Review of Scenarios and Use Cases Richard Hopkins UML for Use Cases NeSC, Edinburgh, Jan 5/6 2006 Content Goals To understand Scenarios and Uses Cases Their Role Their Structure Content What are Scenarios and Use Cases? How do I Write a Use Case? Why? Practical UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 2 Requirements Scenarios and Use Cases Express behaviour of a system Primarily a requirements tool system exists to satisfy requirements of its stakeholders the behaviour is an example of what the stakeholders want the to do Goal-oriented the behaviour expressed is to achieve a goal Role-oriented Expressed in terms of “Actors”, some entity playing role entity – human / a system Primary actor – the one who requests the behaviour UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 3 The Structure System Scenario Use case case Use case Use Use Case case Use narrative describing how an actor achieves a goal through a series of action steps Scenario Action Action Action Action Action Action step step step step step step Action Step Single active-verb phrase/sentence Use Case Collection of Scenarios expressing all possible behaviours as actor tries to achieve goal System A full set of Use Case gives the behavioural requirements UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 4 Example - Scenario Alan, a maths lecturer, uses a learning object repository to find a simulation of the behaviour of an equation. He logs in using his Athens account, searches using suitable keywords, finds the object and obtains a reference to the object that he uses in the class web site. He demonstrates the simulation in a lecture by using the class web site. Written for an imaginary person’s viewpoint – very specific Defines key stakeholder (primary actor) and his goal Motives and emotional content Describes usage, not requirements Lists the action steps in a narrative text Describes a single path – usually the main success path Informal – plain English loosely structured UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 5 More Structured Scenario Goal: Teacher locates a learning object in a repository and uses it in another web site Primary actor: Teacher Other actors: repository, authentication system, web site Action Steps 1. Teacher logs into repository with ATHENS authentication 2. Teacher searches for object by keywords 3. Teacher identifies suitable object 4. Teacher obtains reference to object 5. Teacher uses reference in web site Explicitly identify- actors, goal, individual steps Still just one path – Use Case can combine this with variants UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 6 Example - Use Case Goal: Teacher locates a learning object in a repository and uses it in another web site Primary actor: Teacher Other actors: repository, authentication system, web site Main success scenario: 1. Teacher logs into repository with ATHENS authentication 2. Teacher searches for object by keywords 3. Teacher identifies suitable object 4. Teacher obtains reference to object 5. Teacher uses reference in web site Other scenarios (extensions): 1a. Teacher’s authentication initially refused (s) 1b. Teacher authenticates using a local LDAP authentication (s) 3a. Teacher cannot find suitable object (f) UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 7 Example - Use Case Goal: Teacher locates a learning object in a repository and uses it in another web site Primary actor: Teacher Other actors: repository, authentication system, web site Main success scenario: 1. Teacher logs into repository with ATHENS authentication 2. Teacher searches for object by keywords … Other scenarios (extensions): 1a. Teacher’s authentication initially refused 1a1. Teacher requests new password 1a2. Teacher receives new password (return to step 1) 1b. Teacher authenticates using a local LDAP authentication 3a. Teacher cannot find suitable object UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 8 Use Case / Scenario Notes A Use Case Is a collection of Scenarios, expressing all possible behaviours as actor tries to achieve goal – Covers all success and failure variants May combine similar Scenarios into one Use Case Can have complex, nested, structure Formal structure Constitutes a contract for behaviour But may start as an incomplete, single-scenario, use case Scenarios less formal structure Easier to gather from non-technical groups Useful for discussion, but incomplete – not a contract UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 9 How To Write A Use Case Goals To understand Scenarios and Uses Cases Their Role Their Structure Content What are Scenarios and Use Cases? How do I Write a Use Case? Why? Practical UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 10 Collect Scenario(s) Peter is working on a project that is developing a multimedia online resource based on a performance of a Shakespeare play. While gathering the materials that will go into the resource Peter obtains some photographs. He gets permission from the photos’ rights holder for the photos to be used in an educational context by other users. Peter puts the photos into a digital repository, complete with the rights associated with them. The photos are now available for others to use. Peter works for Linlithgow University and they are very concerned that any rights are not contravened. UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases Notecontext as well as actions 11 Write Use Case Summary Write a Use Case Summary The primary actor and goal – 1 sentence Context - other stakeholders Use Case Summary A research project wants to create a multimedia online resource based on a Shakespearian performance. All contributors must have digital rights acknowledged when material is reused and reuse must be limited to educational purposes. UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 12 Identify Actors / Stakeholders Actors - participants people, systems, organisations always representing some role Stakeholder A no-participant actor with a vested interest e.g. copyright holder “An actor entitled to have its interests protected by the system, and satisfying those interests requires the system to take specific action [in this Use Case]” For any action step - that behaviour must be there to further the goal of a participating actor and/or to protect rights of a stakeholder Otherwise – the behaviour is redundant an actual stakeholder has not been explicitly named UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 13 Identify Actors / Stakeholders Primary Actor (and goal) Research Project To produce a high quality learning resource that can be used by others Other Actors (and goals) User To access materials for educational use Repository To facilitate access within educational context Stakeholders and Interests Photographer To protect rights for his/her work (rights holder) Funders of Project To ensure resource is disseminated to eductational users UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 14 Write Main Success Scenario Sentences should be in sequential order each sentence should have an actor performing an action (pg 90) Main Success Scenario 1 Research project obtains permission from rights holder for reuse of material under clearly stipulated conditions (i.e. for educational use) 2 Research project digitises photograph and adds relevant metadata including rights statement 3 Research project deposits collection and metadata within digital repository 4 The repository automatically propagates metadata to other catalogues with educational context 5 User identifies existence and location of resource and conditions under which it may be used 6 The user sees and agrees to conditions of use UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 15 Writing Extensions An extension is an alternative route within a scenario Start with condition under which extension occurs; then explain steps Extension can result in success or failure Extensions 1a Rights holder demands more stringent restrictions 1a1 Use ATHENS authentication 1b Rights holder stipulates end date after after which agreement must be reviewed 1b1 Metadata element flags up termination of agreement date UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 16 Pre- / Post- Conditions Preconditions - The system will ensure that this is true before letting the Use Case start Postcondition – The system will ensure that this is true after the use case has completed Minimal Guarantees – about failure to deliver the goal Success Guarantees – in addition to the minimum Preconditions User is part of the community of subscribers to the learning repository Minimal Guarantees The system has logged how far it got Success Guarantees The systems has a record of the user agreeing to the conditions of use UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 17 Iteration put in a repetition pseudo step 1 Research project obtains permission from rights holder for reuse of material under clearly stipulated conditions (i.e. for educational use) 2 Research project digitises photograph and adds relevant metadata including rights statement Research project repeats steps 1-2 for all photographs 3 Research project deposits collection and metadata within digital repository … pseudo step could go first – but after is usually easier to understand could also have pseudo step – “steps n-m can happen in any order” UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 18 What Use Cases are for Goals To understand Scenarios and Uses Cases Their Role Their Structure Content What are Scenarios and Use Cases? How do I Write a Use Case? Why? UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 19 For Communicating Behavioural Requirements Scenario is something that user can write – how they want the system to work short right level of detail easy to understand Use case is an elaboration of that covering all variations Will give rise to questions – what happens if … ? Can be used to feed-back to user Ends up as a contract between the system supplier and all the stakeholders – that’s the point Can be used as basis for testing UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 20 Not For Other Requirements Not for Interface Design “library-joiner enters name and contact details” designing the interface is a separate activity Business Rules Performance Prioritisation …. These need to be separately documented UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 21 Needs Context Purpose and Scope The overall purpose of the system Identifying the stakeholders What is in scope and what is out of scope e.g. are we talking about the whole system including human roles, or just a computer system Collecting the scenarios will help articulate purpose and scope – implicit assumptions explicit questions These then need to be separately documented as context for the Use Cases UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 22 Questions? UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 23 Content Goals To understand Scenarios and Uses Cases Their Role Their Structure Content What are Scenarios and Use Cases? How do I Write a Use Case? Why? Practical UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 24 Practical - Groups TRAINING ROOM Group A Group B Group C Richard Green Alan Tonge James Reid Tim Riley Jackie Proven Jenni Squire David Dripps Julie Allinson Mahendra Mahey Simon Lamb Philip Turbitt MEETING ROOM Group D Group E Group F John Casey Philip Hunter Rachel Heery Sara Currier Pete Johnston Graham Pryor Chris Higgins Eddie Boyle Jim Downing UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 25 Practical – Working with Scenarios and Use Cases Creating a Single-Scenario Use Case 40 Mins – Create it Need a scenario with potential for variations / extensions and multiple actors (systems) involved For 4-person group – possibly split into two 2-person groups One approach would be to spend first 5 – 10 mins individually thinking up a scenario, then group discusses which to develop 15 Mins – Discuss the process feed back common issues UML for Use Cases, Jan 5/6 2006 Review of Scenarios and Use Cases 26