Looking at digestive system organs in primary schools

Looking at digestive system organs in primary
The complete digestive system can be viewed only if an intact animal is dissected. The facilities
and expertise for this are best done in secondary schools.
In this document, the internal digestive system can be seen by examining tripe.
Why do this?
The dissections can help pupils to gain an appreciation of the internal structure of organs found
in the mammal’s body.
Where to obtain the organs
Animal organs obtained from a butcher or shop that sells for human consumption will be suitable.
“Green” tripe obtained for feeding to pets is not suitable for dissection.
Please refer to the safety guidelines are in CLEAPSS guide, “Looking at (dissecting) animal
organs in primary schools, health and safety aspects”.
Pupils can use a hand lens to examine the
surface of tripe obtained from a butcher.
Although the lining of the cow’s stomach
does not relate to absorbing food, the
principle of folds to increase surface area
can be appreciated.
The pupils can relate the structure to
increased surface area, and then to
absorbing food.
The complexity of the folds is more
marked in close up.
Clearing away and disposal
Please refer to the safety guidelines are in CLEAPSS guide, “Looking at (dissecting) animal
organs in primary schools, health and safety aspects”.