UCL International Institute for Society & Health/UCL Institute for Global Health 2010 Public Seminar
You are invited to attend on:
Tuesday, 30th November, 5pm
(followed by drinks at 6.00pm)
'Social determinants of health in adolescents'
Speaker: Dr Russell Viner, Institute of Child Health
Adolescent health is increasingly on the global health agenda. Unlike younger children, adolescents appear to
have benefited little from the epidemiological transition. While adolescence was previously seen as the
healthiest time of life, young people transitioning into employment and marriage may be particularly vulnerable
to the effects of globalisation and social and economic change.
Russell M Viner MBBS FRACP FRCPCH FRCP (Lon) PhD (Cantab)
Russell Viner is an academic paediatrician (currently Reader in Adolescent Health) and adolescent physician
at the UCL Institute of Child Health in London, working clinically at University College Hospital and Great
Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London.
 He set up the first Adolescent Medicine Service in the UK jointly between Great Ormond St Hospital for
Children and University College London Hospitals, and works clinically in adolescent diabetes &
endocrinology, obesity and complex adolescent problems.
 He works as a consultant on adolescent health for the Departments of Health and of Education in the
UK, and for the WHO internationally.
 His research interests focus on the implications of adolescent development for physical and mental
health in adolescence, particularly around obesity, chronic illness self-management (diabetes), health
risk behaviours (alcohol, smoking and drug use) and health services for young people. Most recently
he has become involved in international efforts to improve global adolescent health
 He is currently involved in research grants totally > £9million, and has published >100 peer-reviewed
publications, many in high impact journals. Collaborations extend around the UK, to the USA, Europe,
African, India and Australia.
 He is European Vice-President of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) and a
Board Member of the UK Association for Young People’s Health
 He has given >40 keynote lectures in the last 5 years in the UK and internationally, including for the
annual meetings of the paediatric societies of Denmark, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Australia, Ulster
and Scotland
Venue: UCL, Roberts 508 Lecture Theatre, 5th floor, Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London WC1E
7HB. Entrance opposite Waterstone. Building location: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/efd/roombooking/buildinglocation/?id=045
This seminar is free but please note seats cannot be reserved and are on a first come first served basis.
Please contact us at iish@ucl.ac.uk if you have any special needs. Please bring this invitation with you.