Wo oolworths cutss prices on mosst popu ular item ms in sttore Customers to ssave morre than $ $1.2 milliion everyy week Sundaay, 27 Octob ber 2013: Woolworths h W has slashed the price of m many of the m most populaar fresh food and big bran nd produ ucts on shelf,, in a move that could save Australian n customers more than $ $1.2 million eevery week jjust by doingg their normaal grocery sh hop. In a drive to deliveer more savings to customers, the prrice of more than 60 of th he most pop pular productts across thee store have b been cut by almost 33 peer cent, inclu uding Australian beef min nce, fresh baaked bread ro olls, Macro A Australian freee range chicken breasts and thigghs, Coca‐Co ola products, Bertolli pastta sauces and Paul Newm man’s salad d dressings. Tjeerd d Jegen, Man naging Directtor of Woolw worths Superrmarkets, said: “It’s no seecret that Au ussie familiess are more conceerned than evver about managing theiir bills and th he rising costt of living. Ou ur customerss have given us one clearr task – to deliver unbeaatable value for money every day. “Our llatest range of Every Dayy Value pricee cuts offer th he cheapest prices on so ome of most popular products in our store. In factt, our Aussiee beef mince,, fresh bread d rolls, Macro o chicken bre easts and thiighs all appeear in our Top p Ten Most Shopp ped lists.” Last year, Woolwo orths sold ab bout 355 milllion bread ro olls. That’s 15 5.5 rolls for eevery man, w woman and cchild in Austrralia. By red ducing the prrice of 6‐paccks of fresh b baked bread rolls in store e by more thaan 25 per ceent, Woolworrths customeers will bee getting unb beatable valu ue on one off the most po opular produ ucts in the sttore. orths is consistently cheaper than Colles on a com mparable baskket across th he store, we are “While we know tthat Woolwo constaantly lookingg for new waays to offer o our customerrs ways to saave. Looking at an averagge basket, these latest Evvery Day V Value price cu uts will save our customeers hundredss of dollars p per year on th he most pop pular productts on their shopp ping lists,” co oncluded Jeggen. olworths Every Day Valuee and details on the savin ngs across th he store please visit For more informattion on Woo www..woolworthss.com.au. # Ends # For fu urther inform mation pleasee contact Wo oolworths Prress Office o on 02 8885 1033. Note tto Editors: Detailled breakdow wn of some o of the latest Every Day V Value specialss, available in n Woolworth hs stores nattionally: Product FRESH FOOD Bread d Rolls ‐ 6 Pacck Varieties Austrralian whole p plain chicken Austrralian whole cchicken ‐ seaso oned & marin nated Austrralian Regularr Beef Mince ‐‐ 1.5kg Macrro Australian FFree Range W Whole Chicken Macrro Australian FFree Range Ch hicken Thigh FFillets Skinlesss Was Now $2.70 $5.19/kkg $6.40 $5.99/kkg $6.99 $15.78 $2.00 0 $3.99/kgg $4.99 9 $4.79/kgg $5.99 9 $14.99 9 Saving $0.70 $1.20 $1.41 $1.20 $1.00 $0.79 25.90% 22.90% 21.9% 20.03% 14.20% 4.9% Macrro Australian FFree Range Ch hicken Breast Fillets Skinlesss I&J Fish Fillets ‐ 57 70g Barraamundi Fillets Ling FFillets GROC CERIES Coca Cola ‐ 15x375 5ML cans Woolworths Selectt Turkey Breast Roast ‐ 1kgg Berto olli Pasta Saucce 5 Bros ‐ 500 0g Paul Newmans Salad Dressings ‐ 250ml $15.99 $8.57 $17.99 $20.00 $14.99 9 $7.00 0 $14.00 0 $18.00 0 $1.00 $1.59 $3.99 $2.99 6.2% 18.50% 22.20% 14.20% $17.79 $18.00 $3.45 $4.29 $12.00 0 $15.00 0 $3.00 0 $3.80 0 $5.79 $3.00 $0.45 $0.49 32.50% 16.7% 13.00% 11.4%