UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT for SLMS IT for SLMS: Live@UCL – Outlook 2007 – Accepting a calendar share request 1. Document Information Document Name Outlook2007-accept-calendar-share-request.docx Service live@UCL (Calendar) Author Kristina Drew Contributors Issue Date 01/08/2013 2. Document History Version Date Summary of change 1.0 01/08/2013 Republished with ‘IT for SLMS’ branding outlook2007-accept-calendar-share-request.docx Confidential Page 1 of 4 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS Contents 1. Document Information ......................................................................................... 1 2. Document History ................................................................................................ 1 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2 4 How you accept an invitation to share a colleague’s calendar ............................. 2 3 Introduction Another user wants to share their Calendar with you and has given you the necessary permissions (viewing rights) so that you can view the details of their Calendar. This document shows you how you can share their calendar. The “colleague” in this example is a “test account”. 4 How you accept an invitation to share a colleague’s calendar 1. Your colleague has sent you a share request to their Calendar. 2. You should now have an email message in your Inbox which invites you to share your colleague’s Calendar. The Info Bar in the message will say something like “<Name> has invited you to view his or her Calendar” 3. Double click on the sharing invitation message to open it. You will be presented with a Window that looks like this: outlook2007-accept-calendar-share-request.docx Confidential Page 2 of 4 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 4. Click on the Open this Calendar button 5. Outlook 2007 will automatically direct you to the Calendar section where you will see your Calendar and your colleague’s calendar side by side. outlook2007-accept-calendar-share-request.docx Confidential Page 3 of 4 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 6. On the left of the screen, within the Navigation Pane, you will see an area which reads People’s Calendars with an entry for your colleague’s Calendar underneath. As you accept more invitations to open other colleague’s calendars the list under People’s Calendar will increase. By clicking on the check box by each name you can switch on and off viewing of each individual’s calendar as you choose. outlook2007-accept-calendar-share-request.docx Confidential Page 4 of 4