Middleware Working Group Report Initial Evaluation & Future Directions Andrew N. Jackson

Middleware Working Group Report
Initial Evaluation & Future Directions
Andrew N. Jackson
Chip Watson
ILDG2 - 2nd May 2003
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
Middleware Recap
¾ ILDG: A Grid-Of-Grids
¾ An aggregation of a number
of datagrids.
¾ Using a standardised webservice interface.
¾ Initially linking U.S. and U.K.
¾ To demonstrate basic contentlisting (‘ls’) by Lat03.
¾ Structure
¾ U.K.’s QCDgrid as a single entity.
¾ With many RO nodes and one
RW node.
¾ Every U.S. storage facility appears
as a separate entity.
¾ Gateway running on lqcd.org
provides the overall interface.
[A web service.]
& others...
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
¾ Only gentle progress so far...
¾ Added basic WG overview on http://www.lqcd.org/ildg/.
¾ Andrew Jackson & Chip Watson (co-conveners of the MWG)
have been discussing overall status and direction.
¾ Andrew Jackson has (with James Perry’s help) written some
experimental code to test the Grid-Of-Grids concept.
¾ The ILDG-Middleware mailing list has been set up (this week!).
¾ ILDG Middleware WG <ildg-middleware@epcc.ed.ac.uk>
¾ Please contact me, Andrew Jackson <A.N.Jackson@ed.ac.uk> to
be added to this mailing list.
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
Required Interfaces
¾ The ILDG Services will be built on...
¾ Replica Catalogue
¾ Currently different incompatible implementations.
¾ Metadata Catalogue
¾ QCDgrid currently has its own metadata catalogue based on the
eXist XML database, queried via XPath.
Note that EDG-WP2 is creating a combined
¾ Storage Resource Manager
¾ EDG-PPDG are developing a standard.
¾ Implementation code will follow shortly afterwards.
¾ Such standards can hide the differences between Replica
¾ And perhaps Metadata Catalogues too.
¾ File-transfer daemons
¾ A solved problem, though there are many to choose from/support:
Andrew N. Jackson
¾ http, ftp, gridftp, jparss, bbftp....
May 2003
SRM 2.x
¾ The Storage Resource Manager Interface
¾ An emerging standard:
¾ v2.1 is being currently being co-written by EDG and PPDG.
¾ Broad functionality:
¾ Maps logical filenames (LFN) to:
¾ One or more physical locations (Storage File Name, SFN, of the form
¾ (And perhaps) Global Unique Identifier (GUID/GlobalFileID), used to
refer a specific file.
¾ Provides Space Management Functions.
¾ e.g. request free space in the future.
¾ Provides Directory and File Functions.
¾ e.g. srmLs lists directory contents. (Very useful for ILDG).
¾ srmMv/srmCp for moves and copies.
¾ etc...
¾ Provides Data Transfer Functions. (Very useful for ILDG).
¾ See http://sdm.lbl.gov/srm for more...
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
EDG ReplicaMetadataCatalog
¾ Aims to unify the metadata and replica management.
¾ Associating extra data with each entry in the replica catalogue.
¾ Still very early in its development.
¾ Can store ‘attributes’, and associate them with a given LFN.
¾ includes examples like filesize, date of creation, etc.
¾ It is not clear how our XML Schema would fit into this model.
¾ References
¾ The ‘RMC’, under EDG http://www.eu-datagrid.org/
¾ WP2: http://edg-wp2.web.cern.ch/edg-wp2/.
¾ See http://proj-grid-data-build.web.cern.ch/proj-grid-data-build/edgmetadata-catalog/ for more details.
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
ILDG Services
¾ To build on top of these tools
¾ Create SRM2.x interface to the QCDgrid.
¾ Implement (a subset of) the SRM 2.x spec. on top of the Globus
Java CoG to allow QCDgrid to ‘speak the same language’ as the
U.S. SRMs.
¾ Define an aggregation scheme for pooling SRM contents:
¾ ildgURLs: The ILDG file namespace.
¾ Build the ILDG Web Services
¾ Providing an interface based on SRM2.x.
¾ Extra information will be needed.
¾ Providing web services to browse the ILDG file namespace:
¾ Directly.
¾ Or via the metadata.
¾ Build a ILDG Web Portal
¾ Public access via www.lqcd.org.
¾ Hooking into the ILDG Web Services.
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
¾ Whatever interface we use, we need a way to identify
files on the ILDG Grid-Of-Grids:
¾ Suggest using an ‘ildgURL’:
¾ ildg:// a unique prefix.
¾ srm.host the hostname of the SRM machine.
¾ For QCDgrid, the entire system appears as a single SRM.
¾ qcdgrid.ac.uk and backup mirror on qcdgrid-mirror.ac.uk?
¾ For U.S. machines, each store appears as a separate SRM.
¾ /dir/name.ext a unique filename of a file for that SRM.
¾ Unique per SRM, or over the entire ILDG?
¾ Note that this scheme assumes one SRM catalogue per
¾ Under Globus, we could have many catalogues each with a set of
collections of files.
¾ But this is functionality is probably not needed.
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
The ILDG Services
¾ The ildgFileService
¾ Based on a (read-only?) subset of SRM2.x.
¾ Uses ildgURLs instead of LFNs.
¾ Contains extra information about the SRM hosts, e.g. the WS URL.
¾ Adds extra aggregation information.
¾ Later, as SRM matures, adopt more of the protocol (and indeed
¾ The aggregate service browses the ildgURL-space.
¾ But a idlg://url can be mapped onto physical host and allowed
access protocol(s), which will then allow file downloads.
¾ gsiftp://trumpton.ph.ed.ac.uk/grid/dir/filename
¾ http://www.qcdgrid.ac.uk/ildgFileServlet?file=grid/dir/filename
¾ The ildgMetadataService
¾ Implement a Metadata-based interface.
¾ Devise a web-form and/or browse-tree interface?
¾ Extend QCDgrid’s Schema-based browser?
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
Testing A Grid-Of-Grids
¾ A Simple Grid-Of-Globuses
¾ A web interface to a set of Globus 2.x replica catalogues.
¾ (Could not get access to U.S. SRMs in the available time).
¾ Structure of the code is essentially as ILDG requires.
¾ Code Overview:
¾ org.lqcd.srm.* package defines an abstract version of a cut-down SRM.
¾ org.lqcd.srm.globus.* is an implementation of that SRM using the Java
¾ org.lqcd.ildg.ildgFileService defines the aggregated service. Currently
accessed via a Java Servlet Page instead of as a Web Service.
¾ Generally successful, with three main suggestions arising:
¾ We need a public access mechanism to get into the U.S. SRMs.
¾ Directory structure and file information should be cached.
¾ The demo caches in the browser session. The first visit is very very
¾ It takes about 10 mins to do a full lookup!
¾ We need a generic metadata-based interface.
¾ Without it, the different catalogues can only be unified at the root of the
aggregated directory structure (by the definition of the ildgURL).
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
¾ A proper SRM supplies lots of information about
¾ Globus Replica Catalogues only supply filenames
¾ No file size, ownership, creation date etc, and so this must be
looked up on the remote physical host and/or the metadata
¾ Therefore, QCDgrid MUST hook its metadata catalogue into the
SRM Web Service API.
¾ Initially provide just basic file information
¾ But we may as well also plan how the generic metadatabrowsing might fit it to avoid making life difficult later.
¾ But, browse by metadata requires standardising
access to our metadata catalogues
¾ QCDgrid essentially maps XPath queries to logical filenames.
¾ But what should we be doing?
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
¾ Goal by Lattice 2003:
¾ simple system based on SRM 2.1.
¾ srmLs interface to browse each others files via the ildgURL
¾ support at least enough of the SRM interface to allow simple file
¾ To do this...
¾ First set up actual Web Services
¾ Move the test code from the service to a web services.
¾ (Currently, the test code queries the Globus RC directly).
¾ Polish the code:
¾ e.g. Needs a better caching mechanism.
¾ Currently once-per-session.
¾ Should cache and refresh in the background.
¾ Then, develop portals to be hosted on www.lqcd.org/ildg
¾ Browsing and transfer, looking rather like a normal http/ftp directory
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
For Discussion...
¾ The Plan:
¾ Implement SRM2.x subset for QCDgrid: srmLs.
¾ Implement the ildgFileService and a simple web portal.
¾ The File Space Browser:
¾ Agree a ‘Namespace’ of the Grid-Of-Grids:
¾ ildg://srm.hostname/global/file/id ?
¾ Should we also support multiple collections at a single SRM?
¾ Should we ensure that the GlobalFileIDs are unique across the ILDG?
¾ Access Policies...
¾ Public general access?
¾ Administration Privileges & Actions?
¾ Use ‘Catalogue-Caching’ in the ildgFileService? Cache metadata
¾ Portal/User Interface ideas?
¾ Metadata API (mapping queries to ildgURLs):
¾ XPath using the Schema? Or ‘Attributes’ associated with the
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
Global File IDs
¾ Use an ID to precisely identify a file.
¾ As well as a logical filename?!
¾ Quoted in the metadata catalogues – allowing
expression of relationships between files.
¾ But still permit changing global file names.
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003
¾ Public (Read-Only) Access.
¾ We must define and implement our general access policy.
¾ Currently, QCDgrid allows public read-only access, but only to the replica
¾ Then we can work out how to access U.S. SRMs.
¾ Completely Public?
¾ No registration required to read the public data?
¾ Public, with simple registration?
¾ Like NERSCs Gauge Connection, http://qcd.nersc.gov/.
¾ Certificates used to grant privileges?
¾ Certified Individuals Only?
¾ No anonymous access at all?
¾ Additional Authorisation.
¾ Grid Certificates used to authorise richer access/functionality.
¾ e.g. a certificate held in your browser can be used to authorise you to move
data between grids.
¾ ‘Local’ Administration.
¾ All potentially destructive acts restricted to the local administrators?
Andrew N. Jackson
May 2003