Seed and embryo size relationships with seedling and mature plant performance in barley by Gregg Raymond Carlson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Agronomy Montana State University © Copyright by Gregg Raymond Carlson (1982) Abstract: The performance of two barley cultivars, as affected by seed size, was evaluated under laboratory and field conditions. Four seed size classes and an unsized control were evaluated for each of the cultivars 'Ingrid' and 'Klages' at Bozeman and Havre in 1978. Two size classes and an unsized control for each of the same two cultivars were evaluated in large plots at Havre in 1981. All seed size classes consisted of dimensional separations prepared with a commercial precision sizer. In laboratory evaluations it was shown that rates of imbibition, respiration and germination were higher for small seed than for large seed. Speed of emergence was not affected by seed size. Large seed consistently produced more seedling dry matter than all smaller sizes and the unsized controls. Seed size was negatively correlated with percent kernel protein and percent kernel lysine. The percent of lysine protein as affected by seed size, was dependent upon cultivar. In the 1978 field evaluations, large seed of 'Ingrid' produced plants with more fertile tillers than plants from small seed. Seed size did not affect 'Klages' tiller production. Plant height at maturity was not affected by seed size even though differences at early seedling stages were prominent. At Havre, small seed produced plants with fewer seeds per head and lower kernel weights than larger size classes or unsized seed. Large seed of 'Ingrid' produced plants yielding more than small or unsized seed at Havre, but 'Klages' yield was not affected by seed size. In the 1981 field evaluations, seed size did not affect tiller production or yield. Embryos were excised from samples of sized seed of the barley cultivars 'Ingrid' and 'Klages' to study the relationships of embryo size with seed size, and to compare performance of seedlings cultured from isolated embryos with that of seedlings from corresponding whole seed size classes. Embryo weight was positively- correlated with seed weight in both cultivars. Performance of seedlings arising from isolated embryos in 'Ingrid' exhibited strong positive correlation to that of the size class of whole seeds from which they were excised. In contrast, when isolated from their natural endosperm, 'Klages' embryos were nearly identical in seedling performance regardless of embryo size or size of whole seed from which they were isolated. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publi­ cation of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature t / c CSSfr / rC/. SEED AND EMBRYO SIZE RELATIONSHIPS WITH SEEDLING AND MATURE PLANT PERFORMANCE IN BARLEY by GREGG RAYMOND CARLSON A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE in Agronomy Approved: Chltirman,' Graduate Committee Urzmjz. Head, Major Department Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana . August, 1982 ill . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my major professor. Dr. Loren E-. Wiesner, for his valuable guidance, encouragement, and generous support provided during the entire course of my graduate studies; Dr. Scott Cooper, Mr. Howard Bowman, Mr. Robert Eslick and Mr. Lee Hart for their help and cooperation in serving as members of my graduate committee., I also wish to express special appreciation to Dr. Scott Cooper for his generous personal contribution of time in assisting me with the preparation of this thesis. My appreciation;is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Peterson for their extensive support and cooperation with field research conducted in conjunction with my studies. My family and my wife, Ruth, deserve special gratitude for the patience, understanding and support provided me in the completion of this degree. / TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page VITA........................... ii A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in LIST OF TABLES .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v ABSTRACT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . vii .................... I Seed Size Relationships .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. Seed Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seedling G r o w t h . . . . . . . . . . . . Mature Plant Growth . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Elements of External Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER I. EFFECTS OF SEED SIZE ON SEEDLING PERFORMANCE AND YIELD IN BARLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Introduction................ Materials and M e t h o d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results and d i s c u s s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER II. SEED SIZE AND EMBRYO SIZE RELATIONSHIPS . WITH SEEDLING PERFORMANCE IN BARLEY . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction........ Materials and M e t h o d s . . . . . . . . Results and D i s c u s s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE CITED I 3. 6 9 11 15 17 26 46 . . 46 47 52 56 V LIST:OF TABLES Table I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page Mean 100-seed weights for four size classes . within two, 2 -rowed barley cultivars. as separated by a commercial precision sizer . . . . ........ 27 Mean 1 ,000-seed weights for two size classes and the unsized controls within two, 2 -row barley cultivars as separated by a commercial precision s i z e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 29 Effects of four seed: size classes and unsized seed of two barley cultivars on laboratory seed and seedling performance . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . 30 Effects of four seed size classes, and unsizedseed of two barley cultivars on seed composition 34 . . . . . . Effects of two seed size classes and unsized seed of two barley cultivars on number of tillers pro­ duced per plant in single seed size treatments at Bozeman, 1978 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Effects of two seed size classes, sown in alter­ nating rows, on number of tillers produced per plant by two barley cultivars at Havre, 1978 . . . . . . . . 39 Effect of three seed size classes and unsized seed on the number of seeds produced per head for two barley cultivars at Havre, 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Effects of three seed size classes and unsized seed on the.weight of individual kernels produced ^ for two barley cultivars at Havre, 1978 . . . . . . . . 41 Effects of two seed size classes and unsized seed on grain yield of two barley cultivars sown in single seed size treatments at Hav r e i 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Effects of two seed size classes and unsized seed on the number of tillers per plant for two barley cultivars at Havre, 1 9 8 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 vi LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 11. Page Effects of embryo size on performance of seedlings from isolated embryos of sized seed of two barley c u l t u r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 vii ABSTRACT The performance of two barley cultivars, as affected by seed size, was evaluated under laboratory and field conditions. Four seed size classes and an unsized control were evaluated for each of the cultivars 1Ingrid1 and lKlages1 at Bozeman and Havre in 1978. Two size classes and an unsized control for each of the same two cultivars were evaluated in large plots at Havre in 1981. All seed size classes consisted of dimensional separations prepared with a commercial precision sizer. In laboratory evaluations it was shown that rates of imbibition, respira­ tion and germination were higher for small seed than for large seed. Speed of emergence was not affected by seed size. Large seed consis- 3 tentIy produced more seedling dry matter than all smaller sizes and the unsized controls. Seed size was negatively correlated with percent ker­ nel protein and percent kernel lysine. The percent of lysine protein as affected by see0 size, was dependent upon cultivar. In the 1978 field evaluations, large seed of lIngrid1 produced plants with more fer­ tile tillers than plants from small seed. Seed size did not affect 'Klages1 tiller production. Plant height at maturity was not affected y by seed size even though differences at early seedling stages were pro-3 minent. At Havre, small seed produced plants with fewer seeds per head and lower kernel weights than larger size classes or unsized seed. Large seed of 1Ingrid1 produced plants yielding more than small or un­ sized seed at Havre, but 'Klages' yield was not affected by seed size. In the 1981 field evaluations, seed size did not affect tiller produc­ tion or yield. ; Embryos were excised from samples of sized seed of the barley I cultivars 'Ingrid' and 1Klages' to study the relationships of embryo I size with seed size, and to compare performance of seedlings cultured from isolated embryos with that of seedlings from corresponding w h o l e f seed size classes. Embryo weight was positively- correlated with seed J weight in both cultivars. Performance of seedlings arising from iso­ lated embryos in 'Ingrid' exhibited strong positive correlation to that of the size class of whole seeds from which they were excised. In con­ trast, when isolated from their natural endosperm, 'Klages' embryos were nearly identical in seedling performance regardless of embryo size or size of whole seed from which they were isolated. LITERATURE REVIEW Seed Size Relationships Historical Aspects Many workers have studied the influence of seed size on crop per­ formance. As indicated by Derr in 1910(14), Yokoi reported that an awareness of the influence of seed size, specific gravity separation of seed had been in use in the Orient for over 250 years. In other reference by Derr (14), RumpIer, in 1896 concluded that only the heaviest third of a barley seed lot should be sown. Hicks and Dabney (21) dis­ credited the specific gravity approach to seed separation and advocated centrifugal separation. They stressed the need to consider individual plants in selection instead of seed lot separation alone. They recog­ nized strong seed origin effects, and made reference to early work con­ ducted by H e l lriegel who claimed difference between mature plants from large and small seed is greater in impoverished soil than when richly supplied with food material. Arny (I) cited Georgeson, Burtis and Otis' work with wheat and oats. They reported that when using seed size classes separated by screen, advantages in yield of large over small seed were meaningful, but advantages of large over the original uni zed lot varied with crop and lot. Arny (I) cited work by Williams and Welton in 1913 where it was concluded that effects of seed size vary with method of separation, 2 hand versus air-screen cleaner. They further concluded that effects of seed size vary with the population achieved through the method of seeding rate determination, equal numbers of seed versus equal weight of seed per unit area. Arny (I) questioned the concepts associated with ■ the entire seed size issue. Factors affecting results could be (I) the degree of difference in seed size, (:2) the effect of stand density in allowing a particular size to express its potential, (3) possible mask­ ing effects due to differences in soil fertility and moisture, and (4) control of experimental error. Kiesselbach and Helm (29), published,an extensive historical sum­ mary of small grain seed size work in conjunction with a report bf their own findings. They summarized conclusions from sixty experiments con­ ducted over a wide span of time and locations, Kiesselbach (30) having continued his cereal seed size research work, published a second review summary in 1924 with no major changes seen in the overall conclusions drawn. In this publication, Kiesselbach (30) stressed the importance of bearing in mind the practical significance of such investigations. He stated that practicality depended upon the degree to which the methods of seed size comparison are applicable to farm conditions; and that a sound recommendation regarding the principle of mechanical, grading of seed could hardly be made from a mere comparison of extremes. He con­ cluded that the vital question centered on how graded seed compared with 3. the original ungraded lot, and that little previous research had addressed that concern. Although indirectly related to practical application of seed size relationships at the commercial farm level, the influence of seed size on effective selection in crop breeding programs has been thoroughly studied (9, 16, 17, 25, 26). Seed Characters Mass Tjhe word "size" alone is not totally descriptive in terms of its application in seed size research. Seed "size" may refer to dimensional length and width, seed.weight, or seed density. "Test Weight" expresses weight of a given volume of seed, and depends upon the density of indi­ vidual seeds, average weight per seed, seed shape and dimensional size (50). Choice of one method for sizing seed within a given lot may or may not simultaneously rank other characters of seed mass. For example, when using screens or sieves for making dimensional size separations in seed, separation on the basis of the density character of mass may not occur. As a consequence, some workers have endeavored to prepare dis­ tinct research lots of seed differing in the manner in which the sizing was accomplished. and density. Lill (33) separated seed by weight, dimensional size, He found significant correlations existed between 4 germination and seed density; however, germination was independent of dimensional size alone. Seed size-varies within and between plants. Austenson and Walton (2) reported 300% variation in individual seed weight within a single wheat spike. Seed size variation within a field crop will partly depend on genetic differences, nutritional effects, disease and the position of the seed on the inflorescence (51). Dennis and Jones as reported by Wood, et al. (51) found 35% of the variation in seed weight in 'Proctor' barley was attributable to between-plant differences, 13% due to betweenear differences, and 52% as a result of seed location within the ear. Structure Recently, increased attention has been given the relative propor­ tions and functions of embryo and endosperm as influenced by size (34, 42, 47). In a study of 'Arivat1 barley, higher percentages of endosperm and embryo seed components occurred with large seed as compared with medium and small (42); [ In Triticale, embryo length and width were positively correlated with seed length and width (41). Tallberg, in working with a barley cultiyar and its high lysine mutant, found that the resultant increase in embryo/endosperm wieght ratio with the mutant did not effectively improve the amino-acid composition of the total seed, and that differences in amino-acid composition were entirely confined to the endosperm proteins (47). Lowe and Ries (34) successfully transferred 5 wheat empryos from low and high protein seed to similar endosperms. No significant difference was noted in dry weight of the seedlings subse­ quently grown; however, significant differences in seedling dry weight were obtained from the original high and low protein source seed. They concluded that endosperm was the primary factor affecting seedling j growth. Genetics Cultivars differ in response to seed size effects on various plant growth characters (6, 13, 16, 41). Chemical Composition Seed chemical components and plant performance are correlated (11, 16, 34, 49). Barley seedling emergence is positively correlated with endosperm A-amylase at 3 and 5 days, and ATP and TAP of hydrated embryos (11). Seedling vigor was positively correlated with seed protein in wheat when size was held constant (16, 34). However, other workers con­ cluded that chemical composition of seed (12, 36) and more specifically, protein differences, were not reflected in yield (37). Welch (49) believes that seed protein content affects yield only under conditions of poor nutrition; and that increasing seed protein levels with nitrogen fertilizer could be imposing interaction effects with changes in mineralcomposition. 6 Origin The importance placed upon the consideration of the effects of sedd lot origin has varied among crop scientists. In 1896, Hicks and Dabney (21) suggested that crop performance was strongly related to seed geographic origin. Some recent studies have shown barley seedling and yield performance differences closely related to seed origin (36). Others have shown no relationship between performance and seed origin (12, 43). SeedlingGrovrth Respiration James and James (23) reported that Brown and Morris had developed techniques in 1890 which allowed researchers to perform studies on mature plants cultured from excised embryos. Patterns of barley respir­ ation activity within dormant whole seed, imbibed whole seed and excised embryos have been extensively studied (7, 23), but respiration of excised embryos as influenced by seed size or embryo size has not. Germination till (33) reported that differences in germination capacity of wheat as influenced by seed size were somewhat dependent on the method of making the size separations. Seed sized by density separation clearly exhibited decreased ability to germinate as density decreased. 7 However, differences in germination capacity between sizes separated by sieve were inconsistent. Others have shown little potential for en­ hancing the percentage germination of a given seed lot through grading for large seed by sieve separation (51). Some workers have shown that smaller seed possesses significantly higher germination than larger seei (39). Muchena and Grogan (39) showed this effect with corn grown under simulated water stress and suggested that smaller seeds might require less water in view of their smaller volume. They further theorized tha' under conditions of limited soil moisture, one could obtain more rapid germination with small seeded strains. Vegetative Development Optimum stand establishment is initially influenced by the rate of germination and seedling emergence. The percent of total emergence barley and the rate at which it occurs, as influenced by seed size, not consistent (11, 13, 19, 20, 28). Tanakamaru and Inouye (48) showed positive relationships between seed size and strength of plumule elonga­ tion in barley. However, soil compaction imposed additional effects on plurtiule performance within seed size.classes. Plumule diameter increased with increasing compaction; however, increases were greater with small seed than with large (48). Barley emergence is reduced when coleoptiIe length is less than sowing depth (19). Positive relationships between barley coleoptiIe length and culm height are then of concern when [ 8 selection for reduced culm height is one objective in a breeding program (10). Ceccarelli and Pegiati (10) concluded that coleoptile width is negatively correlated with seed weight, but coleoptile length depends mainly on genetics. Rate and percent emergence decreases with increased sowing depth, but is decreased less with large seed than with small (19). Larger seeds, because of embryo and nutrient reserves (51), en- p * hance early seedling top growth (3, 10, 16, 20, 25, 26, 28, 34, 44, 51).^ The most common measure of seedling top growth is that of dry matter pro­ duction at a particular chronological age or stage of maturity. Kaufmann and Guitard (27) reported large seedlings from large seeds had longer and wider first and second leaves than small seedlings from small seeds. Young seedlings with greater leaf areas intercept more radiation and produce greater quantities of assimilates for growth, and production and maintenance of tillers (51). Root dry weight is positively correlated with seed size (25, 34). Tillering Capacity Larger seedlings from large seed should have the capacity to pro- ^ Z duce and maintain greater numbers of tillers and thus increase yield \ yk potential. Seed size and number of tillers produced per plant has been highly correlated by many workers (2, 13,-25, 28, 44). However, others have seen no affects of seed size on tiller production (5, 31). 9 Tillering capacity as a selection character is limited because of exter­ nal effects imposed by plant population density (13). Although influ­ enced by plant density, tiller survival has been shown to be further associated with seed size. Hampton (20) did not find significant dif­ ferences in number of wheat tillers produced between plants arising from large or small seed. However, tiller losses during subsequent growth were higher among plants grown from small seed. Establishment of Inflorescence Grain yields are related to the number of heads per plant, per unit area; and to the number of kernels per head (I, 2, 51). Wood, et al. (51) concluded that the first-determined component of yield (number of fertile culms per unit area) was most affected by seed size since its effects are most pronounced at early growth stages (51). Workers have shown earlier heading and ripening dates among plants grown from large seed in barley and other cereal grains (25, 26, 28). Mature Plant Growth Vegetative Development Since the primary unit of economic yield among cereal grains is the seed itself rather than forage, studies of seed size affects on straw yields are limited. Breeders have selected for reduced culm length, however, shorter culms may reduce coleoptile length and lead to 10 reduction of seedling vigor and emergence (10). Arny (I) observed that variation in plant height from second leaf to six weeks growth in cereals was marked between plants produced from large seed in compari­ son to small, but such variation usually did not remain relative at maturity. When positive correlations exist between initial seed size and final grain y i e l d , seed size and straw yield are also positively correlated (29, 46). Grain Yield *3 "Yield is a complex character which is the resultant of many en­ vironmental and inherent factors acting together [5]." Regardless of. the timing and degree of expression among the factors involved, grain yield in. barley remains a function of (I) the average number of heads or fertile spikes per plant, (2) the average number of kernels per head, (3) the average kernel weight, and (4) the average number of plants per unit area. These four components of yield are affected by seed size. Each component is subject to a wide host of influences other than seed size itself; and interactions between the components themselves, and with other variables, are very complex. Differences in the average number of fertile tillers produced by a single plant are not consistently correlated with initial seed size (2, 5, 13, 25, 28, 31, 44). 11 Hisher yields are correlated with an increased number of seeds per head (I, 51), but correlation between initial seed size and average number of kernels produced per head is not consistent (2, 3, 5, 28). When kernels do develop normally, a decrease in yield is accom­ panied by an increase in average weight of individual kernels produced (I). Yield component interactions support the general belief that a tendency for natural compensation among the components exists. Grain kernel weight is considered the yield component least associated with initial seed size (2, 26), Population density may condition the responses of the other com­ ponents with, or possibly without, affecting ultimate yield (18). Elements of External Influence Competition Montgomery (38) stated that, Competition as a factor in modifying the character of plant populations, by means of destroying of hindering those which are least fit to survive under the particular environ­ ment has been recognized as one of importance since Darwin pointed out its effective workings. Many workers have concluded that competition between plants signifi­ cantly affects individual plant performance (15, 28, 29, 38). Kiesselbach (29) found that yields of wheat plants grown from large seed, sown in a mixture with small seed, were 13% greater than yields from plants grown in plots where only large seed was planted. 12 Competition also affects yields of plants from large and small seed when each size class is sown alone within rows, but alternated from row to row (15, 28, 29, 38).' When grown in alternating rows with plants from small seed, plants from large seed yield more than when adjacent rows are also seeded to large seed. These yield increases for plants from large seed are at the expense of reduced yield among plants from small seed. A similar pattern is shown when comparing alternating row plant­ ings of large and medium seed, and medium and small seed (15). Competition is not limited to that associated with special inter­ action between plants grown from seeds of differing size. Competition influences the performance of plants from seed of uniform size when planted at sufficient density. As population density is increased with an increase in seeding rate, a gradual increase in yield is obtained up to the limits of optimum density. cultivar (18). Optimum density varies with crop and In oats, increase of seeding rate beyond the optimum density does not increase or decrease yield; but in barley, sharp yield reductions may occur when optimum density is surpassed (18). Different methods of determining seeding rate in studies comparing large and small seed alter the population density achieved; and affect competition and yield component interaction. Seeding rate of cereal grains is normally expressed as weight, volume or number of individual seeds per unit area. Considerable controversy occurs in the literature as to the most appropriate method to use when comparing seed lots 13 differing in seed ^ize (I., 9, 13, .17, 18, 20, 28, 29). However, the . most important consideration when determining seeding rate is the pur­ pose of the planting. If the objective of the planting is to compare the performance of individual plants, such as in a breeding selection program, the ramifications of ignoring the influence of seed size and its relationships with plant desnity could be serious. In contrast, farm seeding rates are most often expressed as weight or volume; and effects of seed size need be considered in an entirely different way. There is further potential for competition effects in farm plant­ ings because of lack of precision in spacing seed within the row. As reported by Bonnet and Woodworth, Engledow in 1926 stated that a drilled field of grain is "simply a vast aggregate of little patches on which the plants are spaced or crowded to different degrees [5]." Investi­ gations comparing uniform within-row spacing and irregular placement at the ,same total planted population showed that regularity of seeding could be largely ignored incconducting seeding rate trials (47). Competition with, or capacity to withstand association with, other non-crop organisms is an additional factor bearing possible correlation with the effects of seed size. Larger, more vigorous seedlings pro­ duced from large seed should compete best with weeds and resist insect and disease pests. As reported by Austenson and Walton (2), McFadden found greater incidence of loose smut infection in plants from small ) 14 . seed classes. Other investigations have not shown correlations of disease infection with seed size (27). Soil Medium Tanakamaru and Inouye (48) reported that plumule elongation strength increased, in plants from both large and small seed, with increasing levels of soil compaction; but plumule strength was posi­ tively correlated with seed size under all levels of compaction. Variability in plant growth characters attributable to differences in seed size decreases with increasing levels of soil fertility (I, 27). Enhanced response in laboratory seedling growth from large seeds with high protein content was more pronounced when nitrogen in the growth medium was limited (34). Weather Favorable growing season precipitation and temperature conditions reduce or totally eliminate variablity in plant growth characters associated with seed size (I, 29). CHAPTER I EFFECTS OF SEED SIZE ON SEEDLING PERFORMANCE AND YIELD IN BARLEY Introduction Barley is one of the oldest cultivated grains. Barley kernels were found in excavations of early civilizations believed to date back some IQyOOO years (32). Barley is grown in nearly all cultivated areas of the temperate zones and certain subtropical and high altitude re­ gions (32). Barley is important worldwide, and used for human and live­ stock food. Montana grows over 1,000,000 acres of barley annually and ranks among the top five states in the nation in production (40). Growers expend considerable labor and capital supplying cultural and nutritional needs of their cereal crops, but many do not devote adequate attention to seed quality. Seed lots, as harvested, contain seed of widely varying size and quality (2, 51). Hordeum distichum L. (2-rowed barley), represented by the cultivars studied in this thesis, normally possesses one fertile central spikelet and two sterile lateral spikelets borne alternately on nodes of the rachis of the complete spike (32). In contrast, 6-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.-) has lateral spikelets that are normally fer­ tile. The lateral kernels are smaller due to crowding, but are capable 16 of germination. Variation in kernel size occurs within a single spike of the 6-rowed type, but kernel size variation also occurs within 2 -rowed types. Within a crop,, the range of seed size varies partly due to plant-to-plant genetic ,differences, inter-plant competition, and location on the inflorescence. The latter affects flowering times and nutrition of the seed as it develops (51). Many researchers have investigated the potential for separating out and sowing only the larger seeds. This normally results in.larger, more vigorous seedlings capable of maintaining growth advantage through to grain maturity (16, 25, 26, 28, 51). However, to be of practical, significance at the farm level; the degree of separation necessary to obtain enhanced yields must be accomplished on a commercial scale. Our objectives were (I) to determine if significant yield dif­ ferences among sized 2wrowed feed and malt barley seed lots could be obtained when the separation was made with available commercial-scale equipment, and (2) to determine if laboratory seed size evaluations could serve as meaningful indicators of expected field performance within a given cultivar. Materials and Methods General Procedures Commercial seed ,lots of known genetic purity and close geographic oigin were purchased 1in-dirt1 for each of the two, 2 -rowed barley cultivars studied. The cultivars 'Ingrid1 and 1Klages' were selected because of similar maturity and because they represent feed and malting types, respectively, based on gibberellic acid activity as determined by Barr (4), Representative one-kilogram samples from the seed lots were air cleaned with an Oregon Continuous Blower and graded over a series of precision laboratory pan sieves. These separations were made to determine percentage composition of each lot by sieve size and to compare accuracy of separation by hand sieves^ with that achieved with commercial-scale grading equipment. Size classifications were repre­ sented by those seeds which remained on top of 8/64, 7/64, 6/64, 5.5/64, 5/64 and 4.5/64 x 3/4-inch sieves respectively; and those seeds which passed through the 4.5/64 x 3/4-inch sieve. The remainders of the two seed lots were then processed with a commercial, 3-screen air screen cleaner adjusted for minimal separation of chaff and other light foreign material. Average cleanout on the two lots was limited to 2.5% in order to retain the small seed component. Representative samples of each seed lot of the two cultivars were retained for future use as unsized controls. 18 T h e r e m a i n i n g c l e a n e d p o r t i o n of ea ch seed lot of t h e tw o cu lt iv a r s w a s t h e n p r o c e s s e d into f o u r s i e v e si ze s by u t i l i z a t i o n of a I single-cylinder Carter Precision Sizer sequentially fitted with 6/64, 5.75/64 and 5.5/64-inch slot cylinders. The seeds which did not pass, through the dimensional sizing cylinders were classified as large, medium and medium-small, respectively. Those seeds which did pass through the final, and smallest, cylinder were classified as small. The percentage of the original lot represented by each of the four size classifications was determined for both cultivars. One-hundred-seed- weights were determined for the size classes and the unsized controls. Seed size differences were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance with four replications in a completely random design. These seed size classes were used for all studies except the 1981 North Havre field study. For the 1981 study, uncleaned seed lots of aiIngridl and jKIages1 were purchased and cleaned with a 3-screen air screen cleaner. Cleaned seed lots were sized into two classes with a commercial single-cylinder precision sizer fitted with a 6/64-inch slotted cylinder. The seed which passed through the slots was classified as small; and the seed 1 Mention of a trademark or proprietory product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the Montana Agricultural Experi­ ment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable. 19 which remained in the cylinder was classified as large. One-thousand- seed-weights were determined for the size classes and the unsized con­ trols. Seed size differences were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance with four replications in a completely random design. Rate of imbibition ' Samples consisting of ten randomly-selected seeds from each of the four size classes and the unsized control within each cultivar were used for imbibition studies. These seed samples were air dried, weighed, and placed in 10-ml glass vials. An equal volume of water was added to each vial using a systematic pattern within replications whereby a vial was filled every 60 seconds. When all vials were filled, the seeds in the first vial had been soaking for I hour. These seeds were then emptied onto a germination blotter; surface dried with a paper towel and weighed. Within 60 seconds the seeds had been returned to the vial and water added. This procedure was followed continuously from vial to vial for 8 hours, and resumed again after the 14th and 24th hours of imbibi­ tion. Rate of imbibition indices (RI) were determined using the fol­ lowing formula. mg water imbibed hours to first measurement + • • • + mg additional water imbibed after previous measurement hours to last measurement 20 Means are the average of six replications totaling 120 seeds per size treatment and 300 seeds per cultivar. These data were evaluated using a factorial analysis of variance within a randomized complete block design. Whole Seed Respiration Samples consisting of 20 randomly-selected seeds were weighed for each of the four size classes and unsized control within each cultivar. The seed samples were p re-soaked in distilled water at room temperature (22.5°C) for 8 hours and then transferred to active flasks and assigned at random to stations on the 14-station Gilson Differential Respirometer. The active flasks were prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's standard procedure, and allowed to equilibrate for 20 minutes in a 25°C water bath with mild agitation. Four active flasks were prepared with­ out seed and affixed to the remaining respirometer stations to serve as system checks. Following equilibration, micrometer readings were re­ corded every 15 minutes for 2 hours. The average Og uptake per inter­ val, adjusted to standard temperature and atmospheric pressure, was calculated. The average adjusted uptake was then expressed as ul Og uptake per gram seed weight per minute.' of five replications. Treatment means are the average These data were analyzed using factorial analysis of variance within a randomized complete block design. 21 Speed of Germination Four samples consisting of 100 seeds were randomly selected for each of the four size classes and unsized control within each cultivar using a seed counter. Seeds were randomly positioned on moistened germination towels and placed in a germinator at 16°C. Germinated ..seeds were counted every 6 hours until all seeds within a lot had germinated; or until no further germination occurred. day basis in. quarter-day increments. Counts were expressed on a A seed was considered to have germinated when shoot growth reached the distal end of the seed and normal root development had occurred. Mean total germination was evaluated using factorial analysis of variance with four replications in a completely random design. Speed of germination indices (SG) were determined using the following formula adapted from methods by Maguire (35). SC = ( number of normal seedlings Il (first,day germination observed) " * .* number of additional normal seedlings after previous counts days from first germination ! I Means are the average of four replications totalling 800 observations per size treatment. These data were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance in a completely random design. 22 Speed of Emergence Four sieve size classes and the unsized control for each of the two cultivars were evaluated in a growth chamber for speed of emergence. Single seeds were planted at uniform 2.5-cm depths in separate SuperCell Conetainers containing ground vermiculite. Treatment r ows, con­ sisting of 14 cells each, were arranged in a randomized complete block design with six replications. Between-plant spacing and between-row spacing was 2.8 cm and 7.6 cm, respectively. Frames supporting the individual cells were placed in a large, shallow vat containing a modi­ fied Hoagland's #1 nutrient solution (.22). Modification consisted of reducing the amount of IM CafNOgjg from 5 to 3 ml per liter. Low volume transfer pumps were installed in the vat to maintain continuous solution circulation. Initially, the planting cells were flushed from the top with nutrient solution to provide uniform wetting; but thereafter, the solution was allowed to wick from the bottom of the cells. Nutrient solution was added as necessary, and the solution was changed every ten days. Chamber temperature was maintained at 21°C for 90 hours to allow for germination and emergence. The temperature was then reduced to 15°C for the next 24 hours and further reduced to IO0C for the duration of the experiment. A 16-hour photoperiod was maintained using a cool white flourescent source for 8 hours and an additional 8 hours with a combination of cool white f lourescent and mercury vapor lamps. 23 Seedling emergence counts were made every 6 hours and expressed on a day basis in quarter-day increments. Speed of emergence indices (SEm) were determined using the following formula. qc / number of seedlings emerged \\ (first day emergence observed) ' * " number of additional seedlings emerged after previous count days from first emergence Means are the average of six replications. These data were evaluated using factorial analysis of variance in a randomized complete block design. Seedling Topgrowth > The experimental materials used for the speed of emergence evalu­ ations were maintained in the growth chamber as previously described. Seedlings were harvested 42 days after planting by cutting the culms at the top of the plastic cells in which they were growing. Treatment rows consisting of 14 plants were bulked together, oven dried at 79°C for 72 hours, and weighed. Dry weight means expressed in mg topgrowth per plant are the average of six replications totaling 168 observations for size treatments and 420 observations for cultivar effects, tested by factorial analysis of variance in a randomized complete block design. The experiment was retained intact for an additional 42 days • after which a second harvest was taken. Dry weight means expressed as 24 mg vegetative regrowth per plant were !.determined and tested in the same manner previously described for the initial 42-day growth. Seed Composition Representative 500-gm samples of all size classes and the unsized control for each of the two cultivars were submitted to the Montana State University Cereal Quality Laboratory for determination of percent kernel protein, percent kernel lysine, percent protein lysine, barley diastatic power and barley extract. Means are the average of four replications statistically evaluated by factorial analysis of variance in a completely random design. Field Performance * Field evaluations were conducted at two locations, Bozeman and Havre, in 1978. An additional field planting was made in 1981 at a North Havre location using large plot sizes. The 1978 field investigations were conducted using the same seed size classes as used in previous laboratory evaluations. A six- replication-split-plot design was used with a factorial arrangement of treatments, namely sieve sizes (including unsized controls and derived composites), seeding rate methods, and cultivars. llIngrid1 and 'Klages cultivars were assigned to main plots and remaining factors to sub­ plots. Size treatments consisted of large, medium, medium-small and small, plus the unsized control; a composite of large and small derived 25 by mixing equal numbers of each seed size; and alternate row plantings of (I) large and small seed, (2) large and medium seed, and (3) medium and small seed. Seeding rate methods were (I) equal number of seed per unit area and (2) equal weight of seed per unit area. The basic seeding rate for determining all rates within a cultivar was 18 kg per ha for medium-size seed. Individual plots consisted of six, 6-meter rows spaced 30.5 cm apart. The center 4.9.meters of the second and fourth rows were designated for data collection in all single seed size treat­ ments while the second through fifth rows were utilized in the alternating-row treatments. Since the total compliment of treatments did not represent all possible combinations at all levels of all factors, analysis of variance testing procedures were varied accordingly. Mature plant data were collected at the Havre location and means were tested by analysis of variance for yield, number of plants per meter, tillers per plant, seeds per head, weight per seed and plant height. Plant height of mature plants was expressed as the mean distance from the soil surface to the tip of the spike, not including the awns. The Bozeman crop was lost to hail three days after heading. The only mature plant data evaluated was the number of tillers per plant. The third field investigation was conducted North of Havre in 1981. A completely random design was employed with a factorial arrange­ ment of six treatments consisting of small and large size classes plus the unsized control for each of the two cultivars. Plots were 26 12.9 meters wide and 427 meters long. five times. Each treatment was replicated Plots were seeded with a triple set of 4.3-meter standard furrow drills with a 35.5 cm row spacing. N and PgO^ were applied at 1.8 and 10.0 kg per ha through fertilizer attachments on the drills at planting. Equal numbers of seed per unit area were sown, based on the rate of 8.3 kg per ha for the unsized seed within each cultivar. I Grow- ing season precipitation was 16.5 cm supplementing 12.7 cm plant avail­ able soil moisture stored in the upper 122 cm of the profile at planting The number of plants per meter, number of tillers per plant and grain yield was measured. After trimming plot length to a uniform 402 meters, the center of each plot was harvested with a standard combine equipped with a 6.7 meter grain header. Yield and other performance character means were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance. Results and Discussion Seed Sizing Mean 100-seed weights for the four size classes within the 'Ingrid1 and lKlages1 cultivars used for. laboratory and field investi­ gations in 1978 are shown (Table I). S m a l l , medium-small, and medium size classes were 55%, 72% and 80% as heavy as the large seed class, respectively. The original unsized lots, consisted of an average of 68.9% large, 9.6% medium, 11.2% medium-small and 10.3% small seed. 27 Table I. Mean 100-seed weights for four size classes within two, 2 -rowed barley cultivars as separated by a commercial pre­ cision sizer. Treatment C o m b i n a t i o n s Mean Sieve Size Cultivar _ _ _ _ _ _ > 6.00/64-inch - large Ingrid Klages > 5.75/64-inch - mediurn Ingrid Klages > 5.50/64-inch - medium small Ingrid Klages < 5.50/64-inch - small Ingrid Klages 100-seed weight (g)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.34 b 4.51 a 3.28 e 3.80 c 2.95 f 3.45 d 2.25 h 2.55 g C.V. (%) = 1.76 ( VEM57 x )(100). Means followed by a common letter are not statistically different at the IS Significance level. 28 Effectiveness of component separation with the commercial precision sizer, as expressed in percent of original lot represented by each sieve size, was remarkably close to that achieved by hand with laboratory pan . sieves. Mean 1 ,000-seed weights for the two size classes and unsized con­ trol for the 'Ingrid1 and 'Klages1 cultivar seed lots used in 1981 field investigations are shown. (Table 2). Small and unsized classes were 64% and 95% as heavy as the large seed class, respectively. There was less difference between seed weights of large and small sizes in the 1981 seed lots than those used in 1978. Rate of Imbibition Rate of imbibition (RI) (Table 3) for large and unsized seed was slow compared to medium and medium-small seed. fastest rate of imbibition. The small seed had the The cultivar 1Ingrid,' o v e n a l l sizes, imbibed water faster than did 'Klages.' The rapid rate of imbibition for small seed could be due to the smaller amount of seed material being wetted. The cultivar x size interaction was highly significant.with the difference in rate of imbibition between the cultivars decreasing as seed size increased. 29 Table 2. Mean 1 ,000-seed weights for two size classes and the unsized controls, within two, 2-row barley cultivars as separated by a commercial precision sizer. T reatment Combinations Cultivar Sieve Size Mean I,OOO-=Seed weight (g) > 6.00/64-inch - large Ingrid Klages 47.36 a 45.83 b < 6 . 00/64-inch - small Ingrid Klages 29.09 e 30.53 d Ingrid Klages 46.05 b 42.68 c Original lot - unisized c.v.(%) = 1.34 (x/EMS/ x)(100) Means followed by a common letter are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. Table 3. Effects of four seed size classes and unsized seed of two barley cultivars on laboratory seed and seedling performance. Treatment Combination Ingrid-Large Ingrid-Medium Ingrid-Medium small Ingrid-Small Ingrid-Unsizeda Klages-Large Klages-Medium Klages-Medium small Klages-Small Klages-Unsizedb Whole Seed Iotal 100-seed wt. Germination Respiration ul Oz/g/min. % g 4.34 b 3.28 e 2.95 f 2.25 h - 4.51 3.80 3.45 2.66 a' c d g 99.25 99.75 98.50 .98.50 98.25 98.00 99.00 99.00 98.25 97.75 ab a ab ab ab ab ab ab ab b .682 .816 .884 1.229 .715 .384 .436 .474 .567 .420 c b b a c b ef e d ' ef Kate-Speeo indices Imbibition Germination Emergence (SEm) (SG) (RH 21.01 24.54 25.44 30.00 21.87 17.93 19.04 19.74 21.32 18.74 Cd b b a c f ef de c ef 42.71 51.35 50.75 52.53 42.07 39.66 42.53 48.78 50.85 45.75 9.16 b d 9.18 b a ab ■ 9.54 ab 9.42 ab a 9.4.1 ab d 10.16 a e 10.14 a d 10.08 a b ab 10.10 a 9.99 ab C Seedling lop Growcn Initial 6-wks 6-wks Regrowth mg/plant mg/plant 642.84 562.91 527.67 434.02 .577.03 860.44 795.44 700.89 673.45 771.44 c d d e d a b c' c b 1343.0 1222.0 1072.0 832.4 .1093.0 905.8 1033.0 887.9 923.8 1016.0 a ab be d be Cd bed cd Cd bed Cultivar 3.21 b 3.60 a 98.85 a 98.40 a .865 a .456 b 24.57 a 19.35 b 47.88 a 45.51 b Large Medium Medium small Small Unsized 4.43 3.54 3.20 2.46 - 98.63 99.38 98.75 98.38 98.00 .533 .626 .679 .898 .567 19.47 C 21.79 b 22.59 b 25.66 a 20.31 C 41.19 46.94 49.77 51.69 43.91 c.v.(%) 1.76 1.17 4.94 3.42 Ingrid Klages 9,34 b 10.09 a 548.90 b 760.33 a 1113.0 a ■ 953.2 b Size Class (VEMGy-R)(IOO) a b c d ab a ab ab b 8.32 d c b a d e c b a d 9.66 9.66 9.82 9.76 9.71 6.51 a a a a a 751.60 679.20 614.30 553.70 674.20 8.26 a b c d b 1124.0 1128.0 ' 980.1 878.1 1054.0 a a ab b a 16.96 Means followed by a common letter within any single group are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. t?The unsized Ingrid seed lot contained 75.48% large kernels.. The unsized Klages seed lot contained 62.36% large kernels. CO O 31 Whole Seed Respiration Expressed on a per gram seed weight per minute basis, O2 uptake by seeds increased with decreasing seed size (Table 3). Significant differences existed among the means for small, medium-small arid medium size seed. Gas exchange for large and unsized seed was similar and lower than that for any of the smaller seed sizes. The O2 uptake by 1Ingrid1 seed was nearly double that of 'Klages1 although the mean 1Ingrid1 seed weight was only 17% less than 'Klages1. The cultivar x size interaction was highly significant with differences in favor of 1Ingrid1 at smaller seed size narrowing as seed size increased. Water imbibition was not completed within the 8 hours the seeds were soaked prior to initiating measurement of gas exchange. swell, they become more permeable (23). As the seed tissues It is possible that due to higher rates of imbibition, there is greater tissue permeability earlier in small seeds,than in large seeds. The center of.rapid early activity, after coming in contact with free water, is the embryo (23); and slower gas diffusion through greater amounts of endosperm material in large seeds could also explain the greater O2 uptake by small seeds in these first 10 hours. Speed of Germination There was no significant difference among means of the four size classes or the two cultivars for percent total germination (Table 3) as 32 determined using the tolerances established by Association of Official Seed Analysts. 'Ingrid' seeds germinated more rapidly than 'Klages' (Table 3). Germination speed decreased as seed size increased (Table 3) and was related to RI (Table 3). significant. The cultivar x size interaction was highly Small seed of 'Klages' germinated faster than small seed of 'Ingrid', but large seed of 'Ingrid' germinated faster than large seed of 'Klages'. Speed of Emergence Speed of emergence (SEm) was not affected by seed size, but 'Klages' seedlings emerged faster than those of 'Ingrid' (Table 3). The cultivar x size interaction was not significant. One would have expected speed of emergence (SEm) to be influenced by seed size since RI and speed of germination indices indicate that small seeds imbibe water and germinate faster than do large seeds. Since seed size is positively correlated with strength of plumule elongation in barley (48), it is possible that the differences in plumule elongation strength mask early differences in rate of imbibition and speed of germination. Seedling Topgrowth Large seeds produced more dry matter at 42 days than did small seeds (Table 3). 'Klages' produced an average of 38.5% more topgrowth I 33 than did 1Ingrid.1 These data support other data showing that early seedling topgrowth increases with seed size (3, 10, 16, 20, 25, 26, 28, 34, 44, 51). Since the plants were grown in separate cells affording equal access to nutrients and equal space for root development, competition was not a factor influencing growth until the plants were large enough to shade one another. Results from this study were perhaps influenced by row-to-row shading to a degree greater than that which would occur in the field where row spacing is wider. Seed size affected vegetative regrowth during an additional 42 days following first harvest (Table 3), but to a lesser degree. 1Ingrid1 produced the greatest amount of dry matter regrowth. The cultivar x size interaction was significant with cultivar differences increasing as seed size increased. Seed Composition - % Kernel Protein Seed size was negatively correlated with percent total protein (Table 4) due to a larger proportion of the protein-rich embryo to endosperm as seed size decreases. Seed size relationships with protein are quite a different matter when protein is considered on a basis of absolute quantity per seed (34). Table 4. Effects of four seed size classes and unsized seed of two barley cultivars on seed composition. % Kernel Lysine % Protein Lysine % Kernel Protein % Barley Extract (dry basis) Diastatic Power (DP) Ingrid-Large 100-seed wt. ■g 4.34 b .34 e 3.05 gh 13-40 e 72.80 abed Ingrid-Medium 3.28 e .40 b 3.25 ef 14.55 71.30 bed 114.10 b Ingrid-Medium small 2.95 f .38 c 3.00 h 15.10 b 68.85 de 109.00 b Ingrid-Smal I 2.25 h .46 a 3.15 fg 16.50 a 65.65 e 168.80 a .37 d 3.15 fg 13.70 d 71.25 Cd Treatment Combination Ingrid-Unsizeda - C 83.03 be 92.69 be Klages-Large 4.51 a .29 -f 3.70 a 9.60 j 73.50 abc 67.16 c Klages-Medium 3.80 c .29 f 3.60 ab 10.10 i 74.35 abc 82.80 be Klages-Medium small 3.45 d .30 f 3.45 Cd 111.80 b 2.66 g .33 e 3.35 de 11.50 9 13.00 f 75.60 a ' Klages-Smal I 71.85 abed 106.50 b . .30 f 3.55 be 10.60 h 75.40 ab 105.30 b Klages-Unsized^ - CuItivar Ingrid 3.21 b .39 a 3.12 b 14.65 a ' 69.97 b 113.50 a Klages 3.60 a .30 b 3.53 a 10.96 b 74.14 b 94.71 a Large 4.43 a .31 d 3.38 a 11.50 e 73-15 a 75.09 c Medium 3.54 b- .35 b 3.43 a 12.32 72.82 a 98.44 be Size Class C Medium small 3.20 c .34 be 3.23 b 13.30 b 72.22 a 110.40 b Smal I 2.46 d .40 a 3.25 b . 14.75 a 68.75 b 137.70 a .33 c 3.35 a 12.15 d 73.32 a .17 2.33 Unsized c.v. (%) (VEMS/ x )(100) 1.76 1.93 1.78 99.01 be 14.42 Means followed by a common letter within any single group are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. “The unsized Ingrid seed lot contained 75.48% large kernels. 0The unsized Klages seed lot contained 52.36% large kernels. 35 % Kernel Lysine Means for small, medium, unsized and large differed significantly, and decreased with increasing seed size. on a percent-kernel basis (Table 4). that of percent kernel.protein. 'Ingrid' had the highest lysine This relationship was similar to The cultivar'x size interaction was highly significant with cultivar differences in kernel lysine becoming narrower with increasing seed size. % Protein Lysine Large, medium and unsized seed had protein with higher lysine than medium-small and small seed (Table 4). than 1Ingrid1 protein. significant. 'Klages1 protein had more lysine The cultivar x size interaction was highly . 'Klages' percent protein lysine increased and 1Ingrid' percent protein lysine decreased as seed size increased. Diastatic Power (DP) Diastatic power (DP) measures the ability of a barley kernel to convert starch to maltose, an important quality in the malt types. Diastatic power means for small seed were higher than those for large seed (Table 4). Smaller seeds are higher in DP due to the scutellum, which secretes the diastase, being nearly as large in small seed as it is in large seed which contains more starch to convert (32). 'Ingrid' had a higher DP than 'Klages.' The significant cultivar x size 36 interaction showed that lKlages1 DP should exceed that of 'Ingrid' when seed size increases beyond that of the large seed evaluated here. Barley Extract Small seed had a lower percent barley extract than other seed sizes (Table 4). lKlages1 had more barley extract than 'Ingrid.1 Field Performance - 1978 Tillering Capacity Plants from large seed of the cultivar 'Ingrid' produced more fertile tillers than plants from small seed when sown in single seed size treatments at Bozeman (Table 5). Large seed did not produce more tillers than unsized seed. Seed size did not affect tiller number in 'Klages' at Bozeman (Table 5). At Havre, tiller production was similar among seed sizes in either cultivar. Fertile tillers per plant averaged only 1.3 over cultivars and seed sizes in single seed size treatments. The base seeding rate of 18 kg/ha for seed of medium size was established for the Bozeman location, but was also used at Havre. These plant densities were too high for any appreciable tillering to occur, under the conditions at . Havre. 37 Table 5. Effects of two seed size classes and unsized seed of two barley cultivars on number of tillers produced per plant in single seed size treatments at Bozeman, 19.78. Tillers/Plant(number) Size Class . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ingrid K Iages' Large 2.9 a 2.6 a Small 2.3 b 2.2 a Unsized 2.8 a 2.3 a c .v . (VrE M S Z -X)(IOO) 10.0% . 16.0% M e a n s w i t h i n a c o l u m n f o l l o w e d b y a c o m m o n le tt er are no t s t a t i s t i ­ c a l l y d i f f e r e n t at t h e 1% s i g n i f i c a n c e l e v e l . 38 When adjacent rows were sown alternately with large and small seed, competition between seed size classes occurred. Plants in rows sown with large seed produced more tillers than did plants in rows sown with small seed of the cultivar .'Ingrid1 at Havre, but seed size did not affect tiller production in the cultivar 'Klages' (Table 6). Seeds per Head Seed size was positively correlated with the number of seeds produced per head at Havre. Plants from small seed produced an average of 1.7 fewer seeds per head than plants from large, unsized arid mediumsmall seeds (Table 7). There was no significant difference among culti- vars, among population densities, or among any of the factor inter­ actions.^ These results indicate that the number of seeds produced per head, an important component of yield (I, 51), was positively influenced by initial seed size. Seed size influence on number of seeds produced per head expressed to a greater degree when tiller numbers are low. Kernel Weight The weight of individual kernels produced on plants grown from small seed was 1.8 mg less than that with plants from unsized, large and medium-small seed at Havre (Table 8). 'Klages1 produced kernels 3.2 mg lighter than 1Ingrid1. Population density did .not affect kernel weight. 39 Table 6. Effects of two seed size classes, sown in alternating rows, on number of tillers produced per plant by two barley cultivars at Havre, 1978. ' Size Class_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TillersZpiiant (number) Ingrid Klages Large 1.5 a 1.3 a Small 1.2 b 1.2 a c.v. ( V em?/ lO(ioo) 20.5% 14. 5% M e a n s w i t h i n a c o l u m n f o l l o w e d b y a c o m m o n le tt er a r e n o t s t a t i s t i ­ c a l l y d i f f e r e n t at t h e 5% s i g n i f i c a n c e level. 40 T a b l e 7. E f f e c t of t h r e e seed size c l a s s e s and u n s i z e d se ed on the n u m b e r of se ed s p r o d u c e d p e r h e d d f o r tw o b a r l e y c u l t i v a r s * at Ha vr e, 1978. ' Seeds/Head Size Class_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ (no.) Large 19.0 a Medium-Small 18.3 a Small 17.3 b Unsized 18.8 a e.v. (%) = 7.9 (VWx)(IOO) Means.followed by a common letter are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. *Means are the average value for seed size treatment effects over both cultivars 'Ingrid' and lKlages1. 41 T a b l e 8. E f f e c t s o f t h r e e se ed si ze c l a s s e s and u n s i z e d se ed on the w e i g h t of in d i v i d u a l k e r n e l s p r o d u c e d f o r t w o b a r l e y cultiva r s at Ha v r e , 1978. Weight/Kernel (mg) Seed Class Large 38.8 a Medium-small 38.8 a Small 37.1 b Unsized 39.0 a Cultivar Ingrid 40.0 a Klages 36.8 b c.v.(%) = 4.2 (x/EMS/ x )(IOO) Means followed by a common letter within a single effect group are not statistically different at the 1% significance level. 42 Although kernel weight is considered the yield component least associated with initial seed weight (2, 3, 5, 28), low plant tiller numbers in this study.may have accounted for greater expression of seed size influence on grain kernel weight. Plant Height Plant height was not affected by seed size or population density at Havre. Visual differences were prominent during early stages of growth at both locations in 1978, but these were not reflected at plant maturity. Grain Yield Plants from large seed yielded 2.6 and 2.0 Q/ha more than plants from small and unsized seed, respectively, for the cultivar 'Ingrid' grown in single seed size treatments at Havre, but 'Klages1 grain yield was not affected by seed size (Table 9). Population density did not affect grain yield of either cultivar. Yield differences between plants from large seed and plants from small seed may have been greater under lower population densities. Lower population densities probably would have allowed more-vexpression of the greater tillering capacity others have shown (2, 13, 25, 28, 4.4) for plants from large seed. 43 Table 9. Effects of two seed size classes and unsized seed on grain yield of two barley cultivars sown in single seed size treatments at Havre, 1978. Grain.Yield (Q/ha) Size Class Ingrid Klages Large 22.1 a 18.5.a Small 19.6 b 19.3 a Unsized 20.1 b 18.8 a c .v . (v/EMS/ x)(100) "11.1% 17.5%- Means within a column followed by a common letter are not statist!calIy different at the 5% significance level. 44 Field Performance - 1981 Tillering Capacity Seed size did not affect tiller production per plant at North Havre in 1981 (Table 10). 'Ingrid' produced more tillers per plant than lKlages1. Grain Yield Grain yield was not affected by seed size, cultivar or the size . x cultivar interaction. Plant populations among large and small seed plantings in both cultivars were nearly equal. Extreme plot variabiIity/wi/thin treatments was obvious, both from examination of the raw data by replication and from the coefficients of variation computed. Field experiments covering extremely large land areas, nearly .65 hectares in this case, will require special design considerations for control of experimental error. 45 T a b l e 10. E f f e c t s o f 'two se ed size c l a s s e s and u n s i z e d se ed on the n u m b e r of t U l e r s p r o d u c e d p e r p l a n t f o r t w o b a r l e y c u l t i v a r s at H a v r e , 1981. S ize Class or Cultivar_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Size Class Large Tillers/plant. ■_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (no.)_ _ _ _ . 5.35 a Small 5.12 a Unsized 4.64 a Cultivar Ingrid 5.66 a Klages 4.41 b c.v.(%) = 26.1 (VrEMSZx)(IOO) , Means followed by a common letter within a single effect group are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. CHAPTER II SEED SIZE AND EMBRYO SIZE RELATIONSHIPS WITH SEEDLING PERFORMANCE IN BARLEY Introduction Seed size influence on plant performance was recognized at least 300 years ago (14). Early agriculturalists advocated that farmers should employ techniques to separate smaller, inferior seeds from their seed lots before sowing (14, 21). Crop response to seed lot sizing varies with the separation method used (I, 33). Dimensional separation, that method which is most commercially feasible for cereal grains might not select for the characters of seed mass having the most influ­ ence on plant performance. The relative proportions and functions of embryo and endosperm in cereal grains have been studied (34, 42, 47), but their relationships with plant performance as influenced by seed size have not. Barley plants can be cultured from excised embryos (8, 23, 24) whereby performance can be studied free of endosperm influence. Our objectives were (I) to determine if embryo size in barley differs significantly among seed size classes separated with a commer­ cial precision sizer, and (2) to determine if excised embryos from sized seeds contribute significantly to the seed size influence on plant performance shown by other research. 47 Materials and Methods Embryo Excision Procedures Over 1 ,000 barley embryo were used for investigation in this study. Several procedures were evaluated to establish .a standard excision technique that.would afford reasonable excision speed with minimum embryo injury. Different pre-excision soaking times, and mechanical techniques for seed coat removal 'were evaluated and a suitable method was developed. Embryos for this study were excised after the whole seeds were soaked in water for 8 hours at room temperature. coats were then removed with a small forceps. The palea and seed Excision was performed by carefully applying pressure on the softened endosperm adjacent to the embryo until the forceps could be slipped under the embryo. The embryo was then gently removed with a single point of the forceps The embryo is removed with relative ease as there is no true connection to sever between the scutellum and.the endosperm (23). Embryo Size Seed lots utilized were the same, as those used in whole seed evaluations (Chapter I), and consisted of four size classes and the unsized control within each of the two cultivars ( 1Ingrid1 and lKlages1) studied. Size classes obtained by separation with a single-cylinder Carter Precision Sizer, were (I) > 6/64, large; (2) > 5.75/64, medium; (3) > 5.5/64, medium-small; and (4) < 5.5/64,small. 48 Samples consisting of 10 seeds from each of the ten sized treat­ ments were oven-dried at 50°C for 36 hours and weighed. The samples were then soaked in water for 8 hours and the embryos excised. The endosperm portions were again oven-dried and weighed for determination . of embryo weights by subtraction. Means are the average of six repli­ cations totalling 120 embryos per size class and 300 per cultivar. These data were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance in a random­ ized complete block design. Embryo Respiration Fifty-seed samples from the large and small seed size classes for . each cultivar were air-dried, w eighed, soaked 8 hours in sterile water; and the embryos excised. Forceps were dipped in ethanol, flame steri­ lized and cooled in sterile water between excisions. Embryos were stored in sterile water until all excising was completed. Respiration active flasks were filled with 20 undamaged embryos which were selected from each seed lot and assigned at random to the stations of a Gilson Differential Respirometer. The active flasks were prepared according to standard procedure prescribed by the manufacturer, and were allowed to equilibrate for 20 minutes in a 25°C water bath with mild agitation. Two active flasks without seed were affixed to the remaining stations to serve as system controls. for 2 hours. Oxygen uptake was recorded every 15 minutes Average uptake per interval, adjusted to standard 49 atmospheric pressure and temperature was expressed as ul gram embryo weight per !minute. replications. uptake per Treatment means are the average of three These data were evaluated by factorial analysis of vari­ ance in a completely random design. Vegetative Production from Cultured Embryos Samples from the large and small seed size classes for each cultivar were soaked eight hours in sterile water; and the embryos excised from 50 seeds. The embryos were placed in water-filled, aerated beakers until all 200 excisions were completed. A culture medium of 16 ml of pure liquid coconut endosperm was added to each in a series of 15 x 100 mm sterile petri dishes using a filtered air-flow hood to reduce contamination. A 47 mm mi Ilipore filter disc with a 47u pore size was floated on the liquid as each dish was filled, and the dish covered. Excised embryos were surface steri­ lized in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 30 seconds followed/by a series of 11 sterile water rinses. Embryos were individually bathed in a separate source of coconut endosperm and placed ventral surface down on the filter discs. The general technique employed for this procedure was reported by Jensen using another media (24). positioned oh the disc. Five embryos were Each dish was covered immediately after the embryos had been positioned, and sealed with paraffin laboratory film. The dishes were wrapped with aluminum foil since light provokes 50 precocious germination (24). Extreme care was required in handling the dishes to avoid splashing medium onto the disc. When liquid splashing occurred, the disc and embryos generally sank immediately. The dishes were placed in a growth chamber at 10°C. One dish per treatment was designated for daily inspection of embryo development. When, after four days, adequate differentiation of shoot and root growth was noted in the inspection dishes; the remaining dishes were unwrapped and exposed to a 12-hour, low intensity light regime for an additional three days. Thirty, w e 11-defferentiated embryos for each size treatment were removed from the coconut endosperm culture on the eighth day after excision. Plumule rupture of the coleoptiIe had'not yet occurred. These seedlings were placed in glass vials, 17 x 68 mm, covered with aluminum foil and filled with Hoagland1s #1 nutrient solution (22) modified by reducing the amount of IM C a t N O g ^ from 5 to 3 ml per liter. Each developing seedling was wrapped with a narrow strip of cotton form­ ing a collar at the juncture of the coleoptiIe and seminal roots. The cotton collar held the seedling in position at the top of the vial and served as a wick for uptake of nutrient solution. Aluminum foil caps with small punctures allowing protrusion of the coleoptiIes were affixed to the vials. The vials were randomly arranged in a test tube rack and returned to the growth chamber at IO0C with a 16-hour photoperiod at low 51 light intensity. The vials were aerated daily. Most seedlings developed a normal first leaf within 15 days after excision. Eighteen seedlings per size treatment were selected at random and transferred to foil-covered test tubes, 25 x 200 mm, on the 15th day after excision. Techniques used were the same as those for the small vials, except the cotton collars were replaced with split-foam plugs and the seedlings were placed in a larger growth chamber at 10°C. Photoperiod was/increased to 16 hours with 8 hours under cool white flourescent light and 8 hours under a combination of cool white f Iourescent and mercury vapor lamps. aerated daily. The tubes containing seedlings were These seedlings, dependirjg..ppon:treatment, had developed 2-3 normal leaves, and had attained heights of 10-20 cm within 29 days after excision. Twelve plants from each size treatment were randomly selected and removed from the test tubes 29 days after excision and placed into, holes drilled in a masonite panel. apart in a grid pattern. Holes in the panel were spaced 7.5 cm The panel was mounted over a shallow vat con­ taining Hoagland's #1 (22) modified nutrient solution. The plants were placed so that the foam collars were just above the liquid surface, and the roots were immersed in the solution. An aquarium aeration pump fitted with two, triple-split manifolds was installed to provide contin­ uous aeration at six locations in the vat. The plants were then returned 52 t o t h e g r o w t h c h a m b e r u n d e r t h e c o n d i t i o n s p r e v i o u s l y d e s c r i b e d fo r c u l t u r e in t h e t e s t tu bes. The plants were harvested 60 days after embryo excison to evaluate vegetative growth. The plants were separated into top and root portions by cutting immediately above the crown. Leaf and stem area measurements were taken on fresh top growth using an electronic leaf-area-analyzer. Top and root materials for all plants were then oven-dried at 79°C for 36 hours and weighed. Means were determined from an unequal number Of observations per treatment and were evaluated by factorial analysis of variance in a completely random design using an unweighted means pro­ cedure (45). Results and Discussion Embryo Excision The use of a modified blender for seed coat removal to facilitate excision resulted in unacceptable levels of embryo injury. Barley embryos were removed more efficiently, and with less embryo injury, when the whole seeds were soaked for a minimum of 6, and a maximum of 8 hours prior to excision. Embryo Size Embryo weight increased as whole seed weight increased (Table 11) with significant differences shown among embryo weight means for the two seed size classes a n d .two cultivars. Embryo weight of cultivars was Table 11. Effects of embryo size on performance of seedlings from isolated embryos of sized seed of two barley cultures. Weight/Seed Treatment Combination mg % Seed Embryo Weight/Embryo mg Ingrid-Large 40.61 b 2.70 b 6.6 Ingrid-Medium 31.43 d 2.54 be 8.1 - 27.88 e 2.31 c 8.3 21.94 f 1.90 d 8.7 Ingrid-Medium small Ingrid-Small - Embryo Respiration uI Og/g/min in vitro Embryo Culture Shoot 0. M. Leaf & Stem Area Root U.M. mg/plant cm2/plant mg/plant .033 b 273.9 a 1603.0 a 253.5 a .046 a 102.3 c 588.6 c 122.9 c .042 a . 168.0 b 1166.0 b 181.9 b .042 a 151.6 b 1105.0 b 181.6 b 7.3 Ingrid-Unsizeda 33.08 d 2.40 c Klages-Large 47.58 a 3.06 a 6.4 Klages-Medium 35.69 c 2.34 c 6.6 KIages-Mediurn small 32.42 d 2.02 d 6.2 Klages-SmaIl 26.17 e 1.77 d 6.8 Klages-Unsizedb 39.01 b 2.45 be 6.3 Ingrid 30.99 b 2.37 a 7.6 .039 a 188.1 a 1096.0 a 188.2 a Klages 36.17 a 2.33 a 6.4 .042 a 159.8 a 1135.0 a 181.8 a .037 b 220.9 a 1384.0 a 217.7 a .044 a 126.9 b 846.6 b . 152.2 b 13.54 15.73 Cultivar Size Class Large 44.09 a 2.88 a 6.5 Medium . 33.56 c 2.44 b 7.3 Medium-Small 30.15 d 2.16 c 7.2 Small 24.05 e 1.84 d 7.7 Unsized 36.05 b 2.42 b 6.7 c.V.(%) (VEMS/ "x )(100) 5.56 . 9.38 - 8.65 11.34 Means followed by a common letter within any single group are not statistically different at the 5% significance level. .Jhe' unsized Ingrid seed lot contained 75.48% large kernels. The unsized Klages seed lot contained 62.36% large kernels. 54 similar. The cultivar x size interaction was significant. 'Ingrid' embryos were heavier than those of lKIages1 among small, medium-small and medium seed size classes, but lKlages1 embryos were heavier than those of 'Ingrid' within the large seed size class. As seed size decreased, the percent embryo dry weight increased within the cultivar 'Ingrid 1 (Table 11). However, the percent embryo dry weight among different seed size classes remained nearly constant within the 'Klages'cultivar. The general belief that embryos occupy relatively greater portions of the total seed mass as seed size de­ creases, was supported in this study by one cultivar and not the other. Embryo Respiration Oxygen uptake by embryos, expressed by ulOg/gram/minute, increased with decreasing embryo weight (Table 11). Gas exchange was signifi­ cantly higher with small embryos from small seed than it was with large embryos from large seed. Respiration rate of cultivars was similar. The cultivar x size interaction was significant. Embryos from small seeds of the cultivar 'Ingrid' exhibited greater gas exchange than embryos from large seed. However, large and small embryos of 'Klages' had similar rates of gas exchange even though difference in 'Klages' embryo size from large to small was greater than that of 'Ingrid'. Further work to include chemical assay of embryo tissues would aid in de termining why the embryo size responses vary among these two cultivars. 55 Vegetative Production Embryo weight affected all vegetative growth characters evaluated. Large 1Ingrid1 embryos produced 2.7 times more top and root growth than small embryos (Table 11). Large embryos produced plants with leaf and stem areas 2.1 times that of small embryos. Embryo weight affected vegetative growth in the same manner as seed size in lIngrida described in Chapter I , although differences were more pronounced with the cultured embryos. This could be due to greater stress occurring within the small embryos when isolated from their natural endosperms. The greatest plant death loss throughout the embryo culture experiment was noted within the 1Ingrid-small1 treatment. Embryo size did not affect top growth, root growth or leaf and stem area of lKIages1 at 60 days (Table 11). Vegetative performance means, over both embryo sizes, did not. statistically differ among cultivars. The cultivar x size interaction was significant for leaf and stem areas, root dry matter; and for dry matter top growth. From these results I conclude (I) that embryo weight is.positively correlated with seed weight in both of the cultivars studied, (.2) seed size influence on seedling performance in the malting cultivar lKIages1 is associated with endosperm effects - quality, quantity, or both; and (3) seed size influence on seedling performance in the feed barley 'Ingrid' is at least partially attributable to embryo effects. LITERATURE CITED 1. 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