Transportation & Planning Committee Thursday, October 31, 2013 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.


Transportation & Planning Committee

Thursday, October 31, 2013

12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center

Room 280

Committee Members:

Staff Resource:

David Howard, Chair

Michael Barnes, Vice Chair

John Autry

Warren Cooksey

Patsy Kinsey, Mayor

Debra Campbell, Interim Assistant City Manager




Noise Walls and the I-77 Managed Lanes Project – 60 minutes

Staff Resource: Danny Pleasant, Transportation

Guest and Presenter: Louis Mitchell, NCDOT

The City Manager referred to the Transportation and Planning Committee the topic of noise walls related to the I-77 managed lanes project. Stakeholders along I-77, between I-277 and I-85, and those representing Fourth Ward interests along I-277 have expressed a desire for more dialogue about the noise walls. Staff from NCDOT, CDOT, and Planning will discuss the status of the project and plans for additional community engagement.

Action: For information and recommendation to extend the timeframe for making the final decision on both the location and design of the walls.

Next Scheduled Meeting: To Be Determined in 2014

Mayor & City Council

Transportation Cabinet

Ron Carlee, City Manager

Danny Pleasant

Leadership Team

Louis Mitchell
