FS 143 April 1968 Fruit and Nut Varieties for Home Orchards Prepared by ROBERT L. STEBBINS Extension Horticulture Specialist, Oregon State University, Corvallis This is a listing of a few of the better fruit and nut varieties suited for the Fo IS ht r m P U tp o :// s BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g home orchard in Oregon. Many other fine varieties are not listed. Area Ill. Mountain and high plateau. This area is noted for extremes in temperature, lack of rain- Area I. The Willamette Valley and Southern Ore- gon are noted for mild, uniform, and relatively humid weather. During the summer, temperatures are usually moderate with low humidity. Southern Oregon has a warmer, drier climate with frequent spring frosts. fall, and a short growing season. Only the hardiest fruit trees will survive. Area IV. Coastal region. Low summer temperatures Area II. The Mid-Colum- bia and eastern Oregon generally regions warmer summers and rain limit fruit grow- have and ing. Disease problems are colder winters than most of Area I. Spring frost is especially severe. common. Apples TH Lodi Red Melba Tydemans red Gravenstein Delicious Golden Delicious Rome Beauty Yellow Newtown Winesap McIntosh Approximate time of maturity Areas suited Variety I, II, III, IV I, II, IV I, II I, IV I, II S I, II, IV , I, II II, III II, III I, II, III July 15-30 Aug. 1-20 Aug. 20-30 Aug. 20-30 Sept.-Oct. Sept. 15-Oct. 20 Oct. 20-Nov. 15 Nov. 10-20 Oct. 20-30 Sept. 15-30 Comments Yellow Partly scab resistant Large, red, attractive Pollinized by Lodi, Delicious, not hardy Pollinized by Golden Del. Pollinates Delicious and Gravenstein Red, good for pie and baking Green, good keeper Red, good keeper Red blush. Store at 36° F Prunes and Plums Variety Italian Brooks Parsons President Plum Red Heart* Shiro* Burbank* Areas suited I II I, II II I, II I, II I, II Approximate time of maturity Sept. 10-30 Sept. 20-30 Sept. 1-15 Sept. 20-30 Sept. 5-15 Aug. 20 Aug. 20-25 Comments Tart, "purple plum" Bears regularly, large Pollinized by Italian, sweet Pollinized by Stanley Pollinized by Elephant Heart Pollinized by Red Heart Pollinized by Elephant Heart * These are Japanese plums. They bloom quite early, so fruiting is often limited by frost or rain. This is one of a series of Fact Sheets reporting Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Omgdo Caved. end the U 5 Dndenonand of AgdcnKne CooPen,n, Gene M. Lear, director. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Oregon State University, Oregon counties, and U. S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Pears Areas suited Variety Approximate time of maturity I, II I, II Bartlett Anjou Aug. 15-30 Sept. 5-20 Sept. 10-30 Sept. 20-30 Bosc Cornice Pollinizer Anjou, Fall Butter Bartlett Comicebest in southern Oregon Boscbest in southern Oregon Fo IS ht r m P U tp o :// s BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g Peaches Areas Variety Approximate time of maturity suited* I, II Veteran Red Haven Elberta July Elberta Alamar Western Pride Early Elberta Aug. 20-25 Aug. 5-10 Aug. 30.-Sept. 5 Aug. 15-20 Sept. 1-10 Aug. 12-18 Aug. 24-28 I, II I, II I, II Comments Most popular Old standard *Note: In the Willamette and Hood River Valleys, cool, rainy weather in the bloom period often severely limits fruit set. The varieties listed for Area I are those which will more frequently set fruit in those valleys. Sweet Cherry Variety Royal Anne Corum Bing Lambert Van Lamida Areas suited Ripening season I, II I, II Color Pollinized by* Early White White Mid Late Early Late Black Black Black Black Corum Royal Anne Van, Corum Van, Corum Bing, Lambert Van Mid * All cherries require cross-pollination. Lambert is the most winter hardy. Lamida and Van are suited to southern Oregon. Filberts Variety Area* Pollinizer I, IV I, IV I, IV I, IV Barcelona Davianna Du Chilly Montebello Davianna Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Comments Standard variety Light producer Long, flattened Won't pollinate Barcelona *Regions II and III are too cold in winter for filberts. Walnuts Variety Winter hardiness TH Area Franquette Spurgeon Hartley UC 49-46 Limited Limited Limited Limited I, II Chambers #9 Hardy Comments Standard variety Large size Pollinated by Franquette Small, heavy producer Heavy producer Other Fruits Crop Sour cherry Fig Nectarines Persimmon Chestnut Variety Comments Montmorency Principal variety Lattarula, Dessert King, Neveralla La Grand Garrettson, Er. Golden, Hayachi, Fuji Kuling, Meiling, Nanking Hardy, Area I only Suited to southern Oregon only Marginal bearers in Oregon Hardy, subject to spring frost