart and Hagan slope (1969) These who indicated that WUE declined as ET increased in alfalfa. Table 12. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on biomass WUE for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept 25.5 22.5 25.8 26.8 Slope -0.012 -0.007 -0.012 -0.015 Prob. NS NS NS 0.02 R2 0.29 0.26 0.34 0.63 66 Seed Yield Water Use Efficiency All cultivars had a reduction in seed yield WUE increased ET (Table 13). with Vernal, Apollo, and Thor exhibited relationships between increased ET and seed yield WUE. o However, R values were low indicating that other factors in addition to ET contributed to seed yield WUE. Ladak 65 exhibited no relationship. Table 13. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on seed yield WUE for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Intercept Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Both biomass potential for Slope 3.81 4.49 3.70 3.57 and seed -0.002 -0.003 -0.001 -0.002 yield use in irrigation WUE Prob. . R2 NS 0.04 0.06 0.06 data management. 0.36 0.54 0.47 0.48 may have Higher seed yields due to increased irrigation may not be economical some cases due to increased cost of water application in and decreased plant efficiency. Seed Quality Germination. Seed quality is a critical factor in the production of alfalfa seed. Germination percent varied among cultivars Regression within irrigation regimes (Appendix, analyses indicated differences Table in 24). the 67 relationship for increased ET to germination percent among cultivars (Table 14). Table 14. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on percent germination for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Intercept Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Ladak Slope 3.1 4.9 15.7 8.9 Prob. 0.19 0.12 -0.03 0.12 0.01 NS NS 0.07 65 and Thor had a linear response germination to R2 0.66 0.28 0.04 0.44 for increased increased ET with respective increases of 0.19 and 0.12 % for each centimeter of ET. However, much of the variability was not accounted for with increased ET on germination percentage. No association existed for increased ET and germination for Vernal and Apollo. Hardseed. (Appendix, Percent Table 24). hardseed varied Ladak .65 and among cultivars Apollo had good relationships between ET and hard-seededness as indicated by the probabilities and R 2 values, no relationship (Table 15). while Vernal and Thor Ladak 65 hardseed decreased with increased ET while Apollo increased with increased ET. decreased 0.14 , centimeter of ET. and suspected to percentage hardseed content Percent hardseed for Ladak 65 Apollo increased 0.20 % for each Temperature directly affects the rate and amount of water lost through ET. is had effect the Additionally, development of temperature hardseed. 68 Controlled environment determine if studies hardseed among should, be. conducted cultivars is to due to environmental influence. genetic inheritance, or both. Table 15. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) oh hardseed percentage for all cultiyars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Intercept Slope Prob 67.7 72.4 48.5 64.6 -0.14 0.14 0.49 0.20 0.01 NS 0.001 NS Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Viable Seed (TVS). Total R2 0.70 0.37 0.88 0.30 viable seed indicative of the amount of seed capable of germination. is the summation of germination percentage Vernal (Fig. linear 29), and is It hardseed. Apollo (Fig. 30), and Thor (Fig. 31) had responses for increased ET on TVS with the highest percentage TVS occurring in the high irrigation regime. Ladak 65 exhibited no relationship between increased ET and TVS with TVS ranging from 71 to 77 % regimes. to 94 among irrigation Average TVS ranged from 83 to 95, 76 to 93, and 80 % (Appendix, practices for Vernal, Table that 23). Apollo, and Thor, respectively These data indicate that irrigation increase seed yield may also benefit production of high quality seed for some cultivars. the 69 VERNAL A LDC I □ LDC 2 9= 4 4 0 + 112X ET (mm) Figure 29. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Vernal at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Tysdal (1946) reported a higher incidence of shrivelled seed under excessive irrigation. Seed yield experiment would suggest that irrigation and soil conditions met the optimum requirements for yield and were not excessive. seed yield may also relate to optimum levels of this moisture high seed quality. in alfalfa This optimum level high for seed 70 APOLLO A LOC I □ LOC 2 Y = 64.2 + 0.047X ET (mm) Figure 30. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Apollo at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Industry produced experiment personal under are dryland report highest quality conditions. seed Results in direct contrast with those being from reported this by industry. This could be the result of differences in harvest and seed cleaning procedures. warranted in this area. Additional research is 71 THOR A LOC I M . 90- □ LOC 2 D Y = 7 3 .0 + 0 .0 3 2 X ET (mm) Figure 31. Relationship for increased evapotranspiration (ET) on total viable seed percent for Thor at four irrigation levels (non, low, medium, high) at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Seed Weight. Seed with high test weights are associated with larger and more vigorous seed in some crops. Seed weight varied among cultivars. Increased ET had no effect on seed weight for Ladak 65 and Thor (Table Apollo 16). Vernal and exhibited an increase in seed weight of 4 mg cm 1 of increased ET (Table 16). Variations result of both among cultivar seed weights differences in seed size may and/or be the density. 72 Further investigations are warranted in this area. No trends between seed weight and other quality were observed. good Seed weight in alfalfa is not necessarily a quality indicator due to variability among Additional tests cultivars. research is warranted before seed weight should be used as a seed quality test in alfalfa. .Table 16. Regression analysis for the effect of increased ET (cm) on seed weight (g 1000 seed ) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Cultivar Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Intercept Slope 1.658 1.569 1.632 1.711 0.001. 0.004 0.004 0.002 Prob. NS 0.02 0.01 NS R2 0.12 0.6 0.71 0.24 73 CHAPTER V SUMMARY Large growth, variability yield, and existed among cultivars for most quality parameters measured. Many of these differences may have resulted from genetic differences among cultivars. resulting in cultivar. Good production Additionally, alfalfa is cross pollinated a large diversity among individuals within pollination research. High is critical for temperatures and existed during the growing season in 1985. were alfalfa low a seed humidity These conditions conducive to extensive leafcutter bee activity which resulted in good pollination and high seed yields. No yield relationship and between fall dormancy level and quality were observed. However, both rate maturity and root penetration exhibited a relationship fall dormancy. coincided Cultivar height in with fall dormancy seed of with the non-irrigated regime levels. The most dormant cultivar, Ladak 65, was tallest in all irrigation regimes. Total ET increased with increased irrigation indicating that alfalfa transpiration has a low resistance to when sufficient transpire large amounts of water. water biomass is loss through present to 74 Seasonal ET was similar among cultivars initiation of senescence which indicated that traits involved until the physiological in water conductance and movement did not differ among cultivars until the on-set of senescence. Variations in stem number plant ^ irrigation regimes among cultivars. existed across All cultivars exhibited an increase in internode length with increased ET. Total biomass increased with increased ET cultivars. Ladak 65 produced the greatest amount in the high irrigation regime. for all of biomass Ladak 65 is predominantly a dryland cultivar. However, it respond well to irrigation and out yields many cultivars in a internode one-cut system. Increased length directly contributed to total biomass. The stem number plant-1 decreased with increased biomass for all cultivars except Thor. Total seed yield among cultivars exhibited differential relationships to increased cultivars, Ladak irrigated 65 ET. Relative produced the most to seed in the other the non- plots while Apollo produced the most seed in the high irrigated plots. Pure live seed yields differed from total seed for all cultivars at all irrigation regimes. Some produced large amounts of total seed, but did yield cultivars not.produce high amounts of PLS. _. Pods this stem experiment. was not a good indicator of seed yield in Increased ET differentially affected pods 75 stem — I among cultivars. Vernal and Thor pods stem — I increased with increased ET. Total and PLS yields increased with increased biomass. These data suggest that management increased biomass practice directed toward may increase seed yield under similar condition as existed in this experiment. Biomass all WUE with increased ET was non-significant cultivars increased ET except Thor. which for Seed yield WUE decreased under high cost of with irrigation would result in decreased economic returns at some point. Germination cultivars. Total and percentages viable seed increased with except for Ladak 65. most hardseed varied among increased ET High levels of irrigation produced the seed and total viable seed. Large variation existed among cultivars in seed weight. Much stress is Greatest of the literature indicates that some degree needed to force alfalfa to flower and set yield occurred in plots receiving of seed. the most irrigation. Apparently, irrigation and soil moisture content in 1985 were near the optimum requirement for high alfalfa seed yields. Plant stress was not apparent in the medium and high irrigation moisture regimes because in the soil profile. of sufficient Contrary to some stored literature plant stress was not a contributing factor in flowering seed set in the medium and high irrigation regimes. and These results would suggest that alfalfa flowering and seed set is 76 not necessarily controlled by plant stress. Day length may control flowering when moisture is not a limiting factor. Several factors should be considered before high levels of irrigation are recommended. Increased irrigation resulted in extremely medium Plants lodged in the and high irrigation treatments. Lodged plants often contribute levels tall plants in 1985. to reduced seed yields. produced the greatest While high amount of irrigation seed, they also delayed maturity. Late season rains or early snow fall could result in low quality and potential seed loss. Flowering intensity was greatest in the high irrigation regime. However, a decreased in late season mean temperatures may reduce leafcutter bee activity. Late season pollination seed at may result in a harvest. High higher percentage of irrigation in the immature spring may be utilized as a tool to coincide peak flowering and leafcutter bee activity. The most important attribute of alfalfa is the ability to produce large Traditionally, quantities of highly alfalfa palatable breeding has placed major forage. emphasis on the production of high forage yielding cultivars via pest resistance and more rapid seed yield and regrowth potential. Consequently, quality characteristics have little attention. Hopefully, alfalfa seed yield research will be considered cultivars in the future. when developing been given and quality improved 77 LITERATURE CITED ■; 78 LITERATURE CITED Accord, C . R . 1972. Alfalfa pasture pay good net returns. In Proceedings of twenty-third annual Montana Nutrition Conference. Montana Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Report 16. 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Combined total irrigation amounts (cm) for all irrigation regimes both sides of the pipe in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Irr. Treatment NON 0 LOW 7.36 MEDIUM HIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW 18.95 31.4 30.6 21.66 10.99 NON 1.12 * Additionally, 14.0 cm of precipitation accummulated during the growing season. Table 18. Differences in the amount of water used in ET (cm) and that received through irrigation and precipitation at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. ----------------- Cultivar ---------------Irr. Regime Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Location I. Non- Irr. Low Medium High 11.8 18.7 19.4 19.2 12.8 18.1 17.7 18.4 15.1 21 .I 18.6 15.6 14.0 21.3 17.9 18.2 Location 2. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 21.2 9.6 23.0 17.4 19.3 15.8 18.3 19.3 18.8 17.3 17.3 18.7 18.4 14.3 16.5 22.6 Table 19. Daily environmental data in 1985 Schutter Farm, Manhattan MT. Date 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 Precip (mm) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TEMPERATURE High Low Mean -- C----8 -I 4 14 8 11 22 7 14 26 8 17 18 4 11 22 4 13 for the HUMIDITY High Low ---- %— — 62 23 62 18 28 16 39 14 66 30 59 19 John Evap (mm) — — — — — — 85 Table 19. O O April totals (c o n ti n ue d) ----------- means 18 5 12 53 20 — 18 19 12 6 8 14 17 14 15 8 3 4 8 13 13 10 9 13 12 14 16 17 17 17 14 13 13 12 12 6 13 means 12 65 42 66 66 52 48 50 64 65 66 67 58 52 64 50 50 64 64 62 66 67 67 66 68 70 74 76 74 70 66 68 14 18 32 16 14 20 16 14 22 40 38 20 14 17 23 28 31 16 17 26 19 20 23 22 39 50 37 31 31 42 21 10.0 6.0 4.0 9.5 7.5 5.0 9.5 12.0 9.0 3.0 I .0 6.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.0 4.5 5.5 7.0 8.5 5.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 6.0 9.0 63 25 193.5 10 10 13 14 15 19 19 14 14 12 12 19 16 70 70 72 74 74 73 50 62 58 50 68 68 68 47 46 34 49 36 28 20 23 20 20 26 17 26 0.0 2.0 5.5 1.0 1.5 6.5 5.0 10.0 13.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 5/31 May totals 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 18.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 25 26 23 13 15 21 27 24 22 13 9 9 17 21 21 18 17 23 24 23 26 26 27 27 22 16 19 19 20 11 20 10 11 0 -I 0 7 7 4 7 3 -4 -I -I 4 4 I I 3 4 6 6 8 7 7 6 9 8 4 4 I 5 71.0 20 4 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 12.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 13 18 17 21 24 29 21 21 20 19 27 24 7 7 7 10 9 14 9 6 7 4 5 10 8 86 Table 19. 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 June totals 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 (con ti nu e d) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T 0.0 17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I .5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 3.0 23 27 24 23 24 32 29 24 28 30 9 12 19 26 27 28 30 8 8 3 6 8 10 6 7 9 4 6 I 2 9 11 8 9 23 8 32 29 33 33 35 33 31 26 32 32 28 24 28 26 30 28 23 26 29 30 32 32 27 28 29 32 31 28 16 19 9 11 10 11 13 16 11 10 13 17 12 9 9 11 11 10 10 10 10 12 11 16 9 8 9 14 11 12 8 9 16 18 14 15 16 21 18 16 19 17 7 7 10 18 19 18 19 means 15 68 68 55 50 68 64 66 68 66 69 72 66 68 70 64 68 67 31 22 24 27 23 17 20 26 16 16 48 42 26 24 30 30 19 4.5 6.5 7.5 10.0 7.0 11.0 12.0 6.0 11.0 7.0 0.5 3.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 3.0 6.0 66 28 182.0 20 20 21 22 24 25 21 18 22 25 20 17 19 19 21 19 17 18 20 21 22 24 18 18 19 23 21 20 12 14 67 66 74 72 70 68 74 74 71 70 80 74 73 70 69 78 80 82 78 77 76 76 74 79 75 76 68 59 80 80 22 34 22 28 18 27 36 31 28 32 42 50 20 13 31 38 48 40 30 25 20 26 43 28 30 26 27 36 80 58 5.0 9.0 9.5 4.5 8.0 9.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 3.5 I .5 2.0 4.0 6.0 9.5 7.0 3.0 8.0 4.5 10.0 6.0 5.5 0.0 2.0 87 Table 19. (con ti nu e d) 0.0 24 10 17 80 40 3.5 11.0 29 11 20 74 33 162.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 3.0 I .5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32 21 23 29 22 27 32 20 23 21 13 16 16 16 21 26 16 23 28 25 26 19 21 23 28 31 28 27 27 28 29 12 9 8 11 8 9 12 6 4 7 7 6 3 3 8 6 I 7 8 6 8 8 3 6 8 11 11 9 9 9 12 22 15 15 20 15 18 22 13 14 14 10 11 9 9 14 16 8 15 18 16 17 13 12 14 18 21 20 18 18 19 20 79 78 80 79 79 81 78 71 72 72 75 76 80 77 75 75 74 75 76 77 76 74 76 74 75 72 76 80 76 56 49 17 45 43 22 48 30 20 28 22 31 62 43 38 32 21 44 27 24 30 23 40 27 27 22 26 31 36 29 24 17 35 8.0 3.5 0.0 2.0 1.0 4.5 4.0 7.0 5.0 0.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 40.5 24 8 16 75 31 131.5 0.0 9/1 0.0 9/2 .5 9/3 9/4 0.0 0.0 9/5 0.0 9/6 0.0 9/7 9/8 0.0 0.0 9/9 0.0 9/10 Septemb er totals 5.0 31 19 14 17 22 23 25 23 7 15 10 3 9 7 8 12 6 3 4 7 74 78 78 76 76 75 86 84 82 82 44 50 29 34 28 38 84 62 69 55 5.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 — — 79 49 7/31 July totals 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 August totals 20 21 11 12 12 15 18 16 13 6 11 -- means-14 7 — 19.0 88 Table 19. (con ti nu e d) Growing season totals 140.0 — 22 5 15 63 31 688 . 5 Represents data not available. Table 20. Biomass yield (Mg ha for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. U L U . Li - L V a r Irr. Regime Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Location I. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 6.71 7.44 8.12 12.54 5.80 7.57 10.62 10.08 7.41 7.67 10.04 10.16 6.51 9.53 10.33 10.96 Location 2. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 7.25 8.42 10.76 13.05 6.39 7.63 10.51 12.60 6.75 9.16 9.71 13.54 6.28 9.26 9.65 11.30 Table 21. Total seed yield (kg ha 1) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. v LU . l J V a r Irr . Regime Ladak 65 Vernal Apollo Thor Location I . Non-Irr. Low Medium High 984 993 I ,286 1,706 1,109 1,357 1,625 1,590 928 1,411 1,533 1,730 878 1,366 1,356 1,699 Location 2. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 1,160 1,139 1,544 1,891 957 1,399 1,764 1,730 1,110 1,459 1,688 1,904 899 1,243 1,257 1,581 89 Table 22. Pure live seed (PLS) yield (kg ha 1) for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. ---------------- Cultivar -------------Irr. Regime Ladak 65 Location I. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 728 715 926 1,297 Location 2. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 835 843 1,096 1,456 Vernal 921 1,194 1,495 1,447 814 1,259 1,605 1,644 Apollo Thor 724 1,199 1,378 1,609 710 1,202 1,220 1,597 844 I ,269 1,485 1,752 719 1,131 1,106 1,470 Table 23. Biomass WUE at four irrigation regimes for all cultivars at both locations in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Irr. Regime Ladak 65 Vernal Location I. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 26 19 15 19 22 19 21 16 25 18 20 17 23 22 20 17 Location 2. Non-Irr. Low Medium High 20 20 19 21 19 19 19 20 20 22 18 21 19 23 18 17 Apollo Thor 90 Table 24. Percent germination, hardseed, and total viable seed at both locations for all cultivars in 1985 at the John Schutter Farm, Manhattan, MT. Germ. Hard Seed - % - Location I. Ladak 65 Non-Irr. Low Medium High Vernal Non-Irr. Low Medium High Apollo Non-Irr. Low Medium High Thor Non-Irr. Low Medium High Location 2. Ladak 65 Non-Irr. Low Medium High Vernal Non-Irr. Low Medium High Apollo Non-Irr. Low Medium High Thor Non-Irr. Low Medium High Total Viable • 9 12 13 16 65 60 59 60 74 72 72 76 5 10 13 9 78 78 79 82 83 88 92 91 16 15 17 12 62 70 73 81 78 85 90 93 14 11 16 15 67 79 74 79 81 88 90 94 8 12 11 18 64 62 60 59 72 74 71 77 13 9 11 15 72 81 80 80 85 90 81 95 13 14 14 15 63 73 74 77 76 87 88 92 12 13 18 17 68 78 70 76 80 91 88 93 MONTANA STATE U NIVERSITY LIBRARIES stks N378.H529 Effect of moisture stress on alfalfa see RL 3 1762 00513959 5 2