CODE MECKLENBURG COUNTY INTERPRETATION VOLU ME: Volume VII SUBJECT: Surface Water Drainage REVIEWED BY: Consistency Team ENGINEERING & BUILDING STANDARDS DEPARTMENT QUESTION: Are driveways and sidewalks required to slope away from the foundation of residential dwellings? CODE REFERENCE: Section 401.3 ANSWER: Yes, Sidewalks and driveways and other impervious surfaces must have positive drainage to prevent trapping and ponding of water against the house. The only exception to this rule is when physical barriers such as lot lines or walls (obstacles that are not controllable by the contractor or owner) prevent proper sloping. In these instances, the contractor or owner must ensure the use of drains or swales to protect the area surrounding the foundation. Approved By ______________________________ Date __3-3-99__________________________ F:\CORE\CORESUP\KATHY\GENE\CDEINTRP\wythe.doc