MedLink of Mecklenburg Governance Structure Governance

MedLink of Mecklenburg Governance Structure
Currently, NC MedAssist has agreed to act as a fiduciary agent on behalf of MedLink.
Policies and procedures concerning governance will be made by the MedLink Executive
Committee and voting members of the organization.
MedLink is an organization of and for safety-net service providers. Service provider
organizations are defined as governmental and non-governmental organizations whose
missions and services support community health efforts either through direct patient care,
patient support, education, advocacy or similar means. Individuals not affiliated with
service provider organizations are welcomed and encouraged to participate as affiliate
members, but will not have voting privileges, nor will they be required to pay dues.
Affiliate members may serve on ad hoc committees of MedLink. Multiple providers from
the same organization may attend MedLink meetings, but each organization must identify
one (1) voting member who is authorized to vote on behalf of the organization.
Decision Making
Any meeting requiring a vote must be pre-designated as a “voting” meeting. Notification
of a voting meeting must be provided at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. There
must be a quorum of agencies present at the voting meeting. A quorum is a simple
majority of voting members. Affirmative votes of 2/3 of voting members present must be
achieved to imply consent of membership. In the event that an organization’s designated
voting member is unable to attend a voting meeting, the agency may send an alternate
voting member. The following are examples of decisions requiring consent of
• Policy/Public statements of support or opposition (e.g. any “official”
• Projects requiring an agency to engage in a binding legal agreement on behalf of
MedLink and any grants to be submitted on behalf of or for the benefit of
MedLink leadership will consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Individuals from member agencies that serve in these roles will be elected by the
membership via nominations made by the nominations committee. These officers will
make up the executive committee and will serve for a one (1) year term. Each individual
will have the option of serving up to two one (1) year terms. The executive committee is
charged with setting the agenda at meetings; determine which items need voting on; serve
as liaisons to committees and coordinate public communications and approved letters of
MedLink will maintain the following subcommittees:
• Membership
The membership committee will consist of 3 or 4 member agencies who will
advocate for new agencies to join the organization. The membership committee
will also call and follow-up with agencies whose attendance has dropped off at
• Nominating
The nominating committee will be appointed during the summer to review with
agency interest in serving on the executive committee. The nomination committee
will bring a slate of officers to be voted on at the November meeting.
Dues Structure
To create ownership and accountability, it is required that voting member agencies pay
dues at the following levels:
Dues: < $250,000 annual Budget = $50 annually
$250,001 to $499,999 = $150
$500,000 to 1,999,999 = $300
$$2,000,000 to $4,999,999 = $400
$5,000,000 or over $500
Member agencies will be invoiced in July and should pay their dues by September 30th.
New member agencies who are voted in during the middle part of the fiscal year between
October – March may be charged 50% of the full dues amount for that agency’s budget.
New agencies will be charged the full amount the next fiscal year. Member agencies who
are not current with their dues will not be allowed to vote at voting meetings.