Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 The Value of Political Connections and Chaebol Myung S Choi, Janice C Y How* and Peter Verhoeven We examine the value of political connections in Korea by constructing a unique dataset that allows us to identify the form and extent of the connections. Results show firms’ membership to chaebol plays a key role in determining the value of political connections. Politically connected chaebol firms experience substantial price increases following the establishment of the connection than other firms, but the reverse is found for other (non-chaebol) connected firms. The results are robust when we define political connection at the business group level, suggesting that there is a spill over in the value of connections from the connected firm to other affiliate members in the same group. Connections through marital networks and to powerful politicians are the most valuable. Keywords: Political Connections, Chaebol, Marital Network, Social Network, Korea JEL Classifications: G30, G34, G38 _________________________ Janice C Y How, *Corresponding author: Janice How, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology. Australia. Email:, Myung S Choi, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Peter Verhoeven, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.