MODULE DESCRIPTOR MECHGM99 – Individual Project Report

MECHGM99 – Individual Project Report
Alt. Codes(s)
UCL Credits/ECTS:
Taught by:
MECHGM99 (Mechanical Engineering, Power Systems Engineering)
Individual Project Report (75 credits)
75/30 ECTS
A Greig (Module Coordinator)
Supervision from members of staff from Department
Only available to students enrolled on MSc Mechanical Engineering or MSc Power Systems Engineering.
Course Aims and Objectives
To course aims to develop independent research and project management skills and to improve technical
writing and critical analysis ability. The student will be required to conduct an individual piece of research
over an extended period of time and to produce a coherent body of work to a deadline. Guidance will be
provided by an academic supervisor but it is expected that the work and effort is driven and managed by
the student. The output consists of a presentation followed by a question and answer session and a
theses of up to10,000 words. The practical and experimental skills learnt are dependent upon the type of
project chosen.
Method of Instruction
Self study
Formal progress reports have to be submitted.
Each student will have a member of academic staff to act as their supervisor.
Thesis (85%) – all theses are independently marked by the project supervisor and one other academic.
On completion of the marking the two markers compare marks and come to a consensus on the final
mark. The module co-ordinator acts as a mediator if required.
Presentation and oral exam (15%)
Workshops, labs etc are project specific
Thesis guidelines document – available from Module Moodle page
Additional Information
The start date is listed as January; this is when project selection takes place. Students start full time on
their projects after their MSc exams in March and work through until the end of their MSc in September.
The individual project may cover any subject so long as it contains sufficient academic content and is
relevant to mechanical engineering. Projects maybe practical or theoretical, projects that are just
literature reviews are not encouraged. The project topic is usually selected by the student from a list of
projects suggested by members of staff. Students are not guaranteed their first choice of project.
Students may suggest their own project topic provided a member of staff is willing to adopt and supervise
that project. Approval for a self suggested project should be sought as soon as possible and no later than
January. Projects can be with industrial partner. Projects that are military or commercially classified are
not acceptable.
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Learning Outcomes MECHGM99 (Mechanical Engineering, Power Systems Engineering)
General Learning Outcomes
Ability to develop, monitor & update a plan, to reflect a changing operating environment
The module involves a major research project; planning, monitoring progress and adapting the plan
to the changing situation are necessary skills.
Ability to monitor and adjust a personal program of work on an on-going basis, and to learn
The MSc individual project forms a significant personal work load requiring well developed self study
and independent learning skills. Students are required to produce a work plan and this is reviewed
at monthly intervals with project supervisor
The ability to exercise initiative and personal responsibility, which may be as a team member or
No team work, but students are expected to manage their own project.
The ability to learn new theories, concepts and methods etc and apply these in unfamiliar
Normal learning situation common to all degree programs. Particularly emphasised in this research
project where one topic is taken to considerable depth.
Specific Learning Outcomes
Underpinning science & Mathematics
A comprehensive understanding of the relevant scientific principles of the specialisation
The purpose of the individual project is to achieve this within context of the specialist area of the
A critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights much of which is at, or informed by,
the forefront of the specialisation.
The purpose of the individual project is to achieve this within context of the specialist area of the
An understanding of concepts relevant to the discipline, some from outside engineering, and the
ability to critically evaluate and apply them effectively.
The purpose of the individual project is to achieve this in the specialist area of the project. Critical
analysis is seen as a key component of the thesis. Research projects frequently take the student
beyond just their own discipline.
EAB website document Accreditation Of Masters Degrees Other Than MEng last
accessed 10 Aril 2012
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Engineering Analysis
Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies
Where relevant to the subject matter of the project
Ability to apply appropriate models for solving problems in engineering and the ability to assess
the limitations of particular cases;
The purpose of the individual project is to achieve this within context of the specialist area of the
The ability to collect and analyse research data and use appropriate engineering tools to tackle
unfamiliar problems, such as those with uncertain or incomplete data or specifications, by the
appropriate innovation, use or adaptation of engineering analytical methods.
The purpose of the individual project is to achieve this within context of the specialist area of the
The ability to apply original thought to the development of practical solutions for products,
systems, components or processes
Where relevant to the subject matter of the project. Some project have considerable design content
others none.
Economic, Social and Environmental Context
Knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, and their limitations, and
how these may be applied appropriately, in the context of the particular specialisation
The ability to make general evaluations of risks through some understanding of the basis of such
Other than for self management of project this is limited for most projects.
Engineering Practice
A thorough understanding of current practice and its limitations, and some appreciation of likely
new developments
Where relevant to the subject matter of the project
Advanced level knowledge and understanding of a wide range of engineering materials and
Where relevant to the subject matter of the project – a selection of materials orientated projects are
always undertaken.
The ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of a range of commercial and industrial
Opportunities depend upon nature of research topic and industrial/commercial input to project
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