business Accounting Program Receives High Rankings for Research

The official e-newsletter of the College of Business
The mission of the UNT
College of Business is to
Accounting Program Receives High Rankings for Research
create, extend, and transfer
knowledge through
bachelor’s, master’s, and
doctoral education;
research; service; and
collaboration with the larger
business community.
MARCH 2011
(click on a story below)
Did You Know?
CoB Ambassadors Fact
FIREL Alum, Tait Cruse,
Featured in DMN Article
PLP Celebrates the Life of
Mentor, Dale Howe
27-Year-Old Alumna Funds
Accounting Scholarship
CoB Tidbits
CLER Hosts Cluster Advisory
Team Meetings
CoB Faculty Travel to China
To Teach in MBA Program
CoB on the Scene
According to two studies conducted by
researchers at Brigham Young University and
Utah State University, UNT is ranked high
among peer accounting doctoral programs
based on the research productivity of
graduates in the years immediately following
their graduation.
Additional research ranked individual
accounting faculty based on their research
productivity in the most recent 6, 12, and 20
year windows. Drs. Mary Curtis and Carol
Ann Frost were named for their to
contributions to accounting information
systems research and analytical research
methodology, respectively.
In addition to raising the profile of UNT as
research-oriented university, the findings of
both studies will be of interest to prospective
doctoral students as they begin making
enrollment decisions.
UNT Accounting Rankings
Ph.D grads producing research 3 years after graduation:
Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Ranked #24
Audit Ranked #39
Managerial Ranked #34
Tax Ranked #25
Experimental Ranked #22
Ph.D grads producing research 6 years after graduation:
Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Ranked #26
Audit Ranked #47
Managerial Ranked #41
Tax Ranked #33
Experimental Ranked #43
Faculty Research:
Mary Curtis- Ranked #26 in AIS Research
Carol Ann Frost- Recognized for Individual Contribution
to Analytical Research Methodology
Department of Marketing and Logistics Expands
Global Outreach to Africa
Drs. Charles Blankson and David Strutton collaborate with University of Ghana
Last fall marked the beginning of what
promises to be a fruitful relationship between
UNT’s College of Business and
the University of Ghana (UG).
Drs. Charles Blankson and
David Strutton, both professors
of marketing, spent two weeks at
the premiere university as visiting
The relationship will enable
collaboration of research
between faculty members and
students of both universities. In addition, it will
provide a unique opportunity for cultural
During their trip to Ghana, Dr. Blankson
and Dr. Strutton taught classes ranging in
topics from consumer behavior to research
design to services marketing. They
worked primarily with master’s level
Dr. Strutton, who was visiting Ghana
for the first time, was impressed by how
much students in Ghana respect
“It’s obvious that these students have a
real hunger for learning,” he said.
“Because they are in a developing
country, the University of Ghana does a lot
with very little resources, but it no way
sacrifices the quality of their education.”
click here to read more on page 2
businessCONNECTION | 2
Did You
The College of Business
Ambassadors is an elite
group of student volunteers
who serve as the face of the
UNT College of Business
and positively represent the
college at on and off campus
The group, which was
formed in Fall 2010,
provides outreach to
prospective and current
students. To be selected
as a College of Business
Ambassador is an honor
and excellent opportunity for
personal and professional
Meet the
FIREL Alum Featured in Dallas Morning News Article
for Hiring, Even in Down Economy
Tait Cruse, a graduate of
the College of Business, was
featured for his success in
hiring salespeople in a recent
Dallas Morning News article.
Tait, who is a managing
partner with Texas Financial
Group-Dallas, has not slowed
down on expanding the
company despite the bleak
The company brings in
college juniors and seniors for internships.
From this group he is able to choose the top
students to continue on with full-time
employment. While many companies are
looking for the highest GPA, Tait is more
interested in finding competitive,
independent thinkers. This process
helps ensure that he finds people
who “have a vision of where they’re
Tait, who is also a member of
the CoB Dean’s advisory board,
has hired UNT grads to become
part of his team. His two most
recent hires are on track to earn
$60,000 to $75,000. Not too
shabby for a starting salary for a
23-year old.
“They [UNT grads] have a propensity to
work and long-term vision that building a
career is about building relationships,” he
University of Ghana Partnership (cont’d from page 1)
University of Ghana
at a glance
Major: Human Resource
Management and
Organizational Behavior
Hometown: Castaic, CA
“As a UNT CoB student I
have learned valuable skills
such as thinking strategically
and effectively in a business
environment, as well as how
to work productively in
teams and individual
environments. Everything
that I have learned in the
College of Business will
definitely contribute to my
success in the workplace as
Dr. Blankson (second from the left) and Dr.
Strutton (third from the left) are welcomed by
their hosts at the University of Ghana.
continued from page 1
Dr. Blankson, a native of Ghana, is
hopeful about the possibility of having UNT
students take classes at UG, rather than just
spending a short time there for a study
abroad trip.
“I believe students will appreciate the
cultural underpinnings of the country and be
well informed about world issues if they
actually live there and take courses at the
local university,” he said.
First and premiere university in Ghanafounded in 1948
Student population of more than 42,000
Provides 78 undergraduate and 25
graduate programs
Residential campus- most of the faculty
and staff even live on campus
Has three campuses, the main one is
located in Legon
Has more than 300 partnerships with
universities around the globe
Although UG students and faculty aren’t
planning a trip to UNT until Fall 2011, the
collaborative work has already begun. There
are several papers in progress that will be
submitted to research journals for publication.
To see more photos from Blankson and
Strutton’s trip to Ghana, visit: http://www.cob.
businessCONNECTION | 3
PLP Celebrates the Life of Dedicated Mentor, Dale Howe
The Professional Leadership Program
Dale’s mentee, was impacted by him at
is mourning the passing of one of its
their first meeting.
mentors, Dale Howe,
“I immediately knew that
on March 1.
this was a powerful, if not
Dale, 56, was
divine connection,” she said.
involved with PLP for
“There was something about
four years. He
him that exuded peace and
previously served as a
pastor and was
Dale regularly met with
actively involved in
LaTeesha to give her advice
leadership training.
regarding her professional
Dale Howe (right), pictured with PLP
PLP students wore
student, John Zavala, while attending
blue ribbons in his
“One of the most important
a networking event.
honor in celebration of
lessons Dale taught me is
Dale’s life. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty,
‘whenever you speak, speak from the
wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and
overflow of your life experience and you
trust-- all characteristics that he
will connect with the people,’” she said.
Lateesha says she hopes to honor
Reneé Hebert, director of the PLP
Dale’s legacy by achieving her dream of
program, said that Dale was inspiration to
becoming a university professor.
all of the students he mentored.
The family has asked that
“Dale was a true servant leader and
contributions in Dale’s memory be made to
such an important part of our PLP family,”
the PLP Fund, by mail, to College of
she said. “Our thoughts and prayers are
Business- PLP, 1155 Union Circle #311160,
with his wife, Karen, and the rest of the
Denton, Texas 76203 or email plp@unt.
Howe family.”
edu. Please specify that the contribution is
LaTeesha Guyden, a PLP student and for the Dale Howe Scholarship Fund.
CoB Alumna Funds Accounting Scholarship
Emily Mauzy, a 2006 graduate, hopes to make a difference in the life of a student
Emily Mauzy, a 2006 graduate of the
Master of Science program in Tax Accounting,
is one of the most recent
alumni to pledge scholarship
money for current College of
Business students. Emily, who is employed
with PwC (formerly
believes strongly in supporting
her alma mater.
“While writing thank you
letters to the donors of the
scholarships I received [when I was in school],
I often wondered if they knew exactly how
much it meant to me,” Emily said.
“Not only did these scholarships help
ease the financial burden of my higher
education, they filled me with a sense of
accomplishment and motivated me to do my
best,” she said. “In my opinion, the
best way to thank these donors is
to give back to the next generation
of students in hopes that someday
they will do the same.”
Emily made a pledge to fund
an accounting scholarship for
$1,000 per year over a period of
five years, making a total pledge of
At 27 years old, Emily is proof
that it is never too early to start giving back. For more information on giving back to
the College of Business, visit https://
Dr. Lou Pelton served as
guest editor of a special
issue of the Journal of
Business and Industrial
Marketing addressing radio
frequency identification. Dr. Lew Taylor, professor of
management, taught in the
Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
for Disabled Veterans at
Purdue– it was featured
nationally on Fox News.
Melody White, lecturer in
the ITDS department, was
selected for Power Pipeline,
a program for emerging
women leaders provided by
the Texas-based Foundation
for Women’s Resources.
Dr. Divesh Ojha and Dr.
Whitney Peake, professors
in management, received
Junior Faculty Summer
Research Fellowships for
summer 2011.
Carlos Mungia, CoB
alumus and chair of the
Dean’s Advisory Board,
was named Senior Vice
President for Texas Capital
Bob Fabrize, Ph.D. student
in Marketing and Logistics,
was named an Outstanding
Teaching Fellow. The
prestigious recognition was
awarded by UNT’s Faculty
Dr. Foster Roden, FIREL
professor, hosted a
group of scholars from the
Universidad Autónoma
del Estado de México on
February 28. The visit
results from a joint UNTUAEM research grant.
businessCONNECTION | 4
Dr. Manjula Salimath,
professor of management,
served as the
Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Track Chair at the
2011 Southwest Academy of
Raymond Greer, founding
member of the Center for
Logistics Education and
Research board of directors
was named President of
Logistics for BNSF.
Dr. Victor Prybutok,
professor of ITDS, served
as the co-editor of a special
issue on healthcare quality
for Quality Management
Atefeh Yazdanparast,
Ph.D. student in Marketing
and Logistics, was selected
as the 2011 American
Marketing Association
(AMA) Sheth Foundation
Consortium Fellow.
Levi Tomandl-Campbell,
a management student,
received a HR Southwest
Excellence in Education
Scholarship totaling $1000 +
silent auction proceeds.
Dr. Anat BarNir, professor
of management, received
a Learning Enhancement
Grant in the amount of
$5000 for her project entitled
Creativity and Opportunity:
Exploring Feasible
Technologies and Virtual
CoB alumni:
Let’s hear from you! Did
you get a promotion? Win
an award? Share your good
news with us!
Center for Logistics Education and Research Hosts
Cluster Advisory Team Meetings
In preparation for the new Logistics
Research Cluster formation on the UNT
campus, Dr. Terry Pohlen and the Center for
Logistics Education & Research has created
a Logistics Cluster Advisory Team.
The center hosted meetings for the team
February 24-25 to help outline market and
hiring needs for the research cluster. The
team is made up of a group of outstanding
Logistics professionals and academics from
across the U.S. and included:
Don Bowersox, University Distinguished
Professor and Dean Emeritus of The Eli
Broad Graduate School of Management at
Michigan State University
Colonel Jordan S. Chroman, OBE
Pamela Donovan, Assistant Professor of
Logistics & SCM, Air Force Institute of
Randy T. Fowler, Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense (Materiel Readiness)
David R. Nowicki, Ph.D., Associate
Professor in the School of Systems and
Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology
Wesley S. Randall, PhD. University of North
Texas, MMS Marine Command and Staff
College, MPA Valdosta State University, BS
United States Air Force Academy
Duncan F. Stewart, PE, PhD, Transportation
Research Engineer, Texas Department of
Carl Tucker, Deputy Chief, Logistics
Management Branch, FEMA Region VI Office
The team had the opportunity to meet
with existing research clusters on campus as
well as deans, administrators, the Logistics
Center Board of Directors, and UNT
President V. Lane Rawlins.
They provided a tremendous amount of
input and advice which will be integrated into
a strategic plan. The consensus was that
UNT is well-positioned to be one of the truly
great logistics programs in the country, if not
the world.
CoB Faculty Members Travel to China to Teach in MBA
Dr. Joan C. Hubbard, lecturer in the
Department of Management, was invited to
serve as a distinguished lecturer at Hohai
University in China in January. She taught a
course in leadership behavior for the MBA
program at the Shenzhen, China campus
and subsequently conduct training programs
for School of Business administrators at the
main campus in Nanjing, China.
She and her husband, Dr. Charles
Hubbard (marketing department adjunct),
met with MBA students in Nanjing to acquaint
them with the UNT, to answer questions, and
to inform them about the graduate programs
in the College of Business.
Shenzhen, located in southern China’s
Guangdong province, is situated immediately
north of Hong Kong and is reputedly one of
the fastest-growing cities in the world.
Shenzhen is also the second busiest port in
mainland China, ranking only after Shanghai,
and boasts of being a major financial center
in the southern China.
Dr. Hubbard has been an invited guest of
the School of Business at Hohai University
on three different occasions.
Drs. Joan and Charles Hubbard pose with
students at Hohai University in China.
College of Business On the Scene
1. Dr. Terry Pohlen, logistics professor and director of the Center for Logistics Education and Research, was featured as a trucking industry expert in the
Dallas Business Journal in the February 18-24, 2011 issue.
2. The Student Investment Group (SIG) was selected as finalists in the Texas Investment Portfolio Symposium held at Rice University on February 19, 2011.
Attendees were: (top row, l-r) Michael Perry, Jeremy Jackson, Brent Maddux, Eric Tangko, Sean Sun, (bottom row, l-r) Shailendra Agrawal, Dr. Ian Liu,
Dr. Marilyn Wiley, Megan Garcia, Jin Na, Aaron Clewis, Kent Kirkman.
Jin Na and Jeremy Jackson have also received summer internships with Goldman Sachs Archon Group and J.P. Morgan respectively.
3. The Distinguished Speaker Series brought Dr. Bernard Harris to speak to students on February 25, 2011. Dr. Harris has the distinction of being the first
African American to walk in space. Pictured are:(from l-r) Grant Elliott, Jeremy Jackson, Rosemary Amadi, Dr. Bernard Harris, Dean Finley Graves,
Brittany Behrens, Brandy Salazar, Chris Sundberg.
4.. Dr. Lou Pelton, marketing professor, speaks to a group during a Generation TX presentation. Generation TX is a multi-year, statewide initiative that
organizes and mobilizes entire communities to help Texas students and their families pursue the path to college and career education beyond high school.
MARCH 2011
The official e-newsletter of the College of Business
O. Finley Graves, Ph.D.
Vicki Goodwin, Ph.D.
Office of the Dean
1155 Union Circle #311160
Denton, Texas 76203-5017
Vist us online at:
Marilyn Wiley, Ph.D.
Don Finn, Ph.D.
Randall S. Guttery, Ph.D.
Mary Jones, Ph.D.
Have any interesting story ideas or
things to share?
Please contact Christina Aguilar,
Director of Marketing and
Communications, at
940-369-8450 or email
Cengiz Capan
Jeff Sager, Ph.D.
Desiree Robison
Marcia Staff, J.D.
Niranjan Tripathy, Ph.D.