Leaping hurdles: planning IT provision for research

Leaping hurdles: planning IT provision for research
Lessons from the JISC Community Engagement and Virtual Research
Environment Programmes
9 June 2009
09.00-09.10 Welcome & introduction (Chair: Jeff Haywood, University of
The Community Engagement projects
09.10-09.30 eIUS - A real use for e-Infrastructure: the multimedia edition
(Mike Fraser, University of Oxford)
09.30-09.50 e-Uptake - Barriers and enablers for the wider adoption of
e-Infrastructure (Rob Procter, National Centre for e-Social Science,
University of Manchester)
09.50-10.10 ENGAGE - Engaging researchers: developing different ways
to utilise e-Infrastructure (Neil Chue Hong, OMII-UK, University of
10.10-10.20 Questions
The Virtual Research Environment projects
10.20-10.35 myExperiment - Social networking and workflows in
research (Dave de Roure, University of Southampton, Jiten Bhagat,
University of Manchester)
10.35-10.50 VERA - Virtual research in archaeology (Mark Baker and
Michael Fulford, University of Reading)
10.50-11.05 SDM VRE – Study of classics, English and ancient
manuscripts (Ruth Kirkham and John Pybus, University of Oxford)
11.05-11.20 CREW – Collaborative research events on the Web (Martin
Turner, University of Manchester)
11.20-11.25 Questions
11.25-11.45 Coffee break
11.45-12.00 Introduction to break-out discussions
12.00-13.00 Break-out sessions
13.00-14.00 Lunch (a video and demonstrations will be shown over
14.00-14.30 Report back from break-out groups
14.30-15.00 Panel discussion: ‘Who plans IT provision for research?’
15.10 Close