IMPACT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY ON PROFITABILITY OF DAIRY INDUSTRIES “A CASE STUDY OF DAIRY COMPANIES IN KSA” Dr.Ahmad Yahya Bani Ahmad Department of accounting Irbid University - SAUDI ARABIA Dr. Mahmoud Izzat Allahham Dean of Business Management Prince Muqruin University – K.S.A Abstract: The object of this research is to find out empirical impact of the relationship between information technology system and profitability of Dairy companies in Saudi Arabia. We hypothesize that information technology system leads to improve profitability in this sector. Data has been collected from Saudi Financial Market, covering the period of five years from 2010 to 2015, for eight companies listed, using panel data methodology .The result of the study showed that there is a negative relationship between the profitability and cash conversion cycle. Therefore managers can increase the profitability of this firm by shortening cash conversion cycle, collecting period and the storage period. Keywords : information technology system , cash conversion cycle , profitability, Dairy companies. INTRODUCTION The aim of information technology system is to manage a concern's current assets and current liabilities in such a way that a satisfactory level of working capital is maintained. This is so because if the concern cannot maintain a satisfactory level of working capital. Current assets should be large enough to cover current liabilities in order to ensure a reasonable margin of safety. Each of the current assets must be managed efficiently in order to maintain the liquidity of a concern while not keeping too high a level of any one of them. Each of short-term sources of financing must be continuously managed to ensure that they are obtained and used in the best possible way. The interaction between current assets and current liabilities is, therefore, the main theme of the theory of working capital management. "Information technology system usually is considered to involve the administration of current assets - namely, cash, marketable securities receivables and inventories and the administration of current liabilities." James C. Van Horne. The profitability of a firm depends upon the turnover of working capital which is mainly depended upon the turnover of inventory. Inventory Management must be designed to meet the dictates of market place and support the company's strategic Plan. Many changes in the market demand, new opportunities due to worldwide marketing, global sourcing of materials and new technology means many companies need to change their Inventory Management approach and change the process for Inventory Control. “The direct impact of information technology system on profitability position on the refers the importance of working capital management’ (Nobanee , Abdullatif and Al Hajjar,).”Managers can improve companies profitability by shorting collecting period , payback period and the storage period”.( Mansoori And Mohammad) Literature Review: Working capital is an important tool for growth and profitability for corporations. If the levels of working capital are not enough, it could lead to shortages and problems with the day-to-day operations (Horne and Wachowicz, 2000). Working capital is also called net working capital and is defined as current assets less current liabilities(Hillier et al., 2010).Net working capital = Current assets In the 1980’s and prior to that period, information technology system was compartmentalized (Sartoris and Hill, 1983). WCM was divided in cash, account payables and account receivables. In most firms, these compartments were managed by different managers on various different organizational layers (Sartorisand Hill, 1983). But Sartoris and Hill (1983) argued that there was a need for an integrated approach, where all the three compartments are combined. This led to the integration of the management of inventories, account payables and account receivables, called Information technology system (WCM), these parts will now be discussed individually. According to Gitman (2009) the objective of Information technology system (WCM) is to minimize the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) the amount of capital tied up in the firm’s current assets. It focuses on controlling account receivables and their collection process, and managing the investment in inventory. WCM is vital for all business survival, sustainability and its direct impact on performance. WCM is an important area of financial management in every business function. WCM deals with the administration of the liquidity components of firms’ short -term current assets and current liabilities (Baker & Powell, 2005; Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2005; Gitman, 2009).The most important current assets are cash, debtors or account receivables, stock or inventory and current liabilities consisting of creditors or account payables, accrued expenses, taxation liabilities, short-term debt such as commercial bills, and provisions for current liabilities such as dividends declared but not yet paid (Birt etal., 2011; Gitman, 2009; D. Sharma, 2009) Methodology This study consists of the financial statements of Dairy companies Industrial listed on the Saudi Financial Market for 8 companies as shown in Attachment No. ( 1) , and it tested the hypotheses based on the financial statements for the Dairy industry in the last five years which located between 2010-2015 . The study has been tested hypotheses using T test for a sample of individual , and compare the values of the dependent variables with the center of the test calculated, which represents the arithmetic mean of the standard industrial sector companies for both variables of the study ( collection period , the payback period , the storage period, and Conversion Cycle Cash ) then divided the difference into three groups. If these values increase from the middle of the test ( The Industry Standard ) and the difference is statistically significant , These companies are classified within the strategic conservatory. If these values are close to the middle test ( the industry standard ) , In other words there is between them and the arithmetic mean of the difference with significance, classified within Strategic medium (the industry standard ) . If these values are less than the middle of the test (the industry standard) and the difference is statistically significant, it has been classified within the hardline strategy in the management of working capital. To judge the strategy followed by the company if the hardline , medium or soft in the end , there has been relying on a variable of Cash Conversion Cycle because it takes both of the payback period , the collection period and storage period in the concern, Therefore, the companies classified as they follow the Strict Capital Requirements or lenient strategy or medium strategy. The study has been calculated the medium rate of return on assets as an indicator of profitability and compared with the rate of return on assets which have been achieved by these companies during the periods of this study , and enterprises have been classified into high- profitability companies and medium profitability and low profitability, in the case of a difference with significance for the arithmetic mean ( Testing Center) , thus profitability compared to companies with high , medium and low with the strategy followed by information technology system , to determined the impact of the information technology system strategy on profitability. To find the relationship between the companies according to the information technology system strategies, and between classified corporate with high, medium and low profitability, and to determined if there was a statistically significant relationship using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Data analysis and testing hypothesis of the study: Statistical hypothesis testing With the using of the financial statements for the Dairy companies, arithmetic mean was calculated for variables , and using the T test sample for the individual , the study found the following results which can be illustrated in Table ( 1) , as follows T testing a sample of the individual variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 AAP Test value=61.3 T SIG -3.49 0.025 -0.95 0.93 1.28 0.27 1.29 0.27 -1.97 0.11 7.68 0.002 7 -2.91 0.02 1.45 0.35 1.34 0.42 2.03 0.22 -1.41 0.1.1 8 1.31 0.28 -2.31 0,076 7.15 0.012 -1,98 0.12 -0.53 comp any AAR Test value=86.32 T 2.49 -6.09 -6.22 -2.24 -2.094 -9.33 SIG 0.067 0.004 0.003 0.089 0.104 0.001 AAI Test value=56.28 T SIG -0.055 0.966 1.585 0.188 -3.69 0.021 1.63 0.179 -1.92 0.128 1.28 0.27 CCC Test value=81.31 T SIG 1.792 0.148 -2.12 0.10 -11.9 0.00 -.816 0.46 -.413 0.70 -7.22 .002 ROA Test value= 9% T SIG 1.09 0.34 -1.90 0.13 2.95 0.04 1.82 0.14 1.26 0.28 4.39 0.01 Using the test sample T for the individual and as described above has been classified in accordance with the corporate strategies used in the management of working capital as shown in Table (2 ) Classification variables of the study according to the strategies of working capital management Table (2 ) Company AAP AAR AAI CCC 1 aggressive moderate moderate moderate moderate 2 moderate aggressive moderate moderate moderate 3 moderate aggressive aggressive aggressive High 4 moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate 5 moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate conservative aggressive moderate aggressive High 6 ROA 7 aggressive moderate moderate moderate moderate 8 moderate moderate conservative moderate moderate 0.63 From the analysis of the study data , and as shown in Table (2 ) there are companies follow the strategy of militant repayment period creditors contrast Track strategy lenient or medium in the collection of accounts receivable in the period of storage, especially as the repayment period to be determined and imposed on the company by third parties , and the sense that the company may follow the strategy of militant aspect of tracking a medium in the other hand , because the interest of the company may require it , including increased sales , or that there is a rise in the cost of storage , whereupon Acharkhbalchdd to keep in inventory , but that does not stop her that Medium -term credit granted to customers. Reference to the conversion cycle cash to classify companies according to management strategies working capital ( militant , medium and soft ) , found that the drug companies Saudi Arabian follow strategies of medium and militant in information technology system , did not appear t-test of the sample single- use drug companies Saudi Arabia Astregih Aaltfezh in capital management factor . Calculates the center- industrial rate of return on assets , an indicator of profitability , adopted in the study of Dairy companies Industrial and compared with the rate of return on assets achieved by these companies during periods of study and using a t-test per sample , were rated companies to companies of high profitability and moderate profitability and low profitability, according to a significance Analost arithmetic ( the center of the test ) . Compare rankings Acharkatovq strategies used in the management of working capital , showing that companies that follow Astregih average achieved profits of medium and that the companies that follow the strategy of militant achieved profits are high, underscoring the inability to accept the premise of nihilism that there is no trace of the strategy of the radical in the management of working capital on profitability of the company , as well as the inability to accept the premise of nihilism that there is no trace of the strategic medium in information technology system on the profitability of the company , did not follow the drug companies Saudi Arabia analyzed strategic conservative in the management of working capital and therefore not be judged on this strategy in effect on the profitability of company. T tests were a good indication of the test began in the preparation of the relationship between the strategies of information technology system that have been Tsnifaaovq cash and cash conversion cycle between the profitability of the company and the results came as shown in Table ( 3) and as following: Pearson correlation coefficient between the strategy of information technology system and profitability of the company Table ( 3) CCC 1 ROA 0.613 Sig ROA Pearson Correlation 0.732 0.042 1 Sig 0.022 CCC Pearson Correlation Test the relationship between conversion cycle cash for companies that follow the hard-line strategy and the profitability League correlation coefficient 0.61 and reached a significance level of 0.042 , an indicator of the existence of a relationship of significance , when the level of significance of 5% , and reached the correlation coefficient for companies that follow the strategy of medium with profitability 0.73 and reached significance level of 0.022 , an indicator of the presence of a statistically significant relationship at the level of significance of 5% . Results and recommendations An analysis of the study data from several findings and recommendations was the most prominent : 1 - Trace Dairy companies Saudi Arabia industrial strategies at a variety of management components of working capital , just follow a conservative strategy , including in respect of the repayment period and soft or medium , including in relation to the period of collection or storage period . 2 - Trace Dairy companies Saudi Arabia militant strategy in the medium and information technology system . 3 - There is a relationship between the companies that follow the strategy of militant and moderate , and the profitability of these companies have emerged a stronger relationship with the companies follow the strategy follows the middle compared with companies that follow the hard-line strategy . 4 - follow the corporate strategy of the medium in information technology system emphasizes the importance swap between risk and profitability in the management of working capital , and the sense that the companies that maintain the conversion cycle critique medium able to achieve steady profits over the long Aabaad , and maintain the value of the company and the rights of shareholders . 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