CODE INTERPRETATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY Building Code Enforcement CODE: 2002 NC Residential Code SUBJECT: Engineer footer/foundation repairs (pier systems) Reviewed by: Gene Morton/George Rogers/Jeff Griffin Question: What information and inspections are required for engineered footer/foundation repairs such as helical piers? Code reference: R301.1/R301.1.2 & Administrative Code section 301 Permits (GS153A-357 and 160A-417) Answer: Helical pier systems are structural repairs and are required, regardless of dollar amount, to have a permit pulled for such repairs (including just chimney repairs). There will be 2 required inspections for such repairs and 2 engineering reports as listed below: 1. Footer inspection- At time of footer inspection an engineering design letter will be required to be on site for field inspector review and to collect to place on file with permit documents. 2. Final inspection- When all work is completed a final inspection will be conducted and a engineers letter that signs off on installation meeting design requirements will need to be on site for inspector to review and collect. In addition the grade around structure will be reviewed to verify that positive drainage is still provided around structure. Approved By _____Gene Morton_______________ F:\CORE\CORESUP\KATHY\GENE\CDEINTRP\wythe.doc Date ______2/24/06_____