SMC Quar ter ly News Stand Management Cooperative College of Forest Resources, University of Washington 4th Quarter 2006 From the Director As we start the new school year and 06/07 field season, we realize how rapidly the very busy and productive summer disappeared. Progress on a number of activities is reported in the summary of the SMC fall meeting in this issue. In addition • Owner Survey # 5 was sent in April. Responses from six companies have been received and entered into a database for summarization and comparison to earlier surveys. If you have not completed the survey we would appreciate receiving it this fall. • We were able to pool funds from the SMC, Precision Forestry Cooperative, and grants to hire a summer crew to visit installations for a variety of measurement and sampling activities. A short article on the crew and accomplishments appears elsewhere in this issue. • Four new articles were published in journals and another has been accepted.These are listed in the publications section of this issue. Dave Briggs, SMC Director In this issue you will also find an article by Aaron Weiskittel, Sean M. Garber, Greg Johnson, Doug Maguire, and Robert A. Monserud titled “Development of annualized diameter and height growth equations for Douglas-fir and western hemlock: preliminary results.” This issue also introduces Gonzalo Thienel, who is pursuing his Masters degree under the direction of David Briggs. He is working on the AGENDA 2020 project “Non-destructive evaluation of wood quality in standing Douglas-fir trees and logs.” SMC FALL MEETING NOTES inside: SMC Fall Meeting 1 Protocol for Geo Referencing Type IV Installations 3 Summer Field Crew 3 Development of Annualized Diameter and Height Growth Equations for Douglas-fir and Western Hemlock: Preliminary Results 4 Abstracts and Publications 10 Student Bio 11 TheSMC Fall Meeting was held on September 11-13 at the University of British Columbia Research Forest in Haney, BC. 24 attendees arrived on the evening of the 11th for an informal social. Policy Committee Chair Gene McCaul opened the meeting and introduced our hosts, Louise de Montigny, BC Ministry of Forests Research Branch, and Bruce Larson, University of British Columbia. Many thanks to Megan O’Shea and Dave Paul for organizing the program and field tour. Dave Hyink announced that he is retiring and that this would be his last SMC meeting as the Policy Committee representative of Weyerhaeuser Company. Attendees expressed their thanks to Dave for his participation and support since the very inception of the SMC. Since the SMC began in 1985, the cumulative budget has reached $16.1 million of which landowner members contributed 64%, institutional members 20%, and external grants, which have been growing over the past several years, 16%. So far $232,000 in new external grant funding has been received and other proposals are in review.These projects support five continuing and one new graduate student. We also held meetings of the Silviculture, Nutrition and Wood Quality Technical Advisory Committees and the Strategic Planning Committee. GGT/T ype IV Installation Progress: These installations are a collaboration of the SMC, GGT/Type NWTIC, and USFS PNWRS Genetics Team. The remaining three of the six planned installations were planted in late February 2006. The total in-kind cost to the SMC for all six installations was $107,507. In addition NWTIC paid $64,000 for all work associated with producing and planting the seedlings. The in-kind credit to landowners was for fencing, site preparation spray and pin-flagging the planting lines. The installations have been visited for seedling survival; the average survival on all plots is 98% and the lowest survival on any single plot is 90%. Plots on all six GGTIV installations were geo-referenced for future indexing to remote sensing. Plots on the three installations planted in 2005 will be measured during the 06/07 field season. Modeling Project: The fertilization response component of ORGANON has been reestimated and produces more realistic results. The hemlock growth component has also been reestimated using a larger dataset. A Windows based version of ORGANON has been developed and is being tested. Nick Vaughn summarized progress on the young stand model. The process of combining and editing the SMC and RVMM data sets has been completed and model fitting is now underway. Wood Quality Project Repor t: The AGENDA 2020 project “Non-destructive evaluation of Report: wood quality in standing Douglas-fir trees and logs” is moving forward. Acoustic testing of trees on the five plots on each of the four Type II installations being used for the study has been completed and selection of the 12 sample trees from each plot (240 total trees) is nearly complete. Half of the trees will be processed into lumber and the other half into veneer. We plan on doing the veneer phase at the Weyerhaeuser mill in Foster, OR. before the end of the year and the lumber phase at UW’s Pack Forest with portable mill in early 2007. The bear damage milling study is underway but was interrupted when the crew assisting with the work was called away for fire duty. It should be wrapped up as soon as the fire season is over. The study of wood quality in relation to composite wood products by Chris Langam (graduate student), Dr. Vickram Yadama (Washington State University), and Eini Lowell (PNW Research Station) has been completed. Chris has finished his PhD and publications are being developed. An opportunity exists to use the levels of growing stock (LOGS) plots for wood quality studies; possibilities and plans for this will be discussed at a Wood Quality TAC meeting being planned for later this fall. If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Eini Lowell ( Silviculture Project Repor t: The database update which includes the 05/06 field season was Report: completed and sent in mid-June. A summer crew gathered data from installations for various projects; understory vegetation surveys, habitat assessments, pitch moth surveys, soil sampling, stem mapping and acoustic testing of trees. 2 Nutr ition Project Repor t: Rob Harrison and Eric Turnblom led a discussion of new nutriNutrition Report: tion-fertilization trials. Rob reviewed past trials, their limitations, and the new questions that many have expressed in recent years. Two key limitations in making progress have been associated with clearly defining the experimental issues and realizing that the experimental design approaches traditionally used costly large area experiments with little or no replication. New developments in remote sensing offer opportunities to consider treatment responses on larger operational size areas. Response-surface designs were reviewed as a means for a more efficient way to address the nutrition-fertilization research questions. A future meeting will be held to focus on defining research questions and research methods. If you would like to participate, please contact Rob Harrison ( or Eric Turnblom ( Protocol ffor or Geo Ref erencing Referencing Type IV Installations In 2006 the SMC field crew (Bob Gonyea, Bert Hasselberg and Precision Forestry Cooperative grad student Jacob Strunk) gathered latitude, longitude, and elevations for plot corners and a sample of trees in all six Type IV Installations. This data will be useful in future lidar and associated work. The protocol for collecting this data is as follows: 1. Sample every installation (#601606) 2. Sample every plot (#1-22) Jacob Strunk and Bert Hasselberg geo-referencing Donkey Creek north of Humptulips. 4. * 3. At each plot collect latitude, longitude, and elevation of the NE, NW and SW corners and the 5th tree in row 5 (Row 5, column 5 starting from the NE corner*). Data was collected using a Javad GPS gathering 200, one second EPOCH’s per location. Data was stored as files in the Javad GPS labeled SMC 601, SMC 602, etc. Each file contained 88 “points” (4 “points” per plot x 22 plots). “Points” were numbered consecutively as collected. “Descriptions” were manually added to each “point” (i.e.; point 601_1 description =1NE, point 601_2 description =1NW, point 601_3 description =1SW, point 601_4 description=1R5C5 (for plot 1, tree in Row5, column5), etc. Also added manually was “height to GPS receiver”. Manually added data was also recorded in a field book for backup along with the time of each point collected. See Field Manual, Type IV Gonzalo Thienel and Randy Collier using cover board in a habitat assessment. Summer Field Crew The summer field crew consisted of UW CFR undergraduates Royce Anderson and Paul Footen and Masters student Gonzalo Thienel. They accompanied Randy Collier to visit a variety of installations for the following: 9 Douglas-fir pitch moth survey - 9 installations (43 plots) 9 Acoustic testing of standing trees - 4 Type II installations, 19 plots, 52 trees/plot 9 Understory vegetation surveys - 12 installations (4 Type I, 2 Type II, and 6 Type III) 9 Habitat assessments - 5 installations 9 Stem maps - 5 installations 9 Soil pits – 22 plots on 6 installations The crew was supported by funds from the SMC, Precision Forestry Cooperative, and external grants. Royce Anderson gathering info for a vegetation survey. 3 Dev elopment of Ann ualiz ed Diameter and Development Annualiz ualized wth Equations for Douglas-f ir and Height Gro Douglas-fir Growth Wester n Hemlock: Preliminar estern Preliminaryy Results Aaron Weiskittel, Sean M. Garber, Doug Maguire, Department of Forest Science, OSU, Corvallis, Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser Company and Robert A. Monserud, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service Introduction Most individual-tree based growth and yield models in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) use a 5- to 10-year time step, which can make projections for intensively managed plantations on a shortened rotation quite difficult. Further, it is rather cumbersome to simulate the effects of intensive silvicultural treatments such as fertilization or thinning on a time step longer than one year given the highly dynamic nature of growth following treatment. The goal of this project was to provide preliminary annualized individual tree diameter and height growth equations for untreated Douglas-fir and western hemlock. In addition, a modeling technique was used to partition out the variation in growth unexplained by attributes of the trees and stands and an attempt was made to relate it to installation edaphic characteristics. Methods For this analysis, the untreated control plots from Stand Management Cooperative Type 1 (respacing silvicultural trials) and Type 3 (variable planting density) installations were used (Table 1). The diameter and height growth equation forms of Hann et al. (2003) were utilized: (1) ΔDBH = eβ10 +β11log(DBH +1)+β12DBH 2 BAL2 ⎛ UCR +0.2 ⎞ + β13log⎜⎜ + β16 SBA + β17 ICR ⎟⎟+β14log(SI -1.37) + β15 log(DBH +5) ⎝ 1.2 ⎠ + ε1 (2) ΔHT= PHT*β20⎡β21eβ22CCH+(eβ23 ⎢⎣ − β21eβ22CCH)e−β26(1−UCR) eβ25 CCH 2 CCH⎤ ⎥⎦ +ε2 where: ΔDBH is the annual diameter growth in cm, DBH is diameter at breast height (cm), UCR is uncompacted crown ratio estimated using the equation of Monleon et al. (2004), SI is a 50-year site index, BAL is basal area in larger trees (m2 ha-1), SBA is stand basal area (m2 ha-1), ICR is an indicator crown ratio measurement (1 if CR wasn’t measured, 0 otherwise), PHT is potential height growth estimated from a dominant height growth curve and tree growth effective age (Ritchie and Hann, 1986), CCH is percent crown closure of the plot at the tip of the subject tree, the â i’s are parameters to be estimated from the data using the iterative method of Cao (1999), and åi ~ MVN(0, Ó). SI at 50-yr base age for Douglas-fir was calculated by solving Bruce’s (1981) dominant height equation. The Bonner et al. (1995) equation was used for western hemlock. For CCH estimation, the crown profile equations of Hann (1999) and Marshall et al. (2003) for Douglas-fir and western-hemlock, respectively were used. 4 Following model fitting, the random coefficients were extracted for the installation level and were regressed on physiographic (longitude, latitude, elevation, slope, aspect), soil (depth, texture, rock content, water holding capacity), and mean climate variables (temperature, precipitation, vapor pressure deficit) to identify influential factors on growth variation. Slope and aspect were transformed using the suggestions of Stage (1976), while soil water holding capacity was estimated as outlined in Schwalm and Ek (2004). Mean climate variables were derived from 23-year daily weather records obtained from DAYMET ( Finally, the diameter and height growth equations were coupled with the annual mortality model of Flewelling and Monserud (2002) and used to simulate 12 to 16 years of growth and mortality on the control plots on 12 SMC Type II installations, which were not used during model fitting. The installations were evenly distributed through the PNW with initial breast-height age ranging from 23.5 to 46.5 and site index varied from 29.3 to 48.0 m at base age 50. For comparison, the SMC version of the ORegon Growth ANalysis and projectiON (ORGANON; Hann, 2005) model was also used to simulate growth on these plots. ORGANON uses a 5-year time step so linear interpolation was used for growth remeasurement periods that did not cover this time step. Mean bias (observed – predicted), % bias, and mean square error (MSE) were estimated for every simulation. Results The models fit well and the parameter estimates were consistent with biological expectations (Tables 2, 3). A few differences between the Hann et al.’s (2003) diameter growth fits and these presented here are apparent, namely the significance of site index for western hemlock and, for Douglas-fir and western hemlock, the negative influence of predicted crown ratio in contrast to their positive effect. The models were statistically improved with the use of the multi-level mixed effects (MLME) modeling approach. Examining the installation random effects uncovered a few interesting relationships for diameter growth (Table 4), but were highly variable for height growth. The intercept of the Douglas-fir diameter growth equation showed a significant trend with annual precipitation (PRCP), elevation (ELEV), slope (%SLOPE), and aspect (Table 4). Parameter estimates suggested diameter growth peaked on north-east facing slopes and at 220 cm of precipitation. The Douglas-fir height growth equation showed a significant relationship with slope, aspect, and percent rock content in the soil B horizon (%ROCK.B). The parameter estimates indicated that the asymptote of the height growth modifier was greatest on north-west facing sites. Western hemlock diameter and height growth showed no significant relationship with any physiographic variable. Mean bias, percent bias, and mean square error for the three equations were within reason and are given in Table 5. The equations fitted with MLME performed significantly better than the maximum likelihood (ML) equations or MLME with predicted random effects. There were some trends in the residuals using ML, while no obvious trends were present in the MLME simulations (Figure 1). In comparison to a model with a longer time step, the biases achieved with the equations presented in this analysis were similar in magnitude and actually smaller than ORGANON’s. 5 Discussion The iterative procedure of Cao (1999) used here worked well for the development of annual diameter and height growth equations for two of the region’s primary commercial species. Despite its complexity, it has the advantage of using data across many remeasurement intervals without additional manipulation (such as linear interpolation) to achieve a desired time step and constraining predicted periodic growth rates reducing error associated with annually updating a tree list. Preliminary long-term (>12 years) simulations with these equations indicate a significant potential for increasing the precision of growth estimates when compared to a regional model with a longer time step. Further, they offer the flexibility to incorporate the effects of annual climatic conditions or update an inventory to the present, which would be rather difficult to achieve with a longer time step. Future efforts will concentrate on refining these models, developing silvicultural treatment modifiers for these equations, and fitting annualized crown recession and mortality functions. Literature Cited Bonner, G.M., De Jong, R.J., Boudewyn, P., Flewelling, J.W., 1995. A guide to the STIM growth model. In, Information Report BC-X-353. Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Yukon Region, Victoria, BC. Bruce, D., 1981. Consistent height-growth and growth-rate estimates for remeasured plots. Forest Science 4, 711-725. Cao, Q.V., 1999. Prediction of annual diameter growth and survival for individual trees from periodic measurements. Forest Science 46, 127-131. Flewelling, J.W., Monserud, R.A., 2002. Comparing methods for modeling tree mortality. In: Crookston, N.L., Havis, R.N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Forest Vegetation Simulator conference (RMRS-P25). USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO, pp. 169-177. Hann, D.W., 1999. An adjustable predictor of crown profile for stand-grown Douglas-fir trees. Forest Science 45, 217-225. Hann, D.W., Marshall, D.D., Hanus, M.L., 2003. Equations for predicting height-to-crown base, 5-year diameter growth rate, 5-year height growth rate, 5-year mortality rate, and maximum sizedensity trajectory for Douglas-fir and western hemlock in the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest. In, Research Contribution 40. Oregon State University, College of Forestry Research Laboratory, Corvallis, OR, p. 85. Marshall, D.D., Johnson, G.P., Hann, D.W., 2003. Crown profile equations for stand-grown western hemlock trees in northwestern Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33, 2059-2066. Monleon, V.J., Azuma, D., Gedney, D., 2004. Equations for predicting uncompacted crown ratio based on compacted crown ratio and tree attributes. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 9, 260-267. Ritchie, M.W., Hann, D.W., 1986. Development of a tree height growth model for Douglas-fir. Forest Ecology and Management 15, 135-145. 6 Table 1. Description of the diameter and height growth rate data sets for Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Definition of variables are: DBH is diameter at breast height (cm), UCR is uncompacted crown ratio, BAL is basal area in larger trees (m2 ha-1), SBA is stand basal area (m2 ha-1), BH AGE is mean breastheight stand age, and SI is site index. Douglas-fir Variable Diameter growth Mean Range Individual Tree Western hemlock Height growth Mean Range N = 57,074 Diameter growth Mean Range N = 20,709 Height growth Mean Range N = 11,479 N = 8,077 DBH (cm) 10.7 0.1 – 97.5 14.7 0.2 – 97.5 6.2 0.1 – 35.1 5.4 0.1 – 33.8 UCR 0.75 0.10 – 0.99 0.77 0.1 – 0.99 0.97 0.47 – 0.99 0.78 0.1 – 0.99 10.4 0.0 – 178.0 11.94 0.0 – 178.0 3.9 0.0 – 36.9 2.98 0.0 – 36.9 2 -1 BAL (m ha ) Individual Plot N = 356 N = 345 N= 7 N=7 SBA (m2 ha-1) 16.8 4.0 – 178.2 21.46 4.0 178.20 6.2 2.0 – 37.0 6.2 2.0 – 37.0 BH AGE 12.3 0.1 – 60.4 10.8 0.1 – 60.4 15.4 6.1 – 33.6 15.4 6.1 – 33.6 SI (m at 50-yr) 40.1 16.6 – 60.3 39.7 16.6 – 60.3 36.1 27.2 – 39.3 36.1 27.2 – 39.3 length of growing period (years) 4.7 1.0 – 12.0 3.8 1.0 – 12.0 2.5 2.0 – 4.0 2.2 2.0 – 4.0 Table 2. Parameters and asymptotic standard errors for predicting the diameter growth rate (equation [1]) of untreated Douglas-fir and western hemlock fitted using maximum likelihood and multi-level mixed effects. R2, residual standard error, and AIC value for each model are also given. Parameter/ Standard error β 10 SE(β10) β 11 SE(β11) β 12 SE(β12) β 13 SE(β13) β 14 SE(β14) β 15 SE(β15) β 16 SE(β16) β 17 SE(β17) R2 Residual standard error AIC Maximum Likelihood -3.6865 (0.0392) 0.2121 (0.0081) -0.00046 (0.00002) 0.1878 (0.0202) 1.0778 (0.0098) -0.0069 (0.00007) -0.1257 (0.0028) 0.0145 (0.0043) 0.88 Douglas-fir Multi-level mixed effects -2.9553 (0.4009) 0.4222 (0.0063) -0.00005 (0.00002) 0.3488 (0.0219) 0.8932 (0.1052) -0.0036 (0.00005) -0.2873 (0.0041) 0.0412 (0.0041) 0.97 Western hemlock Maximum Multi-level mixed Likelihood effects -3.0984 -2.3867 (0.0479) (0.8991) 0.4617 0.5818 (0.0059) (0.0076) -0.00032 -0.00041 (0.00001) (0.00001) 4.2445 1.7334 (0.0767) (0.0650) 0.9399 0.7173 (0.0144) (0.2507) -0.0010 -0.0009 (0.00003) (0.00003) -0.2488 -0.3074 (0.0021) (0.0033) 0.0099 -0.0452 (0.0041) (0.0053) 0.86 0.95 2.58 1.24 0.62 0.40 139,083.7 127,780.6 70,973 46,133 7 Table 3. Parameters and asymptotic standard errors for predicting the height growth rate (equation [2]) of untreated Douglas-fir and red alder fitted using maximum likelihood and multi-level mixed effects. R2, residual standard error, and AIC value for each model are also given. Parameter/ Standard error β 20 SE(β20) β 21 SE(β21) β 22 SE(β22) β 23 SE(β23) β 24 SE(β24) β 25 SE(β25) R2 Residual standard error AIC Maximum Likelihood 1.5673 (0.0065) 0.2928 (0.0085) -0.00047 (0.00003) -0.0021 (0.00021) 6.0425 (0.2013) 0.0569 (0.0089) 0.85 Douglas-fir Multi-level mixed effects 1.3020 (0.1643) 0.4794 (0.0388) -0.0018 (0.0008) 0.0187 (0.0018) 2.7961 (0.3484) 0.1126 (0.0126) 0.94 Western hemlock Maximum Multi-level mixed Likelihood effects 1.0033 0.9880 (0.0060) (0.0282) 0.5722 0.5501 (0.0298) (0.0238) -0.0125 -0.0130 (0.0019) (0.0016) -0.0015 -0.0040 (0.0002) (0.0016) 5.2812 6.4301 (0.4440) (0.4793) 0.0 0.0 (NA) (NA) 0.53 0.62 1.04 0.77 0.82 0.69 52,578.9 39,812.9 55,832.9 50,019.5 Table 4. Model, equation form, R2, and root mean square error (RMSE) for model predicting the influence of physiographic features on the random effects of each model. All parameter estimates were significant at á = 0.05. Model Douglas-fir diameter growth Douglas-fir height growth 8 Equation Form -26.6559 + 0.3792*ln(ELEV) + 0.4470*ASP22 – 0.0260*PRCP + 5.6702*ln(PRCP) 0.0301 + 0.0983*ASP1 – 0.0018*%ROCK.B R2 RMSE 0.36 0.51 0.07 0.14 Table 5. Mean bias (observed – predicted), percent bias, and mean square error (MSE) for predicted and observed diameter at breast height (DBH; cm) and height (HT; m) after 12 to 16 years of simulation on twelve Stand Management Cooperative (SMC) planted control plots using the maximum likelihood (ML) and multi-level mixed effects (MLME) equations developed in this analysis as well as the ORGANON growth model, which uses a 5-year time step. Initial breast height age of the plots was between 23.5 and 46.5 years, while site index ranged from 29.3 to 48.0 m at base age 50. DBH (cm; n = 1767) HT (m; n = 472) Model Mean bias Mean square error % bias Mean bias Mean square error % bias ML 1.6479 2.4881 6.1035 1.2157 1.7256 4.0544 MLME 0.1102 2.1665 0.4508 -0.1993 1.3567 1.1695 MLME with predicted random effects 1.2199 3.2797 5.1555 0.7156 2.0154 2.0503 ORGANON -1.7883 2.6229 -7.0704 -1.4959 2.1820 -5.6759 Parameter/ Standard error β 20 SE(β20) β 21 SE(β21) β 22 SE(β22) β 23 SE(β23) β 24 SE(β24) β 25 SE(β25) R2 Residual standard error AIC Maximum Likelihood 1.5673 (0.0065) 0.2928 (0.0085) -0.00047 (0.00003) -0.0021 (0.00021) 6.0425 (0.2013) 0.0569 (0.0089) 0.85 Douglas-fir Multi-level mixed effects 1.3020 (0.1643) 0.4794 (0.0388) -0.0018 (0.0008) 0.0187 (0.0018) 2.7961 (0.3484) 0.1126 (0.0126) 0.94 Western hemlock Maximum Multi-level mixed Likelihood effects 1.0033 0.9880 (0.0060) (0.0282) 0.5722 0.5501 (0.0298) (0.0238) -0.0125 -0.0130 (0.0019) (0.0016) -0.0015 -0.0040 (0.0002) (0.0016) 5.2812 6.4301 (0.4440) (0.4793) 0.0 0.0 (NA) (NA) 0.53 0.62 1.04 0.77 0.82 0.69 52,578.9 39,812.9 55,832.9 50,019.5 Figure 1. Bias (observed – predicted) over observed diameter at breast height (DBH; cm) and total height (HT; m) after 12- 16 years of simulation with the diameter and height growth equations fitted using maximum likelihood (ML; b, d) and multi-level mixed effects (MLME; a, c) on 12 Stand Management Cooperative installations not used during the fitting process. 9 Abstr acts and Pub lications Abstracts Publications Dave Cown. Understanding and Managing Wood Quality for Improving Product Value in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 35(2/3): 205–220 (2005). ABSTRACT CT: Pinus radiata D. Don comprises about 90% of New Zealand’s plantation forests. ABSTRA CT Management practices evolved rapidly during the twentieth century, and are regarded as advanced in terms of the application of sound scientific and economic principles. However, since the 1970s, forest managers in New Zealand have become more aware of the impacts of genetic selection for growth and stem form, and the adoption of more aggressive silvicultural techniques, on the nature of the resource.These trends have resulted in a significant reduction in rotation lengths from more than 40 years to around 25 years. Growing space, tree age, and geographic location create very pronounced patterns of wood property development and, while growth rates can be impressive, some of the resulting wood characteristics are somewhat limiting for demanding end uses. Scientific studies over the past 20 years or so have defined the important wood characteristics (knot size and distribution, resin pockets, intra-ring checking, density, spiral grain, microfibril angle) that affect product appearance, stiffness, and stability. Two distinct approaches have been adopted to improve the plantation resource: (1) Identifying and managing variability in the forest (2) Breeding to manipulate specific characteristics Value recovery from harvesting is in rapid change from a system based on volume to one based on quality. There is now a strong emphasis on tools for log and lumber segregation, and reliable methods are available for assessing stiffness at all stages from forest to lumber. For the immediate future, traditional forest inventory methods are being enhanced by the inclusion of wood property information such as wood density and predicted stiffness. Acoustic tools in particular have become common for standing tree and log stiffness assessment and a similar approach is being used for lumber and veneer grading; spectroscopic tools are also under development. Tree breeders are actively selecting material to improve future generations, and fortunately the heritabilities of wood properties are generally high. However, many of these features are costly to evaluate on a routine basis and the search is on for more sophisticated tools to assess performance capability directly. The next challenge is to develop similar cost-effective techniques for predicting product stability. Faster progress will be made when wood processors reward growers for quality wood. Mauricio Acuna and Murphy, Glen, Geospatial and Within Tree Variation of Wood Density and Spiral in Douglas-fir. Forest Products Journal. 56(4):81-85. 10 ABSTRA CT ABSTRACT CT: In many parts of the world, log markets are becoming increasingly competitive and complex. Buyers are demanding, and suppliers are offering, logs that have been cut for very specific end-uses and which may be specified in terms of internal as well as external properties. Optimally matching logs to markets requires good measurements and/or predictions of the wood properties in each stem. This information could be used either at the planning stage or in on-board computers installed in harvesters to enhance bucking and sorting. To assess the geospatial and within-tree variation in wood density and spiral grain in Douglas-fir stems, over 400 wood disks were collected from 17 sites in the Cascade and Coastal Ranges of Oregon, Sites were selected from a range of elevations and aspects. Trees selected at each of the sites were of a similar age (28 to 57 yr) and average size (20 cm to 54 cm diameter at breast height). Disks came from different vertical positions in each tree. No statistically significant relationship between wood density and either elevation or aspect was found. There was evidence of a weak negative association between wood density and the height in the tree where the samples were removed. No statistically significant relationship between height, elevation, or aspect was observed for spiral grain. NEW PUBLCATIONS: Amoroso, M.M. and E.C. Turnblom. 2006 Comparing productivity of pure and mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock plantations in the Pacific Northwest. Can. J. For. Res. 36(6):1484-1496. Amoroso, M.M. and E.C. Turnblom. 2006. On the effects of tree crop rotation: Red alder following alder or Douglas-fir; Douglas-fir following fir or alder. IN: Proceedings. “Red alder: A state of knowledge.” International symposium on red alder held at University of Washington Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle, WA 23 – 25 Mar 2005. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Res. Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-669 p. 115 – 121. Briggs, D.G., E.C. Turnblom, B.B. Bare. 2005. Non-destructive Methods and Process Capability Analysis to Assess Conformance of Douglas-fir Stands to Customer Quality Specifications. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 35(2/3):170-188. Strahm, B.D., and R.B. Harrison. 2006. Nitrate Sorption in a Variable-Charge Forest Soil of the Pacific Northwest. Soil Science. 171:313-321. Li, Y., E.C. Turnblom, D.G. Briggs. (accepted) Effects of Density Control and Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Young Douglas-fir Plantations in the Pacific Northwest. Can. J. For. Res. STUDENT BIO Gonzalo Thienel, Masters in Science, University of Washington, College of Forest Resources My name is Gonzalo Thienel, currently I just started a Masters in Science in the College of Forest Resources. I am working as a Research assistant under advice of Professor David Briggs, who I met in the winter of 2005 through an internship. I graduated as a Wood Engineering in March of 2006 from the Gonzalo Thienel working on the 2006 SMC summer crew Universidad Austral de Chile. The area in which I am interested in is the non-destructive evaluations of wood in standing Douglas-fir trees and logs and also any theme related with wood technology. I am really happy to be living in this beautiful city (that looks pretty much like “Valdivia”, my city in Chile) and to be attending such a prestigious University. In my spare time, I enjoy to do any kind of sport, but especially soccer, basketball and tennis. I also enjoy spending quality time, cooking, jogging, reading and watching “American” television with my girlfriend (Emily) and her wonderful family. My new favorite past time is watching any kind of Husky game…Go Dawgs! 11 Upcoming Meetings and Ev ents Events No vice and Agenda 2020 Conf erence on Sustainab le Forest Productivity Research. Novv. 8-9, 2006, US Forest Ser Service Conference Sustainable Washington DC for more information visit:. No or Fire Ecology national Fire Ecology and Management Congress. Town Novv. 13-17, 2006, The Association ffor Ecology,, Third Inter International and Country Resort & Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA. For more information visit: http:// um (ILMF) Symposium. Baltimore, MD. For more information visit: http:/ Feb 12-13, 2007, The Inter national LID International LIDAR Forum AR For / College of Forest Resources University of Washington Box 352100 Seattle, WA 98195 9