1 {l*&Y ffiss. .a Infomat{.osl f,or Crab Searsng on NoveErher2.9 . puryoee of The The purpose of this geuerel atatus statue of, of the report ida to thi.e report to discuss d*scuss the the gefleral Dungeaansesab flshery Ln Oregonn eo presgnt ghe lnforma8{sa avai.lable cs*e- eernlag the opealug date of the L96& soason, and to {.u8osanthe e@lasto6 TT .uii ag 8o the the ruerltr to terits of of sce rme regulation regulat{oa changes betag considered by the staff," changesbeing the staff1 eengidered by g*esssr eggs qw Mat{.ng of cbe Dungeaess cnab occure {n @rd"t through *he3.1 nnaneend a sof8-shel!. the eggs ar* fme1e* The epen"msre carrr,ed {n &he ovlduet depoad.red under ehe abdw!.nal flap F'ercfll{.gefLon eS the egg Sakes ptaae JueB prlor ehe abdomes, ,}uly betweel$ s hnrd- !,e CIegober eh,roragb S€c6ebsr, 86 exgel*i.on of 8be oggs onno ?he egg mass wh:en f$"ree exersded {s a br{g3et orasgs trecmtag dErker as deveioBreea8 of the eanbqro ra$.rb'l"ebhe egg; prc,gre&seac S {u Jantaary through &lay" The nae".n!e ere free fn*re asgis*fng the eppearsa*e 6-U4 *fter swiw*!"ng ior Haechlag ocea{rg abmtge3-4 ueuthE be* of tbe as${cgteEa}r arad *e&e[$.ng to the bottm. ta eaempn i.shcd bny a suecess{cu $eptmben $nt$-l GroEseh of nsolrtngo wbl.c'b uo*na3.?,y oeeur {,a Aegus8 eur! year of Lt,fe and a&.tai$ e$:e leg6al mtntsrm stae of ehe fi.rst tnches da 3-& yaasso $tetrrs of Status of the Csab Fishe ehe Crab F{shere The Oeegow ereb ff.ehery Crab ff,shem€a *s be$ng explof cetl afr eh€ naxlstm alloq*abte r&t&n Reeove se6s6 ths$ 9(l% of rhe [*$a3.-slaed rcele esabs e*ch Beagosi" I *fhem a f{shery op€rdt€s &argety ora a eingte year clase year3.y {aerd{ags S&ueiuate w{de}.y. wt[lf,on eo&dirtona whieh preve$"3.ed amd Affeeeed e\rer, s&en vlessed ovar a loog-8snr stabte Oregcrn annua}. Xnnrd*ags rsng@ ffem.3,5 poueda w$,8b tba Euceeos a$' ea*h seass{r appearing erw*,ramentstr . of saLna}En euch as eretrs, te be depeudene elpon erabs es Juven{!.es. pec'{.*d, th* produea$,oxt trend begireen 7-8 uEtl.tr{.oapeunda annualLy (F:i-guue .1}. &o 1.8 Sors- {a rclafdvely . 2. Ii \s @ *r1 \s a i{Ba a @ 0reon Dun$enet Cb Landtug. 1960.61 t1 \Oe td 0 "cd €E €'! rl al !8 s s F (J Saon . 1955.56 a \o@ st {9 4d€ 8f,tsg !ns6 o'\s!t r.4St (ncl It @ p O 1 r.{ 1'l I €t rt! Ch F{(p Fa Piur 195041 o o 9. p I 'ul 6t 1943.46 \o s itl { 1940.41 Sl d F{ $ I s st()rfl . FC s'a II g\ r,{ 8p{reod s$ SEoIIITH b J c39 €8ch y€ar f.s the crabe each year is of legal Legal erabs rate og of r@ovat. reova1 of for the hf,gh rate The reasoa reason for Ehe rhe high pota 8r(X}O pots f!.shernclr urlag using 8,000 64 crab crab fishermen increased frffi fri 64 hag tnereased f{sh{,ng intensity tntenssey w&leh fishing which has laten. 281000 poes The inten 1961.-62" The Lo 1961-62. 1,34 fishermen in to a htgh high of of 134 using 28,000 pots in 1.947-{+8to fdsbe:mcn res{ag lc 1941.48 and95 95boats f,kb* past two 118and boats fish.. eeasms with wtth 118 tuo seasons sity has declined tn the slty hao dect{acd slightly ettghtly in tbe past (Table 1). pota respectively 1)" respoctl,vctry (Table 25 and Lug and 23,000 Lag 23 13n000 pots The decl!,na in la Lntensit totcnrltl The decline Ol'<'a. probabny related abamdaneq eraba" probably ofof crabs.. re!,ated to eh€ decline decl.lre in tn abundance eo the i:r!'r{ 1r is {ae\r'*r9! The of the Sncreased Tbe effect effect of tbe increased f,lrbeus{tt 6ver ebe pa$t few years haa be€B Bo essv€ the paak perlod of laod$oga elosea Bo t:he opcnr.rg daee of, &bo seasoc. cregBsecqersedX,nAprtl aad Hay" Is 194.7*488tbe sosrtbo of maJor brt- nn tbe past .S se&ssns gbe e.ajar landl,ngr occurrcd fn ehe fi.rse ? mstaahsof ebe sGeson (Deewber-.Iaeuary) w[th a etcady decl'lne thereafter" !," Table 1. Tehle Est,tncated esd Estimated Number of tdr,uebrer of Boats and Pota Fished F{gbed by Humhccof erab Pots Number ef Crab Year, 1947-64. Vearu 19S?-64. _I$ Slrrpbew o€ ir kq---,,.-, -, g9{r}.-do8 1947.48 1968-49 A9e8*d+9 194950 194"9-5S 1950.51 3950-51 t95i52 &95t-5? 1952-53 E95t-53 1953-34 3"953*5,& 1934.55 19$4-55 195356 1955-55 195637 1956:.57 1957-58 [957-5S 1958-59 &958-59 1959-60 [95$-60 196C61 t96S-61 1961-62 [96]-6e ge6a-63 1962-6 1963-64 t963-6d.' AtrL eattuaBes are undoubtedly [cw. . - - * - - & g g $ g * p r . g $.{ n s. . . . , - , , F i t e 67 67 35 3.5 29 ?,9 63 s3 83 E3 73 71 83 83 91 2L 9e 94 94 ?3 73 81t 8 g 97v 110 x3E tr34 1.34 118 148 {t5 95 Uaalmn llo, of Tffl11IJ FqStd r/ 8r01.5 8,015 3 ,935 3,935 3,795 3 rtgs 13,626 !,3n626 15s709 15,709 13,307 13r507 16,177 16, !,77 lgr634 19,634 1grg23 18,923 lg,?06 19,206 21,307 2t"1307 21rg?4 21,824 20,623 20r623 24,443 24r4p.3 281399 28,399 e4r618 24,618 23r0o0 23,000 44. 0 S Oregon crab !,andtnga in esab landings Oregon totaLed 3"!. 3.1 nl,lli.oa sillion poundc pounds throrgh through June 1n 1963..64 1963-64 tptaled a$ eoryared to 3,0 n!.l&to'o pomdr drnrtng the eme pcrlod of thc 1962-6? s3ri@r Toeal l"aud{,agafor the seaaoa are exp€cted to be a ldttlo ovcr 3.5 nlllto poundo, 50 pcr coat balor the long t,Grmecsn of ?*8 utl!,lm attghtly better psud8, althougb then tbc 196?-63 Bclsoo. Factors *so&!fl, *$Sesggss Crab P{*_dpc_q{es Production ggg!. .4aegss the folloving folLowlng factors Tha faetors affecting abusdanca of of, crabs affeet{ng the tbe abundance erabs cannot bc substancaatrot be rubatanSfst*d try tiated by eoavlne!,ng convincing biological b!,ologieal evidence, enldex€eo Bovaver, there dc isgoneral generalagrccneat agreent [owever, therc slrtlg sbellf,l.sh among hl1fih biologiit bl,otogi,ets along coast that along the ebae these f,actorr are tbe soeet tbcre factors op€r.Elqg" {rG operating. 9geag.{g 9rlsgqgs. {ug producclm I be[feve tha* potcatlally lc oeean{c €trrresBs prcva{lf,ag perf,od of S.arval crabe, S tbe caJor faetor llat,t- durLug thc ,ftea-r;rtrntag If, che costbcsn €urrcnts aope l,n elong cbc Oregan csast to eh,e spr*ng aad eer!,y *r&n€r chroagh .Iuly lfiLeb ia durdeg the frae-swtm{'ng and reacb $Bttltog perlod aad the larvro arc d!,eplsecd sc&perd *{se *'a ehc deepar 3 as eourv!,qcedtbcy uttl bc lost to $:befishery, wgtbln the laee few years e gaent ebuafunee of coho ealoon Sg*Sf"":. bave bcen prasmt ta the oe,G&n, These f{sb fecd on crab larvec rnd as sany ae 1"500 acgalopa-$gag€ ceab tapae s8,msch. Other predaBars ar* rocbfdcb, bavc baen fstnrd ln a afugtc salnon l5ngeode wolf,-eel, bsllbut, *nd eay other fieh" Igasl ffgbtq&. ths reserrea &aothcs f,6e86r rlaat usdoubtcdly has rane offect Ls thc rrawl. f,f.rbaqy, l,n roceat, Eua[err tbe grarrl llcet bas nglrad loto tbe shaXlw sbolf ar€ea {m-es etsk, food tb{s S upon faEhmc}. rrrm€r wes sbseaved to have nnny sugenesr our lord of crrb legs sf,xed la wdth tbe fdsh end eaolt crs wbo are ai.so crabbera raportcd bean!.eg &rart flsbernalr corylatnf,ng over Eh€ radf.o of pluggtug tbcl.r 5. 5. cspcuslsg 3 dragget reported repor8cd capturing 3 Xprgencoaa dragger rEots !n one ooc instance Gf,abr" In nets wf,eh with crabs. La bt,a net" of 6tlr tagged crabc SpBuneg{gs gf- SEg3ggggqa.&eg. A flnat a nlalrtm stlee oa ts{es pr{or althorgb not futly potenctal, ta olr s{nLmn alze rcgulatlo. *tood but ecrtalEly cctabtlrbcd f,actor, tize of 6*[/4 to reacblng ltlr Tr hrve cbc naX,cr to NstG lnchec eo allw !ega!. st*co $rd.r- saE to proryldc btard- lng populaetoo of aales ehat llae unaf,feceed by the flehcry. f,orrlvtrr grcwth rmrk ln Ca[lf,orsrfa nad Orcgoo !.adf,caga Shat a Dcgaont of onr erab populat{,on gr@s €arc cnough eo snt€a tbe Stsher;r bef,ore rttlll and rrc q€t oot bavo ctoogh brecdlag snaloa to sorvtct 'th{,c cvi,deoee ts psollatnatT nake rwod avcltrblc esrd wc need f,usthcr nCddt btforc frnelcr. tle crn s€ccffisdatlons. Seaemc ps iany aod clog. opou and clonr There naay opiniona eeaom should the crab I uhen $foee the arab season op0niome on rhqtrd open tbeEe are rra as uainly by location l,ocrC{oo plant operators. ecssad nalnly tg caused Tbts is aad plant o$r€raeors* Thie arc fiaharnen es Bhcre are flsheeecc and ea there rpm the ler Gboin.. cffet upon di.rece affect ehc direct of re!,eBl.co to nasheta and esd the fiehgag area ls relation ee narkete araa in of a fishing goso individuals rrr6scet a rnditione. Scne tad{.vXirnl8 suggest prevaLllog eccoonic diiduale by presaLltag ocoa emdilt!.oes" ds.vl,dnetr by daee" €penfcg date. uniforn coastwid, opening ssg'fora coargwldf ptobla tbo preblen This cortatnly certoiály hsc has nee{tt serit boo*""e houaver the Thi.a btologletrr of biologist., is bor bow to to errl.ve arrive at at es an opening date that will plaaun please o a *jor eajor portlsil portion of tbag u!.tl cpcnlug deto 8s (Jancart 1) l} Uerbsagtm (January paoGggsororA data uorld sausfy ftaheaeu A datethat mB{,sfyWashington Sbstwould eadprocessom. ff,obcraca, end for the arca south rmtb of b,tolog{,rtc for would pr&abty probably bo be o,ppascd opposd by of Polllt Point tbc area by California Caltfosa{e biologists croag!,d Arose. Arena, flalbl,lStcr plaatr would Tat tet Washington, oppolo it. i3' sould oppose o.t Oragm Oregon flchesuen fihernen and loe planes Solt gad sone fealn tbi tbto justifiably, .lucetf{abLyo fe4ils Pugct Sound Puget Smnd fishery. fiobcry, thelr is tbe the carllrtt tarliest 8bG the 3etlen seasonsbmtd shouldopGno-t..tcrpt openezcept their *.e dctr for probabty agree tor the tbc California a&rGGto to this ebls date usold probably CsX.[fora$.a would area aorth north of Paint Arcao" Arena, of Potat sree A am A nuLl unl,{orn rrduee season opening uonld would ptobebly probably reduce aoaam cpcolng arcc opening opotag to to borer that 8rs area border ecfllct,s conflicts and reduce of boats Sbee run rurr Iron rcduca the em,bcs of tbo uwabar boedas e€rcs of qolag the crop". of the crryr. area and ead fishing ffcht,ng on m the tbe "crean arca opening for The for thr justification terstflcrtlm 6. 6. dtf€ersce opening op€olng dates datss lies lics in different of crabs crabs rescbtag reaching prtrc prime ecndttlo condition lu the reeLrn of ehc realrn Ln some tooe araaa in areas prtqr prior to or later 8o or l.ates than tn other otbrc areas. than Lu ErGileo $omo fishermen ffuhrrrr&en barr euggcst€d tbat Some hay, suggested that ghc the scsrmr seuons be bl set mt by by condition coodltl,o urn. ta. pltqg b'y tbr Ftsh Coetcrloa. ?bo argmcnt tar thlr prfae eodltim tbctr ranl,d rvrn tlkr is ehat the craba rwld aad tbe grcatcrt a6ai,aa8, thf,s etrer pr€Psre so flah (1) tadsatqr ncat ylald crylelnorl brc&rn dom Go rilltr thtr bc barvtrccd rfia csn bo roel*sed. tlrry rrr ln fhG ss$n otf tbae tbey dld oot &nc rAcc to or oporaEo ar*d {2} ths laeb of Em€ya tfnca aad eaopmr would ba ragulred by the Oregm F!.sb Gtrffilcol€e (T z-irr Ilisrv 1953-64 E ereb s{rrrs& oponadNunf,fornly so frytcnoat tbac GbIr euplteg. alqg iT1I* the Orcgon coetg o Dceeebar 111963, 1963r for yeara. for the Dcenbar 1, ftrgt time tbo first &any years. tf.ne in tn many The of Tbe condition e@dltto of, crabs, crabre pere@gags of as acae88r.d by the ebepercentage ,oof,t shells good. as rneaard by was good. of, soft ln the shells Lu tbe cateb, esgcbe uaa The So Sonpor Aliea (rarrtb of I (north former Ares I head) and of Cascade Careado Eoad) aud Area AEr6eII 1l (soith cf Cascade Caecodc head) Brad} {srortb of gbss 10 boeb had both lcar than had less !,0 per cent eet soft ssfc sbell lballs Sarytteg ag As&or{a lrr Oembcr 8, 1963e rnvcaled e rofE-ghell 5'4 pcr ere8 oeEth oS tbo r*ecr ampl&ry (tabla 2). Lu the eateh catch at Ls che at the opening opmtsg (Table 2). pcrcotagc aad 8.3 F.r ceurt as68b of tfic rlrcr. lneter tn Deced,)er resealed aa $s€r68ao l,e thc peac€ags6c of aoft rhcllr nortb af tha r*ver f,o 3 u,aageffi of 14 per eeae eod a oteady dccl,toc ll ptrre€nts6;c of eofe sbell,s ssti,Sh sf ebe rlvea sf,tb cnro cnBcptloo. aqle of, war b{,aard by e&a fsct ebat cbe ghel!, erab hed bers rsoncd aaryltng" Arcn IE erabo lrcra tba bEoE at the opoiag msay tctro tsd m ocly taCI oceartoo* durtng tbe erylfrag trO per esf,l8 so$t-sboll fblr pllsr tbo lattrr to Gbat tbry hrve born for pcrlod encs.d.d gho trovol. ft Zn view of oS the Ia v!,or f,oragof*g {c is fe the that abe foregoing thc staff's seaf8t3 recomiendaticn rcccmcoda8ia tbst the tha season r..ron Doccnbcr 1, sFss on oq December 1966 and aad close latos than open [r 1964 es later AugnnS 13, eloce no tbaa August t5e 1963. 1965. Th. tbc season tcmo prwldtd for as ila;t for in as nom provided viii asgmet!€elly automatically *a open on tt General 1!l rtll 6macsl Order Order 1.3 a these dates. drtcro tlrlc Ure !! of Crab lgtr Pt ! with tESfoe $tth UrnLfor Brcapq Btnaa pote. prtnedty tha ccctcia! blrvect is oado primarily The coenercial crab by erab harvest by fishermen 1r mad. ftrrhcnon using artCIE crab crab pots. aogue a. Red to Cal oder No. 7. G\ }\ {r? cl cas|g t*fqF S 0 0 572 3.1 -. - 1.4 2.6 n.€ c 13* 14 s t @ e6 * a 14 g9trl ?t83 6teE t taq! {t d IG €\e l'j G0 $$ln g 3! 0 0 0 0 qle!(}*, 4t q.a c€ dvl Fl sc'oc' lt, tl ll lfdl **l \& 0e I oo dl t t | I | ! 0 | | e I a frt'i 3 t l?4 o3l *I .a rd €a 1,013 0 0 0 0 oC'eo 0 204 r"{ h a\l .f!GN|N 0 ra Er G.; . cl g 6l rt Ss$JCr r.? i'. t t +h 2 9 s ail d {{ Jr "st s ' ! ? 4J t.i1 ii. i3< s & a 0c A E: qJ [-l 3/ 6-a :l 3 12 19 26 29 +J {,t ce f.} ;")ri3lr$ F*s Totala TIl ta&eO$**aa tfla$a€ r.4 Gl {iqt th, F @1r")&to Fl €r3 s{t n. .(t Oif l, .{ rll DT G ! s c. 8 e. 13 22 - e g {rl SE et' 2/ to €.frre' 221 (,c} A 314 214 o Sapj.ed a No. r.{ c# &a d os arfl Fb do rErp? 6 .ra t0€ s cql .,C 1,3 5.4 10.9 14.0 Soft . salur CoLbie Lo*gbaeb Vu. I et 5. tot t I | - !". €OtO o o i n O€ Ara o .3t 1,086 t s. 8r t{ rr 0 @cp40 l\ FC {? f€ Gc $& rl 0 0 slg q',l ,d lJ ts lr ti rt 0 I aEl Srl ' oi Eo z a ' t 56.6' F if!@@ aaol SF€ 346 gl" €F @ r!4 a € et q{ 4.9 I s0 tt *; T 0 Co1ubLa ?b1 2. o .qld 244 I. d9 n*, orl €t vfi EtA So El 6 6 € r|d €B N9 ta lf oN el&s 8.32/ 7. aod Date Ga irl 0 ef 8il a8tf rllf I t l *31". Cp 6r{ Efa *g tt 0l EI I 278 218 @ ft d TJ so s * (& 14 cr! 6 sr'|il 6 ao 3,236 el to 1/ Cape Falcon Ho. Soft ted ES rSw o id G' 2.3 15.0 | r 1p362 426 0 .a HI Fa1on or tho o € ,,s . t tsl H a 8.2 7.6 10.6 No. a 1,128 0 580 310 0 681 d o qe .gh gd cg e a gr te ta rrtl P-Srl9S r'S uF 4$ 11 $.{t s n tO Cane Lookout Ho. 7 of Crabw S&p1od nd P &e of Or ,4 e('oo tr4 to lss fe l8 o .s .o I ?, t* {d ct g0 O .1) I I lct. t S. 0t 3l t8 @ rso #D :361 664 au. l8 s c gl! (F rG ! . t.3 lFit r {P'8 | ttrt\O\{} ft*l (pI\€' 7. Cp Lookout Il * I kso o s,\l' l 5e I sgtit 6Qgs, sa I{.l I € S., Fa led Uc Cout Soft SbL1.d by g !"4 r, l€ F ls g r(5 tc$ d to u *r | t t fr rff lee 7. 8l nl I"; l*'s 4 Fr & . $ Fllcr G8 (J qt t9 cn a e a | I I 0 | l'f d t t. I | 88 427 705 0 F {l S & g€ ol Soft dd dl 2.9 lc*l 238 Irl 1. bl 3.5 3.3 ll{r* o{, Cape Nianco to ue R. Red No. 7. l$ 3l FSfart r . * Frfllf) {rl CpePaTcou Ls43iai1es north ol Calcade Read, the northern boundary of Atsa II. Ccposits sanpt, ccetaintn eraba fron the North and South aidee of the Co1ubLs River. The ehell crab had been sorted cut prier to sap1in. I I ool 442 lo Ro()C' url 2,093 C' oooe 00 .t ... l8 7. a3 J0 0 74 a 0 ?a E 572 0 0 0 rs rrl lg F tt t i I r 0 0 0 0 lE Fia .3 rrlt t I 0l o I 0 0 0 0 l.o I r I I I t 0 0 0 C !. g It |.l 0* q. t, tll l3 Soft_1e4 -S $a lo 0' 8o . prcsent regulations ports in for The Oregon do nog not reqlflr€ require e6*eils esapa ports regulat!.mc of ln crab crab pots The present of Sragcn Pot, for. the Durpose of of ellwf,ag ello,tng €ccar]Gmenl escapaent of the nurpolc o.{ssali aotall crabs. $rebo. ghat escape posts in poBa be that cscape ports be required. requl,r*d" ln pots This merit and esd the thr Tble suggestion suggestto& has ncrl,t prlaclp!,* of eeeapc porgs ls osdoraed b'y che ateff. vfrtus-l3y ell At thc prercnt tls of Ghe gear haa eacapc ports of varytr.g eltG. sr tba fl&rrucn loag ago reellaod iu r{ar Some pep1e have Sae pcoplc have suggested augtGttod gcas. Eba vr*[uc of thir of Ebeac portl. The naJor probl,em lr thc taalrtdon Ts r@ove and replaee tb6e nol trorld be a nrJor .rp@t to tbe f,trcbemeo sho dtd nog bayc ri,ngo of the propea r!EG. poscr in potr. There reasons for fr having Tbose are havln6 escape ln pots. aac several lryortant rraasas s€f,reral,important €se€pGports ef tbaaa are; aale erahll pstsi (t) (1) reducttm rcducad flghtl,ug aad (3) aolcctlve Slnu€s 8o ft.rh" ere klllled of handltag nortaltty If Some Socr ro $gb-lagal ualo tad fc- and {,aJury to sal.ler ln tho crabo emflned fdohl.ng {,f a buoy brcaLs off erf a pot ood tbr poB 9o* ehe pot hfls Gscepe port$! tben ml,y tho lcgal-cf,t.d craba and thc gub[egata eccepa t:o brecd and poaoi.blt 6nter tbr tf,rbot7, [I: ?he erabe that dLe frq eugrapsffg ehornghlost to tho ftgbernao rcpra3.oB notb{ug m6re. Ehama ti.ohlag ncortal*ty gG tbe pcpu!.atlon, cscap. portr ports should be sr as bl,g eccepc Tbee vesa!,oneof hm bi sboold bc tbesc are are nearly noasly as as many nauy versions ef hov there f!,she&€or tharo are fisbetmen. gcne indivi4:els l/2 at least lcrlt 4-Ll2 Some feel shae that tbey they ahonld should bc beat tsd*vl,e.S;s!.sfca!, gsell.ost legal inches mating; lnebee in $n diameter dleaetea so legal crabs erabs could €ee8pa far for net{,ng3 that the tbc smallest could escape ro thtt crlbl. other flehcrrerl feel fcel that of, a aise ia retain r€taLn all all legal lcgrl crabs. @thor fishermen bc of s{ce to tbac they thcy should ehotr!,dbe port studies. The tbc shellfish ttro escape chellf,lab investigation lnvc$tfgatfl,os has baa conducted efeape port r8sdltt. eonduct*d tso ff.rst rtwdy shtrtred tbat to roatly be cffoetivc (e* soerurld by thc avoart. else of crabs rctel,aed) the potr had to f{eh for ag t@ast {8 bosrr" *hfr ttse pcrlcd thc avcrage olze l,acroarod vcry gr*dually ?he eeemd ctudy wae derlgnod to decelrel,na the pldth-tcnttb . The thc Aftar throngb l& boure" rolatlonrhtp of ebc crab cerep.ec (a erab goes oug tbe porta stdcnnyr)e aad to dotcrnlar ths ucgt off,eetle€ r{ac of cserpc rlng. tr,cngtb aad wtdth end o regrcrcton Io al.X, 1r00G crabe ratra eGarurrd f,or !.tae ealeuletcd. It ger dctcraloGd fros : r ^7tt't' 9. 9. ghae tbcre (atopc 0.9999) bctrccoa seXa&i,mEhdp 0,9999) between these there is straigbt4ine relationship (elope ls a $R,ral,6be-[1ne tbese data that wtth aeicllength. !.aagfb. n{.dtil and of legal logal eta, Frow was also rllc Frsn this $.t wac atso deternined detscu{ned that that aa crab crsb of tbtl it 4*3/8 inches. o u$dchbaa of 4.3/8 lacboo. of 64/4 6*U6inches lanbcain![awidth longtb of hasa alength dtaaotcr. ,ape port, port should 3/8 inches bl 4-318 e.ape ebonld therefore &beref,ore be tucbes in la dtanetez. The proper rlzd sizd es cttbc prqcr Of course ollrd thlr sized courre this ring crabs to to eseepo escape and and alro also r.tala retain r* son. thrt that 8t. are r3.ng will a!,tor sone ronc legal..stzs logal-llzc crabo vlLl, allow aublegch oublegei". auae of the n*ecaof,8y necessity af of afferdtng affording protcctloc protection co to mb*1q31 sub4.gal nele aa1. crebr crabs of, ehe &eeause potr the rold like llkc to to inforn lafotn and redcin fishing 8{,lbf;,rgnortality nortaltey Iron Loct pots tbe staff staff, would oad reclwtug f:oarlost r€cdrendeGlq on tttt.t the Cm.$segm Coeisston that f;irc m this tblf netter shet the &hcstaff stcff is lr considering con*fderlng aI recoonendatton t* bE bø pres€$ted presented at leBcr date. d&8s. eor aE aa later C, Snow C. Date 0rlc Srnar govtber 18, Sov*bcr 18, 1964 1964 C cc: e*r . ierjar3en Gwi.csf,6eor He6,erJurgen CoLssionaz tf Uabnitt ile.ff sabidt tf HEl,X, Soh Seboa*ng ob Schoning Dnle Fa!.o Snow Snms aearcb &csear*b