Personalised Service Discovery Juri Papay, Simon Miles, Michael Luck and Luc Moreau School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton {jp,sm,mml,L.Moreau} Introduction Public Registry1 ... AFFYMAPPER Notification when services registered BLAST Personalised Registry2 copies information from Personalised Registy1, Selecting services with a trust value > 0.6 Personalised Registry1 copies information from multiple public registries Services without metadata Personalised Registry1 Currently, there is a multitude of public and private Service Registries, with a wide variation in the amount and quality of their contents. The availability of accurate and reliable information on the services available to a scientist is important when constructing e-Science experiments. For any given registry, the user faces a dilemma of whether to trust the accuracy and adequacy of the information present. This can be resolved by creating registries whose contents are personalised to a user, so the user can be sure the services are described in a way that is accurate and useful to them. Further, a personalised service registry can be used in automatic service discovery in the knowledge that any service found will be personally useful to the user. Personalised service registries operate by copying information from public registries, possibly filtering the service adverts by some criteria, and allowing the user to annotate the service adverts with personal judgements, extra useful information (including semantic descriptions) and other metadata. A personalised service registry may also be used by a group, such as an organisation rather than a single user. This poster illustrates a use case for myGrid personalised service registries and provides details on the way in which this has been implemented. Filtering based on metadata Notification message Personalised Registry2 OPENBQS 0.7 GOQUERY 0.8 XEML OPENBQS Query for details Public RegistryN GOQUERY Results ... ... Use Case Results In the use case shown, there are several registries deployed. First, there are a set of public registries (Public Registry 1 to N) with service adverts published by a range of service providers. The information presented will sometimes be incomplete and contains no indication about whether a service will be useful to a particular user. Next, within an organisation, the local domain expert has their own personalised registry (Personalised Registry 1). This registry is automatically kept up-todate with the contents of the public registries, and the expert can then provide ratings to each service (in a range from 0.0 to 1.0) specifying how reliable they have found the service to be in the past. These ratings can represent the cumulative knowledge of the organisation and may be added by many people. Finally, a new member of the organisation (a novice) is given their own personalised registry (Personalised Registry 2), which is automatically kept up-to-date with the contents of the expert's registry, but only includes those services that have been given a rating higher than 0.5. Therefore, whenever the novice performs service discovery to find a service for their particular task, only those services that the organisation has found to be reliable are returned. Keeping personalised registries up-to-date with respect to other registries is achieved by subscription to notifications of change. An intermediary myGrid notification service provides robustness through asynchronicity. Query for details Services with metadata AFFYMAPPER The information in Personalised Registry1 is curated: a curator is adding a trust values to advertised services BLAST 0.4 XEML 0.5 OPENBQS GOQUERY AddMetadataTo_ BusinessService AddMetadataTo_ MessagePart AddMetadataTo_ Operation Internal messages API calls 0.8 ServiceUpdated wsdlChanged metadataChanged ServiceDeleted WSDLChanged Notification wsdlChanged WSDLChanged API calls Internal messages The overall design of the Personalised Service Registry is based on a message-passing architecture, in which each operation call is processed by a chain of message-handlers. Each handler can process a specific set of messages, and can be replaced by any handler capable of processing the same set. Using this architecture, the processing of every operation call can be easily adapted by extending the chain of handlers or replacing one handler with another performing a different function for the same messages. The figure describes how the messages move around internally: the APIs, handlers, sequence of method calls and messages that are used in the implementation of the use case. The main functionality of methods in the API is to generate various types of internal messages. The processing may involve Personalised Registry 2 querying Personalised Registry 1 for more service details so that the whole advertisement can be copied between registries. After obtaining the service details, Personalised Registry 2 performs a selection operation, the outcome of which determines whether to store the service details locally or to discard the downloaded information. Semantic Service Registry Architecture Information model Metadata Publish Interface Semantic Inquiry Interface addWSDLFile Message Passing Architecture addMetadataTo_ BusinessService addMetadataTo_ MessagePart addMetadataTo_ Operation UDDI Publish Interface Metadata Inquiry Interface delete_service MetadataChanged UDDI Inquiry Interface Client RegistryEventHandlerIncoming serviceUpdated save_service RegistryEventHandlerOutgoing UDDIPublishHandler NewService Registered RegistryEvent (API) ADDWSDLFile newService Registered serviceDeleted WSDLHandler WSDL (API) addMetadataTo_ BusinessService addMetadataTo_ MessagePart addMetadataTo_ Operation DeleteService MetadataHandler UDDIPublishServer (API) addWSDLFile PublishMetadata (API) delete_service SaveService 0.7 ... Expert save_service 0.3 Jena RDF Triple Store Database, file or memory storage Notifications of Change Semantic Find Component The current Grid and Web Service standards provide limited support for semantic service descriptions. The service registry developed by the myGrid team at Southampton provides support not only for UDDI, DAML-S, BioMoby and WSDL service descriptions, but also a mechanism for semantic annotation of services and a uniform way of querying and navigating service information. The client interacts with the registry through a set of interfaces, which allow services and workflows to be published, discovered and annotated according to known protocols. By attaching semantic descriptions to service advertisements, users can discover services based on their domain knowledge. The Semantic Find Component is an interface that processes users’ semantic queries. Other features of the registry include sending of notifications to other registries and policy-based content management. The service and workflow descriptions are stored in an RDF triple store which can be queried uniformly through the use of a query language such as RDQL.