Ninth INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) Denver, Colorado

Ninth INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)
October 23-24, 2004
Denver, Colorado
URL for Conference Web site (College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology):
URL for Conference Mirror Web Site (MIS Research Center, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota):
Call for Papers
We invite you to submit your research papers to the 9th INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST-2004) to be
held on Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24, 2004, preceding the Annual INFORMS Conference (October 24-27, 2004) in Denver, Colorado.
The theme of the conference is “Mobility, Organizations, Systems and Technologies (MOST).”
The speed of technological innovation is nowhere more prominent today than in the creation and application of new information technologies
that support mobility. Wireless communication, hand-held computing devices, RFID and mobile commerce enable new business models and
support new business processes that lower firm costs and improve product quality. Mobile technologies also include those that lead to
relocation of economic activity and organizational decision making within the firm. Continuing technical change in data communications
technologies leads to organizational change that ranges from improvement of day-to–day operations to providing advanced capabilities for
deploying next-generation technologies. Mobile technologies also enable the firm to adapt to an increasingly uncertain business environment
in a relatively low cost, but high functionality way. A related impact lies in the new business models for enterprise globalization, such as
contract manufacturing, IT/IP outsourcing and offshoring. What are new business processes that are best outsourced due to mobility? What
are the key mobile systems and technologies that support business process outsourcing? What are the key managerial issues that arise? What
are the new global mobile technology deployment strategies? How do we manage the risks by designing better IT contracts? Finally, how
can we better understand and measure returns on the firm’s investment in mobility? We are looking for research to answer these questions.
The goal of this conference is to engage academic and industry researchers in a dialogue that examines a broad range of topics consistent
with the main thrust of this theme. Some suggested topics are:
Mobile and Collaborative Commerce; Information Security, Privacy and Public Policy
Radio Frequency ID, Mobile and Wireless Technologies; Mobiliity, Technology Resources and Organizational Capabilities
Interorganizational Information Systems and IT Infrastructure; Compatibility, Standards and Technology Policy
Business Value of Advanced Technologies; Web Services and Capabilities Outsourcing
Adoption, Assimilation and Integration of Enabling Technologies; Business Process Innovation: Outsourcing
Mobile Technology-Enabled Business Models and Business Processes, IT/IP Offshoring
Global Mobile Technology Deployment Strategy; Mobile Technologies and Location of Economic Activity and Innovation
Information Goods, Patents and Property Rights; Economics of IS and Technology; Competitive Strategy, Organizational Flexibility
Design Science; Agent Technologies; Recommendation and Collaborative Filtering Systems, Reputation and Trust Technologies
The deadline for submitting papers is May 24, 2004. Authors will be notified about decisions regarding their submission by August 2, 2004. All
submissions will be refereed by at least two members of the Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in a refereed
conference proceedings to be distributed at the conference on CD-ROM. Papers judged by the review process to be the best candidates for
journal publication will be forwarded, with the approval of the authors, to a special issue of Information Technology and Management (or
another appropriate journal to initiate a review process. Authors and all participants are required to register for CIST 2004 and the INFORMS
Annual Conference. To register, go to
Program Co-Chairs
Hemant Bhargava, Graduate School of Management, University of California at Davis, CA 95616; Tel: 530-754-5961; Email:
Chris Forman, Information Systems, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; Tel: 412-2681117; Email:
Robert J. Kauffman, MIS Research Center, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; Tel:
612-624-8562; Email:
D. J. Wu, Information Technology Management, College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; Tel:
404-894-4364; Email:
Research Paper Awards
Of the submitted papers, three will be chosen to receive an award. One paper will be chosen to receive an “Overall Best Paper” award.
Another paper that best reflects the theme of the conference will be chosen as the “Best Conference Theme Paper.” A third paper will be
chosen to receive the “Best Doctoral Paper.”
Program Committee Members
Gedas Adomavicius, University of Minnesota
Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland
G. Anandalingam, University of Maryland
Joseph Bailey, University of Maryland
Indranil Bardhan, University of Texas, Dallas
Anandhi Bharadwaj, Emory University
Wai Fong Boh, Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Chen, Arizona State University
Pei-yu Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
Vidyanand Choudhary, University of California, Irvine
Qizhi Dai, Drexel University
Rui Dai, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chris Dellarocas, University of Maryland
Sarv Devaraj, Notre Dame University
Dan Dolk, Naval Postgraduate School
Juan Feng, University of Florida
Paulo Goes, University of Connecticut
Korhan Gurkhan, Carnegie Mellon University
Jungil Hahn, Purdue University
Kunsoo Han, University of Minnesota
Terry Hendershott, University of California, Berkeley
Kartik Hosanagar, The Wharton School
Mark Keil, Georgia State University
Gary Koehler, University of Florida
Rajiv Kohli, Notre Dame University
Prabudev Konana, University of Texas, Austin
Marios Koufaris, City University of New York
M.S. Krishnan, University of Michigan
Ramayya Krishnan, Carnegie Mellon University
Dongwon Lee, University of Minnesota
Hank Lucas, University of Maryland
Saby Mitra, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hamid Mohtadi, University of Wisconsin
Sri Narasimhan, Georgia Institute of Technology
Barrie Nault, University of Calgary
Paul Pavlou, University of California, Riverside
Robert Plice, San Diego State University
Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University
V. Sambamurthy, Michigan State University
Raghu Santanam, Arizona State University
Radhika Santhanam, University of Kentucky
Benjamin Shao, Arizona State University
Samit Soni, Georgia Institute of Technology
Daewon Sun, Notre Dame University
Paul Tallon, Boston College
Angsana Techatassanasoontorn, University of Minnesota
Rahul Telang, Carnegie Mellon University
Kerem Tomak, University of Texas, Austin
Bin Wang, University of Minnesota
George Westerman, MIT
Catherine Yang, University of California, Davis
Daniel Zeng, University of Arizona
Han Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Vivian Zhong, Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert Zmud, University of Oklahoma
Important dates
Final Date for Submission - May 24, 2004
Decision on Submissions – August 2, 2004
Presentation Dates - October 23-24, 2004
Paper submission procedure
Here is how to submit your paper:
Email your paper to
Your email subject line should be “CIST04 paper submission”.
Papers should either be in PDF or Word format.
Papers should follow the guidelines specified below.
Alternatively, you can also email your paper to any of the four co-chairs.
For information, questions, or problems regarding your submission, please direct your emails to a separate address,, for immediate response.
Submission guidelines
Submitted papers must conform to guidelines used in the journal Management Science. Among the most important are:
Papers should be 32 pages max, all inclusive, printable on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, 12-point font, one-inch margins on four sides
Double-spaced throughout, including abstract and references
A non-mathematical abstract (as understandable to readers as possible) of not more than 200 words is also required, along with keywords.