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Comparative Effects of Foliar- and Soil-Applied Nitrogen Fertilizers on Douglas-Fir:
Young* and R.
E. Miller,
Foliar Burning and
Union Oil Company of California and USDA Forest Service ,
Northwest Forest & Range Experiment Station.
Urea prill and various nitrogen solutions were applied to individual Douglas-fir seedlings or 6- to 70-year­
old stands of Douglas-fir and hemlock,
Nitrogen-dosages ranged from 22 to 448 kg/ha
burning appears independent of solution concentration.
burning depends,
Needle damage and top kill were much greater when treatment was applied in mid-growing
season than when applied before the growing season.
moderate N-dosages
or mature stands of Douglas-fir or west ern hemlock
On newly planted Douglas-fir,
however, N-dosages should not greatly
especially if ammonium nitrate is used and treatment is applied during the growing s eason.
Our results suggest that concentrated foliar sprays at
(179 to 224 kg/ha) can be applied to young
without serious foliar burning or top kill.
degree of
primarily, on the absolute amount of solute per unit of needle surface and the osmotic pressure
of its saturated solution.
exceed 112 kg/ha,
(x 0.89 ; lbs/acre).
Under a given set of physiological conditions,
Agronomy Abstracts: 66th annual
meeting of the American Society of
Agronomy; November 10-15, 1974;
Chicago, IL. Madison, WI: American
Society of Agronomy; 1974: 180.