Building Consistency Meeting

Building Consistency Meeting
Date: 11/1/2006
Recorder and minutes prepared by: Danny Wooten/Jeff Griffin
Staff present: Harold Sinclair, Steve Kellen, Jeff Griffin, Danny Wooten, David Morton,
David Williams, Randy Newman, TW Anthony, David Ries, Rob Ellis, Ron Dishman,
Jacki Templeton, Barry Human, Walt Nash, George Rogers.
Public present: Tony Smith (Hobart Smith Homes), Kent Bublitz (Royce Homes),
Dennis Goguo (KB Homes), Wayne Carter (Evergreen Homebuilders), Hans Kasak
(Ryland), Harold Ingram (Ryland), Dave Reynolds (BFS), Bill Green (Barefoot and
Co.), Bob McKee (Ryan Homes), Jim Brodnik (Mattamy Homes), Daniel McBride
(The Cunnane Group), Jason Whitener (Dienst Custom Homes), Cory Cronin (CP
Morgan), Evan Weiss/Terry Cleary (Meeting Street).
Model Home
and Sales
Issue was discussed at State level and currently for model homes it is
being left as a local interpretation. Mecklenburg County will continue to
enforce all requirements below for sales areas or centers but model
homes are for sale single family dwellings and not required to meet the
NC Accessibility Code.
effective 1-106
Builders should be aware by now that there were several Code changes
that went into effect on January 1st of 2006. All Code amendments from
2002 became mandatory as of January of this year. The only place this
information can be found in on the NC Department of Insurance website
at Information can be found under adopted
code information and then click on approved code changes.
Low E glass
Low E glass for all windows is still schedule to be enforced with the
new Code, currently scheduled for June 1, 2007 and building Code
council is looking at making mandatory on January 1, 2008. Currently
we are being told that January will more than likely be the mandatory
date for the next Code.
Attic access
Discussed the issue with access location and headroom. The location of
the attic access must be in a readily accessible location, cannot remove
shelving to get to an access. Headroom state in the Code simply refers
to “at some point” over the access you must have a 30” headroom. This
headroom is measure from top of a mechanical platform or ceiling joist
to the bottom edge of the rafters not between. The code doesn’t specify
location of the headroom as if required in the center it simply states at
some point so if access anywhere along opening has a 30” as measured
above then it would be compliant.
Nails in ACQ
An issue still seen frequently in the field is the use of regular cement
coated or gun nails into ACQ lumber. ACQ is twice as corrosive as
previous CCA lumber previously used in this market. Galvanized nails
must be used to secure anchor straps and braced wall panels when
nailed into mudsill plates using ACQ lumber. Borate plates do not
require galvanized nails.
Code Change
Currently the Department is working on a handout that will highlight
the changes in the new code coming out in print next March or April.
The Department hopes to have this list available shortly and will also
post to the website.
There continues to be issues with townhouse party walls and the type of
wall assembly used. Ratings must extend into the eaves and soffit line to
prevent communication from 1 attic space to another. The area
separation wall using the clips system has very specific details for
installation and the ¾” minimum thermal gap stand off from interior
non-rated walls to rated must be installed per the detail, non-rated
interior walls cannot be in contact with clipped system. An issue with
the clipped system wall is that it is designed to stand as an exterior wall
if the adjacent unit is burned down, therefore this wall needs to be
clipped to a interior wall that is anchored and wall bracing needs to be
considered in this application, strapping is one method of bracing this
wall line which is often used.
Next meeting is on December 1, 2006 and will in the Ed Woods meeting room 1st floor of the
Hal Marshall building at 8:00am. The Department will be closed in observance of the
Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday November 23rd and Friday November 24th, 2006.