Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Merger Simulation between Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI Towards ASEAN Banking Integration Billy Christianto* and Tuntun Salamantun Zen** Indonesia is one of the developing countries in Asia-Pasific that have big population and potential in the world. Currently, no one bank in Indonesia has passed the Qualified ASEAN Bank with the credit rate around 17%. Actually there is no rule for the bank to open new branches in other ASEAN country, but Qualified ASEAN Bank certificate allow the bank to expand their business easier in other ASEAN country members. In order to answer the challenge, Indonesia needs one national bank which is well known around the world especially in Asia. The data research for this research is taken from Bursa Efek Indonesia website for the period 2010 – 2014. The period of this research is from February 2015 – October 2015. The objective of this research is to know the valuation firms after merger with scenario analysis, calculate the projection capital adequacy ratio, and compare the company financial ratio before and after merger. This paper analyses the merger simulation between bank Mandiri and Bank BNI using merger and acquisition theory, discounted cash flow valuation method with scenario analysis and synergy, pro-forma balance sheet projection in calculating capital adequacy ratio, and financial ratio analysis. The findings of this paper are the after merger firm indicate the positive synergy in scenario analysis which leading to high valuation of the after merger firm, the after merger firm reach the minimum requirement area of QAB which is 17%, and the after merger firm has better performance mostly in financial ratio though it is not significant. Keywords: Merger Simulation, Valuation, Qualified ASEAN Bank, Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI. 1. Introduction ASEAN is integrated to make one market economy. This system makes the trade with fewer tariffs between ASEAN members. This market encourages all members to show off their best and producing products or services with high value. In 2020, ASEAN will implement the banking integrations as the flow of investment and the capital between countries are liberalized. The bank in ASEAN region is needed in order to accommodate the greater service for intra-ASEAN market. This integration is called ASEAN Banking Integration Framework (ABIF). This gives the advantage to the banks which have reached the Qualified ASEAN Bank (QAB) certificate to expand their banking institutions in other ASEAN countries. Nowadays, the leading banks in Indonesia based on the tier 1 capital $million are Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Central Asia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and Bank Danamon Indonesia.(The Banker Database Web site, 2015). From those banks, there are 4 state owned companies except Bank Central Asia which is private company. From those state owned companies, the one who has the biggest asset per capita is Bank Mandiri. Normally in every year, the certified state owned companies will receive funding from the government which is called Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN)(BINBANGKUM, Ditama, 2015). The funding is from state budget which annually be done by the parliament. The state capital participation is to increase the capital asset of state owned companies in order to make it stronger and can compete with other foreign companies in Indonesia. *Billy Christianto, School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Email: **Tuntun Salamantun Zen, School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Email: Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 In 2015, Bank Mandiri had made the proposal to ask funding from the government which is Rp 5.7 trillion. This number is needed to do finance the infrastructure budget for doing the expansion in other countries. Besides, the additional funding is going to be used for right issue around Rp 20 trillion. However, the government refuses to add more funding towards Bank Mandiri, so the bank should find another alternatives to get the funding. It is because of the funding for Bank Mandiri is not really necessarily in short period, so the government will use the budget for other purposes. Without the government funding, the recent data tell that capital adequacy of Bank Mandiri has reached 16.22%. This number can’t make Bank Mandiri pass the Qualified ASEAN Bank (QAB) which has the standard at least 17% or 17.5% based on the actual QAB in 2019. The one who can pass QAB may expand their bank in other ASEAN countries without requiring any confirmation of the country’s authority. This integration gives huge advantages to the bank and make easier in the administration to open new bank in other ASEAN countries. Bank Mandiri is chosen to be the one candidate to pass the QAB because it has the biggest asset until the end of 2014 which around Rp 855 Trillion, while Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) has Rp 778.02 Trillion and Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has Rp 416.57 Trillion. According to the state owned enterprises minister, the ASEAN countries have agreed to apply their banks as the candidate of QAB. Since Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI has the same purpose to become a giant national bank in Indonesia and expand their business line in other countries especially ASEAN, both bank is suggested to do merger. Besides, the government has high influence towards the Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI in this merger. Currently, Bank Mandiri has not passed yet the minimum number of capital adequacy ratio in order to get the qualified ASEAN bank certificate. In order to compete with other foreign banks and free trade of ASEAN in the end of 2015, the banks of Indonesia have to merger or acquisition. By doing the merger, the minister of state owned enterprises expect that Indonesia has one biggest bank that can compete with other banks in ASEAN or even in the world. The second problem comes up to this research is that the Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI may not integrated really well to achieve the qualified ASEAN Bank certificate. Hence, this paper is set to know how significant the difference between the company valuation independently and after merger with discounted cash flow method and synergy valuation, to know whether the Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI can achieve the QAB that is measured by the capital adequacy ratio, and to know the Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI financial performance before and after merger which are measured using financial ratios. This research will use the secondary data from the Bursa Efek Indonesia / Jakarta Composite Index which is the annual report from 2010 – 2014 of Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI in order to know the company performance and growth of the company. The merger simulation variables in this research are several financial ratios, capital adequacy ratio, and synergy. The combined company valuation will be done by using the discounted cash flow model. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 2. Theoretical Framework ASEAN Banking Integrationgivesadvantages to all of the ASEAN bank to become the leading growth region with mutual beneficial, self-reinforcing regional economic and financial dynamics which accelerate regional growth. Besides, it intends to eliminate discrimination against foreign banks, and create more consistent banking environment. This can be characterized with developed and integrated regional financial markets, financial system that supports regional economic integration, strong ASEAN FIs that effectively intermediate funds, facilitate crossborder capital flows and support regional expansion of ASEAN corporations, and seamless regional payments and settlements system. ASEAN banking integration framework (BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS, 2012)has 3 main points which are equal access, equal treatment, and equal environment. In the equal access, there is market entry which consists of capital adequacy, Consolidation requirements and authority, restrictions on large exposures, and accounting and transparency and cross border banking. In the equal treatment, the regulatory are domestic or QAB and risk based. In the equal environment, there are harmonized banking regulations which have accounting and disclosure part, capital requirements, risk management, principal component analysis, resolution of failed bank, large exposure limits, anti-money laundering, and consumer protection. In analyzing the companies which want to do merger, there are some determinants that are critical to be concerned by the company or the advisory firms. Based on Bruner (2003) research, the outcome of the company performance measurement is required return by investors. The valuation possibilities towards to the investors are value conservation when the return of the investment will be equal to the required return by the investors which is net present value (NPV) is 0, the value creationwhen the NPV is more than 0 and the investment return will be exceeding the required return by the investors, and the value destroying is when the NPV is less than 0 or negative. Schill, Chaplinsky and Doherty (2000) showed that one of the valuation method of a merger and acquisition is the discounted free cash flow method. The discounted free cash flow method determines the valuation of the company based on the present value of all free cash flow until the company is assumed liquidated. In determining the free cash flow of the companies, it needs the forecast period and the terminal value in which the company can get some additional advantages. In the forecasted period, it has to be the economic cost and the benefit from the transactions. The terminal value is computed using the additional year after forecast period which will have the same period for the last year in the forecast period. The regular assumption in using discounted cash flow is that there is not abnormal growth and it is adjusted depends on the required return which is the cost of capital itself. The macroeconomic trends, industry trends, and firm strategy are considered to determine cash flow. In merger, there is value transfer from all of the companies to new companies. The value transfer from each company may give positive synergy or negative synergy. The research (DAMODARAN, Aswath, 2005 )showed that the two firms with unrelated businesses line would create benefits from diversification, and the high correlation between the companies can impact to the variance in earnings, however it does not influence the expected returns. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 According to research (DYMSKI, Gary and Mohanty, Lisa, 1999)banks have to decide the amount of capital they need to hold. The capital of the bank can help the bank to prevent failures in which the bank cannot fulfill the obligations to pay its depositors and other creditors. A bank's capital is the "cushion" for potential losses which protect the bank's depositors and other lenders. Capital adequacy ratio shows a bank’s strategy regarding its capital structure and is measured as the Capital (Tier I+ Tier II) divided by the Risk weighted assets. Tier one capital is the capital in the bank's balance sheet that can absorb losses without a bank being required to cease trading. It consists of equity capital and disclosed reserves. Tier two capital can absorb losses in the event of a winding-up and so provides a lesser degree of protection to depositors. Tier two capital comprises of undisclosed reserves, general loss reserves and subordinate term debts. CAR determines the capacity of a bank in terms of meeting the time liabilities and other risk such as credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and others. The advantages from the merger and acquisition are usually called as synergy. The synergies have two types which are operational synergy and financial synergy. The synergy differences can be taken from the different between the company valuations with additional synergy and without synergy. Table 2.1: Hypothetical Framework Bank Mandiri Bank BNI Valuation, financial ratio, and capital adequacy ratios Valuation, financial ratio, and capital adequacy ratios Bank Mandiri Merger process Discounted Cash Flow analysis Bank BNI Merger process Discounted Cash Flow analysis Bank Mandiri-BNI (After Merger) Valuation with synergy analysis Bank Mandiri-BNI (After Merger) Financial ratio and capital adequacy ratio Based on the several researches above, then the hypothesis that will be submitted as the temporary answer to the problem statements on this research are: Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 H1: Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI have higher expected performance which is shown in increasing financial ratio. H2: Bank Mandiri-BNI can reach the minimum certain of Qualified ASEAN Bank which is around 17% and it is calculated by capital adequacy ratio of the bank. H3: Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI can compete with other bank around ASEAN with higher valuation in positive synergy between both of them. 3. The Methodology and Model 3.1 Data The research will use the secondary data which is collected from other parties who publish the financial report. Since the target company in this research have done the initial public offering (IPO) and has been registered in the Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), the data is taken form the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The range year of the financial report is from 2010 until 2014. The method in collecting the data that will be used in this research is documentation method. Documentation method is one of data collecting method by learning the documents and data which is needed, then will be continued by analyzing, accounting, and calculating the data. 3.2 Analytical Method 3.2.1 Discounted Cash Flow The main concept is projections and also time value of money. All of the future cash flow are estimated and discounted by using cost of capital to get present values. If the value from the projection and discounted cash flow method is higher than the current cost of investment, it has good potential and opportunity to be invested. Discounted cash flow model is better to use the terminal value techniques rather than project the cash flow until infinity because the economic condition in a long time can’t be predicted precisely and the market is dynamic. In this research, the range of forecast year is 10 year projection from 2014. Formula 3.1: Discounted Cash Flow Discount rate in this method will be equal as weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Weighted average cost of capital is a weighted capital sources in common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and other long-term debt. If the WACC in the company is increasing, it will impact in the increasing beta, rand decreasing in valuation. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Formula 3.2: Cost of Capital E: Market value of the firm equity D: Market Value of the firm debt Re: Cost of Equity Rd: Cost of debt Tc: Corporate tax In calculating the cost of debt in a company, the synthetics rating(DAMODARAN, Aswath, 2015)method is used. The calculation of cost of debt is the total of risk free rate and the default risk in the bond rating system which is S&P bond rating. The bond rating default risk is calculated using interest coverage ratio which based oncompany’s bond rating. The net cost of the debt is calculated after the tax deductible interest payment, so the interest paid generally will be lower. Formula 3.3: Cost of Equity Cost of equity is about the return that stockholders require for a company. This method is using CAPM method by generating data from risk free rate, company beta, and market return of company industry. The beta is taken from Thomson Reuters in current position of beta (THOMSON REUTERS, 2015). 3.2.2 Free Cash Flow to the Firm Free cash flow is company operating cash flow that can be used for other purposes such as investment or expansion. The calculation of free cash flow consists of three main points which are Net Operating Profit After Tax (EBIT x (1-Tax Rate)), Net Current Asset Investment (∆ Current Assets - ∆ Current Liabilities), and Net Fixed Asset Investment (∆ Fixed Assets + Depreciation). In order to synchronize with the synergy, the future free cash flow have to be calculated based on the average growth that company had in the past. In this research, it is based on the 5 years historical growth, while for sustainable growth is assumed zero growth. After 10 years projection, it is assumed that the company will be liquidatedwhich existsTerminal Value. The future free cash flow will be divided by WACC in order to get the net present value of the firm. The formula of NPV is: Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Formula 3.4: Free Cash Flow Calculation 3.2.3 Synergy Valuation The synergy valuation is calculated as same as scenario analysis methodby using the one of the merger company growth. The growth can impact to operating synergies such as cost synergy and growth synergy valuation. Furthermore, financial synergies are also affected in several areas which are diversification, tax benefit, and debt capacity. 3.2.4 Pro-forma Balance Sheet Projection Pro-forma balance sheet projection is to forecast the next year company performance by using sales percentage and cumulative annual growth return (CAGR) as the fundamental method. In forecasting the balance sheet, it is possible that the asset is imbalanced with the liabilities and equities. The different between asset and liabilities with equities is called either external fund needed if positive or excess cash if negative which is put in liabilities and equities account. In this research, the capital adequacy ratio is calculated in the certain period by looking at the result of pro-forma balance sheet projection. 3.2.5 Capital Adequacy Ratio Capital adequacy ratio is a ratio that usually be used to know the bank’s risk of insolvency if it has excessive losses. It is also known as Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR). The ratio is generally used to protect depositors and promote the stability and efficiency of financial systems. In the ASEAN banking integration, CAR is one of the factors that the bank can get the qualified ASEAN Bank (QAB) Certificate. This method can identify whether the bank is strong enough to expand their bank by looking their capital. This method is comparing the two types of capital by the risk weighted assets. The two types of capital consist of tier one capital, which measure a bank’s financial strength such as common stock and retained earnings. Tier two capitals is supplementary bank capital includes revaluation reserves, undisclosed reserves, and hybrid instruments and subordinated term debt. Formula 3.5: Capital Adequacy Ratio Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 3.2.6 Financial Ratio The company performances before and after merger aremeasured by looking at the change of financial ratio in each year which the categories are activity ratios, solvency ratios, and profitability ratios. The better performance of the after merger company indicates that the after merger firm has positive growth and positive synergy. 4. The Findings and Result Analysis 4.1 Valuation of the Before and After Merger Firms The table 4.1 and 4.2 summarize the valuation of Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI by using discounted cash flow method. The assumption in this valuation is there is no terminal growth rate which means the company is assumed liquidated its entire asset in the end of the forecasted period. The weighted cost of capital (WACC) of the company is arithmetically averaged from historical WACC. The WACC of Bank Mandiri is 8.62%, while Bank BNI is 8.66%. Hence the valuation of Bank Mandiri is Rp 915,679,547 million, while Bank BNI is Rp 514,030,638. It shows that the discounted valuation of Bank Mandiri is higher than Bank BNI since Bank Mandiri has less WACC and higher free cash flow to the firms. The higher the valuation of the company, the greater the company asset and performance is. The valuation of the company is subjective regarding that there are several different assumptions and point of view towards the company. Table 4.1: Bank Mandiri Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Value of Bank Mandiri ( in million Rp ) Year t FCFF 2014 0 61,164,028 2015 1 19,564,825 2016 2 23,121,763 2017 3 27,377,153 2018 4 32,478,136 2019 5 38,604,639 2020 6 45,976,972 2021 7 54,865,242 2022 8 65,601,009 2023 9 78,591,735 2024 10 94,338,707 2025 ( Terminal Value ) 10 113,459,263 Terminal growth rate 0% PV FCFF 61,164,028 18,011,826 19,596,770 21,361,592 23,330,186 25,529,856 27,991,812 30,751,742 33,850,471 37,334,716 41,257,952 575,498,596 915,679,547 Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Table 4.2:Bank BNI Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Value of Bank BNI ( in million Rp ) Year t FCFF 2014 0 (4,586,008) 2015 1 10,250,871 2016 2 12,250,312 2017 3 14,696,000 2018 4 17,696,610 2019 5 21,388,562 2020 6 25,943,272 2021 7 31,576,317 2022 8 38,559,016 2023 9 47,233,091 2024 10 58,029,192 2025 ( Terminal Value ) 10 71,490,345 Terminal growth rate 0% PV FCFF (4,586,008) 9,433,736 10,375,119 11,454,287 12,693,517 14,118,756 15,760,230 17,653,151 19,838,539 22,364,185 25,285,772 359,639,353 514,030,638 Table 4.3 shows the fundamental factors which are interest growth and operating growth in doing merger simulation. The calculation for both interest and operating growth is based on cumulative annual growth return (CAGR) from the historical period. The favorable condition is taken from the higher number, while the unfavorable condition is the lowest number. Table 4.3: Interest and Operating Revenue Growth Interest Revenue growth Bank Mandiri Bank BNI 14.163% (Favorable) 11.82% (Unfavorable) Other operating revenue growth 24.77% (Unfavorable) 26.64% (Favorable) Table 4.4 summarizes the after merger value between Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI without synergy and with synergy. The synergy calculation is based on the difference of merged firm in favorable and unfavorable scenario with the total of each firm. The current total value of the after merger company without considering the forecasting free cash flow is Rp 1.429.710.185 million. However, the valuation method using discounted cash flow with unfavorable scenario is Rp 3.588.454.190 million, while favorable scenario is Rp 4.606.740.602 million. Hence the favorable synergy is Rp million, and the unfavorable synergy is Rp 2.158.744.005 million. It indicates that the unfavorable condition still gives positive synergy towards the company after merger which can increase the company value. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Table 4.4: Synergy Comparison (in million Rp) Scenario Synergy Bank Value Bank Mandiri 915,679,547 Bank BNI 514,030,638 Total Value 1,429,710,185 Favorable Condition Scenario Favorable Synergy 4,606,740,602 3,177,030,417 Unfavorable Condition Scenario Unfavorable Synergy 3,588,454,190 2,158,744,005 According to the synergy comparison between favorable and unfavorable condition, the total payoff is calculated equally between the favorable synergy and unfavorable synergy which is 50% probability. Hence the total pay off valuation is around Rp 4.097.597.395 millionwhich means the synergy of the after merger firm is Rp 2.667.887.210 million. 4.2 Capital Adequacy Ratio Table 4.5 has been computed using pro-forma balance sheet projection from 2015 until 2025 using sales percentage based and cumulative annual growth ratio. In order to know the after merger capital adequacy ratio, the calculation method is combined between pro-forma balance sheet and capital adequacy ratio. In the proforma balance sheet, the revenue and expenses are based on most likely projected revenue and expenses. While in the balance sheet, the growth is based on two methods which are percentage of sales method and cumulative annual growth return (CAGR) method.Since it is a pro-forma method to forecasting future condition, there must be a different between asset and liabilities with equity which is put after liabilities and equity account. It is called external fund needed if the different is positive, and excess cash if is negative. After the pro-forma balance sheet has been computed, the capital adequacy ratio for the after merger firms can be calculated in each year by comparing the capital of the firms with the risk weighted asset which consists of credit risk, operational risk, and market risk. In this paper, the forecasting of credit risk weighted asset is calculated using CAGR method, and the other risks weighted asset are computed by averaging arithmetically the comparison between the historical data of those risks with asset. Hence the new capital adequacy ratio is expected forecasted as the table shown below. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Table 4.5: Expected Capital Adequacy Ratio Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Capital Adequacy Ratio 17.73% 17.41% 17.21% 17.13% 17.15% 17.29% 17.53% 17.87% 18.32% 18.88% The expected capital adequacy ratio shows some various capital adequacy ratios in each year. The trend between 2015 until 2018 is decreasing since the growth of the core capital is less towards the risk weighted asset which means the capacity of banks in paying off the liabilities and other risk weighted asset is decreasing. However, from 2019 until 2024, the capital adequacy ratio is expected to increase since the growth of the core capital has overwhelmed the growth of the risk weighted asset. Through this calculation, the after merger bank is going to be ready to get Qualified ASEAN Bank which is the requirement needs around 17%. The certificate publisher said that it is depends on the bank which want to expand their business line in other countries, but for the bankruptcy safety needs at least 17% of capital adequacy ratio. 4.3 After Merger Financial Ratio Analysis Table 4.6 shows all the financial ratios without synergy of activity, solvency, and profitability ratios in the forecasting period. The forecasting period of 2014 – 2024 without synergy shows that the asset growth is higher than the interest revenue and operating revenue growth which leading to the decreasing in the asset turnover ratio. It also shows that the interest expense growth is higher than the interest revenue growth which can impact to the decreasing gross profit. Otherwise, the rest factor of the financial ratios is increasing. The operating profit margin and net profit margin is increasing regarding that the after merger company has less other operating expense growth rather than the operating revenue growth. The ROA and ROE of the company is increasing which indicate that the company is growing and has better performance in financial report. The debt ratio towards the company is also increasing which means there is some increasing loan and receivables account in the asset which impact to the increasing debt. Hence the debt ratio towards either asset or equity will increase. The scenario analysis is considered in the financial ratio between favorable and unfavorable. However, it does not show any significance difference which the maximum different is in every factors. It is caused regarding that both firms have no significant difference in interest and operating growth and capital ratio. Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 Table 4.6: Forecasted Combined Financial Ratio 2014 - 2024 Asset Turnover Receivables Turnover After merger Financial Ratio 2014 - 2024 without Synergy 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Activity Ratios 0.075 0.074 0.072 0.070 0.068 0.066 0.064 0.117 0.115 0.112 0.109 0.105 0.102 0.098 2021 2022 2023 2024 0.061 0.095 0.059 0.091 0.056 0.087 0.054 0.084 Debt-to-assets ratio Debt-to-equity ratio Interest coverage ratio 86.96% 87.07% 6.898 7.329 1.129 1.088 Solvency Ratios 87.10% 87.14% 87.17% 7.702 8.053 8.377 1.142 1.202 1.269 87.21% 8.672 1.342 87.25% 87.28% 8.935 9.166 1.423 1.513 87.32% 9.364 1.612 87.35% 87.39% 9.531 9.668 1.722 1.844 Gross profit margin Operating profit margin Net profit margin Return on assets (ROA) Return on equity (ROE) 66.86% 41.18% 32.80% 2.48% 19.64% Profitability Ratios 64.34% 64.32% 64.31% 40.73% 42.89% 45.28% 32.47% 34.20% 36.10% 2.34% 2.39% 2.45% 20.65% 22.11% 23.55% 64.29% 47.92% 38.21% 2.51% 24.98% 64.28% 50.84% 40.54% 2.58% 26.37% 64.24% 57.66% 45.97% 2.71% 29.02% 64.23% 61.61% 49.13% 2.77% 30.26% 5. 64.36% 38.77% 30.92% 2.28% 19.20% 64.26% 54.08% 43.12% 2.64% 27.72% 64.21% 65.99% 52.62% 2.84% 31.44% Conclusion and Recommendation The valuation after merger firms between Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI is higher than the sum of each individual bank because there is synergy. Even though the synergy used is unfavorable condition, the valuation of the firms still higher. The factors of this reason are the interest revenue growth and operating revenue growth is quite similar between two firms. The capital adequacy ratio for the after merger firms in the period 2015 – 2024 has reached the minimum requirement of Qualified ASEAN Bank which is at least around 17%. Through this certification, the after merger firms can expand their banks in other ASEAN country members easily since they have certain qualifications. The financial ratio after merger is approximately the average between each individual firm ratio. For the forecasting method using pro-forma income statement and balance sheet, the financial ratio mostly has better performance than before. If the ratio is compared between favorable and unfavorable ratio, it is not significantly different since the interest and operating revenue growth is quite similar between each individual firms. Through this research, it recommends for Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI to do merger based on corporate finance analysis. Through this merger, both national banks which are mostly owned by the government can achieve greater performance based on valuation, capital adequacy ratio, and financial ratio. Furthermore, the merger let the firms have bigger asset than before with bigger market share not only in Indonesia but around ASEAN. Through this merger, the after merger company will have higher capital adequacy ratio then before which means the after merger company can achieve the Qualified ASEAN Bank certificate. Furthermore, the after merger firm will have high valuation and synergy means the company is high worth not only for the shareholders, but also for stakeholders. In competing with other ASEAN Bank members, the after merger firm of Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI has to restructure their management. The new management Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0 should be formed efficiently and effectively. The restructure of this new management has to consider several factors such as the new policy of every division. If the after merger firm can do well in managing the new after merger firms, the after merger bank will be the biggest national bank in Indonesia and become the center of attention from other ASEAN Bank members. Henceforth, the Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI can enhance their performance and market share in other countries. References BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS. 2012. ASEAN Banking Integration: Policy Direction and Current Timelines. BINBANGKUM, Ditama. 2015. Penyertaan Modal Negara. BODIE, KANE, and MARCUS. 2014. Investments 10th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. BREALEY, MYERS, and MARCUS. 2001. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. McGrawHill. BRUNER, Robert F. 2003. Does M&A Pay ? 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