MODULE DESCRIPTOR MECHGN99 – Individual Research Project

MECHGN99 – Individual Research Project
Alt. Codes(s)
UCL Credits/ECTS:
Taught by:
MECHM016, MECH4016 (until 2012)
Individual Research Project
45 credits
Mr Mark Selfridge
(Module Coordinator)
Other Staff: P Wrobel, various internal lecturers and external project
The course comprises an individual research project. The course is carried out
full time for a period of 14 weeks on completion of the project management &
design course (i.e. the ship design), and forms the final element of the MSc .
Aims &
(See Ref 1)
As exemplified by a naval architecture MSc taught elements.
Compulsory course for:1. MSc Naval Architecture
The Individual Research Project is the culmination of the MSc Programme. The
aim of the course is to give the student an opportunity to plan, conduct and
report a short (3 month) research project in the field of Naval Architecture.
Ability to develop, monitor & update a plan, to reflect a changing
operating environment
The course involves a major research project planning, monitoring progress
and adapting the plan to the changing situation are necessary skills
Ability to monitor and adjust a personal program of work on an on-going
basis, and to learn independently
1. Normal background reading/study common to all degree programs
2. The NA MSc individual project forms a significant personal work load
requiring well developed self study and independent learning skills
An understanding of the different roles within a team, and the ability to
exercise leadership
The ability to learn new theories, concepts and methods in unfamiliar
Normal learning situation common to all degree programs. Particularly
emphasised in this research project.
(See Ref 1)
Underpinning science & Mathematics
1. Understanding of scientific principles
a) Own Specialisation
The nature of research.
b) Related Disciplines
Research projects frequently take the student beyond their own discipline
2. Awareness of developing technologies (own specialisation) The
nature of research.
3. Knowledge & Understanding of mathematical & computer models,
appreciation of limitations
The nature of research.
4. Understanding of a breadth of concepts (including some outside
engineering, and an ability to apply these in an engineering project. Research
projects are frequently focus on depth rather than breadth this aspect is
therefore limited
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Engineering Analysis
1. Ability to use fundamental knowledge to
investigate new and emerging technologies The
nature of research.
2 . Ability to apply mathematical & computer based models for solving
problems in engineering & awareness of limitations The nature of
3 . Ability to extract & apply data in the solution of unfamiliar problems
The nature of research.
1. Knowledge & understanding of design process &
methodologies, an ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar
situations. N/A
2. A b i l i t y t o g e n e r a t e d e s i g n o f i n n o v a t i v e
products, systems, processes to fulfil new needs
Economic, Social & Environmental Context
1. Extensive knowledge of management & business practices,
their limitation and correct application Generally N/A
however some projects are management related
2. Ability to evaluate commercial risk through an understanding of the
basis of such risks
Generally N/A however some projects are commercially/ environmentally
Engineering Practice
1. An understanding of current practice and
limitations, some appreciation of likely new
developments N/A
2. E x t e n s iv e kn o w l e d g e & u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f a
wide range of engineering materials &
components N/A
3 . Ability to apply engineering techniques taking into account of a range of
commercial and industrial constraints.
Generally N/A however some projects are commercially/ environmentally
Present technical work in the following ways:Written
A design report
A presentation is made on completion
Participate in a technical discussion of:Normal supervision discussions
Lead a technical discussion of:-
Normal supervision discussions
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Competence statements derived from UK Spec - Ref 1
A Use a combination of general and specialist
engineering knowledge and understanding to optimise the application of existing
and emerging technology.
Addressed in module by:A1 Maintain and extend a sound theoretical
1. Students will need to develop a deep
approach in enabling the introduction and
understanding in the chosen area of study
exploitation of new and advancing
technology and other relevant
developments. This could include an
ability to:
 Identify the limits of own personal
knowledge and skills
 Strive to extend own technological
 Broaden and deepen own
knowledge base through
research and experimentation.
A2 Engage in the creative and innovative
Engineering Analysis
development of engineering technology
and continuous improvement systems.
1. Ability to build on current understanding
This could include an ability to:
in order to develop new understanding is
 Establish users’ needs
fundamental to the module
 Assess marketing needs and contribute to
marketing strategies
1. The module is highly time constrained,
 Identify constraints and exploit
identifying appropriate constraints on the
opportunities for the development and
work is therefore vital to its success.
transfer of technology within own chosen
3. Extracting and applying data
 Promote new applications when
Ability to extract & apply data in the solution
 Secure the necessary intellectual
of unfamiliar problems, The module involves
property rights
research and data acquisition
 Develop and evaluate continuous
improvement systems
Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of
e n g i n e e r i n g
p r o b l e m s .
Addressed in module by:-
B1 Identify potential projects and
opportunities. This could include an
ability to:
 Explore the territory within own
responsibility for new opportunities
 Review the potential for enhancing
engineering products, processes,
systems and services
 Use own knowledge of the
employer’s position to assess
the viability of opportunities
B2 Conduct appropriate research, and
undertake design and development of
engineering solutions. This could
include an ability to:
 Identify and agree appropriate research
 Assemble the necessary resources
 Carry out the necessary tests
 Collect, analyse and evaluate the
relevant data
1 The ability to explore current understanding
(through literature surveys etc) and identify
areas where research work can usefully be
targeted is essential.
1. The project centres on research
3. Extracting and applying data
Ability to extract & apply data in the solution
of unfamiliar problems, The exercise
involves research and data acquisition
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 Draft, present and agree design
 Undertake engineering design.
4. Present technical work in the following ways:Written
The work is presented by a written report and
supporting work book recording calculations,
considerations and decisions
Research work is presented at a
research forum at the end of the project.
B3 Implement design solutions, and
evaluate their effectiveness. This could
include an ability to:
 Ensure that the application of the
design results in the appropriate
practical outcome
 Identify the required cost, quality,
safety, reliability, appearance, fitness
for purpose and environmental impact
of the outcome
 Determine the criteria for evaluating the
design solutions
 Evaluate the outcome against the
original specification
 Actively learn from feedback on
r e s u l t s t o i mp r o v e f u t u r e d e s i g n
s o l u t i o n s a n d b ui l d be s t pr a c t i ce .
Provide technical and commercial leadership.
Addressed in module by:-
C1 Plan for effective project implementation.
This could include an ability to:
 Identify the factors affecting the project
 Lead on preparing and agreeing
implementation plans and method
 Ensure that the necessary resources are
secured and brief the project team
 Negotiate the necessary contractual
arrangements with other stakeholders
(client, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.)
C2 Plan, budget, organise, direct and
control tasks, people and resources.
This could include an ability to:
 Set up appropriate management systems
 Agree quality standards, programme and
 Organise and lead work teams,
coordinating project activities
 Ensure that variations from quality
standards, programme and budgets are
identified, and that corrective action is
 Gather and evaluate feedback,
and recommend improvements.
C3 Lead teams and develop staff to meet
changing technical and managerial
needs. This could include an ability to: ~
Agree objectives and work plans with
Project Management
1. Extensive knowledge of management &
business practices, their limitation and
correct application
The successful completion of the project
requires good project management skills
Before the project students prepare a
management plan which is used as a
working document throughout the exercise
Planning, budget and organisation
1. A project management plan is required which
students are expected to use and update as
the work progresses, including: the identification of key milestones
 critical path
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teams and individuals
 Identify team and individual needs, and
plan for their development
 Lead and support team and individual
 Assess team and individual performance,
and provide feedback.
C4 Bring about continuous improvement
through quality management. This could
include an ability to:
 Promote quality throughout the
organization and its customer and
supplier networks
 Develop and maintain operations to meet
quality standards
 Direct project evaluation and propose
recommendations for improvement.
Teaching & Learning Methods
Private Reading
Extramural activity
Independent Project Work
Language Work
Required written Work
Method & Timing of assessment
Project evaluation
1. Students present their work regularly to
supervisors, and can thereby gain feedback
on their efforts.
2. On completion (before submission of the
dissertation) students present their work to
a research forum comprising their piers
Number / Student Hours
3 months
Major dissertation
Written report and viva voce
Outline syllabus
A three month individual research project
As appropriate to the
Full time study from June to September
Ref 1 EC UK – UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence “The
accreditation of Higher Education Programmes” Dec 2008
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