• vi Comparative Effects of Foliar- and Soil-Applied Nitrogen Fertilizers on Douglas-Fir: Phytotoxicity. D. C. Young* and R. E. Miller, I. Foliar Burning and Union Oil Company of California and USDA Forest Service , Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Experiment Station. Urea prill and various nitrogen solutions were applied to individual Douglas-fir seedlings or 6- to 70-year­ old stands of Douglas-fir and hemlock, Nitrogen-dosages ranged from 22 to 448 kg/ha burning appears independent of solution concentration. burning depends, Needle damage and top kill were much greater when treatment was applied in mid-growing season than when applied before the growing season. moderate N-dosages or mature stands of Douglas-fir or west ern hemlock On newly planted Douglas-fir, however, N-dosages should not greatly especially if ammonium nitrate is used and treatment is applied during the growing s eason. In: • Our results suggest that concentrated foliar sprays at (179 to 224 kg/ha) can be applied to young without serious foliar burning or top kill. • Foliar degree of primarily, on the absolute amount of solute per unit of needle surface and the osmotic pressure of its saturated solution. exceed 112 kg/ha, (x 0.89 ; lbs/acre). Under a given set of physiological conditions, Agronomy Abstracts: 66th annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy; November 10-15, 1974; Chicago, IL. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy; 1974: 180. Abstract.